Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20171027 : compare

Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20171027

traffic. was he inspired by a video game? rescue at sea. two sailors and their dogs finally found after nearly five months surviving major storms and terrifying shark attacks. how a squishing boat and the navy came to their rescue. good morning, america. that song "safe and sound" exactly right for that rescue. so unbelievable. several months lost at sea. >> i can't even imagine that. they looked extremely happy when they were saved by the coast guard but they are safe now but survived some pretty scary situations. two terrifying shark attacks and after that dolphins came by making sure they were okay, it appeared. they said they would do it again. >> the dolphins made it all okay. much more on that coming up. first new details revealed in the top secret jfk files, thousands about the kennedy assassination becoming public but some blocked by president trump for national security reasons. our chief national correspondent tom llamas is at the national archives in washington with all of those details. good morning, tom. >> reporter: amy, good morning to you. this is just a sample of some of those documents. everything from fbi interrogation memos to receipts to the actual cia plans to kill fidel castro with poison pills. there's so much information here and our team spent all night going through those 2,800 documents but as you mentioned some remain secret but still there is so much material in these documents for people who like conspiracy theories to cherry-pick and build their case. this morning, thousands of documents shedding new light on the investigation into the assassination of jfk but also adding to the mystery of what happened in dealey plaza on november 22nd, 1963. the newly released files show an effort by investigators to chase down every lead. this fbi memo from 1964 disputing claims assassin lee harvey oswald was an fbi informant, finding he was never paid money or ever assigned an official symbol number like a code name. . >> there is lee harvey oswald. he's been shot. >> reporter: on the day oswald was shot and killed two days after kennedy this memo from the head of the fbi apparently. j. edgar hoover demanding public doubt be dealt with saying he wants something issued so that we can convince the public that oswald is the real assassin. >> assassins need payroll, schedules, times, orders. this was a military-style ambush from start to finish. this was a coup d'etat with lyndon johnson waiting in the wings. >> reporter: the film "jfk" and its fictional plot to kill kennedy fueling more speculation and in part leading to the assassination records collection act of 1992 which required all federal assassination records be released before today. what experts want to know is if the documents, some still secret, will show oswald was being tracked in mexico city seven weeks before the assassination and mentioned his plan. >> was the middle of the cold war and we could find out if they heard oswald say something that was threatening against the president and if they did what did they do about it. >> reporter: but the biggest secrets remain so far a mystery, the fbi and cia appealing to the white house to not release documents with sensitive information. why? a danger to national security. the cia saying in part, they needed to protect information including the names of current and former cia officers, and specific intelligence methods that remain viable to protecting the nation today. now, as for those secret documents that still remain behind closed doors at the national archives president trump has ordered a review of those to see if at some point in the next 180 days they can be released to the public. amy. >> and, tom, as you mentioned you and your team have been poring over these documents throughout the night. does anything stand out to you? >> reporter: you know, amy, reading through these hundreds of documents, thousand, there is a running theme that investigators really tried to chase down every lead. we saw one memo where the secret service chased down a dollar bill that had a threat written to the president on it in 1964. this was just a random dollar bill that was in circulation and then a memo from 1976 from the cia outlining a new policy that they were no longer going to enter into paid contracts with american clergymen like priests but also, amy, news correspondents. >> oh, that is interesting. tom, george here. another thing, in six months we're likely to see several more thousand documents come out after the review, some will probably be held back but the conspiracy theories will never go away because so many other documents are missing or destroyed. >> reporter: that's so true, george. even with the ones they released, there's so many new nuggets and new names and so much information, now open widely to the public and really it's such an interesting read i invite all of our viewers to logon to the archives website. it is a fascinating read and reads like a spy thriller novel and, again, it was on one of the darkest days in american history, george. >> incredible stuff. >> tom, thank you very much. >> the mystery continues. >> and it will. now to something that is not a mystery, a powerful storm forming off the coast of florida. expected to slam the entire east coast with pounding rain and strong winds over the weekend and ginger is tracking the system and, ginger, we're also going to see the first big snowfall of the season already? >> it's already started, michael. two storms actually combining so we have this group of thunderstorms that's off central america that will combine with what did this inminnesota, blinding snow there, the visibility near zero, more than 8 1/2 inches and even bringing cold enough air to take boulder, colorado, who was in the 70s and 80s, 24, 36 hours ago into snow so the cold air certainly is present but that's going to come together with this low and by saturday, south florida could see 2 to 4 inches of rain as it moves up the coast, heavy rains from new york up through new england, a lot of these places need the heavy rain but not up to 6 inches falling very quickly, western connecticut into massachusetts and finally not just that but monday morning flight delays possible thanks to huge wind gusts on the back end of this system, everybody. >> all right. i smell a movie weekend. >> you're actually saying that and i'm looking and everybody is sitting there like this. >> hunker down. the white house and president trump is taking on the opioid crisis invoking his own family's history with addiction. >> i had a brother, best-looking guy, best personality, much better than mine, but he had a problem. he had a problem with alcohol and he would tell me, don't drink. don't drink. he would say it over and over and over again. and to this day i've never had a drink. >> nour according to the cdc 91 deaths a day from overdoses and 21% who are prescribed them misuse them and the economic burden is $78.5 billion. jon karl, they're calling it a public health emergency facing criticism for not declaring the more sweeping national emergency he promised. >> reporter: he is but this is a significant move, one that public health experts say can make a difference. it does allow for the reallocation of some federal funds towards treatment and prevention. it it also makes it easier to obtain anti-addiction medication and the president is promising to stem the flow of illegal fentanyl from china. this is something that he says that he will raise when he visits beijing, raise it with the chinese in november. the big question, though, is will the president ask for -- ask congress for more funds to deal with all this. i expect that he will but there is no indication of how much. >> yeah, he's already facing criticism over that because his current budgets cut funding for places like the national institute of health which fund opioid research and prevention programs. >> reporter: not to mention the changes he wanted in medicaid and he's faced some criticism from some of his allies during the campaign because he did make this a big issue in the campaign. >> meantime, yesterday the house passed that budget which sets the framework for those big tax cuts that the president is promising. a lot of indications now that the republican leadership in the white house pushed very hard to get this done as quickly as possible. even though most members of congress, most of the public don't know the details of the plan yet. >> reporter: well, because the plan hasn't been released and they're talking about getting it done by thanksgiving. george, in the past major tax bills have taken many month, if not years to get done, this would be record time. one republican said speed kills. in other words, by doing this fast they hope to kill any opposition to the plan? jon karl, thanks very much. in the wake of the harvey weinstein scandal stories of sexual harassment and assault have spread from corporate world and journalism. a third woman came forward with groping allegations against former president george h.w. bush. he's now apologized and mark halperin is facing new public accusers and fallout. abc's linsey davis is here with the latest. >> reporter: a one-two punch for halperin. the book he was working on about the 2016 election, canceled. and not only the book publisher but hbo is pulling the plug on a project they were planning with him. msnbc is announcing mark halperin will no longer be appearing on the network after at least five women have come forward alleging sexual harassment when the "game change" author was political director at abc news in the late '90s, the women all in their 20s shared stories of halperin propositioning them for sex, making unwanted sexual demands and