Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20161212 : compare

Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20161212

it's december 26th in the red monday or whatever day it is. we say good morning on this monday. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm marci gonzalez in for diane. a swath of heavy snow blanketing several states canceling flights and causing problems on the roads. >> let's take a look at the radar. look how huge. a big storm system forcing weather alert notice 17 states over the past 24 hours and it's not dong yet. the snow moved east overnight making its way into new england. this morning, winter weather slamming states from the great lakes to the northeast. overnight, the storm reaching the boston area where a tricky morning commute is expected. the storm is dumping more than 6 inches of snow on at least 8 states causing major problems on the roads including this 33-car pileup in flint, michigan. in detroit, in passenger plane skidded off the snowy runway after landing. >> 724, we just went into the grass. >> all 70 on board are safe after an emergency evacuation from the plane's rear hatch. >> they did a good job of keeping everyone calm and getting us off the plane in an orderly fashion. people on the ground helping us too on the bus, off the bus, telling you exactly where to go. >> reporter: at chicago's airport more than a thousand flights canceled. this from the parking lot showing row after row of snow-cov snow-covered cars and the band that canceled a concert and writing in a tweet when you try to tour in the winter. it's not over yet. heavy snow still coming down in about 14 states as that storm moves east, but that may not be the worst of the weather this week. >> more extreme cold is on the way too. let's get the complete forecast from accuweather's paul williams. good morning, paul. >> good morning to you, as well, kendis and marci looking for delays along the east coast because of the rain but a mixture of freezing rain and snow throughout the northeast and a blast of cold air that's going to step its game up right into the ohio valley region. then brace for big-time arctic blasts that will come out of the northwest that will have flurries and showers throughout the great lakes and lake-effect snow in full effect. then this big-time blast of arctic air will reach all the way down to the deep south pushing temperatures well below the norm. kendis, marci. >> thanks, paul. turning to politics now, donald trump is shooting down allegations that russia interfered with the presidential election to swing it in his favor. >> this as trump prepares for another day of meetings to round out his cabinet. there are new questions emerging about a russian connection to the man he is expected to select as secretary of state. abc's lana zak is following the developments and joins us from washington. good morning, lana. >> reporter: good morning, kendis and marci. the president-elect is making some fresh international waves with his most recent comments about china, a foreign ministry spokesperson says he risks badly affecting the u.s. relationship. all of this is a lot to take on for the still unnamed secretary of state. president-elect donald trump tells fox news exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson would make a great secretary of state. >> to me a great advantage is he knows many of the players and he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia. >> reporter: but it is exactly those ties tillerson has to russia that are worrying democrats and republicans. >> i have obviously concerns of reports of his relationship with vladimir putin who is a thug and a murderer. >> reporter: in 2013 he gave him the friendship award. mr. trump hasn't announced for his pick yet but "the washington post" reports renewed concerns of the russians interfering in the u.s. election according to the cia. >> i think it's ridiculous. just another excuse. >> reporter: 17 known u.s. intelligence agencies concluded the russian government directed the hacking but that's not the only issue on which the next president and the intelligence community don't see eye to sigh. mr. trump says he'll decline daily intelligence briefings. >> i get it when i need it. i don't have to be told -- i'm a smart person. >> reporter: ten days after taking a call from the president of taiwan he is making waves with china. >> i don't know why we have to be bound by a one china policy unless we make a deal with china having to do with other things including trade. >> reporter: well, state-run chinese media have been responding to that point by mr. trump warning that the one china policy they say is not for sale and also hinting if the u.s. further isolates china is may become friendlier with other foes. >> that statement late this morning and say they have serious concern about his comments on taiwan. lana zak, thank you. breaking overnight a rare sunday night verdict in a trial that gripped new orleans. a jury has convicted the man who admittedly shot and killed former saints star will smith. trial of cardell hayes went through the weekend. hayes was found guilty of manslaughter for the shooting death of smith in a road rage incident in new orleans in april. hayes said it was self-defense, but the jury rejected that. hayes faces up to 40 years in prison and will be sentenced in february. quite a few developments overseas in turkey where they have observed a national day of mouring after a terror attack killed 38 people. a kurdish militant group has claimed responsibility for twin bombings outside a soccer stadium in istanbul. most of the victims were police officials. defense secretary ash carter says the u.s. stance shoulder to shoulder with turkey in battling terrorism. carter was there in iraq for a surprise visit. and there's been no claim of responsibility for a terror attack at a coptic christian church in egypt. 