Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20171205 : compare

Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20171205

>> plus, oprah trikes a new tv deal. we have the details on the agreement and how many millions she stands to make. this is not your father's lamborghini. the new suv being called the world's fastest and what it will cost you. we do say good morning to you, everybody, on this tuesday. we start with the breaking news out of southern california. that deadly fast-moving brush fire exploding threatening homes forcing thousands to evacuate. >> that fire burning north of los angeles has expanded so quickly it's now covering more than 10,000 acres as it races toward the city of ventura. now, about 2,000 homes have been evacuated along with nearby thomas aquinas college. >> power outages reported across an area spanning 40 miles. kabc reporter leanne suter on the front lines. >> reporter: powerful winds helping fan the flames. you can see over my shoulder here just how much of a fire line we're talking about. this is just one side of this massive brush fire. you can see the huge flames illuminating the hillsides around santa paula, california. fire trucks lining the highway as firefighters check on each and every one of these homes. we now know this fire has turned deadly. at least one person has died in a traffic accident. apparently trying to flee the flames as the blaze continues to rage out of control. this blaze has charred thousands of acres. 10,000 acres so far and counting. we now know again that at least one person has died in an accident trying to escape the fire and there are thousands of people now left without power as numerous power lines have come down. this blaze far from being under control. in santa paula, california, leanne suter, abc news. >> that is the scary part. we'll turn to washington and several developments in the russia investigation. >> president trump's former campaign chairman paul manafort is accused of working with the russian associate as recently as last week. >> this as the president is now questioning the integrity of the special counsel's office after word that robert mueller fired one of his top investigators for sending anti-trump messages. abc news learned the mueller investigator peter struck was also a key player in the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. he helped draft former fbi director james comey's public statement clearing clinton of criminal charges. comey's original draft said grossly negligent which could be a crime but sources say struck urged comey to soften it to extremely careless. this all comes as the president offers words of simply for michael flynn charged with lying to the fbi. >> while i feel badly for general flynn, i feel very badly. he's led a very strong life. >> reporter: the president said he fired him because he lied to the vice president but a tweet sent from the president's account said i had to fire general flynn because he lied to the vice president and the fbi. the president's personal lawyer john dowd now saying he drafted that tweet. critics say it could build a case for obstruction of justice but dowd is testing out a new theory that a president cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer. and, therefore, has a right to express his view of any case. >> i think what the trump team is trying to do here is conflate the question of can he be charged with obstruction of justice ever with could he be charged with obstruction of justice for firing james comey? >> meanwhile, overnight another revelation in the case against paul manafort accused with working with another connected to russian intelligence as recently as last week. in a court filing saying they were ghost writing an editorial despite a judge's gag order allegedly looking to publish the op-ed in someone else's name to influence public opinion on manafort. and in the new filing mueller's investigators are asking them to revisit manafort's bail agreement. he remains under house arrest. breaking news out of michigan congressman john conyers is expected to say he is not seeking re-election. a family member says conyers is going to retire, not resign. another former staffer came forward overnight accusing conyers of putting his hand up her skirt in church. overnight we learned roy moore is getting new support one week from the special election. the republican national committee is now sending resources to help moore. meanwhile, one of the women claiming moore dated her when she was just a teenager has come forward claiming to have new evidence of their relationship. abc's kend abc's kenneth moton here with the latest. >> reporter: he is getting a lot of help. steve bannon will rally with him tonight a day after president trump's endorsement. one week to go into election day in alabama. ♪ and gop senate candidate roy moore now has a powerfulal lie, president trump. the president making the call from air force one to officially endorse moore who is accused of molesting teenage girls. >> roy moore denies it. that's all i can say. he denies it. and, by the way, he totally denies it. >> reporter: he tweeted go get 'em, roy. eight women have accused him of sexual misconduct. this morning "the washington post" reporting that interviewed an accuser who says she has new evidence against moore. debbie gibson says she was 17 when she dated the assistant district attorney. gibson says she recently discovered handwritten notes from him congratulating her on graduating from high school. >> i was in the attic taking christmas decorations down and i noticed one remaining bin in the attic. came across a card and it was a high school graduation greeting card from roy moore. happy graduation debbie. i wanted to give you this card myself. i know that you'll be a success in anything you do, roy. >> moore has denied all allegations from all of his accusers. many washington republicans jumped ship. >> obviously not fit to be in the united states senate. >> reporter: now softening his position. >> i'm going to let the people of alabama make the call. >> reporter: 2012 gop presidential nominee mitt romney tweeted moore in the senate would be a stain on the gop and on the nation. the moore campaign called romney's comments irresponsible and the rnc is back in this race providing resources to moore in this final week. friday president trump will rally in the florida panhandle just across the alabama border. diane and kendis. >> all right, kenneth moton for us in d.c., thank you. the administration's travel ban will go into effect after being upheld by the supreme court. the justice as loued the ban on travelers from six mostly muslim countries to be enforced while challenges moved through the lower federal courts. now, earlier decisions had exempted people from those countries who claim a bona fide relationship with someone in the united states. that exemption will no longer apply. time now for a look at your weather on this tuesday morning. a prewinter storm is slamming parts of the upper midwest. wind gusts of up to 50 miles per hour have created blizzard and even whiteout conditions across parts of minnesota and the dakotas. dumping up to a foot of snow in some areas. the latest radar shows a line of severe thunderstorms stretching nearly 1400 miles from north texas into northern michigan pushing warmer temperatures east and replacing them with a blast of arctic air. take a look at some of the temps. much more news just ahead including word of a mass shooting plot foiled by police. the reason why u.p.s. drivers are protesting just as the busy holiday season gets under way. oprah winfrey strikes a ok, let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. ♪ ♪ the things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time. ♪ ♪ get a steak. don't stop there. get it with lobster. get a steak, topped with crab cake. eat like you own the place. because tonight, you do. get it now, longhorn's turf and surf. the new filet and citrus grilled lobster tail, the new crab cake filet, or flo's filet and lobster tail. the feeling. the flavor. the place. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. there's nothing like those familiar scents that bring the spirit and joy of the holidays to life. and we've captured that joy inside every air wick seasonal scent. spread the joy of the season in your home with air wick seasonal scents. this year air wick proudly supports the global fund for children, helping children in need. the second time was a charm as cues finally were able to demolish the possibility yak silverdon't in michigan and used new explosives to bring it down monday after a failed implosion sunday. we turn to a developing story from jacksonville, florida, where a 69-year-old man is in custody accused of planning a mass shooting at an islamic center. he expressed anti-muslim opinions arrested after law enforcement raided his home in a sting operation. the suspect allegedly telling an undercover officer that he would, quote, keep shooting muslims while driving past the center. an off-duty officer was shot and killed while serving a warrant taken into custody after a standoff with police. 58-year-old kenneth copeland is the first police officer in the city of san marcos killed in the line of duty. >> he is a hero. in terms of days off he worked just about every day off. to provide for his kids and because, he knows that we're shorthanded and need the help. his picture is hanging in different parts of this police department because everybody here loved him. >> officer copeland leaves behind a wife and four children. police describe the shooting as an ambush-style attack. dozens of u.p.s. drivers made a special delivery in boston. they showed up to protest their 70-hour workweek. their union says the schedule is not safe and u.p.s. says it complies with federal rules and the drivers are paid time and a half. delivery volume this year, this time of year is nearly double the normal level. oprah winfrey is no longer the majority owner of the cable network she started own. she gave up the majority stake to discovery communications which already held a 50% share but oprah will remain ceo and retain a significant minority interest. discovery paid $70 million for that deal. >> not bad. payday for oprah. a former contestant on "apprentice" is back in the news this morning coming up why she's suing president obama -- >> president trump. >> president trump. also the sign language fraud at this important police news conference. new detays this morning about the phony interpreter and her criminal past. the violence and controversial hits in the monday night football game that came down to the wire. just press clean and roomba gets to work. roomba uses a patented dirt detect™ system that attacks dirt in high-traffic areas of your home. while two multi-surface brushes and power-lifting suction grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. daily dirt doesn't stand a chance. you and roomba from irobot. better together. and we're gonna get the phone- his phone,ry sorry. uh out of you... the important thing is that we're going to make you better. 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(loud speaker) pencil-vania! pencilvania! (laughing) frosted just right. crunch in every bite. kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. wheyou know your holidayt of tshopping is complete., feel free to celebrate. ♪ okay, time now to check your tuesday "pulse." science fiction turn nothing reality. >> remember "the martian" from two years ago. matt damon plays a stranded astronaut who improvises a farm. >> well now scientists in the netherlands have managed to simulate martian soil to give birth to two worms. those worms in the soil made from volcanic rock are giving new hope that farming on the red planet may be possible one day. >> whoo-hoo. >> two words. it's a start, people. "time" magazine unveiled its top ten finalists for the person of the year ahead of tomorrow's big reveal. >> after claiming he turned down the honor president trump made the short list along with some of the people at the receiving end of his twitter attacks. he's up against special counsel robert mueller whose investigation he calls a witch-hunt and former nfl star colin kaepernick who he's repeatedly criticized for protesting during the national anthem. >> also on the list north korean leader kim jong-un, amazon founder jeff bezos and the so-called d.r.e.a.m.ers, immigrants who came to the u.s. as children. >> there's trump and then there's the anti-trump list, i guess. lamborghini is out with an ultra fast suv. >> that did a little different. the 2019 urus will be capable of 190 miles per hour and can go 0 to 60 in less than 3.6 seconds. >> it can empty your wallet as well even faster. prices start at $200,000. who's with me? >> all you, buddy. finally a cheerleader from texas is the newest internet sensation thanks to her jump over an invisible box. check out the video that launched ariel olivar to internet fame. >> so did you see that? >> let's watch it again. >> pat the box. >> and, over. >> okay, so she says that it was only her third time to try this move. she then posted it online. and, of course, it went viral understandably. she's letting everyone in on her secret. >> ooh. >> it's all just kind of one motion. just keep this leg in the air the whole time in the same act spot, so i will show you how the whole thing works. like so. >> okay. so it's easy enough. just pretend as -- you just don't move one leg. requires a little bit of dexterity there. she taste she has no idea that the video would get so popular when she posted it. but it really has caught on with so many different. >> a different people are posting their own videos of them doing it and you said you thought it was easy, so -- >> i know you did it earlier. >> i practiced your moves so here -- right there. >> you spoke during it. it tripped me up. non-insulin victoza® lowers a1c, and now reduces cardiovascular risk. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill. 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