Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20171116 : compar

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20171116

it caused problems on the road. got to point out a lot of purple on the set for pancreatic cancer day. thank you for helping out pan organization. most of the rain is gone, storm tracker 6 live double scan is tracking right sprinkles and showers pushing east of philadelphia some of it in the heart of south jersey a little bit more by allentown and points north, you know other than trenton they are starting to die down and even trenton will dry out before too much longer. temperatures as promised are mild. 48 degrees in philadelphia. 48 in trenton. you will want a jacket, but this is nothing like the 30s we experienced the last couple of mornings. 47 in allentown and wilmington, 52 in cape may. as we go through the afternoon it will be milder with a couple of caveats there. 54 degrees by noon. there's the high, 3:00 p.m., 58. it's above average. we have the slight chance of a spotty brief shower popping up later this afternoon. after 3:00 p.m., that she had be done, i think we get more and more sunshine at the same time it gets windier. we're dry now and mild, but winds pick up later today. 7:00 p.m., 48 degrees. just a reminder there's wet roads and leaves out there. you want to be careful because the leave could be as slick as black ice, water sits on top of the leaves waxy coating and creates a film that could get you slipping and sliding. we've had accidents this morning, i don't know if it's because of leaves. >> reporter: we have a handful problems our action cam is live on the scene radnor station, this is the paoli thorndale line at the radnor station. the tractor-trailer got stuck underneath and the cab kept driving and caught on fire. this is a mess of a situation. look at the video from a little bit ago. the tractor-trailer was carrying potted plants, there's debris all over, potted plants on the roads they have to clean up. they had to shut down the paoli thorndale line, it's now running, it's on or close to schedule, king of prussia road shut down at madson ford road. the driver kept driving through that, that's the cab that landed miles away at lancaster avenue at airedale road. you can see the fiery mess as the cab caught fire. a total mess, king of prussia road is shut down, paoli thorndale was suspended, then it was running with 30 minute delays, now it's running close are -- closer to normal schedule. you can see the crews on the scene there. we have problems with disabled vehicles and accidents, disabled vehicle up ahead that cleared on i-95 northbound at cottman. southbound we're seeing the building volume slow it down with wet roads and lots of issues, matt. >> breaking right now another earlier crash, police say a driver who may have been impaired smashed into a van that was transporting prisoners in tacony-palmyra section of philadelphia. 11 prisoners were taken to the hospital to be checked out. the crash happened on robins street at # a.m. 3:00 a.m., the driver is being tested for driving under the influence. the search continues for mikell huggens who escaped from a youth defection owe detention center in egg harbor township. katherine scott reported many of the details and joins us live at bridgeton police. >> reporter: the search is stretching into another day. authorities have been searching the woods. they need scouring residential areas, all for 18-year-old michael huggens an accused murderer who escaped from a juvenile detention center. he is considered dangerous and police leave he is in the area. -- police believe he is in the area. this morning, michael huggens is on the run. he broke out with three other teens. they overpowered several guards. surveillance video shows them sideswipe a jeep while they fled. the others were captured 30 miles away in an apartment complex in bridgeton. 24 hours later, huggens remains at large. authorities are concentrating searching the area around south state woods prison near an apartment complex. huggens was in custody for over a year charged in the murder of devante lee in bridgeton. >> he is charged with a homicide, it was not per se a random act. as far as the citizens are concerned, i wouldn't be overall cautious that somebody is running through the city to commit random agents. >> reporter: yeah, police say if you think you do see him, do not approach him, call 911. live in bridgeton, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. philadelphia police towed a white van away from the scene of a death investigation in port richmond early this morning. an 80-year-old man was discovered dead inside a home on east lehigh avenue. trails of blood ran through the first and second floor. families identified the man who was killed as robert girard. appears he had a cut to his head and experienced blunt-force trauma, but no signs of forced entry. time to get a first look at business and let's go over to maribel aber and see what's on her list, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam, let's talk about raises if you have not gotten a raise, you're not alone. more than half of americans say they did not get an increase in raises. the survey comes from back -- bank stocks sold off yesterday falling oil prices and concerns over plans for taxes. looks like futures are pointing to a higher open. that's the latest in business, matt and tam. let david know i'm wearing purple today. >> reporter: he's right here, cool. rng -- >> reporter: thank you. most of the rain is dieing down at this point, as the rain departs we have wet roads and leaves it takes longer for the roads and leaves in the intersection to dry, watch out as we go through the morning rush hour. center city, things are drying out and improving. 