25 were killed and dozens injured when a bomb ripped through the church, moist of the victims were women and children. it was one of the deadliest attacks on the country's christian minority in recent years. while the syrian government is focused on aleppo isis has scored a major victory. the militants have retaken pal myra, an ancient city isis held until last march. during the occupation they destroyed artifacts and experts fear isis will do so again. still ahead back here, there's been black friday, cyber monday and green monday. the deals rolling out. the man accused in a stabbing outside a mosque. why investigators are call it a hate crime. a pfeifer breaks out at a popular ski resort injuring several guests. the new video just in. hing. at least 12 guests injured when fire broke out in the middle of the night at michigan's boyne highlands ski resort. it started on the third floor and the reor the so closed as it enters its busiest season. the atf wrapped up its investigation into the warehouse fire that killed 36 people in oakland. new details are expected to be revealed tomorrow during a news conference with atf and other agencies. a refrigerator has within ruled out as the cause of the fire. but agents still suspect it was something electrical. also in california, a suspected hate crime outside a mosque in simi valley. john matteson confronted worshippers outside the mosque and after a verbal altercation he stabbed a man. police say the victim was targeted because of his religion. police are also looking for a second suspect who also may have been involved in that incident. well, boeing says it now has a deal to sell 80 jets to iran. the biggest deal with iran in nearly four decades. the $16 billion contract was finalized just this weekend in accordance with new u.s. rules about trade with iran. but congress and president-elect trump have been critical of increased trade with that country since the nuclear deal was signed and they may scuttle or at least limit the boeing sale. boeing's dreamliner is helping airlines offer longer and longer nonstop flights. the latest will be an epic 17-hour journey from london to perth in 2018. they will fly using new 787 dreamliners. it is a 9,000-mile trip and is the first nonstop between australia and europe. when qantas first flew there, it took four days and included nine stops. >> so it's a slight improvement. well first there's black friday and then cyber monday but now another shopping day to remember. green monday. retailers noticed an uptick in shopping on the second monday in december. it's now the third largest online shopping day of the year so expect to see major discounts on those big ticket items and perks like free shipping. so there you have it. good deals out there. when we come back a retrial under way for a woman accused of hiring a hit man to murder her husband. the new argument from her lawyers saying police staged the crime scene. and bill murray in the oval office putting with the president. >> a normal day. >> right. ♪ happy holidays from crayola. so when do i start? um, shouldn't it be "spokes-crayon?" can somebody turn on the a/c? i'm melting here. ♪air marker spraayer!!! chemistry, baby! so i just hold this part and spraaaaaay... i'm okay. the holidays just got more surprising. you can find these great gifts and more in the crayola aisle. aaaaaah! each sold separately. ♪ h♪ but they only see hisfrom farwrinkles. ♪ ♪ if only harry used some bounce, to dry.♪ ♪ he would be a less-wrinkly winning guy. ♪ i was energetic.gia, i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. a risky rescue in the frigid waters of canada. firefighters venturing on to the ice to help a young moose that had become trapped. they led the frightened animal to the shore. off she went. see her there. apparently no worse for the wear. >> good to see. now for a look at morning road conditions here in the u.s. roads will be wet in the northwest and from the gulf coast to the carolinas, it'll be slippery in the northern rockies and around the great lakes for that matter. later today roads in the northeast may be slick. flying, airport delays are most likely in new york and boston. a florida woman at the center of a murder for hire trial may take the stand today in her own defense. >> she's accused of trying to hire a hit man to kill her husband but the defense claims it was all entrapment by officers looking to become famous an a reality show. more from abc's linsey davis. >> you definitely want to do this. >> i'm 5,000% sure. >> reporter: dalia dippolito heads back to a courtroom. >> i'm sorry to tell you he's been killed. >> reporter: in court dippolito's lawyers turned their eyes on the police department arguing that the boynton beach police department posted this