Transcripts For WPVI Action News At Noon 20161020 : comparem

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At Noon 20161020

in the news the crews are set to begin the wreckage of a plane that crash nood a neighborhood in camden county yesterday. and an attempt to buy an iphone from a craigslist ad ends in a shootout. but the big story is the third presidential debate. he called her a nasty woman and she called him a puppet of russia. and the big story is when asked if he will accept the results of the election if he loses. the karen travers joins us live with the details. good afternoon. >> with less than three weeks to go on election day and polls trending in her favor, it would seem like hillary clinton would try to play things cautiously but last night she came out aggressively against donald trump and made him play defense. he landed solid punches but did not do anything to take back the race. >> it was an unprecedented statement. asked if he would accept the results of the election. >> i will look at it at the time. >> i will tell you at the time and keep you in suspense. >> hillary clinton pounced. >> that is horrifying and he is talking down or democracy and i for one am appalled. >> it began as policy, then the personal attacks started. >> there was a time when he didn't get an emmy for his show for three years in a row and tweeted that the emmys were rigged. >> and the exchange about russian president, vladimir putin. >> has no respect for this person. >> well, that is because he would rather have a puppet for president. >> no puppet. you are the puppet. >> and still getting a ton of traction on social media this dig from trump. >> such a nasty woman -- >> the debate was trump's last big opportunity to shift the race. with more national polls showing clinton's lead growing. >> this is like pit stops in the nascar race, he has to caught up and has not and he has 19 laps and she is far ahead. >> hillary clinton is off the trail but has heavy hitters out there campaigning. president obama is in florida and vip biden is in new hampshire and the first lady is in arizona. karen travers channel 6 "action news." >> and an event in buck county as part of a campaign push through several key battleground states and will hold rallies in north carolina and johnstown, pennsylvania before returning to virginia and ohio on saturday. and hillary clinton and her running mate tim kaine will campaign together in pennsylvania we don't know where just yet but is expected to appear in philadelphia area as well as pittsburgh. turning to other news, crews are still working to clear the wreckage of a plane that crashed into a camden county neighborhood yesterday. the officials just released the names of the people inside and the injuries they suffered. annie mccormick is live now with those details. >> reporter: according to linenwald police the passenger said there was an unknown mechanical issue before the crash and have not been able to interview the pilot yet. both are in the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. >> faa investigator as rived to the crash site again this morning. it was yesterday afternoon when the plane plunged into the backyard of this lindenwald home. both people on board survived and were rushed to the hospital. according to police the pilot, 66-year-old wayne gillcrest of marlton had severe cuts to his face and his passenger broke his hip and is expected to go into surgery. no person or structure on the ground was hit. >> it's amazing they survived. i get chills when i think of things like that. >> somebody was blessed. god was looking out. >> the plane sits in aretha's backyard and the an attraction people are stopping to get a glimpse on the way to work. >> it's awkward to get this much attention. >> williams did not find out the crash happened until she arrived home from work hours later, because the phone battery drained halfway through the day. >> my neighbors were like you missed it all. the plane crashed in your backyard and i was like what plane? >> i had no idea. >> the plane remains in her backyard at this hour. but crews have blocked off the street because they are waiting for a special wreckage company to come here and take the debris down to a secure location so investigators can continue their investigation to figure out what caused this crash. reporting live in lindenwald, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. new jersey lawmakers may vote to give themselves subpoena power given the deadly train crash in hoboken. if given that they could force officials to testify and provide documents. one woman was killed and more than 100 injured when a passenger train ran into the train station. a craigslist transation ended in a shooting last night in the city's overbrook station just before 11:00 p.m. the victim met a man on north 53rd street the man arrived to buy an iphone. and the seller had other ideas, he pulled out a gun and demanded the cash, when he refused he shot him in the leg and took the money any way. the victim was treated and released and the gunman is still on the loose. one person is in stable condition after a house fire on west oak lane. flames ignited at a twin home on east washington lane calling firefighters to call in additional units. and people reported seeing spark wires outside of the home. >> two of our companies working together made a rescue and removed a occupant from the home. the fire marshall is investigating the cause of the blaze. no word if the home had working smoke detectors. another fire in the villa section, left several people without a place to live. it broke out at 3:30 this morning at an apartment building on salter street. firefighters had a tough time getting to the blaze and they had to strike a second alarm. turning to the weather now it's another nice day out there for your thursday but our string of summer like conditions may be over. still plenty of october sunshine outside during your lunch hour and david murphy is enjoying it on the terrace and he has a preview of the accuweather forecast. >> yes rick, feeling comfortable out here today and not quite as warm as yesterday. a fair amount of cloud cover overhead, look at satellite, you see where the thicker cloud cover resides farther to the north and the farther south the thinner the clouds are. we are expecting mostly cloudy skies with a sunny break now and then, the temperature is 74 degrees in philadelphia. 