48 degrees in philadelphia. remember how we should yesterday was not going to be as chilly as the last couple of mornings. 47 in allentown. 48 in trenton. 49 in millville. cool enough for a jackets certainly, but nothing like the 30s the last couple of mornings. the rain pushing out quickly. by 8:00 a.m. not only is the rain gone, but we'll see breaks in the clouds here and there. there's another chance of a passing brief shower, doesn't look like it will last all that long. between 1 and 3:00 p.m. look out for that in the northern half of the region. after that the sun breaks out. after that, the winds pick up. in the lehigh valley, clouds and sun, a spotty shower can't be ruled out. high of 56. down the shore i don't think you'll see any afternoon showers, you're too far south for that. clouds and sun, 54 there. maybe full sunshine before the end of the day. 58 is the high in philadelphia. clouds and sun. we can't rule a spotty shower out. it does look like it's going to be a mild and largely nice afternoon even if you get a quick sprinkle. the winds will pick up, 1 to 25 miles per hour. the gusts could go higher than that. we're looking at gusts after 2:00 p.m. kicking in anywhere from 35 to 40 miles per hour. milder this afternoon and drying out later in the day, but blustery. overnight tonight, the cooler air does start coming back, 38 is the overlow. i could see the outlying suburbs getting down to 32 particularly if the winds fall back a little bit. overall we're looking at a brisk and colder overnight. tomorrow, sunshine and chilly, high of 50 and somewhat blustery breeze out there. seven day shows the high of 58 today, clouds and sun, the winds picking up maybe a brief pop-up shower this afternoon. windy and chilly on friday, high of 50. for the weekend, the clouds build in saturday morning. at at some point in the afternoon or evening we're expecting light rain to arrive. 57 is the high. we're dry again on sunday, windy and cooler, though, high of 50 degrees, sun coming back after a cloudy start. brisk and chilly on monday, 47 on tuesday, back to 54 degrees and then on wednesday, the day before thanksgiving, big travel day on wednesday, mix of sun and clouds, high of 50. it does look dry. we're hoping for dry conditions on thanksgiving, but it looks chilly, that will be coming into the seven day tomorrow. nonetheless they will be prepared whatever the case may be. >> a sixers scar pulls down an epic slam slam dunk. he -- joel embiid has a legendary game and gets a post game review. >> reporter: this is the schuylkill expressway at belmont, overnight construction is clear, traffic is moving nicely, the schuylkill expressway westbound at 30th street is shutting down tonight at 11:00 p.m. watch for that coming down late tonight. we have a bunch of updates coming up next. welcome back taking a live look on the platt bridge you can see the traffic is picked up. lots of folks out and about trying trying to get to work this morning. 6:14 a.m., 48 degrees. >> karen, do you get paid by the rain or the accident. >> reporter: icialgd get paid by the accident. this is the paoli thorndale line at radnor station. a tractor-trailer came through here it's a low clearance. the cab kept on driving, they are cleaning up and trying to get rid of the mess that's out there. the action cam was on the scene, the trailer detached it was carrying potted plants, they were all over the place. it's still shutting down king of prussia road in radnor township. they are doing the cleanup right now. watch for that closures king of prussia madson ford road. the cab of it caught on fire at lancaster avenue and airedale road, the guy kept driving right after that which is a little hard to imagine. pennsylvania turnpike eastbound we had an accident where somebody smashed into a guardrail that cleared in chester county. we had a bunch of accidents one cleared in tinicum township. injuries on governor prince boulevard. i-95 at cottman we had a disabled vehicle that cleared, southbound southbound is jamming up, though. there's an accident in hulmeville road at corey avenue injuries on the scene. on the waze app someone talking about an accident on route 29 in trenton. we got a little bit of rain that moved through. as david has been saying with the wet leaves on the roads it makes it slippery. be careful as you travel. we've had a a bunch of problems out there today. developing news, a baltimore detective was shot in the head and critically injured while on patrol. fellow police officers guard outside the hospital with the -- gathered outside the hospital where the detective is fighting for his life. he is an 18 year veteran of the force. federal agencies are offering $60,000 reward for the gunman's arrest. president trump is going to drum enthuse am for