Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20161024 : compareme

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20161024

whole idea of the appeal and the bail that was set today. >> what's clear from this is that nobody is above the law. this is a significant jail time for the chief law enforcement officer of the state. >> because of the length of her sentence less than two years she's entitled to the same bail status as she was prior to her conviction. obviously she was on bail. so, the judge however increased the bail due to her changed circumstances. >> reporter: so, interesting set of optics as we said on the one part she will be out on bail but for today at least she has been taken away in handcuffs and will be processed at the montgomery county facility, the criminal justice facility there in eagleville. now, the judge today had some ry harsh words about what happened here. she said this was retaliation and revenge talking of the crime miss kane had been convicted of against perceived enemies she believed had embarrassed her. she had been driven by eagle he go concerned about her image focusing on fighting crime battling those perceived enemies and exploited her position to do it. again kathleen kane sentenced to 10 to 23 months in montgomery county prison and then followed by eight years of supervised probation as the judge said today she will be under her watch for about 10 years. so that's the story right now live in montgomery county at norristown courthouse, john rawlins channel6 "action news." sharrie. >> john big developments there. thank you. of course we will have continuing coverage of kane's sentencing throughout this evening and of course extended coverage on our web site >> this was how it looked at philadelphia's historic union league this morning. its ornate stone staircase broken and scattered on the sidewalk. now police say this was the work of a thief who was trying to steel the valuable railing that was on those steps. "action news" reporter bob brooks live on broad street way closer look at the damage and what police say happened here. bob. >> reporter: brian, the suspect was apparently after that brass railing. that suspect or multiple suspects thought they could get some money for it. when they yangd eight it the whole thing came tumbling down. so terrible such a beautiful structure. the good news is you can see construction has started to fix it and we also think we caught the suspect, the suspects on tape on surveillance video. let's take a look at it. it's surveillance video that shows the suspect that has much of philadelphia talking today. it appears they have the brass railing of the union league wrapped up and tied to a cart in an alley just a block away. then they walk out of frame. to get the railing they did this. big time damage to the iconic circular stairs leading to the union league's front door. >> that's sad. >> he had to be nuts. had to be something wrong with himmism according to a union league spokesperson at 3 a.m. the suspect was caught yanging off a lamp portion of the brass railing. everything else crumbled down. >> incredible hulk or something. >> reporter: the union league says yes it appears they acted alone. >> it's on tape he came up the steps this way kind of 3:02 kind of came back to the railing grabbed the brass ripped it down causing the structure to fully collapse. >> reporter: ick see -- you can see half of the brass railing is gone. the vandals picked it up walked down south broad made a right on moravian and disappeared. the suspect crosses 15th continues on moravian to wrap up load up the brass and cart it away. and it even appears as if he's being helped by another man at that point. the famous stairs used for wedding pictures and other events are in bad shape but we're told they'll be fixed as quick as possible. >> we're in the works to have that taken care of immediately so it can be restorm. we have upcoming weddings and events. disappointing for sure for a lot of people. >> reporter: okay, back out live you can see crews have a good handle on things. it looks like they're making some progress pretty quick to get these stairs fixed and also the union league has multiple cameras out here. the suspect is captured on that as well. hopefully they'll be identified soon. reporting live in center city bob brooks channel6 "action news." sharrie. >> all right, bob, thank you. quite the mess there. we have some breaking news now to get to. this happening in montgomery county. chopper 6hd was flying over the scene earlier. this started as a water rescue. it was under way in the schuylkill river in norristown where a man wanted by police jumped into the river. it happened at the haws avenue bridge if you're familiar with this area. police say they were chasing a suspect on foot when that suspect jumped into the river. this all happened about an hour ago. and we are now being told that suspect is in custody. association the -- association association -- so the water rescue happened. if we get more information on it we're pass it along. >> new information about attacks on both temple university students and campus police. today the university's campus safety says it's working with philadelphia police to investigate at least four different incidents that happened just off campus on friday. now, these incidents are all linked to a group of juveniles officials say are attacking people at random. and this afternoon four teens are behind bars. the incidents include a robbery at 1400 oxford. two people were also assaulted at 1700 cecil b. moore. two police officers were assaulted at 1900 north broad. and a police horse was punched in the face at 1700 north broad. these four incidents all happened between 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock friday night. temple first sent out an alert about a large crowd around 9:30 p.m. they believe this all started on social media with hundreds of kids showing up to the pearl theater. now, when they couldn't all fit in, that's when the trouble began. >> it's very concerning that you can get a group of juveniles to pull together that quickly and some become violent. with that he we've increased our patrols. >> the people we have in custody 15, 16, 17 so these are kids, i mean, they're teenagers but again that's something that's now going impact the rest of their lives as being involved in this kind of nonsense. >> and because of that, police are urging parents to get involved, know where their teens are at night and because this is still under investigation, they say more arrests could be announced soon. brian and sharrie. >> all right, alicia, thank you. it is time now for a check of the accuweather forecast. >> mix of sun and clouds out there. a lot of wind. meteorologist melissa magee in for adam joseph today. live outside right now. hi, melissa. >> hi brian and sharrie. is this not a bad start to our work week. we have sunshine and clouds and those winds are still blustery out of the west. right now we'll show you the numbers. in philadelphia we're coming in at 64, 60 in new york city a little milder to the south much richmond virginia 76 but to the north and west in buffalo in at 48. here is satellite6 along with action radar. you can see we he do have some instability clouds across the region. this will help to reinforce the colder air that moves in overnight tonight and even through the day on tuesday but the clouds will break up underneath a mostly clear sky so we'll talk about tuesday's chill. 8 o'clock in the morning 43. 48 at 10:00 a.m. by noon tomorrow, just 52. we'll max out close to the middle and upper 50's across the region underneath a mostly clear to partly cloudy sky. so, only in the 50's for highs tomorrow. also tracking a freeze watch wednesday morning and some late week rain. we'll take a closer look coming up with the full and exclusive accuweather forecast. brian. >> all right, melissa see you shortly. thank you. believe it or not we are just two weeks and one day away from the presidential election. and both candidates are racing to make use of every last second. democrat hillary clinton campaigned today in the battleground state of new hampshire. she was joined by massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. the latest abc tracking poll shows hillary clinton with a 12-point lead nationally over republican donald trump. mr. trump meanwhile met with farmers in florida today where he told them that many of the polls that show him trailing clinton are phone he knee. in fact he is winning. he also told reporters he felt very good about his chances in florida a state that is essential for him to win the white house. voters in parts of florida, colorado, texas and several other states have already begun heading to the polls. those states have rules that allow voters to cast their ballots before election day without an excuse to vote early. again election day is coming up november 8th. >> and brian, we are just hours away from republican senator pat toomey and democratic challenger katie mcginty's final debate before the election. let's take a live look from temple university and this is where the two will face off tonight. the contest could help determine which party gets control of the u.s. senate. and "action news" anchor jim gardner will moderate that debate tonight. of course you can watch it live at 7:00 p.m. right here on 6abc. all right time for the "action news" traffic report on a monday. >> matt pelman standing by with a first look. >> fresh start new work week. this afternoon we're dealing with some of the same old backups. this morning talking about a lot of construction that was going on the roads today. there was roving crew on the blue route 476 northbound side approaching the schuylkill expressway. crew is gone now so the lanes are opened but you can see we're still