Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 530 AM 20160419 : compar

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 530 AM 20160419

that's about 5 degrees better than we were this time yesterday. 52 in allentown, 50 in reading, 54 out the door in trenton currently, down to 49 in wilmington and 43 in millville new jersey. on the bus stop this morning partly cloudy a bit cool, 52 degrees by 6 o'clock but by 8 o'clock we'll be all the way up to about 61. yesterday we went to 80. won't quite be some warm today but partly sunny skies breezy and not too shabby. 74 by 3 o'clock and i'm going for a high of 75 at about 4 o'clock this afternoon. maybe even a little bit after that. pollen count is high so beware pollen sufferers or allergy sufferers. we'll have a cool dow for tomorrow and rain toward the end of the week. that is all on the seven-day forecast in just a couple of minutes. >> david i have some goodies on the traffic front as well. the only problem is none of them are too good. 95 police activity by woodhaven road. luckily that has cleared. as you head northbound past academy at woodhaven everything is reopened. headed southbound no morning delays. vine street expressway reopened. overnight construction has wrapped up so traffic is moving again in each direction but crews come back tonight at 11 o'clock. you've got four nights this week when they are completely shutting down the vine between schuylkill and broad street. on the big picture still have that police activity in port richmond this morning along frankford near came bree he ya'. probably want to steer clear of that. they're working on that overnight fire location in the overbrook section near 53rd and media. also until 6:30 watch out for paving crews along the kelly drive. i think the mlk the west river drive will be a better bet through the early part of the morning. overnight construction in bucks county along county line road and street road has cleared out. everything reopened on both of those routes. down in hamilton township atlantic county still have downed wires along 50 southbound just south of the a.c. expressway. traffic is squeezing by on the shoulder. head to cologne avenue as an alternate on this tuesday morning. matt. >> passersby spot a woman walking down the street with her threat slashed. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live outside temple university hospital where that victim is right now. annie. >> reporter.>> reporter: and poy that the victim was taken to temple university hospital alive. they say that she is in critical condition and currently she is in surgery. now, bystanders and police say that her throat was slashed 12-inches across. well, this is video from the scene. this all happened around 3 a.m. this morning according to police. bystanders actually saw the woman walking in the 2000 block of stella street and ran to help. there was a 75-foot blood trail. when police arrived the victim collapsed on the ground. >> she had a piece of denim wrapped around her neck she was bleeding profusely from her neck and these two witnesses rendered assistance to her and put a fresh cloth around her neck and that's when she collapsed. >collapsed. >> reporter: and east detectives are handling this case. they're interviewing people, some of those bystanders that were there when the woman did collapse. they're also checking for surveillance footage in this area. at this point they don't even have an identity on this woman. she's in critical condition here at temple university hospital and she is in surgery as well. for now we're live in north philadelphia, annie mccormick channel6 "action news." back to you. >> thank you, annie. more breaking news here. crews in cumberland county, new jersey, are battling a three alarm fire. it is burning at a former commercial building in bridgeton. the heavy response had the action cam held back if the scene which is on the 100 block of grove street. the building used to be a chicken processing plant and it has since been abandoned a somber morning for new jersey students who lost their crossing guard to deadly crash. chopper6 over route 129 and little bore street in trenton. the victim stop sign still lay beside the red pickup truck. the driver struck and killed the crossing guard. witnesses believe that speeding is to blame. >> just flying down the street. they hit him with no brakes and -- oh, my god it was terrible. >> the first that you know i heard was that loud noise, a big bang and it sounded like a truck accident and when i ran around i noticed that the red truck hit him, must have knocked him like 200 feet 'cause he was crossing right there. i had just got done talking to him and ended up way down there. >> the truck driver was put into a police car but at last check had not been charged. the crossing guard's name has not yet been released. and colleagues surrounded officer jim mccullough as the police officer drove away flashing the cameras a thumb's up sign. the philadelphia officer was shot in the leg sunday night while chasing a robbery suspect. the alleged gunman scott griffin is behind bars. he and his alleged accomplice are awaiting arraignment. griffin had been arrested 14 times and had just been in court last week. >> 5:36 and happening today, the new york primary. it is one of the biggest prizes in the presidential race. the frontrunners democrat hillary clinton and republican donald trump are leading in the polls in a state where both have strong connections. clinton's campaign has declared the democratic race virtually over but rival bernie sanders is is hoping for an upset today. a win in new york is crucial for trump he hopes to grab enough delegates before the convention. john kasich