Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 9AM 20161008 : comp

Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 9AM 20161008

landfall a couple of hours ago south of charleston, south carolina. let's give you a reference where we are. north carolina, south carolina, georgia, florida, charleston is right there. this little shade of red. that's the eye wall that came onshore 2, 2 1/2 hours ago, that's where the 105-mile an hour winds are. that's where we're seeing the tremendous amount of flooding because of the storm surge. look at the shield of rain in the carolinas, charlotte, raleigh, wilmington, cape hatteras as the rain runs parallel to the coastline theerng owe ethis evening, into the overnight. 50 to 80 miles per hour sustained winds constant wind speeds with higher gusts. a storm surge a wall of water on top of normal tide between 5 and 7 feet. rainfall totals 8 to 12 inches isolated heavier amounts to 15 and there could tornados out there. look at the rainfall totals. this shade right here is 8 to 12 inches of rain. florence, 8. at a itville -- at a -- the wynfield is 39 miles per hour or higher. that's tropical storm force winds. hurricane force winds begin with this red shade right here. you can see the eye is actually hugging the coast as the storm moves north. there's myrtle beach. there's charleston, later this afternoon, it's over myrtle beach we get into the evening hours it starts to move into north carolina south of wilmington. so you can see the next couple of hours it will be really, really tough for the carolinas here and portions of georgia. when i come back in just a few minutes, i'll let you know where matthew is heading from that point on and i'll have the local forecast for the upcoming weekend and into next week. >> of course, more on hurricane matthew in a moment, but first the political bombshell, donald trump apologized overnight on tape he is heard talking about women. a hot mic caught him trying to sleep with a married woman. he said celebrity status helped him. >> i moved on her, i failed, i admit it. i have to take a tic-tac in case i start kissing her. when you're a star they can let you do it. >> trump was newly married to melinia when it was recorded on a bus on to a soap opera cameo. touch had this to say. >> anyone who knows me knows the words don't reflect who i am. i said it, i was wrong and i apologize. >> but there's been fallout within the gop ranks. speaker of the house paul ryan calls the comments sickening and canceled his appearance at a rally in wisconsin. mike pence will take his place at the rally. another republican wants mike pence to be the gop presidential nominee. >> i do wish that mike pence was at the top of the ticket. i really do, not only is his performance at the debate, but he is a person of high moral fiber. i feel bad for donald trump's wife and daughter. i don't know how he looks her in the eye and tries to explain this away. >> trump added that the audio tape is a distraction, our county faces bigger issues. he said hillary clinton's husband bill said worse on the glofl -- golf course and abused women. wiki leaks released thousands of e-mails from john 30 -- podetsa who is hillary clinton's campaign manager. one quote has her admitting you need a public and private face in politics, quote if everyone is watching, all the back room discussions and deals people get nervous, you need a public and private position, this is an exerpt of the leak. now to hurricane matthew, moving a shore in south carolina, record storm surge is reported and the wind is very strong. we're just getting in images of the destruction the hurricane caused in florida. abc's eva pilgrim filed this report on matthew's impact. >> reporter: hurricane matthew tearing through georgia and slamming the south carolina coastline. the monster storm barreling along the coast. >> you cannot stand in one place. >> reporter: leaving behind a trail of destruction. >> sounded like a train hitting the house. the wind was so strong. the hurricane killing 6 overnight in florida, the storm surge sending floodwaters through saint augustine, vehicles submerged people stranded at this bed and breakfast forced to wait out the downpour. the damage left by matthew, catastrophic, watch this wall of water blast through the dunes rushing into the city streets. in the aftermath swallowing whole roads, debris piling up, these trees folded over while rooftops and stoplights litter industry streets. hope alan said she and her husband was forced to evacuate twice. >> i have no idea if i have a home to go to. >> reporter: this morning over 1 million left in the dark. >> no power here, they used glow sticks to light the way. >> reporter: more than 6,000 national guardman and women in the coastal flood zone assisting with relief efforts. authorities urging residents to evacuate the storm. >> that was eva pilgrim reporting. here at home, philadelphia international airport is feeling the ripple effect of matthew. five thousand flights