Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20150318 : compar

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20150318

blowing. 29 degrees in allentown, 27 in reading, run in wilmington and in trenton and 33 in wildwood. and when you factor in the wind dropping down out of the northwest it feels like it's in the 20's and teens across the region. a wind chill of 27 right now in philadelphia so bun dim. it's a cold test on the way to school this morning, kids. 34 degrees on your storm tracker 6 app right now. by 8:00 we're liable to dip to about 31. by noon back to 38 and we'll spend the afternoon in the 40's. 45 by 3 o'clock. we'll probably get up to, ooh man, about 45, 46 for a high and that will be around for clock this afternoon. karen, we do have the chance of a wintry mix on friday. it's a light march snowfall. just as we get ready for the arrival of spring. i'll have details coming up in that seven-day. >> all right dave. i want to give you the latest with this accident. it's right on the roosevelt boulevard southbound near ridge avenue. we can see a must be of emergency workers. looked like we had more arrive at the scene. this is southbound traffic jammed at this point. you'll hit this if you're heading towards the schuylkill on the boulevard southbound so give yourself some extra time and stay to the left 'cause you've got that right lane blocked through that area. on the big picture we see that accident on the schuylkill, on the boulevard near the schuylkill we're looking about 48 miles an hour, 50 miles an hour. still not bad. we're going to see that slow down soon but it hasn't started just yet and about 46 miles an hour on i-95 southbound near girard. big construction project we have been talking about continues in haverford. that paving project on township line road between 9:00 and 4:00 p.m. so it hasn't started yet but i know everyone especially here in the studio who has been hitting that have been talking about the big delays. watch for that from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. a much needed project to repave that roadway if you're in cherry hill we have route 70 a lane blocked in each direction right now. it's such a busy highway to have a lane blocked in each direction and the problem is the sinkhole. the latest sewer collapse. westbound 70 at cuthbert boulevard and we're still dealing with that large sinkhole on eastbound 70 at springdale. in both cases matt we've got the right lane blocked. >> thanks karen. a fast moving house fire injured three people in mercer county, new jersey overnight. the fire broke out on the unit block of carolyn drive in hopewell township at 1:00 a.m. crews had to rescue one person from the roof. investigators say the fire started in the basement and took crews just over a half hour to et cetera good the fire under control. so far no word o on a cause. happening today students from wyncote academy will return to class in a new building while investigators continue to look for the person who intentionally set fire to the montgomery county school leaving it destroyed. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live outside their temporary home in melrose park. good morning annie. >> reporter: good morning matt and in just a few short hours those students at wyncote academy will finally get back to learning. here on the campus of gratz college. they will be at a temporary site until they can get back up on their feet but they still have a long road to go. matt, take a look at this video. this is video from the fire that did devastate their school. that's a stone building built in 1885 now completely destroyed. now, wyncote academy has been a school since 1973. they have about 65 students enrolled. it's described as a school for students that don't necessarily fit in other school areas. but it's a very successful school. they have a lot of kids that go to college and as you can see there, they have spent the past couple of days making sure that the building here on gratz college's campus is equipped and will be ready for them when they come back to classes today but still heavy on their hearts and on their minds is why somebody may have set fire to their school since right now it is being investigated as a case of arson. >> who would want to hurt kids? who would want to hurt a school? i mean, no. >> reporter: and back out here live you can see that that's a small sign right there but definitely a warm welcome to the students of wyncote academy who are expected to start classes here today at 8:00 a.m. but again still a long road ahead. this is just temporary housing for them. they still have a lot to figure out as for what they're going to do moving forward. reporting live on the campus of gratz college annie mccormick channel6 "action news." matt and tam. >> annie thank you. philadelphia homicide detectives have a new lead in the murder of a man who was walking his dog in overbrook last week. they're looking to for three men in connection with the death of 51-year-old james stuhlman. he was shot on the 6600 block of woodcrest. the potential break comes as stuhlman's friends and family came together to attend his viewing last night in havertown. >> an air force veteran with ties to south jersey is due in court this morning on charges of trying to join isis. tairod pugh is said to be arraigned in brooklyn. the feds say he traveled from egypt to turkey in january in an attempt to cross the border into syria and join isis. they say he converted to us flam 1998 and became increasingly radical in his beliefs. pugh lived in a former boarding home in bridgeton cumberland county as recently as last spring and worked as an aircraft mechanic for a company in millville. a letter center to the white house has tentatively tested positive for cyanide. the letter arrived on monday. officials have taken it to another facility for more testing. the secret service is not saying where the letter came from from. >> studies have shown many people pay more monthly on childcare than mortgages. a study shows how lopsided it can be for parents to do well by their children. maribel aber has the latest. this is pretty shocking. >> reporter: good morning, tam. the study showing parents are sacrificing financial security to help pay for college for their children. 53 percent of parents polled said they would rather tap into their retirement savings than have their kids take out student loans. but that might not actually be the best strategy given that boomers will need to rely more on their own savings than previous generations. that survey was conducted by t row price. blue cross latest healthcare company to be hacked. it was the victim of a cyber attack that may have exposed data of 11 million customers. the hackers may have gained access to claims data including clinical information, bank accounts and social security numbers. about 6 million of the people affected are residents of washington state. the rest are scattered across the u.s. kraft is recalling six and a half million boxes of mac and cheese. the company says some of the mac and cheese may contain bits of metal. the company knows of eight instances of people finding the metal but is not aware of anyone being hurt. the 7.25-ounce boxes were sold in the u.s. puerto rico and caribbean. customers can return the mac and cheese for a full refund. stocks finished lower. right now futures pointing to a higher open. investors will be watching for the fed statement on the economy this afternoon and news of a potential hike in interrates. that's the latest in business news from the nasdaq market site. back to you matt and tam. >> thanks maribel. see you tomorrow. >> let's talk about what you've got to talk about. >> yesterday it was nice. we were mild. got a little chillier. certainly windy in the afternoon and now that cooler air has entrenched itself across the region. nothing showing on storm tracker which is news. as we take a look outside the camera jiggling around a little bit because we have a bit of wind blowing. the wind died down a bit overnight. it will be picking up again after we get a little past sunrise cold. 34 degrees at the airport in philadelphia, just 29 up in allentown now and reading is all the way down to 27. 31 in trenton, 31 in wilmington, 30 millville so a lot of numbers a little below the freezing mark. winds are a factor. still coming down out of the northwest not all that strong, 9 miles per hour in philadelphia right now, 13 in allentown, 12 in wilmington but this is strong enough to give you wind chills making it feel like it's in the 20's this morning. satellite shows you not a lot of cloud cover around and we do expect a mainly sunny afternoon with perhaps a few occasional clouds later in the day. lots of sun overall. still windy and cooler than yesterday. yesterday we got up into the mid 60's across much of the region. 45 degrees is today's high though, with winds northwest at 20 to 30 miles per hour. so still a blustery day out there. and still below freezing in philadelphia at 8 o'clock. i think we'll dip to about 31 then back to 36 by 11 o'clock. if you're running errands or doing optional travel outside later today you might want to wait until the afternoon versus the morning. 43 degrees is your 2 o'clock temperature. you'll hit a high of 45 probably around 4:00 and then we're back to 44 by 5 o'clock. up in allentown, it's going to be a cool day with winds blowing, 39 degrees, a pretty day, though, with a fair a sunshine. down the shore a little bit on the milder side as we will get past that 39 and shoot on up to 44 for a high. lots of sun and windy conditions there. and of course in philadelphia we mentioned that we've got that high of 45 today. tomorrow about 46 degrees, high pressure will ensure sunshine early but then some high clouds will begin to move in during the afternoon from a system down to the south that is going to be the source of some wet snow and rain for the region on friday. now future tracker 6 shows you a dry morning commute on friday. i will tell that you some models over the last 24 hours have actually had precip here in time for the morning commute. but in any event when it does get here it's mainly some wet snow to the north mainly rain to the south and philadelphia at times will mix in between and the whole thing gets out of here in the evening. what are we expecting out of this? i think there will be some wet snow and then eventually changing to some rain in the i-95 core do. all rain down south side and mainly wet snow up north. anywhere from maybe a one to two accumulation, maybe a little bit more in some spots. the thing about this is it's a march snowfall a-late march snowfall and that tends to make roads just wet and accumulate mainly on grassy surfaces and maybe car tops. 45 windy and chilly today. lots of sun. 46 tomorrow, sun giving way to clouds and then friday a wet snow rain event 39 degrees is your high and that precipitation pretty much with us through the day and into the early evening. spring arrives at 6:45 in the evening on friday. the union playing at home shortly after that. and then the system is gone in the first full day of spring looks nice, 55 degrees on saturday. but back to the 40's on sunday. >> eh. [laughter] >> see what happens. thanks, david. 