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Of awe monk our Senior Citizens populations, kids, and the heart and lung ailments sufferers, limit your outdoor exposure among the hours of noon and 6 00. Rest of us can help by not filling the car. Satellite shows us a lot of unshine, early, hazy sun building right now, and then later we will keep an eyes on the cloud to the west, just a couple drenching thunderstorms developing in the Late Afternoon and evening. 77 degrees in philadelphia if that is all were talking about it wouldnt be that bad but dew points are really high, anything over 70 indicates oppressive humidity and right now 73degree dew point in philadelphia, close to that just about every where else. As we roll through the day, we will do a work out get it done early, real soupy, by 7 00 we will be up to 8o by 10 00 oclock 88. And this afternoon oppressive with poor air quality, high of 95, again, heat index making it feel like around 100. One more day of this tomorrow, things get somewhat better on saturday and it will be hot but not as humid and better on sunday. All those details with the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast. For now matt pellman, it is septa, septa, septa, and september a believe. You go the that right. You have your eyes on the skies, i have my eyes on septas twitter feed as well as what they call train view at septa. Org. Something you can check out as well. At this point it is looking like we have no delays over ten minutes on the septa Regional Rails but we dont expect that to remain the case. As eve been saying last few days earlier you can get out the better because for now trains are still running on time, they are not overcrowded, but that will all change right around 7 00 oclock at least last few days have been indicators. We will keep watching. That we are watching a broken down vehicle on the blue route 476 here in radnor township. We have word of this a little bit ago. Southbound past villanova you can see it off to the side. Also broken down vehicle on 422. We expect a number of these broken down vehicles over next few days with the extreme heat, the westbound at route 29 on 422, it is also off to the side. Speed in the mid 50s. Overnight construction is clear. There are no eastbound delays as you head toward king of prussia but on the big picture getting word of a geyser, water coming out of the manhole this south philadelphia, fifth street blocked off near snider, kind of sound refreshing but road is closed and possibly buckled, because of the water coming out of the manhole so third or seventh would be better bets but no delays on the schuylkill, 95 or the vine, on this thursday morning, matt. Breaking news overnight outrageous over a second Deadly Police shooting in two days this one happened in the suburb of the st. Paul, minute so the a Saint Anthony Police Confirmed a man was killed in an office are involve shooting at a traffic stop in falcon heights. Mans girlfriend and child were in the vehicle at the time. Woman began Live Streaming on facebook after witnessing her companion get shot four times. Shes heard in the video saying they have been pulled over for a broken taillight and an officer toll the man to get his drivers license. Women in the video said he reached for his wallet, and told officer he had a gun in his possession and a conceal to carry permit. Police would not comment on the video or take any further questions. I do not know anything about the facebook video at this time. Other than i was made aware that there was a live stream on facebook. I dont know anything about itment i havent seen the video. Minnesota bureau of criminal apprehension has been called into investigate. No officers were injured. Other police involve shooting happened in baton rouge, louisiana on tuesday. It prompted a small group of demonstrators to march through streets of the center city. No justice. No peace. No justice. No peace. Police arrested 12 of the protesters last night. They are demanding justice for 37 year old alton sterling, graphic cell even if video here shows the deadly encounter between the black man and two White Baton Rouge Police officers. It has spark outrage in philadelphia and nationwide. In Philadelphia Police are looking into a double shooting involving a teenager who police say was not the intended tarring. Action News Reporter Annie Mccormack is live at hunting park in east detectives with the details on this one, good morning, annie. Reporter good morning, nydia. At this hour only Description Police are able to give about a suspect shooter, from eyewitness account is a man wearing a white tshirt riding a bike. They say the 16 yearold is expect to be okay but the 23 yearold who was shot was in Critical Condition and fighting for his life. This is video from chopper 6hd over the scene of o and lycoming streets shortly before 11 00. Police were called for a report of the gunfire. They found a 16 yearold female shot in the leg and then rushed her to st. Christophers hospital where she is in stable condition. Now, while they were processing that crime scene, aria Frankford Hospital notified police a 23 yearold male shot twice in the chest, and once in the leg was dropped off there. He is in Critical Condition but was transported to aria torresdale