pressing himself against them. more are coming forward saying they knew about it or experienced it about it themselves. diana goldberg told "the washington post" she reached out to halperin for help with a story but says he would only help her if she sat on his lap. abc news says mark left abc news over a decade ago and no complaints were filed during his tenure. but the women say his high position at the network stopped them from coming forward. cnn senior correspondent clarissa ward called his behavior an open secret. when she was an international reporter at the network from 2007 to 2010 and tweeted out as if most of us at that age aren't just trying to be seen as competent equals with a bright future ahead and not a potential hr headache. let's be very clear. the one responsible for any sexual misconduct that may have taken place is the man who instigated it. halperin put out a statement saying he did pursue relationships with women during his time at abc news and says i now understand from these accounts that my behavior was inappropriate and caused others pain. for that i am deeply sorry and i apologize and, amy, he says he's taking a step many back from his day-to-day operations and will focus on this situation. >> thanks so much. now to a close call in the sky overnight a delta flight from atlanta tom amsterdam forced to make an emergency landing and abc's eva pilgrim has more on that story. eva, there were pretty chilling words from the pilot. >> reporter: yeah, we lost an engine. that's the last thing you want to hear when you are flying over the ocean but that's exactly what happened to delta flight 70 from atlanta to amsterdam. take a listen. >> delta 7-0, roger, and we just lost the engine. >> you in full control of your aircraft. >> yes, sir, we're just dealing with the engine failure. >> reporter: the airbus 330 was more than halfway, about 4 1/2 hours into the 8-hour flight crossing the atlantic when it was forced to turn around and make the two-hour trek to make an emergency landing in newfoundland, canada, the plane landing safely and delta saying overnight it wasn't engine failure but experienced an engine performance issue. the passengers we spoke to from last night's flight telling us we were glad to make it to the ground. they are waking up still in that plane on the tarmac. they have been in that plane since 3:30 yesterday afternoon. they tell us that their new plane has landed. it is parked behind them but no word at this hour when they will be en route to amsterdam. guys. >> all right, eva, thanks so much. i'm sure they're happy to be on terra firma. how calm that pilot sounded. knew to the day apple fans have been waiting for. you can preorder the iphone x. the most advanced phone and it comes at a high price starting at under a thousand dollars and rebecca jarvis has everything we need to know. hey, rebecca, i've been waiting for this myself. >> a lot have. so it went smoothly overnight when the preorders started at 3:00 a.m. our producer was able to go on the website at 3:15 and purchase one of these iphone examines. if you go on the website now it will take at least five to six weeks before you can get that phone and, michael, we've been talking about this. one of the issues here is the fact that it looks like demand is probably going to exceed supply on this one. >> oh, really. what happen when the sales open -- >> uh-oh because i didn't order mine. the response was immediate. tons of people on the website just wanting this phone so a lot of people worried it was so expensive. >> yes, there were those concerns initially but what it looks like now apple produced about 3 million of these phones but to put that in perspective versus the iphone 6 at launch, that sold 13 million versions of that phone in the very first weekend so analysts are saying maybe we don't have enough of these phones to meet the demand, of course, this is a highly elevated phone. apple calls it revolutionary because of the facial recognition and open it with your face and have the animojis and new home button and upgraded cameras everyone is talking about. >> they're banking on this. >> that would be a huge difference. >> huge difference. revolutionary. so different than any other phone they've created. >> i tell you what, i'll let you know, george, because i'm going to get mine and order. >> calling apple. >> thank you, rebecca. we move on to the crazy car chase. a 10-year-old took his car on a joyride drawing police at 100 miles an hour and gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: we're talking about a car chase across two counties for 50 miles and as you're about to see and hear police could not believe who they found behind that wheel. >> you're going in a ditch. going off road. >> reporter: this isn't any ordinary police chase. listen. >> he stole his parent's car. >> and he's 10. >> he is 10. >> i got a good look at him. he is 10. >> reporter: that's right, a 10-year-old leading ohio police on a 50-mile chase. >> my 10-year-old stole his dad's car and i'm following him and he's running from me. >> reporter: one witness capturing the moment the car crosses over the highway median right into oncoming traffic. >> running. >> reporter: it growing more dangerous once he hits the ohio turnpike reaching speeds of 100 miles per hour. state troopers jumping in. >> if i hasn't yielded to him he would have hit me right there at the roadblock report trying to stop him without force. >> the motion for him to pull over and he shook his head no and continued driving. >> reporter: do not let him get by you. >> reporter: the chase moving off the pavement and expertly maneuvering and even driving in a ditch trying to avoid spike strips police laid down hoping to stop him. >> we're not going to let him get back on the highway. >> finally coming to a stop after knocking down that road sign, the car blocked between two patrol cars. >> roll down the window. >> break the window, break the window. >> roll down. roll down. get out of the car. >> reporter: overnight the boy's father speaking out. >> i told him he could have hurt somebody or himself or could have been killed. >> reporter: yeah, believe it or not this isn't the first time the 10-year-old went on a joyride. earlier this month he took his mother's car for a spin and the family told our cleveland affiliate they think he got the idea of reckless driving from playing video games. >> they've got to lock these cars up. >> oh, yeah. >> that is something. >> thank you. we head back to ginger with more on those fires out in california. >> yes, so this fire is actually about an hour, hour and a half north and east of san diego. it's at cleveland national acres burning it's warm and dry out there, but fortunately we have a little bit of moisture at the beaches and slightly cooler than earlier this week. we have a cool down coming. local weather in 30 seconds. first the weekend getaways brought to you by walgreens. >> reporter: hey everyone, we are dry on storm tracker 6 live double scan. as we look outside lots of sun coming up over the horizon, there's our temple university camera looking south on broad street toward city hall. it's chilly, suburbs in the mid to upper 30s. not much wind, but cool to start out. this afternoon milder than yesterday, high of 65. lots of sun. tomorrow, warm, 72. and raving in the morning on sunday, continuing heavy at times through the day. >> that's what i was showing you. that's the type of cold air that will reach arkansas, louisiana. it is getting chilly, y'all. >> it is late october. >> thank you, ginger. coming up newly released video and clues in that hunt for a serial killer terrorizing a tampa neighborhood. the police chief now talking about a cell phone. and as the fallout from the harvey weinstein grow, hundreds of accusations against another director, selma blair and rachel mcadams both sharing their stories. w they weren't perfect, but, ugh. oh well, all hope is lost! oh thanks! clearly my whitening toothpaste is not cutting it. time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. they 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accident of the morning involving a school bus. >> up next, the accuweather forecast with david murphy after the break. >> reporter: lots of sunshine building across the region, but it's chilly start, 44 in philadelphia. 38 in trenton and 39 in allentown. mid 30s in spots. this afternoon we get milder than yesterday. lots of sun and not as windy, pleasant high of 65. tomorrow, cool to start out, 72 in the afternoon. rainrain arrives sunday morning continuing on and off in the morning and evening. hopefully the heaviest stuff is done in time for the eagles game. windy and cooler on monday, 58 degrees. rain in the morning ends quickly. a new jersey man becomes the prisoner of his own phone getting wrong number calls all day long. nydia han troubles shoots at two army commendation medals... an army achievement medal... impressive. don't spare me the details, i can take anything but quiet. you are my hammer. don't let these guys see you fold. my boy here did his job, now do yours. i'm 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time. right,000s of top secret documents released including fbi memos, some espionage plans are raising questions about lee harvey oswald and several thousand more expected to be released in the coming months. defense secretary james mattis visited the demilitarized zone over north korea's intentions over its nuclear program. also this morning, tiger woods expected to plead in court and will enter a diversion program after he was found asleep behind the wheel in may. now we'll get to new clues in the search for a suspected serial killer in tampa. police pored over new surveillance video of a persond. good morning, issmall. at one point that person of interest takes