6:11. following several developing stories including the shoppers who may have been caught in the crossfire of gang violence out west. >> late breaking confirmation about an ongoing investigation into death threats against the kennedys. karen. >> looking live on 202 near the schuylkill. northbound traffic moving nicely into king of prussia. we'll have an update on a problem on 95 coming up. >> if you're losing reception on your cell phone, having trouble sending stuff out maybe because of the sun. we'll explain why in tech bites. >> ♪♪ major: here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in. no. not possible. we're the settles! when we go on vacation, it's hard to find, like, those little activities that are kind of fun and educational. i think with williamsburg, you have all of that educational part rolled into the fun. it's already here. this is probably the most fun i've had all summer. >> welcome back. an update on our developing story, the action cam along the 9100 block of academy road in northeast philadelphia taking a look here. i think we can see a continuation of fire hoses there on the scene. firefighters continue to be there putting out hot spots at rita grace plan nor. a massive four alarm inferno whipped up by the winds. about 100 people are out of their homes. the american red cross set up shelter at the abraham lincoln high school. we continue to keep a look on the scene and we'll have resident reaction coming up in our next half hour. >> let's turn to traffic and see what's jamming things up, karen. >> yeah, this is related to that apartment complex fire that you were talking about. because of that we have closures with traffic still at this point this morning. the ramp connecting i-95 northbound and southbound to academy road, those off-ramps had been shut down. they just now reopened so here's a life shot. last time i showed you this we had penndot right here with the arrow boards blocking the ramps. they have stepped aside allowing that traffic to get through on the ramps on i-95 northbound and southbound to academy road. at this point northbound academy road is still blocked so stick to grant at your alternate but we think maybe they'll be opening that as well since they did open the ramps up. we have an accident in lower moreland township heaton road near republic road. in gloucester township camden county county house road we've been talking a lot about the huge potholes they've decided there are just so massive and so many they're doing a milling and paving project so you'll see portions of county house road being blocked at this point and that's due to the milling and paving. it starts today and that's right around the lakeland complex so if you're used to that area in gloucester township you're going to have some delays but it's for a good cause but the trouble is officials there in camden county say this is just the start of many emergency projects. we know that as we have been look out and seeing the roads out there. we have other issues out here. road closed orvilla road between clymer and independence way. your alternate is line lexington road because of so much structural damage the a bridge in area still causing a problem there. in new jersey 42 northbound traffic at creek road still moving okay. we're not seeing big delays. we have a few accidents on 42 yesterday and this morning's commute there is looking better but it will surely go downhill later and i'll be tweeterring it out to you with the #6abc traffic so get latest there. 34 degrees right now in philadelphia, temperatures lot cooler than they were yesterday morning and this afternoon's high only 45, tam. >> okay, thank you karen. developing this morning three people are dead and at least four others hurt after a shooting in california. the gunfire rang out just before 9 o'clock last night outside of a market in stockton. police say it appears to have been a drive by shooting in an area known for gang activity. so far no arrests have been made. now onto a story that's developing overseas. police in tokyo japan investigating death threats against u.s. ambassador caroline kennedy. officials day confirm that someone speaking english made the call last month. police suspect this could be a blackmail attempt. there's extra concern for u.s. officials abroad at this moment since an anti-american activist stabbed the south korea ambassador earlier in the month. >> the sun can scramble your smartphones today. that tops abcs tech bites. >> ♪♪ >> in today's tech bites if your gps is acting up you can now blame the sun. >> a severe geo magnetic storm disrupting satellite communication and power grids. >> no radiation danger. many pictures on social media say it capped off saint patrick's day with a green aurora. >> nintendo proves you should never say never. >> the company has announced for the first time it will develop a line of games for smartphones and tablets. no word yet on which characters will be featured but many are hoping to see super mario and zelda. >> facebook getting into on line payments. you'll be able to send money to your friends using the messenger app. >> facebook will roll out the feature over the next few months and there won't be any fees associated with it and lets us wonder if purchases will be the next thing. >> i think the next thing is you push your finger on and purchase it. >> those are your tech bites. >> 6:18. a consumer alert trader joe's pull as product due to that possible contamination. >> a water taxi captain hailed as a hero for a rescue that you'll see next. >> ♪♪ -producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. the leading allergy pill only controls one, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 allergy pill. so go ahead , inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. [bell rings] you're not mr. craig. yeah, i'm confused where's mr. craig? well, i'm sorta mr. craig. we're both between 35 and 45 years old. we both like to save money on car insurance. and we're both really good at teaching people a lesson. um, let's go. cool. sit down! alright. sorta you, isn't you. only esurance has coveragemyway. it helps make sure you only pay for what's right for you not someone sorta like you. i think i blacked out from fear... did we ask him where mr. craig was? we did. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. >> a dramatic water rescue caught on camera in south carolina. a man fell off a sailboat into the charleston harbor after having a seizure. passengers came to his rescue pulling him out of the water. the man was unconscious but soon came to. and he's expected to be okay. >> scary scene there. let's check traffic for you this morning as you're headed out. we've had a few issues out there. we have a new one coming in in north philadelphia a new fire location, girard avenue between 27 and 28th. trite to avoid the area and stick to popular street as your alternate. not that far off we have that accident we have been talking about on the boulevard as we look live we're still seeing emergency crews there off to the right. that's southbound traffic as you head towards the schuylkill. this accident off to the right on the boulevard southbound near ridge and you got to watch for that, it's causing a bit of a slow go there. dave we're watching that camera shake a little, too. >> we sure r it's windy and chilly. if you're dressing the kids look for wind chills in the 20's and give them that extra gear. this afternoon we get into the 40's but it's still windy and cool as you're headed to the bus stop this morning have a chance of still being down around the freezing mark under the sun in philadelphia by 9 o'clock but by noon 38, 44 by 3 o'clock and your high today is going to be 45. we'll probably hit that late in the afternoon around 4 o'clock. fair amount of sunshine, a few high clouds building in but windy and on the cool side. and at the airport so far so good this morning as we've been looking at all green aircraft. no major delays and no hint of rain in any of our most commonly traveled destinations. matt and tam. >> thank you david. trader joe's recalling raw wall nuts out of their stores nationwide. there are fears they may have been possibly contaminated with salmonella. salmonella can cause serious illness and sometimes fatal infections in young children the elderly and others with a weakened immune system. no illnesses related to the wall nuts have been report. >> villanova wildcats in pit burg for round one of march madness where they face the lafayette leopards. they got a sendoff yesterday as they departed their main line campus for pittsburgh. the team is riding on a 15 game winning streak. they're only six wins away from their first championship title since 1985. lafayette and villanova tip off tomorrow at 6:50 p.m. >> looking forward to seeing the game. up next how one man's local decision to stay up late might have saved his life. >> we'll get a live report on how a school is sending some students to another place while they prepare for their building to be bull dozed. >> ♪♪ did ya know? fresh step extreme lightweight litter isn't just light. it's also the best lightweight for eliminating odors. amazing, right? for superior odor elimination try fresh step extreme... lighweight. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't 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township on sunday. the officers had found scott passed out in his car. scott once served as a couldn't stab bell and ran for mayor of reading. the 57-year-old is charged with assault harassment and dui. >> a bucks county elementary school will be shut down at the end of the school year. neshaminy school board members voted to close samuel everett of middletown. the board wants to shutter three elementary schools and build a new larger one. but not everybody was happy with this call. some residents threatened to out of the board members at the next opportunity. a delaware county man's decision to stay up late may have saved his life. raymond king of ridley township says he was watching television downstairs last night when those winds started to really kick up. a 40-year-old tree on his property came crashing down onto his roth on his bedroom where normally he would have been sleep. >> we're updating to fire investigations next. >> new jersey natives react to someone who once lived on their block might have been trying to join isis. that's coming up on "action news" >> ♪♪ >> developing right now on "action news" the action cam is live where crews continue to put out hot spots at an apartment building that has burned for hours. >> happening today, class is back in session at a new location for students whose school was destroyed by an arsonist. >> robert durst case deepens. investigators raid his houston home as the heir is linked to another unsolved crime. >> good morning. it's 6:30. david and karen are here with weather and traffic. feeling like winter out there is it sure s we talked about this yesterday. it was mild yesterday afternoon but now the cold air returned. satellite shows you how there's not a lot of cloud cover around so we are going to get off to a bright start as that sun gets up over the horizon over the next half hour or so and probably stays fairly bright today but it's also a lot colder. 