online to impress the crew of the tv show "cops" and by doing so put their quest for fame ahead of the integrity of the investigation. something the police department disputes. >> post that on youtube for the whole world to see within six minutes. >> reporter: in an interview with our amy robach last december, dippolito maintained her innocence. >> did you hire a hit man to kill your husband? >> no. >> reporter: linsey davis, abc news, new york. violence reportedly erupted in louisville, kentucky, during a celebration after louisville quarterback lamar jackson won the heisman trophy. sources tell our station two university of louisville football players were shot at an off campus apartment complex saturday night. their injuries are said to be n nonlife-threatening. new claims 1994 heisman trophy winner razan salaam had symptoms of cte. he committed suicide last week at the age of 42 and his brother tells "usa today" he suffered from memory loss and depression. cte can only be diagnosed after death and his brain was not donated for evaluation because of his muslim faith. a former member of "the brady bunch" cast has been fired by a radio station after some anti-gay remarks. susan olsen was a co-host of a political talk show on a digital station based in los angeles. olsen played cindy brady and was fired after an online altercation with an openly gay actor and it followed the posting of a facebook message that included an offensive term for a gay man. week 13 in the nfl just about to be in the books. only one team has clinched a playoff berth >> that's the cowboys in action last night. highlights now from espn. good morning, america. i'm john busch gross, while you were in bed late last night the cowboys were playing football against the new york football giants in new jersey. dak prescott prescott and ezekiel elliott trying to stay warm. first quarter, no score, looks good here, everyone pays attention to elliott and no one pays attention to terence williams. check if the cowboys will roll again. third quarter, giants down 7-3. eli to odell beckham jr. and he does the rest. he is a home run hitter. sometimes all it takes is a three-run homer in baseball and hee, hee. sometimes it takes a long football play to win. they win 10-7. that was the weather in buffalo on sunday. steelers and bills and le'veon bell, he was outstanding. touchdown. and another touchdown. steelers lead. he had three touchdowns on the day, in fact, he had more rushing yards than any steeler running back has ever had in the franchise. monday night football, new england patriots home to the baltimore ravens, should be more great football weather to watch and, of course, on espn. it will be a good one. i'm john buccigross. have a great day, america. up next in "the pulse," a record ride. the longest uber trip ever. and the viral video, a special student's college dream is coming true on camera. ♪ eyes open? good. because it's here. cue the confetti. say hi to xiidra, lifitegrast ophthalmic solution. xiidra is the first prescription eye drop solution approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye. so give your eye doctor a ring, and your eyes just might thank you. one drop in each eye, twice a day. the most common side effects of xiidra include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when the drops are applied to the eyes, and an unusual taste sensation. to help avoid eye injury or contamination of the solution, do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface. if you wear contact lenses, remove them before using xiidra and wait for at least 15 minutes before placing them back in your eyes. are you ready to do something about your dry eyes? talk to your doctor about xiidra. jay knows how to keep nice shorts, dad...g. this is what the pros wear. uhhh... that's why he starts his day with those two scoops in heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. ready to eat my dust? too bad i already filled up on raisins. kellogg's raisin bran. deliciously heart healthy. the things that i consume a lot of it is very acidic. the enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. the whiteness wasn't there as much. my teeth didn't look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. so it was really important to start using the pronamel. it'll be one less thing you have to worry about. pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that i'm doing the right thing. so it's nice to know that it's as simple as that. ♪ doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed ♪ your monday morning "pulse" will start with golf between friends in the oval office. those friends being president obama and a guy named bill murray. >> oh, that guy. in a new video posted by the white house they're practicing their putting on the rug in the president's office. >> of course. >> just a casual place to putt. the conversation includes some good-natured ribbing enter on the the cubs winning the world series. >> generally i don't let cubs fans into the oval office. >> probably not a coincidence that your popularity is at an all-time high. i would just ride this baby. >> it's not gonna happen. >> it's gonna happen long before you make this putt. >> a little stage. it shows murray hit three putts and then the president doesn't hit any. >> yeah. after murray tells the president