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Talking. Jared kushners voice, why his rare public moment getting so much reaction. New tension with north korea after the american student held captive, otto warmbier, dies at the age of 22, less than a week after returning home with extensive brain damage. President trump condemning that country. Its a brutal regime. Well be able to handle it. Warmbiers parents reacting overnight. And up for parole. O. J. Simpson ready to ask for his freedom again. Is the former nfl star serving 33 years about to go free . What o. J. s life is behind bars right now and the thee things he wants to do if he gets to leave prison. One of his closest friends speaking out on gma. We do say good morning, america. Great to have david with us here this week as george takes a vacation and this Tuesday Morning busy and watching Severe Weather coast to coast. And summer officially starts tonight and there are dangerous wi wildfires you can see in the southwest, so hot theyre grounding flights. Canceled flights. Take a look at this time lapse to show a severe storm moving into new york city. Robin is just drying off now. I got caught in that. In just the last few minutes were tracking more weather, Severe Weather into the day. Ginger has the latest. Not just the fires and Severe Weather but this disturbance in the gulf mexico because, yes, we are in the middle of Hurricane Season that well get to, more than 170 severe storm report, so many stuck on runways and obviously like robin stuck in that storm. An east coast deluge. More than 2,000 flights canceled. Up to 2 inches of rain filling manhattan roads. This time lapse showing the storm plaza cross the city. Surveillance video in delaware shows debris flying as gusts up to 64 miles per heir blew through. I room getting home early so i can beat the storm. They said something about hail and all that. I dont need that in my life right now. Reporter in washington, d. C. , trees burying cars. I woke up to a loud bang and plaster in my room. Reporter west of the rockies, the story is heat. At least 20 large wildfires california to colorado, 118degree temperatures grounding air travel in phoenix. And a deadly dust storm in new mexico causing a 25car pileup at the Arizona State line so as you see these excessive heat warnings pop up on the map. Youre thinking why is that . The air is thin so youd need a lot more speed to get the plane up or along a longer runway which they dont have. San francisco, and numbers on the map approach alltime records in phoenix and if it hits that number, its not pretty. More coming up on the potential for flop r Tropical Storms. Im from the heat. That one yesterday when you could see it coming at you, it was something else. Came out of nowhere. To that tragedy involving american student otto warmbier. He died on monday after returning home with extensive brain injury from north korea. Some are calling for a travel ban to that country and Martha Raddatz has all the details for us this morning. Good morning, martha. Reporter it remains a mystery what caused the blood supply to Otto Warmbiers brain to be cut off causing the Severe Damage to the brain of this bright, curious young man but u. S. Official, members of congress and his parents say there is no question it was the fault of the regime of kim jongun. Otto warmbier, the 22yearold who returned to the u. S. Less than a week ago, unable to walk, speak or respond to verbal commands. Suffering extensive brain damage after being held captive in north korea for 17 months. Passing away monday. In a statement, his family says when he was carried off that airplane last week he looked very uncomfortable, almost anguished. But that within a day the countenance of his face changed. He was at peace. He was home and we believe he could sense that. The only glimpse of otto while he was detained by north korea was this courtroom video. He was wearing that ivory colored jacket, pleading for leniency after being charged with trying to steal a propaganda poster. After his release ottos father finding comfort wearing his sons jack. Im able to wear the jacket that he wore when he gave his confession. Reporter it is unclear what caused the university of virginia student to suffer what the doctors called unresponsive wakefulness but the warmbiers are place the blame on north korea saying the awful, tortuous mistreatment our son received at the hands of the North Koreans ensured that no other outcome was possible beyond the sad one we experienced. President trump condemning north koreas brutal regime and treatment of warmbier. A lot of bad things happened. But at least we got him home to be with his parents. Its a brutal regime and well be able to handle it. Reporter there are three other Americans Still being held by the North Koreans, but ottos death could Push Congress or the administration to begin restricting travel there, robin. People want to know what elsy what other action will the u. S. Take . Senator john mccain is calling it a murder which the u. S. Should not tolerate. Others in congress are saying the same and secretary of state Rex Tillerson says that the u. S. Holds north korea accountable for his imprisonment but so far there is no indication the administration is planning any sort of retaliation but that is complicated, robin, by the fact the three other americans are still there. We have to keep them in our hearts. You feel for them. We want to turn to other developments out of washington. The Senate Health care bill growing tense as they went past midnight protesting the lack of open hearings. They want to pass it before july 4th. Democrats say its been shrouded in secrecy. That highstakes special election in georgia and voters going to the polls in the most expensive house race ever in a republican district where President Trump won by a slim margin over hillary clinton. A lot of pressure on both sides for republicans to trying to hold on to the seat. For democrat, a real test of whether theyll be able to capitalize on the turmoil in d. C. Reporter thats right, david. A mountain of importance has been placed on one this congressional race. Were outside the polling place where karen handel casts her vote hoping to win a seat that republicans have held on to for decades. Her opponent is trying to make history and upset a president. More than 50 million is how much these two candidates have spent fighting over voters in the suburbs of atlanta. Good to see you. Reporter making this the most expensive congressional race ever. Hi. Reporter for supporters of Republican Karen Handel it doesnt matter that across the country many on the left see todays vote as a referendum on the president. Does it influence your thought on this as all . No im a karen supporter and trump supporter too. Reporter jon ossoff usually avoids the issue in public but his supporters arent sly saying fighting the president has united democrats across the city. It galvanized. There are folks across the eight and country who have lost faith and in this room this team has the power to help restore some of that faith. Hi, georgia. San francisco just wanted to say thank you. Reporter groups supporting karen handel have spent their money underlying how ossoff got his large pile of case outside the state. We have nancy pelosi as our congresswoman. Now youll give us jon ossoff as our congressman. The square will get a lot of votes if he has 30 million behind him. The president is pointing out ossoff doesnt live in the 6th and cant even vote in the district he wants to represent. Ossoff explains that he doesnt live in this district because hes with his girlfriend, who is a student at Emory University and wants to live closer to campus and the president is up again this morning handlering him on this issue. Robin. That he is, all right, steve, thank you. More now on the Health Care Bill and democrats launching a mar tho marathon protest and mary bruce was there as many were. Reporter it was an allnighter as democrats are railing against republicans for writing their Health Care Bill behind closed doors this. Is legislation that could dramatically roll back the expansion of medicaid and change the way americans get their coverage. But there have been no hearings and no open debris. Now Republican Leaders insist theyve been working on it for years and plenty of debate in the past but democrats say they are going to use every single procedural tool they have available to them to try to delay the fight and force republicans to bring their bill out into the open. Even though though dont have the political power to actually block republicans. And Senate Republicans say they want to get this done before they go home for the july 4th recess. How is that looking. Reporter authorized to get that done they have just nine legislative days left to pull it off. Republicans insist theyre getting closer and making progress and a vote next week still possible but seen no legislation. Mary bruce, up late and up early this morning for us. Thank you. Hard working as always. Lets bring in jonathan karl. You got the white house tracking this white house fight and democrats ang new over secrecy and the president tweeting about that close race in georgia. A lot at stake even for him. Reporter it is only 1 seat out of 435 in the house of representatives but a hugely significant race, david. This is a congressional seat that has been republican in republican hands since before the