hospital where he was brought into surgery. From witnesses they say that the shooter, was shooting at a vehicle. Or possibly some male who was shot in the chest. So preliminary information is that this 16 yearold female shot in the leg is an necessary event victim who was struck by stray gun fire. Reporter now, this is second shooting that involves a teenager the at east detective are investigating, within two days. Again that 23 yearold is still in Critical Condition at this hour. Police brought down several witnesses to east detectives to interview them. They have spoken to that 16 yearold. Of course they are welcoming any information that the public may have. Reporting live outside east detectives, Annie Mccormack for channel six action news. Annie, thank you. Happening today bill cosby will be back in the Montgomery County courtroom. His lawyers will argue cosbys Accuser Andrea Constand should be forced to testify under crossexamination before trial. A state Appeals Court ruled last year that the victims do not have to testify at preliminary hearing. Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to review the issue. Major cell phone carrier is hiking prices but also offering ways to reduce your bill. We are live at nasdaq in times square with the look at the market. Hi there maribell. Verizon wireless is betting customers will receive higher bills for more date a carrier raised prices bias much as 10 a month in exchange for more generous data plans. Verizon will let customers rel roll over unused data, and if you are a a verizon customer and happy with your current plan you do not to have make any changes. Stocks closed higher thanks in part to the stronger than expect report of the service sector. Futures point to go a higher opened. We have a report on private Sector Employment due out today. Mcdonalds is expanding its all Day Breakfast menu. Chain will add two sandwiches beginning this fall. Customers will be able to other mcgriddle, mcmuffins and biscuit sandwiches at any mack donalds restaurant a anytime. It has been a huge hit since being introduced last october. It helped mcdonalds post its u. S. Quarterly sales in four years, in january. Matt and mid, yeah say make hot fries available all day, that is a winner. I a gree. Maribell has the best ideas. Hot fries is a good idea, maybe cool fries. Yeah, maybe. All right. Storm tracker six live double scan right now, and we have no rain, that green you see on radar is just ground clutter, and echoing back from tree tops and things like that. We are try so far. Stepping outside, we have hazy sunshine, building, and little bit of fog too, down the shore, and it is going to be another day of hazy sunshine, high heat and high humidity. In fact, right new as we step outside the door we have got 77 degrees in philadelphia very high dew points, worse than yesterday and you will notice the difference as we get outside and especially start Walking Around a little bit, definitely humid, everybody in the 70es a. Future tracker six shows how sunshine will give way to the sun and cloud mix rolling through the day and in the humid air mass is there a chance of the pop up shower or thunderstorm and in surprise here if you to happen to get a shower or thunderstorm there is a good chance it will give you a brief but drenching downpour. There is so much moisture in the air to work with if you get these fired up, you can dump rain in the hurry. Scattered stuff up until 6 00 oclock and maybe into the evening hours but were it hits take cover. We will get lightening and drench willing downpours. We are not expecting them to be severe no real strong damaging wind gusts but still kind of a problem. Lehigh valley hot and humid, spotty storm. Ninetyfour with the heat index in the upper 90s today. Down the shore we will get relief highs in the mid 80es a, warm, muggy on the beach but not as hot as inland area. And bethenny beach 87 degrees. Seventytwo in the ocean. And in philadelphia, well, we are backup away from the water it is soupy and uncomfortable. Ninetyfive is the high in philadelphia hot and humid. Feeling like 100 at times this afternoon. Again that spotty thunderstorm is possible this have afternoon and early this evening. Overnight tonight, after we have dumped those evening thunderstorms it is warm, sticky, and a low of 78. Only going down to about 80 for an overnight low and still feel pretty uncomfortable. Heat index values this afternoon up close to 100. I wouldnt be surprised if a couple spots to see 100. Tomorrow afternoon more of the same upper 90s, 100 not out of the question. It is two more days of this excessive heat and humidity. Then we will get into saturday and things will get better. We are continuing to playoff all of those safety tips. One of them is, leaving kid and pets in the cars. Look before you lock, i know this seems office crust but it seems like every year we will get somebody in the rush and they forget. Cars interior heat up quickly with the windows up. It could go up to 130 in the car within a half an hour. Maybe even before then in heat like we have got today. Your exclusive seven day forecast 95 is the high, excessive heat, feels like 100. Stomach still sticky 95 feeling like a hundred. Some storms today, tomorrow a cold front will come through and in the late day or evening hours there is a chance for strong thunderstorms as that front comes through. That front will help us out on saturday. It now looks like it will be hot because second battery still has to get through to knock that heat down. We will go for a high of 92 but should be less humid as day goes on. At some point during the day on saturday a spotty thunderstorm is possible. Then we will get into sunday and breezy and much nicer with a high of 86. Low humidity. Partly sunny skies and continues nice on monday, tuesday and wednesday. I dont think we will hit 90 until next thursday. So, much better stretch coming but two more of these tough days. We will deal witt. Thanks, david. 