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A garage roof collapses, many students injured. Have these parties gone too far . I really really really really like you and an unlikely pair, the oscar winner tom hanks lipsyncing his way into Carly Rae Jepsens song. I really really really really like you starring in her hilarious new video. How did this partnership happen . I really really really really really like you okay. Greetings on the cruelest day of the year for morning anchors. Dont forget to set your clocks ahead by an hour. Im glad that we already did otherwise we wouldnt be here. It is spring forward. One less hour of sleep for all of us. And that hour really counts when you wake up at 3 00 in the morning. It really does. So, if were dragging today you know why, however, no amount of sleep deprivation can diminish the historic value and emotional punch of what weve been seeing playing out in selma, alabama, this week. 50 years after peaceful civil rights activists were beaten on that very bridge, president obama right there leading a new march and saying the struggle is not over, and that brings us to our lead story this sunday, the protests in madison, wisconsin, after another Deadly Police shooting of an unarmed young black man by a white officer. A Police Shooting that some say proves the president s point, that more work needs to be done. Abcs linzie janis is in madison with the very latest for us this morning. Linzie. Reporter good morning, paula. This is where that struggle went down, in an unstairs apartment in the building behind me. Neighbors tell us its where Tony Robinsons two friends live and he would often come and go. This morning they say they cannot understand why he had to die. Its time for the police to stop. Reporter overnight tensions running high in the neighborhood where 19yearold Tony Terrell Robinson was shot and killed by Police Friday night. No weapon. Absolutely no weapon. Reporter neighbors gathering in front of the home where he died. Parents feeling angry and scared. I worry about my kids even walking down the street. Reporter robinsons friends too. Us being teenagers and, you know, africanamerican teenagers, you know, it can happen to us. Reporter earlier in the day police chief mike koval identifying 45yearold matt kenny as the officer who shot robinson and acknowledging that the teen was unarmed. I want to be very transparent. He was unarmed. Reporter robinsons mother in shock. My son has never been a violent person, never, and to die in such a violent, violent way, it baffles me. Reporter Court Records obtained by abc news reveal robinson and a group of friends pleaded guilty to charges of being a party to an Armed Robbery in april 2014 and robinson was under supervision when Police Responded to a complaint about him on friday evening. Outside yelling and jumping in front of cars apparently tony hit one of his friends. Reporter kenny the first officer at the scene can be heard in these police radio transmissions. 1125 upstairs apartment. David, we have to enter. Reporter before forcing his way in. Shots fired, shots fired. Reporter police say officer kenny opened fire after being attacked by robinson. Hes a decorated officer, not only for an officer involved shooting that occurred in 2007 but he also received a lifesaving award in 2005. Reporter according to officials, kenny a 12year veteran of the force and a former coast guardsman giving robinson cpr. Tony robinsons family is urging people to demonstrate, but to do it peacefully. Meanwhile, the officers behind me patrolling this scene 24 hours a day securing it but they arent in charge anymore thanks to a law just passed last year in wisconsin. All officerinvolved shootings must be investigated by a third party. The States Division for criminal investigation now tasked with finding out the facts in this case. Dan . This is going to be a closely watched investigation for sure. Linzie, thank you. And as we said these events in madison are playing out against the backdrop of history, the 50th anniversary of this, the brutal beating of marchers in selma, alabama, simply calling for the right to vote and this weekend, a new march over that same bridge with some of those same marchers and with americas first black president in the lead, and Abcs Steve Osunsami was right there for history. Steve, good morning. Reporter good morning to dan. The Edmund Pettus bridge will be closed this morning and the families who remain in selma will march across it late today. Take a look. Thousands from across the Country Crossing the Edmund Pettus bridge with the president , his family, president george w. Bush, the former first lady and selma city leaders and thousands more crowding the streets of selma, a nod to the difficult history here. We know the march is not yet over. We know the race is not yet won. Reporter he said selma is a place where the meaning of america was defined. The americans who crossed this bridge, they were not physically imposing but they gave courage to millions. Robbing this country requires more than singing its praise s it requires the occasional disruption, the willingness to speak out for what is right. To shake up the status quo. Thats america. Reporter on this very bridge more than 80 demonstrators fighting for black Voting Rights were beat down with billy clubs