democratic candidate was born. It was Newt Gingrichs seat so a loss for republicans would be a real warning sign what would happen next year in the midterm electrics and the most expensive race, diana, david, by my count more than half a dozen president ial tweets on this race in the last 24 hours. That means we know someone else is watching closely. A lot of talk on social media on something we have not much on before, his voice. Here he was talking to technology leaders. Take a listen. Before i came to washington, many warns me that the bureaucracy would resist any change that we tried to implement. So far i have found exactly the opposite. Jon, even had a field day hearing what kushner soubs like. Why now . Its miss that we are hearing from him the first time after five months in office. He has a hugely significant job here, david. He was speaking yesterday because he brought in those technology leaders. Amazon, microsoft, apple. All here as part of his initiative to modernize the federal government. Later this week he is going to the middle east to work on peace and speaking because these are important projects. He really needs to be out there. One of the more important things we have heard more from the secretive Jared Kushner in the past 24 hours than from the White House Press connect. Whats going on. We didnt hear from sean spicer yesterday. No cameras or audio allowed. Will it continue today . I looked at the press schedule today there is not even a briefing on the schedule so yesterday news organizations were not allowed to record the voice of sean spicer or show video of him briefing the press, now hes apparently not even going to brief. Like the disaprioring press second. Quite extraordinary, david. Going to face a lot of questions. Jon karl, our thanks to you again as always. Michael. Thank you david. Now the new images showing the al baghdadimath of that mysterious crash at sea between a u. S. Navy destroyer and a cargo ship and good morning to you, matt. Reporter good morning. This is one of the navys worst at sea disasters in years and one thing certainly investigated how that sophisticated sip got so blind of sided but the crew of that container didnt stop to help after nearly sinking it. This morning exclusive new images of the battered container ship. That is new details come in about that hellish night and uss fitzgeralds captain was asleep in his cabin when 0,000 acx crystal plowed into the ships top decks. Beseethe the water line the container ships bulbous bow punched through the destroyers steel armor. The fitzgerald was flooding and the navy is investigating but some of the seven men found dead in that flooded bert were alive when it was sealed off in an effort to keep it from sinking. Is there protocol for that . Mentality is that youre going to fight any catastrophe and casualties where they occur and preserve the integrity of the rest of the ship. I guarantee everybody would do everything they could. Reporter instead of stopping to help multiple trackers show the container ship continues on its original course for 30 minutes. Only then turning back to the scene and didnt alert authorities until 50 minutes after. The remains land back in the u. S. Darryl martin lost his son xavier. Its very hard. My only child. Thats all i have. The parent ships Container Company says it is complying with the investigation but the company couldnt explain what certainly seems like a hitandrun on the high seas. Why the ship kempt going for seven miles before making that uturn and waited nearly an hour before calling authorities about what happen. Michael. Than thank you. Amy, youre here with the other stories. In fact its being called the largest breach of personal data of its kind. Detailed information of about 198 million registered voters here in the United States has been dentally exposed on line by a data firm working for the republican party. The leak was exposed by a cybersecurity expert. Names, address, phone numbers compromise the along with voting histories. Well, new details about what theyre calling an attempted attack. An armed man crashed his car in a police van but died from his burns overnight and arrested four of his members for links to radical islam. Police say the murder of a teenage muslim girl over the weekend was not a hate crime but a state of road rage. Darwin torres was arrested for the beating death of nabra hassanen. He was enraged, police say, after a traffic argument with one of her friends. Tiger woods is revealing he is getting professional help to deal with his recurring back pain and sleep disorder facing a dui charge. A narrow escape for this pilot when it struck the side of an airport terminal sending everyone scrambling. A moments later the chopper caught fire but the pilot remarkably escaped. And finally lefthanded people may be smarter than righthanded people at least when it comes to plex math. What a new study is claiming. They reviewed the exams of 2300 and found lefties outperformed righties and they found a higher amount of lefties among musicians and chess players. Four of the last u. S. President s lefthanded. Any lefties at the table. I tried. We all picked up our left hand. Still feeling dumb up here. Suppose youre am by dex house. I dont know. Marginally. Were taking im from ginger. You were asking about home of because our Tropical Storm watches and warnings from beaumont even into the ocean water the gulf over to the Florida Panhandle flood watches from new orleans to atlanta. This is going to be a big rain event. You can see up to a foot of rain. First the tuesday trivia as i switch to my left hand brought to you by walgreens. Hi, everyone, we have a couple sprinkles and showers down by Cape May County. These are pushing up parallel to the coast and youre going to see that for another 30 maybe 60 minute but bright sunshine across most of the region just some coastal clouds. Temperatures are in the 70s right now and it is warm and still kind of muggy across most of the region. This afternoon a high of 86 degrees, mostly sunny with lower humidity as we go through the day. Tomorrow summer arrives and its nice, partly sunny and 85, a couple of afternoon showers possible. Parole hearing and what one of his closest friends tells us what life is like behind bars. But to help others, they first had to protect themselves. I have afib. Even for a nurse, its complicated. And it puts me at higher risk of stroke. That would be devastating. I had to learn all i could to help protect myself. Once i got the facts, my doctor and i chose xarelto®. Xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Oncedaily xarelto®, a latestgeneration blood thinner. Significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Xarelto® works differently. Warfarin interferes with at least 6 bloodclotting factors. Xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor interacting with less of your bodys natural bloodclotting function. For afib patients wellmanaged on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® compares in reducing the risk of stroke. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase risk of stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. It may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If youve had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or musclerelated signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. And before starting xarelto®about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Its important to learn all you can. To help protect yourself from a stroke. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. Theres more to know™. So we got our new he washing machine but it took forever turns out it wasnt the machine, it was our detergent. So we switched to tide turbo clean. Now we get way cleaner clothes way faster he turbo clean. 6x the cleaning power in 1 2 the time we all drive, some cats just know how to roll. Mone hundredts thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. Again so i can lift even the most demanding weight. Take care of all your most important parts with centrum. Now verified non gmo and gluten free. Good morning, im Tamala Edwards. 7 23 now on this tuesday june 20. Lets head to karen rogers. Shes taking a look at your your traffic. Good morning. We are really just crawling along in delaware on i495. Two left lanes blocked with construction. Get this. Theyll be out there until 4 oclock in the afternoon so youre only traveling 7 miles an hour between terminal avenue and edgemoor road. Look at the number of Police Officers, ambulance weve got on the scene. Welsh road eastbound at 202 watch for police on the scene and the right lane blocked with that accident. Noticing some jammed traffic on the vine street expressway westbound as you head towards the schuylkill. And schuylkill itself is delayed as well and weve got a problem here on byron road at lawrence road. Watch for an accident partially blocking the roadway here in huntingdon valley. Youre seeing speeds of about 14 miles an hour and weve got an accident on the new jersey turnpike. Its northbound past 206. One lane blocked there as well, tam. Okay, thank you, karen. Well take a short break and come back to your accuweather. All right everybody were off to a muggy start across much of the region but plenty of sunshine and things will be Getting Better. Well start with storm tracker6 live double scan. A little bit of a shower down by the shore and clouds down there but those are going to be gone before too much longer and then even at the shore youll wind up sunny. 