6 12. Preparing to get grilled, director of the fbi head to capitol hill a day after clearing hillary clinton. New this morning a serial attempted burglar in berks county of a very specific target, matt. Construction crews targeting a platt bridge eastbound later today, nydia we will have work from 9 00 to 3 00. Traffic heading toward airport westbound is moving just fine but nearby in south philadelphia a water bubbling up from a manhole, we will talk about that after the break. Former first family is celebrating a milestone, their story later on action news. Look at that line another day of intense heat, coupled with the shortage of cars will make commuting on septas Regional Rail pretty challenging and uncomfortable. You can see people waiting for the train right now. Action cam live at east falls station commuters say crowded trains yesterday reached more than 90 degrees on board. Our matt pellman has been telling us earlier you can catch your train better to avoid delays and standing room only conditions. Not a lot of people out there just yet this morning. Matt, you have traffic here. Ill tell you earlier the better especially in east falls and stations closer to the city, trains tend to bypass east falls a few times this week because they filled up back around norristown. First trains coming out of the norristown fill up there and western stops and then by the time they get in the city limits, there is just no more room for people. It is a mess. We will continue watching it. Today, here comes the sun and here comes the traffic along i95, southbound side, now stacking at cottman and then again from allegheny through this point at girard. During midday today watch out for construction on 95 north bound near vine, couple lanes blocked from 9 00 to 3 00 to slow you down then. We have got problems right now in south philadelphia, water bubbling up and gushing out from a manhole at fifth and snider, where the road may have buckled already as a result, chopper six is heading to the scene to survey damage but you will want to avoid fifth street head for third or seventh in south philadelphia this morning. Little more pleasing to the pallet is first thursday night market, in mayfair tonight, so ryan avenue will be shut down once again from 3 30 to 9 30. Watch out, head for cottman avenue or head for the night market. Tinicum township bucks county once again upper tinicum church road will close from 9 00 to 3 00, happening again tomorrow 32 is good alternate around that. New ramp closure began just yesterday in wilmington, now ramp from adams street to 95 northbound there at Delaware Avenue interchange is closed until july 20th, ramp from north bound i95 to 141 northbound is also closed but that is through next year, matt. Brand new here a man shot and killed his wife on the front lawn of their north jersey home and then turn the gun on himself. Police said scott saabia killed his wife michelle yesterday evening. After the shooting police say saabia bar kateed himself inside the home. Couples three Young Children were there but managed to escape. Swat teams entered and found him dead. It is unclear what led to the shooting. New this morning a rash of church break ins has police on the the alert in berks county. Police say three churches have been broken in to in muhlenburg township in the last few weeks. Pastor John Letterman said someone broke in the river View Christian Church last week and ransack several offices. They just tore every drawer out, they were just looking for cash, so they tore every drawer out, they tore up, the desks, that have been locked. Detectives say it does ant peer anything was actually taken from any of the churches. 6 18. Fight at the fuel pump, coming up later brand new details on the smoke shore could have done a lot of damage during a gas station spat, david . A few more days of excessive heat and humidity, check on the seniors and pets today, stay hydrated with little extra water and take frequent breaks if you are working outside. Important to wear that light weight wait, light colored clothing. We will be back and let you know where numbers are going with your day planner forecast, coming up. Oreo thins. A thin twist on the oreo you love. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Ugh. Heartburn. G ] sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmm. Incredible. Looks tasty. You dont have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. Senior citizens in trenton will be getting much needed help to beat the heat. 1,000 worth of fans will go to seniors at three church these week. Money to buy them was collected by trenton Fire Fighters union. Fire fighters pick up fans and loaded them into trucks to deliver them to homes. Very nice. You know how they make those personal fans you can carry around. Yes. Might good idea heading to the septa stop. Yes. And it will be standing there for a while, good chance at least, i have been watching train view on septa. Org seeing if things are delayed, most delays are under zero minutes except on the west trenton line, train 3509 has a delay of 12 minutes and septa just tweeted out Paoli Thorndale line train 516 has been cancelled because of equipment issues. Meanwhile, driving on the schuylkill so far so good this morning but watch out for midday construction here in the eastbound lanes from vare to passyunk heading to the airport or walt whitman bridge could be slow, david. Really sticky heading outside this morning, matt, you feel it as soup as you open up the front door. Worse then it was yesterday too with higher dew points. Temperatures still going up to similar numbers yesterday, 82 degrees by eight, running errands early might be better than late. Ninetyfour by 2 00. We will get a high of 95 at 3 00 but most important number of the day is heat index, combination of the heat and humidity will make it feel like 100 in the urban centers. We are looking at a couple pop up thunderstorms that could be drenchers, not looking at Severe Weather but thunderstorms in this humid air mass certainly possible. Air quality is also not good for sensitive groups another thing to keep in mind. Thanks, david. Phillies looking to extend their four game winning streak as they begin with the rock is in colorado tonight. Pitcher adam morgan will be on the mound. Phillies complete aid three game sweep of the braves yesterday. Freddie galvis hit a two run home run with two outs in the eighth to lift phillies to a fourthree win. Their eighth win in nine games. Dwayne wade is leaving miami heat to sign with the chicago bulls. The three time nba champ had spent his entire career in miami. Chicago is wades home town. Wade is slated to be a guest hose on live with kelly this morning at 9 00 right here on six abc. Dunkins savory pork roll breakfast sandwich is back. Crave it while you can. America runs on dunkin. Grand canyon and glacierger than National Parks combined. And thats not the only thing you can only find in new york state. You can find it all only in new york. New york. Its all here. Its only here. Plan your Summer Vacation at iloveny. Com fbi will continue to face tough questions even though it says it has completed its investigation into Hillary Clintons use of the personal email server while secretary of state. House republicans have summoned fbi director james comey to capitol hill today to explain his decision not to recommend charges. Comey said clintons use of the personal server was extremely careless but that no charges are appropriate. Attorney general Loretta Lynch has closed the case. Clinton will be in philadelphia tomorrow to speak at ame church bicentennial. Presumptive g. O. P. Nominee donald trump said wow release schedule of speakers for Republican National convention today. Trump has already said his wife and children will be speaking in cleveland. He also said sports figures and othernone politicians who are supporting him will be on the roster. Trumps campaign add it raised 51 milliondollar since late may. Jimmy and Roselyn Carter are marking their 70th wedding anniversary today. Former u. S. President and first lady tied the knot in the small town of planes, georgia in 1946. Carters say secret to their success is Mutual Respect and giving each other plenty of space while working on separate projects. The couple plans to spend the day at home, the jimmy carter president ial library and museum in atlanta will mark the occasion with 70 cents admission. Yes, it is. We have that. Yes, we do. 6 27. Happening today bill cosby returns to court to fight his criminal case in Montgomery County. We are following breaking news a second Deadly Police shooting caps off a day of nationwide protest and outrage over another fatal confrontation, we will be right back. Do you often consume fruit, fruit juices, coffee or soda . Acids in everyday foods and drinks may weaken and erode your tooth enamel over time. Damaged or lost enamel can lead to yellow, dull and thinning teeth. Thats why theres pronamel and pronamel for kids. Designed to strengthen enamel and help protect against acids in your diet. Start protecting your enamel, with pronamel. The 1 dentistrecommended brand for strengthening and protecting enamel. Now on action News Delaware and lehigh valleys brace for another day of dangerous heat and spotty storms in the the mix. Coping with the commute, we have got you covered as septa slow down continues on the Regional Rails. Happening today, cosby back in court, his legal team is expected to tell a judge put the accuser on the stand. Or have the case dismissed. Good morning 6 30 on this thursday, tams off, nydia han joins us. Karen is off, matt pellman is here with david murphy. And is the heat and humidity obvious this morning the dew points are higher, we will see that in a moment. As you step outside you can feel this humidity hit you like a truck. Hazy, hot and humid to day. Excessive heat warning for a second day and expect to go through tomorrow evening. It is Center Portion of the region and Center Counties especially urban areas where we expect combination of the heat and humidity to make it feel like up around 100 in some cases today. We are in the second day of the air quality alert that will probably also extend through tomorrow, again, sensitive groups today, seniors, young kid and those with heart and lung, limit your outdoor exertion and exposure between hours of noon and six. We have a lack of significant included cover right now so we are starting off with sun. The included will fill in, later on in the day and keep an eye on that massive clouds out to the west because there is a chance of the pop up shower, or thunderstorm later this afternoon. 