Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20170519 : compar

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20170519

see them, they will be scattered and thunderstorm pops up. 70 degrees in philadelphia. 68 in allentown. 71 in millville. 70 in wilmington. as we check out dewpoints they are up over 60 across the region. information in philadelphia we've climbed to 65. that's moderate humidity. outside of dover and millville we're not oppressively humid once the sun comes up as it is right now, you will feel that. in the afternoon, 87 degrees by noon, 91 by 3:00 p.m. hot and humid conditions high of 92 around 4:00 p.m. 91 by 5:00 p.m. 89 by 7:00 p.m. by 7 or 8:00 p.m., humidity will drop off. pollen is running on the medium high side. grasses have been added to the mix. it's not just tree pollen and grasses get at people who suffer from allergist. that's something to keep in the back of yore head. karen, we have a nice change for the weekend. >> reporter: we have a portion of route 70 in cherry hill, new jersey shut down. looking live at 70 eastbound near grove you see crews they are blocking 70 eastbound in this area and forcing everybody off. if you're familiar with cherry hill that means you can't drive from the wegmans to the cemetary. the problem it's a busy area you have all kinds of shops and things going on. that's causing problems this morning. stick to chapel avenue as the alternate for that one. blue route, approaching route 30 southbound traffic heading toward i-95 is -- as you look at the shot. it's dry and clear. we have building volume on the major. an accident popped up at swedes street at markley street. kelly drive is shut down from strawberry mansion drive to fountain green drive use the schuylkill expressway or mlk drive. the schuylkill expressway is moving in the upper 40s we'll get more congested later on, tam. >> let's go back to the breaking news you were talking about. crews on the scene at a natural gas break in cherry hill. the eastbound lanes are shut down as they make the repairs. it is a busy part of the morning commute it could be disrupted for a good part of the morning. katherine scott is live on the scene. you've been watching them working how does it look, katherine? >> reporter: well, tam, pse&g crews are here trying to make the repairs. if you look past the vehicles you can see they have dug underneath the surface of the roadway as they continue to fix the issue. this is a busy stretch, but you do want to avoid it, the eastbound side of route 70 in cherry hill is closed to traffic from grove past curtis traffic is getting by in the westbound lanes, so a lane is closed. when we first got here we were standings closer to curtis where it happened. crews said it was not safe to stand that close. police say no one needed to be evacuated from their homes. along 70 it is commercial. this happened in the eastbound lanes of route 70 near curtis and cherry hill around 12:30. pse&g said one of the crews was completing work on a project for the department of transportation project when a line was cut. when the repairs will be complete it is estimated between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. avoid the area, service to customers was not disrupted. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> more breaking news out of bucks county. police are investigating a deadly crash that happened around 2:30 a.m. on paul valley road at the intersection of street road and warrington township. one car was involved. police are trying to find out what caused to flip over. a park ranger shot and killed a dog that he said attacked him in south philadelphia. it happened at old swedes church at 1:00 a.m. the park ranger was performing a routine check of the property when he approached a homeless man and woman. suddenly the couple's dog attacked him biting him in the leg. the ranger opened fire killing the dog. brand new here, police arrested a man who they say fired a shotgun outside a retail store in bucks county. police put out an alert last night for brandon grasso and arrested him before midnight. he fired at a vehicle with a shotgun at a walmart in quirk town. nobody was harmed in the shooting. you will hear from the man inside the bullet riddled vehicle coming up in the next half-hour. a man accused of plowing into pedestrians in the heart of time square was charged with second degree murder and 20 counts of attempted murder. river arrest rojos drove his car at a high rate of speed into pedestrians. the bronx native has a history of arrests while driving while intoxicated. you'll hear from students who witnessed the scene yesterday at 6:30 a.m. a minister turned himself in for taking pictures up a woman's skirt. he surrendered yesterday. police say the 66-year-old took photographs and video up the skirt of a woman who worked at the lutheran church in hackettes down, upskirting is a criminal offense in new jersey. people who had takata air bags are getting paid for lost work. maribel aber has more. >> if you have a vehicle with one of the defective air bags you may be in line for money. the deal is aimed at removing the potential dangerous air bag inflaters from the roads by easing financial impact on consumer. there are 16 million vehicles eligible. people injured are eligible for compensation under a separate fund.