most of them down south have been canceled because the storm forced several major airports to close completely. some of them are now reopening. it's best to check with the airport ahead of time. the airport twitter feed and status of flight is available through our 6abc app. our coverage of matthew continues at and the 6abc news app. we have pictures of the devastation from the storm and hurricane tracker to monitor matthew's progress. new this morning, a fast-moving fire damaged five homes in trenton. the fire broke out along the 100 block of home avenue before 5:30 a.m. crews arrived to smoke and flames shooting from the upper floors of one of homes. red cross is helping residents who were displaced. >> uber x and lyft can once again pick up rides in philadelphia. a commonwealth court judge granted a preliminary injunction to continue to work. the legal dispute will likely to be resolved by the state legislature when it returns in two weeks. much more to come on "action news" saturday morning. a local teacher takes a shot to be a co-host on "live with kelly." also ahead, "shelter me rescue of the week." i'm matt o'donnell, this is our "shelter me rescue of the week" winner. you will meet tiny who is not so tiny and some of her friends coming up on "action news." >> reporter: hurricane matthew continues to cause seer -- serious problems along the coast and i'll let you know where it hits next and our local weather coming up on "action news." i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. look at this steak, just sitting there, taunting you. what's worse? it's not alone. it comes with this, this, or this too. are you gonna do something about it? if not? good luck sleeping tonight. you can't fake steak. longhorn steakhouse. tonight's special: great steak pairings. a center cut sirloin with a choice of bacon-wrapped shrimp, baby back ribs, or parmesan crusted chicken. only at longhorn steakhouse. a shot from sky6 live hd, the ben franklin bridge getting a little gray kind of cloudy out there, it's going to rain a little bit today. it's not going to be a washout, though. that's my weather report. back to you, chris. [laughter]. >> reporter: i'm sure we'd all gladly take that compared to what's going on down in the carolinas. look at this shield of moisture coming inland off the atlantic, the yellows, the organs and -- oranges and the reds representing heavy rainfall. we have the buoys turned on. take a look at the wind speed. the eye is around here, that's where the air is calm. there's not much of a breeze. it's almost completely calm in the center of the storm. the wind around the storm are starting to whip. from the northern, eastern side of it we're seeing sustained winds 40 miles per hour and gusting as high as 54 to the north, 56. on the eye wall 63 miles per hour. that's where the most dangerous part of the storm is. it's right here in the eye wall. now this eye wall wraps around the whole thing. i wanted to outline that. this is where we're seeing the most dangerous winds at this point. the circulation looks like this ahead of storm him the storm is traffickerring this way. the winds ahead of storm are wrapping around in a counter clockwise fashion. there are winds north of the storm and offshore winds south of the storm where the storm has already been. in this part of the area they are seeing the dangerous storm surge, because the winds are pushing all this moisture inland. not only that we have higher than normal tides and 20 to 25-foot waves. they will see rapidly deteriorating conditions here from let's say, myrtle beach to wilmington, north carolina over the noak 8 -- north carolina over the next 8 to 1 hours. they are in for a tough time. for us back in the delaware and lehigh valleys we're looking at nothing more than showers from this. that's about it. some of the moisture will get drawn north as an approaching cold front gets lifted this way, we're dodging a huge bullet in the immediate philadelphia area. temperatures are in the low 60s. philadelphia, 63. millville, 63. poconos, 54. cape may, 68. dover, 66. here's the cold front. you can see this ribbon of clouds that draws the moisture north. had that front not been here we would be dry. the front will draw the moisture northward clouds lower and thicken, showers break out after lunchtime, that's about it. future tracker 6 going really, really light on the shower activity. i think you will see more than what the model is showing here. same thing this afternoon, cloudy skies, more showers than what the model is showing here. overnight tonight it may transition over into a steady rain for south jersey and delaware, especially the closer you are to the coast where some rainfall totals could exceed an inch. tomorrow morning, damp across south jersey and delaware. starting to clear for the far western suburbs. sunday afternoon clouds to start, increasing sun as the afternoon wears on. here's another look at hurricane matthew, this is the infrared satellite image. look at the huge counter clockwise swirl. north of the storm all the winds are forcing the water inland, charleston, wilmington, cape hatteras, kill devil hills. all this is being forced inland. the opposite on the other side. it's an offshore flow. maximum staged winds down to 70 miles per hour. it's a cat one moving to the northeast at 12 miles per hour. the pressure is beginning to rise. that's a good sign. later this afternoon 80-mile an hour. it takes the loop and goes back over the bahamas in the middle of the week. it's a rainstorm at this point. tough times right now, but things get better in the next 24 hours or so. back in philadelphia, showers are possible this afternoon. highs around 70. mainly clouds in the morning, showers by afternoon. 