77 degrees in philadelphia. Zero seven in will allentown. Seventythree in cape may. Here are those dew points and they are really high. Any number of 70 or higher is what we, what we usually use as an indication of oppressive humidity. You feel that now. It will feel worse an that sun gets up over the horizon and beats down. Your temperatures will get in the 90s quickly, by noon at 91. At 3 00 he clock your high is 95 but heat index makes it feel like up around 100 and there is a chance of the spotty drenching shower or thunderstorm this afternoon and authentic. Another hot real cooker tomorrow with more thunderstorms, probably at night and then things get better saturday and better on sunday. Break is coming. We will have details in the exclusive seven day forecast, matt pellman you have got something going on the roadway. I do, after all that, this almost looks refreshing but it is causing traffic troubles. It is water bubbling up out of the manhole here in south philadelphia at intersection of fifth and snider avenue. Were getting reports that the road has buckled here. It looks like water crews are on the scene. We have seen Police Officers out here as well. The intersection of the fifth and snider is block off because of this water, coming from the man hell right here by mount enan baptist church. If you normally use fifth street i dont think would i this morning, it is a northbound street. Stick with second and seventh those two are northbound streets. Lets hit the maps. We are watching delays on 95 coming southbound from academy to cottman again from past betsy ross bridge into girard. Speed dropped in the 30s over on the schuylkill expressway and they have dropped here on 422, eastbound side approaching oaks through this plan for saint daves curve, heading in to sun glare just up ahead. Westbound side of 422 there is a broken town vehicle. We expect them today. This is westbound by 29, not impacting speed a whole lot but eastbound we will see volume kicking in with the yellow traffic flow. Of course we have been watching volume on the trains and delays resulting this morning, west trenton line train within of them is delayed, Paoli Thorndale line train 516 has been cancelled and now we have word that the Lansdale Doylestown line train 5803 is overcrowded. Already it is expressing this morning bypassing a bunch of stations as it gets out of the bucks and montgomery counties and head toward the city. To will be the case as this morning progresses. Happening today, bill cosbys lawyers renew their effort to force the comedian accuser to testify, before any trial begins. Action News Reporter Catherine Scotts at the Montgomery County courthouse in norristown with more on what to expect at the todays hearing, catherine is this. Reporter matt, once again today bill cosbys attorneys will try to get charges thrown out and once again, here in Montgomery County courthouse, crowds are expected when this hearing takes place this afternoon. You can see fencing is set up, outside the courthouse. Cosbys attorneys will argue that his preliminary hearing was unfair because his accuser didnt have to be here and answer questions from the defense before trial. Seventyeight yearold bill cosby will be back in Montgomery County courthouse in norristown this afternoon. A judge will deciding whether to dismiss the charges against him. Back in may a judge ruled that there was enough evidence in the case to go to trial. His accuser former Temple University employee Andrea Constand did not the appear at that hearing. Under current state law prosecutors said that she didnt have to and maintained a recent court ruling allowed for them to use her Police Statement instead. Cosby is charged with felony indecent assault for allegedly drugging and mow resting constand in 2004. Cosby says that the encounter was consensual and that the pills were benadryl. But cosbys defense team argued that people accused of crimes should have the ability to confront their accuser. Cosbys attorney believe their client Due Process Rights were violated. They are now asking the trial judge to review the matter. If the judge rules against the defense he could set a trial date, hearing takes lays at 1 00 today. We are live, from norristown Catherine Scott for channel six action news. Now to the developing story in Philadelphia Police are searching for a gunman on a by sick who will shot a man and innocent stein. Twentysix yearold girl was in stable condition with the leg wound. She and a threeyear old man were shot at is 11 00 at o