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Enclosure. The quickthinking moves of zoo keepers to save the boys life. And freedom. After spending 17 years behind bars for a murder she always said she did not commit, a mother of three is exonerated and released by a judge. Am i really free . Everybody say yes what she plans to do now. Hey, good morning. Also coming up, take a look at this, the worst kind of wedding crasher. A coldhearted thief, caught on tape stealing the gift box filled with cash and checks. Boo. Sara is particularly sensitive. She has a wedding coming up. Dont invite him. We have the latest. Dont be worried. Get your hands off my presents. We have the stepped up security to keep us safe from ebola. A new enhanced screening operation getting underway at one u. S. Airport this morning to try to identify infected passengers arriving from those countries that are battling the outbreak. And tom llamas is in Kennedy Airport in new york with the story. Good morning, tom. Reporter good morning. U. S. Customs and Border Protection estimate that 43 of the travelers coming from west africa come right through this airport, jfk. Thats why Health Screenings are beginning today. Its a critical way to keep ebola patients from mixing with the u. S. Population. Tonight abc news has learned that the state of new jersey is putting members of a Television News crew under mandatory quarantine after they say a 21day isolation agreement was breached. They violated it, the nbc crew was with ashoka mukpo who is being treated at a hospital in new mexico. Fear sweeping across the nation. This plane was detained for two hours. On board, a patient who recently travelled to africa violently ill. We thought it was a passenger sick in the back of the plane. We had no idea. Reporter Health Officials determined a false alarm. Not ebola. This morning ebola screenings begin at the first of five u. S. Airports. All arriving from the countries at the epicenter will be checked for fever and asked if they had contact with ebola patients. Fever, no, headache, no, vomiting, no. Reporter then if needed, theyre quarantined for further evaluation. This all happening as u. S. Marines are arriving on the grown in west africa. Health care workers taking their temperatures. Medical records of the first person in the u. S. To die of ebola, thomas eric duncan, said he was sent home from texas Presbyterian Hospital with a fever of 103 degrees before being admitted for treatment two days later. An oversight his nephew calls conspicuous. Its either incompetence or negligence. Reporter and the dallas hospital is saying they are reviewing how duncan was allowed to go home. And of the 48 people duncan came into contact with, so far none are showing signs of ebola. Thats good. But there are serious, serious questions about the hospital in dallas. Thank you. It was a night of real tension in ferguson, missouri. Police and protesters going going nose to nose after an offduty cop shot and killed yet another teenager in st. Louis. Hundreds of people arriving for a fresh round of protests. And jeff zeleny is on the ground in ferguson this morning. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Ferguson and st. Louis are cities on edge as thousands of protesters are set to arrive for what theyre calling a weekend of resistance. Overnight, tension and outrage on the streets. But no violence as protests rekindle in ferguson. Thousands of protesters on their way to missouri after a second young africanamerican man was killed by police. The demonstrations marked by burning flags and throwing bricks through windows. Im a criminal, when youre the criminal Reporter Police say the latest shooting on wednesday night in st. Louis started with the confrontation and led to a chase. I want to ask for calm. Its an individual with a gun that made a conscious decision to shoot at a Police Officer. Reporter 18yearold Vonderrit Myers jr. Was killed in a barrage of gunfire. They say he fired first, and he was wearing a courtordered ankle bracelet. This was because of a previous felony gun charge. But the young mans mother doesnt believe police. She says her sons killing was unprovoked. He was executed, it was overkill. For nothing. For nothing. Reporter the shooting of Michael Brown sparked a National Debate over race and police conduct. Ever since, protesters from across the country have been drawn to st. Louis where emotions are raw. The community has to see the difference in the two cases. Certainly they can talk about the issue, but we ask that they do it peacefully. Reporter now, later this morning, a justice for all rally is scheduled to begin in downtown st. Louis. The police say theyre committed to keeping the streets calm. But that is the key test as they continue to investigate a shooting involving one of their own. Paula. All right. Jeff zeleny, live from st. Louis where we are expecting a weekend of protests. Thank you very much. And a horrifying sight at a zoo when a toddler fell into a jaguar pit fracturing his skull. The big cats closed in on that boy. But quickthinking zoo keepers saved