that he suffers from knee pain, the whole thing turns into a well-orchestrated pitch for obamacare. >> could it just be fun? >> exactly. >> behind it all. >> with the new sign-up deadline on the 15th. a driver in virginia apparently holds the record for the longest uber-ride ever. >> watch out. picked up a -- where is that coming from? williamsburg, virginia and drove her nearly eight hours to brooklyn, new york, after making the 400-mile trip, the 64-year-old then turned around in her 2005 prius and drove all the way back to virginia. >> so the bill was just shy of $300. rogers said she did it for the adventure, not the money and said she never stopped. not even once to use the bathroom. >> that's a little tmi. >> didn't need to know that. >> yes, of course. >> it was a prius, she didn't even need to stop for fuel. >> christmas came early for one boy on new york's long island. employees at a best buy decided to chip in to buy a wii u for a child after they noticed he was coming to the store daily to pray the free display. >> this posted by the store manager as the child appeared to question the gesture at first, but the employee assured him it wasn't a joke and gave him a ride home so no one would be tempted to steal the game from him. >> that is incredible. >> this is a tense time for many high school seniors not just because of the holidays but awaiting early decisions from colleges. >> coming right about now. family and friends of brandon gautier gathered around his computer awaiting the moment of truth and then -- [ cheers and applause ] >> -- the elation. as a college prep student learned he had been admitted to cornell university, the ivy league school only admits about one in seven politics and brendan was one. congratulations own good luck. >> congratulations. >> more news after this. and there are some people you shouldn't . people you should. shouldn't. janice! should. shouldn't. yes. no. should. no way. should. no. definitely not. ha ha, nay. you shouldn't give underwear to everybody. but for those you do, give them fruit of the loom. when are they leaving? grilled cheese and campbell's tomato soup go together like grandchildren and chaos. made for real, real life. [ cougshh. i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. better take something. dayquil liquid gels doesn't treat a runny nose. it doesn't? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels fight your worst cold symptoms including your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is! >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards, monday, december 12. rain is washing away the light snow that dusted parts of the area. david murphy is track be rain, matt pellman is watching the roads. a teen is shot on a west philadelphia street corner, he was out with his family when the bullets started up. at&t wireless customers ae getting a a refund, we'll tell you how much and why it's coming your way. the eagles tried to pull a, but it ended with carson wentz getting sacked. that is come up next. vehicles following that route laid out for them by the gps. >> maybe you already know where this is going but some particulars of this case. a family on the west coast gets stranded after following the directions of their gps just a little too closely. abc's gloria rivera has the details. >> reporter: this snow-packed road stopping one family in their tracks. >> the next thing we know we just started sliding and got suck. >> reporter: the sanquist, mom, dad, daughter and dog on their way home from oregon. their gps mapping the shortest route, just one problem, it took them up this unplowed mountain road. snow socking them in. no shovel, no cell phone service. >> i'm not even sure if i had a shovel i could have dug out. >> reporter: they hunkered down until morning before he hiked two miles for help and reaching 911. search and rescue getting them back on track issuing this warning for all drivers. many gps and map systems can steer folks in the wrong direction during winter travel where conditions are poor. >> it was pretty scary, especially because to the left was a downgrade quite a steep one. >> reporter: this is not the first case of a gps mishap. this driver followed her gps straight into canada's frigid ontario bay. she made a quick escape but her car was a goner. thankfully the sanquist family had enough food and gas for the night which should have been a seven-hour trip took them more than 24. gloria rivera, abc news, washington. >> scary. that's why you always travel with an atlas. >> rand mcnally, my best friend. whip it out. >> that is what's making news in america this morning. >> do stick around for "good morning america." have a great monday. good morny december 12, matt o'donnell is off, nydia han is joining us. here's what's we're following rain is drenching most of the area this morning, someplaces did get snow, too. >> a new jersey state trooper will be laid to rest following a public memorial in atlantic city. long time philadelphia congressman chaka fattah finds out today if he is heading to prison. >> first up, let's talk about the precipitation, meteorologist david murphy has more on that and matt pellman is in for karen rogers taking a look at the roads good morning. >> reporter: something flash

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Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20161212 :