3:00 p.m. temperature, 70 degrees. 5:00 p.m. we're back down to 68. periods of rain overnights tonight cooler, 52 degrees outlying suburbs, 5 for center city. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, once we get past tomorrow morning, smooth sailing. morning rain sunday, some afternoon sunshine, 66. monday through friday, featuring a combination of sun and clouds, temperatures in the mid to upper 60s, a nice week ahead looks to be in the works here. good stuff. >> nice we'll take it. >> temple football play book comes your way in the next half-hour of "action news." first the eagles make a change to the practice plan before the showdown tomorrow in detroit. jamie apody has that coming up. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. technically speaking, facebook is taking on ebay and craig's list with a service called marketplace it allows users to buy and sell from one another. it allows users to arrange payment and pickup. they think it will be a successful venture. happening today, corn hole for a cause in chester county helps families of cancer patients. there's a corn hole tournament and barbecue buffet and gift basket auction and children activities on horse shoe trail in malvern at 11:30 a.m. the entire community is invited to stockton university in galloway, there's food trucks and arts and crafts and much more from noon to 4:00 p.m. when it comes to tv gigs this is a hot one. as the search continues to find a permanent replacement for michael strahan, ripa is giving one lucky fan a chance to sit bide owe side her for a day. there's a teacher who wants to do that. >> reporter: it's a dry one inside souderton high school. it's the show open finalist, richard school tv teacher hopes the nation hears if he gets a shot sitting in the open chair next to kelly. >> you're watching live kelly and richard. this tape got him in the top 20. >> i only teach wearing my snap chat doggy filter mask. >> i need philadelphia surrounding areas to back me on this, go to kelly live and vote. >> reporter: curtis is no stranger to live tv he directs his students for a live broadcast for the school. he wants you to know it wasn't his idea to audition fort kelly and you contest. >> my wife said in the morning do not come home unless you have applied for this competition. >> needless i need a place to sleep so i applied that afternoon. >> his biggest fans are on board. >> there's no one else that deserves it more. >> you guys had another fantastic week i'm super proud you have guys. >> america needs to get to know such an influential guy. he has no plans of leaving the high school. >> i have the best job in the world. the father of two admits, the national live experience for a day is good for his street cred. this is the biggest opportunities to put weight behind my words and say guys i've done it, trust me. >> his energy is contagious, we wish him the best, you know what, we need more teachers like this guy. you have to see all the audition takes place. we'll show you how to vote at, you have until the end of tomorrow to cast your vote. we'll be right back. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be...and more. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. katie v/she stays late.rd. but she gets paid 21% less than her male coworkers. pat toomey has voted time after time against equal pay for women, against pay that helps hard working families get ahead. katie o/c: for my daughters and yours, i'll fight for equal pay for women. families need it; you've earned it. katie v/o: i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message because it's your turn to get ahead. (vo) when it comes to your favorite pennsylvania lottery pick games, it's smart to add the new wild ball to your game. sally plays 1 2 3, just like she does every day. but today she adds wild ball. because sally chose to get extra chances to win by playing wild ball, (sally) yah! (vo) she can now replace the number 4 with tonight's wild ball, number 3. making her a winner! (sally) thanks, wild ball! (vo) don't change the way you play, change the way you win! learn more at taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. >> it is now 9:25 this saturday morning, if you're just waking up, sky6 live hd getting a