hopes to pick up a few delegates and ted cruz has been stumping in maryland. the race for the white house turns to pennsylvania next. bernie sanders will be in state college today. hillary clinton makes a stop in philadelphia's northern liberties section tomorrow. ted cruz will be in philadelphia tonight. john kasich visits pittsburgh today, then heads to delaware and chester counties on thursday. the pennsylvania primary is on tuesday of next week. new jersey officials are going back to court today. they will try to convince a judge to freeze atlantic city's spending until the city hands over the millions of dollars it still owes the school system. the state education department is suing the nearly broke gambling resort. it wants the city to turn over tax money it collected on behalf of the schools. atlantic city made a partial payment to the city school district back on friday but the state wants the remaining $4.2 million. and there is word that a compromise is in the works to bail out atlantic city. senate president steve sweeney and assembly speaker vincent prieto discussed plans over the weekend. sweeney wants the city to take over the city's finances. governor christie has endorsed that plan but prieto remains opposedly. >> the flyers are on the brink of elimination from the stanley cup playoffs after scoring early in the game. they lost and boy did they, six to one. and they were not helped out by the hometown crowd who turned a fan give away to an embarrassing spectacle and penalty. "action news" sports reporter jeff skversky has more from south philadelphia. >> reporter: the night starter off with a bang. it was an emotional tribute for flyers owner ed snider. then they score in the first minute. this place was electric. but it falls apart in embarrassing fashion. on top of the fact that the flyers have been outscored in this series by 10 goals flyers fans started throwing the wrist band give away onto the isolate in the third period. it was so out of hand flyers and capitals players were both yelling at flyers fans urging them to stop throwing throws wristband. even the public address announcer lou nolan was telling flyers fans to show some class. the flyers were penalized by the refs and now they face elimination in game four. >> we're looking for a good start and play hard as a team and it's not -- it's obviously not the result that we were looking for and it's pretty frustrating. >> we know where we are at this point in the year. we're fighting for our lives and we got to play obviously some very desperate hockey. not out of control but desperate. >> reporter: the flyers face elimination in game four wednesday night here in south philadelphia, the last and only time they've overcome a three-nothing playoff hole six years ago against the boston bruins. will they do it again? the flyers have a lot to figure out. with the flyers, jeff skversky, channel6 "action news. >> i hate when they bring up that ridiculous story about santa claus. >> but they will. >> those things bring it up again and again. >> feed into the image. >> not kidding. we'll see what happens in game four. maybe we can get the fans in a better mood. storm tracker6 live double scan right now and we have no precipitation out there as we take a look outside, we have some clouds out there. it's not totally bright blue sky like we had yesterday. there's a fair amount of clear space over the commodore barry bridge over the delaware river. love this picture and we are going to see at least some sunshine and probably a fair amount of it early based on this picture. temperature currently is 55 degrees, a little better than it was yesterday. by this time yesterday we were sliding into the upper 40's see little better and winds once again light for now at 5 miles per hour. satellite shows you how those clouds have spilled down out of the north overnight along with the approach of a frontal boundary. there are some breaks in the clouds obviously and overall we'll go partly sunny skies today. it's going to be mild again, too, not quite as warm as yesterday but not bad. 61 degrees by 8 o'clock. upper 60's by 10 o'clock. that's a pretty quick mr. to 67. and by noon, 70. 74 by 3 o'clock and we'll get our high of 75 degrees right in there around 4:00 or maybe 4:30 this afternoon before we start to turn it around and slide a bit. high temperatures late this afternoon up in allentown hitting 70 briefly. 71 in reading. 72 in trenton. 74 in wilmington. and 72 in millville. down the shore, low to mid 60's, so it will be cooler along the coast once again. if you're headed to the phillies and mets tonight, we got vince velasquez on the mound and he has been unhittable practically this year. partly cloudy breezy 67 degrees for first pitch. 57 in the ninth inning one of those nights where you bring along a jacket and maybe you add layers as the game goes on and those temperatures slide. high pressure in control tomorrow so it won't be as breezy. it will be a little bit cooler beneath that high. lots of sun. a high of only 70 degrees tomorrow but that's still a very pleasant wednesday and then later in the week we get some rain arriving. by the way, the pollen count is still pretty high the next several days but it does drop on friday and that is the day where we expect some rain to mix in. your exclusive accuweather 7-day, today beautiful, 75 degrees, partly sunny and breezy. sunny and a bit cooler tomorrow with that high of 70. and then we bounce back up to 74 on thursday with sun mixing with a few more clouds. now, thursday night there could be a couple of showers building in and then on friday, it's warm with a high of 77 as we await the arrival of passover at sundown but through the day there