Transcripts For WPVI America This Morning 20161212

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it's december 26th in the red monday or whatever day it is. we say good morning on this monday. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm marci gonzalez in for diane. a swath of heavy snow blanketing several states canceling flights and causing problems on the roads. >> let's take a look at the radar. look how huge. a big storm system forcing weather alert notice 17 states over the past 24 hours and it's not dong yet. the snow moved east overnight making its way into new england. this morning, winter weather slamming states from the great lakes to the northeast. overnight, the storm reaching the boston area where a tricky morning commute is expected. the storm is dumping more than 6 inches of snow on at least 8 states causing major problems on the roads including this 33-car pileup in flint, michigan. in detroit, in passenger plane skidded off the snowy runway after landing. >> 724, we just went into the grass. >> all 70 on board are safe after an emergency evacuation from the plane's rear hatch. >> they did a good job of keeping everyone calm and getting us off the plane in an orderly fashion. people on the ground helping us too on the bus, off the bus, telling you exactly where to go. >> reporter: at chicago's airport more than a thousand flights canceled. this from the parking lot showing row after row of snow-cov snow-covered cars and the band that canceled a concert and writing in a tweet when you try to tour in the winter. it's not over yet. heavy snow still coming down in about 14 states as that storm moves east, but that may not be the worst of the weather this week. >> more extreme cold is on the way too. let's get the complete forecast from accuweather's paul williams. good morning, paul. >> good morning to you, as well, kendis and marci looking for delays along the east coast because of the rain but a mixture of freezing rain and snow throughout the northeast and a blast of cold air that's going to step its game up right into the ohio valley region. then brace for big-time arctic blasts that will come out of the northwest that will have flurries and showers throughout the great lakes and lake-effect snow in full effect. then this big-time blast of arctic air will reach all the way down to the deep south pushing temperatures well below the norm. kendis, marci. >> thanks, paul. turning to politics now, donald trump is shooting down allegations that russia interfered with the presidential election to swing it in his favor. >> this as trump prepares for another day of meetings to round out his cabinet. there are new questions emerging about a russian connection to the man he is expected to select as secretary of state. abc's lana zak is following the developments and joins us from washington. good morning, lana. >> reporter: good morning, kendis and marci. the president-elect is making some fresh international waves with his most recent comments about china, a foreign ministry spokesperson says he risks badly affecting the u.s. relationship. all of this is a lot to take on for the still unnamed secretary of state. president-elect donald trump tells fox news exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson would make a great secretary of state. >> to me a great advantage is he knows many of the players and he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia. >> reporter: but it is exactly those ties tillerson has to russia that are worrying democrats and republicans. >> i have obviously concerns of reports of his relationship with vladimir putin who is a thug and a murderer. >> reporter: in 2013 he gave him the friendship award. mr. trump hasn't announced for his pick yet but "the washington post" reports renewed concerns of the russians interfering in the u.s. election according to the cia. >> i think it's ridiculous. just another excuse. >> reporter: 17 known u.s. intelligence agencies concluded the russian government directed the hacking but that's not the only issue on which the next president and the intelligence community don't see eye to sigh. mr. trump says he'll decline daily intelligence briefings. >> i get it when i need it. i don't have to be told -- i'm a smart person. >> reporter: ten days after taking a call from the president of taiwan he is making waves with china. >> i don't know why we have to be bound by a one china policy unless we make a deal with china having to do with other things including trade. >> reporter: well, state-run chinese media have been responding to that point by mr. trump warning that the one china policy they say is not for sale and also hinting if the u.s. further isolates china is may become friendlier with other foes. >> that statement late this morning and say they have serious concern about his comments on taiwan. lana zak, thank you. breaking overnight a rare sunday night verdict in a trial that gripped new orleans. a jury has convicted the man who admittedly shot and killed former saints star will smith. trial of cardell hayes went through the weekend. hayes was found guilty of manslaughter for the shooting death of smith in a road rage incident in new orleans in april. hayes said it was self-defense, but the jury rejected that. hayes faces up to 40 years in prison and will be sentenced in february. quite a few developments overseas in turkey where they have observed a national day of mouring after a terror attack killed 38 people. a kurdish militant group has claimed responsibility for twin bombings outside a soccer stadium in istanbul. most of the victims were police officials. defense secretary ash carter says the u.s. stance shoulder to shoulder with turkey in battling terrorism. carter was there in iraq for a surprise visit. and there's been no claim of responsibility for a terror attack at a coptic christian church in egypt. 