the day getting the cats away from the child. And Michelle Franzen has the story. Good morning. Reporter imagine trying to save your child, helpless and surrounded by massive felines. The quick thinking came in the nick of time for the 3yearold boy. The father frantically throwing items at the jaguars to fend them off, and the zoo keepers racing in to rescue him. 911. I am at little rock zoo and we have a child who has fallen into the jaguar exhibit. We need an ambulance. Reporter listen to the dramatic 911 calls. Zoo staff pleading for help after an arkansas toddler fell over this railing here into an enclosure with the deadly predators at the little rock zoo. We need somebody over here. We had a baby that fell in the enclosure. Reporter according to a police report, the child standing on a railing above the pit. Positioned between his father and grandfather, slipping over 15 feet into the exhibit. Right in front of two adult jaguars. Hes in there with the yes. Its not good. Reporter witnesses tell police one of the jaguars took the toddlers shirt collar into its jaws. The other taking hold of the child by the foot. To distract the big cats, the toddlers father throwing objects into the pit. Authorities say the workers heard cries for help, they were coming from the jaguar exhibit. Discovering the child alone. Deep inside the pit with a jaguar at his throat. Zoo keepers rushing the exhibit, some blasting fire extinguishers to keep the jaguars at bay while others grabbed the toddler, hoisting him up a ladder to safety. We were wondering why, then saw a car go by with a child with his head bleeding. Reporter arkansas Childrens Hospital confirming that the child arrived in critical season. Suffering lacerations to the head, a fractured skull and puncture wounds sustained from the bites of the jaguars. Authorities say the wounds should not be lifethreatening. But the 3yearold is in Critical Condition from the fall. And meanwhile the Investigation Continues into how this happened. And our thoughts are with that family this morning. I can feel my Blood Pressure and heart rate rising as the story was going. So stressful. Glad hes doing as well as hes doing. Thank you. And a lot of other news overnight. Including a tense situation with isis. And for that, as always, over to ron claiborne. Good morning. Good morning. We begin overseas where isis militants are gaining ground in the push to seize the Syrian Kurdish town of kobani. They are advancing towards the citys center despite u. S. Led air strikes. And in indiana, the family of peter kassig, the humanitarian aid worker who was kidnapped by isis militants held an emotional Prayer Service at a mosque in plainfield, indiana. I hope he will feel the strength of these prayers and receive blessings from them. We love him and we are supportive of his cause. Isis militants have threatened to kill kassig next. And in new jersey, Six High School Football Players are under arrest for sexual assaults at their school. Charged with sex crimes and an investigation into hazing at sayreville war memorial high school. A seventh student is being sought. Their identities have not been released. They are minors. Football games at the school have been canceled. Authorities say four female students were attacked on separate occasions last month. And you can add kmart to the list of the big retailers falling victims to hackers. The retail chains Payment Systems were infected with malware in september that went undeticket undetected by the antivirus systems. No word on how many debit or credit card numbers have been compromised. And the allout manhunt for eric frein has all but put an end to halloween celebrations in one pennsylvania town. Barrett township Officials Say the 50th annual halloween parade and a scare crow 5k race, they have been canceled indefinitely. And trick or treating has been banned as well. Frein is hiding near the town. And outer space is getting ready for halloween. These spectacular images from nasa of the sun. Looking a heck of a lot like a jackolantern. And a mystery on the Mississippi River delta leads you to think, do pigs really fly . Local fishermen were stunned to find ten pigs living on an island in the Sacramento River delta. They have been feeding the pigs since the summer. The pigs swim for their meals. The adult female tries to get into the boat to get the first pickings. No one knows exactly how they got there. Theres one theory being kicked around it was a luau gone bad. Very bad. Good if youre a pig. Oh. You know that responsibility. Things that i have no response to. This would be one of these occasions, ron. Love you so much. We will look into that. So get to the bottom of the situation, though. Thank you. A tough new challenge this morning, aimed squarely at the embattled ceo of microsoft. A man under fire for a comment about women in the workplace. When discussing equal pay, the ceo told a group of women that, wait for it, that not asking for a raise is, quote, good karma. Abcs Claire Shipman who wrote a best selling book about women at work, the confidence code, is here this morning. I