> let's talk stocks, they rebounded yesterday due to a recall in tech shares. mcdonald's is close to phasing out all preservatives and colors from the ice cream tweets. they began to phase them out of shakes and cones. they have made the transition in 14,000 locat we'll need that this weekend it's going to be hot. >> sounds like a good plan. thanks maribel. >> let's talk about how much long we have the intense heat 678 just today, you can still get ice cream if you want. storm tracker 6 live double scan we're dry as a bone. as we look outside there's moisture in the air in the form of high humidity. you will feel that as you head outside this morning. the commodore barry bridge is one of those places where you're feeling it. the sun coming up up nice and bright over the horizon. when we hav humidity with the sun have a tendency to feel it more. 72 in trenton. we dipped in the upper 60s in allentown and lancaster. 71 in reading. 68 in cape may. again, dewpoints well into the 60s, so it feels humid especially as you move around that. future tracker 6 shows you as we get into the afternoon it's a sun and clouds mix. after 3:00 p.m. we're on the look out for developing showers and pop-up thunderstorm. it's going to be scattered, most of you won't see this, do look out for a possible isolated thunderstorm popping through, looks like a good one that the model wants to put over by ac tonight. things settle down after 8:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. there's a chance of a damaging thunderstorm that can produce damaging wind gusts. most of you don't see it, if you do, you hear a rumble of thunder head in doors in case it's a strong one. down the shore, low 80s it will be muggy on the beach. sun and clouds, we have a spotty storm chance later in the day. with you don't want to get caught on the beach in one of those. if you're down in here the water head indoors if the sky looks threatening. philadelphia, clouds and sun, spotty thunderstorm can't be ruled out, 92 degrees and breezy. if you're heading out on the town, we expect after the storm system and cold front comes through in the afternoon, the temperatures start to drop. 8:00 a.m., 85.81 -- 11:00 p.m.,. we go down to 79 degrees, the bounce back tomorrow is not what it is today. one more hot and humid day with a spotty thunderstorm be 92. tomorrow, high of 72. if you're heading to the union at night, look for temperatures falling into the 60s maybe the low 60s by the end of game. sun to clouds, 70 on sunday. any rain is overnight. monday morning we have rain afternoon clearing and 74. tuesday looks dry, cloudy and rain and drizzle on wednesday, cloudy on thursday with another chance of rain and drizzle. one more hot one, though, that's it. >> you have a lot of 70s there. >> thank you very much. time 6:10 beginning of the end. crews are in place to dismantles the last of the confederate statues standings in new orleans. kobe bryant helps out a student with a case of itis. >> reporter: we'll take you to cherry hill and take you to coatsville coming up next. >> wa live look here, the sun up and already getting things heated out over the ben franklin bridge. it is 6:14 a.m., and already in the 70s at this early hour. >> eyes hurt a little bit. >> reporter: it's beautiful to look at the sunshine, i love it. we'll have displayer -- sun glare out there once again today. that's not the problem, 70 eastbound is shut down, you can't get on 70 eastbound from grove street to that' busy area as you head toward the ellisburg circle. stick to chapel avenue instead. westboun lane bl coatsville, chester county checking out the 30 bypass past kings highway, eastbound traffic heading toward 202 moving nicely. we have sun glare later, but not a problem just yet. we have an accident that cleared at swedes street at markley. 42 all in the green, schuylkill expressway in the green. williams town we found someone talking about an accident at malaga road near the affirm c expressway. temperatures, 73 degrees already. 68 in allentown. but in the 7 owes -- 70s in reading, wilmington and trenton. 92 is the high withtty thunderstorms later. temperature drops 20 degrees for the wee a driver is recoverings morning after losing control and slamming into the side of a deli in north quld at 22 -- north philadelphia at 22nd and came cambria street. it's unclear what caused the driver to lose control. tonight on "action news", investigatortive reporter -- investigative reporter chad perdelli has been dig into the state records and found alarming sung backgrods physical tax bills >> some of the findings we have do you think they did a thorough investigation. >> that's something we'll look into. >> don't miss this exclusive "action news" investigation tonight object "action news" at 11:00 p.m. >> preparations are underway in new orleans to remove a confederate m spark sharp confrontations since it is the last confederate statues to be pulled down. some of the statues pulled down in the middle of the night. the statue of robert e. lee will be taken down during the day. there have been charged protests with the other removals with the contractors being threatened. 