25 were killed and dozens injured when a bomb ripped through the church, moist of the victims were women and children. it was one of the deadliest attacks on the country's christian minority in recent years. while the syrian government is focused on aleppo isis has scored a major victory. the militants have retaken pal myra, an ancient city isis held until last march. during the occupation they destroyed artifacts and experts fear isis will do so again. still ahead back here, there's been black friday, cyber monday and green monday. the deals rolling out. the man accused in a stabbing outside a mosque. why investigators are call it a hate crime. a pfeifer breaks out at a popular ski resort injuring several guests. the new video just in. hing. at least 12 guests injured when fire broke out in the middle of the night at michigan's boyne highlands ski resort. it started on the third floor and the reor the so closed as it enters its busiest season. the atf wrapped up its investigation into the warehouse fire that killed 36 people in oakland. new details are expected to be revealed tomorrow during a news conference with atf and other agencies. a refrigerator has within ruled out as the cause of the fire. but agents still suspect it was something electrical. also in california, a suspected hate crime outside a mosque in simi valley. john matteson confronted worshippers outside the mosque and after a verbal altercation he stabbed a man. police say the victim was targeted because of his religion. police are also looking for a second suspect who also may have been involved in that incident. well, boeing says it now has a deal to sell 80 jets to iran. the biggest deal with iran in nearly four decades. the $16 billion contract was finalized just this weekend in accordance with new u.s. rules about trade with iran. but congress and president-elect trump have been critical of increased trade with that country since the nuclear deal was signed and they may scuttle or at least limit the boeing sale. boeing's dreamliner is helping airlines offer longer and longer nonstop flights. the latest will be an epic 17-hour journey from london to perth in 2018. they will fly using new 787 dreamliners. it is a 9,000-mile trip and is the first nonstop between australia and europe. when qantas first flew there, it took four days and included nine stops. >> so it's a slight improvement. well first there's black friday and then cyber monday but now another shopping day to remember. green monday. retailers noticed an uptick in shopping on the second monday in december. it's now the third largest online shopping day of the year so expect to see major discounts on those big ticket items and perks like free shipping. so there you have it. good deals out there. when we come back a retrial under way for a woman accused of hiring a hit man to murder her husband. the new argument from her lawyers saying police staged the crime scene. and bill murray in the oval office putting with the president. >> a normal day. >> right. ♪ happy holidays from crayola. so when do i start? um, shouldn't it be "spokes-crayon?" can somebody turn on the a/c? i'm melting here. ♪air marker spraayer!!! chemistry, baby! so i just hold this part and spraaaaaay... i'm okay. the holidays just got more surprising. you can find these great gifts and more in the crayola aisle. aaaaaah! each sold separately. ♪ h♪ but they only see hisfrom farwrinkles. ♪ ♪ if only harry used some bounce, to dry.♪ ♪ he would be a less-wrinkly winning guy. ♪ i was energetic.gia, i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. a risky rescue in the frigid waters of canada. firefighters venturing on to the ice to help a young moose that had become trapped. they led the frightened animal to the shore. off she went. see her there. apparently no worse for the wear. >> good to see. now for a look at morning road conditions here in the u.s. roads will be wet in the northwest and from the gulf coast to the carolinas, it'll be slippery in the northern rockies and around the great lakes for that matter. later today roads in the northeast may be slick. flying, airport delays are most likely in new york and boston. a florida woman at the center of a murder for hire trial may take the stand today in her own defense. >> she's accused of trying to hire a hit man to kill her husband but the defense claims it was all entrapment by officers looking to become famous an a reality show. more from abc's linsey davis. >> you definitely want to do this. >> i'm 5,000% sure. >> reporter: dalia dippolito heads back to a courtroom. >> i'm sorry to tell you he's been killed. >> reporter: in court dippolito's lawyers turned their eyes on the police department arguing that the boynton beach police