his phone, kind of flips it up in the air and hoping that gesture might help somebody recognize him.f intere seen running from the scene of benjamin mitchell's october 9th murder seconds after he was killed. >> i've come up with four reasons why this person is running. one, they maybe be late for dinner, two, out exercising. three, they heard gunshots and, number four, they just murdered benjamin mitchell. >> reporter: police also releasing a longer enhanced video they believe shows the same person earlier that night strolling casually toward the crime scene flipping a cell phone in their hand police hoping someone recognizes what they believe could be a significant clue. >> the reason i focus in on the flip because i have tried to do that myself several times and have dropped my phone. >> reporter: mitchell killed near his moment, monica hoffa and anthony naiboa also shot and killed over the next ten days this. is the spot where benjamin mitchell was gunned down. that new surveillance video came from all over this area and police say they have a lot more to go through. all three murders occurring within a half a mile now believed to be connected. the work of a possible serial killer. >> i have never been scared in this neighborhood. i just want this person caught. >> reporter: the community on edge. police patrolling around the clock to find the person responsible. the mayor with direct orders for police. >> bring his head to me. >> reporter: the mayor not mincing words. he and the chief saying they'll stay in the seminole heights neighborhood until he is caught and they've added $10,000 to the reward for any information that leads to an arrest now standing at $35,000. amy. >> all right, victor. let's bring in lenny depaul, former chief inspector with the u.s. marshal service. one continuing clue is we're hearing about that cell phone. talk about how that could help police. >> that's huge, amy. you have this person of interest, he's walking down the street, very focused, he's not looking in cars. not looking in homes. he appears to pull this device out of his pocket which looks like a cell phone. can you see him here, i mean, he appears to be navigating somewhat with his thumb that tells me in law enforcement that that phone is fired up and i don't -- i like to talk about our trade craft and teach it and don't want to give away too many secrets but it's registering on a tower so law enforcement will look at that and pull the data, filter through what they get from the data they receive from these company, hopefully zone in and see who that phone is actually subscribed to in they can get that specific to find out where that phone is and who it belongs to. >> they can do a lot with that stuff and that's what they need to do. identify somebody. right now they're chasing a ghost. >> speaking about identifying him, the clothing that that suspect is wearing is also an important clue. >> it's a home run. i mean you've got video. thank god these resident, they've got their videos rolling and four or five good shots of this person. don't know if it's a male or female but one video is in color so he's wearing white pants. you can see him here wearing white pants and a hoodie on, it was 91 degrees in central florida that night. you don't have to hit me with a ton of bricks. he's either, a, an eyewitness or the shooter. >> let's hope all these clues in that video will lead to an arrest. lenny, thanks so much. thank you. more bombshell accusations about hollywood director james toback. rachel mcadams and selma blair coming forward. selma saying she feared for her life. start the interview with a firm handshake. ay,no! don't do that! try head & shoulders instant relief. it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100% flake free. try head & shoulders instant relief. for cooling relief in a snap. when heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. an epic flavor... it's cranberry. it's pineapple. and there's no. sugar. added. cranberry pineapple 100% juice. the next big thing to hit the juice aisle. cranberry pineapple 100% juice. by listening to an thiaudiobook on audible.ame and this guy is just trying to get through the day. this guy feels like he can 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got toback'd and now rachel mcadams and selma blair saying they were sexually assaulted or harassed by the director. >> reporter: two of the hottest actresses are now speaking out about james toback to "vanity fair." >> are you for real? >> reporter: in 1999 selma blair had already filmed "cruel intentions" when james toback called her to read a role in "harvard man" and tells "vanity fair" she wanted it to be a restaurant but toback insisted he would not see her unless she came to his totality room. when she reluctantly went up to meet him he said you could be an incredible actress just by your eyes but i can tell you don't have the confidence. she says the director demanded she read the lines naked. blair said she responded why would my character need to be naked? she is a lawyer in a courtroom. toback reportedly replied, because i need to see how your body moves. this did where i start training you. blair says when she took off her sweater he commented on her body calling it eastern european. then said, wow, you need a lot of work. she says he then laid her on the bed and grabbed her face and said i have to rub your leg. you cannot leave until i have a release. she shared it with herb boyfriend and manager only and said his last words ring in her ears. there is a girl who went against me, i have people who will kidnap her and throw her in the river. you understand, right. rachel mcadams was a 21-year-old theater student when toback invited her to audition for "hafrt man." he asked how far are you willing to go as an actress and demanded to see her naked. she excused herself and told her agent who said he had done this to one of his other actresses. toback has not responded to our requests for comment but after the initial "l.a. times" investigation he denied the charges saying he had never met any of the 38 women that came forward and added if he had met them he didn't remember and also said for the last 22 years it would have been biologically impossible to -- for him to perform this behavior because of a medical condition. >> wow. still some jaw-dropping accusations there, linsey, thank you very much. this new fallout following the harvey weinstein scandal. this morning we are learning weinstein is now suing his own former company and our chief legal analyst dan abrams is here with those details. harvey weinstein suing to gain access to e-mails he sent and received but what -- is it a valid argument to say he wants his own e-mails back. >> i'm sitting here with my jaw dropped after listingen to that piece on toback. those details, i can't even focus on the harvey weinstein for a moment. getting back to the legal issue, harvey weinstein is suing his own company saying i want the personnel file on me. i want my old e-mails. now, people forget when you send e-mails from your company e-mail, even when you're one of the owners of the company, the company owns those e-mails. so he's now saying, how can i defend myself in any of these lawsuits? how can i help defend the company if i can't see potentially exculpatory e-mails that could help and the company's response is, at least from the company's perspective no thank you. we don't want your help in defending these cases. it's not going to be easy. in particular because one of the argument he's making is i want my personnel file so i can sue you. and the company's perspective is, of course, that's not going to happen. now if there are lawsuits and specific lawsuits, he may be able to request and get in the context of discovery particular e-mails, he may be able to get specifics from his personnel file, but right now, he's just asking for access to everything which i think is very unlikely. >> can you explain just so people can understand that weinstein doesn't own his own e-mails even though he was an owner in the company. >> that's right. because again he still has an employment contract even as one of the people who run the company and has a fiduciary obligation to the board and to the investors and to all those other people. and as a result, he can't just take the e-mails with him. now, if he had been smart and i would recommend this by the way to anyone putting aside sexual harassment if you work at a company any e-mails you send belong to the company. use your personal e-mail. this isn't intended to give harvey weinstein advice. this is for everybody else. in terms of using your personal e-mail because if you leave a company, the company gets to keep all of those e-mails that you sent and received on your company e-mail. and that's what's happened here to harvey weinstein and apparently he says, all of the e-mails that he sent, all were from the company e-mail account so there is a ton of information on those e-mails. >> we're seeing here the weinstein company facing such huge legal fallout whether it's even going to stay in this. we're seeing it across the board right now as you see companies cut ties with anyone accused of sexual harassment. they're trying to avoid any kind of legal action. >> look, their position is, we fired you. you don't now have a result to get access to this information. but no question, you're seeing companies cut ties and i will tell you something, we're going to see more heads roll in the next, i would say, two to three months. there are going to be other big name people in media and entertainment who are going to come down as a result of these kinds of investigations. >> wow. >> absolutely true. all right. dan, thank you. coming up, inside that dramatic rescue and two dogs lost at sea for months and battled massive storms and