6:17 a.m., summertime warning researchers find evidence of germs in public pools and the chlorine doesn't make a difference. >> reporter: a new look for facebook users, changes coming calls andam, the bottom of the facebook said the changes will maket easier to user to connect. >> google emojis are unpopular. that's changing, the broad faces are gong. >> they spent two years the full update set to roll out this summer. we have yn update after the lawsuit after the first date. while seeking the cost of 3d movie tickets she held her ground, but finally decided to pay him back. 17 bucks please never bother me again. >> those are tech bytes, have a good one. ♪ hi, i'm frank. i take movantik for oic, opioid-induced constipation. had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids but backed me up big-time.nic pain, tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated... had to talk to my doctor. she said"how long you been holding this in?" (laughs) that was my movantik moment. my doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. don't take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomachhe stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may intert with them causing side effects. why hold it in? have your movantik moment. talk to your doctor about opioid-induced constipation. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. whole foods market philly i'm coming to you with the perfect produce tip. i will show you how to pick out a pineapple. this evenly green skin is under ripe. what you want is a pineapple that's got some of the yellowish golden brown spreading throughout the skin. it will sweet. you may smell it from the top of the pineapple as well, the top leaves will pull out from the crown as well. this will be aderful pineapple. >> myther tip i smell the bottom of it, if it s sugar it is read. i could have helped -- ready, i could have helped him with that. >> reporter: wow, adding that at the last minute. 422, oaks, tam you want to jump in with the traffic here. >> well -- >> reporter: moving into the sun, wow is it friday or what. this is i-95 in dover, moving nicely here, david. >> reporter: of the four of us only mack can open one of those things, he is the only one with the chain saw. we have kids with the t-shirts this morning, 76 degrees by 7:00 a.m. already muggy, 91 by 3:00 p.m. high of 92 at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon. there's a slight chance of a spotty afternoon or evening thunderstorm. most of those are going to be really phew and far between, if you hear thunder there's a slight chance that we get a strong storm today, hd indoors. no sign of rain in any of our travel destinations in case you're a traveler tam. this story will have you rethinking jumping in the pool. the number of parasit infections is on the rise. sipto is a parasite people can get from swallowing contaminated water. symptoms include nausea and vomiting.this could last 3 week. it could go on even if there's chlorine in the pool. the phillies open the series against the pirates in the pittsburgh. le rangers swept the phillies out of texas yesterday afternoon losing 8-4. the phillies have lost 12 of their last 14 games. >> it is 6:22. high schoo get a study break cutterty of kobe bryant. katherine scott is watching crews as they prepare a gas leak in new jersey. >> reporter: crews on the area as the gas leak repair is underway. we're live in cherry hill with the latest at 6:30 a.m. chris christie: addiction is a disease. it can happen to anyone. help is within reach. all you need to do is ask. vanessa: i was a full-blown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. but i got help, and you can too. james: i just know i didn't want to feel that pain anymore. i got help. you can too. aj: most people think addicts are beyond help. when i see an addict, i see hope. chris christie: don't suffer. don't wait. call 844 reach nj or visit probably have concerns how much time your child is spending using technology, tablets, phones and video games. abc's 20/20 takes a look at how families are dealing with the effects of excessive screen use. >> 11:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m., he would be on 1:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m. it's hard to admit as a parent. >> i just play video games and go to a rehab for it. >> tonight a 20/20 investigation into how devices are affecting children and adults and what to do to cut the extreme use of electronics. watch a yearlong journey for several families on 6abc followed by axe nat -- "action news" at 11:00 p.m. william at a time made a deal with his -- tate, made a deal with his teacher if kobe would retreat the final would be canceled. he did, could he be retweeted i hope you have a an a in this class. police catch the gunman wanted for shooting up a vehicle in a store parking lot. >> break now on "action news" a deadly crash in delaware has all hands on deck, a dozen people have been rushed to the hospital. >> we're following breaking news, trouble with the gas main on a busy road in south jersey. we're live with any potential risk to residents. what this is meaning for the morning commute. >> the heat wave official today we're in for one more day in the 90s before a comfortable spring weekend. >> good morning, friday, may 19. david murphy has the weather, karen rogers has the traffic good morning. >> reporter: the sun is getting up over the horizon beginning to feel the humidity a bit. satellite showing you widespread cloud cover across the regionful we'll transition to partly sunny sky cover. warm this morning as you head out the door. 73 in philadelphia. 