Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20171218 : compare

Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20171218

losing sponsors. he's here live speaking out for the first time only on "gma." ♪ and the force is strong with this one. "the last jedi" soaring to an out of this galaxy opening. now, the second largest of all time and it's just getting started. and good morning, america. welcome back from the weekend. also a big welcome to our weekend anchor paula faris. >> thanks, george. great to be here on a monday. >> boy, it was not a happy weekend in atlanta's airport. >> my brother-in-law was one of the million that was stranded. my sister-in-law said he had a hard time calling her. the communications were bad and he was literally and figuratively in the dark and wouldn't let him leave the airport. he's still there. >> 11 hours of chaos. what it's like there. in you see the airport cloudy and foggy. there you see it right there. the planes on the tarmac live. >> adding insult to injury, thousands were stranded in darkness last night wandering through the airport and others stuck on planes on the tarmac for hours forced to walk back to the terminal in the cold and abc's marcus moore is in atlanta with the latest. hi there, marcus. . >> reporter: chaos and frustration as the world's busiest airport goes dark. >> i just want to get home. >> it's a nightmare. we have to go through the tunnels that are pitch black. >> reporter: thousands try to catch sleep wherever they can. >> absurd. people are sleeping on the floor. >> reporter: hundreds of planes stuck on the tarmac is there they said we couldn't flush the toilets because their water was below 20%. >> reporter: the emergcy announcements had many fearing terrorism. >> the lights flickered once. that was really scary. >> a couple minutes later it went out again. >> because we don't know the source of the fire we have no way of absolutely knowing that our system have been tampered with in order to create this kind of chaos and confusion. >> reporter: people using flashlights to shine a path through dark passageways. frozen escalators and airport workers and volunteers trying to help. >> we were carrying old people down the escalators. >> reporter: after 11 hours a thunderous applause. the power finally back. >> it's like there is an end to this hell. >> reporter: the cause a fire in the substation making it difficult to fight the fire with the noxious fumes. this morning lolo jones among those frustrated and stranded many passengers trying to figure out what to do next. >> not only are they not booking us on an early flight but it might be another day we're here. >> reporter: a woman was here since noon sunday and this may not be over yet as they could be impacted through the weekend. >> okay, marcus, thanks very much. brand-new photos coming in of what the underground tunnel looked like. that's what it looked like this morning. we want to get more from the president and ceo of georgia power, paul bowers. mr. bowers, thanks for joining us this morning. any indication now, any sense of how this all got started? >> george, right now we're going through a process of investigating what exactly happened. but right now we do know there was a failure in the switch gear that caused the fire that absolutely created the issue for us from our feeds from this airport. >> do we know if this was set deliberately? >> no, we do not know any of that right now. that's what the investigation is going to go through. but there is dual feeds, two separate redundant feeds to this airport. when that switch gear actually ignited, it created the flames that you saw in the pictures that impacted our cables and the cables coming from two different directions and that's what ultimately caused the outage. >> a lot are wondering, how is it both the main system and the backup system both failed? >> so, you have seven cables that come through this airport. one tunnel and this tunnel is the feed source, if you will, for both directions. that switch gear sits on the bottom of that tunnel, and when it ignited, it burned up that wall where you see the cables coming through. there's, like i said, seven cable, four coming from one direction, three from another direct, but that is the safeguards that we have. >> i imagine this is a pretty intense investigation. how long will it take? >> right now, we're in -- we have our investigators in the tunnel this morning. it will take the remainder of this week. we will fix that cable this week and have all the service back to normal operations by the end of the week. right now we're feeding from two different directions. george, one of the things that we absolutely know is that, you know, this is an inconvenience. we are apologizing for this occurring and like the mayor said last night, you know, we wanted to make sure that everyone is safe before we entered into that tunnel. but right now our focus is reliability ensuring this doesn't happen again. >> the final question i have from what you know now, any steps you can take to prevent this from happening in the future? >> yeah, that's one of the questions we'll have with the airport. what else can we do? do we concrete encase the cable or separate it in different areas or not but that's a question we'll have as we talk to the asht. >> mr. bowers, thanks for your time this morning. >> okay, thank you, george. this power outage being felt across the country. abc's gio benitez is tracking it on flights and holiday deliveries. good morning, gio. >> reporter: hey, george, good morning. things are just getting going here at atl. we've only heard a few planes take off and land and this is such a big deal. this is the busiest airport in the word. you've been saying it all morning. take a look. every single day about 275,000 passengers fly through on 2,500 arriving and departing flights and yesterday many were stuck and still may be unable to leave for days to come. now, so far airlines have canceled nearly 1,600 flights between supplemenday and today y continue to climb. to make things worse, a dense fog has blanketed atlanta and the airport stretching all the way to dallas so even if your flight hasn't been canceled you may have trouble getting off the ground. >> that means the ripple effects will be felt all across the country and could affect holiday deliveries as well. >> reporter: so far it's too early to know how big that will be but for delta passengers are going to have a real headache because delta has 60% of its flights coming through this airport every single day. 300 have already been canceled. 900 were canceled yesterday. but for holiday deliveries, u.p.s. and fedex tell us their delivery schedules were not impacted so that's good news. >> thank goodness for that, gio benitez, thanks for that in a whole lot of inconvenience. out west to our big story and the battle against that massive california wildfire. the thomas fire has been burning for two weeks now and it's on track to become the worst wildfire in california's history. so far it's destroyed 270,000 acres and more than a thousand structures and forced more than 100,000 people to evacuate. our senior national correspondent matt gutman is in montecito, california, this morning, where the flames are still raging. >> reporter: good morning. that fire just ripped through here. you can see behind me it is still smoldering in this palatial home. all that is left is dangling roof tiles. now, what is incredible is that firefighters lost the battle but managed to save countless homes here in montecito. one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the entire world and overnight some of the celebrities tweeted their gratitude. rob lowe having some of them over for dinner. oprah tweeting her gratitude but worrying about firefighters fatigue. it's grown over the past couple of days as we approach the holidays to 8500 and overnight another firefighter injury. he was hurt on the side of a mountain and had to be taken down on that stretcher and medevacked. he will be okay but as you mentioned this fire continues to grow, and it is likely to become the biggest fire in california history either today or tomorrow, paula. >> you mentioned that firefighter was injured but one firefighter already lost his life and saw a great amount of support for him and his sacrifice over the weekend. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: such a moving procession for engineer iversco iverson. he left behind a pregnant wife and young daughter and you can see that moving through southern california. firefighters and regular folks saluting him standing on those overpasses to pay their respects. now, the santa barbara fire chief says this is the perfect storm. there is wind and single-digit humidity and this fire does not seem to want to relent. paula. >> looks like it's going to go into the new year which is not welcome news. matt gutman reporting from california, thank you. we get the latest on the russia investigation amid new tensions between the trump team and robert mueller. the president was asked if he would fire mueller. >> are you considering firing robert mueller? >> no, i'm not. no, what else? what, are you surprised? >> this comes after one of the president's lawyers claim mueller unlawfully obtained e-mails from the trump transition and mueller dismissing the charge and pierre thomas has the story. >> reporter: good morning. you're right. today more evidence of increasing tension between special counsel bob mueller and attorneys representing the president and his interests. we've learned that mueller's team has requested a series of e-mails sent by trump transition officials this morning, and attorneys for the transition are crying foul and have sent letters to congress alleging the e-mails were illegally provided to mueller. mueller's spokesperson said, when we have obtained e-mails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation we have secured either the account owner's concept or appropriate criminal process. the debate comes after trump attorneys last week pushed for the appointment of a second special counsel to look at mueller's team specifically whether there's bias. >> there could be a critical meeting this week in this investigation. >> reporter: that's right. they might be trying to meet to get an assessment of where things stand. some of the white house have suggested that the investigation is nearing its end, especially given that many white house officials heav already been interviewed, george. but with the recent guilty plea of michael flynn we have no clear indication that this investigation is anywhere near over. >> okay, pierre, thanks very much. more on this from dan abrams here with me. let's start out with this letter from the trump lawyers complaining about mueller's obtaining these e-mails. >> well, it seems there are two arguments. first of all that the organization that oversees the transitions, the gsa never should have turpined these over in the first place. that argument borders on frivolous because it's interest their server. >> government documents. >> government documents and clear when you begin the process there is no expectation of privacy and this is a federal criminal probe so i don't think that's a real serious argument. the number two argument is the documents that they did receive involve privileged documents. then they cite all sorts of privileges, one which doesn't make sense this idea that somehow there was a presidential communication privilege. you're talking -- >> he wasn't president. >> he wasn't president yet. the one that's potentially series is attorney/client and what's always very serious. the idea that some documents they obtained should be protected by the attorney/client privilege. they'llave to be very specific about what documents those were. very specific about who the lawyer was, et cetera, and we'll have to see but even if something like that happen, the remedy is you can't use those documents. >> this first step was more a public relations maneuver. >> the idea of going to congress first maybes it feel like a stunt because you're saying, oh, we want to make sure this doesn't happen again. yeah, the next time there is a big issue about the presidential transition, we want to just make sure that, you know, that just doesn't make any sense. this was a statement from trump's team to the public saying, we want you to know we think this whole process has been unfair. >> one of the most significant things of the letter is that the trump team only found out about them this week. >> look, that does indicate that they are not doing a great job of staying in contact with people who they probably should be to determine exactly where the investigation is. because we're talking about something that happened months ago that they're only finding out about in the last week. >> final question, this meeting between the trump lawyers and mueller's team if it happens this week, significant? >> i think the only thing that could make it really significant is whether the discussion is does donald trump come in and talk to mueller's team. otherwise it's just a typical conversation between lawyers and i don't think it's that significant. >> dan abrams, thanks very much. paula. >> it is a busy day in washington. president trump is set to give a major speech on national security. congress meantime, is preparing tore that big vote on the republican tax bill as early as tomorrow. so let's go to our senior white house correspondent cecilia vega for more. good morning to you, cecilia. >> reporter: hey, good morning. you know what, the president said he wanted it on his desk by christmas and looks like he'll get it. let's look at what it would do for so many deductions so many american families claim. it will reuse the amount you can claim on your mortgage by 750,000 and republicans really can't afford to lose many votes on this one. senator john mccain is suffering and -- suffering from that rare form of brain cancer. he is back home in arizona in the wake of treatment so is expected to miss this vote but republicans, two key republican senators did end up flipping their votes froms to yes so looks like it's all but a done deal and calling it a cripple gift for middle class families but this nonpartisan congressional tax analyst that says that those who stand to benefit the most, paula, are the rich and big corporations. >> moving on, cecilia, today in washington the president is also going to lay out a new u.s. national security policy. what can we expect? >> reporter: we've been talking about aides. two key headlines. he is expected to call china a strategic competitor and also going to take a break from the obama-era national security policy and president trump wants to make a big deal of it. usually it's not a ceremonial event. this will be a big speech for him. >> cecilia reporting from the white house. than thanks. christmas just a week away and today may be your last chance to ship gifts without breaking the bank and rebecca jarvis here with details. what are the deadlines. >> christmas falls on a monday which means you have the full weekend to shop but adlines come earlier so if you look at things today is one of the last days to get things out. ree days, tomorrow, tuesday, s december 19th is the deadline forfedex express saver and u.s. postal first class are your cheapest option, wednesday, december 20th, fedex two-day, u.p.s. two-day air and u.s. postal priority mail. they'll cost you more but still get there by christmas. thursday, december 21st, fedex overnight, u.p.s. next day air and the last option, really here is friday, december 22nd, u.s. postal service priority mail express will guarantee it gets there by christmas day. you also have the fedex same day option on christmas day. >> the longer you wait the more you pay. >> exactly, you really need to get it done earlier. >> last-minute shoppers, what are the best options. >> amazon, frankly, if you're going to go online and make this happen online your best option is there because you -- if you're a prime member and you can sign up for the membership you've got two-day shipping on december 22nd, december 23rd, one day and can wait until the last minute christmas eve. >> wow. >> if you need to. >> if you need to. rebecca, thanks very much. >> good thing santa is always on time. we want to go to ginger with more on the fog this morning across the south. >> as if you -- hey there, if you needed more of a challenge in atlanta thevisibility droppia quarter mile. look at dallas, this is love field. the dense fog advisories in between louisiana, mississippi and alabama, too. local weather in just a moment, select cities brought to you by walmart. >> reporter: good morning everyone, storm tracker 6 live double scan with most of our light sprinkles moving east of philadelphia. there's a possibility of drizzle drop on your windshield in the northern suburbs. slow it down in case there's a frozen patch here or there on the roads. overall a decent morning to get around, not much wind, most of us in the 30s. lease city hall on sky6 live hd. breezy and beautiful tomorrow, 56. 