Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 530 AM 20161004 : compar

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 530 AM 20161004

karen i'll have details on that coming up from accuweather. >> all right dave. more immediately we have been talking about the fog affecting our area. we see a little bit of it here especially in new jersey. 42 northbound at creek road moving just fine. just some he reduced visibility. ahead the ramp from 42 northbound to 295 has reopened. the construction crews have left the scene. and we can see also the ramp from the schuylkill eastbound to the vine street expressway is eastbound has reopened as well so that construction has cleared. crews will return again tonight shut the vine down at 11 o'clock. couple of accidents in the area. one here in west pottsgrove township. this is new on burke street at howard street. another accident on the northeast extension southbound. we're hearing a tractor-trailer sideswiped a pickup truck and kept on driving so it's a hit-and-run accident here. it is on the shoulder but on the northeast extension southbound past lehigh valley. also construction crews here have cleared the ramp from 22 eastbound to the northeast extension so that ramp is moving a lot better so some good news with construction clearing but a few accidents in the area matt and tam. >> thanks karen. a tense standoff between a barricaded man and police at the jersey shore led to this violent exchange of gunfire. [gunfire] police received a report last night that a man was holding a relative hostage in a home at berkeley avenue and dorsett drive in ventnor. a s.w.a.t. team arrived. one person was injured during the exchange of gunfire. we'll here from enables in the next half hour. >> the bridgegate truely he resumes in new jersey. the defense is expected to cross-examine a star witness for the prosecution. david wildstein was once an ally of governor chris christie. wildstein claims christie knew about the scheme to shut down lanes of the george washington bridge in 2013. christie has not been charged. former christie aides bill baroni and bridget kell are on trial for plotting the closures with with wildstein as political pay back when the mayor of fort lee was not reendorsing christie's successful bid. the judge will allow cosby's lawyers to review the deposition afterward be sure that andriy he ya' constand did not violate a confidentiality agreement. constand is suing bruce castor over his comments that she changed her story about her 2004 encounter with cosby. cosby a awaiting trial in june over charges he sexually assaulted constand at his home in montgomery county. >> pope francis made a surprise trip this morning to the site of the devastating august earthquake in central italy. new pictures show the pope amatrice. the vatican says he's visiting the hardest hit area of the town which he remains closed due to security concerns. francis had told reporters he planned to visit but did not say when. the pope explained he wandered to go home to be close to the people. happening today, hillary clinton campaigns in delaware county. the democratic nominee will talk with families at the haverford community recreation and environmental center at noon. her daughter chelsea will join her along with actress elizabeth banks. the candidate also had some star power with her as she rallied pennsylvania voters yesterday. actor ted dan son stumped for clinton at wind lam hall in west chester. >> tonight it's all about the running mates. if you don't know them and polls show many americans do not now is your chance. tim kaine and mike pence square off in the only vice presidential debate. abc's maggie rulli is at long wood university in virginia where the show down is going to take place. >> reporter: good morning matt and tam. the anticipation here at long wood university is building as we're waiting outside the secret service is completing their security sweep inside getting ready for tonight when the vice presidential candidates will take center stage for the first and only time and they'll have the nation's political attention all to themselves. tonight will be their biggest moment of the campaign so far. the vice presidential debate pitts tim kaine up against donald trump's number two, republican indiana governor and former 12 year congressman mike pence. >> we have two seasoned politicians who know how to -- how to talk in rough terrain and respond to difficult questions. >> reporter: kaine a former harvard trained trial lawyer has been an intense debate preps. pence a former radio talk show host has been preparing for this debate in overdrive making sure he avoids the criticism of being unprepared that dogged trump after his first debate. both will have there are jobs cutter out for them. kaine building up clinton in a state that she needs to win while clinton spent the day in ohio bashing trump's taxes and rallying the state good toledo is the kind of place where people work hard, look after one another and, yes, pay their taxes, right. >> reporter: meanwhile for pence. >> pence has a lot of defense to basically steer away from some of the things trump said. >> reporter: tonight that means addressing trump's tax controversy. >> the unfairness of the tax laws unbelievability -- unbelievable. it's something i've talked about for a long time despite being a very big beneficiary i must admit a washington post poll found 40 percent of americans cannot name either party's vp candidates. they'll have their work cut out for them tonight n farmville virginia maggie rulli. matt and tam. >> you can watch the debate here on 6abc. live abc