73 degrees right now in philadelphia as i said. The humidity levels are a bit on the noticeable side this morning but as we go through the day were going for a high of 86 this afternoon, mostly sunny skies. Then the humidity levels will drop as we go through the morning and afternoon. So later today it will feel more comfortable. Tomorrow summer arrives. Partly sunny, 85 and there could be a couple of afternoon showers around. All right, thank you david. Thats it for right now. Well send you back to gma. But well see you right back here in that 30. For millions of baby boomers theres a serious virus out there thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. One in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most dont even know it. Because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and its not tested for in routine blood work. The cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us its time to get tested. Ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. Its the only way to know for sure. America by simon and is that good . Strumental yeah its perfect. Bees bees go go go [ girl catching her breath } [ bees buzzing inside vehicle ] the allnew volkswagen atlas. With easyaccess 3rd row. Lifes as big as you make it. Hes got a condo. Hes got a car. Hes got a career. But that still doesnt mean he gets you. Time to shine. Orbit. Could be preventedrrent with the right steps. And take it from me, every step counts. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. What are you doing . Somebody has to save our skin. Welcome back to gma and that is the late Carrie Fisher in star wars playing her classic role princess leia. And this morning we are learning new details about her passing and the drugs that were found in her system at the time of death. Her daughter also sharing a very Important Message that is all coming up. Really important but her mother did so much to get it out in the public. The southwest is facing record tripledigit heat already grounding flights at northeast cleans up those from torrential downpours and winds. The president up and tweeting support for karen handel that race is the most expensive in history. Voting under way right now and a Little Something to make you feel good. Take a look at this. Two elephants teaming up strategizing to save a baby calf that was near drowning in a zoo in south korea. Incredible teamwork, look at this. They were able to get that baby calf out of the water and survive the whole thing. Thats great. Great video. Yeah, it was. I searched for that all night. Thank you, david. Not like you have a second job in the evening. We begin with that big patrol hearing for o. J. Simpson. The Nevada Department of corrections hours away from announcing the date when commissioners will meet and decide o. J. s future. We spoke with one of his closest friends and hes revealing his state of mind. Thats right. It is a huge day for o. J. Simpson because he will learn what day his fate will be determined after nearly nine years and many say simpson actually has a real shot at getting out. This morning, o. J. Simpson set to learn exactly when he will face a nevada patrol board to ask for his freedom. Hes hopeful hes not going to try to retry the case. Hes done a lot of positive things in prison. Reporter simpsons close friend tom scotto says he talks over the phone to the star on a weekly basis. He wants to keep a low profile. Be with his kid, be with his family, play golf is one of his main things. Count someone conspiracy to commit a crime, guilty. Count two, guilty. Count three, guilty. Reporter serving 33 years on charges after a botched 2007 attempt to recover Sports Memorabilia he said belonged to him. This next hearing could set him free. I have not had any incidents despite all the stories in the tabloids. Anything hes had with other inmates whether tutoring or teaching or coaching and staying out of trouble. What the parole board wants to see youve been rehabilitated. Orenthal j. Simpson not guilty of the ceil of murder. Reporter it was more than 20 years ago he was acquitted in the killings of his exwife and her friend ron goldman. A civil trial later finding him lib liable for wrongful death. I did not commit this crime. Reporter millions tuning this to the fx miniseries American Crime sear the people versus o. J. Simpson starring cuba gooding jr. And o. J. made in america. Among those watching ron goldmans family. Its like constantly having salt being poured in an open wound. Reporter who told matt gutman earlier this year they cant bear the idea of simpson as a free man. There is a chance that he could get paroled this year in 2017. October, yeah. What would that picture look like to you . Disgust. He did a horrible heinous crime and i have no feeling except rot in hell. Reporter if he is granted parole he would be 70 when he gets out in october. If he is not granted parole next month they will decide at that hearing the date of the next parole Board Meeting and it might be another five years, robin. He would be 75. All right, amy. Lets bring in dan abrams. So what do you think his chances are. If he wasnt o. J. Simpson his chances would be quite good. He was already granted parole on 5 of the 12 charges so he was in front of the parole board and made his plea and granted parole on those. You need four of the seven commissioners there to recommend release to get release. They do this for about half the people. And o. J. Sifrm in 2013 talked about the fact that he was disinfecting prison weight room equipment, he was mopping floors, he was coaching the prisoners, et cetera, those are the sorts of things you can expect to hear this time around. What are the factors . Theres a formula almost they look at. There are 11 factors and theres a plus and minus for each one so ends up getting a score at the end and they relate to everything from the crime itself, his behavior in prison, his gender, his age, the enact that hes almost 70 years old will work to his advantage so you have a whole list of them with plus and minus to each one. If you look at what happened in 2013, you would say, huh. Same factors are going to be applied here except for the crime itself. You would think that hes got a pretty good shot except the fact that hes o. J. Simpson has just got to play into this in some way, shape or form. These people are human. And even though he is supposed to be held accountable for the crime he was convicted of how can they not think about his previous arrest, even though he was acquitted. Well, thats right. Thats a critical question because in theory i mean reality, his previous criminal history is a relevant factor in determining whether he gets parole but he has no criminal history because he was acquitted in the criminal case. And thats what drives people like the Goldman Family that you just saw there crazy is the idea youre telling me he gets to have no criminal history when assessing whether hes going to be up for parole . So, look, i think this time will be a little different. Last time the parole board knew he wasnt going to be released no matter what. But, you know, as i said before, if this were just looking at the crime and just looking at the guy and the factors i think he probably would be released. But its o. J. Simpson. Yeah and they have a lot of discretion. Dan, thanks. Well see what happens. David. Coming up here a pastor dying on a Treasure Hunt for a famous trove of jewels said to be worth millions. Come on back. Depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms. 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You are loved and i smoked while amanda my i was pregnant. This is the view i had of my baby in the nicu. My tip is, speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Were back with that mystery surrounding the death of a pastor on the hunt for a Hidden Treasure said to be worth millions. Part of a legend captivating thousands and Clayton Sandell is in denver with the story. Clayton, good morning. Reporter and good morning, david. By one count more than 65,000 people have come here looking for that treasure. Not one has found it but now two people have died trying. This morning, officials believe the person found dead sunday in the new mexico wilderness is paris wallace, a colorado pastor on a Treasure Hunt. Wallace disappeared last week while searching for 2 million in goal and jewels hidden years ago between montana and testimony until. Its just full of diamond and emeralds and rubies. By forrest fenn. I guarantee you when somebody fines that chest theyre going to be shocked. Reporter fenns 2010 poem is a kind of cryptic treasure mac. Begin it where warm wears halt and take it in the canyon down. Not far, too far to walk. Reporter inspiring tens of thousands of amateur Treasure Hunters like cynthia. I probably have been out at least over 100 times and probably over, oh, my gosh, 50 or 60 different places in new mexico ive actually been to. Reporter but wallace is now the second man in just over a year to die looking for fenns treasure. Randys body was found last year. His family reportedly thinks its all a hoax. The treasure if it exists at all could be hidden in steep Rocky Mountain rugged terrain or 3,000 miles it is stretching. Fenn insists his treasure is real and says everyone must take responsibility for their own actions. It is a terrible tragedy