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Shots fired im bleeding heavily the guy jumps on top of him and has the gun inside of the car and firing, i dont know how this officer survived. New surveillance photos giving us a harrowing look of an ambush of a Police Officer on the streets of philadelphia. A suspect is identify sd and a full investigation is underway. The big story is still developing, a philadelphia Police Officer is injured in a late night attack. Is he lucky to be alive. Katherine scott is live now outside of penn hospital. When you see the surveillance photos of the gunman wearing a mask and firing his weapon, its absolutely terrifying and the Police Commissioner says he is lucky to be alive and his harm as serious damage and is in surgery this morning, i did speak with his father and that his son is out of surgery and awake and talking and has a lot of recovery ahead of him. Shots fired these still photos obtained by abc news shows a gunman pointing his weapon and charging at an officer in his vehicle in west philadelphia. We are lucky, that is all i can say, i cant believe he was able to survive this. From outside of penn presbyterian hospital, they explain that Jessie Hartnett was driving up to the intersection when a 30yearold gunman that Police Confirm was wearing muslim garb ran up to him shooting, unloading his. 9 millimeter as he approached even reaching into the cruiser firing. This is one of the scariest thing i have seen. The Police Officer had no idea he was coming. Hartnett shot back and the suspect was struck and tried to flee and hartnett was hit three times. They were knocking on my door and ringing my phone. After surgery after his son woke up they were able to speak. I love him and proud of him and he is an excellent person. Hartnett grew up in east landsdowne with three siblings, he went from the coast guard to the academy. Positive thoughts. I see he is waking up. He is a tough guy. The suspect survived as well and has been identified as 30yearold Edward Archer of yaden and has a criminal record, his motive remains under investigation and the fbi is assisting Philadelphia Police on this case. We are live in university city, katherine scott, channel 6 action news. We are expecting an update from philadelphia at 1 00 and well bring you that live on the air and online when officials speak to the media, in the meantime, you can get another look where we posted them with the raw videos and developments on 6abc. Com. In other news, an Early Morning house fire killed a mom and child in north philadelphia, this morning we learn more about the victims, the flames broke out at 4 00 a. M. , at the 2800 block of north fourth street, that is where we find action news reporter, Annie Mccormick live with more. Reporter rick that is right, a pregnant mother and her young son were killed in the blaze and the pregnant mother escaped and then realized her 2yearold was still in the fire and went in to save him and they never made it out alive. Six people escaped but Elizabeth Perez died in the fire with her 2yearold son, nathaniel. There was fire throughout the whole dreling, two stories, 15 by 35, they initiated an aggressive interior attack. You could see the flames from the front, its all black. Firefighters say perez ran back inside realizing that nathaniel was still there. Some frantic family members looked for elizabeth hoping they escaped. Calm down, some how god makes ways, maybe she got out through the back or something, everybody happened so quickly. Family and friends spent the morning huddled outside and 911 brought firefighters to the scene and during an initial search, crews did not find working smoke detectors and space heaters throughout the house, have you to make sure that space heaters have space, if you put them next to anything combustible you can start a fire. The fire marshall has not determined a cause just yet, the Fire Department will be back here handing out smoke deks to homes that do not have them. Annie thank you. Two men involved in a deadly Building Collapse in center city in 2013 are set to learn their fate in court today. Six people were killed and 13 others were injured when a Building Collapsed on to a Salvation Army thrift story, campbell was convicted of invol trashily manslaughter, and Sean Benschop plead guilty to involuntarily manslaughter and will learn their fate. A man is in Critical Condition after being shot in the grays ferry section of philadelphia, crews responded to south ringold street, and the victim was taken to the hospital in a private car and there is no word on a suspect or motive and police are trying to figure out if the victim was shot there or perhaps another location. Talking temperatures now, its not a bad way to end the first work week of the new year, outside we go checking the scene from sky 6 hd this is the ben franklin bridge and mostly cloudy skies and light winds and temperatures certainly warmer than at the beginning of this week, and hopefully improve for the weekend but you may want to keep the umbrellas close by, action news meteorologist, Melissa Magee is live at the big board with the latest from accuweather. Happy friday rick. As you mentioned its mild for january on this friday, philadelphia coming in at 42 degrees, average is 40, and 45 in millville and Atlantic City 48 degrees, and cool at the freezing mark 32 in the poconos and reading upper 30s. We have you covered throughout the day, we are going with a stiff northeasterly wind, at 3 00 a temperature of 46, 44 at 5 00 