by alabama police. Congressman john lewis on the bridge that day in selma again saying his work continues. Get out there and push and pull and to be redeemed a soul of america. Reporter young demonstrators fresh from the streets of ferguson complain that theres too much celebrating. There is a little too much happiness going on with too many dead bodies laying around the country. Reporter reverend clark olsen was here in 1965. This is him then. He and unitarian minister james reed were walking back to a church when they were attacked and reed was killed. We were attacked by four or five white men. Reporter one of two white demonstrators who died. Do you ever forget that day . No. No. Reporter he says its not right but it took the death of a white minister to change the conversation in this country and eventually the Voting Rights act became law. Paula. Such a Pivotal Moment in the civil rights movement, steve, thank you. And turning now to 2016 and the race for the white house where democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton speaking in florida continued to size up an email that raises questions about transparency and double standrds. Republicans too, they were out in iowa on the campaign trail pressing their case and abcs david wright is on the beat in cedar rapids. Reporter in miami, bill clinton preached the gospel of transparency defending big money donations from foreign governments. So my theory about all this is disclose everything. Reporter but Hillary Clinton made no mention of the controversy over her use of a private email account for official business. Chelsea and i did a little talk on snapchat. Reporter but while mrs. Clinton shied away from the controversy, late night tv jumped on the opportunity. You want to check my netflix, go ahead. Nothing to hide. Every day i watch house of cards from start to finish. Reporter transparency is at the heart of the email controversy. President obama told cbs news it was news to him that the blackberry she carried everywhere as secretary of state did not have a government email address. The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency, and thats why my emails, the blackberry that i carry around, all those records are available and archived. Reporter hey, are you excited to be in iowa . I am. I am. Reporter here in iowa jeb bush has his own baggage to deal with. A lot know me as georges boy or barbaras boy or w. s brother all of which im proud of. Reporter but now hes eager to make the case hes his own man. I want to win. I want our party to win. I want conservatives to win. Reporter you sold . Not quite sold yet. Reporter this was bushs First Campaign trip to iowa. Hes been here of course before campaigning for his father and for his brother but this was his first as a candidate. The voters that we spoke with were inclined to give him a hearing but some told us the bush name could be a liability. Dan. David wright, great to have you on the campaign trail in iowa this morning. And for more lets bring in abc news chief anchor George Stephanopoulos who will be hosting this week later this morning. Hi, dan. So jeb took some rivenls by sticking to his unpopular stances on immigration and education. He says hes willing to risk losing the primary in order to win the general. But dont you need to maybe ive never been good at math but dont you need to win the primary in order to play in the general. No question about it. Hes going to have a tough balancing act all through this primary campaign. Hes facing real questions from conservatives over immigration, over those common Core Educational standards, but the bet hes making is that theres no way he can win the general election as a republican if republicans dont do better with minorties young people as theyve done in the past and a lot of what they say is that mitt romney went too far some say in 2012 flipflopping to make himself viable in the general election. Lets talk about the democrats now and put putative frontrunner Hillary Clinton she is the front runner. Well, but she hasnt declared shes in the race. Anyway, lets not get into semantics. Anyway, she has sidestepped the email issue. But this story seems to have legs. How big a problem is it . I think well find out. I dont think necessarily itll bring down her campaign and raise questions about a pattern of kind of hunkering down in the clinton world. Well also see if her critics overreact on this one but no question those emails rg3 go be to turned over most of them are going to come out. The question is what is inside them . Is there anything damaging there . If not i think this tends to blow over, but i think this was a wakeup call to the Clinton Campaign about the kind of questions theyre going to be getting all through this process. George stephanopoulos. Its always a tough morning when george corrects you on political issues. Thank you, george. Appreciate. Great to see you. Ill recover. A reminder, george has a big show. Much more on the email story with a man who has a unique perspective, the former secretary of state colin powell and you can tweet george your suggestions for questions gstephanopoulos. Thanks again, george. Thank you, george thanks, dan. Lets turn to ron tracking the other News Headlines and well begin overseas. Good morning to you, paula and dan. Good morning, everyone. We