that pastor wallace lost his life and feel deep compassion for his wife and extended family. Despite the two deaths he says he has no plans to call his Treasure Hunt off. Guys. Interesting. You heard him say he feels that for that family. Questions about how much fun can be had when people are getting hurt . All right. Well, thank you. David, coming up on our big board new revelations about Carrie Fishers death. Dr. Ashton and dr. Drew will join us in two minutes. Moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. With 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. Moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. Ayou know new pantene. R tangles provthe minute you wash it . The first shampoo with active prov nutrient blends fueling hair 100 stronger thats instantly smoother and tangle free. Because strong is beautiful. Back now with our big board. My first time sitting here with you. I was going to say. I think ive done the big board with everybody else but you. Theyve been keeping you from me. Were going to talk about revelations about Carrie Fishers death and the coroners report showing the actress had a combination of drugs in her system and abcs Kayna Whitworth has more. Good morning, kayna. Reporter hey, michael. Good morning. It was devastating news for her friends and family to learn multiple drugs including ecstasy were found in her system. A coroner saying this relapse along with other factors could have played a role in her death. Nearly seven months since Carrie Fishers sudden death. The Los Angeles County medical examiner releasing the coroners report revealing fisher had a number of drugs in her system before she died including cocaine, heroin and ecstasy. The report listing the 60yearolds official cause of death as sleep apnea and other undetermined factors including Heart Disease and drug use. Noting however they could not establish the significance of the multiple substances with regard to the cause of death. Okay, fine. Yes, i am an addict. Reporter for years fisher struggled with addiction and Mental Illness, something she opened up about in her memoir and onewoman show wishful drinking. You know how they say religion is the opioid for the masses. People used to ask me after i got sober, so are you happy now . And i would say among other things, happy aone of the many things, many emotions ill go through in a day. Youre not just skipping around spouting Hallmark Cards but, yeah, im in a much better place. Reporter known for her most iconic role as princess leia. Happen has to save our skins. Fishers only daughter billy lourd telling abc news her mother ultimately died from her battles with addiction and Mental Illness saying she talked about the same that torments people and their families confronted by these diseases. I know my mom. Shed want her death to encourage people to be open about their struggles. Coroners report indicated cocaine would have been consumed within 72 hours of her flight. I want to show you a picture. The actress seen gracing the cover of this months vanity fair and this is the head of the release of the latest star wars installment. The last jedi and of course michael and david she completed filming that last summer. All right, thank you, kayna, for that. Now we are joined by dr. Jennifer ashton and dr. Drew pinsky and thank you for joining us, dr. Drew, ill start with you. Carrie fisher, she battled drug addiction her entire life and put it out for everyone to know but seemed as if she was clean. What was your reaction when you saw the report . I mean my first of all was this is another tragedy. Its another wonderful individual taken by this terrible disease but that its a cutting, poweringful baffling disease and chronic and even though someone has had longterm successful sobriety can have a recurrence and can be fatal easily. Thinking about her daughter who put out the statement and dr. Jen was talking about the sleep apnea which couldnt have obviously have been helped by the addition of the drugs. Definitely not. You have to understand sleep apnea is i collapse of the upper airway that causes someone to stop breathing for a few seconds many, many times during the course of when theyre sleeping. The way to look at it over time as a chronic and chronic condition it can cause Heart Disease and increase the size of the heart and affects the blood vessels and High Pressure and increased risk of death but a good way to look at it, sleep apnea as a con trick condition was the kindling wood, if you will on a fire, the drugs and substances that were in her system could be the gasoline and together that caused the yeah, absolutely. The report lists a cocktail of drugs found in her system, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy. What can this combination do to your system . Well, i mean, you know, we would have to take a while to describe all the potential medical effects but the main issue that contributes to this is the opioids particularly heroin, weve been reporting a lot about fentanyl and oral open yads combined with benzodiazepines can cause a suppression of breathing and the oxygen is cut off to their brain and Something Like that is almost what undoubtedly happened. I want to add the troubling thing other than what dr. Drew is talking about with a relapse of someone who battled Substance Abuse is the fact that the actual full autopsy report was even released in its entirety to the public. I have a huge problem. She may be a world famous actress but she is an individual patient. Patient privacy in my opinion has to come first. I dont think we need an autopsy report with searches to get it out. You could have said substances shall sleep apnea and i think it was unprofessional. Im sure her family would appreciate that. Tiger woods is speaking professional help after that arrest over memorial day weekend for the medications he was taking for back pain and the sleep disorder. What kind of treatment do you expect to see in a case like this . Well, its sort of one directions. Again, were merely speculating because we dont have the details of what hackettly is going on with him but it looks like he is a chronic pain patient. Theres rumors of him get nothing a chronic pain problem. If he has an addictive process it gets complicated and the kinds of treatment is either a replacement and the fact he was treated for a behavioral addiction means abstinence would be both. Whichever he is it requires a lot of professional intervention over a long period of time. At least hes seeking help. Thats the important part. Doc, thank you. You bet. David, nice to sit here. Our exclusive with former bachelorette trisha sutter. Did stress or lack of sleep lead to a seizure speaking out for the first time on gma. Right now, all your refreshing soft drink faves are just a buck. Whether diving in or chilling poolside, stay cool while you check things off your summer bucket list. Like summer, any size soft drinks for a dollar wont stick around long. Only at mcdonalds. wont stick around long. Only at mcdonalds. We rbut we are not victims. Ack. We are survivors. We are survivors. We are survivors. And now we take brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. We take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams. As it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a Clinical Study brilinta worked better than plavix®. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor,. Since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent,. Heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily,. Or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers,. A history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Slow heart rhythm has been reported. Tell your doctor about bleeding,. New or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor about brilinta. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca. May be able to help. vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Back here on Good Morning America. A little more disturbance in the gulf of mexico raining along the east coast and put on the spaghetti models. I wanted to focus in, say it goes this way, all the impacts, heavy rain happen on what we call the dirty side obviously. You can have wraparound rain and bullseye northwest of houston but the track on, even if it it becomes a Tropical Storm, the rain, a foot of it the main story even in parts of north georgia flood watches and this other one out in parts of the caribbean that will happen its time that we bring addiction out of the darkness and into the light. To everyone struggling in silence addicts, family, friends you are not alone. Its time we lift each other up, reach out, say something. Addiction is a disease. Dont suffer. Dont wait. Help is within reach. Call 844 reach nj or go to reachnj. Gov the road to recovery starts now. Perfect dasure is. Game huh . I dont know about you gus, but i think a foul balls coming our way. Im ready crack of the bat, crowd cheers whoa almost had it maybe next time. What about this time . Pay me the new scratchoff from the pennsylvania lottery. With top prizes of 100 grand thats some catch giggles crowd cheers keep on scratchin Good Morning America is brought to you by tmobile. Switch to the network built for unlimited data. Good morning, im Tamala Edwards much 7 56 on this tuesday june 20th. Lets start with karen rogers. This is the 30 bypass eastbound approaching 322. The accident blocking the left lane and the