72 in willing top and 72 in trenton and still in the upper 60s in places like allentown, reading and lancaster. as we take a look at winds not too breezy, single digits across most of the region and that is probably where we will stay most of the afternoon. as we look at the right of today. 77 is your forecast high if we manage to break a good chunk of sun out in the afternoon it may go higher than that. not far off the record high of 80 but well above the average high of 65. the overnight low is 65. and we are maintaining a mild pattern. tomorrow still in the 70s, and the clouds will get thicker tomorrow and then on saturday, the big change. we'll plunge into the 50s and probably the mid-50s for highs and could be damp too with rain at times especially in the morning. and then on sunday the sun comes back but only in the low 60s. rick, big changes right around the corner. rile have more details in the accuweather forecast. for today not bad temperature-wise in the 70s. >> thank you. and this reminder, with the potenti potentirotential of rain in the forecast this weekend check when you are headed out and use facebook and twitter for updates. police s.w.a.t. teams are putting their skills to the test in delaware county. today they competed in several obstacle course challenges including a sniper challenge where a police officer's life is in danger. the emergency center in sharon hill was done to help their response to critical situations and the winning teams will be presented with trophies. still to come on "action news" at noon, it was part of the debate last night between the presidential candidates, today there is a progress report on the battle to oust isis from iraq's second largest city and we have an update. and a novel approach to get rid of zika, they want to enlist bats. when "action news" continues. how tall are you? how do we measure greatness in america? it's measured by what we do for our children. it's why as president i'll invest in our schools. in college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that let's them start a family of their own. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families. i want our success to be measured by theirs. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. optimism from iraq's prime minister today as his forces battle islamic state extremists in mosul. that the fight is going more quickly than anticipated. forces are moving forward to oust isis from the city that took of two years ago. they said the battle could take weeks or even months. coming up what the commanders are saying. and the so-called whistle blower trial is going on today. they denied that mcquery was terminated from his job because of his role in the jerry sandusky case. he is seeking more than $4 million in lost wages, he is due to take the stand later in the the trial. a florida man was frightened by a slithering stow away in his car. carl is used to seeing snakes but having one on the windshield was too close for comfort. he slit out from the hood of his car. >> i do not want a snake, the car is new and i would imagine it's sealed pretty well. >> tim went kayaking over the weekend and thinks that is where the snake hitched a ride. and still ahead on "action news" at noon, seniors and financial fraud what financial experts say are the causes and how to affect them -- keep them from affecting your family. financial fraud against seniors has been called the crime of the 21st century and experts say the problem is only more pervasive. in this week's art of aging report tamala edwards got tips to help you and your family. >> jim and his mother have always been close. and deepened when her father passed away. >> she needed 6$600 or 70$700 t cover her account. >> she refused to talk about it. >> there was secretive behave that started to happen. >> he soon learned she was the target of a romantic interest that asked for money. >> she gave him the money 30,000 there's or $40,000 later this is one of fastest growing industries. >> telling them they won sweepstakes. >> to fake friends and family members. >> loneliness is a big deal and now the scammers are appearing on dating sites. >> the situation is a catch 22, seniors need to find someone they can trust while they are still in good physical and mental health. >> have all of their wills and power of attorneys and living wills with the person, the family member that they trust. >> that is what she did granted her son power of attorney. >> i was really trying to help her and this guy was not. so by that time most of her assets had been gone and was heart broken about it. >> if you see seniors being victimized there are websites that can help. we posted links on our website of aging. turning to health check at noon. president obama is hitting the road today to make a pitch for enrollment into health care coverage. the president will speak at miami-dade college encouraging young people to sign up. it will rise by 9% by 2017 but needs more young adults to pay into the system but doesn't use much health care. right now payouts are leading to double digit increases and fewer insurers. and now looking for ways to control the mosquitos that carry the zika virus. they are suggesting introducing bats. rosa gonzales is proposing bat houses in areas. it was passed in dade county. right now a check of your accuweather forecast with david murphy when we come right back. don't go away. before we check in david and accuweather, a quick note dickinson high school in delaware is dismissed because of a power outage. 