do begin overseas with two of worlds most brutal terrorist groups joining forces. The Nigerian Islamist Group boko haram taking to twitter swearing allegiance to isis. Abcs Alex Marquardt is live in london with more on that and what it means. Alex. Reporter good morning, ron. Thats right. Two of the worlds most chilling names in global terrorism coming together, boko harams leader announcing in an audio message they are swearing allegiance to isis. This, of course, is a group that has kill ded thousands in their home country of nigeria and kidnapped those hundreds of schoolgirls last year. Now, what this alliance actually means in practical terms has yet to be determined but boko haram now becomes the latest global isis franchise. Its brutal ideology on the march around the world now extending all the way from libya and egypt to afghanistan and pakistan and only growing by the day. Ron. Okay alex. Thanks. Alex marquardt reporting from london. Today marks one year since the disappearance of Malaysia Flight mh370. In china relatives of some of the missing passengers gathering to pray for family members who were on that flight. This as some startling new details from the investigation come from a team of International Investigators releasing their interim report overnight which says the battery in the planes data recorder, the flight data recorder expired in 2012 more than a year before that jetliner went missing. Searchers spent weeks listening for its pings. Reports say the battery in the cockpit voice recorder was operational though. And chaos at a College Party in california. Nine students rushed to the hospital after the garage roof they were partying on came crashing down. The collapse caught on camera and none of the injuries is lifethreatening, but one person was impaled in the thigh with a piece of wood. And a tense situation in london overnight caught on camera. A 23yearold man somehow got to the roof of the house of parliament. He managed to stay up there walking across the roof for eight hours before a negotiator managed to get him down. He is now facing several charges including trespassing. And finally, some laundry instructions causing a social media firestorm. An indonesian Sportswear Company apologizing for printing, you see it there washing instructions saying give this jersey to your woman. Its her job. Oh timing is everything. Today is International Womens day. I cant do laundry. My husband doesnt want to give me the laundry. Everything would be pink. Im going to leave that thing alone. Sara, you were agitated by that. Sara has nothing to say. Sara, just give me your rendered speechless. Laundry is actually my only domestic skill. Men can do it too. Yeah and if max ever sent me to the laundry room, done. A finish on it. But do you do the laundry . Yeah, i love laundry. Okay, there you go. Shes not required to. You dont have to do it. You have to want to do it. Okay. Thank you very much. Happy International Womens day. Yes, thank you. I appreciate that very much. Switching gears, actor Harrison Ford continues to recover this morning from injuries suffered when he was forced to crash land his small plane. His son tweeting he is of strong mind, body and spirit, this as were learning new details about that flight, which ended in a brush with death for the star and abcs brandi hitt has the story from los angeles. Reporter this morning Harrison Ford is recovering after his thursday plane crash. His son tweeting an update on the action stars recovery overnight. Dad has the best care possible. On the mend and of strong mind, body and spirit. Fords horrific flight from takeoff to crash landing all transpired in under five minutes. At approximately 2 19 ford cleared for departure from the Santa Monica Airport in his world war ii era ryan pt aircraft. Ryan, 178, runway 2, 1. Clear for takeoff. Reporter the hollywood icon, an avid pilot flying westbound towards the pacific, 90 seconds later making this frantic call back to the control tower at 2 21. 53178, engine failure, immediate return. Reporter his terrifying descent at 85 Miles Per Hour back to the busy private airport, all captured on video by stunned neighbors. Hope hes going to make it. Ryan 178 runway 3 clear to land. Reporter but ford never made it to runway 3. At approximately 2 22 going down on Penmar Golf Course 400 yards from the air important runway. If Harrison Ford decided to turn around to head back to the airport, that tells us that he probably had over 900, maybe,000 feet of altitude and he figured he had enough to make it. Theres a plane down. Reporter these photos snapped ten minutes after the crash as rescue workers rush a badly injured ford to ucla medical center. The mangled remains of his vintage plane removed the next day by National Transportation safety board investigators. This morning still working to determine the cause of the stars brush with death. Its a 1942 vintage aircraft so theres not a lot of computers to it and so a lot of it is old school. Well see what it is. Well look at everything. Reporter you heard Harrison Ford calling the control tower to report that engine failure. He is expected to make a full recovery here at ucla medical center. His family says he is battered but okay. Still no word on when hell be released from the hospital. Dan and paula. Battered but okay. Brandi, thank