dealing with a lingering northbound delay coming away from villanova headed up toward i-76. also still have that police activity, the water rescue coming out of norristown. if you're on the southbound side of 202, crossing the danne hower bridge headed toward king of prussia the right lane is still blocked there. so, comeing a away from the dunkin' donuts i would expect slowing because of the police activity. a broken down bus on the roosevelt boulevard southbound at strahle street there where deer meadow he retirement community is. typical delays on 95 by the betsy ross bridge and the ben franklin bridge just 8 miles per hour there. farther north on 95 by the scudder falls bridge coming out of bucks county into mercer county there's construction once again today so just one lane is getting by at this point speeds aren't too bad but as the after progresses they will get worse. so might want to stick with route one through bucks county into mercer instead of i-95 northbound. and all day today we've had delays on the paoli thorndale reach regional rail line. let's grab the ipad do the commuter report on this monday afternoon. concorde township a crash along baltimore pike. watch out for that as you head toward mill creek park as you can see it is causing some slowing. we'll check it again brian and sharrie, coming up in the next half hour. >> matt thank you. see you then. >> still ahead the deal isn't approved but wall street is responding to the possible at&t-time warner merger. >> the truck driver involvedly in a deadly accident describes what happened the moment a tour bus slammed into him. >> and a new jersey neighborhood living on a dangerous and toxic dump. find out what's next for their community. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> in palm springs california this afternoon there are still questions surrounding a deadly tour bus crash that killed 13 people and injured dozens more. police say around 5 o'clock yesterday morning, a u.s. holiday tour bus carrying 44 people heading home from a night of gambling and festivities slammed into the back of a big rig. 10 women and three men were killed. 31 others were injured. the driver of that big rig that got rear-ended describes the scene. >> the impact, just, you know, hit he me, hit me from behind and, uh, i just blacked out for a minute and when i gained my consciousness undid my seat belt and looked around, tried to see what happened, felt like i got ran over by something and that's when i got out my truck. >> that driver who only wants to be referred the as bruce was injured but has already been released from the hospital and says he's just happy to be alive today. as for the condition of those injured who did survive, doctors say because of the high speed and then the sudden braking, most of the victims were also any not wearing seat belts. there were spinal injuries and extensive facial trauma. now, just as to what caused that tour bus to crash into the tractor-trailer, that's still under investigation. they say the bus had passed all recent inspections. police describe this as one of the most devastating scenes they have been called to recently. sharrie. >> the images are just devastating. all right, alicia. investors on wall street are reacting to the news at&t is buying time warner for $85 billion. the stocks of both companies fell after the opening bell. at&t specializes in video cell phone cable and internet services while time warner holdings include hbo, cnn and warner brothers. some public intergroups fear the merger will lead to higher costs and fewer choices for consumers and both presidential presidential candidates have also criticized this defect here's a look at today's closing numbers and they are all upward today. green arrows here the dow up more than 77 points today the nasdaq up nearly 52 and a half points, the s & p 500 just up over and the points today. >> dozens of job seekers turned out in south jersey today to get plugged in about the future of energy. the action cam was at the second annual utility job and career fair at mercer county community college. the event is as much about filling a need as it is about filling jobs. 55 percent of the utility workforce in new jersey and elsewhere may need to be totally regenerated in the next decade. and with increasing emphasis on new energy sources experience and train regular essential so say industry experts. >> all right a bit of a cool windy start to the week as we check the accuweather forecast. >> all right. going to have some cool nights ahead. meteorologist melissa magee joining us live with the accuweather details. >> hi brian and sharrie. big changes ahead as we go throughout the north korea -- next few days. on this monday afternoon we have sunshine and a few fair weather clouds moving across the region as well. currently in philadelphia we're in at 64. 62 in allentown, the lehigh valley, 62 as well in lancaster, 67 down in dover. you notice we have that northwesterly wind. we had gusts today close to 30 miles per hour. right now the gusts are 23 miles per hour in philadelphia, 28 miles per hour wind gusts for both allentown and reading and a gust clocking in at 30 miles per hour out to the west there in lancaster. here's satellite6 along with action radar. you see it's pretty dry and quiet. the clouds help to reinforce the cold air for the rest of tonight and even for the day on tuesday. so, over the next 12 hours here's the call from accuweather. we'll drop down to 42 in philadelphia for the overnight low. the upper 30's north and west of town. 44 down in cape may underneath aostly clear sky. and we have a bit of a chilly breeze. here's future tracker six. the morning numbers in the 95 corridor still in the upper 40's as well as north and west. 50 in wildwood and 51 degrees for both dover and wilmington. by 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon with that colder air rushing on in thanks to that northwesterly wind, just 55 in the city, 42 in the poconos and 54 degrees out to the west in lancaster. by wednesday morning, here is the big change. you can see only 37 in philadelphia. 7:30 in the morning midweek numbers hovering close to the freezing mark north and west of town. 41 in wildwood and just 29 degrees in the poconos. in fact overnight tuesday into wednesday morning, our freeze watch goes up for the areas where we are still having our growing season. this is for allentown down to quakertown coatesville and middletown, even into areas in south jersey from 2:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on wednesday as temperatures will be close to 32 degrees and the coldest it has been since april in many of these locations. here is the four day at 4:00 and you can see we've got cold air coming our way. bright but breezy on tuesday, a high temperature of 56 degrees. on wednesday, it's chilly. afternoon high clouds, a high temperature of he 53. thursday periods of rain move in and at 58 degrees and on friday a nice mixture of sunshine and clouds and at 59 degrees. so, we had a tease on saturday with the winds then the showers and the colder air. this is going to be even colder with numbers only in the 50's guys. >> all right. >> all right. >> thank you melissa. >> got it. >> still ahead here today after celebrating its 90th anniversary a church in wilmington is forced to shut its doors but it may still be able to serve the community. >> and take a look at this dog here. it's credited with saving his homeowner from a fire in philadelphia's port richmond section. the story from neighbors coming up. >> and moms hold their babies all the time but we'll explain coming up in big talkers why this mother called this moment profound. >> ♪ to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. the practice is banned in 35 states because it's considered predatory, but pat toomey didn't care. pat toomey the banker: he's really not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> ♪ >> a store clerk was robbed at gunpoint in philadelphia's cedarbrook section early sunday morning at the 7-eleven on the 7700 block of ogontz avenue. the suspect was able to get away with money from the cash register. the store employee was not injured in this. a woman and her dog are continuing to recover after they were injured in a fire this weekend. a neighbor say the victim's dog helped to save her life. the fire started in the home on the 3100 block of memphis road about 4:30 sunday morning. neighbors say the dog started barking and woke them up. they called 911 after seeing the flames. firefighters rushed to the scene found the dog on top of its unconscious homeowner. she was rushed to the hospital with burns but alive. the dog's veterinarian says he's improving but still being given oxygen. >> philadelphia police say they have arrested the suspect who initially tried to run over a cop on a bicycle in kensington. this happened around 9:45 last night on the 1800 block of east russell street. police say the suspect was in a stolen vehicle but ended up ditching the car a few blocks away. the officer was knocked off of his bike but was not injured. police have not released the suspect's name. >> house of worship in wilmington is shutting down now 90 years after it opened. christ our king church will close for good at the end of the month. parish administrators blame a cam bin nation of factors including declining enrollment and finances. >> it's like losing a loved one many people become attached to buildings but our buildings mean something. we say that god 's grace flows through here and a lot of people have been touched by that. >> now the church is hoping that someone will buy this property and preserve the building. that would also allow the thomas sullivan food pantry he to stay in operation and continue serving that community. >> well, more than 100,000 students were back in class today now that the faculty strike of 14 pennsylvania universities is over. the strike lasted three days but friday more than 5,000 faculty members and coaches reached a tentative contract agreement with the state system of higher education. the new contract still has to go to the full union membership for ratification. >> and there is much more to come here on "action news" at 4:00 on this monday afternoon. the mom of the conjoined twin boys in new york who were separated after 13 months just got to experience a huge milestone. we'll take you there. >> and what is known as one of the most memorable items from the wizard of oz will live on a lot longer thanks to tons of cash and technology. we've got the update when "action news at 4:00 returns. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian ff. >> ♪ >> it is 4:30 and "action news" continues with developing news out of montgomery county courthouse today where kathleen kane just learned she is going to jail. >> now within the last 90 minutes a judge sentenced the former pennsylvania attorney general to spend between 10 and 23 months behind bars. kane was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs and taken to the montgomery county correctional facility and that is where she will be processed and could be released on $75,000 bail later this evening. now, it was in august kane was found guilty of leaking grand jury documents to embarrass a rival and then lying about it under oath. she had asked for probation or house arrest because she wants to stay at home to raise her two teenaged sons but this afternoon the judge sided with prosecutors who pushed for jail time. kane is vowing to appeal the sentence. >> tons of toxic car batteries were found buried under homes in west deptford gloucester county. now that area has been designated as a super fund site. this could cause all kinds of problems for the homeowners and could cost them a lot of money that discovery. walter perez now live in west deptford to explain. walter. >> reporter: well, you said it brian what looks like a quiet neighborhood here in new jersey is now a super fund site more specifically they expanded the the scope of a nearby super fund site to include this neighborhood. simply put what started as a he remediation project you see behind he me at this home in west deptford just got a lot bigger. several weeks ago we reported how the epa dug up tons of lead and pcb infested car battery debris from the property of this home on birchly court in west deptford. now environmental officials say they found enough evidence to link the toxic debris discovered under this property with the matteo and sons metal recycling facility super fund site a few miles away. the epa determined that the contamination goes well beyond this one property. >> because the project has expanded significantly beyond this property epa is in the process of or has decided to put the site on the super fund list. >> reporter: the matteo and sons facility where car batteries among other items were recycled was added to the national super fund registry about 10 years ago. still, epa officials are coming short of directly blaming matteo and sons for the toxic mess that exists on birchly court oakmont court and woodlane drive. that part of the investigation continues but adding this community as a subsection of the matteo super fund site he frees up the money needed to clean up this area. a process that will extend this project well into next year and likely beyond. >> i would think the soonest that actually cleanup actions could take place out here under the process would be late summer, fall. that would be the soonest next year. >> reporter: next year. >> yeah. >> reporter: we spoke with neighbors many of whom say this information confirmed their lingering fears. >> we're really concerned. we have two little boys that live here and there's areas all over that need to be cleaned up so we're just hoping that sooner rather than later. >> reporter: now, epa officials add that clearly matteo and sons has become the primary focus of their investigation. reporting live from west deptford, walter perez channel6 "action news." sharrie. >> all right walter. thank you. 20-year-old man was shot twice in theensington section of philadelphia today and the shooter remains on the loose. police say the gunfire erupted around noon on the 2900 block of rosehill street. the victim was taken to temple hospital in stable condition. no word yet on what led up to this shooting. from our delaware news room now, two more suspects have been arrested for an attack on a man in dover. travis caldwell and julius johnson mills were taken into custody friday. police say the victim was on lucker man street back on september 23rd when he was beaten unconscious and then robbed. a third man accused in the crime was arrested earlier this month. caldwell and johnson-mills both remain behind bars. >> the shooting that shook rittenhouse square last week will be the topic of discussion during a community meeting tonight. a 17-year-old suspect surrendered on saturda for his role in the attack that left a 39-year-old man with several gun shot wounds. police say the victim was shot when he he tried to stop the teen and another man from robbing someone in rittenhouse park last tuesday. now members of city council will discuss the incident with residents 7 o'clock tonight at the church on the square. >> ♪ there are just about two weeks now until election day and tonight he republican pennsylvania senator pat toomey and democratic challenger katie mcginty will have their final debate. the contest has been heated and the outcome will help determine which party controls the united states senate. let's look live now at the very site where the debate will be held tonight on the campus of temple university. it will be at the temple performing arts center and 6abc is proud to host this debate. "action news" anchor jim gardner will moderate the faceoff tonight and you can watch it live 7 o'clock this evening right here on 6abc. and of course we'll stream it online as well >> should be a lot of interest in that. >> oh, yeah. >> all right. melissa magee joining us now in for adam and cooler today and i heard you say we're getting cooler later. >> yeah, even tomorrow. why are you giving me that look brian. >> because i'm not -- >> those 80's are gone this week. we're not having that. 50's are coming back. we'll show you what's going on outside, sky6 live in hd looking at the center city skyline, temple university camera looking at city hall down on broad street. 64 degrees is the at that outside, the dewpoint 38, winds out of the northwest at 14 miles per hour and to the north and west in the lehigh valley easton at the nurture neigh nature center temperature at 62. the air is really dry to the north and west. the dewpoint number of 33 but we have that stiff west to northwestey wind at 15 miles per hour with a nice mixture of sunshine and clouds. the eastern half of the u.s. looks like this. when you look at the temperatures, it's 64 in philadelphia. to the south of our region it's 81 in atlanta, 80 in memphis and chicago just 58 and 54 degrees in bismarck, so an indication that the cooler air is coming in from the north and eventually dipping down to the south. we'll tap into those 50 as well, get those pom pom and poodle skirts out because 50's are making a bit of a he revival guys later this week. >> to celebrate pom poms and poodle skirts. >> like they did in the 50's with the oxford shoes. i'm just bringing it back. >> you go ahead and bring it back. >> sounds like good fashion. mel sack thank you. a pregnant woman diagnosed with the zika virus in miami he spoke publicly for the first time about her case. 38-year-old jessica flores learned that she had the virus in mid august. it was just after a trip to her native honduras. she was 16 weeks pregnant. doctors at jackson memorial hospital in miami say so far ultrasound images do not show any sign of the abnormally small head that's usually linked to zika infections. >> she is due in february and so we still have several months to go of repeated ultrasounds and repeated blood tests but all the information that we have on the growth and development of the baby thus far is healthy and normal. >> well, of course they'll continue to monitor the pregnancy and both mom and baby after the baby is born. flores has already picked out a name daniela elizabeth. >> the united nations said today that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has reached a record high. and that gives new urgency to the message this group was spreading in princeton today. representatives from environment new jersey laid out 50 ideas they say will help the state cut carbon emissions in new jersey. now the pro apostles were laid out in a new report presented to lawmakers in trenton and among the ideas is this. making electronic vehicle charging stations more widely available statewide. >> today the country's top pediatricians issued new recommendations for parents to be and it might not be good news for their sleep schedules. "action news" anchor rick williams live now in the news room with more on this story. hi, rick. >> hi, sharrie thank you, that's right. it's all to hopefully ensure the safety of infants in their first months of life ton hopefully prevent sids as well, that's sudden infant death syndrome. the biggest recommendation in the report, infants should sleep in the same room as their parents for at least six months if not a year. health reporter ali gorman will have much more on these suggestions coming up tonight in health check. tonight dessert for breakfast how about this, the new product from general mills that's putting a seasonal treat on your kitchen table all year 'round. okay. sounds yummy. those stories and much more when we see you in just