45 wednesday and 42 thursday. s out for the first time live only on "gma." with advil's fast relief, you'll ask, "what pulled muscle?" "what headache?" nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. advil liqui-gels and advil liqui-gels minis. what pain? we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? full-bodied. ♪ ♪ this holiday, the best gift you can give, is your time. volunteer at state farm. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. >> good morning i'm tamala edwards, 7:23 a.m., monday, december 18. let's head over to matt pellman to take a look at traffic, good morning. matt. >> reporter: tam, i know a lot of time people are having nightmares after friday's ride home on the schuylkill expressway. now a big travel time on eastbound a minute over an hour to get to the blue route to the vine, police are on the scene four vehicle pileup. 202 to king of prussia single digit speeds. ridge pike, route 2, route 30 alternates. there's a wreck along 611 and horris avenue involving a pedestrian. emergency crews on the scene there. bad crash in wilmington, avoid lancaster pike westbound by 141, tam. >> let's take a break and come back to your accuweather. at college inn we craft a deeper, richer broth because every detail matters. we select all-natural chicken and flavorful herbs and spices. college inn broth helps you make every meal delicious. college inn, delicious is in the details. toasting dad: i'm not one but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. this morning, but not much wind, so that's good. 39 degrees in philadelphia. 35 in trenton, allentown and reading. most of the drizzle is finished at this point, but be careful of slick spots up, there, excuse me from freezing drizzle we had earlier. 48 is the high, a bit milder than yesterday, t a bad afternoon. breezy and beautiful tomorrow, 56. back to 45 wednesday, tamala, winter arrives on thursday, appropriately it's the coolest day of the workweek 42. >> that would be about right, thank you david. we'll send you on to "g.m.a." and see you back here in 30. see ya. -take care. ♪ so probably take it at night. and if you have any questions, the instructions are here in spanish as you requested. gracias. ♪ at walgreens, how we care will change over time, but why we care remains the same treating everyone with the care and attention they deserve. walgreens. trusted since 1901. when heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. ♪ ah, that theme music gives me crills. welcome back to "gma" and "the last jedi" scored big becoming the second biggest opening of all time, right behind its predecessor "the force awakens" taking in a whopping $220 million. >> including you. >> i took my kids to see it. now seeing it through my kids' eyes, my youngest wanted to wear a stormtrooper outfit. >> i will see it. opened above $200 million. also coming up we are taking a look at this pentagon program to investigate ufos. we'll have the secret behind this video right here. what the navy commander who th that chaos at the atlanta airport. 11-hour power shortage. some people forced to sleep on the floor and, of course, the ripple effect still being felt at airports across the country. >> now they're dealing with fog as well. a big change coming to the nfl. jerry richardson plans to sell the carolina panthers as he faces sexual misconduct allegations. diddy said, let's make history. >> how great would it be to see that. that me too plouffement has led to a group of men who left projects amid sexual misconduct projects and tavis smiley is here firing back after accusations o misconduct that led to his suspension from his pbs talk show. first abc's linsey davis has the very latest for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. these days allegations of misconduct alone set in motion a toppling of dominos for men like tavis smiley who says he's not guilty. ♪ he's the award-winning sometimes controversial host known for hard-hitting questions. >> you think that the government assistance that goes to these babies outstrips the billions of dollars generated in this income by the work done by undocumented workers. >> reporter: tavis smiley is hitting back. >> i have never groped, inappropriately exposed myself or coerced any colleague in the workplace ever in my 30-year career. >> reporter: investigate rossly fending himself in this facebook video after bbs indefinitely suspended distribution while investigating allegations smiley engaged in sexual relationships with multiple subordinates. those of those reportedly claim they believe their jobs depended on their sexual relationship with him and he created a ver l verbally abusive and threatening environment. >> pbs launched this so-called investigation of me without telling me about it. >> reporter: pbs tells abc news following seat of a complaint pbs hired an independent law firm to conduct an investigation and we stand by its integrity. saying that the investigation revealed multiple sexual relationships with subordinates over many years and other acts that together constitute a pattern of conduct inconsistent with our values. walmart said they are troubled by the recent allegations and will be cutting ties with smiley pending the outcome of pbs' investigation. as the fallout continues for the 53-year-old broadcaster, he says pbs rushed to judgment and trampled on a reputation he spent a lifetime trying to establish. >> time for a real conversation in this country about where the lines are, about how men and women can engage each other in the workplace. >> reporter: mills entertainment confirms they are no longer moving forward with tavis smiley's "death of a king" and hey house has told us they put all of smiley's projects on hold pending an internal review of the facts, paula. >> thank you very much for reporting. we want to welcome tavis smiley to the studio. thanks for joining us. first and foremost you deny any wrongdoing. >> absolutely. i have never groped. i have never coerced or exposed myself to anyone inappropriately. there's never been any allegation of that. i celebrate and applaud the women that came out and told the truth and lead us to create healthy workspaces. at the same time i want to make sure we don't lose all proportionality in this because if we do people end up guilty by accusations. >> you admit to having consensual sexual relationships with subordinates. can you understand how that could be an abuse of power? >> certainly. i understand who people have a vi viewpoint any consensual sexual relationship in the workplace is wrong. i hear that point of view and i respect it but there are other points of view on this. my company, let me be clear, i own my company. pbs distributes it. in our employee handbook while we do not encourage office relationships we don't forbid them either and don't forbid them because i don't know where your heart will lead you or who you will hang out with or date. many met their spouses at work. >> how can you be certain these women didn't feel they would lose their job. >> i never gave any favoritism upward or downward. never promoted anybody -- >> did you ever fire anyone you were in a relationship with. >> first of all i own the company and there is a team that own the company and have never given anyone any instruction to do anything to anyone -- >> you didn't fire anyone with whom you had a relationship with. any of them you had a relationship with is still on your staff. >> one person is, yes. >> were you ever told by a peer, the subordinate or employer/employee anything you did or said made them feel comfortable. >> never. >> sources tell abc news you have been accused of sexually explicit messages and unwelcome banter about women's bees. so what are we talking about. >> i have no idea. i sat -- >> did you ever send lewd text messages. >> no. in a consensual mrelationships e do that but never to an employee. >> you also created a verbally abusive threatening environment. what's your response. >> not true. i have an intense environment. i have a speaker's bureau and book imprint and so it's an