dont know if i have good karma. Well see. Satya nadella has only been on the job eight months. What a way to start. The issue of how few women have top jobs or any jobs in the tech world and their compensation is a sensitive question. His comments will be hard for him to shake. This morning, more backlash after new microsoft Ceo Satya Nadella offered this advice to a room of 8,000 working women. Its not really about asking for the raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along. Thats good karma. Itll come back. Reporter those words sparking global outrage after he spoke thursday at a womens technology conference. The hashtag karma as compensation is taking off. Even singer cher calling him misogynist in chief. Women dont create change by trusting the system, but by disrupting it. This is an invitation to get more involved. To care about their female coworkers. Reporter in an email just hours after the event, he said the response was wrong. Adding i believe women should get equal pay for equal work. But Silicon Valley entrepreneur is challenging him to create a new normal right away. In an open letter in time magazine, merchant suggests tomorrow you relevel and compensate every woman on the same pay scale as your men. That would change the industry. And you have it within your powers to do it. I think he needs to put his money where his mouth is. Check to see what your female employees are getting paid. How does that stack up to the male employees in the company . Is there a disparity . And if there is a disparity, create a task force, create a committee. See what the problem is. Reporter he may not have meant to say or imply that women shouldnt be paid equally. The problem is the data doesnt support his notion if women dont ask they will be paid the same as men. It was smart to apologize right away, and if he can do something meaningful, he will be looking good. And it will be better for everyone. And the issue of asking for a raise goes to the heart of the book you wrote called the confidence code, which i recommend. Thank you. That it is really important for women in the work place. Its a huge issue. Its not easy, but karma is not going to help us on this one. Thank you. We could go on and on. Now to new details about the deadly enterovirus, that respiratory illness spreading to children in 46 states now. It could be the culprit in kids with a mysterious form of paralysis. Now the mother of one girl experiencing those symptoms is speaking out. Gloria riviera has the story. Reporter 5yearold killey is fighting for her life. The oncevibrant little girl, paralyzed from her shoulders and her legs and unable to speak. Shes continuously crying because i cant understand her. Reporter shes praying shes not the next victim of the deadly controversy. It was one night when she tucked her in that the 5yearold let her know that something was terribly wrong. She was just about to get dozed off, and she said, mommy, my hands are going numb. On the third day she lost movement from her legs down. Reporter at first, they thought it was a cold. But it was evd 68, the deadly respiratory illness infecting children across the country. Shell blink her eyes for yes and no. Reporter at least 691 people in 46 states have contracted a respiratory illness caused by the enterovirus since midaugust. At least two dozen patients in seven states suffering from paralysis. Most alarming for parents, the virus seems to strike from nowhere. 4yearold eli wahler, a triplet was the fifth enterovirus fatality. He went to sleep september 24th and never woke up. Friday his parents speaking out. I mean, my heart is broken. Im determined to make something good out of this tragedy. Reporter as kim nichols continues to pray, her doctors say there is hope. I think a long, slow rehabilitation. But i think there will be recovery. Reporter some hope there from her doctors. While there is no vaccine for this virus, kids are recovering. Children, particularly those with asthma, are the most susceptible. To keep safe, the advice is really to do the same things we hear about each flu season. Wash those little hands. Encourage kids to cough or these into a tissue, not their hands. And as mild flu symptoms get worse, difficulty breathing or wheezing, see your pediatrician. Thank you. Moving on now, police are looking for help in solving a strange lottery mystery. Investigators in iowa put out this surveillance video. Theyre hoping to finally figure out who bought an unclaimed winning lotto ticket four years ago that has since turned into a criminal case because of some unusual attempts to claim the winnings. Aditi roy explains. Reporter take a close look at the man in this surveillance video. Authorities in iowa saying hes at the heart of one of the biggest mysteries in u. S. Lottery history. The video, taken in 2010, shows this man with the hat shielding his face at a des moines gas station. Buying a hot lotto ticket. Ladies and gentlemen, we have the Winning Ticket. Reporter it turned out to be the Winning Ticket in a 14. 