news coverage will start tonight at 9:00. >> 5:36. developing hurricane matthew is bearing down on haiti generatorring life-threatening winds and pouring as much as 40-inches of rain in isolated spots. the outer bands of the category four storm have already caused street flooding and forced evacuations. many people in poor villages will not leave because they're afraid of looters. matthew has also brought heavy rain to jamaica. the storm has cuba in its sights next and florida is already under a state of emergency. >> and a lot of people david are wondering eventually will we see a lot of rain around here. >> it all depends on the track and it's too soon to say but if it were to happen it looks like sunday and maybe into monday morning, saturday night, sunday, monday morning. track and timing still a little bit uncertain. storm tracker6 live double scan shows now rain right now. we have a tranquil morning way grassy water on the delaware river as we look at the battleship new jersey. that's because there isn't much wind out there. it's a few degrees cooler than yesterday. we're at 61 degrees and your dewpoint at 58 not all that humid. winds light at 6 miles per hour. some of you might encounter little patchy fog out there this morning but it doesn't look as bad as yesterday so far. future tracker6 shows we'll start out with sunshine but by plan to i think we're clouding up in most neighborhoods and there might be some drizzle and a little spot he tea sprinkle or shower particularly south side and east of philadelphia. and then by 6 o'clock, we may return some sunshine later in the afternoon early evening. and later at night i expect to cloud up a little bit at least temporarily and by tomorrow morning there could be some more fog. temperatures today a little cooler but not bad. 60 degrees by 8 o'clock. 67 by 10 o'clock. 69 degrees for your lunch hour and then 71 is your high at about 3 o'clock so numbers really not moving too far this afternoon. by 5 o'clock we're probably back down to 69 degrees and again we'll call it mostly cloudy with some sunny breaks overall today. cover a little bit more sun to start out. 71 degrees is your lie -- high in philadelphia. similar numbers in lancaster. 70 in millville a little cooler, 66 this afternoon in cape may. hurricane matthew is doing exactly what we expected it to do. it's a category four major hurricane really battering this morning the country of haiti which is still recovering from that earthquake back in 2010 and previous flooding from previous hurricanes as well. it looks like the storm still clips the eastern edge of cuba. it is still a category four as it comes up through the turks and caicos and the southern bahamas as we head in through the day on wednesday. and then finally becomes a category three in the northern bahamas and friday overnight into saturday morning it's very close to the coast of florida becoming a category two. actually stale three and, still a three and then a two as it comes up by georgia. latest projections sunday overnight has the storm coming off the coast of north carolina and the question is where it goes from there. it does look on the spaghetti plot models these tracks are a little closer to the coast than they were yesterday. most of them nearby. some far enough by sea where they would have less of an impact. some inland which would be better over all. what's very likely is that we'll see rough surf and dangerous rip currents probably on saturday sunday and maybe monday as well. what's still unknown is that exact track when it gets off the coast of the carolinas and the exact timing but we're thinking saturday night sunday and maybe monday would be the impactful days if the storm is close enough to us. 71 today, mostly cloudy, a little drizzle. partly sunny and nice on wednesday. thursday, friday, also looking nice in the mid 70's and then okay on saturday morning but clouds should increase either way no matter what the track of the storm is and if the track of matthew is close enough late in the day or at night saturday we could see some rain and then sunday would be a rain day if the storm is close enough probably pretty windy, too. and then on monday accuweather feels like the storm may be gone by them. i'm kind of hedging my bets because we just don't know how fast on the thing is going to be. hopefully we clear out by monday but we'll see. >> thank you david. coming up on "action news" a police recruit is behind bars after authorities say he tried to come up with an interesting scheme to cleat on his physical exam. >> firefighters evacuate several buildings in colorado as a wildfire rages on. karen. >> we're in bridesburg. clear and dry on torresdale avenue at harbison avenue. no, with fog in this spot. we'll take you live to conshohocken and check on a couple of accidents in the area when "action news" comes right back. >> ♪ approve this message. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she's a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can't say that either. >> ♪ >> 5:43. commodore barry bridge all lit up. traffic going across right now and the delaware river reflecting some of those lights as it is nice and tranquil this morning. >> let's head over to karen rogers see what that commute is looking like today. early hour things pretty decent now. >> in some spots. yeah we've got some fog as you're headed out this morning and checking the suburbs we'll start with that and take a live look here in conshohocken. this is the blue route past the schuylkill. no problems between villanova and plymouth meeting. looking pretty good at this hour on the blue route. you see just a touch of the fog in this area. it's not actually as widespread as it was yesterday and we're looking at it in a couple of spots. we can see mostly in between the reporting sites but 4-mile visibility in reading, 4-mile in atlantic city and millville. so a little bit more pronounced as you can see in burlington and camden counties part of ocean county right now so just look for that. also checking some of your other areas right now. we've got this problem on the northeast extension southbound and this is past lehigh valley. we've got a hit-and-run accident where a tractor-trailer we're hearing just sideswiped a pickup truck and then left so watching for that. the accident itself the scene on the shoulder so not seeing very slow speeds. we had an accident here in west pottsgrove township berk street at howard street moving better. an accident in upper dublin moving better on welsh road at terrace drive. just coming in i-95 southbound at broad street we have an accident coming in now but it's off to the side right there. let's take a look at your temperatures right now this morning. it's a little cool out there. 51 in allentown, ask 91 philadelphia, 56 degrees in millville. not quite as mild as it was yesterday. high of just 71, tam. >> thank you karen. strong gusty winds are making it hard for firefighters to get a handle on a wildfire in southern colorado. the fire started yesterday afternoon and it's already destroyed seven structures and burned four square miles in the town of beulah. more than 1200 residents have been evacuated and more residents have been told to be ready to leave if necessary. >> the victim in one of several pharmacy robberies in pennsylvania and delaware is speaking out for the first time. the owner of the springfield pharmacy in delaware county described how she felt during the incident that unfolded in this surveillance video you're about to see. she asked that he we keep her identity a secret. >> i work so hard four and a half years of my life. the store is like my baby. >> two armed men walked into the store a few week ago demanding prescription drugs and money. they got away with $1,300 in cash and $50,000 worth of drugs. the fbi believes the robbery is linked to two other similar robberies one in upper darby and the other in claymont delaware. video released out of greensboro north carolina has city leaders calling on the district attorney to reconsider charges against two police officers. the incident back in june startd when police were called for someone breaking into a home. when they arrived the man explained he was locked out of his mother's house. the video shows an exchange and then the officers on top of him. police say the video needs to be put into context. officers later discovered he had two warrants out for his arrest. the prosecutor is refusing calls to re-examine the case. >> new on "action news" an out of shape police recruit is accused of paying a friend to help him pass the physical exam. justin pane took a written exam to become an officer with the city of buffalo earlier this year but police say pane had another man take the physical test. that man may have been fit but he wasn't too bright. he accidentally wrote his own name instead of pane's on one of the forms. fingerprints taken at both the physical and the written test locations then confirmed the police department's suspicions. >> the position of police officer is a huge trust position for the community and when you have somebody from the very beginning stages attempting to defraud that trust, it's not a good sign. >> spain now charged with criminal impersonation. >> really didn't pull it off very well did he. >> he did not take the right person to take that test. >> a man uses spare change to pimp out his truck. >> a a high school player scores an incredible special touchdown. david. >> a lot of neighborhoods in the unare 50's some low 60's. not much wind though. this afternoon probably mild enough for shorts and t's own though we are probably going see mostly cloudy skies for a good portion of the afternoon. we'll be back with your 12-hour forecast let you know right where those temperatures are going. >> ♪ this is getting creepy! (sfx: loud thunder clap) grrrr, did you say creepy? creepy cash? the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of 50 grand. that's a monster of a prize. keep on scratchin' i think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! get the hell out of here! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. priorities usa action is responsible z24knz z5yz y24kny y5yy we dance on the salsa team together, and it's like a lot of power in what we wear. when we're practicing if i don't feel good in what i'm wearing i don't look good. t.j.maxx has that variety. i can get a lot for my money. it's like "yay t.j.maxx!" if you're feeling it, just go for it, don't wait. maxx life at t.j.maxx. >> the beth is cleared on saturday to celebrate a touchdown even though there was no chance at a win. it was a special score because the player with the ball is blind. >> that is awesome. that is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome. oh, man. >> awesome indeed. pierson is a senior at pottstown high school. he entered the game for the tree -- >> there is an extra ordinary accomplishment. right. i'm glad they were able to show that to everybody. let's take a look outside right now and check the roads. we've got a new accident in south philadelphia. the one i told you about a second ago on i-95 southbound at broad street. i know the camera is shaky. it's off to the side but a little slow in this area as you head towards the airport. also haverford community recreation center today hillary clinton campaign event. it's at noon. doors open at 10:00 but you'll see lots of restrictions and congestion today, dave. >> all right, karen. on the big board we have that 12-hour forecast for you, 60 degrees by 8 o'clock, 67 by 10:00. a little more sunshine early. then it might be more of a mostly cloudy late morning and afternoon. 