750 students being sent home in dickinson high school in wilmington because of a power outage. now back to the accuweather forecast. and the summer like temperatures -- >> they are starting to go down a bit but fairly warm and comfortable. lets look at stormtracker 6 live double scan we have been on the lookout for a sprinkle or shower but most of it is off to the north of philadelphia today. the action cam was out earlier and we were down the shore. and it still feels a bit like summer down the shore and starting to get breezy and cloudy down there as well. and we'll inch back to closer to what we feel like normal autumn weather. 74 in philadelphia under mostly cloudy skies and not too shabby, winds from the east-northeast at 7 miles per hour. and the dew point up in the low 60s. maybe a little humid if you start to workout. 72 in wilmington and 69 in allentown and reading and lancaster and schooler up north with thicker cloud cover. it's cooler in cape may. future tracker 6 showing us for the rest of the afternoon there could be a pop-up sprinkle or shower and the best chance of that is in the northern suburbs, i can't guarantee we'll see that but maybe a sprinkle here or there popping up and most places dry and for most of the day. up in the lehigh valley mostly cloudy and not as warm as yesterday with a high of 71. but well above average in the allentown bethlehem area. and 73 at the shore and clouds mixing with occasional sun and pleasant overall. temperatures 67 degrees and nice day to stroll on the boards. and mostly cloudy skies overnight 77 degrees, some of us may see a spotty shower toward morning. winds south-southeast at 7 miles per hour overnight and not all that much of a breeze. 74 by 5:00 and 72 by 6:00 and still holding on to 70 by 7:00 with mostly cloudy skies in place. and then overnight we maintain that mostly cloudy skies cover and again a spotty shower possible and 62 is the overnight low and winds are running fairly light at 6 to 10 miles per hour. we start out fairly cloudy again and a sprinkle our shower at times and may be clipping trenton and northeast philadelphia. the rest of the afternoon clouds and sun perhaps a chance of a sprinkle or shower. later on a chance of a more significant shower coming in hopefully it misses the big temple game tomorrow night. 67 is the high ahead of the frontal boundary but the big story is the colder rush of air, a weekend whiplash you go from 80s yesterday to close to 80 today and down into the 50s on saturday. oh my how quickly things can change in october. mostly cloudy today and 77 is the high and tomorrow cloudy overall and a sunny break or two. and 76 is the high and we can't rule out a spotty shower. and the big change, windy and cooler, and high of 56 degrees and winds gusting of 30 miles per hour at times and rain in the morning maybe drizzle off and on and then the sun roars back and a high of 61 and cool enough for jacketed and sweatshirts if you head to the eagles or to the union game. and then monday clouds and sun and 56 and back around 60 on tuesday and wednesday and the next chance of rain is wednesday night into thursday next week. >> thank you david. there is more ahead in our next half hour of "action news" at 12:30. a lottery is set that will give you a chance to own a gift given to pope francis. and the city gives a special honor to phillies first base man ryan howard this morning. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message. i'm frank lobiondo pat toomey: he was a founder of this pennsylvania bank and owned stock worth as much as a million dollars. under toomey's leadership, the bank used a controversial foreclosure practice called "confession of judgement" to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. the practice is banned in 35 states because it's considered predatory, but pat toomey didn't care. pat toomey the banker: he's really not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. "action news" continues. hello again sara is off and here are the stories we are following for you now on "action news" at 12:30. more on the investigation into a child that fell from a window earlier this week, he was battling a medical problem that may have contributed to his death. and new details in the battle for mosul, the iraq prime minister has given an update. and pope francis received gifts from all over the world and now have you a chance to receive one as well and it's all for a great cause. we'll explain coming up. the details -- police are releasing more information about the tragic fall that killed a child in winfield heights. vernon odom is outside of the imperial towers with the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: good afternoon rick. police are about to close the book on the tragic death of a 4-year-old brain cancer patient that came here from philadelphia from far away to be treated at childrens hospital. police say there was no foul play involved here. >> his father told me i come here to help him and go out without him. >> a friend and neighbor of the boy's father describing the man's grief of losing his son

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