and lycoming street in the juniata section. Police believe the man was the intended target of the shooting. We have new information about an accidental shooting that injured a four yearold girl in the germantown 14 yearold girl in the germantown section of the philadelphia. A 17 yearold turn himself in connection with the shooting. He has not been charged yet. Police say girl and several other teens found the gun in the house on lloyd street and were playing with it when it went off. The 14 yearold girl is in stable condition. As one Deadly Police involved shooting ignites protests across the country there are break goatee tails of yet another fatal even counter with Law Enforcement in the u. S. Saint Anthony Police in minnesota confirmed that one of their officers shot ape killed a suspect during a traffic stop last night. Deceased, identified by relatives as a man who was inside a car with a woman and child. The woman broadcast aftermath on facebook live. Around the same time, hundreds of mourners remembered alton sterling in baton rouge, louisiana. The u. S. Justice department is investigating video recorded killing of that man who police say had a gun early tuesday morning. An aunt who helped raise sterling pleaded for vigils to remain peaceful. 200 people marched through Center City Philadelphia to protest killing of the sterling. They stopped on vine street ramp. Police arrested 12 people. Action news caught the train, to see what septa rail riders are experiencing while many of the cars are out of service. Riders have been scrambling to find a spot on Regional Rail trains, and safety defect forced septa to pull onethird of the cars from service. It is not terrible. It is mostly annoying that there is only a train every hour instead of every half an hour. It is what it is. I mean if you have to take public transportation, you know, the train, you know you will to have deal with it. You have to deal with the situation . Folks taking it in stride there. We are taking a live look at the east falls station. Pretty quiet right new but we did see folks waiting for the train earlier today. Matt pellman says if you are taking september, get there as early as you can to avoid lines and delays. Stay tup dayton any and all developments on septas Regional Rails by going to six abc. Com or our taste book and twitter pages. Turning to accu weather, as hot as it has been this year, right. This is most uncomfortable day. Tomorrow will be a repeat. Your exclusive Storm Tracker six live double scan image shows green on the radar all ground clutter and in rain. Looking outside we have hazy Sunshine Building up over the horizon. We will see fair amount of that over next several hours and then get into a more cloud and sun mix. Big thing is how it feels as you step outside. Your temperature in philadelphia is 77. The dew point is 73. That is well beyond that 70degree threshold for what we start seeing as oppressive humidity and oppressive humid air. That is what you have got as you step outside. Worse this morning then it was chris in some neighborhood. It could be you will be like wow it feels different. Wind are calm too in philadelphia they have been out of the southwest this morning but not a lot of the breeze in most neighborhoods to give you much relief. Future tracker six shows you cloud filling in by noon and then in the afternoon and there is a chance of the pop up shower and perhaps a thunderstorm and in this humid air mass in surprise that the model is showing these storms, while small and isolated really pack a punch in terms of the drenching downpour with this high humidity air in place a lot of moisture to work with and if one fires up you could find out, fine yourself in the drenching downpour for, you know, maybe 20 or 30 minutes or something like. That were not expecting severe storms but could be lightening with these and do take cover. It looks like it is done by 11 00 oclock or so. Big story for most of us will be that heat and how it build quickly. By 10 00 oclock 88. Ninetyone by noon. Your high is 95 with scattered thunderstorms and it feels more like 100 today. High temperatures across the region pretty similar in allentown, reading, wilmington, might be a little cooler in trenton i should say and toms river but still getting up to 90 with heat index values in the mid 90s. Ninetythree in millville. Down the shore in the mid 80s. Closer look shows us a sea breeze kick nothing too. It will be mug the beach. Uv index running high. High temperature staying in the 80s instead of the 90s. So muggy and still warm but not as bad as it is as you step inland. Future tracker six showing you heat index values close to 100 at times this afternoon. And then tomorrow, backup pretty much in the same territory. One hup in wilmington on the model. Ninetyseven, 98 through the model in philadelphia. So two more days of this and then things will get better on saturday. Heat tips, still important, seek out ac, breaks in the shade, lot of cool drinks, maybe extra water then what you would usually do and check on your seniors and pets as they could have problems. Also know the signs of the heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat exhaustion is when you are out there and your body starts to get pale skin, really pro fuse