shoulder. A 47 minute jam from route 10 to 202 so 30 bypass huge delays because of this accident. Also with mass transit we have the west trenton lane 30 minutes delays with that so watch for that west trenton line. Theyre having some wire problems related to that. The route 15 trolley continues to shuttle buses out there. Wilson boulevard between 40 and appleby road an accident blocking all lanes involving an overturned vehicle in new castle. So give yourself some extra time heading there. Still with the construction 6 miles an hour 495 northbound and that one is going to last until 4 00 p. M. , tam. Okay, thank you, karen. Now lets head on out take a live look here Philadelphia International airport. Look at all those blue skies, dave murphy. Absolutely, tam. Right now weve got plenty of sunshine here on the terrace. Take a look, storm tracker6 live double scan shows us that theres a little bit of a shower down by Cape May County pushing up towards coastal atlantic county. That should be done before too much longer and its real light. Temperatures currently 74 in philadelphia and its warm and on the muggy side to start out. But as we go through the day we see improvement. We maintain mostly sunny skies, a high of 86. It will be warm later but the humidity will continue to fall during the day. In the afternoon it will feel better. Then 85 tomorrow as summer officially arrives, partly sunny, perhaps a couple of afternoon spotty showers and thunderstorms around and hot on thursday, tam. Okay, thank you david. Opening statements are scheduled today in the corruption trial of Philadelphia District attorney seth william. A jury of 10 women two of whom are africanamerican and two men were selected yesterday. Williams faces 29 counts of bribery and corruption charges and could face up to 20 years in prison. The democrat denies any wrongdoing. Thats it for us for now but well be back here in 30. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Wild weather across the country. Recordbreaking heat scorches the west. Temperatures in the triple digits canceling flights as severe thunderstorms drench the east. Massive downpour, dangerous flash flooding, finger is tracking it all right here. The consumer alert this morning. Are you about to pay more to shop onliny during the busiest times of the year from black friday to cyber monday, why all that shopping from home is about to get more expensive. Gma exclusive. Trista reveal what is led to this picture after a health scare on a family vacation. Could stress and sleep have led to her seizure . New this morning, how tv and movies are really influencing your kids. The way they view gender, sexuality and diversity. What they aspire to . We are hear from them this morning. And hot off a tony win and from one of the minds behind hamilton, the cant stop dancing musical taking broadway by storm and theyre here to say all good morning, america. A little jazz hands. Good morning, america. Happy tuesday to everybody. Great to be back on tuesday. Theyre really excited about tuesday back there. Good to have you back. How was the birthday last might. Thanks, it was great. I spent it with my kids. I saw some of those pictures on instagram. Kicking off your tuesday, a lot about bandstand, the tony winning musical on broadway for just a few months. You have to see this performance. They were rehearsing as we came in early. I stood here and watched it. It was incredible in took a sneak peek. There you go. Plus, that exclusive with former bachelorette Trista Sutter opening up about that health scare on her family vacation. Well find out how shes doing right now. It was a she is our and happened a few weeks ago. She and her husband have not talked about it at all until right now so well hear what happened. How shes doing and looking forward to that. And share in hopes of helping others if they find themselves in a similar situation. Amy has the morning rundown. The record heat gripping the country. Dozens of flights have been canceled because of that. It could hit 128 degrees in death valley where tourists are being warned to limit their exposure. The heat is posing an extra challenge for crews fighting a major fire near big bear lake. High winds and blowing dust are caused for this 25vehicle pileup. Ginger has more. You know, amy, i think a lot of people forget its the cumulative heat. Overnight lows in the upper 70s or 80s and heat advisories that stretch that utah are there for a reason. Near an alltime record, 117 the last time we did that was in 2013 in las vegas and phoenix just short of an alltime at 119. Focus quickly on the disturbance in the gulf of mexico. Alerts go from the waters outside the gulf, the peninsula of florida. Up to atlanta and augusta back to parts of biloxi, even into mobile. Areas you have to watch some of the heaviest rain falling. Some could reach a foot plus. Bipartisan anger is building on capitol hill following the death of otto warmbier. The 22yearold died less than a week after arriving home from his captivity severely brain damaged and the white house condemned the brutality of the resume but some are demanding a more forceful response. Casting ballots today in a special election. Jon ossoff and karen handel have spent 50 million. President trump fired off two tweets supporting handel. Its seen by many as a referendum on his presidency. New many accusation against nykea flynn. House democrats say he failed to report a trip to the middle east on his form before he joined the Trump Campaign and took it to negotiate a power deal involving russia. There was a consumer alert for online shoppers, u. P. S. Planning to charge you extra now to ship packages during the holiday season. The company says it needs to make up for the cost of hiring more workers and flying more planes. Residential customers pay 97 cents more during a peek november delivery from november to december and surcharge on oversize and International Packages will be much steeper. Finally this is bull riding on a whole new level. Take a look. This is what was spotting driving down a ride. A bull riding shodgun and modified the car to transport livestock with those two horns we dont think anyone will have a beef with the idea. That was a respectable pun. That could have gone in a whole other direction. I thought about it. I know you did because i did. Lara, pop news. Yes, maam. Good morning to you. [ cheers and applause ] and we begin pop news with Michelle Obama motivating americans to work up a sweat. Taking her flair for fitness from the white house to instagram. The former social media took to instagram to show pictures of ray recent boot camp with lunges, crunches, planks with her pals saying she often hosted Group Workouts and the boot camps have been helpful in her transition back into life outside the white house. Nice to see her looking happy and health . A strong plank that she had. She was fired up. Did you see her tris. Is that what thats called . Back to the gym. I got to try harder. Theres happening right there. Also in pop news this morning, a big week for jay z with the rumored birth of his twins with wife beyonce. Perhaps a new chapter called for a new spelling of his name. He has declared that from now on he would like to be joan as jay, dash, z but spelled jay, dash z. No lowercase letters anymore. This comes with the announcement he will release a new album called 444 on june 30th and sounds really cool. Visual recording featuring mahershala ali, danny glover and Lupita Nyongo so that is quite a lineup. From capital j dash z. Hes having quite a lot going on. Please refer to her robin, all capital letters. Thank you, michael. I always have. Capital r, we got one more, this is exciting. Look at this. What youre looking at is an exclusive at Good Morning America. Barbies guy ken, mattel announcing a new diverse line featuring three different body types including broad, slim and original. There are seven different skin tones. I know, it sounds like takeout food. There are seven different skin towns to choose from and nine different hairstyles and even a man bun. One has a man bun which im looking at right there. And very unkenlike outfit. All of them are sporting their own styles, it is releasing 15 dolls in total. 10 of which hit stores today which is why we have them and mattel won doll of year for diversifying their barbie line so why not ken involved in all the fun and to celebrate this mattel is sending all the kids in our audience home with one of the new kens. Yes, you can have the man bunch you want. You know, its coming. You get a ken doll. You get a ken dog. Oh, oh. As you see theyre very durable by the way . That was the man bun. Man bun down, hold on. Got him. I need a broad version. This is i think man bun is broad. I dont think youll have a man bun. We were checking it out trying to figure out whats happening. Which one is michael. I feel like theyre dressed in the hamptons. Summertime. Do they have many more i had an extensive barbie collection. Now you can add. Robin, dash, roberts. Right, ill say that coming up trista has a very Important Message to tell us. The first time about her Serious Health care. Did stress or a lack of sleep lead to a seizure. That parent ago letter about how tv shows and movies are affecting the way your kids think about themselves and each other. When you buy a used car you should feel confident. Thats why carmax has over 40,000 cars to choose from nationwide. With prices clearly marked, the same online as they are in the stores. That should give you some carbuying confidence. The type of confidence you need to wear white after labor day. The type of confidence to suddenly switch to an english accent for no reason whatsoever. Yep. At carmax, its all about confidence. Nothing but net. Nailed it or should i say, nailed it govnor. For all kinds of things. Like walking. Ewarded hey, honey. Dad, wheres the car . Thought wed walk. Hes counting steps. Walk, move and earn money. Goal dad. Hey, we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. Look at this dad, hes got some moves money you can use on outofpocket medical expenses. Hes ok, yeah unitedhealthcare great news guys. Were goi[ cheering ]illainy. So bad. So good that im so bad. So, youre villains now . [ nervous laughter ] i mean, hello sweetie. Rated pg. I needed something more to help control my type 2 diabetes. My a1c wasnt were it needed to be. So i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its suppose to do, release its own insulin. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not insulin. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take trulicity if you or a Family Member has had medullary thyroid cancer, if youve had multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to trulicity. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe pain in your stomach, or symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin, increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. Onceweekly trulicity may help me reach my blood sugar goals. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Nits softer than ever. New charmin ultra soft is softer than ever so its harder to resist. Okay, this is getting a little weird enjoy the go with charmin yet up 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. One a day womens in gummies and tablets. In the state that invented the american vacation. A legendary adventure awaits. Heroes will rise. Bonds will be forged. And memories will be made to last a lifetime. New york state. Its all here. Its only here. Plan your summer trip at iloveny. Com we are back with a gma exclusive. Former bachelorette trista is speaking out about her recent health scare having a seizure while traveling with her family and abcs diane macedo sat down with her and her husband ryan. Trista says she had no warning. One second sitting next to her 8yearold. The next shes convulsing and turning blue. The scariest part is this could happen again. Its an image Trista Sutters family will never forget. The ambulance came. I was laying in the ground. Reporter the woman america knowns as the first bachelorette was on a tour bus in croatia with her husband and kids and something went wrong. I remember feeling very dizzy and nauseous and then the next thing i knew, i was in the stream and the only way i can describe it is it was like a white euphoria. A lot of people have talked about neardeath experiences. I heard lexi screaming, mommy, mommy. Trista had fallen in sort of a convulsive type of state. Reporter husband ryan is a trained emt but says despite seeing emergencies all the time this scared him. I was checking her pulse. She wasnt breathing. Just turning sort of blue. You fell into your daughters lap. How did she react . She was traumatized. I think she probably still is a bit. Laying on her with my eyes wide open rolling back into my head. Eye jaw is clenched and shaking. I remember him saying you had a seizure. Reporter she was rushed to a local hospital but doctors couldnt find anything wrong. Simply warning her not to drive until she sees a neurologist in the United States. Youre athletic and eat well and do pilates. Any signs of had. Ive headaches before but thats the extent of it. Who doesnt have headaches . Reporter realizing it could happen to anyone show wrote im human, i have an expiration date. I want to be that voice for people. Seize houres are not pretty. Its embarrassing to lose control and a lot of people feel alone and i want them to know theyre not. Studies have shown one out of ten people will have a she is our sometime in their life and theres a number of factors that may contribute to those seizures happening. They include lack of sleep, salt and water imbalances, blood sugar too high or too low and stress. Im waiting to find out. Reporter while the 44yearold says she may never know what caused it or if it will happen again she believes stress played a role. Do you think this has changed your perspective. Its changing my life. Still is to this day. I got up and i thought, oh, i need to go to the Grocery Store and im like, oh, i cant drive. Because, god forbid i have another seizure in the car. Life is fragile. Its precious. And you need to take the time to enjoy it and the people around you. And now that theyre home trista plans to see a neurologist as soon as possible and plans to stress les and do more of what she loves by which t the way still includes watching the bachelorette. That doesnt stress her out. Theyre a great example for that series. That is true love and such a wonderful loving couple. They are and say this whole thing made them stronger, brought them closer together and made them so thankful for the support theyve received from outside and loved ones. One in ten americans will suffer possibly from a seizure. She says she was just stressed over not being able to load an email. Trying to make a bus so nothing really out of the ordinary. Thank you for dont sweat the small stuff. Dont sweat it rat all. Diane, thanks so much for bringing that to us. We have that eyeopening new study about what kids watch and how it affects how he think about themselves. Ask sherwinwilliams during the great summer Painting Party save 30 on paints and stains june 18th through july 4th. Theres a store in every neighborhood. Find yours at sherwinwilliams. Com save. That one right there. For those who create their own path. Always unstoppable. We believe in food thats anaturally beautiful, fresh and nutritious. So there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. We believe in real food. Whole foods market. Sarah destroy. Dent. But when it comes to mortgages, shes less confident. 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Osteo biflex ease. Made to move. Back here on Good Morning America time for your gma moment. It was so hot and sticky here yesterday i thought this is what i need to do. Make a diy water slide. Thats right. [laughter] Mount Pleasant michigan this young man, see what i can do put a hose up at the top and a little kiddie pool at the bottom. Hes smart. Im doing that. Maybe thats what we do at our house and one way to beat the heat. Lets get a check a little closer to home. I think you found yourself a future engineer there, ginger. Right now weve got showers finally getting off the coast as we take a look outside, plenty of sunshine across the region. Looks like it stays mainly sunny today. Its humid for now with temps in the 70s but that gets better later. 86 is your high today. It will be warm, mostly sunny skies and humidity levels will gradually drop as we go through the day. Summer arrives before dawn tomorrow and then its 85 in the afternoon with just a spotty shower around. Hot on thursday, not very humid, 90. Now let us move on to mara schiavocampo. A parenting alert. Raising concerns about how what your child watch affects the way they think and feel about gender and mara is here with the details. You spent some time with families. A group of parents and kids who spokane diddley about the gender stereotypes theyre seeing. This new survey find parents say they shape what their kids think, everything from how they look and talk even to the jobs they aspire to. From their favorite tv shows the queen. Reporter to big screen blockbusters. Tv shows and movies are a big part of our kids lives but just how is all of this screen time affecting how boys and girls see themselves . This morning, an eyeopening new survey shedding light on how sear joe types in movies and on tv impact the way kids think about gender, sexuality and diversity. Pars feel tv and movies are incredibly influential on their kids perceptions. Reporter finding parents say movies and tv heavily influence their children. More than half of respondents saying theyre especially concerned about their children seeing sexualization of girls and women. Violence against girls or women and boys or men shown as hyperviolent on aggressive. Do you see stereotypes being reinforced . Absolutely. We sat down with a group of parents who share many of these concerns. Theres still the label if a girl plays sports shes kind of a tomboy instead of just a boy. My son, his favorite colors are pink and purple and has a purple scooter. I want him to be seeing these same lines become more blurry that used to be so segmented. Reporter 75 of respondents saying media images impact the way girls think they should look. They have to wear this much makeup or be this body shape or this body type. Reporter the kids we spoke to also have strong feelings what theyre seeing and own gender roles. I dont like how they portray the girls in belly shirts and really short shorts. They dont have to follow the boys lead. They can do whatever they want to do . Do you want to see them stronger. Yes. Does anyone give you a hard time when you say pink is your favorite color. I say theres no such thing as boy colors and girl colors. The lack of diversity on screens, more than half of parents say there is a lack of nonwhite role models for boys and girl, something this group agrees with. Dock mcstuffens like a brown girl like me on the show. Why do you like seeing girls like you on tv . It makes me feel like theres people like me that i can look up to. A parents job is educate your kids and share your own values, show them the behavior, show them the selfimage you want them to have. Reporter now, the group behind the report says they not only want to give parents tools to talk to their kis but also want to use it to engage content creator. Something interesting that came out of this, the top qualities the parents say they want in role models, kind, intelligence and confident. Whether youre a boy or girl. Where did you find these kids . Amazing. So sweet. I love what camilla say she wanted to see herself reflected in what she sees. Zendaya is coming up next. Ing. Good morning, im Tamala Edwards. 