72 trenton. allentown 68. we're at 68 in cape may. when you check out the dewpoints they are on the rise. 65 in philadelphia. anything over 60 begins to feel humid when you're in the mid to upper 60s it's noble -- noticeable humidity particularly when you walk around and do outdoor work. 87 degrees at noon, we expect a high of 92. that's three straight days of 90 or better, a heat wave appears to be in the offing. we could have spotty thunderstorms you want to head indoors because they could be strong. pollen forecast in the medium to high range. grasses have been added to the mix that's a different sort of pollen that affects some of you who were not affected by the earlier tree pollen. when i step inside we'll have a change for the weekend even what some people consider as cool at times. >> reporter: the traffic in cherry hill, new jersey, 70 eastbound crews are blocking 70 eastbound that's a major artery in camden county, new jersey being blocked at grove street they are forcing everyone off. so, 70 eastbound is shut down in the on going work zone between grove where the wegmans is to past curtis at the cemetary. that's a big chunk 295 toward the old ellisberg circle. stick to chapel avenue. katherine scott is live on the scene talking about the gas main break. 42 northbound traffic coming up from deptford or turnersville looking good heading toward the walt whitman bridge. kelly drive is closed for the sto. regatta. stick to the schuylkill expressway. here's a live will look at the - live look at the schuylkill expressway near montgomery drive, we're starting to jam on the schuylkill expressway, matt. >> now, the gas leak you mentioned erupted in the middle of a busy road in camden county. now the race is on to make repairs before the height of the morning rush. katherine scott is live along route 70 in cherry hill how it happened and when it might be fixed. >> reporter: pse pse&g crews are on the scene digging under the surface of the road trying to fix the issue starting at 12:30 a.m. the eastbound side of 70 is closed from grove to past curtis, traffic is getting by in the westbound lanes, so a lane is closed here. when we first got hear we were closer over by curtis where ith. police said it wasn't safe to stand where we were. nobody had to be evacuated. it happened near curtis around 12:30 a.m. one of the crews was completing work for the transportation department when the main was cut. pse&g said the repairs will be completed around 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. they are working underneath the road. so this could be a little bit of time him we're keeping an eye on the situation. we'll bring you updates when we get them. pse&g said no customer service was disrupted. >> we have more breaking news, a deadly crash left a person dead and 6 other times injured in delaware. two cars collided at 11:30 last night. medics transported the 6 other people to the hospital including one by a state police helicopter. we're awaiting information about the victims and what led to the crash. police say an armed and dangerous man wanted for shooting up a car in bucks county is behind bars. jeanette reyes is live in the satellite center with the overnight update. >> reporter: good morning, tam, police looked for the man searching for him for several hours. they confirmed overnight they did find and arrest him at a hotel in milford township, bucks county. authorities say the man reportedly used a shotgun and fired at parked cars at a walmart in a parking lot in quakertown. richland township police spent much of the night searching for brandon grasso of telford. he was operating a late-model mercedes benz at the time of the shooting. he was involved in several confrontations in the surround communities. one victim said he was in the carat 5:30 p.m. when he fired at the back of their car and sped off. >> it felt like oh, okay he hit us, but as i turned around and saw the hole right there, with all that popping out and the windshield busted and glass hitting me, i'm like oh, my god, he actually shot us. >> fortunately nobody was injured, there was no known motive it is not clear what charges he will face. reporting live in the sat center, jeanette reyes channel 6 "action news." tam. >> thank you jennette. the driver accused of mowing down pedestrians in new hearing voices.old 26 rojos hit 24 a row of steel security girl ws killed. authorities say he was high on synthetic marijuana at the time. a group of students from northeast philadelphia witnessed the crash and the action cam was there as the 78, 8th grairldz grairldz -- graders arrived home last night. >> we hear a car and looked back we were about to take a picture, the chaperones werekid. >> reporter: the group w in new york city for are a field . 6:36 a.m., happe, president trump leaves for his first overseas trip ine. the whit hou hopes ittitt f whas been a politically taxing week for the administration. during the n conference with the president of columbia, a reportered the w was involved in collusion with he said f stoon trip michael ara raduation commencement ceremony at 4:00 p.m.osding can simulcast viewing stations if they are concerned about being out in the heat. >> it should be okay when it comes to the storms later on, at probably, the best chance ofthas afternoon and it is very spotty dg storm south of philadelphia. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows us right now no issue with any storms as we take a look outside, we have sky6 live hd looking at lots of blu centerand u see what good shape we're in in term cover. unfortunately it is warm and terday and in the -- in the morning, evethougy afternoon, it 73 degrees. dewpoint, well above the 60-degree threshhold moderately humid dewpoint of 65. some spots stickier than that. ocean temperature, 57 degrees, the winds are light. we start out sunny and wind up with a sun and clouds mix later. after 3:00 p.m. we'll be on the look out for pop-up shower or thunderstorm. the besser chance of the storms are -- the better chance of the storms are in the southern half of the region. most of you won't see any of this, every now and then the model puts something heavier down there. if you hear a rumble of thunder take cover indoors, because the storm prediction center has the southern half of the region in the lowest category for a heads up, but there's a slight chance of a an isolated strong storm that could produce damaging winds gusts. if you hear thunder indoors, most of you don't have to worry about it. noon, 87. sticky by 3:00 p.m., 91 degrees, high of 92 clocking in 4:00 p.m. holding in the upper 80s and sticky by 6:00 p.m. as we get into the afternoon and evening the humidity leaves will fall off. 92 is the high in philadelphia. close to 09 in trenton, allentown and reading lancaster and millville. for the second straight day, low 80s down the shore. muggy on the beach, but not bad. tomorrow, different, cool, breezy, 72 is the high, it will be a little bit on the mild side for a couple of hours in the afternoon. sunday, clouds increase and we may only hit 70. saturday night by the way the union, the red hot union at home against colorado. looks like a good one, partly cloudy and nice, 65 for the start of the contest. 61 for the finish. no rain, low humidity you probably want to bring along a sweatshirt and good union gear. 892 degrees hot and humid today. spotty thunderstorm, tomorrow, cooler you high of 72. sun to cs sunday, 70. chance of showers or thunderstorms. mud, 74 morning rain and clearing in the afternoon. 78 on tuesday. wednesday and thursday, 74 showers possible. >> play pen or cage, a pennsylvania woman defends her home set up after police remove her kids saying one was fit for an animal when they were found alone. we're hear from her for the first time. >> we're live on i-95 checking out a jam near allegheny, jammed on the schuylkill expressway, too, we'll take you there live coming up. > gorgeous shot of c, new jersey, live on sky6 live hd, 6:43 a.m., friday, today is going to be a nice day at the beach. it's going to be nice and warm. getting relief from the heat. ocean water temperature, 61 degrees right now. >> let's go over to karen rogers taking a look at the commute, good morning. >> reporter: the big story with traffic is in cherry hill, new jersey. the action cam on the scene, 70 eastbound shut down right now because of the gas leak they have shut down between grove and past curtis with all the crews on the scene. stick to chapel avenue to get around it. use 38 because they are out there working. they have a lane blocked westbound as volume builds in cherry hill, new jersey, 70 eastbound that will be a problem this morning. around the area let's take a live look outside schuylkill expressway we see the beautiful sunshine. we'll have sun glare out there. gulf miles eastbound traffic heading toward the blue route. no major delays, we're heavy from 202 to past the blue route eastbound on the schuylkill expressway. this is the boulevard extension southbound traffic heading toward the schuylkill expressway and starting to slow down as the volume picks up on the schuylkill expressway. the travel time 26 minute ride on i-95. no major delay on the schuylkill expressway or 42, though. certainly a warm day, 73 to start you off. hot and humid today with 92 as the high spotty storm. if you've been following us on twitter and facebook you've been watching our arm wrestle fight, matt o'donnell looks serious as he was trying to desperately to pete me this morning. i definitely put up a good fight. which is all i can say, it was close. >> i thought you were going to take him, karen. >> reporter: next time, absolutely. >> a schuylkill county mother is speaking out after police found her three children including a day old infant left alone. pennsylvania state troopers broke down the doors on wednesday. inside they found the newborn girl left in a car seat. her 1-year-old brother was in the play pen by herself, the 22-month-old brother was locked in a makeshift cage. the mother was in the hospital from complications from giving birth to the infant girl. the cage was a play pen. the main point, the children should have been in the care of their father. >> that's what people should be focused on, not the cage thing. >> the children are in foster care, the father is being held in jail. >> a woman fainted and fell on the tracks. she missed the electrified third rail. some passengers pulled the alarm while others jumped on tracks and pulled the woman to safety. >> he was impressive everybody jumping into action that way, it is not something i want to see at all. >> om suffered a sprained ankle and cut on her eye brow. she said she is grateful to a those who saved her. >> time for a spree of "good morning america." >> robin roberts is joining us with a look at what's coming up. >> no surprise, the president is taking a big trip a lot of questions still out there good morning. >> tam, matt, good morning to you, donald trump was on the defensive blasting the appointment of a special counsel calling the investigation into his campaign and russia a witch hunt as one of the front runners for the new fbi director is former senator and vice