a little bit on "action news" at 5:00 sharrie back to you. >> i know what you were thinking. would i buy i was box right. >> or kind of just put one on my desk. >> i'll think about it. see ya' rick. philadelphia students creating media contender and sharing it with the public using the recently revised production studio at district headquarters that we know a little something about this, rider. the students can share their stories on tstv the district's educational channel. superintendent dr. william hite says the program is expanding to all schools thanks to a recent deal between comcast and the city. >> future channel6 employees. >> there we go. >> still to come on "action news" at 4:00 new research says a child doesn't have to play football for long to experience damage to their brain. in fact experts say they don't even have to have a concussion. >> plus, one boy's mom says man's best friend is just what her autistic son needed to help him live a better life. that story coming up. >> and meteorologist melissa magee will be back with that full accuweather forecast. pom poms and a poodle skirt. >> i was thinking that. >> she's bringing it back. "action news" at 4:00 continues next. "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. this is your last chance to get 100meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. only from fios. z25pmz zi0z y25pmy yi0y >> ♪ >> five people were killed when a driver went the wrong way on an interstate in massachusetts. this happened overnight on 495 in the town of middle borrow. the driver who went the wrong way slammed into a car that was carrying four people. well, that vehicle burst into flames. officials say it's too earl to determine whether speed alcohol or drugs were involved. >> on health check at 4 o'clock today in football it apparently does not take a concussion to affect a child's brain. researchers have now found that changes occur after a single season of youth football. they found that an accumulation of milder hits to the head alter the function of nerve fibers which connect various regions of the brain and the more hits the bigger the change. now however doctors don't know yet what, if any, effect that has on thinking or on memory. >> ♪ >> big talkers now and we start way moment so simple yet so special and so gripping. mothers hold their babies all the time but nicole mcdonald here calls this moment holding her son jayden alone for the first time the most profound of her life. at just 13 months old her boys conjoined twins were successfully separated and now doing great on the road to recovery. last week it took doctors at mounted for -- hospital to separate them. she's yet to cradle anais but his recovery he is set to take a little bit longer. amazing duo a boy -- a dog and this -- this puppy has proven to be much more than boy's best friend. this is kia and tornado is the dog. the moment brought kai's mom to tears because her son has autism and doesn't connect easily with others. now while mom says communication lab a challenge for her son, there's something about tornado that brought kai a sense of comfort, safety and contentment. >> to see him when he he immediately laid down and that relationship being reciprocated back to him it was breath taking. >> tornado was trained if birth to be a service dog specializing in autism and now as you can see, the two are inseparable. and hey remember that guy i told you about last week the guy from rhode island named allen who really hated yoga pants he wrote that scathing letter in a local paper telling women who should wear them and where. well, the ladies who promised a very public protest made good on that and they held their yoga pants parade in town yesterday way very vocal message for allen and anyone else who wants to tell them what to wear and it wasn't just women who turned out in the town of barrington. men joined in, too, yoga pants and all. >> we're sick and tired of our clothing and our bodies being police by men. >> he he had they marched to allen's house and the turnout as you can see he was pretty impressive. a lot of people showing up there. by the way allen says his letter to the paper was only meant to be a joke and he called the parade stressful and intimidating and at the end little bright spot here, they used their yoga pants to do yoga. do not mess with women and their yoga pants. >> is that on his front lawn by the way. >> not a popular man. >> not coming outside. >> he may want to try some meditation a of the that. alicia thanks very much. let's get another check of the roads right now. >> all right, matt is standing by with the update. you've got your regular trousers on. >> i do. >> okay. >> but let me tell you several of these traffic troubles they're a pain in the pants this afternoon as you head home on 95 we'd like to destress but instead adding to the stress is a new accident in the southbound lanes as you enter the work zone zone at cottman avenue. penndot is on the scene. the crash is partially taking out that left lane and the southbound delay is building up quickly. jammed solid from woodhaven through this accident scene which again is southbound right between academy and cottman avenue. elsewhere on 95 in bucks county still have that northbound work zone at the scudder falls bridge but at this point the slower speeds are southbound on 95 there in mercer county just 20 miles per hour headed toward the scudder falls bridge. broken down bus on the roosevelt boulevard at strahle is running again. cross that off the list. east oak lane a new crash at 66th avenue and eighth street and some big new construction began today in west vincent chester county route 401 now shut down at saint matthew's road, yes saint matthew that's an important one to note. stick with horseshoe trail or buyers road instead. broken down vehicle on 202 taking outer the left lane. a little slowing in tredyffrin a crash along 252 at chester brook boulevard. we'll check it again brian and sharrie, coming up in the 5 o'clock hour. >> all right monsignor matthew thank you very much. up next here at 4:30 another check on the accuweather forecast for the rest of this work week. >> ♪ katie: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. vo: donald trump and pat toomey have plenty in common -- they're both putting pennsylvania women at risk. even after trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, toomey stood by him. on women's health - both trump and toomey would defund planned parenthood. on abortion: trump: "there has to be some form of punishment" toomey: "i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: too dangerous for pennsylvania women. >> ♪ >> we've got some breaking news just in now to "action news." the residential treatment facility where a teenager died earlier this month is ceasing its residential treatment program. the 17-year-old student died after a struggle with three adults at the wadsworth academy in wynnefield heights. police say the student had a physical outburst after his room had been searched for a missing item. wordsworth provides education behavioral health and child welfare services to children and youth who are experiencing emotional he behavioral academic challenges. there are currently about 90 children in that program. well, that he will be moved to other facilities. >> now to the accuweather forecast meteorologist melissa magee who says the air conditioner is now officially shut off. >> yeah. >> it's a lot of cold nights coming up here. >> yeah, that's right. i mean, we had 80's last week and this week we'll be stuck in the 50's and we're tracking wet weather for the week ahead. we'll show you what's going on outside. the action cam was outside earlier today looking at the schuylkill river trail on this monday afternoon. you can see some folks strolling along the uner ramp. we had a nice mixture of sunshine and clouds across the region and it turns out to be mostly clear for the rest of tonight. here's storm tracker6 live double scan radar, you can see it's dry, it's quiet, noshes with precipitation but we will be tracking some colder air funneling in from the north and we have the. right now in philadelphia it's 64. 49 though he in the poconos, 62 for reading and lancaster we had that stiff northwesterly wind. 64 in cape may and same thing up in beach haven. here's satellite6 along with action radar. it's pretty quiet across our region. you look offer to the north and you can see the pattern with that northwesterly wind flow and instability clouds moving in at this hour. not a lot of precipitation associated with this but this will help to reinforce the cold air later tonight and into the day on tuesday. so, over the next 12 hours it's mostly clear. we've got a chilly breeze. we'll drop down to 37 in the suburbs and 42 in philadelphia for the overnight low with that northwesterly wind at eight to 16 miles per hour. the setup for us on our tuesday this area of low pressure departing. high temperature tomorrow 56 so it's a much cooler day with that northwesterly wind sustained at 12 to 20 miles per hour with high pressure to our north and west. now, overnight tuesday into wednesday, we've got a freeze watch where the growing season continues so that's for areas north and west for allentown, all the way down to middletown on westward into lancaster and also for areas in new jersey from lakehurst over into mays landing and millville. these locations will have temperatures fall close to the freezing mark close to 32 degrees even as you wake up on wednesday morning. so a frosty start midweek. it's going to be a chilly one with a high temperature of 53. those high clouds move in late and then we're tracking this area of low pressure from the west that will work its way eastward as we get into thursday and will give us some rain and much needed rain for the month of october. he