sharks. we'll hear how they survived and were finally rescued. people are fighting type 2 diabetes... with fitness... food... and the pill that starts with f. farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. lowering a1c by up to 1.2 points. do not take if allergic to farxiga. if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic 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[ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. back now with that dramatic rescue at sea. two boaters and their dogs lost for nearly five months then finally saved when i the navy. the whole rescue captured on camera and diane macedo here with the story. happy ending to this story. >> thank god. these women and their dog set sail in the spring, keep in mind and left honolulu headed for tahiti but anythings got off to a rough start on day one when one of them dropped her phone overboard and then it got a lot worse. pure joy, two boaters and their dogs rescued after months at sea. >> thank god we've been rescued. i had tears in my eyes as i say this. it was incredibly emotional. >> reporter: jennifer appel and tasha fuiava were stranded and then the sail snapped off. they had to battle three massive storms and two shark attacks. >> we survived two different shark attacks and at both of them we actually thought it was lights out and they were horrific. >> reporter: the women say for weeks every distress call went without a response and then their prayers were finally answered. a fishing boat heard their call and 900 miles off the coast of japan the "uss ashland" came to their rescue. and the boaters will stay on that navy ship until its next port of call. they hope to be reunited with their boat because even after all that they say they still want to sail it back to hawaii. >> the same boat. >> i'm guessing the dogs will have a different set of plans. >> happy to be rescued. >> keep in mind they talk about the shark attack. seven tiger sharks were slapping their tails against the boat. that's one of the most aggressive sharks you can face in the ocean and still want to go back out there. >> you drop your phone in the water. >> they had a year's worth of food. >> they were prepared for a lot longer, at least ha. >> how massive the ocean is. >> they floated around quite a while thousands of miles off course from where they get a x >> thank you, diane. coming up what happens when teens unplug from social media for a whole week going offline and experiencing real life. we have the big experiment just ahead. creative hacks to take care... ...of our jeans. it got weird. ahhh! i'm just airing them out! luckily we discovered tide pods plus downy. so our jeans stay in great shape. and they actually get clean. what? we can wash 'em. tide pods plus downy. super concentrated to clean, condition and keep your favorites looking great. it's got to be tide. ladies, we don't need all this to talk about lbl. i mean, who leaks a little when they laugh? for women with light to heavy leaks, poise absorbs two times faster than always discreet. poise makes my life easier. (sound of confetti cannon) seize your poise moment at wnot thinking clearly, so theye (sound of confetti cannon) called the fire department for us our first truck was on the scene within five minutes. i am grateful we all made it out safely. to protect what you love, call 1-800-adt-cares introducing new dunkin' donuts cold brew coffee packs. it's delicious craft coffee, as easy as 1-2-3. ♪ and it's now available where you buy groceries. ♪ how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. freeze warnings stretch as far south as san angelo, texas. look how far up into illinois the frost advisory, freeze watches that go to mississippi so nobody is getting away from this cold front. it is going to dip to close to records in houston. "good morning america" is brought to you by prudential. >> good morning, i'm matt o'donnell, 7:56 a.m., friday, october 27. we have a jam up on the boulevard, here's karen rogers. >> reporter: we do, matt, we have police and emergency workers, fire crews pulled up blocking the left lane on the boulevard southbound at fox street. traffic is jammed. one of the vehicles is facing sideways, so a mess on the boulevard southbound. police and fire crews on the scene here. we have a couple of accidents involving a school bus one at 61st and passyunk avenue. chopper 6 hd was overhead. the accident involving the school bus, no children on the bus and the parked tractor-trailer, the drivers of both were taken to the hospital. chopper 6 hd in southwest philadelphia looking overhead. vine street expressway, we noticed a jam westbound easing up as you head toward the schuylkill expressway. matt. >> thank you karen. taking live look outside, a beautiful sky without a single cloud. here's meteorologist david murphy. >> reporter: a pretty morning, but it's pretty chilly, matt take a look. 45 degrees in philadelphia. some of the suburbs down right cold. 39 in allentown. this afternoon, less wind and high of 65. tomorrow great in the afternoon. 72. rain arrives sunday morning, heavy at times, and probably continues on and off through the day, it might lighten up a little bit in the afternoon. which will be better for eagles fans. i think it will have a shot at being a damp day, windy and cool, high of 66. windy and cooler, monday, 58. matt. >> a seven mile route between third and chestnut streets in old city and 5th and indiana avenue in fairhill will be shut down for philly free streets day. cars in the no stopping spots will be towed. help two pigs who were lost in montgomery county find will rightful owners. the story of the video on the pigs at specialist in as little as 24 hours. you'll meet with a physician who will discuss treatment options, answer your questions and recommend next steps for your personalized care plan. learn more about cancer treatment centers of america and schedule your appointment at a bridge shut down over politics. their biggest triumph was a traffic jam. chris christie and kim guadagno's failures shortchanged our future. after 8 years- incomes are down, costs are up and our economy is crawling. we are better than this. i'm phil murphy together we'll build a stronger, fairer economy that works for every new jersey family. christie and guadagno left new jersey stuck. i'm serious about moving new jersey forward. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. breaking overnight thousands of top secret documents about the assassination of president kennedy released. what do they reveal about his killer and that day in dallas and the national security concerns now about the files president trump won't release. fighting back. so many women with powerful stories about harassment in the workplace from ashley judd speaking to diane sawyer to rachel mcadams and selma blair with startling new accounts. now women across the country sending us their stories. what happened to them, how they fought back and what every woman should know about harassment and the workplace. gretchen carlson's lawyer here live. could your teenager go without their phone for a whole week? the social experiment when this group of kids all went phone-free for a whole week. their video diaries. >> i had one of those notes where i'm just like i need my phone so i constructed myself this. it's my fake phone. >> what the results revealed about their lives and engaging with their families and how they think about their phones now. ♪ middle of the night taylor swift goes sci-fi overnight. her blockbuster video with secrets hidden in the tape. we're ready for it as we say good morning, america. ♪ middle of the night >> good morning, america. we hope your friday is off to a good start. >> so far so good and everybody get ready because this morning, we're getting millionaire secrets to success. "shark tank's" mark cuban is here. >> all right, and then guest "shark" sara blakely also here. you might remember her from founding spanx and she says it's about embarrassing yourself. do it often. >> that's it? >> yeah. >> embarrass myself and become a billionaire. i'm in. i just did it. >> plenty of opportunities here. >> sitting right here, believe me. so we have a lot more coming up and begin with that breaking story overnight, nearly 3,000 documents about the assassination of president kennedy have been made public. many more to come. our chief national correspondent tom llamas at the national archives with more. good morning, tom. >> reporter: george, good morning again. as you just mentioned about 2,800 documents released overnight. but some still deemed too sensitive to put out in the public. much of this material fbi and cia memos that we pored through overnight and a lot of the material centers around lee harvey oswald. hlo for short in a lot of these memos is how he's identified and when you look lew them you see what the fbi was trying to do chasing down one lead, chasing the allegation that oswald was an fbi informant. they deemed that not credible and another apparent memo from j. edgar hoover leading the agency shows he was outraged oswald was shot because it would create doubt and feed conspiracy theories. now, they also showed the lengths that the cia went to overthrow some governments and world leaders. i read one document that showed the cia wanted to work with the mafia to kill fidel castro and they had a plan to put poison pills inside one of his drinks. now, this morning, president trump is sweeting about these jfk files. president trump tweeting, jfk files are being carefully released. in the end there will be great transparency. it is my hope to get just about everything public. now, what he's talking about there the secret files that weren't released. mostly from the cia and the fbi and yesterday those agencies appealed to the white house saying some of the documents