3 million jackpot. But nearly four years later, that man still not stepping toward. Hope someone is able to recognize the ticket purchaser. Reporter in december of 2011, two hours before the Winning Ticket was about to expire, a new york lawyer named Crawford Shaw came forward claiming the prize on behalf of hexham investments. Refusing to tell who bought it and where it had been. It was forfeited. Reporter it was the largest ever relinquished. Sparking an investigation. Every time a prize is claimed, that raised red flags and thats what worked in this process. Reporter their investigation running cold and the clock ticking. With some of the fraud charges expiring in two months. Now lottery officials hope someone will recognize the man. He bought the nowexpired ticket. For good morning america, aditi roy, san francisco. Now back to the wedding crashers story. A thief stealing a gift box filled with checks and a whole lot of cash. Sara has more on this cold case. Whenever i hear the term wedding crashers, its a funny reference to someone who steals a couple of dances, maybe some drinks. In real life, crashers are criminals who walk out with much more than food. Its a glamorous gig in the movies, crashing weddings for the dinners, desserts and all those drinks. But this morning, california Police Looking for this reallife wedding crasher after they say he hit up a gift table as a wedding reception and ran off with more than 1,000 in cash and gift cards. Watch, the suspect entering the clubhouse, casually answering a call. And when the coast is clear, the bridal bandit throws off his coat, covering all the congratulatory cards. Scooping them up, and a fast getaway down the aisle. All caught on surveillance cameras. These were mainly monetarily gifts, you know, money, checks. Reporter the couple involved declined to comment to abc news. But the culprit joins a laundry list of looters who have lifted the matrimonial money. These crooks crashing a trio of weddings in minnesota last year. And this has been, four years in prison after pocketing 12,000 last year in pennsylvania. The latest victims are on their honeymoon as police begin their search. The bride and groom went on and are currently honeymooning. We sent out the still photos and the video from the surveillance photos that hopefully someone can identify this person. We are talking about karma. This is bad karma. Its bad karma, yeah. Keep that in mind for your wedding. He is going to be reborn as a gila monster. Okay, rob, you say have an umbrel umbrella. Hopefully no compact umbrellas in the gift box. Craig county. And record rains in parts of the state, and more on the way for parts of the central plains. Including missouri. Record rains in joplin and springfield. This stationary boundary. Waves developing along it, continue to see the rainfall through today and tomorrow. Another 2 inches on top of what we have seen there. Another pulse after that, and a strong threat for Severe Weather tomorrow and on monday for really an area thats got about 12 million people. Dallas up through oklahoma city. Watching that carefully. And that area does expand as we go through monday as well. And okinawa, vongfong, and the typhoon. The core of the winds right on okinaw oki good morning, everyone, im meteorologist chris sowers with an accuweather update or not so good of a morning rain out there and not quite steady. Wilmington to trenton. Thats Philadelphia International airport. Run ways are wet. Were seeing a few delays now close to a half hour. If you are valve traveling check ahead with carrier. Temperatures on chilly side. Topping out 59. Gradual drying throughout the topping out 59. Gradual drying throughout the afternoon paula and judy very upset i dont mention st. Louis and its not on the map. We mentioned joplin and spring field. Making our way east. Get on that. Coming up on gma, the mom who spent 17 years in prison for a murder she always insisted she did not commit. How she was exonerated. State troopers looking the other way as fellow officers were going 20 miles over the speed limit. Will they be reprimanded . And Angelina Jolie up ahead in pop news. [ male announcer ] lowes presents how to shed pounds this winter. There. No more drafts. Finally. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowes for 15 off special order windows and doors. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowes that disease is for older people. Not me. I take good care of myself. Im active. I never saw it coming. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible. The fatigue. The chest pains, difficulty breathing. It put me in the hospital. You dont want to go through what i did. If youre over 50, talk to your doctor. You may be able to prevent it. Its in this spirit that ingu u. S. Is becoming a new kind of company. One that helps you think differently about whats ahead, and whats possible when you get things organized. Ing u. S. Is now voya. Changing the way you think of retirement. Thats why i take doctor recommended colace capsules. [ male announcer ] for certain medical conditions where straining should be avoided, colace softens the stool for effective relief from occasional constipation. Go to colacecapsules. Com for savings. For effective relief from occasional constipation. I to the acidity in any foods. Ht never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. He told me to use pronamel. Its going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. You need healing. , new vaseline intensive care with microdroplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. Clinically proven. Thats the healing power of vaseline. Is a lifeline forast cancer so many people. It is more than a community. It is a family. Theres always a hug. Youre friends for life. When i needed guidance, and i needed support, living beyond Breast Cancer was there. Last year, 5hour Energy Raised over 340,000 for living beyond Breast Cancer purchase a specially marked bottle now through december 31st. And a portion of the proceeds will help Breast Cancer survivors live beyond their diagnosis. It is 8 27 saturday morning im erin ohearn. Sky6hd looking live at penns landing. It is a dreary start to the weekend and in fact you can see rain coming down right now as we speak. Meteorologist chris sowers is outside unfortunately with the big umbrella with the accuweather forecast, hi, chris. Good morning,. Rain pushing through over the area. Heavy rains around the delaware bay region and steadier rains pushing through i95 corridor wilmington through philadelphia up to trenton. Accuweather says rain early. Otherwise gradual drying this afternoon and skies remain cloudy and chilly and raw out here raw and high of 59. Thats it for now. Well be back in a half hour i thats it for now. Well be back in a half hour i im erin ohearn, stay tuned for shake it off shake it off cant shake this off. You like what we did there . Is that funny . No, its bad. Taylor swift was just named billboards woman of the year. And see this every morning whoa. First artist ever to receive can we not and, yeah, good morning to you, everybody. I just to want get a quick sense at the table. I actually still really like that song. Im done. Youre done. Youre over it . Yes. Let me guess, claiborne, you never liked it. No. You liked the video . Cool on, the video is bad i love the video did your daughter like it . The video my daughter does shake with it. Thats the barometer. Exactly. And coming up this half hour, speeders clocked on the highway, speeding way over the limit. Why did they not get a ticket . Wait until you hear what the Highway Patrol officers were caught on tape saying. This is incredible, and i think for many people probably infuriating. But first, free after 17 years. A mom serving a life sentence for murder waking up for the first time outside in a decade and a half. And susan mellen, breaking down in tears at hearing that her conviction was overturned. A judge apologizing for the time spent behind bars. And abcs brandi hitt has more from our Los Angeles Bureau on this touching story. Reporter good morning, paula. 17 years. Think about how much our lives changed while susan mellen was in prison. This morning she says she surprisingly is not angry, but instead, forgiving. And even though she would cry behind bars every single night, she knew this day would finally come. Her first hugs of freedom. Susan mellan overjoyed and holding her grandson for the very first time after spending 17 years behind bars. Wrongfully convicted of firstdegree murder. Am i really free . Everybody say, yes yes it is overturned. The case is dismissed. Reporter the 59yearold breaking down in court, ready to catch up on nearly two decades of lost time with her three children, now adults, by her side. How do you feel right now . Amazing. Reporter their mother stripped from them when the youngest was just 7 years old. Its the exciting moment when you want to call her and cant. Reporter she was sentenced to life in prison for the 1997 murder of her former boyfriend. She maintained her innocence from day one as seen in this interrogation video. A man was murdered, all right . I didnt murder him. I wouldnt do that. Reporter the judge throwing out her case friday. The only evidence, fabricated testimony from her acquaintance, june patty, who has since passed away. The criminal Justice System failed. It seems the judge believed that there was false testimony in conjunction with a Problematic Police investigation. Reporter mellen has changed so much in those 17 years, and so has the world. In 1997, she carried a beeper. Is that your first cell phone . Yeah. Never had one. I dont know how to turn it on. Reporter but she kept her faith. I had freedom on the bottom of my shoes for years. I knew i was going to walk free one day. Reporter and she did. And they have a lot of family events to catch up on. Her son says he wants her to take him to disney run. And take a fast food run with her daughter when she was arrested right in front of her. And her daughter is planning her wedding and says there will be a special motherdaughter dance. Its just amazing to see the pictures of how much she has changed in those years. So much time lost. And a lot of living now to do. Brandi hitt, thank you very much. She