association here's the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. it's bright but it's breezy tomorrow. high temperature in at 56. chilly on wednesday with those afternoon high clouds moving on in and at 53. periods of rain developing on thursday with a high of 58 degrees. in fact future tracker showing you we could find anywhere from a half inch to three-quarters of an inch of rain across the region before we clear out on friday, sunshine and clouds and at 59 for a high. milder on saturday with a few showers around and at 65. on sunday, 60 and 62 for halloween. it's spooktacular and it looks to be dry. >> so the 50's are here. >> yeah but a dry -- that's good. we like that. >> trick-or-treat should be okay the way it's looking. >> thank you melissa. there is noplace like home and no replacement for dorothy's ruby slippers. officials at the smithsonian say they are over the rainbow after reaching their fundraising goal to help preserve the ruby slippers from the wizard of oz. more than 5300 people from 41 countries put their money in to reach the $300,000 goal. the smithsonian says it will use that money for a technologically advanced display case that preserve those famous shoes for future generations. >> ♪ >> time now for what's the deal and the holidays are hearkening. there are just 61 days until christmas and if the cost of getting through the season is overwhelming there's a money saving web site called penny hoarder that has rounded up 10 what they call weird ways to boost your holiday fund by $1,325 and you can do it all in less than two hours. here are just a few of the money making items on their list. first, check this out. they say that you can make up to $225 a month watching movie previews. a company called swag bucks will pay you to watch them along with celebrity videos and the latest news. not bad right. next earn money forgetting in shape. the health app achievement mint will may you for completing healthy activities. you can get cash or an amazon gift card. now you can also get cash back on all of your holiday shopping while you are checking off your list. you can get money back from the shopping site my points. the tune of up to 25 percent cash back on whatever you purchase. not bad if you have a big holiday list. and finally, here's another one and search the web, we do this all the time, right. you can earn money simply through microsoft rewards. they'll send you gift cards for browsing the internet. more tips right now on it's not a bad number. 1,325 bucks. >> not bad at all. >> i like it. >> good stuff. >> and a turkey he. >> and a turkey don't forget that. >> rick will love that. >> that will do it for "action news at 4:00 i'm brian taff hope you'll join me along with sharrie adam and ducis rodgers tonight and every night for a full hour of action news at 10:00 on phl17. >> now here are rick williams and monica malpass way look at what's ahead at 5 o'clock. hi, guys. >> hi there. coming up next at 5:00 kathleen kane sentenced. the punishment handled down today for the former pennsylvania attorney general. plus, the arrest made and the teens police are looking for after a series of attacks near temple university. >> the new surveillance video that police hope will help them track down a thief. those stories and much more coming your way at 5:00. pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump..." "should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody meteorologist cecily tynan rick williams and monica malpass. >> ♪ >> what's clear from this is that nobody is above the law. this is a significant jail time for the chief law enforcement officer of the state. >> we begin with developing news out of montgomery county tonight. former pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane has been sentenced to 10 to 23 months in jail for leaking details of a grand jury investigation to a newspaper then lying about it under oath. monday night and the big story on "action news" is there punishment handled down less than two hours ago for kathleen kane. >> kane the first woman and first democrat elected as the state's top prosecutor was handcuffed in court today and led out a side door. now she faces a $75,000 cash bail and eight years of probation. >> when kane took avenues she was viewed as rising star in pennsylvania politics. >> it was believed she could use that post as attorney general to perhaps vault to a higher office. "action news" reporter vernon odom live in norristown now with more on that. vernon. >> reporter: good evening to you monica and to rick. the current setup of the attorney general's office was designed to be an independent corruption busting crime busting post. that is still its mission but it's also become a sweet spot for those who have higher political ambitions. >> i think she had a very, very bright political future and she has destroyed it. >> reporter: a legal expert looked at the fall of kathleen kane who held the attorney general's office that first became an elected post back in 1980. it had been a position in the governor's cabin before that.

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whole idea of the appeal and the bail that was set today. >> what's clear from this is that nobody is above the law. this is a significant jail time for the chief law enforcement officer of the state. >> because of the length of her sentence less than two years she's entitled to the same bail status as she was prior to her conviction. obviously she was on bail. so, the judge however increased the bail due to her changed circumstances. >> reporter: so, interesting set of optics as we said on the one part she will be out on bail but for today at least she has been taken away in handcuffs and will be processed at the montgomery county facility, the criminal justice facility there in eagleville. now, the judge today had some ry harsh words about what happened here. she said this was retaliation and revenge talking of the crime miss kane had been convicted of against perceived enemies she believed had embarrassed her. she had been driven by eagle he go concerned about her image focusing on fighting crime battling those perceived enemies and exploited her position to do it. again kathleen kane sentenced to 10 to 23 months in montgomery county prison and then followed by eight years of supervised probation as the judge said today she will be under her watch for about 10 years. so that's the story right now live in montgomery county at norristown courthouse, john rawlins channel6 "action news." sharrie. >> john big developments there. thank you. of course we will have continuing coverage of kane's sentencing throughout this evening and of course extended coverage on our web site >> this was how it looked at philadelphia's historic union league this morning. its ornate stone staircase broken and scattered on the sidewalk. now police say this was the work of a thief who was trying to steel the valuable railing that was on those steps. "action news" reporter bob brooks live on broad street way closer look at the damage and what police say happened here. bob. >> reporter: brian, the suspect was apparently after that brass railing. that suspect or multiple suspects thought they could get some money for it. when they yangd eight it the whole thing came tumbling down. so terrible such a beautiful structure. the good news is you can see construction has started to fix it and we also think we caught the suspect, the suspects on tape on surveillance video. let's take a look at it. it's surveillance video that shows the suspect that has much of philadelphia talking today. it appears they have the brass railing of the union league wrapped up and tied to a cart in an alley just a block away. then they walk out of frame. to get the railing they did this. big time damage to the iconic circular stairs leading to the union league's front door. >> that's sad. >> he had to be nuts. had to be something wrong with himmism according to a union league spokesperson at 3 a.m. the suspect was caught yanging off a lamp portion of the brass railing. everything else crumbled down. >> incredible hulk or something. >> reporter: the union league says yes it appears they acted alone. >> it's on tape he came up the steps this way kind of 3:02 kind of came back to the railing grabbed the brass ripped it down causing the structure to fully collapse. >> reporter: ick see -- you can see half of the brass railing is gone. the vandals picked it up walked down south broad made a right on moravian and disappeared. the suspect crosses 15th continues on moravian to wrap up load up the brass and cart it away. and it even appears as if he's being helped by another man at that point. the famous stairs used for wedding pictures and other events are in bad shape but we're told they'll be fixed as quick as possible. >> we're in the works to have that taken care of immediately so it can be restorm. we have upcoming weddings and events. disappointing for sure for a lot of people. >> reporter: okay, back out live you can see crews have a good handle on things. it looks like they're making some progress pretty quick to get these stairs fixed and also the union league has multiple cameras out here. the suspect is captured on that as well. hopefully they'll be identified soon. reporting live in center city bob brooks channel6 "action news." sharrie. >> all right, bob, thank you. quite the mess there. we have some breaking news now to get to. this happening in montgomery county. chopper 6hd was flying over the scene earlier. this started as a water rescue. it was under way in the schuylkill river in norristown where a man wanted by police jumped into the river. it happened at the haws avenue bridge if you're familiar with this area. police say they were chasing a suspect on foot when that suspect jumped into the river. this