the tax -- drum up enthusiasm for the tax bill they are trying to rewrite and simplify the tax code cutback seven income brackets to four and reduce corporate taxes. members of the senate are working on a separate tax plan and expected to vote in december. today's fitness tip is up next. a surprised live visitor you'll be surprised to see. >> proof in the process, sixers score big and gets photo bombed by one of philadelphia's biggest stars. >> reporter: many will receive coupons for whole foods if you're a prime member. tesla unveils the semi truck. the electric truck is expected to have a range of 200 to 300 miles. many are no longer waiting to binge in the privacy of their own home. 67% of netflix users watch in public on trains and buses and waiting in line more than a third admit to binging at work and 12% hit the play button in the public restroom. >> reporter: who are you people what's wrong with you? those are tech bytes. and power-lifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. daily dirt doesn't stand a chance. you and roomba from irobot. better together. there'that only uses 100% american oranges.and simply orange and tropicana ship in juice from overseas. only florida's natural grows all of our oranges in florida. great taste. naturally. ...just go to bed." aveeno® positively radiant® overnight facial. get the benefits of a spa facial... ...overnight. aveeno®. "naturally beautiful results®" (cough) it's just a cough. if you could see your cough, you'd see just how far it can spread. robitussin soothes in seconds and delivers fast, powerful cough relief for hours. (giggling) robitussin dm max. because it's never just a cough. shoshanna with "action news" fitness tip. grab a ball we're going to work that side. everybody loves muffins but not on the hips. all you're going to do is lift and lower. take it for 15. hold it above the matt, reach that hand to the foot for 15 it's burns, but works it will tone it up, don't forget to do the other side and tone up the hips. >> wow! [laughter]. >> reporter: 422 at trooper, eastbound traffic starting to slow a little bit now, 8 minutes from location oaks to 202. a new accident one of many coming in. this lower at 40-foot road. >> reporter: showers getting out of here in a hurry it is cool on the train station platform. high today of 58 degrees. there's a slight chance of a an afternoon shower mostly dry and the winds pick up later on today. matt and tam. >> thank you, david. in "healthcheck," you may want to encourage your children to play video games it might make them smarter. it depends on the game. researchers in the uk discovered two popular video games act like iq tests league of legends and defense of the ancients ii. it teaches strategic thinking. in shooting games through the eyes of a character they control does not link to iq. joel embiid was psychotic last night. he had a record breaking game against the lakers. 49 points, 15 rebounds and 7 assist and 7 blocks. the sixers won 115-109. they are in 6thing place in the eastern conference. they had a familiar face cheerg cheerg -- cheering them on. >> look at the difference in height it's crazy. philadelphia native comedian kevin hart crashed an interview embiid was giving after the game. the center went on to say he is only playing 69%. the sixers return on saturday to play the defending champion golden state warriors. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ local fans of abc's view are about to board the bus to new york city and one of our meteorologists is going along for the ride. adam joseph outside the parx casino in bensalem, what's going on adam? >> reporter: matt and tam i'm up at this hour with one or two of my own children, this morning i have 40 kids at heart they are pumped they won an online sweeps stakes with 6abc to go see the view, they get to meet the co-hosts and get to sit at the desk possibly and get a behind the scenes view. a lot of times you think is this real or not real. you actually called us yesterday why? >> because i thought was fake. >> reporter: it's not a dream. >> now i know. >> reporter: the bus is here. you're here. >> my mom is here. >> reporter: which one of you were the winner. >> i'm the winner. >> reporter: do you win a lot of things? >> no, this is great, i'm going to be 50 november 28. >> reporter: happy birthday. >> me and my wife everyday watch the view. >> reporter: anyone in particular you're excited to see? >> whoopi. >> reporter: you guys ready to board the bus and find your seats, go on, go find your seats and what he they don't know they have a swag bag on each chair, with stuff from the view, we'll have prizes on the bus as we head back to philadelphia later this afternoon. and matt and tam, something we also don't know is, i got to say this softly, because i'm chaperoning and hosting them made a homemade chie cinnamon bunt cake for them on the bus. >> oh, my gosh, adam you should have made two. >> i almost tried to, but couldn't pull together this early. >> we know there will be hot topics on the way up adam. enjoy the ride. >> big changes could be coming to philadelphia schools it hinges on a vote scheduled for today. >> a messy crash causes major delays on a busy septa line. karen will give you that update next. >> developing on "action