presidential candidate joe lieberman. the driver responsible for what happened outside our window in time square. the driver is facing charges. police believe he was under the influence of a synthetic drug before plowing through the crowd. we'll hear from the hero bouncer who tackled him after what happened. on a lighter note friday morning, green day performing in central park they will kick off our "g.m.a." summer concert series this morning, that time of year yet again all coming up on "g.m.a.," matt and tam. >> we'll be watching when i come around. >> reporter: very good. him. >> robin knows. >> she does. >> reporter: well done. i got it. >> reporter: it was a good one. it's that time of the summer for us, it's that time of the morning to get jams. i-95 southbound traffic heading toward center city past academy to girard. a slow go, 26 minute ride live update with the cameras. let's check out the ben, jammed westbound, as well coming into the city. shorts and ts on the kids on the way too school and the way home. it's going to be hot. 73 degrees in philadelphia. 07 in wilmington. 68 in allentown. 72 in trenton. humidity is noticeable this morning in most neighborhoods. it will be hot and humid as we go through the afternoon. 3:00 p.m., 91. the high is 92 at 4:00 p.m. we're back to 89 by 7:00 p.m. in the late afternoon and evening hours there's a chance of a spotty pop-up thunderstorm. couple of these could be strong, but most of us won't see those. >> two women and a child were hurt when their cart on a ferris wheel flipped over. they tried to hang on, but dropped 15 feet down hitting a metal casing that sports the ride. all three victims have non-life threatening injuries. police said the ride was making a grinding sound and something appeared to fall out of the structure. the cart tipped over and dumped the passengers. >> new on "action news," a massachusetts woman said she went from being homeless to holding an ivy league degree. norma heath will graduate with a psychology degree on thursday. she struggled with drug addiction and depression. she went to a homeless shelter and counselors asked her to write down her goals every week. >> i said this goal stuff is good, i said i want to graduate from harvard, forget it, the girl said you can do it. >> and she did, there's inspiration. heath said she plans to go for her master's degree next. [vo] the grille is distinctive. but it's usually seen from the rear. the all-new audi q5 is here. keep on giggling...ica. and goofing. keep on grooving... and togethering. with scott 1000's long-lasting roll, we'll keep on going, too. scott 1000. america's longest lasting roll. intelligent technology can help protect it. the all-new audi q5 is here. and 6 ears injured in new cattle cattle -- castle county, delaware late last night. authorities have not revealed the conditions or ages of the victims. police arrested a man who they say fired a shotgun outside a walmart in quakertown, bucks county. nobody was harmed in the shooting. pse&g crews are working to repair a natural gas leak in cherry hill. the eastbound lanes of route 70 are shout down. what a mess on 70 eastbound there's a shot of it. it is shut down past grove to curtis avenue. katherine scott has been telling us may not be open until 7:00 a.m. or 8:00 a.m. stick to chapel avenue or 38. i-95 northbound a gale again a disabled vehicle blocking the left lane. >> reporter: satellite show you there could be a shower or thunderstorm around in a couple of neighborhoods late today. most of you don't see that. the big story, 92. hot and humid, guys things change later tonight and tomorrow, by tomorrow we're in the low 70s. >> thanks for joining us this morning, hope you have a great friday and great weekend. stay tuned for "good morning america" next. for david murphy, karen rogers, tamala edwards. i'm matt o'donnell. see you later. today, we spend a whole lot of time like this. so at citizens bank, we've created banking tools that fit how you're living today. from advanced atms... to online banking... to our award-winning mobile app. and if you prefer face-to-face, we have that too. ask me, terry goggans, how our balance of technology and people can help you. good morning, america. incredible new images this morning of that times square tragedy. a deadly crash full of tourt irss, the navy vet running down 23 on the sidewalk killing an 18-year-old girl on vacation before crashing into a barrier and trying to flee the scene. a hero employee from planet hollywood jumping in to stop him. >> he was justscreaming. no word, just screaming. >> reporter: what we are now learning about that driver. on defense, president trump blasts the hiring of a special counsel to lead the investigation into russia and his campaign. >> the entire thing has been a witchhunt. >> saying it's dividing the country as he prepares to leave on his first foreign trip. the president says he's close to picking a new fbi director,

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Cape May , New Jersey , United States , Camden County , Millville , Pennsylvania , Quakertown , Delaware , Center City , Texas , Philadelphia , Richland , Russia , Colorado , Sweden , Lutheran Church , Jersey , Dover , Swedes , Chris Christie , Karen Rogers , Trenton Allentown , Bryant Katherine Scott , Kobe Bryant , Norma Heath , America Robin Roberts , Jeanette Reyes , Katherine Scott , Brandon Grasso , David Murphy ,

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