p. M. And 42 at 7 00 tonight and its mostly cloudy with a temperature of 41, we have changing up ahead for our weekend, here is stormtracker 6 live double scan, we have an area of low pressure centered across the midwest and portions of the great lakes and you can see this warm front that over the weekend will lift to our north and do a couple of things for us. First, it will warm you are temperatures above average and get pretty wet as we get into the tail end of the day tomorrow into sunday, well talk about what to expect, lots of clouds for the rest of the afternoon it will get milder and warmer tomorrow and a soaking as we get into late saturday and sunday and well talk about the details in the full and exclusive accuweather forecast. Thank you. A Pennsylvania State trooper who was critically wounded in an ambush attack, is a local senators guest of honor for president obama final state of the union address, alec douglas was critically wounded when eric frein ambushed the Police Barracks in the poconos, the tack that killed byron dixon caused a statewide manhunt, he was later awarded the purple heart for his actions and bravery, and will be the guest of honor with pennsylvania senator, pat toomey. Coming up the record power ball jackpot continues to grow, what was added to the pot a day before the big drawing, and a scare in the air, an unruly passenger is forced to make an Emergency Landing. One suspect is in custody after a Police Officer was shot in boston, happened about 90 minutes ago in the heart of the city and the officer was taken to a local hospital and officials have not released his name or condition at this time. We are expecting to get an update from officials in boston later this afternoon. The mother of the socalled affluenza teenager appeared before a judge this morning, she is charged with hindering the apprehension of a felon, the bond is set at a million dollars, they say she helped her son ethan flee to mexico after missing a probation meeting. He remains in mexico after a judge granted him a temporary stay. Now to a scare in the air, a flight from new york to chicago was forced to make an Emergency Landing halfway through the trip with intense moments on board, after attacking a Flight Attendant and much of the incident was caught on camera, for more on the story we go to Marcy Gonzales live in new york. Passengers say this started out of nowhere, this woman whose name is not released start sd screaming and then turned violent. Police questioning this woman after an inflight outburst last night. That forced pilots to make an Emergency Landing. You need assistance besides the police at the gate . United express flight took off from new yorks La Guardia Airport just after 7 00 p. M. Headed for chicago, 30 minutes into the flight the passengers reportedly asked if she could get off the plane. When the Flight Attendant said no, passengers claimed the woman lost control. The girl went crazy and attacked her and started to scratch her face and ripped her necklace off, and the woman yelled she was bipolar and started attacking another woman and three other passengers stepped in. Subdues her by tying her up with seatbelts and tied her wrists and ankles. Pilots diverted to detroit where police were waiting. They handcuffed the woman and took her off the plane and into custody and the flight continued on to chicago. Marcy thank you. Newly released 911 tapes are shedding light on a murder case in north carolina. My daughters husband, my soninlaw got in a fight with my daughter, and i intervened and i think she is in bad shape. That is former fbi agent tom martins saying he may have killed his soninlaw last august, that 19yearold Jason Corbett was choking his daughter and hit him in the head with a baseball bats, both martins and his daughter are charged with Second Degree murder and she are claiming selfdefense. Officials say an apartment in brussels was likely used to make bombs for last years terror attacks in paris. Authorities searched the apartment and found three suspected suicide berlts and bomb making equipment and explosive residue and a fingerprint from a fugitive. Officials think he likely used the apartment as a hideout after he fled the attacks. Still to come, the high tech Entertainment System making it viblt. And the new dietary guidelines that recommend making your day a little less sweet and less salty as well. Im caridee. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most of my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. A new report shows the American Economy is growing at a solid pace, according to the labor department, employers added it 292000 jobs and remains strong at 5 for two months in a row. That makes 2015 the second best year for hiring since 1999. In Flight Entertainment could be Getting Better for passengers, panasonic is building an ultra thin Touch Display for setbacks, the guts of the machine fits into the chair legs and you can charge your mobile devices on the go and the Company Built a larger version for Business Class seats. Turning to health check, cancer deaths have continued to drop steadily over the past few decades. In large part because of falling smoking rates, it replaced Heart Disease as the number one Heart Disease in 21 states, more than half a Million People will be killed by cancer this year alone. Better screening and treatment has also saved lives. New dietary guidelines say that added sugar be no more than 10 of added calories. The same amount as a sugary driven, and other recommends cut down on the salt