news" an elderly man is found dead inside a philadelphia home and police have stepped up their investigation overnight. >> we're following showers that are moving through the region and winds that will be coming in later on today. and it is time to talk about it, it's a little damp out there, i don't like the winds, david will stop the wind, karen will take care of traffic. tomorrow is friday. it's going to be great. >> reporter: as soon as mother nature knocks it down on saturday. >> reporter: i'm very impressed. >> reporter: let's get you to the weather center, we have been damp overnight the rain was barreling through, most of this pushed east of philadelphia and we're down to light sprinkles and showers. another brief shower could pop up this afternoon, in general we're looking at a milder afternoon and a little windy and all things considered in improvement. 47 degrees in allentown. 47 in reading, 48 this trenton. 47 in wilmington, 49 in millville. you look at the numbers they are cool enough for a jacket, but obviously not as chilly as the 30s where we have been for the last couple of mornings. noon, 54. 3:00 p.m., 58 degrees showers possible in the noon to 3:00 p.m. period, in some spots, but generally speaking improvement. more and more sun later in the afternoon. 53 by 5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 48. it will be milder later, but blustery. a little word to the wise, too, we're off to a somewhat damp start. some of the leaves that have been falling from the trees are on the roads they could be as slick as black ice. if you're coming up to the intersection where there are leaves on the roads take it slow, because you could be slipping and sliding with the water sitting on the waxy surface of the leaves. karen you have issues on the roads let's have it. >> reporter: this is king of prussia road it's been shut down all morning. this overpass carries the paoli thorndale line at radnor station. we had a tractor-trailer that came through and got stuck under here, debris everywhere. the action cam was on the scene, look at this. it was carrying potted plants. the debris was everywhere stuck under the overpass. the driver kept on driving. he landed farther down in radnor township. this is where the cab ended it caught on fire. you can see the charred mess in the back of the cab, part of the trailer still attached. this is a mess of an accident. it topped at lancaster avenue at airedale road. king of prussia road is closed at madson ford road. for a while this was impacting the paoli thorndale line it's running back to normal. the cab ended up lancaster avenue at airedale. in addition i think it's the wet leaves on the roads. we have a ton of accidents. you can see the flashing lights, the ramp 309 northbound to the pennsylvania turnpike. a vehicle ran into the wall partially blocking the ramp. we see the crews on the scene. part of that ramp is blocked, the vehicle drove into the wall here. cobra road old 40-foot road an accident. old byberry road. traffic lights not working. we had an accident on hulmeville road. you get the idea, lots of problems, take it easy. >> developing overnight an elderly man was found dead inside a port richmond home. the scene was grizzly covered in blood across two levels. they are now you know covering new clues. jeanette reyes is live on east lehigh avenue with the latest that we know. >> reporter: good morning, tam, police cleared the scene, but the investigation is very much underway. they are looking into two possibilities that the man tragically fell or murdered. appears in the way they have handle the investigation they are leaning toward the latter. you can see the bench and chairs outside the home. that's where the grandfather would sit. family members insist this was no accident this army veteran was killed. his grand son identified the victim as robert girard. about an hour ago a white van was towed away by police. although police won't confirm whether it is part of the investigation. neighbors say a man in his 20s was living in the van for several months and they complained to police about it. according to his grand son girard confronted the man and told him he needed to go. last night girard was found by his granddaughter, rather on the kitchen pantry floor in a pool of blood. 26th district police and paramedics were called out to east lehigh avenue before 9:00. he had a deep cut to his forehead and bled to death later. his grand son saw the bloody scene and said there was blood in the bedroom down to the kitchen pantry. the front door was unlocked, the side door was locked. police are not ruling out it was a tragic accident. >> unknown if it it was foul p. homicide detectives are processing the scene. the body will be transported to the medical examiner's office where the body will receive a full autopsy. the medical examiner will be able to determine if the injury was caused by any foul play. >> reporter: there are several cameras that we've seen around the neighborhood, police will be retrieving the footage, if they have not already and review to see if there is any suspicious activities. reporting live in port richmond, jeanette reyes channel 6 "action news." >> 6:36 a.m., the search continues for an accused teenage killer who escaped from the youth