you. We switch gears as we slog toward the finish line of this seemingly unending definitely insufferable winter. Everybody has been looking for even the smallest signs that spring may be near. Signing like hear ging a robin sing, the first pitch of the baseball season, which is my favorite, and the reason that i think were all a little sluggish this morning, Daylight Saving time. Its been over a month since that groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter, and its safe to say we are ready for it to end. Bostons had almost 106 inches of snow this year and needs only 2 more inches of the white stuff to beat their alltime record. Over half of the country remains covered in snow from chicago to d. C. And new york city. Even the south had a bitter chill to swallow. The snow and slop just wont stop, and while kids are having a ball, it means some parents have to get creative to exert their little ones energy. But spring is just around the corner and the first sign Daylight Saving. Which means we can look forward to easter egg hunts, the easter bunny and peeps. Thank you, easter bunny. Reporter buds blooming on trees, the masters, march madness, the first of the baseball season precipitation of a different variety is on the way. So look out, winter. Watch out. Reporter spring is almost here. So long, winter. Marciano said doing a snow angel on tv would be a career killer. But anyway well see. We want to clarify, we have the official countdown right there, but just to clarify exactly 12 days to spring. The vernal equinox occurs at what time 6 45. Im missing all thesefullying butterfly butterflies. Awesome. Its like avatar up in here. Thanks for getting us in the mood for spring, paula. This is fantastic. Youre welcome. Reporter it doesnt want to end. We have proof that thing are beginning to melt. Well take you to bay field wisconsin where the ice fields ice caves there off Lake Superior they are beginning to melt. Today might be the last day to get access to those. More celebrations unless you like ice caves and winter. The amount of snow coverage has dropped in the last two days. Two days ago we were 51 coverage and this morning 31. 5 . Thats just amazing how much weve come down and continue to shrink. The warming trend continues. You bumped 24 degrees in louisiana, plus 7 in louisville and 20degree swing in new york city. The warmup is here, the jet stream is moving well to the north. Well keep that progressive zonal flow which means no huge storms coming. We have heavy rains at times in texas, san antonio and austin. In the 50s and 60s. Thats a look at the National Outlook heres whats shaking locally. Reporter good morning, ive, im meteorologist chris sowers, nothing going on on the radar. Well get you outside mainly sunny conditions north of the pennsylvania turnpike. Lock in with a few clouds, later on everybody is sunny. Normally we should be around 51. Close to average today 48. 5 52 tomorrow, 49 by tuesday, 56 by wednesday. No. Come on. Give it a shot. Oh, ron. Its not a cocktail. I thought it was a blue hawaii. You cant take ron anywhere. I love it. I do feel like spring is actually in the air now, though. Makes we want to do some laundry. Get back in there, dan, and get it done. Did i say that out loud. Yes, you actually did. Would you like to refract it. Nope. Youre sticking with it. Well coming up on gma, missing teenager. The desperate search for a College Student who vanished while home for spring break. And the mad genius of the internet. How this amateur magician pulls off these sixsecond stunts that has gone repeatedly viral. And oh, baby. Oscar winner Cate Blanchett is a mom up ahead in pop news again. Good morning america is brought to you by ensure. Enjoy the complete balanced nutrition of ensure. Okay. Listen up. Im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. Ohhhh. Okay veggies youre cool. Mayo, corn dogs you are so out of here ahh. cause im reworking the menu. Keeping her healthy and you on your toes. The complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and Minerals Antioxidants and 9 grams of protein. I see you cupcake. Uh oh the 1 doctor recommended brand. Ensure. Nutrition in charge lowes presents how to make a friend speak when shes speechless wow kim, im speechless your new bathroom looks so beautiful i cant even talk right now. I literally cant even open my mouth to talk. Now get the Moen Caldwell faucet for 79 at lowes. Anything i can do to make your stay more magical . Well i wish we could have even more park time. Have dinner with a princess. Oo i want to ride the monorail and take a break by the pool. But be back in time for fireworks. Let me see what i can do. Woah when you stay at a select Walt Disney World resort hotel, you get the most out of your vacation. And your family. And now, youll save up to 25 off a select Walt Disney World resort hotel room. Did you know enamel is your teeths first line of defense . But daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. You need Colgate Enamel Health toothpaste. Its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium. For stronger, healthy enamel. 