department posted this online to impress the crew of the tv show "cops" and by doing so put their quest for fame ahead of the integrity of the investigation. something the police department disputes. >> post that on youtube for the whole world to see within six minutes. >> reporter: in an interview with our amy robach last december, dippolito maintained her innocence. >> did you hire a hit man to kill your husband? >> no. >> reporter: linsey davis, abc news, new york. violence reportedly erupted in louisville, kentucky, during a celebration after louisville quarterback lamar jackson won the heisman trophy. sources tell our station two university of louisville football players were shot at an off campus apartment complex saturday night. their injuries are said to be n nonlife-threatening. new claims 1994 heisman trophy winner razan salaam had symptoms of cte. he committed suicide last week at the age of 42 and his brother tells "usa today" he suffered from memory loss and depression. cte can only be diagnosed after death and his brain was not donated for evaluation because of his muslim faith. a former member of "the brady bunch" cast has been fired by a radio station after some anti-gay remarks. susan olsen was a co-host of a political talk show on a digital station based in los angeles. olsen played cindy brady and was fired after an online altercation with an openly gay actor and it followed the posting of a facebook message that included an offensive term for a gay man. week 13 in the nfl just about to be in the books. only one team has clinched a playoff berth >> that's the cowboys in action last night. highlights now from espn. good morning, america. i'm john busch gross, while you were in bed late last night the cowboys were playing football against the new york football giants in new jersey. dak prescott prescott and ezekiel elliott trying to stay warm. first quarter, no score, looks good here, everyone pays attention to elliott and no one pays attention to terence williams. check if the cowboys will roll again. third quarter, giants down 7-3. eli to odell beckham jr. and he does the rest. he is a home run hitter. sometimes all it takes is a three-run homer in baseball and hee, hee. sometimes it takes a long football play to win. they win 10-7. that was the weather in buffalo on sunday. steelers and bills and le'veon bell, he was outstanding. touchdown. and another touchdown. steelers lead. he had three touchdowns on the day, in fact, he had more rushing yards than any steeler running back has ever had in the franchise. monday night football, new england patriots home to the baltimore ravens, should be more great football weather to watch and, of course, on espn. it will be a good one. i'm john buccigross. have a great day, america. up next in "the pulse," a record ride. the longest uber trip ever. and the viral video, a special student's college dream is coming true on camera. ♪ eyes open? good. because it's here. cue the confetti. say hi to xiidra, lifitegrast ophthalmic solution. xiidra is the first prescription eye drop solution approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye. so give your eye doctor a ring, and your eyes just might thank you. one drop in each eye, twice a day. the most common side effects of xiidra include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when the drops are applied to the eyes, and an unusual taste sensation. to help avoid eye injury or contamination of the solution, do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface. if you wear contact lenses, remove them before using xiidra and wait for at least 15 minutes before placing them back in your eyes. are you ready to do something about your dry eyes? talk to your doctor about xiidra. jay knows how to keep nice shorts, dad...g. this is what the pros wear. uhhh... that's why he starts his day with those two scoops in heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. ready to eat my dust? too bad i already filled up on raisins. kellogg's raisin bran. deliciously heart healthy. the things that i consume a lot of it is very acidic. the enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. the whiteness wasn't there as much. my teeth didn't look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. so it was really important to start using the pronamel. it'll be one less thing you have to worry about. pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that i'm doing the right thing. so it's nice to know that it's as simple as that. ♪ doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed ♪ your monday morning "pulse" will start with golf between friends in the oval office. those friends being president obama and a guy named bill murray. >> oh, that guy. in a new video posted by the white house they're practicing their putting on the rug in the president's office. >> of course. >> just a casual place to putt. the conversation includes some good-natured ribbing enter on the the cubs winning the world series. >> generally i don't let cubs fans into the oval office. >> probably not a coincidence that your popularity is at an all-time high. i would just ride this baby. >> it's not gonna happen. >> it's gonna happen long before you make this putt. >> a little stage. it shows murray hit three putts and then the president doesn't hit any. >> yeah. after murray