will be a spotty shower and maybe even a rumble of thunder. then saturday it looks like we're dry in the morning. by the time you wake up. cloudy skies give way to some sun during the day and we get a high of 69 degrees. should be great for the union game at 4 o'clock. that's a 6abc game of course and then mostly sunny and 69 degrees on sunday. and monday mostly cloudy and cool with a shower. >> all right, thank you, david. it is 5:42. coming up the search is on for a killer who murdered a mother of three in a dallas area church. police say the killer may have been caught on camera. >> a volcano in mexico erupts into a fiery show. matt. >> that bridge inspectors are coming to the schuylkill during the midday today. here in the westbound lanes on the blue route we'll see delays and construction crew will be out on the blue route itself. we'll tell you what's going on there after the break. >> we'll tell you about a woman from iowa going to social media to try to track down her birth mother. she's getting a lot of shares. we'll see what comes of it next on "action news." modres: the cost of living the pay stays the same. i have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. it's a big struggle. one person that really gets this is katie mcginty. she came from a working-class family. she was ninth of 10 kids. she gets it. she'll fight for equal pay for equal work. katie mcginty will protect social security and medicare. that's why president obama and vice president biden support her, too. she'll make a heck of a senator. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a 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just like yesterday, the line painting crews are going to be out and about painting those little white lines along the blue route again today. now, i give you the heads up about this because i don't want you to be driving down the blue route crossing over between the lanes crossing over wet paint and then getting that all over your car so just heads up watch outer for those crews and watch out for the possibility of wet paint along the blue route really the whole way between 95 and the mid-county tolls. elsewhere in delco, here along 322 it's going to be the pothole patchers that are out during the midday 9:00 until 3:00 basically the whole way between baltimore pike and 95 so you might want to stay over on 452 or even 202 instead of 322 conchester highway. meanwhile water main work warren avenue closing during the mid days. joining the party 252 leopard road down to just one lane 9:00 until 3:00 through the and of the month because of water main installation. elsewhere in valley forge national park 252 still closed through the end of july. pot house road also shut down as of friday. the problem here is the alternate to pot house road is route 23 he where they're now doing midday water main, what as well so really whichever way you turn here in this area of chester county you're hitting construction and for that i do apologize but i don't make the rules. over in mount laurel hartford road still have sewer main work going on. briggs roads or larchmont boulevard are some alternates. matt. >> thank you, matt. new on "action news" police in texas release surveillance video of the man who they say killed a fitness instructor inside a church. video shows the man dressed in swat gear walking around the creek side church in midlothian. police believe he's the man who murdered missy bevers. she was preparing for class at a church. some of her clients found her body. police found broken glass in the church but didn't notice anything missing. >> we're just now learning that an american is among more than 400 people killed in that devastating earthquake in ecuador. but there's still stories of survival coming from that rubble. rescuers pulled out three people buried alive more than 32 hours later. over in japan the weekend's twin quakes there triggered a mudslide where crews are still now searching for the missing. the death toll there has risen to at least 45. thousands of evacuees are sleeping outdoors due to the ongoing aftershocks. and there are incredible new images out of mexico this morning where a government web cam is recording a volcanic eruption. ash is blowing over the major city of puebla directly to the east. the city's airport is closed and officials are urging people to wear masks in order to avoid inhaling the fine grit that is now covered houses and cars. >> the first family has a dinner date with the royals. president obama travels to windsor castle on friday for queen elizabeth's 90th birthday. he and first lady michelle obama will then join the duke and duchess of cambridge plus prince harry for dinner at kensington palace. it will cap off the first flip a series of international farewell tours marking president obama's final year in office. >> 5:49. intense moments as a bear to terrorizes a neighborhood. >> tragic developments on the search for a missing priest in florida. >> ♪ grover cleveland here. yes, the handsome gent on the thousand-dollar bill. with 'cash4life', the great game from the pennsylvania lottery, you could win a thousand dollars a day for life! you could invest it, or save it for a rainy day. or you could buy a new car! and with drawings every monday and thursday, that means 2 chances to win every week. cash4life from the pennsylvania lottery. you could win a thousand dollars a day for life. >> because i'm a giver. >> oh really. >> i have another heaping helping of road conditions for you. here are a couple zones that slowed us down. platt bridge westbound leaded towards the airport we had construction. we'll have it again today. only one lane will get by and you can expect delays during the midday. yesterday