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So why just clean your baby when you can give her. So much more™ . Johnsons®. So much more™. Youre getting 3 here. Alright . Here goes. Yep. [ crunching ] oh cheddar, sour cream onion and salt vinegar. Wow wow how did you do that . i can see through the blindfold. [ male announcer ] pringles ahead on gma, what happened to this 18yearold who went missing while home from college on spring break . We have the latest on the search. And how does the magical vine king do his amazing tricks . Vine king do his magic tricks . Worshipers will unite this morning to help the family of Slain Philadelphia Police officer Robert Wilson iii. Saint Martins Catholic church is near the place where the officer was killed. The congregation will take up a collection for the family. The officer left behind two young boys. Im nydia han we sprung forward overnight, our temperatures did, too, outside to chris sowers. Reporter all right nydia nice and mild. Yesterday we we were waking up to temperatures in the Single Digits. Today were in the 30s and 40s. 48 degrees today sunshine, 52 monday. Thank you thats it for action news, well be back in a halfhour. Im nydia han stay tuned for more good morning Good Morning America. Make appointments that fit their schedules, even on weekends. Because we believe in being here when our patients need us, so they can keep living their busy lives. Weekend appointments are now available here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com eastern. Whats with the suit . Oh, i had to go to the bank. If you look legit they give you special treatment. Seriously . Seriously, yeah. The banker dude set up my Checking Account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. Special treatment citizens bank, right . Yep. You know they do that one deposit checking thing for everyone, right . And. You got mustard on your suit. Actually, its your suit. One deposit checking. Only from citizens bank. One deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee. I really, really really like you oh, no need to adjust your screen. That is, indeed, the one and only, that is tom hanks lipsyncing. Not forrest gump, that is tom hanks lipsyncing to Carly Rae Jepsens brandnew video i really like you and we really really really really like it this morning. Well explain the unlikely duo. How did they am i going to get in trouble . Are his lipsyncing skills that good . Youre questioning it. He is an actor. Oscar winner. Seems a little off. Hes good at everything. Yes, i love tom hanks at everything he does. Also coming up, internet fame takes many forms from grumpy cat to boo the dog to this dude whos become known as the king of vine, the social media platform where you post those sixsecond videos. Our rachel smith goes behind the scenes with zach king to see how he does what he does. And that one is my favorite. That was great. Really, really good. But were going to start here with the disappearance of a College Freshman. She came home for spring break and then vanished after a series of mysterious texts. And theres a clue in the case that has her family baffled. Abcs Gloria Riviera has been tracking the story and she joins us from washington. Gloria. Reporter good morning, dan, good morning, paula. Thats right, baffling. This has been an unfolding nightmare for the family of College Freshman anjelica hadsell. Missing for over a week now. The last known contact, a text sent from anjelicas phone to her mothers phone at 5 30 in the morning on a tuesday but her mother says she cant be 100 sure it was her daughter sending that text and since then nothing. Everything across here, we need this whole area completely checked, all right. Reporter this Morning Police and family members desperately searching for 19yearold virginia student anjelica hadsell. The search spanning 100 miles is now in its seventh day. Today we found three more additional pieces with numbers that we should be able to link to her car. Reporter police say these fragments of her debit cards are the only sign of the Longwood University sophomore since disappearing from her parents norfolk, virginia, home while on spring break. This isnt her. Reporter the teen known to her family as a. J. Was last seen by her family at 9 15 monday night. Her mother says it wasnt until the next morning that she received a mysterious text message from a. J. s phone. The conversation in my opinion was a little off like i cant say 100 sure i know that was my daughter that i was texting. Reporter then on wednesday, Police Received a tip that hadsell was seen here on a Richmond University campus almost two hours away. So far that sights is unconfirm unconfirmed. While investigators say theres no sign of foul play, loved ones are convinced hadsell wouldnt disappear on purpose. This is not anjelica. We all know her. We know how she would act, and this is not this is out of character. Reporter now hadsells parents desperate to hear from their daughter far from giving up. Ill be out here every day until i find her or she comes back home. Reporter the search moving into the second week. Family and friends distributing flyers hoping this is all a misunderstanding. Dan, paula. Such a heartwrenching time for that family. Gloria, thank you. We want to turn it back over to Ron Claiborne whos been tracking all of the stories overnight for us. Hi again, paula and dan, sara, robert. Good morning to you. Good morning, everyone. We begin in madison, wisconsin, where tensions are high after the deadly shooting of an unarmed young black man by a white police officer. 