8 27 on this tuesday june 20. Lets head to karen rogers starting with a look at mass transit. Good morning. Were talking about one hour delays with the west trenton line and thats because of the problems theyve been having with wire problems here. It was 30 minutes but now its taking you an hour to travel there. The route 15 trolley shuttle busing until july 16th because of construction there. A live look at the blue route and penndot crossing over here. Blue route northbound the ramp to the schuylkill westbound weve got a disabled vehicle blocking the left lane. Tow truck on the scene with a number of Police Officers here as well. Looks like theyre getting ready to tow this guy out of there but in the meantime its a slow go on that that ran and an accident involving an overturned vehicle in new castle on wilton boulevard near route 40 so traffic getting by but kind of alternating in lanes. A mess on 495 northbound between terminal avenue and edgemoor road. Crawling along because of construction blocking two lanes until 4 oclock. Schuylkill expressway about to see construction here beginning at 10 00 a. M. Until 2 00 p. M. Today its eastbound between the blue route and city avenue. Youll see those restrictions wednesday and thursday its westbound, friday its both. New construction project, new headaches, tam. Okay, thank you, karen. Now lets go on out to meteorologist, david murphy. Hes got lat late latest in accuweather. Were at 74 degrees in philadelphia. And were waiting northerly humidity to drop across most of the region especially from philadelphia south. Still a little sweaty but as we go into the afternoon the humidity drops. We get mostly sunny skies and a nice high of 86. If you like warm stuff you got it today. Tomorrow summer officially arrives before dawn. Theres a chance of a spotty popup shower or maybe a thundershower tomorrow afternoon. Thursday summer lovers weather, 90 degrees the high, hot but not very humid. Friday, saturday and sunday the humidity builds back in a bit. Tam. Okay, thank you, david. Thats it. Were going to take a break but well see you back here in 30. Welcome back to gma, everybody. Were so happy to have everybody in our audience with us. Mighty crowd. You know what else im happy to share with everybody which this made me smile. This passionate 4yearold singing a song from moana. Take a look. The sea it calls me no one knows where it goes its the wind in my sail that i leave behind me one day ill know that is 4yearold sofia. I love the namesake. Same name as one of my daughters singing the song how far ill go from moana. She didnt even practice at home. She just showed up and did it. I think this girl has a future on broadway or something. They were videotaping it to send it to her grandmother and realized how hysterical it is and he said you should post it and it has gotten 12 million views on facebook. She was supposed to be low key but her mom did say i had no idea she had this in her. Theres no low key in sofia. You can see that. I think well hear from sofia on down the line. We have a wonderful guest to bring to the table. She is starring in her first feature film spiderman homecoming. Give it up for zendaya. [ applause ] oh, my gosh. You are so lovely. Oh. How are you doing . Good. Look at you. Hi. [ applause ] oh, do you feel the love. I do feel the love today. Oh, today and every day. Every say. So nice to be here. I love the energy. You bring it, as well. Michael was ranting and raving and saw it with the twins last night. I got to say when you popped up the screen and they looked at me like that, ha. I did even over and say shes going to be on the show tomorrow. They got very excited. You had to auditiony. Uhhuh. No no makeup. I had the audition process, i was wearing a little makeup but dont tell anybody. Audition part was really cool it was, you know like an initial audition on tape and then our director is so chill and relaxed it took some of the pressure off. A nerveracking experience especially for me, it was my first feature film. And i wanted it so bad so i was definitely nervous, people dont think i get nervous but i was extremely nervous. Tom was super cool and super chill as well as the director. So much attention on the movie and rave review from michael. Cant wait to see it myself. Lots of questions whether youre the famous mary jane watson. Always the question of my life right now. An abc news exclusive. I keep trying to tell everybody my name is michele in the movie. I am not lying to you. Shes intellectual. Smart, which i think leads her to not be able to socially interact with anybody her own age but she is a bit of a loner. I like her wittiness and quickness. Im definitely michele. Go see the movie. Thats all were saying. Starts with an m. Take a look at michele. Okay. Were going to have spieth swing, say you are tight and i get a fist bump. I cant believe youre at this lame party. Youre here too. Am i . [ applause ] i know. Mystery. Thats pretty much what i do the whole movie is pop in at random times and leaves. But it works. It works. The producers were telling us did you really go on your first date to a spiderman movie. I did. I did. When i was first allowed to date which was 16, sorry for new parents out there who made it earlier for their kids, later for their kids. I my first date was to spiderman and i was obsessed with it immediately and ive always kind of think i related to spiderman because hes a real person. Not just the superhero at the end of the day, peter parker a 15yearold kid which weve all been that awkward teenager and had that time in our life. Everybody has so i think that he was always like the realest superhero. Tangible to people and so it just happened that that was my first date and then meant to be . Here we are now. Its just crazy. We talk about this being your first movie but its definitely not your last. The greatest showman coming out with hugh jackman. You did your own stunts in as many as i was allowed to do. But, yeah, no, it was such an incredible, you know, experience and living in knock for five months and did a lot of working out, a lot of trapeze training which is something i never thought id be doing which is so different from this character in spiderman where i do not swing from anything. Thats toms job. Now im different now i get to take on all the responsibility. Such an incredible movie and want to continue to make the right career moves and do things that im passionate about and definitely passionate about that in you have a spirit about you when you walk in the room. Yes, you do. Really incredible. [ applause ] i tell you what, look at her. We love her in person and youll love her in this movie, spiderman homecoming, it hits theaters, july 7th. Go check out zendaya. Please, a great movie. An irspired new project rebooty body image. Back now with a new documentary called straight curve taking on the way the fashion industry represents real women from the runway to the retail rack. Sexy, fierce, different, the photo shoot at the center of the new straight curve features women of all shapes and size sfz we need a more diverse range of role models. The director lays the blame squarely at the feet of the fashion industry. Every single day surrounded by imagery on your way to school, on a bus and thats portraying one standard of beauty. Reporter it features interviews with stylist and models, all talking about the need for change. Models are responsible for the way everyone sees themselves and can effect change. Reporter that narrow standard of beauty affecting our children. I know my friends said im fat. She said you are fat. You are not. Some of these girls were saying on a daily basis they feel disgusting and dont feel like they belong. Hearing that is shocking. Reporter the film offers solutions as well. Our brain processes images 60,000 times faster than words. Its just what the filmmakers tried to do with the epic photo shoot. 