all happened about an hour ago. and we are now being told that suspect is in custody. association the -- association association -- so the water rescue happened. if we get more information on it we're pass it along. >> new information about attacks on both temple university students and campus police. today the university's campus safety says it's working with philadelphia police to investigate at least four different incidents that happened just off campus on friday. now, these incidents are all linked to a group of juveniles officials say are attacking people at random. and this afternoon four teens are behind bars. the incidents include a robbery at 1400 oxford. two people were also assaulted at 1700 cecil b. moore. two police officers were assaulted at 1900 north broad. and a police horse was punched in the face at 1700 north broad. these four incidents all happened between 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock friday night. temple first sent out an alert about a large crowd around 9:30 p.m. they believe this all started on social media with hundreds of kids showing up to the pearl theater. now, when they couldn't all fit in, that's when the trouble began. >> it's very concerning that you can get a group of juveniles to pull together that quickly and some become violent. with that he we've increased our patrols. >> the people we have in custody 15, 16, 17 so these are kids, i mean, they're teenagers but again that's something that's now going impact the rest of their lives as being involved in this kind of nonsense. >> and because of that, police are urging parents to get involved, know where their teens are at night and because this is still under investigation, they say more arrests could be announced soon. brian and sharrie. >> all right, alicia, thank you. it is time now for a check of the accuweather forecast. >> mix of sun and clouds out there. a lot of wind. meteorologist melissa magee in for adam joseph today. live outside right now. hi, melissa. >> hi brian and sharrie. is this not a bad start to our work week. we have sunshine and clouds and those winds are still blustery out of the west. right now we'll show you the numbers. in philadelphia we're coming in at 64, 60 in new york city a little milder to the south much richmond virginia 76 but to the north and west in buffalo in at 48. here is satellite6 along with action radar. you can see we he do have some instability clouds across the region. this will help to reinforce the colder air that moves in overnight tonight and even through the day on tuesday but the clouds will break up underneath a mostly clear sky so we'll talk about tuesday's chill. 8 o'clock in the morning 43. 48 at 10:00 a.m. by noon tomorrow, just 52. we'll max out close to the middle and upper 50's across the region underneath a mostly clear to partly cloudy sky. so, only in the 50's for highs tomorrow. also tracking a freeze watch wednesday morning and some late week rain. we'll take a closer look coming up with the full and exclusive accuweather forecast. brian. >> all right, melissa see you shortly. thank you. believe it or not we are just two weeks and one day away from the presidential election. and both candidates are racing to make use of every last second. democrat hillary clinton campaigned today in the battleground state of new hampshire. she was joined by massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. the latest abc tracking poll shows hillary clinton with a 12-point lead nationally over republican donald trump. mr. trump meanwhile met with farmers in florida today where he told them that many of the polls that show him trailing clinton are phone he knee. in fact he is winning. he also told reporters he felt very good about his chances in florida a state that is essential for him to win the white house. voters in parts of florida, colorado, texas and several other states have already begun heading to the polls. those states have rules that allow voters to cast their ballots before election day without an excuse to vote early. again election day is coming up november 8th. >> and brian, we are just hours away from republican senator pat toomey and democratic challenger katie mcginty's final debate before the election. let's take a live look from temple university and this is where the two will face off tonight. the contest could help determine which party gets control of the u.s. senate. and "action news" anchor jim gardner will moderate that debate tonight. of course you can watch it live at 7:00 p.m. right here on 6abc. all right time for the "action news" traffic report on a monday. >> matt pelman standing by with a first look. >> fresh start new work week. this afternoon we're dealing with some of the same old backups. this morning talking about a lot of construction that was going on the roads today. there was roving crew on the blue route 476 northbound side approaching the schuylkill expressway. crew is gone now so the lanes are opened but you can see we're still dealing with a lingering northbound delay coming away from villanova headed up toward i-76. also still have that police activity, the water rescue coming out of norristown. if you're on the southbound side of 202, crossing the danne hower bridge headed toward king of prussia the right lane is still blocked there. so, comeing a away from the dunkin' donuts i would expect slowing because of the police activity. a broken down bus on the roosevelt boulevard southbound at strahle street there where deer meadow he retirement community is. typical delays on 95 by the betsy ross bridge and the ben franklin bridge just 8 miles per hour there. farther north on 95 by the scudder falls bridge coming out of bucks county into mercer county there's construction once again today so just one lane is getting by at this point speeds aren't too bad but as the after progresses they will get worse. so might want to stick with route one through bucks county into mercer instead of i-95 northbound. and all day today we've had delays on the paoli thorndale reach regional rail line. let's grab the ipad do the commuter report on this monday afternoon. concorde township a crash along baltimore pike. watch out for that as you head toward mill creek park as you can see it is causing some slowing. we'll check it again brian and sharrie, coming up in the next half hour. >> matt thank you. see you then. >> still ahead the deal isn't approved but wall street is responding to the possible at&t-time warner merger. >> the truck driver involvedly in a deadly accident describes what happened the moment a tour bus slammed into him. >> and a new jersey neighborhood living on a dangerous and toxic dump. find out what's next for their community. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> in palm springs california this afternoon there are still questions surrounding a deadly tour bus crash that killed 13 people and injured dozens more. police say around 5 o'clock yesterday morning, a u.s. holiday tour bus carrying 44 people heading home from a night of gambling and festivities slammed into the back of a big rig. 10 women and three men were killed. 31 others were injured. the driver of that big rig that got rear-ended describes the scene. >> the impact, just, you know, hit he me, hit me from behind and, uh, i just blacked out for a minute and when i gained my consciousness undid my seat belt and looked around, tried to see what happened, felt like i got ran over by something and that's when i got out my truck. >> that driver who only wants to be referred the as bruce was injured but has already been released from the hospital and says he's just happy to be alive today. as for the condition of those injured who did survive, doctors say because of the high speed and then the sudden braking, most of the victims were also any not wearing seat belts. there were spinal injuries and extensive facial trauma. now, just as to what caused that tour bus to crash into the tractor-trailer, that's still under investigation. they say the bus had passed all recent inspections. police describe this as one of the most devastating scenes they have been called to recently. sharrie. >> the images are just devastating. all right, alicia. investors on wall street are reacting to the news at&t is buying time warner for $85 billion. the stocks of both companies fell after the opening bell. at&t specializes in video cell phone cable and internet services while time warner holdings include hbo, cnn and warner brothers. some public intergroups fear the merger will lead to higher costs and fewer choices for consumers and both presidential presidential candidates have also criticized this defect here's a look at today's closing numbers and they are all upward today. green arrows here the dow up more than 77 points today the nasdaq up nearly 52 and a half points, the s & p 500 just up over and the points today. >> dozens of job seekers turned out in south jersey today to get plugged in about the future of energy. the action cam was at the second annual utility job and career fair at mercer county community college. the event is as much about filling a need as it is about filling jobs. 55 percent of the utility workforce in new jersey and elsewhere may need to be totally regenerated in the next decade. and with increasing emphasis on new energy sources experience and train regular essential so say industry experts. >> all right a bit of a cool windy start to the week as we check the accuweather forecast. >> all right. going to have some cool nights ahead. meteorologist melissa magee joining us live with the accuweather details. >> hi brian and sharrie. big changes ahead as we go throughout the north korea -- next few days. on this monday afternoon we have sunshine and a few fair weather clouds moving across the region as well. currently in philadelphia we're in at 64. 