19yearold Tony Robinson was shot and killed after allegedly fighting with that police officer. The officers been placed on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of the investigation. And take a look at this from child, new york. A car traveling at a high rate of speed went airborne before crash nothing a church in baldwin on long island. The driver and passenger of the car apparently ran off after the crash. No one was inside of the church at the time. And let the countdown begin. In about 24 hours from now, apple will unveil the much anticipated apple watch. The smartwatch is expected to have several new apps. Prices will start at 349. And finally, take a look at this highpriced heist. The crooks blasting allegedly through the front door of this showroom, this is in england featuring rare vintage cars. Why do you say allegedly . Maybe they have an explanation. I dont know. Maybe their cars whoa. You see there, they dragged away that classic car off to a getaway truck pulling it out of the dealership. The thieves took off with a classic 1972 ford blue mk1. The range rover used in the heist was later found on fire. The missing car is still missing. The price tag for that automobile, 180,000 bucks. Man. So sweetlooking ride. It is. Absolutely. I hope they catch the alleged robbers. Yeah. I think they just got i think they just got it stuck in reverse and accidentally smashed perhaps they were taking it away to get it detailed. You never know. You never know. You know never. And they accidentally set the range rover on fire in the process. I can totally see the defense. A flair for the dramatic. Presumed innocent, my friend. Foundation of american jurisprudence. Speaking of foundation of america, lets go to d. C. Where we have the washington lets go to washington d. C. , theres snow on the mall this morning. Were looking for temperatures to rebound after record breaking lows. Washington d. C. Got down to near zero. Well go to the gulf coast houston saw snow and now well get into a typical pattern weve development the southern jet stream that will tap the gulf of mexico and Corpus Christi and san antonio. This will stretch over the ohio river over areas that have a lot of snow. It should not be a huge flooding situation. Well monitor that. Could see rainfall amounts of to 4 inches. Man we need that rain out west, were not getting anytime soon. 79 degrees in los angeles snow pack across the sierra nevada, very low. You may get a little rain next week. Thats a look at the National Outlook, heres whats shaking locally. Reporter good morning everyone, chris sowers well see the rain tuesday were up to 48 degrees today and 352 monday and rain by tuesday. Itll be here soon enough. Allegedly. Allegedly. Coming up here on the broadcast, you may have seen his sixsecond viral video from the oscar red carpet. I believe sara haines is in this video briefly. Were going to reveal the tricks that zach king uses and the celebrities he collaborates with to make his internet magic. So incredible. International womens day. Well show you the most Inspiring Women on twitter as we celebrate achievement, inspiration and equality. Lowes presents how to make a friend speak when shes speechless wow kim, im speechless your new bathroom looks so beautiful i cant even talk right now. I literally cant even open my mouth to talk. Now get the Moen Caldwell faucet for 79 at lowes. Sir, were going to need you on the runway later dont let a severe cold hold you back. Get theraflu. It has the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. Theraflu breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. So you never miss a day. Theraflu. Serious power. I guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me and i was like well can you fix it can you paint it back on and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier and it was a real easy switch to make. You forgot the milk thats lactaid®. Right. 100 real milk just without the lactose. So, no discomfort . Exactly. Try some. Mmm, it is real milk. Lactaid®. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Lifes morning multitasking. Its multiple ideas for growing families and drawers with many layers to show exactly what you need. Lifes the food that brings us together. And kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day. What in the world. That kid is kind of amazing. Hes fun. Were back now with the tricks of a vine master. Zach king made a big splash on the oscar red carpet with his aweinspiring sixsecond videos posted to the social media platform vine. And abcs rachel smith is in los angeles to show us just how he creates his mini masterpieces. Rachel. Yes, thank you, paula. Good morning to you all. Well, six seconds flies by in the blink of an eye, but 23yearold zach king puts hours of thought into each second. I recently had a chance to catch up with the vine star whos captured the attention of millions from celebrities to big brands like microsoft and pringles for turning six seconds into magic. Take a look. Oh. Reporter dont blink or youll miss the magic. Vine magician zach king doesnt need long to impress. His sixsecond videos on the app have his 2. 