34 degrees in philadelphia currently, 31 in wilmington, 29 degrees in allentown and 30 in millville and of course with a bit of a breeze blowing down out of the northwest it feels like it's 27 in the city and in the teens in some areas to the north and west of the city. and as we roll through the day, 34 right now on the storm tracker 6 app. we have a chance of being down to about 31 by 8 o'clock and then back to 38 by noon so in the 30's for the morning but this afternoon by 3 o'clock we're back to 44 and we get a high of 45 at 4 o'clock. it's going to be windy and chilly today but at least bright. karen, we've got a wintry mix possible for the last partial day of winter on friday. that detail is coming up. >> i am so done with winter, david. >> i know. >> see what you can do to improve that forecast. let's hit the roads right now. looking live on the roosevelt boulevard. this is your southbound traffic. look how heavy we are southbound on the boulevard jammed from fox street to the schuylkill. this is because of that accident we've been talking about for the past hour. it was right here. it has since cleared. all lanes back opened but it will take awhile for this delay to ease. expect a slower go on the boulevard southbound. we have this fire location watch for that in north philadelphia, girard near 27th causing some issues there and we're starting to see slowed speeds on your major. 21 miles an hour on the schuylkill expressway, westbound near belmont about 36 eastbound as you come around the curve and 20 miles an hour i-95 southbound near cottman -- or near girard about 15 near cottman right now. in northeast philadelphia we have this fire location that's been causing problems here. academy road still closed and that's between holme avenue and i'm 95. this is that big apartment complex fire we have been talking about from yesterday. but here's the good news. the ramps to i've 95 northbound and southbound to academy have reopened. that was affecting traffic on i-95. it's looking better there. not helping the speeds any of about 14 miles an hour. i just talked to police in cherry hill new jersey. i have an they're off to the side. we have to see if they block it again as volume builds but eastbound at 70 springdale right lane blocked because of a big sinkhole there matt. >> thank you karen. a mastiff four alarm inferno tour through a north philadelphia apartment and firefighters still remain on the scene. crews continue to put out hot spots at rita gays manor. high winds fanned fierce flames that came from the basement of the building and spread up to the roof. about 100 people are homeless. firefighters had to rescue some tenants. no one was seriously hurt. >> this is devastating. i mean, me mine kids are out my family is out that's a blessing but your home is like part of your life. i don't know what i'm going to do. >> the red cross has set up a shelter at lincoln high school for those who need a place to stay. >> today teachers and students will show it takes a lot to keep them from learning even after an arsonist has completely turned their lives upside down. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live in melrose park with more on their persistence and the investigation into that arson. good morning annie. >> reporter: good morning tam and that devastation is not keeping the children of wyncote academy from learning. you can take a look at that sign over there. that seems small but it's a big welcome from gratz college where they're going the offer a building here for those students until they're able to get up on their feet. well take a look at this video. this is video of wyncote academy, a building that was built in 1885 of stone, now destroyed. now, the school came together in 1973. right now they have about 65 students. they describe their students as students who struggled elsewhere in other schools but then came to wyncote academy to thrive and even go on to college. this week ever since gratz can college offered a space for them volunteers and members of the school have been working hard to equip the rooms so that students can come back. the head of the school, we spoke to yesterday sheds this this -- she had this to say. >> people from new jersey are calling and saying we can do that. someone walked in with microwaves refrigerators. it is kind of amazing. people have heard about us and have come in they went shopping and bought us school supplies. >> reporter: and school will start here at 8:00 a.m. this morning. as for the investigation just a short stretch down the road from here where wyncote academy actually is, that is still under investigation. in fact, we are told that bulldozers are expected to be out there, the fire marshal too. right now they're still treating it as suspicious. hopefully though the wyncote academy will find a permanent place or they'll be able to rebuild in the few. for now reporting live on the campus of gratz college annie mccormick channel6 "action news." >> thanks annie. it is 6:35. happening today a south jersey man is expected in court on charges related to his daughter's death. police say javon thomas was high on marijuana when he neglected to feed or care for his nine month old today. officers removed bags of evidence from the trenton man's apartment last night. thomas' daughter died on monday. >> and developing this morning israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has eked out a surprise victory in the country's elect. his ruling likud party earned 30 out of parliaments 120 seats. opposition leadser isaac herzog conceded defeat and offered netanyahu his congratulations. exit polls showed a tight race but herzog won just 24 seats. netanyahu is now expected to have a relatively easy time putting together a coalition government with right wing and religious allies. air force veteran with ties to new jersey set to be arraigned in brook lynch the feds say he traveled from egypt to turkey back in january in an attempt to cross the border into syria and join isis. they say he converted to islam in 1998 and became increasingly radical in his beliefs. former neighbors though say they're shocked by the news of the allegations. >> here i am living next door to someone of that nature. it just totally floored me. >> i wouldn't call him a strict muslim because he would sit and have wine with us out on the porch and, you know, he -- like i said, just seemed like a nice guy. >> pugh lived in a former boarding home in bridgeton as recently as last spring and worked as an aircraft mechanic for a company in millville. "good morning america" is going to continue coverage of the isis arrest and election results in israel coming up next after "action news." >> an nfl player with local ties has fabulous news about his daughter's battle with cancer. this is four-year-old leah still flexing with her dad devon state. the cincinnati bengal and penn state grad posted this picture to announce lea's latest round of tests slow no disease in her body. the story of her fight against stage four cancer and #lea strong went all over the internet next year. still says more tests have to be done to declare lea officially cancer free but doctors are very optimistic. >> you look forward to all the things she's going to go through, prom, graduation, him dancing with her with her wedding. >> great story to follow. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows us we're dry this morning. taking a look outside we have a bit of a breeze blowing through the region. every now and then sky 6 bounces around a bilk see the sunshine is coming up nice and bright off the coast of atlantic city. it will be a bright one just cooler than yesterday. 31 degrees in philadelphia, winds west-northwest at 9 miles per hour. stronger that than in some spots. once the sun lifts off the horizon we'll see those winds build back in similar to what we saw yesterday. lots of sunshine though with just a few clouds at times as we roll through the day accuweather says we start out in the 30's. 31 degrees by 8 o'clock and 36 by 11 o'clock and we wind up in the 40's today. 43 by 2 o'clock. your high of 45 is late in the afternoon probably around 4 o'clock and it will be windy albeit private only 39 in allentown and 40 in reading. 43 is your high in trenton 43 down on the point of cape may. tomorrow high pressure will bring us some early sunshine, a high of 46 degrees. but in the afternoon these clouds to the south and west will begin the ride in and we're keeping our eyes on an area of low pressure down south that will be moving in our direction and by friday this will bring us a wet snow-rain mix. future tracker 6 right now is showing that the morning commute is dry. i will point out however that some models over the last 24 hours have actually had some of this moving in in time for the morning rush. either way we're going to get rain to the south, wet snow to the north and i think we're going to see some mixing in between and then this whole thing gets on out of here by about 9 o'clock. in terms of what we're expecting, the farther south you go through the region it's all rain but there is a chance of some wet snow for at least a time before changing over to rain in the i-95 corridor and the farther you are up into the northern suburbs the better chance you have of just seeing wet snow out of this. small accumulations maybe one to three is what it's looking like right now. we'll hone in on that a little more over the next couple days. this is a late march snow and those snows typically have difficulty coating or accumulating on road surfaces so this is probably mainly accumulations on grassy surfaces on car rooftops and hoods. your exclusive accuweather 7-day, windy and chilly, 45 degrees is your forecast high today. lots of sunshine and then thursday sun giving way to clouds 46 degrees is the high there. on friday, we have that wet snow arriving changing over to rain. a high of 39 degrees. springtime arrives at 6:45 in the evening but it won't feel like it then and if you're headed to the union at night you probably want to bundle up and keep your eyes on radar in case we're still looking at some of that precipitation for the beginning of the match. on saturday turning milder, a high of 55 degrees. that's going to be a nice first full day of spring. but then on sunday, and this is pretty typical for the early days of spring we do get another surge of cool air and it's sunny but brisk on sunday, a high back down into the low 40's. >> all right. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> okay with that? >> i'll accept it. it's 6:40. we continue to follow a developing story. murder charges may not be the only trouble awaiting robert durst when he returns to california. >> and a fisherman tugging and tugging and realize z well i didn't catch a fish. a caught something else. karen. >> wow. let's look live here on the schuylkill because this is a mess. no accident. this is just what it looks like on the schuylkill. westbound traffic starting to jam up from the boulevard to belmont. looking live at city avenue. word of a new accident just coming in right now. i'll have all the latest details when "action news" comes right back. >> ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone. look at this. >> ooh. >> so we're still lighting up with green or saint patrick's day and the sun is coming up over the horizon. not officially yet and it's shining off the buildings in center city philadelphia. >> i think that color is called belgian blue. look at that, that's beautiful. >> you are the one that had the 82 pack of crayons when you were a kid and you knew every single one. >> every one of them. let's go over to karen rogers. >> sometimes i'm with you but belgian blue. i didn't know that. thank you, tam. we've got problems here on the roadways and this is eastbound pennsylvania turnpike, a new accident just coming in approaching valley forge so watch for a slow go. it's restricting traffic in that area. eastbound pennsylvania turnpike this is the latest accident just coming in. meanwhile not that far off we've got a problem right here plymouth township montgomery county. plim in this among road closed. this is that large sinkhole causing a problem between the blue route and butler pike. use germantown pike as an alternate. we're not sure when they're going the clear it. tracks heavy delays on germantown pike with everyone trying to avoid plymouth road. 422 eastbound traffic right here and you're generally jammed approaching 29 to 23. it's a 12 minute ride from oaks to 202. about a five minute delay and growing. so not really an extra delay just your normal morning volume. this is wait looks like on 42, northbound traffic at creek road getting busy approach twog 95. not totally jammed just yet but certainly slowing down in new jersey on route 42. don't forget get all latest traffic with #6abc traffic when you go to twitter i'll be keeping you posted there. 34 degrees right now in philadelphia it's just 29 now in allentown. 27 in reading. it's cold out there. 31 in trenton. only 30 degrees in millville and in fact temperatures today good 13, 16 degrees cooler than they were yesterday. this afternoon -- yesterday we had a high of 65. this afternoon's high only 45. big change matt and tam. >> indeed. thanks karen. developing overnight, the fbi sifting through evidence seized at the home of robert durst. this is new video of the raid in houston texas yesterday. federal agents and detectives with the lapd carried boxes from the upscale condo highrise. neighbors say durst disappeared from that neighborhood about two weeks ago and reappeared in new orleans where he was arrested on a murder warrant last weekend. real estate heir is charged with killing susan berman in california 15 years ago. durst has long been suspected in the disappearance of his first wife but he was never charged with. that his lawyer called yesterday's raid a publicity stunt. >> police are investigating whether criminal charges could be filed against members of a penn state fraternity. this is over shocking photos found on secret facebook pages. members of kappa delta rho are accused of using the private page to post pictures of nude and partially nude women. in some cases the victims were allegedly asleep or passed out when they were photographed. court documents show a former fraternity brother is the one who tipped off police. the university is now suspended that fraternity for one one year. the national fraternity that that shut down its chapter in oklahoma says it will plan a review. it will unveil a plan to combat racial intolerance. last week a video surfaced showing frat members engaged in a racist chant. the oklahoma chapter hired an attorney to review its case. >> this is brand new a new zealand fisherman was straining to reel in a big catch and soon realized why it put such a fight up. behind the huge fish was a huge shark. which had just bitten off the fishman's first catch and he thought the shark was going to jump right into his boat. the fisherman says this is the first time he's seen a great white shark in this part of the sea. >> let the shark have the fish. >> call earnest hemmingway. >> we told you about this developing story at 6:00 a.m. death threats against u.s. ambassador to japan caroline kennedy. "good morning america" will have a live preview coming up next. david. >> it is a much colder start today than yesterday. so bundle the kids up as we have wind chills in the 20's. this afternoon still chilly. i'll have your day planner forecast coming up next. >> ♪♪ >> time to get a look at what's come on "gma." >> amy robach joining us live from the "gma" studios. good morningism good morning matt and tam. coming up next on "good morning america" developing story. japan is now investigating threats to kill u.s. ambassador caroline kennedy. we'll have all the latest on the targeted calls and the measures now taken to ensure her security. and new this morning u.s. military veteran accused of trying to join isis in syria. the former air force mechanic is set to be arraigned today after attempting to fight alongside the terrorist group. we are live from washington with all of those details. stunning decision by an nfl player to walk away from the league and millions of dollars. we'll have more on why the san francisco 49er star is calling it quits. no longer willing to risk his health for the game. in times square alive with the sound of music. we will have behind the scenes secrets of the iconic film and a live sing along right here in the heart of new york. also we have kevin hart and will ferrell here life. it's going nd a fun vibrant morning here on "good morning america." matt and tam. >> kevin hart and will ferrell its a belly buster. >> yeah. >> not stop laughing. >> got to get a little sillily. >> that and a sing along. it's crazy. it's see what it looks like on the ben franklin bridge this morning because you know, what it's not looking bad. the westbound ben is looking a little lighter than normal and eastbound they haven't yet set up that construction blocking the right lane so you're good to go this morning if you're taking the ben. overview new jersey transit patco septa subway regional rails looking good for that sports express train sixers play tonight at 7:00 that's your overview. take the sports express trains at 6:08 and 6:18 to avoid heavy traffic. >> we have been talking about how cold it is. 34 degrees in philadelphia, 29 in allentown, 31 in wilmington, 30 in millville 31 in trenton. and how much colder it is than where we started yesterday. already we're 13 degrees below yesterday's morning lows. and it looks like this afternoon is also going to wind up somewhere in the 13 to maybe 15-degree category below where we wound up yesterday. maybe even as much as 20 degrees cooler. 32 degrees at 9 o'clock lots of sunshine but it will be on the cold side. 38 by noon. still chilly and then 44 by 3 o'clock and your high today is going to be 45 degrees late in the afternoon. probably not until about 4::this afternoon. still going to be windy and obviously chilly, tam. >> okay, thank you david. another honor is on the way for betty whitely she'll receive a lifetime emmy awards. she has five awards and 20 knee nominations in a career that spans six decades. the daytime awards will premiere on april 26 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ most weekends only last a couple of days. some last a lifetime. hampton. we go together. >> top stories here at 6:55. fire crews have been putting out hot spots all morning at the scene of yesterday's massive apartment fire in northeast philadelphia. the fire had the rita grace manor apartments left 100 people without a place to live. students from wyncote academy in montgomery county return to class today in a new building at nearby gratz college. investigators continue to search for the arsonist who destroyed their school. real estate heir and murder suspect robert durst is under suspicion in yet another criminal investigation. this one has to do with the disappearance of a young woman in eureka, california. >> we've got a new acciden in on 422 westbound past sanatoga. watch for restrictions there. you see that area of yellow, a bit of a slow go. swam jamming up on 95. not a lot of accidents today dave. >> all right, karen as we take a look at where things are going today 32 degrees by 9 o'clock. we are off to a cold start. we'll see plenty of sunshine today, maybe a few high clouds here and there. 38 by noon. a high of 45 late today about 4 o'clock. quite a bit cooler than yesterday. windy but dry. >> allall right, we will hopefully your hump day is off to a good start. >> mine is great. >> we will see you back here in 30 with weather and traffic updates. karen rogers, matt o'donnell dave murphy i'm tamala edwards. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. at clorox 2 we've turned removing stains into a science. now pre-treat with clorox 2! watch stains disappear right before your eyes. remove 4 times more stains than detergent alone. good morning, america. breaking overnight, death threat. caroline kennedy targeted. police investigating a threat to kill the u.s. ambassador to japan. was she being blackmailed? just weeks after the u.s. ambassador in south korea was viciously attacked with a knife, are our diplomats safe overseas. enemy of the state. an air force veteran charged with trying to join isis. the former military contractor and american airlines mechanic accused of supporting the brutal terror group arrested trying to get to syria. jihadi videos discovered on his computer. to the rescue the dramatic moments caught on camera. >> sos, i've got three men in the water here at the dock at patriot's point marina. a water taxi racing to save the men who fell into the water. we hear from the heroes. and brewing backlash. starbucks under fire f