69 degrees by noon. and we're going for a high of 71 degrees at 3 o'clock. not quite as warm as yesterday but with light winds still fairly comfortable this afternoon. there's a slight chance of a little patchy sprinkle or shower especially in new jersey and delaware but most of the day appears dry. by the way it looks like it's going to be a dry starter to the weekend on saturday morning and i wanted to remind you i'm going to be the co-claire or honorary chair of the walk to snap out parkinson's. this takes place at mlk drive right next to the art museum on saturday morning. if you get there by 8 o'clock you'll be there in time for the prewalk festivities and the walk itself. if you can't be there you can go to my facebook page where i've got links to a walk to stamp out parkinson's where you can make a donation or go to their facebook page and do the same thing. matt. >> if you're word about the weather go to to check out the hourly forecast. a spinout led to a near-miss in texas. the driver of that mustang game dangerously close to hitting crowds at a car rally in houston on saturday. spectator is the one who captured the out of control car splash into the curb. no one was hurt. a north carolina man found a way to use up all that loose change collecting in his car. larry hall's suv is covered with pennies. attorney 51,000 of them. hall placed them one by one using silicone and fiberglass glue. he says he spent up to seven hours per day for seven weeks. the coins have so much weight hall can barely open the hood of his car but he's happy with the change. >> ooh. >> i like the last line. the last line was really good. >> what was that? it makes cents. >> i like that he likes the change. >> which one? i'm confused now. >> 5:53. coming up at 6:00 facebook recently unveiled its new ebay like service. >> a burglar breaks into a home in new jersey and the homeowner arrives to find the crook taking a shower. that story is next. what's for dinner tonight? wegmans ez meals. dinner's not just delicious, it's done. [mmmm] chicken cacciatore... boneless chicken in our very own seasoned tomato sauce with peppers, mushrooms and basil. braised to perfection thanks to our unique ez oven packaging. it's ready to cook. just pop it in the oven and dinner's ready. delicious, fresh, easy. wegmans ez meals. [alright] >> from our new jersey news room a burglar made himself right at home when he broke into a house. homeowner peter fields returned to his place on edgewater avenue on saturday afternoon and found he had a broken door and when he walked inside fields said he heard a familiar sound and realized someone was up to something interesting inside his home. >> i go in the house, he had smashed the alarm system off the wall and he was in the shower taking a shower. >> fields called police who quickly arrived and arrested the suspect 28-year-old antoine whiting has been charged with burglary theft and criminal mischief. >> philadelphia's men and women in blue are going green. the department unveiled new ford fusion energies. they are standard gas hybrids with plug in capability. the vehicles can travel 22 miles before the gasoline engine kicks in and can get up to the equivalent of 97 miles per gallon. a charging station has been installed at the sixth police district building in chinatown. >> we're going to have to look over the next year about how we can increase the size of the charging station so that they can be increased throughout the city. >> community relations officers will use the cars for now. the department plans to eventually give one to each police district. >> it's 5:57. there is some peace of mind for parents. police say they've tracked down two of the people behind those creepy clown hoaxes. the age of the suspects might surprise you. >> facebook launches its own version of ebay. and in minutes it turns into a dirty online rummage sale. i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here. so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 6 o'clock on this tuesday october 4th and here's what's happening. >> gunfire erupts during a long tense battle between a man and police in south jersey. we're live with the details. >> new poll shows one of the candidates is gaining more grounds in the highly coveted state of pennsylvania. >> rapper kanye west cancels his philadelphia show after his wife a robbed at gunpoint in paris. >> d

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Fort Lee , New Jersey , United States , Springfield , Pennsylvania , Conshohocken , Millville , Paris , France General , France , Delaware County , Ocean County , Turkey , Delaware , Jamaica , Dublin , Ireland , Bahamas , The , Montgomery County , Atlantic City , Claymont , West Chester , Allentown , Cuba , Jersey , Spain , Burlington , Carolinas , Provincia De Ciego Avila , Haiti , Cape May , Georgia , North Carolina , Delaware River , Texas , Washington , Philadelphia , Florida , Indiana , Virginia , West Pottsgrove , Colorado , Ohio , Italy , Pottstown , Americans , Turks , Chris Christie , Karen Rogers , David Wildstein , Tim Kaine , Kanye West , Antoine Whiting , Pat Toomey , Ted Dan , Hillary Clinton , David Murphy , Pitts Tim Kaine ,

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