sweaty, nausea, dizziness, move to ac and drink cool water. Heat stroke is worse. That is when somebody stops sweating and touch their skin and it feels hot. Call 911 in that case but these people are heading in to an emergency situation. Ninetyfive today, 95 tomorrow. Heat index values up around 100 both days. Spotty storms today. Tomorrow night there could be strong storms as a front comes through and start to transition us to better weather. On saturday it will be hot but should be less and less humid throughout the day. We will go for 92. Bumping that number up because secondary front doesnt come through until late in the game. Could be a spotty storm saturday as well. Finally on sunday after we see humidity drop on saturday, sunday it is less humid and not as hot, highs in the 80s and staying comfortable monday, tuesday and wednesday, nice summer weather those days. People sending me pictures of mlk drive under snow. Were never going to complain when it is hot. I have got some people saying that. I agree. Thanks, david. Were following developing news, another deadly take in bangladesh, new details are coming in about the latest attack, on police. Brand new at 6 30 a gas pump is not the place to fight over a lit cigarette, we will tell you how violent argument ended, matt. Good morning, nydia. In Chester County we have another broken down vehicle this is broken down tractor trailer on the the northbound side of 100 taking out right lane near worthington road, one of the five disabled vehicles we have got out there, giving us problems this morning. We will talk about it when action news continues on this thursday. I survived breast cancer. If the doctors hadnt caught it early i might not be sitting here. So im outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood. Which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. Pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. Shut down the government over planned parenthood . I think we ought to shut down pat toomey. Women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising. Feels like a sauna out there. It looks like one too. 6 44. The sky six taking a live look at atlantic city. That is cloud cover and Early Morning fog that burns off when sun comes out but it looks hot and it will get hot. David says it will be hotter and more humid then yesterday. Lets go to matt pellman to check with traffic. We need a nice pud toll play in. We have found a big one here in south philadelphia, a big puddle because of some water coming out of the manhole. We wouldnt recommend thaw would play in it. This is intersection of the fifth street, and, snider avenue, by mount enan baptist church. Crews are out here from the Water Department but water is still coming out of the manhole looking live from chopper 6hd. They have the intersection of the fifth and snider shut down, this morning as they begin to make repairs, water crews down at the bottom of the screen looking live from chopper six. Fifth street in the north bound street, so are second and seventh, i would head for second or seventh traveling through south philadelphia this morning. Of course, we will keep you posted. Outside on the schuylkill expressway it is slowing eastbound from the blue route to the curve with some sun glare and again from the roosevelt boulevard through this point on into Spring Garden street where there is a disabled vehicle partially blocking off ramp. One of the many that we have out there this morning on the pennsylvania turnpike, portion of the 76, eastbound past 29, ez pass only interchange there is a broken down truck there a couple of them reported on the shoulder but one might be leaking fuel. We have an issue but travel lanes are open on the turnpike. Another broken down vehicle on 422 westbound by route 29, off to the side, eastbound we have normal delays approaching oaks in toward troop are road with sun glare. Later on, 422 watch out for slowing even some traffic stoppages out west of pottstown as then they till on going construction. They will stop traffic from time to time. One last look at ben franklin bridge heading eastbound into new jersey there is another disable vehicle yet another one taking out right lane. Matt . We have an update on one of our breaking news stories we are getting a a live picture here from the Governors Mansion in st. Paul, minnesota, where we see protesters there. They are demonstrating over Police Involved shooting death of a man identified by relatives as fernando castille, that happened last night in the st. Paul suburbs. As we reported, a woman with him, his girl friend, then broadcasted the aftermath on facebook live. This of course coming one day after shooting death of another rid in baton rouge, lou san a demonstrations taking place outside the Governors Mansion in minnesota. We are following developing news out of bangladesh, suspected radical islam is were targeting police when they heard homemade bombs the at hundreds of thousands of people marking the end of the ramadan. The at least four people were killed and dozens were injured today. Violence comes days after an attack on a restaurant in the capitol of dh aka that killed 28 people. Todays attack happened 60 miles south of the capitol. New this morning, a fight at a gas pull in northeastern pennsylvania has landed a woman behind bars. This is 51 yearold kimberly britain whom police say doused another woman with gasoline last thursday. Investigators say Tammy Donovan told britain to put out a cigarette while pumping gas. An argument escalated and when britain sprayed the gasoline, donovan slipped and broke her arm. Her boyfriend was also jailed this past week for a separate incident of animal cruelty charges. 