live look through our temple university camera. not so sunny, not so bright. not a total washout today, chris sowers will have the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast in just a few. >> the 3-0 birds face the lions in detroit. the eagles lost to detroit by 31 points last season. the birds practiced inside despite the sunny weather. coach peterson said he thought this was the best way to simulate the loud crowd noise you face in ford field in detroit. carson wentz said he is ready for another test. >> they are a good d. they will be playing fast it will be a loud environment. they will present challenges and play fast, we have to execute. a road trip ended with a dog getting a new home. matt o'donnell has this morning's "shelter me rescue of the week" report. >> reporter: when james duffy and kevin grub met dolly was fate. we happened to meet a friend we car pulled to new york that day we got back and decided to go in and found dolly. the next car pool it was dolly a cute poodle mix who hitched a ride to her forever home. dolly was adopted from the annual care and control -- animal care and control team of philadelphia. when she arrived she was in rough shape now almost a year 1/2 year she is healthy and settled into her new home. >> if there's a stressful day or any day that's tense for any reason, you come home to dolly it takes the stress down a notch. >> >> reporter: britany a pit mix who prefers a home with no cats. >> they likes hikes and snuggles. >> reporter: carlos enjoy an active home. >> he loves playing with other dogs. >> reporter: patches is a-year-old and love a home with children. >> she wants to be a family dog, she wants to be part of the family and we would love to give that to her. >> this is tiny a 3-year-old pitbull mix dropped off by her owner at the shelter. you might want to check she is good with children, but a friendly dog. if you're interested in tiny visit the @ philly website. if you would like to share your stories post pictures at the "fyi philly" facebook page we'll feature your stories on yum coming shelter me segments, with tiny, i'm matt o'donnell channel 6 "action news." highway >> happening now on "action news," this saturday at 9:00, the tape, the presidential nominee is heard making lewd remarks about women, now he is saying i'm sorry. tracking hurricane matthew, showing the damage that the storm has caused and left behind. you can see, part of that house, just completely missing. that pier there ripped a part. it has become a menacing storm as it makes its way up the east coast and up toward south carolina. meteorologist chris sowers lab tracking the latest on matthew's path. first let's take a look at some of the weather conditions we're facing here and we'll get to that na in a minute, but first, lauren lister has the firsthand look at the damage. lauren the day after the storm. alicia, the hurricane weakened to a category one. tornado watch in parts of the carolinas, 24 hours ago right here i could barely walk the wind was so strong. the storm downing trees and worse, it continues to head north. hurricane matthew swooping northward up the coast now slamming parts of georgia and the carolinas. the best thing is to hunker down. >> reporter: the storm claimed four lives in florida and left behind a trail of damage. the ocean pouring over dunes in jacksonville beach. the flooding extending for blocks. downtown saint augustine nearly 2 dozen people including children were at one point trapped in this bed and breakfast by the rising water. farther south roads washed away while wind gusts topping 100 miles per hour tore down power lines. and trees. >> we heard a big boom and saw it come down. >> reporter: in haiti, you are the -- utter devastation. death toll by one account 300 and rising. matthew is weaker, but people in the carolinas are heeding the warning and taking out no chances riding out matthew in shelters. and in florida, more than a million people are without power, people where we are hearing could be a week before it is restored. the next 24 to 36 hours are crucial. in georgia and the carolinas where storm surge is bringing life-threatening flooding. live in new smyrna beach, florida, lauren lister, channel 6 "action news." >> now meteorologist chris sowers has a look at the forecast here at home. >> reporter: good morning, alicia, it's not too bad, it's milder than it's been in the previous mornings. the cloud cover kept the temperatures up over night. it's dry this morning, but things change as the day wears on. 61 in glass borough, dover, 63. woodbine, 65. atlantic city, 68. same number for sea isle city, browns mills 58 degrees. satellite and radar you can see the green toward the bottom of the screen. that's moisture from hurricane matthew. you look toward the left-hand side of the screen you see that thin ribbon of clouds approaching from the west. that's a cold front, a canadian cold front that's front is siphoning the moisture northward. had we not had a front all the rains