62 in allentown, the lehigh valley, 62 as well in lancaster, 67 down in dover. you notice we have that northwesterly wind. we had gusts today close to 30 miles per hour. right now the gusts are 23 miles per hour in philadelphia, 28 miles per hour wind gusts for both allentown and reading and a gust clocking in at 30 miles per hour out to the west there in lancaster. here's satellite6 along with action radar. you see it's pretty dry and quiet. the clouds help to reinforce the cold air for the rest of tonight and even for the day on tuesday. so, over the next 12 hours here's the call from accuweather. we'll drop down to 42 in philadelphia for the overnight low. the upper 30's north and west of town. 44 down in cape may underneath aostly clear sky. and we have a bit of a chilly breeze. here's future tracker six. the morning numbers in the 95 corridor still in the upper 40's as well as north and west. 50 in wildwood and 51 degrees for both dover and wilmington. by 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon with that colder air rushing on in thanks to that northwesterly wind, just 55 in the city, 42 in the poconos and 54 degrees out to the west in lancaster. by wednesday morning, here is the big change. you can see only 37 in philadelphia. 7:30 in the morning midweek numbers hovering close to the freezing mark north and west of town. 41 in wildwood and just 29 degrees in the poconos. in fact overnight tuesday into wednesday morning, our freeze watch goes up for the areas where we are still having our growing season. this is for allentown down to quakertown coatesville and middletown, even into areas in south jersey from 2:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on wednesday as temperatures will be close to 32 degrees and the coldest it has been since april in many of these locations. here is the four day at 4:00 and you can see we've got cold air coming our way. bright but breezy on tuesday, a high temperature of 56 degrees. on wednesday, it's chilly. afternoon high clouds, a high temperature of he 53. thursday periods of rain move in and at 58 degrees and on friday a nice mixture of sunshine and clouds and at 59 degrees. so, we had a tease on saturday with the winds then the showers and the colder air. this is going to be even colder with numbers only in the 50's guys. >> all right. >> all right. >> thank you melissa. >> got it. >> still ahead here today after celebrating its 90th anniversary a church in wilmington is forced to shut its doors but it may still be able to serve the community. >> and take a look at this dog here. it's credited with saving his homeowner from a fire in philadelphia's port richmond section. the story from neighbors coming up. >> and moms hold their babies all the time but we'll explain coming up in big talkers why this mother called this moment profound. >> ♪ to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. the practice is banned in 35 states because it's considered predatory, but pat toomey didn't care. pat toomey the banker: he's really not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> ♪ >> a store clerk was robbed at gunpoint in philadelphia's cedarbrook section early sunday morning at the 7-eleven on the 7700 block of ogontz avenue. the suspect was able to get away with money from the cash register. the store employee was not injured in this. a woman and her dog are continuing to recover after they were injured in a fire this weekend. a neighbor say the victim's dog helped to save her life. the fire started in the home on the 3100 block of memphis road about 4:30 sunday morning. neighbors say the dog started barking and woke them up. they called 911 after seeing the flames. firefighters rushed to the scene found the dog on top of its unconscious homeowner. she was rushed to the hospital with burns but alive. the dog's veterinarian says he's improving but still being given oxygen. >> philadelphia police say they have arrested the suspect who initially tried to run over a cop on a bicycle in kensington. this happened around 9:45 last night on the 1800 block of east russell street. police say the suspect was in a stolen vehicle but ended up ditching the car a few blocks away. the officer was knocked off of his bike but was not injured. police have not released the suspect's name. >> house of worship in wilmington is shutting down now 90 years after it opened. christ our king church will close for good at the end of the month. parish administrators blame a cam bin nation of factors including declining enrollment and finances. >> it's like losing a loved one many people become attached to buildings but our buildings mean something. we say that god 's grace flows through here and a lot of people have been touched by that. >> now the church is hoping that someone will buy this property and preserve the building. that would also allow the thomas sullivan food pantry he to stay in operation and continue serving that community. >> well, more than 100,000 students were back in class today now that the faculty strike of 14 pennsylvania universities is over. the strike lasted three days but friday more than 5,000 faculty members and coaches reached a tentative contract agreement with the state system of higher education. the new contract still has to go to the full union membership for ratification. >> and there is much more to come here on "action news" at 4:00 on this monday afternoon. the mom of the conjoined twin boys in new york who were separated after 13 months just got to experience a huge milestone. we'll take you there. >> and what is known as one of the most memorable items from the wizard of oz will live on a lot longer thanks to tons of cash and technology. we've got the update when "action news at 4:00 returns. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian ff. >> ♪ >> it is 4:30 and "action news" continues with developing news out of montgomery county courthouse today where kathleen kane just learned she is going to jail. >> now within the last 90 minutes a judge sentenced the former pennsylvania attorney general to spend between 10 and 23 months behind bars. kane was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs and taken to the montgomery county correctional facility and that is where she will be processed and could be released on $75,000 bail later this evening. now, it was in august kane was found guilty of leaking grand jury documents to embarrass a rival and then lying about it under oath. she had asked for probation or house arrest because she wants to stay at home to raise her two teenaged sons but this afternoon the judge sided with prosecutors who pushed for jail time. kane is vowing to appeal the sentence. >> tons of toxic car batteries were found buried under homes in west deptford gloucester county. now that area has been designated as a super fund site. this could cause all kinds of problems for the homeowners and could cost them a lot of money that discovery. walter perez now live in west deptford to explain. walter. >> reporter: well, you said it brian what looks like a quiet neighborhood here in new jersey is now a super fund site more specifically they expanded the the scope of a nearby super fund site to include this neighborhood. simply put what started as a he remediation project you see behind he me at this home in west deptford just got a lot bigger. several weeks ago we reported how the epa dug up tons of lead and pcb infested car battery debris from the property of this home on birchly court in west deptford. now environmental officials say they found enough evidence to link the toxic debris discovered under this property with the matteo and sons metal recycling facility super fund site a few miles away. the epa determined that the contamination goes well beyond this one property. >> because the project has expanded significantly beyond this property epa is in the process of or has decided to put the site on the super fund list. >> reporter: the matteo and sons facility where car batteries among other items were recycled was added to the national super fund registry about 10 years ago. still, epa officials are coming short of directly blaming matteo and sons for the toxic mess that exists on birchly court oakmont court and woodlane drive. that part of the investigation continues but adding this community as a subsection of the matteo super fund site he frees up the money needed to clean up this area. a process that will extend this project well into next year and likely beyond. >> i would think the soonest that actually cleanup actions could take place out here under the process would be late summer, fall. that would be the soonest next year. >> reporter: next year. >> yeah. >> reporter: we spoke with neighbors many of whom say this information confirmed their lingering fears. >> we're really concerned. we have two little boys that live here and there's areas all over that need to be cleaned up so we're just hoping that sooner rather than later. >> reporter: now, epa officials add that clearly matteo and sons has become the primary focus of their investigation. reporting live from west deptford, walter perez channel6 "action news." sharrie. >> all right walter. thank you. 20-year-old man was shot twice in theensington section of philadelphia today and the shooter remains on the loose. police say the gunfire erupted around noon on the 2900 block of rosehill street. the victim was taken to temple hospital in stable condition. no word yet on what led up to this shooting. from our delaware news room now, two more suspects have been arrested for an attack on a man in dover. travis caldwell and julius johnson mills were taken into custody friday. police say the victim was on lucker man street back on september 23rd when he was beaten unconscious and then robbed. a third man accused in the crime was arrested earlier