had several children. I love what you said, sara, hope she wins the lottery. Really do for someone like that. She really does. Id play if it meant she won. And i never play the lottery. Okay, ron, you have been checking the other developing stories. I have. Good morning, paula, dan, sara. Good morning, everyone. We begin with the new fight to keep ebola out of the u. S. Starting today, jfk airport in new york will begin screening passengers arriving from african countries at the epicenter of the outbreak. By monday, a total of five u. S. Airports will check travelers for fever and ask if they have had contact with ebola patients. And overnight, tension in ferguson, missouri, as hundreds gathered in the protest of the killing of Michael Brown and another young africanamerican man killed by police. Demonstrations will be throughout the weekend. And in waller, texas, a College Student says his camera was rolling when a Police Officer pepper sprayed him. The officer is now on paid leave pending an investigation. And finally, meet chloe, the 6monthold wombat with quite a story. She was rescued from inside her mothers pouch when they were hit by a car. This happened in australia. Chloes mother did not survive. But chloe did. She has a new caretaker at a zoo in sydney who bottle feeds her and carries her in a makeshift pouch. Shes feisty, somewhat like sara, and like sara is melting everyones heart. Shes not a wombat, though. Makes me want a wombat for a pet. I wonder if theyre domesticatable. Look into it. Okay, yeah. And kc beat baltimore. Go kc. You have to get baseball in there. Not talking about michigan football. You should be happy. Im just going to pretend you didnt say that. Their illfated season. Save ron before hes strangled by paula. Please. I think that wombats actually eat cats, dan. No, theyll probably get along swimmingly. Its raining across parts of the northeast. A live shot from philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. Yeah, youre socked in there. Rise into the 60s today. Little waves of low pressure around the stationary front. Mostly rain across the i95 corridor, moving out after the lunch hour. Until then, its a soggy saturday. Parts of sunday look to be good. In the middle of the country, bouts of rain. Little rock to memphis. Flash flood watches out there. Another 2 inches on top of what you have seen in those areas. Three areas of disturbed weather in the atlantic. Its a slow hurricane season. But we have sub Tropical Storm faye, strengthened overnight. 60 mile per hour winds, threatening bermuda tomorrow. No threat to the u. S. Across the u. S. , warm but dry, 83 degrees expected for the High Temperature in los angeles. Theres across by the way, frost and freeze warnings across much of the great lakes. 17 states wake up to a chill this morning good morning everyone meteorologist chris sowers with the accuweather update rain this morning and wilmington and through trenton and some on steady side and some occasionally mod troot heavy. This Weather Report brought to you by macys. Dan, paula, sara. Notice how im ignoring you. Hey, man, i love you. Oh, im sorry. Standing right here. Youre in my blind spot. The bromance this morning. Stay tuned. Who knows whats going to happen next. Wow. Now we know. Its on. We all love each other, i promise. Coming up on gma, caught on camera. State troopers turning a blind eye. Why did they let them get away with it . Was it because the speeders had batt badges too. And not just mrs. Brad pitt, she has another title. I never thought of her as mrs. Brad pitt, i thought of him as mr. Angelina jolie. Brangelina, i thought. Him as mr. Angelina jolie. When im working, things can get so hectic. So sometimes i need to find an easy way to express whats most important to me. Like, with my crew, i use shorthand to talk to them and tell them what i need. And when i need to talk directly to my fans. But the most meaningful shorthand of all is the one i use when im about to drive x. Its an easy way to tell everyone that im about to drive. And i do it every time before i get behind the wheel. 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Your immune system doesnt work the way it did when rock was young. So we made fluzone highdose vaccine. For people 65 . Fluzone highdose vaccine has a high high higher. Dose of antigen. For a stronger immune response. Fluzone highdose vaccine is approved for people 65 and older. Its not for anyone whos had a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine component, including eggs, egg products, or to a prior dose of any flu vaccine. Tell your doctor if youve had guillainbarre syndrome. Side effects include pain, swelling and redness at the injection site; muscle aches, fatigue, headache and fever. Other side effects may occur. If you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination, call your doctor immediately. Vaccination may not protect everyone. So if you hopped around the clock, ask your Health Care Provider about fluzone highdose vaccine. Fluzone highdose vaccine. Caught redhanded. But then let go. Now tough questions facing state