things were jammed on westbound 422 in the pottstown area. we expect that again today and each day this week as we go down to just one lane westbound between sanatoga and 724. and until 3:30 this afternoon in bordentown burlington county the left lane is out both ways at burlington road. expect a jam there, too, david. >> great, matt, all right. give the kids a jacket this morning. because we're a little bit cool not quite as chilly as we have the. this afternoon it's shorts and t's weather again even though breezes will be up a little bit. here are where the numbers are this morning. we were in the 40's in a lot of spots yesterday but most areas in the low to mid frists fleetwood center city. 58 degrees currently in hammonton. a little cooler in some spots in central south jersey and on or about 50 in the state of delaware. as we roll through the afternoon or the morning for that matter if you're exercising today not a bad day to do it, 59 degrees by 7:00, 67 degrees by 10 o'clock and 70 by noon so a little less sweating in the morning. if you have to wait until later, 3 o'clock 74 degrees. we'll get a high of 75 and that will clock in probably at about 4:00 or 4:30 and then by 6 o'clock we're back down to 70. tam. >> thank you, david. new overnight officials confirm that they found the body of a priest reported missing in florida a week ago today. the reverend rene robert was located in a rural area south of augusta georgia yesterday. florida authorities say their main suspect in the disappearance and murder led them to the remains. steven james murray has been in custody since late last week and it's still unknown what the motive was but police said the murray was "a career criminal" and what they called a sociopath. 250-pound bear made for some sense times in a quiet connecticut community over the weekend. neighbors in west hartford watched as the burly beast hoisted itself up into a tree trying hide from authorities. officials got the bear down using tranquilizer darts but they set up safety nets first so the bear was never in any danger. >> ♪ fight back and rebuild an economy. so does she. we need jobs that provide dignity and a bright future. new penalties to stop companies from moving profits and jobs overseas. for businesses that create manufacturing jobs, a new tax credit. and let's invest in clean energy jobs, with 500 million solar panels installed by the end of her first term. a real plan to create new jobs and industries of the future. hillary clinton. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> the philadelphia antiviolence coalition gathered in kensington to support the family of a four-year-old girl killed over the weekend. family and friends set up a makeshift memorial with balloons and stuffed animals for tahirah philip. her father now in custody for what he claims was an accidental shooting saturday night. activists want the gun violence to stop. >> it's a perfect example of how not to behave with a gun around children and all guns should be locked up or put away if you own one. >> phillips' death was one of three shootings that claimed young children as victims in major cities over the weekend. >> this is new. an iowa woman enlisted the help of strangers to help find her birth mother. megan posted her instagram list her birth history and contact information. the 30-year-old works as a nurse at the hospital where her then teen mother gave her up for adoption. she says she's us known the truth about her adoption but became curious about her birth mother's identity last year. the post has been shared on facebook nearly 9,000 times. she's already received a few messages from people who believe they may know her mother's identity. >> hopefully they will indeed find each other. it's 5:57. we continue to follow breaking news. a violent attack levers a woman fighting for her life on a philadelphia street. >> and later a leading pharmacy will be offering curbside service but it won't make filling prescriptions any faster. >> ♪ i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions, stood up for marriage equality and protected our environment. now i'm fighting for criminal justice reform. i'm proud to be backed by tom wolf, ed rendell and people who care about our families. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning everyone. it's 6 o'clock on this tuesday april 13th. we're working on breaking news story. >> a woman finds another woman with her throat slashed walking down a philadelphia street. we've got the latest developments. >> a philadelphia police officer who was slot on the job is resting at home this morning while the suspects arrested in connection with this shooting await

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Millville , Pennsylvania , United States , Puebla , Mexico , Chester County , Swarthmore , Woodhaven , New York , China , Delaware , Connecticut , Atlantic City , New Jersey , Iowa , Ecuador , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Allentown , Trenton , Jersey , Japan , Delaware River , Texas , Philadelphia , Florida , Georgia , State College , Temple University Hospital , Windsor Castle , West Hartford , Atlantic County , Midlothian , West River , Maryland , Port Richmond , Dallas , Cumberland County , Overbrook , Pottstown , Chinese , American , Karen Rogers , Annie Mccormick , Santa Claus , Steven James Murray , John Kasich , Lou Nolan , Rene Robert , Vincent Prieto , Josh Shapiro , David Murphy , Michelle Obama , Katie Mcginty , Scott Griffin , Baltimore Pike , Vince Velasquez , Steve Sweeney , Hillary Clinton , Queen Elizabeth , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders , Grover Cleveland ,

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