detention facility in atlantic county new jersey. the hunt for michael huggens is centered in bridgeton his hometown. he was in custody facing murder charges. authorities have notified the murder victim's family of the escape. a bullet struck a 26-year-old man in the leg while he was in the driver seat of a buick, he crashed along the 6200 block of tulip late last night. police believe the sun -- gunfire went off inside the vehicle, but the victim has not been cooperating. philadelphia will give full control of the philadelphia schools back to the city. mayor kenny hopes to replace the src with the local school board appointed by him and approved by city council. if the resolution passes src will cease to exist june 30th, 2018. rain is done, but here comes the winds right, david. >> reporter: yes, we are drying out nicely, you can see the heavy rain up in new york and belmawr, new jersey. we have light lines of shower activity pushing toward burlington county. the shore is drying out. one out by harrisburg, but we're obviously improving. as we look outside, we're looking at cloudy skies over the ben franklin bridge. it will be tougher to get sunshine, a little later this morning we'll see sunny breaks. there's a chance of afternoon shower popping up, but we're trending toward brighter conditions. we're starting out milder than expected. that temperature will stay mild today, the winds will change today. the winds will get more blustery as the day goes on. we're starting out with the rain getting out of here, sunny breaks between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. after 1:00 p.m. another brief set of showers may pop through the northern half of the region. that gets out quickly and by 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. we're breaking out a decent amount of sunshine and clear skies after sundown tonight. the winds will pick up. they are not that way now, but this afternoon you'll be looking at gusts at 35 miles per hour. a blustery day, but a milder day on tap later. 50 by 10:00 a.m., 54 by noon. the high 58 degrees, 3 degrees above average. 50 degrees by 6:00 p.m. getting cool. high temperatures this afternoon looking not bad for this time of the year, 53 in allentown. 54 in reading, 56 in trenton, 58 in philadelphia and millville. we'll go for 56 in wilmington and another 56 in cape may. tomorrow, the front is out of here, winds are a factor tomorrow, it's cooler with an area of high pressure sinking to the south giving us a strong west wind and cooler high of 50 degrees. lots of sun tomorrow and stays on the breezy side and cools down. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, 58 we'll see sun working back in gradually through the day. a brief shower possible and mild 58 and strong blustery winds. tomorrow, windy and chilly, 50. saturday, 57, clouds in the morning, rain arriving in the afternoon hopefully at the end of the temple game. sunday, windy and cooler, 47 degrees for the philadelphia marathon. monday, 47, tuesday, 54 and wednesday, sun and clouds. >> reporter: there's been a breakthrough in the discovery of a se connectedded -- connected to nfl football. >> reporter: a car went off the road into the woods. we have another vehicle that smashed into a guardrail coming up insect. >> >> buildings lighting up in center city philadelphia. look at all the red lights all the way up broad street. that wouldn't be nice. 6:43 a.m., just about right, karen. >> reporter: just about right. we've had so many extra problems, i think little bit of rain and wet leaves added to it. mount laurel, 259 southbound approaching route 73 an accident ran off the roadway into the woods. we can see police and new jersey dot on the scene. 295 southbound approaching 73 a ventricle ran into the woods there. on 422 eastbound on the waze app we found someone talking about a major accident here on 422 eastbound near reading also one westbound near berks on 422. we had an accident on byberry road near bustleton it's affecting the traffic lights they are not working. we have an accident at hulmeville road at corey avenue. fort washington, 309 northbound to the pennsylvania turnpike we can see we have penndot with the arrow board here. other vehicles and traffic is squeezing by, we're hearing a vehicle ran into the wall here partially blocking the ramp. we had an earlier accident on the turnpike westbound near malvern a vehicle ran into the guardrail. all kinds of problems. king of prussia road shut down at madison sphord -- madson ford road. i want to show you what happened here. you see the low clearance sign that's important, but i don't think the tractor-trailer driver saw it. the tractor-trailer driving through getting stuck under the overpass. they pulled it out, they have king of prussia road shut down, but the overpass carries the paoli thorndale line. the thorndale line was affected for a while, but it's now running normally. part of the tractor-trailer is out here closing king of prussia road. the guy kept on driving and it cab caught on fire. it's a mess this morning. >> pope francis has the keys to a fancy new lamborghini. the officials from the sports car maker presented the pontiff with the white car yesterday. sothebys will offer off the car with the proceeds going to charity. base