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20150318 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 600 AM 20150318

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blowing. 29 degrees in allentown, 27 in reading, run in wilmington and in trenton and 33 in wildwood. and when you factor in the wind dropping down out of the northwest it feels like it's in the 20's and teens across the region. a wind chill of 27 right now in philadelphia so bun dim. it's a cold test on the way to school this morning, kids. 34 degrees on your storm tracker 6 app right now. by 8:00 we're liable to dip to about 31. by noon back to 38 and we'll spend the afternoon in the 40's. 45 by 3 o'clock. we'll probably get up to, ooh man, about 45, 46 for a high and that will be around for clock this afternoon. karen, we do have the chance of a wintry mix on friday. it's a light march snowfall. just as we get ready for the arrival of spring. i'll have details coming up in that seven-day. >> all right dave. i want to give you the latest with this accident. it's right on the roosevelt boulevard southbound near ridge avenue. we can see a must be of emergency workers. looked like we had more arrive at the scene. this is southbound traffic jammed at this point. you'll hit this if you're heading towards the schuylkill on the boulevard southbound so give yourself some extra time and stay to the left 'cause you've got that right lane blocked through that area. on the big picture we see that accident on the schuylkill, on the boulevard near the schuylkill we're looking about 48 miles an hour, 50 miles an hour. still not bad. we're going to see that slow down soon but it hasn't started just yet and about 46 miles an hour on i-95 southbound near girard. big construction project we have been talking about continues in haverford. that paving project on township line road between 9:00 and 4:00 p.m. so it hasn't started yet but i know everyone especially here in the studio who has been hitting that have been talking about the big delays. watch for that from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. a much needed project to repave that roadway if you're in cherry hill we have route 70 a lane blocked in each direction right now. it's such a busy highway to have a lane blocked in each direction and the problem is the sinkhole. the latest sewer collapse. westbound 70 at cuthbert boulevard and we're still dealing with that large sinkhole on eastbound 70 at springdale. in both cases matt we've got the right lane blocked. >> thanks karen. a fast moving house fire injured three people in mercer county, new jersey overnight. the fire broke out on the unit block of carolyn drive in hopewell township at 1:00 a.m. crews had to rescue one person from the roof. investigators say the fire started in the basement and took crews just over a half hour to et cetera good the fire under control. so far no word o on a cause. happening today students from wyncote academy will return to class in a new building while investigators continue to look for the person who intentionally set fire to the montgomery county school leaving it destroyed. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live outside their temporary home in melrose park. good morning annie. >> reporter: good morning matt and in just a few short hours those students at wyncote academy will finally get back to learning. here on the campus of gratz college. they will be at a temporary site until they can get back up on their feet but they still have a long road to go. matt, take a look at this video. this is video from the fire that did devastate their school. that's a stone building built in 1885 now completely destroyed. now, wyncote academy has been a school since 1973. they have about 65 students enrolled. it's described as a school for students that don't necessarily fit in other school areas. but it's a very successful school. they have a lot of kids that go to college and as you can see there, they have spent the past couple of days making sure that the building here on gratz college's campus is equipped and will be ready for them when they come back to classes today but still heavy on their hearts and on their minds is why somebody may have set fire to their school since right now it is being investigated as a case of arson. >> who would want to hurt kids? who would want to hurt a school? i mean, no. >> reporter: and back out here live you can see that that's a small sign right there but definitely a warm welcome to the students of wyncote academy who are expected to start classes here today at 8:00 a.m. but again still a long road ahead. this is just temporary housing for them. they still have a lot to figure out as for what they're going to do moving forward. reporting live on the campus of gratz college annie mccormick channel6 "action news." matt and tam. >> annie thank you. philadelphia homicide detectives have a new lead in the murder of a man who was walking his dog in overbrook last week. they're looking to for three men in connection with the death of 51-year-old james stuhlman. he was shot on the 6600 block of woodcrest. the potential break comes as stuhlman's friends and family came together to attend his viewing last night in havertown. >> an air force veteran with ties to south jersey is due in court this morning on charges of trying to join isis. tairod pugh is said to be arraigned in brooklyn. the feds say he traveled from egypt to turkey in january in an attempt to cross the border into syria and join isis. they say he converted to us flam 1998 and became increasingly radical in his beliefs. pugh lived in a former boarding home in bridgeton cumberland county as recently as last spring and worked as an aircraft mechanic for a company in millville. a letter center to the white house has tentatively tested positive for cyanide. the letter arrived on monday. officials have taken it to another facility for more testing. the secret service is not saying where the letter came from from. >> studies have shown many people pay more monthly on childcare than mortgages. a study shows how lopsided it can be for parents to do well by their children. maribel aber has the latest. this is pretty shocking. >> reporter: good morning, tam. the study showing parents are sacrificing financial security to help pay for college for their children. 53 percent of parents polled said they would rather tap into their retirement savings than have their kids take out student loans. but that might not actually be the best strategy given that boomers will need to rely more on their own savings than previous generations. that survey was conducted by t row price. blue cross latest healthcare company to be hacked. it was the victim of a cyber attack that may have exposed data of 11 million customers. the hackers may have gained access to claims data including clinical information, bank accounts and social security numbers. about 6 million of the people affected are residents of washington state. the rest are scattered across the u.s. kraft is recalling six and a half million boxes of mac and cheese. the company says some of the mac and cheese may contain bits of metal. the company knows of eight instances of people finding the metal but is not aware of anyone being hurt. the 7.25-ounce boxes were sold in the u.s. puerto rico and caribbean. customers can return the mac and cheese for a full refund. stocks finished lower. right now futures pointing to a higher open. investors will be watching for the fed statement on the economy this afternoon and news of a potential hike in interrates. that's the latest in business news from the nasdaq market site. back to you matt and tam. >> thanks maribel. see you tomorrow. >> let's talk about what you've got to talk about. >> yesterday it was nice. we were mild. got a little chillier. certainly windy in the afternoon and now that cooler air has entrenched itself across the region. nothing showing on storm tracker which is news. as we take a look outside the camera jiggling around a little bit because we have a bit of wind blowing. the wind died down a bit overnight. it will be picking up again after we get a little past sunrise cold. 34 degrees at the airport in philadelphia, just 29 up in allentown now and reading is all the way down to 27. 31 in trenton, 31 in wilmington, 30 millville so a lot of numbers a little below the freezing mark. winds are a factor. still coming down out of the northwest not all that strong, 9 miles per hour in philadelphia right now, 13 in allentown, 12 in wilmington but this is strong enough to give you wind chills making it feel like it's in the 20's this morning. satellite shows you not a lot of cloud cover around and we do expect a mainly sunny afternoon with perhaps a few occasional clouds later in the day. lots of sun overall. still windy and cooler than yesterday. yesterday we got up into the mid 60's across much of the region. 45 degrees is today's high though, with winds northwest at 20 to 30 miles per hour. so still a blustery day out there. and still below freezing in philadelphia at 8 o'clock. i think we'll dip to about 31 then back to 36 by 11 o'clock. if you're running errands or doing optional travel outside later today you might want to wait until the afternoon versus the morning. 43 degrees is your 2 o'clock temperature. you'll hit a high of 45 probably around 4:00 and then we're back to 44 by 5 o'clock. up in allentown, it's going to be a cool day with winds blowing, 39 degrees, a pretty day, though, with a fair a sunshine. down the shore a little bit on the milder side as we will get past that 39 and shoot on up to 44 for a high. lots of sun and windy conditions there. and of course in philadelphia we mentioned that we've got that high of 45 today. tomorrow about 46 degrees, high pressure will ensure sunshine early but then some high clouds will begin to move in during the afternoon from a system down to the south that is going to be the source of some wet snow and rain for the region on friday. now future tracker 6 shows you a dry morning commute on friday. i will tell that you some models over the last 24 hours have actually had precip here in time for the morning commute. but in any event when it does get here it's mainly some wet snow to the north mainly rain to the south and philadelphia at times will mix in between and the whole thing gets out of here in the evening. what are we expecting out of this? i think there will be some wet snow and then eventually changing to some rain in the i-95 core do. all rain down south side and mainly wet snow up north. anywhere from maybe a one to two accumulation, maybe a little bit more in some spots. the thing about this is it's a march snowfall a-late march snowfall and that tends to make roads just wet and accumulate mainly on grassy surfaces and maybe car tops. 45 windy and chilly today. lots of sun. 46 tomorrow, sun giving way to clouds and then friday a wet snow rain event 39 degrees is your high and that precipitation pretty much with us through the day and into the early evening. spring arrives at 6:45 in the evening on friday. the union playing at home shortly after that. and then the system is gone in the first full day of spring looks nice, 55 degrees on saturday. but back to the 40's on sunday. >> eh. [laughter] >> see what happens. thanks, david. 