6 million followers asking, how does he do that . Well do sometimes just simple jump cuts and freeze and people come over and change my clothes and war. Invisible string and optical illusions create the affects as well as a lot of work from him and his team. Usually it extends to about four to five hours to shoot and edit that video. Reporter kings used his tricks to turn a hobby into an empire. Photobombing. Reporter collaborating with rappers and plenty of big brands. His talent even taking him all the way to the red carpet of the oscars. [ cheers and applause ] one of my favorites that you did was there were two beds and you jump from one to the other and then you fall asleep. Thats actually my permanent favorite. Get out. Really . Yeah. Reporter we go behind the scenes to look into what goes into the making. The concept is going to be taking this angry bird and well put it on the branch and ill throw it on to mark and itll become a red sweater. Cool. Reporter sometimes those stunts really are as dangerous as they seem. I did one where i fell off the roof. It was the most difficult because it was like one of those tile roofs where they could slide. Living on the edge. Do not try it. Totally. Reporter but for king the chance to make a little magic is worth the risk. Its about inspiring other people. Aaah zach also hopes to someday parlay his vine videos into longer projects like feature films. Who knows, this vine magician may soon be appearing in a theater near you. Its going to be hard to scale from 6 seconds to 90 minutes. I know. Thats a pretty big jump. Got to give us more. If anyone can do it, i think zach king can. Those videos are amazing. Its a real art that goes into it. If i snap my fingers, will you go away . No. Keep snapping. No, it doesnt work. She doesnt want me to. I dont. Anybody believe that . Rachel, thank you. I love you. Coming up on gma, treat or no treat. You got to see how this dog responds to that simple question. We liked it so much that we put our own pets to the test. I promise i will be right back despite what paula wants. Thank you. No, i want you to stay right here. Snap, snap, snap, snap. Asking kids what their favorite vegetable is. Kids . [ crickets chirping ] now were gonna give those same kids bushs baked beans. [ kids ] mmmm. Finally, were gonna tell them that bushs baked beans are actually a veg tuttuttut. Ixnay on the egetablevay. Oh, right. Bushs secret family recipe gives them a delicious flavor so theyre a [whispers] vegetable that kids actually like. Bushs baked beans. The [whispers] vegetable that kids love. What we eat and drink can stain our teeth. New Colgate Total lasting white mouthwash strengthens teeth and has an invisible shield that helps block stains like this. For a healthy white smile that lasts. New Colgate Total lasting white. For a love that can endure any fashion trend, dukes family only feeds him iams with two times the meat than other leading brands it helps keep him strong from tiara to toenail just one of many iams formulas to keep love strong. Each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are used. Enough to fill the empire state building. Twice. Toss the tube for good. With scott naturals® tubefree. Man when i got shingles it was something awful. It was like being blindsided by some linebacker. You dont see it coming. Boom if youve had chicken pox that shingles virus is already inside of you. It aint pretty when it comes out. Now im not telling you this so that youll feel sorry for me. Im just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. I was one of em. So please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Its time for pop news. We know that because rons playing the drums. Yeah, and were going to give you a song you cant get out of your head. Youre welcome. Singing superstar Carly Rae Jepsen with her brandnew single i really like you on the show on monday but now shes released the music video starring none other than tom hanks. I need to tell you something im pregnant. Okay. Just kidding. Yeah i really really really really really like you the twotime oscar winner nailing it with some quirky lipsyncing. Quirky, dan, thats what thats called posing for selfies, sending emojis and shaking it up with carly rae and even justin bieber. Yeah. The biebs is where . Wait. Hes got a hood on. Right now. Right there. Tom hanks hes coming right here. But the unlikely pair met at the wedding of biebers manager and hanks, who heard about the video, apparently asked carly, why not me. Why didnt you ask me . And you know what she said, heres my number, call me maybe. Yes no. Wait for it. That was amazing. Okay. Just kidding. Surprising baby news for Cate Blanchett. The actress spokesperson confirming to abc news that cate and her husband andrew upton have just adopted a baby girl. Edith vivian patricia upton. Say that five times fast. The australian couple already has three sons together and it looks like little edith might grow up with an american accent. The family recently announcing theyll be relocating stateside from sydney later this year, a big congratulations to them, and you can catch cate starring in Disneys Cinderella opening this friday nationwide. And today is International Womens day which ron so aptly introduced earlier celebrating the achievement of women and calling for greater equality. Elle magazine has picked its 25 Inspiring Women to follow on twitter. Patricia arquette top ss