12 different models of different sides and skin tones. The shoot was challenging to pull off. There were some that didnt want their clothes to be seen on women of varying sizes. Inspirational for everyone involved. Feels like a dream. So happy. Awesome. Yeah. Can you take a picture with me. Its important for me to have the next generation of boys and girls to see themselves represented so we feel more empowered. And stray curve all right lara, can you believe that summer officially starts tonight . Were going celebrate with our sponsor. Cliff kids z bar snack debuting just in time for summer and their theme for the season encouraging kids to go outside and stay active. Thats what were doing this morning with a twist on your favorite classic outdoor games. First up we have noodle tag thats what theyre playing. Dustin is it in the front there and once one gets tagged with the noodle they have to grab onto the other one. It really is fun. It makes tag a lot easier for the people running around i would think. One of those will win. Over here, thats right, weve got hop scotch hustle. Its not just hop scotch. A little bit of a change. You throw it and whatever it lands on ill do it with you. We got to staying live egyptian vogue. You get the point. When you get to that square you have to do it all. Were so happy that cliff has got us outside playing. Lets get a check closer to home real. Humid around here ginger for playing. Nothing on storm tracker6 double scan has that has cleared off the coast that Early Morning sprinkle and shower. Summer arrives overnight. 85 tomorrow. Im ready to do more dancing. Head up to michael and lara. You continue to dance. Well talk about the former olympic gold medalist. Ten time world boxing champion, oscar de la hoya. Welcome, man. [ applause ] you are used to being the champ in the ring. Now youre the champ out of the ring because youre promoting the biggest fights in the game and promoting one of the biggest ones weve had, one i cant wait to see between golokin and triple g and alvarez. People have waited for this for a long time. Its a middleweight fight which historically Sugar Ray Robinson back in the days, Thomas Hearns and marvelous marvin hagler. Now were bringing back that new age of boxing and putting up the best fighters on the planet against each other. They are in their prime. Theyre undefeated and its going to be a great, great event. So, in a contest like this both fighters so outstanding. Getting a little lesson from michael. How can you tell who has the advantage. I dont think anyone has an advantage. I think both are just evenly matched. Both guys are knockout artists. Both are aggressive, the most important thing both are super, super nice. They are you see them. Not when theyre in the ring. But they are just gentlemen. Theyre athletes who just carry themselves properly, you know, its like you want your kids how do you root for the best one, the best one to win. But then the thing is when you were a boxer, you were known as the golden boy and see you with such enthusiasm as a promoter, how is that for you to step from up side to outside the ring . When im watching it i say im glad i retired because those pumps hurt, yeah, im just its promoting these types of events and it brings i dont know, a lot of joy it myself were bringing the sport back because the sport brought so many people together like i get people from the street, kids from the streeting it me, you know what, oscar, thank you for bringing my family together, my dad, my pore when we used to watch you fight we would together and root for you and cheer you on so boxing is a sport that brings everyone together. Come back. No, never. Not in a million years, no. I tell you what, i always appreciated you because you fought the back. Now youre putting together the best in yes. We love that. Thank you, east car. Tickets go on sale thursday and see the bout on september 16th on hbo and im going to have more with oscar de la hoya live on gmas facebook now which is coming up and im going to try to talk to you about this. A lot more on the show. The cast of the tony winning broadway show bandstand in the hallway getting ready to perform live. Well be right back. Gmas get out and play is brought to you by clif kid, makers of organic snack you are going to love this. We are back now a powerhouse performance from the hit broad way musical bandidos about a group of world war ii vets fighting for a chance for stardom. It just danced its way to a tony winning best choreography for andy. Here now is the cast with nobo nobody. You know who tells me no you know who tells me i dont think snow you know who tells me no nobody you know who tells me to wait you know who tells me that aint so great you know who tells me to wait nobody so get out of our way especially if you dont have something nice story say dont try to bring someone other go find someone else to smother nobody no you know who tells me slow you know who tells me thats a no go you know who tells me slow nobody so get out of my way find somebody else to get what you say so disciplined someone other. Youre not my mother whoa you know who tells me stop you know who tells me you dont have what it takes and you will never reach the top you know who tells me to stop no no no nobody the band sno get out of my way find somebody else who wants to hear what you say you know who tells me stop you know who tells me you dont have what it takes and you will never reach the top you know who tells me to stop nobody nobody no no one tells me no no one tells me no no one tells me no one tells me no one tells me no one tells me no one tells me no no no nobody perfect dasure is. Game huh . I dont know about you gus, but i think a foul balls coming our way. Im ready crack of the bat, crowd cheers whoa almost had it maybe next time. What about this time . Pay me the new scratchoff from the pennsylvania lottery. With top prizes of 100 grand thats some catch giggles crowd cheers keep on scratchin for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. We do business where you do business. Before we go were thrilled to have five athletes with us, all of them a Wounded Warrior who is about to take part in the department of defense war yore games in chicago. This is staff Army Sergeant chris mcguinness. What makes you want to compete in games like this. You know, honestly, i can speak on behalf of myself and the rest of the gentlemen standing beside me. Its really just the opportunity to have camaraderie and competition. Its all about the competition . Were really honored for all of you to be here. We thank you for your service. We really do. You are truly heroes to all of us. [ applause ] and were so proud of all of you and i will tell you at home, the games kick off on june 30th. Opening ceremony is july 1th. Blake shelton, Kelly Clarkson are performing and Comedian Jon Stewart is hosting it. You can get tickets online. Make sure you go out and support. Thank you all. Very proud of you. And another big thank you to the cast of bandstand here. [ cheers and applause ] and before everybody leaves, here, everybody here is leaving with the original broadway cast recording which will be released friday. Everybody is going to walk home with that today. [ applause ] music. Yes. Thank you all. Thank you guys for watching. Have a great day. Good morning im Tamala Edwards. Its 8 56 on this tuesday june 20. Lets head to karen rogers. Still has an eye on your mass transit. Good morning. Thats right, tam, and were seeing one hour delays right now with the west trenton line. Thats because of a wire problem that theyre having so expect some really long delays and the route 15 trolley still shuttle busing. Speaking of delays of course we have one on 95. No major accidents at this point, just jams as you head from academy to girard. A 37 minute drive so its slowing down right there on i95. On 495 the big problem is the two left lanes blocked with construction so youre traveling at only 6 miles an hour. Jammed solid. This is going to be out there until 4 oclock in the afternoon. Its going to take awhile. Start something just one hour we have that new construction on the schuylkill eastbound between the blue route and city avenue thats going on this week. So youll see lane restrictions creating big sized delays wednesday and thursday it will be the schuylkill westbound between those two points. Friday they do it in both directions. Starting on the weekend they shut it down in the overnight hours from 9 p. M. To 5 00 a. M. As part that of big 21 million project tam but its going to cause some headaches. Well keep that in mind. Thank you, karen. Lets head out to dave murphy taking a look at accuweather. Good morning. All right, tam, right now we are looking at very warm conditions across the region. Extremely humid in some spots but all of that is Getting Better and tam, as we go through the day we are going to see not only lots of sunshine but also lowering humidity levels. Heres your seven day. 86 is todays high, mostly sunny. Going less humid as the day goes on much dont worry about it too much if its sticky this morning. It will get better. Tomorrow summer arrives partly sunny and 90 on thursday not very humid but hot tam. Thank you david. Opening statements are scheduled today in Seth Williams corruption case. Coming up on action news at noon well be live from the courthouse where philadelphias top prosecutor is himself on trial. For now its time for live with kelly and ryan here on 6abc. Im Tamala Edwards. Have a great tuesday. Announcer its live with kelly ryan today, big screen star chris pratt and the hosts reach new heights when they check out ifly. Plus, from once upon a time, actress lana parrilla, and kelly and ryan take on the winner of the kids cup stacking championship, all next on live. [upbeat music] now here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest. [cheers and applause] i want something just like this [cheers and applause] kelly thank you, thank you. Hi, hi, hi

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