intense environment. some of the most intense places are in control rooms around this country. that's not for everyone. so it might be that the environment wasn't good for you. these are intense at times and i hate the word brand. i may be the brand, the face but i'm not an inanimate object. when the ball gets dropped on something i have to deal with those. those might be intense but i'm not an angry black man and this notion of a hostile workplace doesn't fit. >> you called the pbs investigation sloppy and upset they didn't tell you that was going on but say you weren't aloud to show they were proof. what kind of proof do you have. >> i think anyone who's been in one can prove it with letter, cards, gifts and certainly photographs. but pbs only agreed to talk to me after weeks of investigation which they didn't tell me about. let's back up for a second. >> are they supposed to tell you they're investigating you? do they have to. >> they never informed me a complaint was alleged. i was never told there was an investigation. i found out about it from former staffers who were getting strange phone calls averaging strange questions so i was unaware of it to begin with. but after finding out about it my attorneys contacted the pbs investigators and offered to have me come talk to them. they did this for weeks and refused to talk to me. they were prepared to close this investigation without talking to me only under the threat of lawsuit did they agree to sit down and talk to me and when they did they talked to me for three hour answer never told me who the accusers were, never allowed me to provide information. >> is it important to know who they are. >> it's important to sit in a meeting and at least understand what we're talking about. if we're talking for three hours and all the questions are vague and no specificity, no persons, place, time, hard for three hours to know what you're talking about. >> most of your employees had to sign nondisclosures. they feel threatened. they're scared to come forward and publicly reveal who they are. >> well, i'm not sure i believe that, number one but number two, all i'm saying an investigation for three hours. if i don't know what we're talking about and there's no specificity how can i answer the questions so i answered to the best of my ability but it gets worse than that. when this meeting was over which only happened under the threat of a lawsuit they did not intend nor ever intended to atalk to me or my current staff, didn't talk to my hr person, anyone who thought something happened to them for whatever reason, no complaints were ever filed, number one and, number two, this investigation did not include talking to anyone on my current staff and the minute that three-hour minute was over, within minutes almost within an hour and a half i think pbs acknowledged to us, sent a letter to my attorneys they were using a clause in my contract to no longer distribute my show. 12 minutes thereafter this story posted on "variety." i don't know how you write it, research and get quotes from unnamed sources presumably at pbs and put links in the story and do all that in 12 minutes. something is awry here. >> do you regret anything that you've done? >> other, absolutely. i've made mistakes and written two books about all the mistakes i made in my career. i recall once sitting this a conversation with a person would was interested in being a producer on our show, supposed to be a short 30-minute meeting. at the end i said my lord, you're brilliant, smart, gorgeous and i think i'd rather date you than you work for me. i apologized and the situation was resolved. i'm human, not perfect. but it doesn't rise to the level of wrongful termination. >> if they reinstate you, will you go back. >> i don't know. pbs made a huge mistake and teed to correct it but i don't know the answer. >> sounds like you're willing to go pretty far to fight it. >> i'll do anything to protect my reputation. >> tavis smiley, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> back to you. coming up inside the pentagon's ufo program. what the navy commander who spotted this object thinks it could be. the day after chemo might mean a trip back to the doctor's office, just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home, with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can 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"star wars" i saw and it looks like it rotating in the sky. that's my theory. your first look at the first royal christmas card just revealed. can't wait to see it. ristmas tr. [ cheering ] when does the family get here? they're already here! this house is for you! us?! all of us, to be together. aw! i love you man. it's just missing one thing. 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(laugh) the most premium finishes, so you have the most choices. another way we make good things, for life. a little fun now. our first look at william and kate's christmas card. adrienne bankert here for that. >> they're just like us trying to get their holiday cards out in time. everybody is trying to get their mail out because you have to send out the beautiful cards. look at this lovely feet. kate and william posing with their two adorable kids. george and charlotte all wearing that robin egg blue that makes them look, oh, so stunning and the prince of wales and the duchess of cornwall releasing their turs but everybody is interested in the kids. also a reminder like rebecca said u.s. postal mail priority express use it by friday and hopefully they'll arrive on them. >> just like the royals. >> we'll be right back. i met bruce i saw on his lapel he's got a purple heart. (bruce) we started talking about the service. i outrank him. 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(vo) through the subaru share the love event, we've helped deliver over one-point- seven million meals to those in need. get zero percent financing for 63 months on select models, plus we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. whentrust the brand doctors trust for themselves. nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. and all day all night protection. when it comes to frequent heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. so you think santa will like these... red and green m&m's? i don't know! i never met the guy! whaaaaa! he does exist! they do exist! uhm... santa? jewelry that tells her fshe's the best thing. that's ever happened to yo or a piece we custom made just for you. because we're more than a store that sells beautiful jewelry. we are jewelers. the one, unique gift that tells her exactly how you feel. that's why he went to jared. ok, so with the award-winning our customers have 24/7 access, digital id cards, they can even pay their bill- (beep) bill has joined the call. hey bill, we're just- phone: hi guys, bill here. do we have julia on the line too? 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"good morning america" is brought to you by geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards, 7:56 a.m., monday, december 18. let's go back to matt pellman looking at the schuylkill expressway. >> reporter: good morning, poor people on the eastbound side of the schuylkill expressway. a crash on the shoulder with huge delays coming in from king of prussia him now there's a broken down vehicle farther east under 30th street station. looks like this guy is going to push him out of the way or he ran into him. this is eastbound side of 76 unfolding under 30th street station. only the left lane is open. it is jammed packed coming in. on the boulevard there's a car taking out left lane on the westbound side. traffic light not working at the benjamin franklin parkway at 22nd street. we have a brown don't know vehicle at bridge street. a crash abington township at the municipal building east horris, and watch out for a crash at white hall road and germantown pike. >> let's go out over sky6 live hd looking at penns landing. how does it feel? >> reporter: it is chilly, but the clouds are clearing nicely, we're starting to get sunshine in. here the numbers, 37 degrees and 35 in allentown and the northern suburbs right now. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, today's high, 48 degrees a bit milder than over the weekend. tomorrow, breezy and beautiful a high up to 56 and then we cool down a bit on wednesday, 45 and 42 on thursday as winter officially arrives in the late morning. looks like the weekend is milder, but damp, tam. >> thank you, david. pennsylvania state senator daylin leach is denying claims of inappropriate conduct against former women. despite the denials, tom wolf is caing forhe king of prussia-based lawmaker to resign. that's it for now, we'll send you back to "g.m.a." and see you in 30. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. holiday travel nightmare. a blackout at the world's busiest airport. tens of thousands left in the dark in atlanta. planes stranded on the tarmac. flights canceled. the ripple effect across the country. what it means for your flights and holiday deliveries. the new warning about your cell phone. after california issues a report about potential radiation risks, the simple steps you can take to reduce exposure. dr. ashton here live. a flood of sexual misconduct allegation, we're asking what does it take to raise good men. what our panel of young boys say about respect and consent. their surprising answers and how you can talk to your kids. prince harry interviews barack obama. the prince and former president trade jokes. >> do i need a british accent? >> as obama reveals his hopes for the future. get ready to rock "jumanji" style with dwayne "the rock" johnson. >> run! >> and he's saying -- >> hey, good morning, america or because we're in my home state of hawaii, aloha, america. ♪ we rock the world >> aloha, dwayne. >> the fitness queen of social media is here, kayla itsines. we helped women transform their bodies and lives and now she'll show us her secrets revealing three moves you can do right ahead but that means you have to work out. news, including that power outage that brought atlanta's airport to a halt for 11 hours. more than a thousand flights canceled just as holiday travel gets under way and marcus moore has the story. good morning. >> reporter: george, good morning. the lies are back on here at atlanta's hartsfield-jackson airport. look at the line at the delta check-in. many of the people we have seen have actually spent the night here at the airport and while the power is back on, this nightmare isn't over for so many travelers. already delta has canceled 300 flights today that come into and out of atlanta. in addition to the 900 that airline canceled on sunday. all as a result of this power outage and people who were here describe scenes of utter chaos and really worry among some people that perhaps this was part of terrorism when those lights and power went out. there was an announcement on the radio warning of an emergency and have seen video of people using flashlights to navigate dark passageways. this was astonishing. at one point there were 100 planes parked on the taxiway at the airport and passengers had to be deplanned onto the tarmac itself and with escalators and elevators out people actually carried the elderly and disabled during all this. a fire in a substation actually caused the outage and while the power is back on this morning, we could still see flights impacted through this weekend, george. >> boy, let's hope things get going today. >> we want to move now to a now warning about the possible dangers of cell phones. a new study is raising concerns about the possible risks of radiation and guidelines on how to reduce it and dr. jen ashton is here with details. you got to wonder. we put it next to our ear all the time. we've heard these concerns for a long time. >> it seems like everything old is new again and have been studies that show a possible link between the radio frequency energy emitted with a cell phone and brain tumors, acoustic neuromas, learning problems, low sperm count in men. overall and the trade organization that represents the wireless phone companies is very clear on this, major health organizations are stating and this includes the fda, by the way, that there is no clear scientific evidence to support this risk. >> all right, well, there's that. they're always doing more research. now, the california department of health has recommendations that we can all take to protect ourselves. >> these are really common sense even though we don't have the conclusive scientific evidence these things really -- there's no reason why people shouldn't do that. basically using the hands-free or speakerphone option. don't sleep with your phone next to your head. i'll try to improve on this because it's right on my night table. try to put it across the room. don't keep it in direct contact with your body when walking around with it and this is a surprising one. when you are getting one or two bars, low signal, that's actually when the rf energy emitted is the strongest so try not to use your phone at that time. >> one of those tips was don't sleep with it next to your head. a lot of teens and children do that in they put it right next to their pillow. most have it on our night table. it should be across the room but a thought that the growing brain of children and teens is more susceptible to this so awareness, common since applies. >> thanks again, doc. >> get that phone out of the bedroom. >> even better. switch gears to a court battle for the holidays. check out this christmas scene right here. hyatt extreme christmas but the city wanted to shut it down as a danger to public safety. the lights did win out. this is the light of rudolph there. you see them right there. also santa and in the past this has had 200,000 lights. number this year, a secret. >> are we ever going to find out? ever divulge that. >> you can go down and investigate. >> i'll count every single one of them. coming up here our new series on raising good men. how to talk to your kids and what our panel of children reveals. oprah's surprise appearance, this special person she showed up to celebrate at graduation. counting down to christmas with a big holiday performance by josh groban. he's here live. 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[ applause ] >> thank you very much. >> no problem. 1234r a little cheerio to you. >> cheerio. we want to turn to our new series called raising good men. every day is teams like there are new sexual harassment allegations and what it takes to raise men who will be respectful of women and focus on three different age groups with different takeaways and start with 7 to 10-year-olds and t.j. holmes sat down with a group of them and enlightening interview. >> you learn a lot when you talk to kids. parents watching all these allegations come out and why not. they are asking, i don't want my child to grow up like that so what should i be doing? are there signs i should be looking for and it's clear their opinions about girls are already starting to take shape. >> allegations of sexual harassment. >> suspended. >> forced to apologize. >> reporter: more than two dozen prominent men facing allegations of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct and it prompts the question how do you raise good men. we start with a panel of young boys. what does it mean to be a good man. >> treat people fairly. >> no matter what skin color or gender. >> yeah, to open doors for women, you have to respect. >> we sat down with six students, 7 through 10 at a houston area boys and girls club, some participants in their passport to manhood program. the word, respect. what do you think when you hear that. >> well -- in ooh. >> cool. out of the chair on this one. yes. >> respect means you have to behave. >> all right. >> listen to the teacher. >> it means personal space, manners. >> dr. david anderson is a child psychologist at new york's child mind institute. >> when you've got boys this young, it is never too early to start thinking about how you build respect. how you build empathy and a culture of concept. >> he traveled with us to houston and unbeknownst to our young panelists their parents and our expert were secretly watching the interview from an adjoining room. their sons openly sharing with us their views on gender stereotypes. what do you do when someone tells you to man up. >> i become tough. and i feel strong. >> they've gotten some of those messages about being rough and tough and, you know, that girls are frail and those kinds of things. as the boys grow older we want to give them a much more diverse idea of what it means to be a good person. it's important to be kind for everybody. important to protect everyone. >> but even at this age these young man