could put certain members of the intelligence community abroad in risk for their life so they want to wait to release those documents. that's pretty remarkable considering that this happened nearly 54 years ago. >> also interesting to see six months from now whether all of those documents are, indeed, released. >> reporter: yes, george, i'm sorry. a bus was passing by if you could ask that question again. >> i was just saying, in six months from now we're not even sure how many of those documents are actually going to be released. >> reporter: that's right because if some of these so-called spies are still out there actively working the intelligence community, there's no way the cia will ever release those documents if it's going to put those spies' lives at risk. >> okay, tom, thanks very much. we turn to a terrifying moment all caught on camera. video of a car driving into a group of protesters in bring ya, california. at first the 56-year-old driver honking his horn repeatedly at those marching for immigration rights but then he quickly accelerates through that crowd. a protester even jumps on the hood of the car. luckily police quickly rushed to that scene stopping the vehicle in its tracks and arresting the driver who has since been released pepping a further investigation. >> boy, that could have been a totally different ending. a major storm developing on the east coast from florida to new england. on alert for heavy wind and rain and ginger has been tracking it all. >> hey, michael. two storms combine. that's what's going to happen this weekend. the national hurricane center just put out a new percentage, 60% shot this area of thunderstorms near central america will become a tropical depression or storm no matter what it becomes, it will drop a lot of rain to the cayman aisles and jamaica and saturday south florida and then give a lot of rain for coastal, mid-atlantic and into new england. timingwise it's sunday night for the heavy rain, 4 to even 6 inches depending on where that low sets up and squeezes with the cold front and i can promise you a windy monday morning. if you have flights planned, new york city, look at hartford, near 70-mile-per-hour gusts, guys. >> all right, ginger, thanks so much. thanks for the warning. out of some major news trending just in time for halloween. get ready to return to the upside down world because "stranger things" is back. the highly anticipated season two finally released on netflix overnight. the cast of kids turning out in style for the big premiere last night. there they are and netflix tweeting about the big event all day. take a look at this one. i ain't fraid of no cliffhanger. we can't wait to hang out with the cast on "gma" next week. i love the show it's like steven king meets steven spielberg and my kids can watch too. >> which is why it got that major news. >> did you hear the enthusiasm in my voice. >> good binge weather watching. in the wake of that powerful ashley judd interview, so many of you sharing your stories about the sexual harassment you faced and we'll talk about what to do if it happens to you. and what happens when teens go phone-free for a week? try it in my house. the big experiment next. we're jumping into the "shark tank" getting millionaire secrets to success. mark cuban, sara blakely right there and they'll be here, of course, live with us. from the moment you met you wanted to surround them in comfort and protection that's why pampers swaddlers is the #1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness so all they feel is love pampers swaddlers nahelps protect eyesin blue from damaging blue light, filtering it out to help you continue enjoying your screens. or... you could just put your phones down and talk to each other. 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(laughing) ♪ while other insurance companies just see a house, state farm sees the home you've worked really hard for. so why not give it the protection it deserves. state farm. ♪ ♪ welcome to my house ♪ take control now welcome back to "gma." welcome to everybody here this friday morning. you guys are excited to be here this morning. aren't you? [ cheers and applause ] >> i think they were getting cues to keep it down. >> yeah, they're only excited if tom tells them they can be excited. well, we're excited only four days away from halloween as you know, we always go pretty big here. who is that, lara? oh, wow. >> oh, the hulk. some of the greater ones there and -- [ laughter ] >> that was one of my favorites. >> that was one of my favorites right there. >> taylor swift. yeah, you didn't even recognize me, right? [ cheers and applause ] >> i did. that was good. >> so tune in on tuesday and diane macedo is here with "pop news." >> time for "pop news." you were talking about taylor swift so are you ready for it? is the question because fans are. she released her new music video for the video "ready for it?" and this is the second single off "reputation" and the video has only been out a few hours but already racking up millions of views and some fan theories so many think the overarching theme seems to be taylor swift versus the media's portrayal of her many as if she's trapped with her life on display and freaking free. the snake imagery is back and one scene you can see a sign for the chinese year of the snake which happens to be taylor's birth year 1999 and another scene that appears to be a shoutout to her boyfriend joe alwin. her birth year right next t to '91, theyear alwin -- >> that's the year i graduated from high school. >> luckily for you i was out of high school for awhile. [ applause ] >> i was so far beyond all that i'm not -- keep going. >> i'm not going to say where i was in this. but i will say this, lucky for all of us the album is out on november 10th so we'll get to hear it all. also lucky for us, "bad moms christmas" is almost here, mila kunis and kristen bell -- yeah, we can get a thumbs up for that. something else to get excited about. it turns out the ladies aren't just friends on screen. check out this photo belle posted with mila kunis shows off their friendship haircuts. here's the thing, ladies. we all know that our haircuts are serious business, so only a true friend is going to go out with you and getting a matching bob. "bad moms christmas" hits theaters november 1st. >> the first one was such a surprise hit for me and really loved it. >> such a different take on motherhood. >> that's the real take -- >> they let their hair down, having a good imtoo. now we can look forward to the next one too. for the next story i want to remind everybody i'm just the messenger here because thursday in "pop news" we reported on the worldwide wine shortage. now i have some more bad news. france is on the verge of a major croissant crisis. >> no! >> yes. the country is dealing with a major butter shortage and bakers now say they can't get enough to make their usual batch of croissants. what's worst christmas season in france is all about cakes which means they might have to make fewer of those or, gasp, bake without butter. >> fewer cows. fewer -- >> there's actually a reduction in milk right now and so they have a shortage in butter. it's all a domino effect. guess who doesn't have a shortage of butter. we do not have a shortage of butter. [ applause ] >> for all of you. >> i got to say i love how our audience poor france but inside they're like, we got butter? we got butter. i said i was the messenger bringing croissants. >> happy friday, diane. >> thanks so much. [ applause ] we turn to the movement growing and we've all been talking about it to stop sexual harassment. we saw diane sawyer's powerful interview with ashley judd and now the floodgates are open. so many women coming forward sharing powerful stories about what they have personally faced and "nightline's" juju chang is here with more on that. good morning, juju. >> reporter: good morning, guys. we hear it over and over again, it's one word, courage. so many others are now saying because of ashley judd's bravery, it's triggered soul searching, inspiring people to come forward and help break the culture of violence. this her eye-opening sit-down ashley judd sharing her personal account of the alleged harassment she says she faced with hollywood superproducer harvey weinstein. >> if i could go back retrospectively i don't know that i would have been believed and who was i to tell? >> reporter: her voice, now echoing women around the world. still trying to gain their own voice and the courage to speak out. we played for her some of their stories. >> sitting inside my car outside a job i've had for years now. and this is the part where i have to psych myself up and say, it's going to be okay. i know he's in there because he's always in there. this guy controls my schedule. i don't make any money i don't feed my kids and i can't say anything because i need this job. he's just going to push and push and push and push trying to find where my breaking point is and the terrifying part is that i don't to where that is. so what do i do? >> i just want to hug her. >> i don't know how we fix this. >> reporter: we received even more stories like hers from women across the country. >> i was told that if i didn't sleep with him, i would be fired. >> we're slow tonight, baby, go in my office and take your clothes off. >> reporter: their voices creating a domino effect of strength and empowerment as more women began to share their accounts. i had an old boss that wanted nudes just to give me a reference one woman posted on facebook. another telling us, i was afraid to report it. when i decided to bring it up, i was not taken seriously. and we began to hear more from those who say they took action. despite their fears. i turned around, slapped him across the face, threw my apron at him and walked out. and