price for it is $217,000. this is expected to fetch far more. researchers in chicago say they detected brain disease for the first time in a live person. currently it can be detected after death during an autopsy. doctors scanned the brains of former nfl players while they were alive and detected the proteins that spread throughout brain and kill brain cells. one of our own suffered a medical issue live on air. here's brian taff. >> reporter: for "action news" viewers it was a confusing and concerning for our anchor was painful. tonight we turn the cameras around telling the story of one of our "action news" family who suffered a million -- medical issue live on television. >> three thousand run and walk they raised money for the -- we'll be right back after this. >> i'm having confusion and disor -- disoriented. >> reporter: he had a medical concern turned into a life threatening complication and he had to go into an immediate brain surgery. i sit down with gray at home and he takes us through his recovery and he has an important message for all of you at home. that's tonight on "action news" at 11:00 p.m. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. coming up on "g.m.a." >> we're getting an update on the alabama senate race, let's turn to robin roberts. >> reporter: trouble for roy moore two women coming out overnight alleging sexual misconduct. police releasing new surveillance video of the suspected tampa serial killer. what the video tells police about the killer. 31 years in the making after a daughter was put up for adoption at birth found her biological mother online. they are meeting for the first time in our studios. they have sent text messages and will meet live in the studio. >> you're saying make the makeup waterproof today. >> reporter: hold off on the mass >> reporter: this is conshohocken surf eastbound on the schuylkill expressway. we have another accident involving a pedestrian. we'll have more on that in a moment. >> reporter: we have showers moving out 48 degrees mild in philadelphia him cool enough for a jacket, but better than the last couple of days when we were in the 30s. 48 in trenton 47 in wilmington. as we go through the day, i'm going for a high of 58 degrees we'll hit that at 3:00 p.m. maybe a little bit before then, and we are looking at the return of sunshine. there could be a little bit of a spotty sprinkle or shower around 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. or so. this afternoon we stay mild and it winds pick up and it gets blustery. we'll be back with the top stories. feel the power of theraflu expressmax. new power... fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. search continues for an accused tean killer who escaped from a youth detention facility in atlantic county new jersey. the hunt is centered in bridgeton, cumberland county which is his hometown. an 80-year-old man discovered dead inside his port richmond home. he had a cut to the head and may have experienced plunt force trauma -- blunt-force trauma. the school commission will vote to dissolve i felt. if it passes it will give control of the schools back to the city. >> reporter: there's no traffic getting by on king of prussia road after the accident involving the tractor-trailer. church road an accident involving a pedestrian, emergency workers on the scene. lots of accidents like this one where a car hit a wall on the turnpike northbound. >> reporter: today's high, 58 degrees. could be another pop-up shower this afternoon, but in general we're looking at increasing sunshine. milder day high of 58. the winds pick up later this afternoon. >> yesterday i was watching "g.m.a." they had terry cruise cruise -- crews on and what happened to him. today they will have more men on. they should be talk about that, there is so much more on "g.m.a." that's what we're up to now. for david murphy, matt o'donnell, karen rogers, hold on to your hat! toasting dad: i'm not one for speeches. but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. good morning, america. winter weather alert. a powerful storm already sparking holiday travel concerns slamming the west with heavy rain. up to four feet of snow and icy roads flipping cars and now the dangerous system moving east. more than 100 million in its path. new overnight alabama senate candidate roy moore defiant once again refusing to leave the race as more women come forward accusing him of sexual misconduct. one even claims he called her high school, pulled her out of math class to ask her out. serial killer on the loose. police releasing new surveillance video now calling this person the suspect. accused of terrorizing a tampa neighborhood. where they think he may be hiding. ♪ this is what you came for and

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Tinicum , Pennsylvania , United States , New York , Cape May , New Jersey , Trenton , Florida , Alabama , Millville , Tampa , Philadelphia , Radnor , Port Richmond , Jersey , Fort Washington , Mount Laurel , Allentown , Marshall Islands , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , Marshalls , American , Karen Rogers , Robert Girard , Jeanette Reyes , Roy Moore , Adam Joseph , Robin Roberts , David Murphy , Katherine Scott ,

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