displaying strong convictions about how they believe they should interact with female peers. how do you show girls you respect them? >> listening to them and buying them flowers. >> say hi to them. >> say hi. >> and by not bumping into them. >> keeping personal space. >> how do you know the boundaries of personal space. >> you got to ask first. >> that's key because it showsance age appropriate understanding of consent and the need to ask for permission. >> when we think about stages of moral development for groups this age, there's a lot of kind of all or nothing thinking. you're either following the rules or you're not. >> someone breaking the rules this group showed no hesitation in reporting misconduct. >> i'll tell my momma. >> i will tell the teacher. >> after 45 minutes it was time to reveal to our young guests who was watching their interview. >> oh, my goodness. >> oh. >> they just heard everything that just happened. >> come on. >> no. >> please. >> no. >> i was overall pretty proud, did a good job, kid. you never know when you're doing it by yourself if you're doing a good job. >> i don't want to take full credit for how respectful he is because my husband has a lot to do with that as well. there are a lot of types he tells cooper, open the door for your mother and sister. >> whether it's a female parent or male parent it's catching the boys doing the things that you want to make sure they do more of and that takes being there and having those conversations. saying i was really proud of how you acted in that moment. >> with all that's going on in the news a lot of parents were, maybe even single parent, single mothers, how can i raise my child not to end up in that position to be like that? >> the same principles that we're talking about here, teaching boys to respect other people and to take the perspective of other, they will play into boys' relationships with their partners they get older and want them thinking about how comfortable anybody in their social environment might be with what's going on. >> it was very interesting to hear, paula. they find a distinction, i treat girls this way. they're the fairer sex but ask them the toughest person they know, momma. the first thing out of their mouth, momma but trying to how to reconcile how is momma the female so tough. >> but i can't bump into that girl in the hallway. >> it was so interesting to hear these kids. >> you did a great job. we want to bring in dave anderson to continue with the conversation. you mentioned the importance of parents and having a positive role model but how do you find good role models and good influencers on your children? >> i think the first point we think about is that just good people are good role models. doesn't festally have to be a male or female. we had coaches and teach evers and one came up with his barber but looking for anybody who can articulate their values. >> we were trying to figure out, thinking you treat a girl this way, you should make sure you give her these boundaries but the key is not just to teach there is a difference, you need to treat a boy and respect his boundaries and personal space. the you have to treat everybody the same. >> with whatever the rues were coming up with we want to ask them for examples of people that follow that rule and examples who violate that rule so if they see a boy who is tough, great. where do they see women who are tough, they mentioned their mothers and got blank looks by how they became that tough. >> by raising you, son. you say this age group was 7 to 10. offers a unique opportunity and window of influence, so how do we capitalize on that? >> we know that boys this age are learning things in rules so that can be to one parent's advantage in the sense he learns i need to brush my teeth before bed every time but might be rues that girl, you can't tell secrets to. that's where we want to bring it back to having conversations openly. for parents to give examples of girls they can tell secrets to and to ask the boys for more specific examples of the kids in their class they can trust and not trust and brings in norflexable thinking. >> it's okay this idea of social shaping. is it wrong for us to talk about chivalry and open the doors for women but he said some of this is social shaping but, again, goes back to the key open the door for a guy. open the door for a person. it's all a matter of general respect. >> right. i mean social shaping can be great in certain ways and teaches us values like being nice and do unto others as you would do, you know, that kind of thing but at the same time we want to look at the rigid rules that might get us into trouble and those are the ones we try to question. >> all right, dr. david anderson, t.j., great job with those little boys. i spoke with middle schoolers and we'll bring that to you tomorrow. send it over to ginger. >> yes, let's do your "gma" moment because it's a monday. you need a let's do your "g.m.a." moment, you know when you're going to a party and you're tired, but you still want to party. thank you for sending that in from florida. let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: my goodness, storm tracker 6 live double scan shows you we're dry this morning, as we look outside, earlier low-lying cloud cover is breaking up. now we have sunshine over the ben franklin bridge. temperatures in the mid to upper 30s in most neighborhoods. 48 is the high, milder than the weekend, and milder than last week. breezy and cooler on wednesday, 56. thursday, 45 and winter arrives on thursday morning, it's chillier, 42. culture. >> robin is celebrating their lives and none with a bigger impact than mary tyler moore. >> mary ter moore was the first funny feminist on network television. >> her smile, her smile, that lit up the entire country. the entire world. ♪ who can turn the world on with her smile ♪ >> there was a goodness and kindness about her that i related to in myself and oh, my god, i wanted to be mar. >> i would like to know why the last associate producer before me made $50 a week more than i do. >> oh, because he was a man. [ laughter ] >> i think it was really power phil to see mary confront these cultural roadblocks because she was a woman. >> i'm doing as good a job as he did. >> better. >> better! >> i feel indebted to mary tyler moore because she said the things that i think a lot of women only thought about but didn't have the courage to say out loud at that time. >> will you shut up, ted? >> she was a very strong lady. a loving lady and talented beyond belief. and i loved her dearly. >> her legacy is a combination of everything that she's ever done in her life that touched our hearts that made us want to turn the world on with our own smiles. [ applause ] >> mary tyler moore obviously influenced oprah winfrey who is now influencing generations of women and she ee pit mys what we all want to be, world changers. >> i think you could do an entire hour program on just mary. >> funny feminist. another actor who made his mark on tv and music was david cassidy, "the partridge family" was theltimate teen heartthrob even impressing those on tv as well. take a look. ♪ i think i love you ♪ i think i love you >> on friday nights i would race home from wherever i was. i wouldn't watch our show ♪ ♪ it's the brady bunch >> i would watch "the partridge family." david cassidy was one of the biggest teen idols ever and that feathered perfect, gorgeous shiny hair and he could do it all. he could sing, he could act. he just had that "it" factor. [ applause ] >> you guys are all too young but that was my friday nights. "the brady bunch" and "the partridge family." coming up here the year in memoriam. a special collaboration between robin and jimmy kimmel. see more tonight on abc and when we come back t.j. is back with the rock. we'll have what he's saying about fatherhood and taking on the new "jumanji." and the school custodian. he is spreading so much holiday spirit. he's going to perform for us live. your "gma" moment brought to you by the frame from samsung, the most beautiful tv you've never seen. >> good morning, it is 8:27 a.m., monday, december 18. i'm tamala edwards. let's see how traffic is going with matt pellman. >> reporter: you know, tam, we never expect the schuylkill expressway to behave, it's been especially uncooperative this morning. eastbound side approaching 476 is approaching belmont, the four-vehicle crashed has cleared, but almost an hour on the eastbound travel time. farther east we had a broken down vehicle at 30th street. take ridge pike, 23, 30, the river driver, once you get closer to the city. although you don't want to get on the benjamin franklin parkway, traffic lights not working, traffic is a mess there. new crash on the pennsylvania turnpike taking out a lane at willow grove. one awrong -- along 252 at gladyville road. a crash coming out of camden county giving us 12 miles per hour. >> let's go outside to david murphy good morning. >> reporter: we have a mix of sun and clouds, it's cold, 37 in philadelphia. 