on instagram, one woman telling us, i dodged him and told him to never try anything again or i'd tell his wife and own the company. another adding, i spoke up for myself and reported it. so many stories pouring in. harvey weinstein says he never retaliated against anyone and he denies all allegations of nonconsensual sex but ashley judd's story is still resonating with so many this story reminding us powerfully it's not just a problem in hollywood. george and amy. >> thanks so much. we have nancy erica smith, and carolyn heldman and nancy, you represented fox news former anchor gretchen carlson in her suit against roger ailes. what should every woman know when she is facing this sort of situation, what she can do? what should she do? >> the first thing every woman should do is find out what law applies to her because the laws vary in every state and city so finding out what the law is is the most important thing. getting legal advice, really, is essential because you can't necessarily go right to hr and think they're going to be your friend. you have to know your rights first. >> that is so important because they tell you to do that and yet hr works for the company. >> exactly and you can make mistakes in hr. they can suck you into not feeling safe and minimizing what happened and then they make a record of it and you're subject to retaliation. all of a sudden you're a bad employee. >> if a woman goes to the lawyer it is not necessarily going to cost her any upfront money. >> it's important to know lawyers who specialize in this area, most of them work on a contingency basis and only get paid if you are successful. if you have a settlement or a successful verdict. >> an important point. caroline, you've spoken out. what are the biggest challenges women face coming forward. >> there are a lot of reasons to come forward, right. you can stop the behavior. you can help other women. you can raise awareness of the issue but it often comes at a high personal cost and for the one in three that experience sexual harassment in the workplace, almost all of them are retaliated against so we know that when you file a complaint about 75% face some form of retall indication. >> what do you do if a co-worker comes to you and says i don't know what to do. i'm worried about the retaliation. i'm not sure exactly what happened but it felt wrong. what do you say to them. >> well, if i'm a co-worker and my person in the next cubicle over has been sexually harassed the first thing you need to do is a i believe you. the second thing, it's tet your fault. we live in a culture where we put these people on trial. weird crimes in that way and offer support because oftentimes it causes trauma and so you're in this situation where you might not be able to access the resources you need and you probably need some counseling, you certainly need support in the workplace. and you probably need legal counseling. >> excuse me. i've been so stunned by these stories you say women went through it and just didn't feel safe enough to go report. >> well, for good reason because very frequently women who complain are shut up and retaliated against and it's the silence that allows this to happen. it's the forced arbitration, it's the nondisclosure agreements, every woman thinks she's alone and none of us are alone. we've all been victimized. >> we were just talking. men seem to be shocked by all of these allegations yet all of us women are not at all. it's a very different situation and we've been suffering in silence together, but getting legal advice is the key when you first have this happen. >> absolutely. >> all right, thank you so much. >> thanks so much. let's go to ginger. >> and it is time now for your "gma" moment. it is time for a little smile. this time of year, this time of the year it's widely accepted to dress up your babies, by babies i mean your pets. just like tyler in pensacola, florida. so perfect. we have so many to share. kimberly was the owner there. mahi and barny in philadelphia. we got so many great ones, i can't pick them. send your "g.m.a." moment that makes you laugh out loud and smile and post-it on my facebook. >> reporter: way to go from suzanne smith from philadelphia. that was a cool picture. storm tracker 6 live double scan we're dry as you look live on sky 6. the suburbs are climbing out of the 30s, chilly this morning. this afternoon will be better than yesterday. lots of sun, high of 65 not as windy. saturday, chilly to start out, warm in the afternoon. 72. rain arrives on sunday heavy at times in the morning and lingering through the afternoon. giving up social media, on line games and going offline for an entire week. linzie janis is here with the very brave tests and the results. good morning. >> i'm really glad i wasn't living with one of these teens forced to give up their phone. this was conducted about i a parenting website designed to monitor how these kids were feeling every step of the way during their digital detox. many revealing how attached they are to their phones. >> i think like 90% of my friendships rely on my phone. >> i use my phone as a lot as a stress relief. >> he will we'll ask each of you to give up all the fun stuff on your phone for one whole week. >> i'm crying. >> i don't like it. >> she knows media challenged ten new york city teens to disconnect digitally for seven days. no social media, no streaming videos and no texting. >> your parents have all signed off on this. how does that make you feel now? >> betrayed. >> stressed. >> nervous. >> when you talk about withdrawal you look at various levels of it so i think at one end of the spectrum the kids who are very used to it were a little anxious, a little twitchy and then at the end other end is if you take it away completely, does it make somebody physically anxious? do you see them sweating, that their heart rate is raised. >> reporter: they reported on their progress. >> i had one of those nights where i'm like i need my phone. i need it. i need it. i need it. so i constructed myself this. it's my fake phone. >> it's actually much nicer because when we're hanging out we're not on our phones as much. >> reporter: at the end of the seven days, the moment of truth. >> i slipped up one time i think and it was texting my sister. >> friday i sent a video to my friend on snapchat and i was like, oh, shoot and she replied and i didn't check in. >> how did it make you feel. >> refreshed. >> relieved. >> calm. >> good. >> just doing this digital detox is showing me how much i use social media and i haven't really thought about how much i use it until i don't have it anymore. >> reporter: henry confessing he felt stressed because his phone helps him unwind. >> this week henry did slip up. >> i logged into my youtube. >> i would by no means call it a fail. it was a challenge and a challenge is not supposed to be easy. >> reporter: jojo found herselves doing things she once loved to do. >> she wasn't distracted. she listened to music. spent more time with us. i loved it. >> reporter: the amount of screen time matters, this expert says, but even more important are the activities kids engage in and how it impacts their mood. >> if you watch your kids and talk to them and slow it down, and understand what they're using it for, then it can be perfectly healthy and normal. >> so for all the anxiety the experiment initially created most of the kids said they would now consider voluntarily giving up some screen time and when they were asked who they would challenge to do a digital detox next they all said their parents. >> yeah. >> they didn't think their parents would be up to doing it. >> it might be harder for the parents than my kids. my twins turned 13 on saturday and daddy has a birthday present for you. daddy is take the phones. coming up "shark tank's" mark cuban is here live. your "gma" moment brought to you by the frame from samsung. the most beautiful tv you've never seen. >> hi everyone, 8:27 a.m., friday, october 27 i'm matt o'donnell affirm problem on the boulevard persists let's go to karen rogers. >> reporter: last time we looked we had fire and emergency workers the right lane is blocked on the boulevard at fox street. there's a disabled vehicle causing a problem on the vine street expressway eastbound approaching broad street. it's blocking the right lane. traffic is slow in that shot, as well. an accident at 61st and passyunk involving a school bus and tractor-trailer. no kids on the bus. watch for restrictions. lower gwynedd we have an accident dekalb pike at sumneytown pike. roads are dry and clear, but the accidents are popping up. >> reporter: a chilly morning, let's go outside to david murphy. >> reporter: we are chilly, had a -- 45 degrees in philadelphia. this afternoon things get better, we're sunny, high of 65, a little better than yesterday. saturday we wind up with a warm afternoon high of 72. sunday rain arrives quickly in the morning. heavy at times, maybe street flooding around. in the afternoon it continues on and off with a cool, windy high of 66 degrees. hopefully lightning up or slackening off a bit for the eagles game. stick with us on that as it is an evolving situation. monday morning, rain in the morning, in the afternoon, sunny skies and halloween chilly, 59 degrees. >> the biggest surprise for the winners in the 6-1 start, watch more with ducis and jaws at after 8 years of chris christie, is kim guadagno the change new jersey really needs? guadagno is christie's hand-picked successor. says she's "proud to be part of the christie administration." guadagno was chris christie's right hand as our schools came under attack, critical services were underfunded, and our credit rating was downgraded...11 times. from the bridge to the beach, we've seen it all, and we've had enough. kim guadagno isn't the change we need. welcome back to "gma," everybody. it is great to have you at home watching and in the studio audience with us. we really appreciate you guys coming in. [ applause ] >> wednesday morning in the prompter instead -- >> i didn't say wednesday. >> no, you caught it. >> it might be wednesday. >> george, i don't know half the time where i'm at so i could have said wednesday. we have a real shark to bring to our table this morning. please welcome our friend, "shark tank's" one and only mark cuban, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> good to see you. thank you, sir. >> mark, you looking sharp, man. >> trying to keep up with you. >> nice suit. nice suit. >> strahan is wearing -- i got to tie to catch up. >> right. >> you know, we've been counting down to halloween all week long and four days away -- four days to go and if anyone is having trouble deciding what to wear, i know i am we've come to the rescue. google has. they have a new website and it's called fright guys collecting date to to rank the 500 most searched costumes in realtime. can anybody here guess what is the number one searched costume right now? >> hmm. >> throw it out. >> wonder woman. >> wonder woman. yeah, you read the prompter, people. it's wonder woman. [ applause ] >> nobody was getting it right until they read it up there. so, mark, you have three kids at home. >> jake, 8, alyssa, 11, alexis, 14. >> picked out 9 costumes yes. >> jake will be jake from state farm. he think that's the funniest thing ever, right. alyssa my middle still deciding and alexis my older is in "annie" the play so using the costume. >> it's friday but we have a flashback for you. we actually have i think a shot of you dressed up for halloween. >> yeah. >> yeah. that's you right there. so what's going on? what is that costume exactly. >> i don't know. whatever my mom put on me, i mean. do you remember what you wore when you were 7? >> i was pretty much -- you know what, i was plan at the time of the apesome. the full passing being opposite of what i was. >> okay. >> one of my favorite. >> okay, no, i have no idea what i was. all i cared about when i was a kid was how big was the pillowcase. >> yeah, you're 100% right. that's all that matters. >> were you really called boris back then. >> yeah. my high school nickname was boris so i took russian in high school and so you know when you take a foreign language class you have to pick a name. well, that's what bullwinkle and rockiy, natasha. the girl next to me picked natasha, i had to pick boris. my high school friends still call me boris. >> we have a guest from washington state taking halloween very seriously. molly foote has already worn 27 costumes this month and plans to wear 31. that's one for each day of october. she is joining us this morning from seattle. we want to welcome her this morning. all right, so we see today's costume. very appropriate given that we're here in times square. [ applause ] why don't you tell us about it. >> so, molly, tell us about your costume. >> thank you very much for having me on the show, first of all, yeah, so today i decided to be the statue of liberty to pay tribute to all you new yorkers and the united states. [ applause ] yeah, so i have a lot of fun making these costumes. it's very simple. i get some fabric and paper and glue and it comes together. it's really fun. >> you know, molly, most people don't dress up for the entire month which is what you're going to do but what exactly is the costume you have planned for the actual day of halloween? >> yeah, so for actual halloween, i'm going to be a goldfish in a giant fish bowl. so there's going to be -- yeah. there's going to be rocks and seaweed and little froot loops for fish food. it's going to be really fun. >> sounds like a heavy costume when you throw the rocks in there. >> no kidding. molly, how much time do you spend a day on your costumes. >> it really depends. balancing with school sometimes ten minutes in my car before class and then other times maybe two or three hours. >> wow. >> all right, well, molly foote, you wear it well, thanks so much for joining us and happy halloween. >> you too, thank you so much. [ applause ] >> so, of course, mark is here celebrating the new season of "shark tank" this morning. welcome back for that. >> thank you. >> looking back at the whole -- all the seasons which investment do you regret the most. >> do i regret? they're all my children. there's just some -- you have some entrepreneurs that think the accomplishment is getting the investment. when you get an investment of the company that's when the work starts so some don't want to do the work. i won't throw anybody under the bus unless it was strahan. >> you wouldn't be the first. i love watching this show. >> thank you. >> i love it. you cannot hide your frustration. you don't even try to hide it. >> but what kind of things get that reaction out of you. >> if somebody tries to hustle us, right. they think they're smarter than five of us that's a no-no. if someone makes a claim they can't back up, that is a no-no so we're sitting there concentrating so hard so you see my natural reaction. yeah, i make a face or two not that i'd roll my eyes. >> can you tell when you're smelling out the same hustle. >> yeah, i mean when we know somebody is full of it then we all start digging in, right except for kevin. kevin -- if everybody is else digging on somebody he comes in and does the stupidest deals ever. i want a $600 product royalty for something -- yeah. >> guest sharks and have one with us, sara blakely from spanx. [ applause ] >> the spanx ceo and you're actually wearing a new invention this morning. >> yes, i have my own ininvestigation just like all these entrepreneurs and spanx is launching arm tights. so i -- this -- listen, i'm wearing them right now but they're amazing. they allow women to wear everything sleeveless in their closet year round and so i always say when i look for entrepreneurs i look for people who fill the white space and solves a problem, comes up with a better solution and then can explain to me why they're the best option. and my frustration with this was i have so many sleeveless dresses and shirts that hang in my closet i can't wear in the fall or winter. so this is a sleeveless dress and i threw on this shimmer silver. >> it looks beautiful. >> and i'm good. [ applause ] >> i'm looking and i'm going, why didn't i think of that? it seems so -- >> you think you could have come up with arm tights? >> no, but i could have come up with something. [ laughter ] that is amazing. >> problem, solution then why are you best option, that's what entrepreneurs, anybody that fills that white space and what i look for on the show. >> sara was so good we'll have back-to-back episodes of sara on sunday night. that's how good she was. [ applause ] >> one of your tips was the secret of success embarrass yourself daily. how so? >> in thinking about success and what i attribute a lot to one of the things is i do try to embarrass myself often. and i also celebrate embarrassment and instagram is giving me an opportunity to do that. [ laughter ] i literally put so many things on there that i embarrass myself with but the fear of embarrassment is one of the main reasons people don't go for it. and so in order to defuse the power of embarrassment over me i will intentionally embarrass myself if it hasn't happened in a while. >> if you do it or say it it's better than someone else pointing it out. you take the power back. >> celebrate the embarrassment. makes other people laugh. so i've got so many embarrassing things on my instagram, i mean from like being late to drop off my kids and i having to walk in totally mismatched pajamas, all those moments are like, okay, this is really happening. >> i tell you what, sitting here with you and mark and just your personalities and the way you engage people and on it, you can see where the success comes from. so happy you joined us this morning. we got to tell you right now you can see "shark tank" sunday at 9:00, 8:00 central on abc. we'll be right back, everybody. not many people know the loss that you've gone through. you tragically lost your brother, you lose your sister. >> it's a constant struggle. ♪ fast and here you are >> it is so tough. >> we all face the powerful hardships of life. now for the first time see how this american superstar, this american family pulled through an unimaginable year and his immeasurable love for his late sister's children. >> just walk me through that journey of taking the children and raising them. >> powerful. >> isn't it amazing what can happen? the good thing, the bad things. >> heartbreak, strength, sacrifice, love from tragedy, triumph. >> please tell me we were rolling on that. >> two nights before the cma awards, an inspiring event "luke bryan: living every day" with robin roberts on abc. >> we cannot wait to see that luke bevery time he comes to "g" it is such a thrill. i'm telling you, you only had coffee. >> only coffee. >> it's just everybody from atlanta has been great. you know what, if you all are sticking around for the weekend, let's look what's going to happen. i have to warn you, i don't know if you're flying out sunday. >> sunday. >> you guys want to stay in new york a little longer, maybe so. heavy rain possible that sunday afternoon and evening, the winds start to kick, just to give you a warning. look what happened to the atl energy. [cheers and applause]. let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: heavy rain will do that ginger. storm tracker 6 live shows you we're dry this morning. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast we're moving from the 30s across the region to a high of 65 less wind than yesterday, a little mild. 72 saturday, 66 with rape sunday. >> , thank you. we are here now with former pro athlete lewis howes, the entrepreneur behind the podcast "school of greatness" downloaded more than 45 million times and now has a new book "the mask of masculinity" and we'll talk about that in a moment but first here's lewis' story lewis howes is a former football player turned business entrepreneur and now self-help mogul. >> give yourselves a round of applause. >> reporter: his best save seller "the school of greatness" riding high on "the new york times" best-seller's list and a podcast with 40 million downloads since it launched in 2013 1234r welcome back. >> reporter: using his pulpit to showcase inspiration from the greatest mine. >> when does it expire, you know and what is the reward? >> reporter: while sharing his own hardships and how he's overcome them. >> and all the people that think it's unrealistic and all the people that will laugh at you, let them laugh. >> reporter: now he has a new book out "the mask of masculinity" and he's here to tell you how to be the best you in a matter of minutes. [ applause ] great to have lewis here and, lewis, everybody talks about greatness. when you talk about greatness, you say it starts when you walk into a room. how is that? >> you got to start with the doorway test. you know, we are a cell phone culture so we're always looking down, right? but it's hard to connect to people when we're looking down. every time i walk through a doorway i elevate my chest and look up and look people in the eye so just like that, look people in the eye and connect. that's the great way to be great. what i want you to do not stand up, stay seated but ago like you're walking through a doorway and look people in the eye. that's it. >> it's empowering. >> super empowering, gets your confidence up. gets your energy going. >> we have whiteboards here. you will give us three keys to greatness. three little things we can live by every day >> that's it. >> so what is your first -- snrs key number one, key number one is gralt today so i want to you write down one thing you're grateful for right now. it could be that you're on "good morning america." that you're in new york city, about your family, about your health. something you're grateful for, one quick thing. you write it down as well, michael. go ahead and hold up your whitebo whitebo whiteboards -- your wife. trip to new york city. family, health, opportunity, family, family, faith. houston astro, there you go. tigers, awesome. the more we are grateful for things, it feels better. no one wants to be around someone ungrateful so make sure you add gratitude in your life every single day. that's the first step. >> the we'll erase that. the second one. >> the second with unis growth. i want to you think about one thing in your life that you know you could improve in your life. maybe it is your health you need improvement with. maybe it's your finances, maybe it's mind-set. think about something and write it down right now. one area of your life you could improve in and that you know you could grow in. when we are growing, we feel more empowered. we feel inspired. when we're not growing, we feel a little off. we don't feel great so show me your whiteboards. you know you can grow in math. happiness, helping others. what do you say, being on time. are you late? are you late a lot? >> i'm not late. i'm right on time but i could be better. >> thank you, guys. you can put it down. >> the third. >> the last one is simple. if you want to be great, give back. >> okay. >> it could be giving back to a family member, a friend. it could be -- you don't have to write anything down here but think about an area you could give back. get away from yourself and what i want you to do, if you came with a friend that you know god didn't give that person a hug. simple thing you can do. if you came with someone -- someone next to you, you can give them a high-five. hug it out, baby. hug it out. >> we're going to hug it out, man. smile more at people. that's a way you can give. give back in your community. give back to your family, friends. >> we appreciate you giving us your time and giving us all that advice and everybody should heed and definitely think about that every day. "the mask of masculinity" is out tuesday. make sure you pick it up from my friend, lewis here. and coming up, tips to make your halloween party picture perfect. we'll be right back. joseph, i'm steve. how are you? nice to meet you sir. nice to meet you. how's it going man? the yankees? come on. [ laughing ] look at the smiles and the hard work that the people here are doing. it's like making mini sandwiches. they're no different than anyone else. they just want a job. they want respect and they want dignity. this is a nice place. yeah. he plays basketball with lauren. steve called, fairly frantic. you know, he had a premature baby and i think he had just been given the diagnosis that she had down syndrome. lauren brought out the best in me. she made me a different person. deep down in his heart he feels for people who are disadvantaged. lauren's a light in everybody eye. she's the spark that has started the fire. the goal is to keep places like this open so all people, regardless of disability, have an opportunity for employment. see, i love you. i love you guys too. you know that. yeah. ♪ 24 karat magic this morning we have great diy tips and brit morin is here and you started planning halloween in july but for the rest of us not that organized she is showing us how to putting to the last-minute party and punch. >> this is black widow venom punch. looking for latex gloves. we filled one up with water and froze it and turned it into spooky hand ice cubes and put plastic spiders in the water to freeze them and put it in a punch bowl and you're all set. >> such a cute snack using something healthy. avocado toast. >> it's the trend of 2017 and now you can use it for halloween too. a fun little treat for your kids. use vegetable, olive, tortilla chips to make the face. >> we have pretty awesome halloween costumes we want to get to. so let's cue the music first. ♪ ice ice baby >> all right, stop, and listen. ice, ice baby. come on. >> that is the cutest -- cutest costume ever. >> clear garbage bags and put your baby in a track suit. spitup happening. a white sheet with red acrylic paint to make the backdrop for the photoworthy moments can we we take some. here we go. >> i love that. an awesome costume. you look super cool. i love the sunglasses. >> okay so we have our second costume to come out now and i love the idea of this one. >> another one. social butterflies. this is just using black outfits plus iron-on transfer tape for your favorite social networks. this is just felt, you attach it on to your back and go with a friend, the dog is the iphone if you can see it. you will be the talk of town and you have to take photos as well. >> i love that. taking a pun on something we talk about. look great and easy to do at home. you can do this last minute. >> last minute, you have four days left. you got to get planning. >> planning since july. to find out how to make them on our website, they'll all be there. we'll be right back. happy halloween, everyone. "gma's" countdown to halloween brought to you by ihop. america's favorite pancake. ♪ ♪ start your day with a new hash brown scramble bowl from chick-fil-a. why are south jerseyans so angry headlines at sweeney? up. sweeney repeatedly sided with chris christie to underfund south jersey schools, increase standardized testing like parcc, cut take-home pay for teachers, and broke his promise to fund the pensions of hundreds of thousands of new jerseyans- all while padding his own. steve sweeney says a lot of things. but the truth is, he's not on our side. give them the good news, oprah. >> where is the one and only place to get exclusive and really awesome deals on some of my favorite things? >> you got to tell them. >> "good morning america." >> thursday. >> they're my favorite thing. is guys for participating in our costumes. have a great weekend. >> good morning, 8:56, october 27. back to the boulevard with karen rogers. >> reporter: look at these leaves, they are pretty, but they are going to fall down and make the roads slippery. this is the boulevard, wissahickon southbound traffic. we're looking at jammed traffic from 9th to the schuylkill expressway on the boulevard southbound. 422 westbound at 29. it's on the shoulder. we have green traffic flow through the area. 422 not too bad. schuylkill expressway is jammed through university city, as well as a slow go on spots on i-95. p.e. turnpike closes tonight -- pennsylvania turnpike closes tonight and tomorrow night, 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. that's going to be a tough one. bensalem to delaware valley. let's go outside to david murphy. >> reporter: matt, lots of sunshine, but temperatures are inching up slowly. we're at 49 degrees in philadelphia. we've bounced out of the 30s in the suburbs. after our chilly start we get milder this afternoon. sun and 65. winds lighter than yesterday. the weekend starts out cool in the morning on saturday, but nice in the afternoon, 72. sunday, 66 rain in the morning, heavy at times and continuing to some degree throughout day and into the early evening. >> gunfire erupted in south philadelphia early this morning and police confirmed it is connected to the murder of two teenagers earlier this week. details on the home that was targeted overnight as police hope to question a person of interest on "action news" at noon. "live with kelly and ryan" is next on 6abc. i'm matt o'donnell. have a great friday and great weekend! is ask >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, film and television actress eva longoria. challenge. all next on "live!" ♪ [che >> ryan: good morning! >> kelly: thank you. hi. hi.

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