would have stayed to the south. because of the front it's drawing to the north we run the risk of showers later on this afternoon. the surface maps looks like, mostly cloudy, cooler, 70s. today it's upper 60s. showers are possible later on. hurricane stays to the south. as we get into sunday that front helps to force matthew out to sea in the front's wake it turns sharply cooler with highs in the low to mid 60s. clouds giving way to afternoon sunshine. overall not a bad weekend. watch what happens to the temperatures today, highs in the upper 60s, tonight low in the 50s, we get into monday morning, overnight lows could be as low as upper 30s far northwestern suburbs, reading, 40, 39 give or take, same thing with allentown, poconos, 36. philadelphia 45 degrees, chilly stuff on the way. back to matthew we're zoomed into north carolina, double scan live, we set it in motion for you, look at the gusts. we tapped into a buoy southeast coast of charleston. sustained winds 43 miles per hour and gusts 63 miles per hour. and waves 20 to 25 feet. the good news they are at low tide. even though they are picking up flooding it's not as bad as what it could have been had the tides been higher. spaghetti plots show the storm is expected to move to the east/northeast eventually out to sea and do a loopdeloop back into the bahamas and southern tip of florida. if it moves to theamas and southern tip of florida it will be a super inflated rainstorm. hurricane matthew we dodged a bullet. we'll have a couple of showers later this afternoon. when i come back we'll have look at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, alicia. >> visit our website to monitor the path of hurricane matthew at any time our inter active tracker can show you current wind speeds and where the storm is expected to go next. get ready round two, presidential candidates donald trump and hillary clinton face off at washington university in saint louis tomorrow knight. trump issued a rare apology in the face of a scandal that's threatening serious damage to his presidential campaign. >> i got to use tictacs in case i start kissing her. i'm automatically attracted to women. >> reporter: i start kissing them. when you're a star you can do it do whatever you want. grab them by the. [ bleep ] do anything. washington post released the video of the 2005 incident. the republican nominee can be heard making vulgar comments about women. he issued an on camera statement that was a apologetic and defined. >> i said it, i was wrong and apologize. let's be honest we're living in the real world m. this is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we're facing today. >> trump cruised his apology to attack bill clinton for what he described as abuse of women and hillary clinton's treatment of her husband's alleged victims. he called the remarks horrific, several top republicans are distancing themselves from trump's campaign. meanwhile, bernie sanders will be in philadelphia today to campaign for clinton. he will headline a rally at the university of arts on south broad street following a campaign event in trenton this morning. sanders plans to discuss the minimum wage, free college tuition and global warming. tune into the second presidential debate tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. a town hall-style debate co-moderated by abc's martha raddatz you can watch it on 6abc. a passer by may have prevented things from becoming worse when they saw a camden county town hall up in flames. action cam was on the scene of the unit block of clementon road before 3:00 a.m. a passer by saw flames shooting from the first floor and called 911. nobody was hurt, so far no word on what sparked the blaze. a 69-year-old man was seriously hurt in a nasty crash in south philadelphia. it happened at 20th and passyunk at 5:45 a.m. the driver lost control of the minivan hit a ford and slammed into a parked car. the minivan ended up on its side. the 69-year-old man is in serious condition. the driver of the ford is expected to be okay. a lot of peek talking about this one this morning. new jersey will go from having the second lowest gas tax to the 6th highest in just a few short weeks. the legislature and the assembly approved the bill yesterday. it's to keep vital transportation work up an running. drivers we spoke with are not happy about the gas prices going up. >> when thinks go up, it hurts because by working everyday and trying to make ends meet. it's going to cost more and we don't have the extra money to put out sometimes. >> governor chris christie is expected to sign the measure into law it will take effect two weeks after the signing date. the phillie phanatic showed up to lend his support for the animal walk to stamp out parkinsons along mlk drive. meteorologist david murphy taking selfies as the co-chair of the walk. it's personal for david, his late father paul struggled with parkinsons with the disease when he was a young man. >> football play book is next on "action news" saturday morning. meteorologist chris sowers returns with another check of the accuweather forecast right now you're taking a live look in north carolina, hurricane matthew making its way onshore there we'll continue to track its path, the impact and the damage throughout the morning. we'll be right back. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer these speeds at this price. only fios can. as pand we saw a guy who has out pat our backs.ecord... toomey crossed party lines to support background checks.... that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists. true independence, and real guts. that's how pat toomey is helping us, keep you safe. senator pat toomey, the best choice to protect pennsylvania. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> welcome to another addition of temple financial play -- temple football play book alongside coach matt rhule. the game started off so well, you were up 13-3 at the half. what happened in the second half? >> we missed opportunities, we missed two field goals and gave up big plays, a lot of credit to memphis, they intercepted a ball for touchdown, they got the lead. we had the ball with a minute left with a chance to tie the game. it wasn't enough. >> what did you tell the team after the game. >> i was very truthful and said we have to go back and watch the film to see what went wrong. if we go on the road and have that many penaltieses and miss field goals we'll have a hard time doing well. >> reporter: 13-0 temple, 13-3 temple at the half. third quarter, check this out, a 71-yard touchdown run for memphis this ties the game at 1 and things get worse from there. a little bit later temple trying to get the lead back, a 23-yard pick 6. the owl gave up 17 unanswered points and get within 7. walker to the tailback jihad thomas, temple back in the game down by 7, 27-20. the kickoff, tony pollard takes it to the house, memphis goes up 4-20, the owls lose the game 34-27. we hear from the players after the game. >> you can't win games that way. we will let this hurt a little bit, and we can accomplish everything that's right there in front of us we'll take time off this weekend and go back on sunday. >> opportunities we missed out on, we have to go back to the game plan and see where we could have made adjustments, we have to go back out there. >> reporter: coach your quarterback walker career high 445 yards, two interceptions, a return for a touchdown. turnovers have been a problem this year, what are you seeing with your quarterback. >> we had some interceptions just like last night. it's hard to put that on the quarterback and it hits a receiver and goes up in the air. you have to check it down, they have to take care of the ball, that's something we have to work with them on. >> special teams, two missed field goals kickoff return for a touchdown. how important is that phase of the game special teams on the field. >> it's crucial one time if football you're 20, 30, 40, 50 yards of worths of real estate are being exchanged. we started off well and we kicked off and ripped on the ball out of their hands. as the game went on, they made more plays on special teams than we did. i saw them hit our kicker in the back, i was hoping and praying for a flag, he was hurt, he might be lost for the year on that block, as upset i was i had to make sure he was taken care of own okay. >> one positive your tailback jihad thomas was great. the running game was hard to get going, 6 catches and 121 yards receiving and two touchdowns. >> it's night even day since he's been back, we're scoring more points than we had. we're using him in a merey -- him or her -- myriad of ways. >> we'll talk about an upand coming receiver who is working his way back. there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> back here temple football play book in the loss to memphis, you got good production out of bryant he had 6 catches in that game, what has he meant to the team. >> as a sophomore he is one of our most explosive dynamic play makers, we missed while he was gone. >> morgan siegfried has more on denzel bryant. >> reporter: seven sel bryant made his mark in 2016. he took us to capitalize an last year's momentum. >> walker with plenty of time from mid field over the top. denzel bryant for the touchdown at temple! i don't feel any pressure at all. i always work to be the best, and to do better than i did in the previous year, that whole pressure thing, i don't look at it as pressure, what do i need to get better on and work on. as far as pressure, i don't think about it too much. a few things i honed in on was getting stronger in the weight room, balls last year later on in the season injuries hindered me on the field and try to stay consistent throughout the season and not let the drops have a negative effect on how i finish the game. catching the ball consistently down the field that's something i've been working on this off season. you have to practice something to be consistent. you have to constantly do extra