35 in the northern suburbs. not much wind. this afternoon milder than over the weekend, high of 48. tomorrow, breezy and beautiful, 56. cooler air comes in wednesday and thursday, 45 is wednesday's high. thursday, high of 42. winter arriving in the morning. friday, mild, 52. evening rain. showers saturday, a mild high of 61 degrees there. >> time for fun on "g.m.a.," they will sit down with the rock. we'll see you in 30. ♪ welcome back to "gma." we have a real treat to motivate you all this monday morning. take a look at this video. ♪ silent night oly night ♪ ♪ all is c.a.l.m. >> that is wilbert knight. his sgi has gone viral. more than 18,000 views already and we're happy to have him here this morning. he's joining us from stephenville, ohio. some of his big fans right there and why don't you tell us how this all came about. >> mr. robinson. >> how did this all happen, mr. robinson. >> this came about when we featured mr. knight as our staff spotlight on our facebook page doing what he enjoyed doing singing "happy birthday" to one of our staff members. he enjoyed it and wants to spread good will into the world and shared another video to our news anchor and they picked it up and it went viral. >> mr. anything, you have the voice of an angel. i want to ask mrs. gorman, you're the principal there, what do you think it is about his music that connects with so many people. >> it's easy. i mean he just is just genuine and sin cere and truly happiest when he makes others happy. if you're feeling down he'll sing a couple bars and makes you smile. >> mr. anything, we can already hear you're a great personment how does it feel you've gone well beyond steubenville, ohio. people around the world are seeing your video and hearing you sing. how does that make you feel? >> i'm overwhelmed. i just glad i can touch people's hearts all over the world and bringing peace and love. >> i have to tell you mr. anything does not have social media. he doesn't have any electronic devices. so we kind of had to pull him down into the office to tell him, hey, this is what it means to. >> viral. everyone is talking about you. he was overwhelmed. it was great sdmrul's get more overwhelmed now after we hear you sing. we'd love to hear something for our entire "gma" audience. ♪ when jesus is my portion my calm is he ♪ ♪ his eye is on the sparrow ♪ and i know he's watching over me ♪ >> wow! mr. knight. mr. knight, thank you for taking us to church and the message you want to send through your message is peace and love. is that your message? >> the message is a positive message that i want to send and i'm hoping i can touch people's heart, joy, love, happiness and all. merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you. >> thank you. thank you so much. thanks for sharing. [ applause ] >> you know what it proves. he proves there are no unimportant lives especially in the lives of children. >> absolutely. that was great. we'll move on to one of the hottest movies, dwayne "the rock" johnson stars in "jumanji" and t.j. holmes had a chance to talk about it. he is back with us now. >> you gave me a hard time last week. >> i did. >> this is further evidence i worked when i was in hawaii. >> two pieces out of a week. >> still. between the luaus and mai tais i got in an interview with dwayne "the rock" johnson. we sat down and explained why "jumanji," this movie, he's more anxious about this one than he has any other movie he's put out and why shooting in hawaii was such a special personal experience for him. he looks the same. the bald head, the bod but you've never seen dwayne "the rock" johnson quite like this. >> i don't have my claritin and all i see around here is pollen. >> reporter: he plays an awkward nerdy teenager. >> we've got sucked into "jumanji" and became the avatars we chose. >> reporter: in "jumanji: welcome to the jungle." >> i've never had the privilege of having a movie come out during christmas. and when you have a christmas movie come out i think that you have a responsibility, make sure it's good. >> don't let this new body get your butt whooped. >> ow. >> reporter: it is a new take on the robin williams classic. and its release wraps up another big year for >> 2016. "forbes," highest paid actor in hollywood you were named. "people" magazine's sexiest man alive in 2016. in 2017, you lost both titles. >> the "people" magazine tight surveillance a title of which i do not relinquish. >> wait a minute. you'll never relinquish the title. it's just your. >> in no uncertain terms and actually i'm telling people will i ever relinquish the title. i am and today will always be the texiest man alive. >> reporter: johnson admits a sense of normalcy in day-to-day can be a challenge. >> keep things simple. movies on the weekend. get good pizza. get some good loving in because she's watching now. get some good brownie points. >> she's lauren hashian and they're set to welcome their second daughter next year and johnson gushes about his 16-year-old daughter simone from his first marriage just named golden globe ambassador and will get to hand out trophies at the annual award show. >> so proud. so proud of simone. >> reporter: she has expressed interest in a career in hollywood. a move he supports but also gives him pause. would you have any concerns about your daughter in hollywood given what we've seen. >> yeah, absolutely, so this is our community and it's the world that i make my business in. and so farrelly the concerns are there. we've had this wfconversation wh her before and circle back around of being so proud of the brave women who stepped forward and created this watershed moment that we're experiencing. do i have concern, i'm her dad and i'm always going to have concerns with, period. >> reporter: they have come full circle. "jumanji" filmed in hawaii where he spent years growing up and it reminds him of how far he's come. >> we were forced to leave because we couldn't pay the rent, i was 13 or 14 and thought i would do anything to make sure we're never in this position. the irony is lost that we're here in hawaii but gives me a strong foundation of gratitude. >> and, george, i said at the top there he lost the title of highest paid actor in hollywood for this year. >> to who? >> he athe second highest paid. lost it to mark wahlberg but still collected 68 million. >> he's got a christmas movie coming out. >> and new baby. the announcement made. show this instagram post ands that take their youngest now. little one, jasmine, 2 years old and she's going to have a little sister so he's going to have three girls. >> tease him about running for president. >> i did not tease hip. you do not tease dwayne "the rock" johnson. >> you do go see "jumanji: welcome to the jungle" that hits theaters this wednesday. thank you. coming up, celebrity fitness star helping so many transform. [ applause ] for mild-to-moderate eczema? it can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. the face of a fisherman? the hand of a ranch hand? the knee of a needle pointer? prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. it blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. and it's steroid-free. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa. hey, welcome back to "good my new friends from harleysville, pennsylvania. we have exciting news be get ready for this, look at who is decorating the cover of time magazine, the film based on the 1962 novel of the same name. winfrey said i felt like we were making the "wizard of oz" for another new generation. a wrinkle in town will play a part. that's the big picture, let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: all right, ginger, we're dry on storm tracker 6 live double scan, the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, shows we climb from the 30s to 48 a bit milder than over the weekend. nice, tomorrow, a 46. 