6:11. following several developing stories including the shoppers who may have been caught in the crossfire of gang violence out west. >> late breaking confirmation about an ongoing investigation into death threats against the kennedys. karen. >> looking live on 202 near the schuylkill. northbound traffic moving nicely into king of prussia. we'll have an update on a problem on 95 coming up. >> if you're losing reception on your cell phone, having trouble sending stuff out maybe because of the sun. we'll explain why in tech bites. >> ♪♪ major: here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in. no. not possible. we're the settles! when we go on vacation, it's hard to find, like, those little activities that are kind of fun and educational. i think with williamsburg, you have all of that educational part rolled into the fun. it's already here. this is probably the most fun i've had all summer. >> welcome back. an update on our developing story, the action cam along the 9100 block of academy road in northeast philadelphia taking a look here. i think we can see a continuation of fire hoses there on the scene. firefighters continue to be there putting out hot spots at rita grace plan nor. a massive four alarm inferno whipped up by the winds. about 100 people are out of their homes. the american red cross set up shelter at the abraham lincoln high school. we continue to keep a look on the scene and we'll have resident reaction coming up in our next half hour. >> let's turn to traffic and see what's jamming things up, karen. >> yeah, this is related to that apartment complex fire that you were talking about. because of that we have closures with traffic still at this point this morning. the ramp connecting i-95 northbound and southbound to academy road, those off-ramps had been shut down. they just now reopened so here's a life shot. last time i showed you this we had penndot right here with the arrow boards blocking the ramps. they have stepped aside allowing that traffic to get through on the ramps on i-95 northbound and southbound to academy road. at this point northbound academy road is still blocked so stick to grant at your alternate but we think maybe they'll be opening that as well since they did open the ramps up. we have an accident in lower moreland township heaton road near republic road. in gloucester township camden county county house road we've been talking a lot about the huge potholes they've decided there are just so massive and so many they're doing a milling and paving project so you'll see portions of county house road being blocked at this point and that's due to the milling and paving. it starts today and that's right around the lakeland complex so if you're used to that area in gloucester township you're going to have some delays but it's for a good cause but the trouble is officials there in camden county say this is just the start of many emergency projects. we know that as we have been look out and seeing the roads out there. we have other issues out here. road closed orvilla road between clymer and independence way. your alternate is line lexington road because of so much structural damage the a bridge in area still causing a problem there. in new jersey 42 northbound traffic at creek road still moving okay. we're not seeing big delays. we have a few accidents on 42 yesterday and this morning's commute there is looking better but it will surely go downhill later and i'll be tweeterring it out to you with the #6abc traffic so get latest there. 34 degrees right now in philadelphia, temperatures lot cooler than they were yesterday morning and this afternoon's high only 45, tam. >> okay, thank you karen. developing this morning three people are dead and at least four others hurt after a shooting in california. the gunfire rang out just before 9 o'clock last night outside of a market in stockton. police say it appears to have been a drive by shooting in an area known for gang activity. so far no arrests have been made. now onto a story that's developing overseas. police in tokyo japan investigating death threats against u.s. ambassador caroline kennedy. officials day confirm that someone speaking english made the call last month. police suspect this could be a blackmail attempt. there's extra concern for u.s. officials abroad at this moment since an anti-american activist stabbed the south korea ambassador earlier in the month. >> the sun can scramble your smartphones today. that tops abcs tech bites. >> ♪♪ >> in today's tech bites if your gps is acting up you can now blame the sun. >> a severe geo magnetic storm disrupting satellite communication and power grids. >> no radiation danger. many pictures on social media say it capped off saint patrick's day with a green aurora. >> nintendo proves you should never say never. >> the company has announced for the first time it will develop a line of games for smartphones and tablets. no word yet on which characters will be featured but many are hoping to see super mario and zelda. >> facebook getting into on line payments. you'll be able to send money to your friends using the messenger app. >> facebook will roll out the feature over the next few months and there won't be any fees associated with it and lets us wonder if purchases will be the next thing. >> i think the next thing is you push your finger on and purchase it. >> those are your tech bites. >> 6:18. a consumer alert trader joe's pull as product due to that possible contamination. >> a water taxi captain hailed as a hero for a rescue that you'll see next. >> ♪♪ -producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. the leading allergy pill only controls one, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 allergy pill. so go ahead , inhale life. new flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. [bell rings] you're not mr. craig. yeah, i'm confused where's mr. craig? well, i'm sorta mr. craig. we're both between 35 and 45 years old. we both like to save money on car insurance. and we're both really good at teaching people a lesson. um, let's go. cool. sit down! alright. sorta you, isn't you. only esurance has coveragemyway. it helps make sure you only pay for what's right for you not someone sorta like you. i think i blacked out from fear... did we ask him where mr. craig was? we did. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. >> a dramatic water rescue caught on camera in south carolina. a man fell off a sailboat into the charleston harbor after having a seizure. passengers came to his rescue pulling him out of the water. the man was unconscious but soon came to. and he's expected to be okay. >> scary scene there. let's check traffic for you this morning as you're headed out. we've had a few issues out there. we have a new one coming in in north philadelphia a new fire location, girard avenue between 27 and 28th. trite to avoid the area and stick to popular street as your alternate. not that far off we have that accident we have been talking about on the boulevard as we look live we're still seeing emergency crews there off to the right. that's southbound traffic as you head towards the schuylkill. this accident off to the right on the boulevard southbound near ridge and you got to watch for that, it's causing a bit of a slow go there. dave we're watching that camera shake a little, too. >> we sure r it's windy and chilly. if you're dressing the kids look for wind chills in the 20's and give them that extra gear. this afternoon we get into the 40's but it's still windy and cool as you're headed to the bus stop this morning have a chance of still being down around the freezing mark under the sun in philadelphia by 9 o'clock but by noon 38, 44 by 3 o'clock and your high today is going to be 45. we'll probably hit that late in the afternoon around 4 o'clock. fair amount of sunshine, a few high clouds building in but windy and on the cool side. and at the airport so far so good this morning as we've been looking at all green aircraft. no major delays and no hint of rain in any of our most commonly traveled destinations. matt and tam. >> thank you david. trader joe's recalling raw wall nuts out of their stores nationwide. there are fears they may have been possibly contaminated with salmonella. salmonella can cause serious illness and sometimes fatal infections in young children the elderly and others with a weakened immune system. no illnesses related to the wall nuts have been report. >> villanova wildcats in pit burg for round one of march madness where they face the lafayette leopards. they got a sendoff yesterday as they departed their main line campus for pittsburgh. the team is riding on a 15 game winning streak. they're only six wins away from their first championship title since 1985. lafayette and villanova tip off tomorrow at 6:50 p.m. >> looking forward to seeing the game. up next how one man's local decision to stay up late might have saved his life. >> we'll get a live report on how a school is sending some students to another place while they prepare for their building to be bull dozed. >> ♪♪ did ya know? fresh step extreme lightweight litter isn't just light. it's also the best lightweight for eliminating odors. amazing, right? for superior odor elimination try fresh step extreme... lighweight. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't 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township on sunday. the officers had found scott passed out in his car. scott once served as a couldn't stab bell and ran for mayor of reading. the 57-year-old is charged with assault harassment and dui. >> a bucks county elementary school will be shut down at the end of the school year. neshaminy school board members voted to close samuel everett of middletown. the board wants to shutter three elementary schools and build a new larger one. but not everybody was happy with this call. some residents threatened to out of the board members at the next opportunity. a delaware county man's decision to stay up late may have saved his life. raymond king of ridley township says he was watching television downstairs last night when those winds started to really kick up. a 40-year-old tree on his property came crashing down onto his roth on his bedroom where normally he would have been sleep. >> we're updating to fire investigations next. >> new jersey natives react to someone who once lived on their block might have been trying to join isis. that's coming up on "action news" >> ♪♪ >> developing right now on "action news" the action cam is live where crews continue to put out hot spots at an apartment building that has burned for hours. >> happening today, class is back in session at a new location for students whose school was destroyed by an arsonist. >> robert durst case deepens. investigators raid his houston home as the heir is linked to another unsolved crime. >> good morning. it's 6:30. david and karen are here with weather and traffic. feeling like winter out there is it sure s we talked about this yesterday. it was mild yesterday afternoon but now the cold air returned. satellite shows you how there's not a lot of cloud cover around so we are going to get off to a bright start as that sun gets up over the horizon over the next half hour or so and probably stays fairly bright today but it's also a lot colder. 