as well. All right the Action News Team is out working on news stories beginning tonight at 4 00, lets check in with Alicia Vitarelli live in the newsroom with a preview. Happy friday to you rick. Coming up today at 4 00. After the ambush, one of the first philadelphia Police Officers to respond to the scene after his brother in blue was shot, posts a poignant Facebook Post and well read it to you and celebrate this hero today at 4 00 and in todays show, an astonishing pregnancy break through the woman that gave birth to her own granddaughter, and what this means for the future of fertility, and at 4 45 yesterday, i asked you our 6 abc viewers to help us find this bride, captured by an aerial camera captured at 1 Liberty Place on her wedding day, you helped us find her and find out what she thinks of it. And how it will be forever eturnized in that attraction, the tallest one by the way. Watch our news craft streaming live on your smart phone or tablet. How about that rick we found that bride, we love our viewers. Quick break outside at sky 6 hd, showing you Philadelphia International airport cloudy skies on this second friday of january, had to think about that. Meteorologist, Melissa Magee is back now with the warm but wet forecast. We have changes up ahead and its mild for january and have the umbrellas on stand by rick, here is stormtracker 6 live double scan you can see no issues with precipitation, at this hour the picture will change as we go throughout the rest of our weekend. Well show u. S. The picture outside. Sky 6 hd we are down the shore in cape may, its a mostly cloudy picture, High Pressure is still in control but we are dealing with the northeasterly wind bringing in more in the way of clouds for afternoon and into tonight, currently in philadelphia, we are coming in at 42, average for us this time of year, we are abf the norm and the dew point 4, at 8 Miles Per Hour and the pressure is on the rise, currently this afternoon its 44 in wilmington and 46 in dover, 41 in trenton at this hour, cooler north and west, upper 30s for both lancaster and reading and 41 in the lehigh valley. Here is satellite 6 along with action radar High Pressure is to the north and tapping into the northeasterly wind off to the west. Low pressure is moving across the plains into the midwest, you can see the moisture from chicago as far south as jacksonville, florida, we have warmer temperatures and also the threat of rain, the call from accuweather tonight, increasing clouds, not bad and 46, that is above the average of 40 this time of year, and then tonight as the frontal boundary lifts north award and taps into the after atmosphere we have the possibility of light showers and mist and drizzle as we go through the rest of the night. And friday a high of 46 degrees and breaks of sunshine but mostly cloudy with the northeasterly wind at 6 to 12 Miles Per Hour and then the moisture approaches from the southwest to northeast and its mostly cloudy tomorrow and patchy drizzle today with a high of 52, and as the warm front continues to lift northward and as we get into saturday night into sunday with the overnight hours, that is when we find the bulk of the moisture, if you head to the resorts, the poconos this weekend, not the best weekend, fog and clouds around and drizzle 10 00 a. M. And 35 degrees and as we get into sunday heavy rain is around and mild so not much snow to ski on over the weekend there. The exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast showing you its mostly cloudy today and high of 46 degrees and saturday lots of clouds around and drizzly throughout the day and a high of 52, and after midnight about 1 00, 2 00, in the overnight hours into sun we are dealing with the moisture and a rainy start a high up to 60, possible records we have a lot of track this weekend, the record is 63 for sunday and monday brisk and colder sharply behind the front, a high of 37 and 38 on tuesday and wednesday 38 and partly sunny into next thursday into the 30s we go, upp down into next week. Still to come in our next half hour of action news at noon, we continue to follow breaking news out of philadelphia where a Police Officer was ambushed at pointblank range, incredibly he survived but the investigation is getting underway. The latest including horrifying surveillance images. Stay with us. Doctors about treat with xarelto®. 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Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® is the number one prescribed blood thinner in its class. Well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. Make mine an arnold palmer. Same here. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Breaking news at 12 30, a Police Officer survives an ambush, these surveillance tapes showed bookses how it played out. Edward arch pointed a gun right at his patrol car and then his arm is inside of the patrol car, he was wearing muslim garb and a mask at the time. It played out on the streets of philadelphia late last night and officer hartnett says he is lucky to be alive. Vernon odom is live now at Police Headquarters with the latest. Good afternoon rick, in the words of the Police Commissioner ross, the officers survival was in his words quote, amazing. One note here commissioner ross and mayor kenney are in office for less than a week when this nightmare erupts. An ambush that makes no sense whatsoever. Commissioner ross responding to this ambush of officer hartnett at 60 andth spruce, this is

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