45 on wednesday, 42 on thursday. >> thank you, ginger. we have been promising everyone monday motivation. to get you moving, you may have heard of her, kayla itsines. she's here 0 show us our moves but first a look at how she's using the power of social media to help people around the world. she's a global fitness phenomenon taking the internet by storm creating the world's largest female fitness community. with more than 25 million social media followers she motivates women all over the globe to be stronger, healthier and more confident known for her bbg or bikini body guide and leading those through boot camp around the world she's help women transform their bodies and achieve their best self and now here live to share how you can do it too. [ applause ] all right, everyone please welcome kayla itsines. great to have you. you have a new book called "the bickell body motivation and habits guide." do you have one bit of advice? >> for sure. i think definitely planning, not just setting goals of be stronger but how we get there to turn our goals into habits. >> i got turned on to you a couple of years ago. if you check her out on instagram, the trance for makes are remarkable. one transformation. erika weiss, this was erika weiss before she started using the bbg. everybody, do you want to see erika weiss today. erika, come on out. [ cheers and applause ] oh, my gosh, erika, so great to meet you. want to say hi to kayla itsines. you look fantastic. >> thank you. >> i love the network. such a tight community and it's not about getting skinny but strong and fit and you look strong and fit. what was it about kayla itsines and the bbg that worked for you. >> such a strong community and a program that you can truly do anywhere, use body weight exercises and that's -- ? we can do it in a "gma" studio, everybody so why don't we do that. take us that through a series of three moves. what are we going to do? >> devin and liz will help us do some of the modification that we can do for people who want to do something easier. a jump lunge so keep your feet shoulder length apart so land down with your knee at a 90-degree angle and swap and they'll do something easier. >> i did these last week and i couldn't walk for three days but i got 0 tell you but they tighten, they tighten, lift and tone. >> they're fantastic. the next one people don't like but i love are burpeesome. place our hands on the ground. >> they're awful. jump in, and this is great for your full body working your abs and -- >> the girls are doing a modification for the people at home. this is sort of a modified way of doing the burpee. the next one we can do is fantastic for arms and core. commandos. not all of these are favorites. my signature moves from bbg. >> how many of these are we doing? >> we should do in the program 10 to 12 reps but for the sake of you, paula. >> 10 to 12 burpees and 10 to 12 of these. >> for three rounds. >> so going from up, up to down, down, to down plank. >> good job. >> thank you, i'm dead. kayla's new book is out tomorrow. nice job, ladies. coming up, josh groban is performing live. great job, ladies. nice job. today we're out here to test people's knowledge about type 2 diabetes. so you have type 2 diabetes? yes i do. true or false... type 2 diabetes more than doubles your chance of dying from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or a stroke. that can't be true, can it? actually, it is true. and with heart disease, your risk is even higher. in fact, cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death for adults with type 2 diabetes and heart disease. but there is good news. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease and lower your a1c. that's good to know. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. isn't it time to talk to your doctor about jardiance? absolutely. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. and we are back with josh groban and his whole orchestra. >> they're on my -- >> they follow you. >> they follow me. >> tenth anniversary of your christmas album "noel." you have new songs. >> we recorded four new songs. i can't believe it's ten years ago. it was to have a christmas album that people could take off their shelves every year and we're just so thrilled and thankful to all the fans that helped that happen so, yeah, did a duet with tony bennett and did "happy christmas:war is over" and the song i'll sing today "white christmas." >> you a coffee table book coming out and playing tony danza's son. >> i had to shave my beard off. last time i had a bushy beard and now i'm 15 years ole again, i wish and so, yeah, i'm filming that every day now so it's kind of a combination of the two worlds but having an amazing time and tony is amazing. >> he is a great guy as well. >> how about "white christmas." >> let's do it. >> thanks. [ applause ] ♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas just like the ones i used to know ♪ ♪ where the treetops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow ♪ ♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas with every christmas card i write ♪ ♪ may your days be merry and bright and may all your christmases be white ♪ ♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas just like the ones i used to know ♪ ♪ where the treetops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow ♪ ♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas with every christmas card i write ♪ ♪ may your days be merry and bright and may all your christmases be white ♪ ♪ and may all your christmases may all your christmases be white ♪and may all your christmy all your christmases be white ♪y all your christmases be white ♪ ♪ [ applause ] my wish was a clubhouse, but we call it "the wish house." people visit national parks from all over the world. food tastes better when you don't have to cook it. he was just supposed to be my dog. i don't know why. 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[ cheers and applause ] >> josh groban, thank you very much for coming. >> thanks for having me. such a pleasure. >> the album is called "noel." have a great day, everyone. >> good morning, it is 856, monday, december 18. i'm tamala edwards. let's head over to matt pellman finishing out on the schuylkill expressway. good morning. >> reporter: how about another fender bender on 76 eastbound. not too serious on the eastbound on-ramp to conshohocken going east on the schuylkill expressway all off to the side. it's a half-hour travel time compared to an hour we saw earlier this morning, but double what it should be along the eastbound side of 76. traffic light troubles along the benjamin franklin parkway, 22nd street. traffic is snarled in that area. upper darby township, watching a crash at state road and conquered avenue. a crash on the pennsylvania turnpike approaching willow grove. one lane out. one in chester county near malvern, off to the side, speeds in the 60s. >> let's go outside to david murphy and talk about your monday morning. >> reporter: we have sunshine building across the region, tam. we have hit the 40-degree mark in philadelphia and 37 in allentown. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, a bit milder than over the week. we'll climb to 48, sun and clouds. tomorrow, breezy and beautiful high of 56. back to 45 wednesday and 42 as winter arrives late in the morning on thursday, rain arriving, but not until friday afternoon, tam. >> coming up on "action news" at noon, a pennsylvania state senator facing calls to resign. governor wolf said daylin leach should step down over claims ofd former staffers. we'll have more on the allegations which leach denials coming up on "action news" at noon. time for "live with kelly and ryan." i'll take that. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo. l'eggo my eggo. okay. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, star of the new film "molly's game," jessica chastain. and, 'tis the season for fun with creative gift wrapping tips. and members of the studio audience will take on christmas cash by playing the "live's merry money games." plus, all week long we have celebrity holiday memories. anderson cooper joins kelly at the cohost desk. all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and anderson cooper! [cheers and applause] ♪

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