the list who gave that unforgettable speech for equal pay that brought meryl streep and j. Lo to their feet. Number two is emma watson who helped launch the he for she campaign that went totally viral and rounding out the top three, lena dunham, who is all about the girls regular championing say it, dan. Championing. Championing. Championing. Shes fully behind it. Clearly she supports smart women like myself. Championing planned parenthood and other womens organizations. Help, people. You leave me championing. Its too fun to watch you struggle. Sorry. Oh, and dogs often salivate just before dinner time. Its called the pavlovian response. Pavlovian. Im trying to help you. You said help me. Tomato, tomato. Now watch what this dog does when his owner teases him with the word treats. Treats. No. Treats. No. Oh, no. Treats. No. Later. Treats. We had such a kick out of this video what we decided to try it with our own dog, trixie. This is my husband. No. Oh. Trixie. Treat . No. Trixie. Totally works. You got to see dans cat. I think we can see steve. No treat. Do you want a treat . Youre yawning at me. Want a treat . Sheaf is so bored with you. Thats steves normal response to me. Sara, can i just say totally championed pop news. I championed the pop news. Championing. Yes championing. Championing the pop news. Bam. All right. We all have a pavlovian response to that. Well be right back. New nivea inshower body lotion. First i wash then i apply it to my wet skin. It moisturizes with no sticky feel. I quickly rinse off. And im ready to go. New nivea inshower body lotion. In the body lotion aisle. Did you use the loo paper in there . I did. How was it . It was good why do you think that the ripples work . Because it gets it all clean. Are you so clean that you would go commando . Ok how do you feel . I feel awesome only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so you can go commando. What are you doing . Theres no dip in that bowl. Theyre pringles tortillas. Theyre so good they dont need dip. Can i have some from your bowl . Please. Hmmm. Not bad right . Think ill have some more. Thats a double dip. You double dipped. Pringles tortillas. So good you dont dip em you air dip em. Pringles lowes presents how to make a friend speak when shes speechless wow kim, im speechless your new bathroom looks so beautiful i cant even talk right now. I literally cant even open my mouth to talk. Now get the Moen Caldwell faucet for 79 at lowes. You wouldnt do half of your daily routine. So why treat your mouth any differently. Brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. Complete the job with listerine®. Kill up to 99 percent of germs. And prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. Complete the job with listerine®. Power to your mouth™. Also try listerine® floss. Its advanced Technology Removes more plaque. Tt2wut3n ad bt q764 tt2wut3n ad a q p tt2wut3n ad bm q,1e tt4wut3n ad dztq cd tt4wut3n ad entq ng tt4wut3n ad gzt w e tt4wut3n ad hnt gn0 tt4wut3n ad iztq h tt4wut3n ad jntq . 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Good morning im in nydia han along with eva pilgrim. A minivan is riddled with bullets after a deadly shooing and parts of 495 in delaware are closed. Remembrance for a Philadelphia Police officer who was killed in the line of duty. Reporter eva, look at this, we have a couple of locations in the 40s, it will get warmer than this in the seven day. Ill have the the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast right after this. Hp instant ink can save you up to 50 on ink delivered to your door. So print all you want and never run out. Plans start at 2. 99 a month. The most affordable way to print. Hp instant ink. woman ready for another game . woman oh, sorry man daydreaming again. man about going on a cruise . in unison yeah. woman around the hawaiian islands, for 2 weeks. in unison we were man with a helicopter tour. woman how did you know . Youve got the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. woman yeah, cash kapow. man top prize of 100,000. foreground woman the leis are a nice touch. male announcer want to see your dreams come to life . You could scratch your way to instant winning. The pennsylvania lottery. Bring your dreams to life. Good morning, it is 9 00 a. M. On this sunday, march 8. In the news, Delaware State Police investigate a deadly shooting. It involves two vehicles and shut down parts of the 495 for much of the morning. Well have an update on the situation. Police in south jersey investigate a triple shooting that killed one of the victims. Plus, remembering an officer killed in the line of duty. A local church will pay tribute to officer Robert Wilson who was gunned down trying to stop a robbery. First meteorologist chris sowers has the first signs of spring. Reporter its so warm, youll want to go out and do whatever theres so much snow on the ground you want to go on the stroll, you have to watch your step. The snow is start to melt, especially this afternoon when the temperatures climb into the low 50s later this week there are areas that will get close to 60 degrees, the panel is finally changing. Look where we are at already. We started out in the Single Digits and low teens yesterday morning. Under all the circumstances 35 in philadelphia

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