6 48. Live preview of Good Morning America is next and david is tracking how hot it will get to day. Today and tomorrow two excessive heat days in effect for air quality, check on your seniors and pets, stay hydrated with water. I know that sound obvious but maybe a little extra water today then usual. Take frequent breaks if you are working outside. I saw workers on city avenue doing that yesterday. Not a bad idea. Wear that light weight wait, light colored clothing that is best. Ill have your day planner next. Hey, playing is a lot of fun. Hey, playing is a lot of fun. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright. With simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . Time for a preview of Good Morning America. We are joined with a look the at what is going on, hey, amy. Good morning matt and mid y good morning. Coming up next on gm a we are following breaking news from overnight another shooting involving a Police Officer and black man a traffic stop turning deadly in minnesota just one day after the shooting of alton sterling in baton rouge and now protest across the country. We will have the latest this morning. Hillary clinton going after donald trum in front of one of his shuttered casinos in atlantic city. Trum firing back in ohio along with possible vp pick Newt Gingrich what we know about his short list right now. Sexual harassment allegations against one of the most powerful men in television, former fox news host Gretchen Carlson filing a lawsuit begins network ceo roger ales claiming that she was fired because she refused his advances. We will have that story ahead. All eyes are on the williams sister at wimbledon, serena and venous playing today, lara is live across the pond with all coming up next here on gm a. Matt and nydia, back to you. Amazing how competitive they are and how close they are. Yes. As friend and sisters. Yes. Amazing. A lot of people compete to go get spots for the trains this morning. It is tough. As we head outside we have broken down vehicles, one near Chester County north of exton, 100 northbound near worthington road. That truck is blocking right lane because it doesnt want to run. On the ben franklin bridge another disable vehicle eastbound heading toward new jersey, can you see flashing lights there that too taking out right lane, david. Another hot, humid one, we will be in the upper 80s by 10 00 oclock if you have errands to run early the better this afternoon 94 by 2 00. High of 95. Big numbers today is 100, heat index in urban centers and that is what it will feel like. Couple afternoon then are storms possible and air quality is poor. We will be right back with our top stories. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The United States Postal Service. Priority you top stories, 6 56. Bill cosby will be back in the courtroom today and his lawyers will argue Andrea Constand should be forced to testify under crossexamination, before trial. Starting to get word of the september Regional Rails overcrowded and need to go bypass stations like train 4111 on the airport plane expressing from temple into city. High of 59 by 3 00 oclock. Heat index is up around 100. Air quality is also poor. Bottom line is you have really got to follow those common sense safety advice, tips, you know, stay hydrate today, extra more than you normally would. Loose fitting clothing and take shade brakes if you have work outside. Would i not run a marathon in the afternoon. Dont to that. Bad idea. That is it for action news, good morning next is next. For all of us here at action news, im matt odonnell, we will see you later. I survived breast cancer. If the doctors hadnt caught it early i might not be sitting here. So im outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood. Which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. Pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. Shut down the government over planned parenthood . I think we ought to shut down pat toomey. Women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Good morning, america. Breaking overnight, a new Deadly Police shooting, shocking the country. The aftermath livestreamed on facebook by the victims girlfriend in the girl with a young child. I told him to get his hand off him. You told him to get his i. D. , sir. His drivers license. Hundreds protest outside the Governors Mansion and outrage over that other deadly shooting in louisiana sparks rallies from coast to coast. Hillary clinton slamming donald trump attacking him right outside his now closed casino as the fbi director heads to capitol hill to testify about clintons emails. Trump calling clinton incompetent as he hits the trail with possible running mate Newt Gingrich. Bombshell lawsuit. The popular tv host and former miss america now shoeing one of the most powerful men in media after losing her job

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