34 degrees in philadelphia currently, 31 in wilmington, 29 degrees in allentown and 30 in millville and of course with a bit of a breeze blowing down out of the northwest it feels like it's 27 in the city and in the teens in some areas to the north and west of the city. and as we roll through the day, 34 right now on the storm tracker 6 app. we have a chance of being down to about 31 by 8 o'clock and then back to 38 by noon so in the 30's for the morning but this afternoon by 3 o'clock we're back to 44 and we get a high of 45 at 4 o'clock. it's going to be windy and chilly today but at least bright. karen, we've got a wintry mix possible for the last partial day of winter on friday. that detail is coming up. >> i am so done with winter, david. >> i know. >> see what you can do to improve that forecast. let's hit the roads right now. looking live on the roosevelt boulevard. this is your southbound traffic. look how heavy we are southbound on the boulevard jammed from fox street to the schuylkill. this is because of that accident we've been talking about for the past hour. it was right here. it has since cleared. all lanes back opened but it will take awhile for this delay to ease. expect a slower go on the boulevard southbound. we have this fire location watch for that in north philadelphia, girard near 27th causing some issues there and we're starting to see slowed speeds on your major. 21 miles an hour on the schuylkill expressway, westbound near belmont about 36 eastbound as you come around the curve and 20 miles an hour i-95 southbound near cottman -- or near girard about 15 near cottman right now. in northeast philadelphia we have this fire location that's been causing problems here. academy road still closed and that's between holme avenue and i'm 95. this is that big apartment complex fire we have been talking about from yesterday. but here's the good news. the ramps to i've 95 northbound and southbound to academy have reopened. that was affecting traffic on i-95. it's looking better there. not helping the speeds any of about 14 miles an hour. i just talked to police in cherry hill new jersey. i have an they're off to the side. we have to see if they block it again as volume builds but eastbound at 70 springdale right lane blocked because of a big sinkhole there matt. >> thank you karen. a mastiff four alarm inferno tour through a north philadelphia apartment and firefighters still remain on the scene. crews continue to put out hot spots at rita gays manor. high winds fanned fierce flames that came from the basement of the building and spread up to the roof. about 100 people are homeless. firefighters had to rescue some tenants. no one was seriously hurt. >> this is devastating. i mean, me mine kids are out my family is out that's a blessing but your home is like part of your life. i don't know what i'm going to do. >> the red cross has set up a shelter at lincoln high school for those who need a place to stay. >> today teachers and students will show it takes a lot to keep them from learning even after an arsonist has completely turned their lives upside down. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live in melrose park with more on their persistence and the investigation into that arson. good morning annie. >> reporter: good morning tam and that devastation is not keeping the children of wyncote academy from learning. you can take a look at that sign over there. that seems small but it's a big welcome from gratz college where they're going the offer a building here for those students until they're able to get up on their feet. well take a look at this video. this is video of wyncote academy, a building that was built in 1885 of stone, now destroyed. now, the school came together in 1973. right now they have about 65 students. they describe their students as students who struggled elsewhere in other schools but then came to wyncote academy to thrive and even go on to college. this week ever since gratz can college offered a space for them volunteers and members of the school have been working hard to equip the rooms so that students can come back. the head of the school, we spoke to yesterday sheds this this -- she had this to say. >> people from new jersey are calling and saying we can do that. someone walked in with microwaves refrigerators. it is kind of amazing. people have heard about us and have come in they went shopping and bought us school supplies. >> reporter: and school will start here at 8:00 a.m. this morning. as for the investigation just a short stretch down the road from here where wyncote academy actually is, that is still under investigation. in fact, we are told that bulldozers are expected to be out there, the fire marshal too. right now they're still treating it as suspicious. hopefully though the wyncote academy will find a permanent place or they'll be able to rebuild in the few. for now reporting live on the campus of gratz college annie mccormick channel6 "action news." >> thanks annie. it is 6:35. happening today a south jersey man is expected in court on charges related to his daughter's death. police say javon thomas was high on marijuana when he neglected to feed or care for his nine month old today. officers removed bags of evidence from the trenton man's apartment last night. thomas' daughter died on monday. >> and developing this morning israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has eked out a surprise victory in the country's elect. his ruling likud party earned 30 out of parliaments 120 seats. opposition leadser isaac herzog conceded defeat and offered netanyahu his congratulations. exit polls showed a tight race but herzog won just 24 seats. netanyahu is now expected to have a relatively easy time putting together a coalition government with right wing and religious allies. air force veteran with ties to new jersey set to be arraigned in brook lynch the feds say he traveled from egypt to turkey back in january in an attempt to cross the border into syria and join isis. they say he converted to islam in 1998 and became increasingly radical in his beliefs. former neighbors though say they're shocked by the news of the allegations. >> here i am living next door to someone of that nature. it just totally floored me. >> i wouldn't call him a strict muslim because he would sit and have wine with us out on the porch and, you know, he -- like i said, just seemed like a nice guy. >> pugh lived in a former boarding home in bridgeton as recently as last spring and worked as an aircraft mechanic for a company in millville. "good morning america" is going to continue coverage of the isis arrest and election results in israel coming up next after "action news." >> an nfl player with local ties has fabulous news about his daughter's battle with cancer. this is four-year-old leah still flexing with her dad devon state. the cincinnati bengal and penn state grad posted this picture to announce lea's latest round of tests slow no disease in her body. the story of her fight against stage four cancer and #lea strong went all over the internet next year. still says more tests have to be done to declare lea officially cancer free but doctors are very optimistic. >> you look forward to all the things she's going to go through, prom, graduation, him dancing with her with her wedding. >> great story to follow. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows us we're dry this morning. taking a look outside we have a bit of a breeze blowing through the region. every now and then sky 6 bounces around a bilk see the sunshine is coming up nice and bright off the coast of atlantic city. it will be a bright one just cooler than yesterday. 31 degrees in philadelphia, winds west-northwest at 9 miles per hour. stronger that than in some spots. once the sun lifts off the horizon we'll see those winds build back in similar to what we saw yesterday. lots of sunshine though with just a few clouds at times as we roll through the day accuweather says we start out in the 30's. 31 degrees by 8 o'clock and 36 by 11 o'clock and we wind up in the 40's today. 43 by 2 o'clock. your high of 45 is late in the afternoon probably around 4 o'clock and it will be windy albeit private only 39 in allentown and 40 in reading. 43 is your high in trenton 43 down on the point of cape may. tomorrow high pressure will bring us some early sunshine, a high of 46 degrees. but in the afternoon these clouds to the south and west will begin the ride in and we're keeping our eyes on an area of low pressure down south that will be moving in our direction and by friday this will bring us a wet snow-rain mix. future tracker 6 right now is showing that the morning commute is dry. i will point out however that some models over the last 24 hours have actually had some of this moving in in time for the morning rush. either way we're going to get rain to the south, wet snow to the north and i think we're going to see some mixing in between and then this whole thing gets on out of here by about 9 o'clock. in terms of what we're expecting, the farther south you go through the region it's all rain but there is a chance of some wet snow for at least a time before changing over to rain in the i-95 corridor and the farther you are up into the northern suburbs the better chance you have of just seeing wet snow out of this. small accumulations maybe one to three is what it's looking like right now. we'll hone in on that a little more over the next couple days. this is a late march snow and those snows typically have difficulty coating or accumulating on road surfaces so this is probably mainly accumulations on grassy surfaces on car rooftops and hoods. your exclusive accuweather 7-day, windy and chilly, 45 degrees is your forecast high today. lots of sunshine and then thursday sun giving way to clouds 46 degrees is the high there. on friday, we have that wet snow arriving changing over to rain. a high of 39 degrees. springtime arrives at 6:45 in the evening but it won't feel like it then and if you're headed to the union at night you probably want to bundle up and keep your eyes on radar in case we're still looking at some of that precipitation for the beginning of the match. on saturday turning milder, a high of 55 degrees. that's going to be a nice first full day of spring. but then on sunday, and this is pretty typical for the early days of spring we do get another surge of cool air and it's sunny but brisk on sunday, a high back down into the low 40's. >> all right. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> okay with that? >> i'll accept it. it's 6:40. we continue to follow a developing story. murder charges may not be the only trouble awaiting robert durst when he returns to california. >> and a fisherman tugging and tugging and realize z well i didn't catch a fish. a caught something else. karen. >> wow. let's look live here on the schuylkill because this is a mess. no accident. this is just what it looks like on the schuylkill. westbound traffic starting to jam up from the boulevard to belmont. looking live at city avenue. word of a new accident just coming in right now. i'll have all the latest details when "action news" comes right back. >> ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone. look at this. >> ooh. >> so we're still lighting up with green or saint patrick's day and the sun is coming up over the horizon. not officially yet and it's shining off the buildings in center city philadelphia. >> i think that color is called belgian blue. look at that, that's beautiful. >> you are the one that had the 82 pack of crayons when you were a kid and you knew every single one. >> every one of them. let's go over to karen rogers. >> sometimes i'm with you but belgian blue. i didn't know that. thank you, tam. we've got problems here on the roadways and this is eastbound pennsylvania turnpike, a new accident just coming in approaching valley forge so watch for a slow go. it's restricting traffic in that area. eastbound pennsylvania turnpike this is the latest accident just coming in. meanwhile not that far off we've got a problem right here plymouth township montgomery county. plim in this among road closed. this is that large sinkhole causing a problem between the blue route and butler pike. use germantown pike as an alternate. we're not sure when they're going the clear it. tracks heavy delays on germantown pike with everyone trying to avoid plymouth road. 422 eastbound traffic right here and you're generally jammed approaching 29 to 23. it's a 12 minute ride from oaks to 202. about a five minute delay and growing. so not really an extra delay just your normal morning volume. this is wait looks like on 42, northbound traffic at creek road getting busy approach twog 95. not totally jammed just yet but certainly slowing down in new jersey on route 42. don't forget get all latest traffic with #6abc traffic when you go to twitter i'll be keeping you posted there. 34 degrees right now in philadelphia it's just 29 now in allentown. 27 in reading. it's cold out there. 31 in trenton. only 30 degrees in millville and in fact temperatures today good 13, 16 degrees cooler than they were yesterday. this afternoon -- yesterday we had a high of 65. this afternoon's high only 45. big change matt and tam. >> indeed. thanks karen. developing overnight, the fbi sifting through evidence seized at the home of robert durst. this is new video of the raid in houston texas yesterday. federal agents and detectives with the lapd carried boxes from the upscale condo highrise. neighbors say durst disappeared from that neighborhood about two weeks ago and reappeared in new orleans where he was arrested on a murder warrant last weekend. real estate heir is charged with killing susan berman in california 15 years ago. durst has long been suspected in the disappearance of his first wife but he was never charged with. that his lawyer called yesterday's raid a publicity stunt. >> police are investigating whether criminal charges could be filed against members of a penn state fraternity. this is over shocking photos found on secret facebook pages. members of kappa delta rho are accused of using the private page to post pictures of nude and partially nude women. in some cases the victims were allegedly asleep or passed out when they were photographed. court documents show a former fraternity brother is the one who tipped off police. the university is now suspended that fraternity for one one year. the national fraternity that that shut down its chapter in oklahoma says it will plan a review. it will unveil a plan to combat racial intolerance. last week a video surfaced showing frat members engaged in a racist chant. the oklahoma chapter hired an attorney to review its case. >> this is brand new a new zealand fisherman was straining to reel in a big catch and soon realized why it put such a fight up. behind the huge fish was a huge shark. which had just bitten off the fishman's first catch and he thought the shark was going to jump right into his boat. the fisherman says this is the first time he's seen a great white shark in this part of the sea. >> let the shark have the fish. >> call earnest hemmingway. >> we told you about this developing story at 6:00 a.m. death threats against u.s. ambassador to japan caroline kennedy. "good morning america" will have a live preview coming up next. david. >> it is a much colder start today than yesterday. so bundle the kids up as we have wind chills in the 20's. this afternoon still chilly. i'll have your day planner forecast coming up next. >> ♪♪ >> time to get a look at what's come on "gma." >> amy robach joining us live from the "gma" studios. good morningism good morning matt and tam. coming up next on "good morning america" developing story. japan is now investigating threats to kill u.s. ambassador caroline kennedy. we'll have all the latest on the targeted calls and the measures now taken to ensure her security. and new this morning u.s. military veteran accused of trying to join isis in syria. the former air force mechanic is set to be arraigned today after attempting to fight alongside the terrorist group. we are live from washington with all of those details. stunning decision by an nfl player to walk away from the league and millions of dollars. we'll have more on why the san francisco 49er star is calling it quits. no longer willing to risk his health for the game. in times square alive with the sound of music. we will have behind the scenes secrets of the iconic film and a live sing along right here in the heart of new york. also we have kevin hart and will ferrell here life. it's going nd a fun vibrant morning here on "good morning america." matt and tam. >> kevin hart and will ferrell its a belly buster. >> yeah. >> not stop laughing. >> got to get a little sillily. >> that and a sing along. it's crazy. it's see what it looks like on the ben franklin bridge this morning because you know, what it's not looking bad. the westbound ben is looking a little lighter than normal and eastbound they haven't yet set up that construction blocking the right lane so you're good to go this morning if you're taking the ben. overview new jersey transit patco septa subway regional rails looking good for that sports express train sixers play tonight at 7:00 that's your overview. take the sports express trains at 6:08 and 6:18 to avoid heavy traffic. >> we have been talking about how cold it is. 34 degrees in philadelphia, 29 in allentown, 31 in wilmington, 30 in millville 31 in trenton. and how much colder it is than where we started yesterday. already we're 13 degrees below yesterday's morning lows. and it looks like this afternoon is also going to wind up somewhere in the 13 to maybe 15-degree category below where we wound up yesterday. maybe even as much as 20 degrees cooler. 32 degrees at 9 o'clock lots of sunshine but it will be on the cold side. 38 by noon. still chilly and then 44 by 3 o'clock and your high today is going to be 45 degrees late in the afternoon. probably not until about 4::this afternoon. still going to be windy and obviously chilly, tam. >> okay, thank you david. another honor is on the way for betty whitely she'll receive a lifetime emmy awards. she has five awards and 20 knee nominations in a career that spans six decades. the daytime awards will premiere on april 26 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ most weekends only last a couple of days. some last a lifetime. hampton. we go together. >> top stories here at 6:55. fire crews have been putting out hot spots all morning at the scene of yesterday's massive apartment fire in northeast philadelphia. the fire had the rita grace manor apartments left 100 people without a place to live. students from wyncote academy in montgomery county return to class today in a new building at nearby gratz college. investigators continue to search for the arsonist who destroyed their school. real estate heir and murder suspect robert durst is under suspicion in yet another criminal investigation. this one has to do with the disappearance of a young woman in eureka, california. >> we've got a new acciden in on 422 westbound past sanatoga. watch for restrictions there. you see that area of yellow, a bit of a slow go. swam jamming up on 95. not a lot of accidents today dave. >> all right, karen as we take a look at where things are going today 32 degrees by 9 o'clock. we are off to a cold start. we'll see plenty of sunshine today, maybe a few high clouds here and there. 38 by noon. a high of 45 late today about 4 o'clock. quite a bit cooler than yesterday. windy but dry. >> allall right, we will hopefully your hump day is off to a good start. >> mine is great. >> we will see you back here in 30 with weather and traffic updates. karen rogers, matt o'donnell dave murphy i'm tamala edwards. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. at clorox 2 we've turned removing stains into a science. now pre-treat with clorox 2! watch stains disappear right before your eyes. remove 4 times more stains than detergent alone. good morning, america. breaking overnight, death threat. caroline kennedy targeted. police investigating a threat to kill the u.s. ambassador to japan. was she being blackmailed? just weeks after the u.s. ambassador in south korea was viciously attacked with a knife, are our diplomats safe overseas. enemy of the state. an air force veteran charged with trying to join isis. the former military contractor and american airlines mechanic accused of supporting the brutal terror group arrested trying to get to syria. jihadi videos discovered on his computer. to the rescue the dramatic moments caught on camera. >> sos, i've got three men in the water here at the dock at patriot's point marina. a water taxi racing to save the men who fell into the water. we hear from the heroes. and brewing backlash. starbucks under fire f

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