little things so the drops having good practices and bad practices don't happen consists antily. >> antily -- consistently. did hedid hedenzel knows he haso fill. >> i have to take everyday be that guy that bring energy to the group seeing how those guys responded as leaders. i took a lot of notes sitting next to jc you have to takes notes and watch film with jc made me a better player i'm understanding leverages for the defensive backs, i understand more than last year. i want people to remember me as a guy to work as hard as he could be to be a good team teammate and good friend outside of football. a person that respects coaches ascertain guy that's on time and do everything he has to do. >> for temple football play book i'm morgan siegfried. >> after a loss like that, it's tough to swallow, how long do you swell on that and look ahead. >> when i am in the locker room i look ahead. i don't want to be a pie in the sky, i want to be realistic. you have to win three more games to go to the bowl game. if you win all the rest of the games you go to the conference championship game. while it's a work in progress there's so many thing you can get that done, the only thing you get that done is by starting and winning the game against ucf. >> >> reporter: one game at a time. that will do it for temple football play book, for coach matt rhule, i'm ducis rogers. "action news" continues after this. (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head t to your neiborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one. you're taking a live look, charleston, south carolina you can see flood conditions from hurricane matthew, the storm making its way up the eastern seaboard and bringing wrath and furry on its way. thinking about people in carolinas and georgia this morning. let's go back over to storm tracker 6 live doubling double scan, the gray circle is the eye that's centered east of charleston, south carolina. we're seeing buoys with winds gusts 83 miles per hour with 15 to 20-foot waves. you see the red circle north an east of the actual eye. that's where we're expecting the worst storm surge this afternoon. the tide is coming in. we'll see a rush of water we'll see storm surgeon top of normal tide 5 to 8 feet. back home in the philadelphia area, 70 degrees, cloudy skies, showers in the afternoon. sunday, cloudy in the morning leftover shower or two. otherwise, clouds and sunshine in the afternoon, high of 66. beyond tomorrow, looks stunning everyday, sun and clouds, temperatures in the mid to upper 60s. >> when chris calls it stunning he is serious. jack hanna's "wild countdown" is next on channel 6. "action news" continues later tonight. we're back tomorrow morning, beginning at 6:00 a.m. here's some of the stories we're working on on for you, a big surprise for a local elementary school teacher. we'll tell you about the prize known of the oscars of teaching and introduce you to the amazing woman. plus a well-known singer song writer is about to takeover center stage at the kimmel center. we'll have a preview of the fantastic upcoming performance. for chris sowers and the entire "action news" team, i'm alicia vitarelli. have a great saturday. we'll be back tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. follow your own sense of style... because, you want to be confident. t.j.maxx really helped us express our creative side. that's the best part. you don't know what you're going to find. i always find great deals on shoes... purses... we're a team. yeah. maxx life at t.j.maxx. announcer: "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide. jack: hi, everybody, i'm jack hanna coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to "wild countdown." today's animals may be famous for their speed, size, or strength. but they also have big brains-- kathaleen: wow. look at that. jack: helping them outsmart predators-- george: she's watching us with one eye while the other one is on her baby. jack: socialize with friends-- boy, i could just si and raid them. i mean, you don't go out and gather food if you've got the supermarket down the road.

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Charleston , South Carolina , United States , Camden County , New Jersey , Millville , Pennsylvania , Brookside , Myrtle Beach , Chester County , Delaware , Malvern , Bahamas , The , Temple University , Atlantic City , Smyrna , Izmir , Turkey , Allentown , Trenton , Jersey , Jacksonville Beach , Florida , Cape May , Dover , Hatay , New York , Haiti , Canada , Georgia , North Carolina , Washington , Souderton , Philadelphia , Wisconsin , Saint Augustine , Sea Isle City , America , Canadian , Morgan Siegfried , Lauren Lister , Martha Raddatz , Carolinas Charlotte Raleigh , Denzel Bryant , Tony Pollard , Carson Wentz , David Murphy , Chris Christie , Thomas Temple , Michael Strahan Ripa , Katie Mcginty , Jack Hanna , Pat Toomey , James Duffy , Hillary Clinton , Paul Ryan , Bernie Sanders ,

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