troopers this morning all because of a rather shocking exchange caught on camera. They clocked speeders doing way over the limit. But the state troopers gave them all a pass. And heres why. They were apparently Law Enforcement officers. And matt gutman has more. Reporter the cars were blowing past bill gillam. Yeah, i had 86 on that one. Reporter Police Cruisers gunning through a state Highway Patrol speed trap. It was in Washington State earlier this month. Cruiser its another officer. Reporter after cruiser, thats another one. Reporter after cruiser. Playing scanner audio and posting it on his blog. Counting seven cops in just an hour. And the state troopers stopping others but letting the officers roll on. Did i miss a memo today . Reporter he did. The speeding officers headed not to an emergency or crime in progress, but a training conference down the road. Theres no way to justify that. Its putting people at risk. Reporter we also tracked speeding Police Cruisers in North Carolina on abcs 20 20 last year. So this guys going well over 80 right now. Offduty cops topping a deadly 80 Miles Per Hour to places like a doughnut shop. He did three lanes at once. And flooring it to get to work. The concern is Police Officers speeding, a lot of folks want you to set an example. And if youre going about 15, 20 miles over the speed limit. Police have not only been caught speeding, but cars at high speeds. This one going 94 in a 40. In Washington State, by thursday, state police took notice of the edited video on youtube. Theyre not going to an emergency, they should obey the laws the rest of us obey. Reporter but the state patrol didnt slap those speeding cops in washington with tickets. Nope, they just gave them warnings. But in a gesture to the other motorists on the road those days, the state police voided those tickets. Telling abc news in a statement, its a matter of simple fairness given the circumstances that we all can see. For good morning america, matt gutman, abc news, miami. Just mildly infuriating. A little bit. Yes. The word karma has run as a theme through the show. Karma. And coming up on good morning america, frightfully funny. What caused these hilarious reactions all ahead in pop news. Can you explain this a little more of a tease . No, it makes you want to wait for it. It really does. Wait for it. Wait reminds you of awkward family photos. Wait for it. Reminds you of awkward family photos. Iwithout the lactose. And it tastes . Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Come on, would i lie about this . Frommy family and is to love ice cream. However some of us cant enjoy it without discomfort. So we use lactaid® ice cream. Its 100 real ice cream just without the lactose. So now we all can enjoy this favorite treat. New dove body wash with at one breakthrough formula. Just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. My skin is really silky smooth. New dove body wash. Softer, smoother skin after just one shower. When things go bump in the night, inspire daring pursuits that thrill and delight. For 5 days only, at petsmart, save 50 on hundreds of halloween items, like costumes, toys, dog treats rawhide petsmart®. Im Robert De Niro and new york is my home. Its the best place to visit in the world and now its the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. Find great dining, amazing history, and worldclass entertainment, no matter where you are. Take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. For more information, go to iloveny. Com meowing. More barking this is just too good to keep quiet petsmarts low prices on your favorite food brands just got lower shop a wide assortment of food, and now save up to 8 on select natural and specialized nutrition for cats. At petsmart®. Come on, its time. Bring it. Sara is okay. Angelina jolie just got even cooler with a new title to add to her long list of accomplishments. The Academy Award winner and newlymarried megastar has been made an honorary dame by the queen of england herself. Joe lee received the prestigious insignia for her humanitarian work. Unfortunately, she can not be officially addressed as dame because shes not an english citizen. She met privately with the queen for 20 minutes before brad and the kids joined them. She was in the 1844 room. The semi state room is used for informal things and actually named after a visit by czar nicolas i in 1844. Bam. Dropping the mic. Holy batman, the caped crusader is taking over. Comic conn in new york city to celebrate the 75th traefrs of batman. A limited edition of postage stamps were unveiled. If you are waiting to add super powers to the snail mail, wont make the mail faster, youre in luck. Theyre available right now. And the Hollywood Reporter said a lego batman spinoff is in the works. Been waiting for this one. No official comment from warner brothers, but rumor is that theyre eyeing a 2017 release. Write that down. And more great news. Will arnett will be the caped crusader. Its like in Abraham Lincoln vampire slayer, you take two i guess i didnt mean to say that. And just its the movie. Hello kitty fans, speaking