tells the president that he suffers from knee pain, the whole thing turns into a well-orchestrated pitch for obamacare. >> could it just be fun? >> exactly. >> behind it all. >> with the new sign-up deadline on the 15th. a driver in virginia apparently holds the record for the longest uber-ride ever. >> watch out. picked up a -- where is that coming from? williamsburg, virginia and drove her nearly eight hours to brooklyn, new york, after making the 400-mile trip, the 64-year-old then turned around in her 2005 prius and drove all the way back to virginia. >> so the bill was just shy of $300. rogers said she did it for the adventure, not the money and said she never stopped. not even once to use the bathroom. >> that's a little tmi. >> didn't need to know that. >> yes, of course. >> it was a prius, she didn't even need to stop for fuel. >> christmas came early for one boy on new york's long island. employees at a best buy decided to chip in to buy a wii u for a child after they noticed he was coming to the store daily to pray the free display. >> this posted by the store manager as the child appeared to question the gesture at first, but the employee assured him it wasn't a joke and gave him a ride home so no one would be tempted to steal the game from him. >> that is incredible. >> this is a tense time for many high school seniors not just because of the holidays but awaiting early decisions from colleges. >> coming right about now. family and friends of brandon gautier gathered around his computer awaiting the moment of truth and then -- [ cheers and applause ] >> -- the elation. as a college prep student learned he had been admitted to cornell university, the ivy league school only admits about one in seven politics and brendan was one. congratulations own good luck. >> congratulations. >> more news after this. and there are some people you shouldn't . people you should. shouldn't. janice! should. shouldn't. yes. no. should. no way. should. no. definitely not. ha ha, nay. you shouldn't give underwear to everybody. but for those you do, give them fruit of the loom. when are they leaving? grilled cheese and campbell's tomato soup go together like grandchildren and chaos. made for real, real life. [ cougshh. i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. better take something. dayquil liquid gels doesn't treat a runny nose. it doesn't? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels fight your worst cold symptoms including your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is! >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards, monday, december 12. rain is washing away the light snow that dusted parts of the area. david murphy is track be rain, matt pellman is watching the roads. a teen is shot on a west philadelphia street corner, he was out with his family when the bullets started up. at&t wireless customers ae getting a a refund, we'll tell you how much and why it's coming your way. the eagles tried to pull a, but it ended with carson wentz getting sacked. that is come up next. vehicles following that route laid out for them by the gps. >> maybe you already know where this is going but some particulars of this case. a family on the west coast gets stranded after following the directions of their gps just a little too closely. abc's gloria rivera has the details. >> reporter: this snow-packed road stopping one family in their tracks. >> the next thing we know we just started sliding and got suck. >> reporter: the sanquist, mom, dad, daughter and dog on their way home from oregon. their gps mapping the shortest route, just one problem, it took them up this unplowed mountain road. snow socking them in. no shovel, no cell phone service. >> i'm not even sure if i had a shovel i could have dug out. >> reporter: they hunkered down until morning before he hiked two miles for help and reaching 911. search and rescue getting them back on track issuing this warning for all drivers. many gps and map systems can steer folks in the wrong direction during winter travel where conditions are poor. >> it was pretty scary, especially because to the left was a downgrade quite a steep one. >> reporter: this is not the first case of a gps mishap. this driver followed her gps straight into canada's frigid ontario bay. she made a quick escape but her car was a goner. thankfully the sanquist family had enough food and gas for the night which should have been a seven-hour trip took them more than 24. gloria rivera, abc news, washington. >> scary. that's why you always travel with an atlas. >> rand mcnally, my best friend. whip it out. >> that is what's making news in america this morning. >> do stick around for "good morning america." have a great monday. good morny december 12, matt o'donnell is off, nydia han is joining us. here's what's we're following rain is drenching most of the area this morning, someplaces did get snow, too. >> a new jersey state trooper will be laid to rest following a public memorial in atlantic city. long time philadelphia congressman chaka fattah finds out today if he is heading to prison. >> first up, let's talk about the precipitation, meteorologist david murphy has more on that and matt pellman is in for karen rogers taking a look at the roads good morning. >> reporter: something flash

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