of you, ron claiborne, time to break out your stationary sets and mobile phone accessories. I love hello kitty. An enormous exhibit opens today in louisiana. Going on show are hello kitty guitars and motor oil, you name it. Motor oil . Yes, its been kittyfied. Two of the center piece items include a 12foot statue of hello kitty dressed as cleopatra. And a dress of plush dolls worn by lady gaga. Fans were rocked earlier this year when the creator revealed that hello kitty was a girl, not a cot. But hasnt hurt her popularity. A girl with whiskers . A huge turn out. Its not a girl with whiskers. Do you have kitty is her alter ego. We all have one, dont we . Speak for yourself. Okay. Learning a lot about sara. Moving right along. Into the halloween season, nightmare fear factory released the best caught on camera freak outs. The canadian Haunted House is known to be so scary that visitors can scream the word nightmare if it gets too frightening and they need to leave. 130,000 people have bailed out. Luckily really . But luckily their reactions were photographed. You enjoy that, think youre so tough. Its amazing. Yesterday, on gma oh zombies were on the set. And i was there to witness it. Look at sara just freaking out. Like a child. You may be a news person, but a zombie slayer you are not. Oh, you did. You got the hands. And the best part is the flapping. Do that again. I was like im like, shaking it off. A spike through the head. Thats what you need. Were just laughing. Never be the same. That was a very i really like what you did there, rob. I just want to say that. Well be right back with more gma, keep it here. Well be flapping our way through this break. [ male announcer ] theres chicken, and then theres juicy chicken. The difference is hellmanns. Hellmanns is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. You can make dinner disappear. Hellmanns. Bring out the best. Two words it heals. E different . Disappear. How . With heat. Unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. Lets review heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. The proof that it heals is you. Creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Dry skin heal it. Want to hibernate . With nivea extended moisture body lotion. It intensively moisturizes for 48 hours. Thats twice as long as the leading lotion claims. Soft and smooth all winter. With nivea. Discover all the naturally moisturizing flavors of burts bees lip balm. Have you seen tom corbetts ads attacking me. Get real. Its tom corbett whos been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. Corbett cut a billion dollars from education. Now almost 80 of School Districts plan to raise property taxes. Meanwhile, were the only state that doesnt charge oil and Gas Companies an extraction tax. But corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. Im tom wolf, ill be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change. We want to thank you for watching. Tune in tomorrow, dan has a surprise for all of us. Yes. I went to the set of the walking dead. They let me chop watermelons with a machete. It was awesome. Watch it. Chop water melons with a machete. It was awesome. Melons with a machete. It was awesome. Im erin ohearn coming up at 9 an arrest and alleged hazing that side lined a power house High School Football team in new jersey and some players are facing serious charges and manayunk cuts ribbon on Performing Arts Center john rawlins explains the environmental benefit. Those stories and tracking showers and accuweather forecast and a new chocolate good morning its saturday, october 11. Eva is off and im erin ohearnment heres what were following on stormtracker 6. Showers are moving through the delaware and lehigh valleys. Its a cool, raw start to the weekend. Protesters take to the streets again in furgeson, missouri. More demonstrations are planned in reaction to Deadly Police shootings. Thieves allegedly hit one drug store to set up their own basement pharmacy. Dann cuellar has that story ahead. And rainy start in the exclusive accuweather forecast im sure you are nrad to be inside. Its pretty miserable. Ill be outside soon enough. Lets go live at sky6 and show what you is going on. We have a lot of events. Its the weekend. Lots of fall activities and off to a rainy start. Quite a bit of cloud cover out there. Patchy fog. Rain, and lot of wet roadways. Make sure you take it slow. Thats view of center city sky line and lets go over to stormtracker 6 double scan. Heaviest pulling through now resumed to southern portions of viewing area you can see the line of of yellows extending from central portions of south jersey all the way down through delaware and delaware dell bay region. All that is pushing east. This is western atlantic county, hammonton, buena, shades of orange and yellow here. This is steady to moderate rain falling down. Ponding on the roadway. Because its moving quickly were not seeing any flooding. Just dealing with steady to moderate rain now. The idea is for gradual drying as the afternoon wears on

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