this month. caldwell and johnson-mills both remain behind bars. >> the shooting that shook rittenhouse square last week will be the topic of discussion during a community meeting tonight. a 17-year-old suspect surrendered on saturda for his role in the attack that left a 39-year-old man with several gun shot wounds. police say the victim was shot when he he tried to stop the teen and another man from robbing someone in rittenhouse park last tuesday. now members of city council will discuss the incident with residents 7 o'clock tonight at the church on the square. >> ♪ there are just about two weeks now until election day and tonight he republican pennsylvania senator pat toomey and democratic challenger katie mcginty will have their final debate. the contest has been heated and the outcome will help determine which party controls the united states senate. let's look live now at the very site where the debate will be held tonight on the campus of temple university. it will be at the temple performing arts center and 6abc is proud to host this debate. "action news" anchor jim gardner will moderate the faceoff tonight and you can watch it live 7 o'clock this evening right here on 6abc. and of course we'll stream it online as well >> should be a lot of interest in that. >> oh, yeah. >> all right. melissa magee joining us now in for adam and cooler today and i heard you say we're getting cooler later. >> yeah, even tomorrow. why are you giving me that look brian. >> because i'm not -- >> those 80's are gone this week. we're not having that. 50's are coming back. we'll show you what's going on outside, sky6 live in hd looking at the center city skyline, temple university camera looking at city hall down on broad street. 64 degrees is the at that outside, the dewpoint 38, winds out of the northwest at 14 miles per hour and to the north and west in the lehigh valley easton at the nurture neigh nature center temperature at 62. the air is really dry to the north and west. the dewpoint number of 33 but we have that stiff west to northwestey wind at 15 miles per hour with a nice mixture of sunshine and clouds. the eastern half of the u.s. looks like this. when you look at the temperatures, it's 64 in philadelphia. to the south of our region it's 81 in atlanta, 80 in memphis and chicago just 58 and 54 degrees in bismarck, so an indication that the cooler air is coming in from the north and eventually dipping down to the south. we'll tap into those 50 as well, get those pom pom and poodle skirts out because 50's are making a bit of a he revival guys later this week. >> to celebrate pom poms and poodle skirts. >> like they did in the 50's with the oxford shoes. i'm just bringing it back. >> you go ahead and bring it back. >> sounds like good fashion. mel sack thank you. a pregnant woman diagnosed with the zika virus in miami he spoke publicly for the first time about her case. 38-year-old jessica flores learned that she had the virus in mid august. it was just after a trip to her native honduras. she was 16 weeks pregnant. doctors at jackson memorial hospital in miami say so far ultrasound images do not show any sign of the abnormally small head that's usually linked to zika infections. >> she is due in february and so we still have several months to go of repeated ultrasounds and repeated blood tests but all the information that we have on the growth and development of the baby thus far is healthy and normal. >> well, of course they'll continue to monitor the pregnancy and both mom and baby after the baby is born. flores has already picked out a name daniela elizabeth. >> the united nations said today that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has reached a record high. and that gives new urgency to the message this group was spreading in princeton today. representatives from environment new jersey laid out 50 ideas they say will help the state cut carbon emissions in new jersey. now the pro apostles were laid out in a new report presented to lawmakers in trenton and among the ideas is this. making electronic vehicle charging stations more widely available statewide. >> today the country's top pediatricians issued new recommendations for parents to be and it might not be good news for their sleep schedules. "action news" anchor rick williams live now in the news room with more on this story. hi, rick. >> hi, sharrie thank you, that's right. it's all to hopefully ensure the safety of infants in their first months of life ton hopefully prevent sids as well, that's sudden infant death syndrome. the biggest recommendation in the report, infants should sleep in the same room as their parents for at least six months if not a year. health reporter ali gorman will have much more on these suggestions coming up tonight in health check. tonight dessert for breakfast how about this, the new product from general mills that's putting a seasonal treat on your kitchen table all year 'round. okay. sounds yummy. those stories and much more when we see you in just a little bit on "action news" at 5:00 sharrie back to you. >> i know what you were thinking. would i buy i was box right. >> or kind of just put one on my desk. >> i'll think about it. see ya' rick. philadelphia students creating media contender and sharing it with the public using the recently revised production studio at district headquarters that we know a little something about this, rider. the students can share their stories on tstv the district's educational channel. superintendent dr. william hite says the program is expanding to all schools thanks to a recent deal between comcast and the city. >> future channel6 employees. >> there we go. >> still to come on "action news" at 4:00 new research says a child doesn't have to play football for long to experience damage to their brain. in fact experts say they don't even have to have a concussion. >> plus, one boy's mom says man's best friend is just what her autistic son needed to help him live a better life. that story coming up. >> and meteorologist melissa magee will be back with that full accuweather forecast. pom poms and a poodle skirt. >> i was thinking that. >> she's bringing it back. "action news" at 4:00 continues next. "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. this is your last chance to get 100meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. only from fios. z25pmz zi0z y25pmy yi0y >> ♪ >> five people were killed when a driver went the wrong way on an interstate in massachusetts. this happened overnight on 495 in the town of middle borrow. the driver who went the wrong way slammed into a car that was carrying four people. well, that vehicle burst into flames. officials say it's too earl to determine whether speed alcohol or drugs were involved. >> on health check at 4 o'clock today in football it apparently does not take a concussion to affect a child's brain. researchers have now found that changes occur after a single season of youth football. they found that an accumulation of milder hits to the head alter the function of nerve fibers which connect various regions of the brain and the more hits the bigger the change. now however doctors don't know yet what, if any, effect that has on thinking or on memory. >> ♪ >> big talkers now and we start way moment so simple yet so special and so gripping. mothers hold their babies all the time but nicole mcdonald here calls this moment holding her son jayden alone for the first time the most profound of her life. at just 13 months old her boys conjoined twins were successfully separated and now doing great on the road to recovery. last week it took doctors at mounted for -- hospital to separate them. she's yet to cradle anais but his recovery he is set to take a little bit longer. amazing duo a boy -- a dog and this -- this puppy has proven to be much more than boy's best friend. this is kia and tornado is the dog. the moment brought kai's mom to tears because her son has autism and doesn't connect easily with others. now while mom says communication lab a challenge for her son, there's something about tornado that brought kai a sense of comfort, safety and contentment. >> to see him when he he immediately laid down and that relationship being reciprocated back to him it was breath taking. >> tornado was trained if birth to be a service dog specializing in autism and now as you can see, the two are inseparable. and hey remember that guy i told you about last week the guy from rhode island named allen who really hated yoga pants he wrote that scathing letter in a local paper telling women who should wear them and where. well, the ladies who promised a very public protest made good on that and they held their yoga pants parade in town yesterday way very vocal message for allen and anyone else who wants to tell them what to wear and it wasn't just women who turned out in the town of barrington. men joined in, too, yoga pants and all. >> we're sick and tired of our clothing and our bodies being police by men. >> he he had they marched to allen's house and the turnout as you can see he was pretty impressive. a lot of people showing up there. by the way allen says his letter to the paper was only meant to be a joke and he called the parade stressful and intimidating and at the end little bright spot here, they used their yoga pants to do yoga. do not mess with women and their yoga pants. >> is that on his front lawn by the way. >> not a popular man. >> not coming outside. >> he may want to try some meditation a of the that. alicia thanks very much. let's get another check of the roads right now. >> all right, matt is standing by with the update. you've got your regular trousers on. >> i do. >> okay. >> but let me tell you several of these traffic troubles they're a pain in the pants this afternoon as you head home on 95 we'd like to destress but instead adding to the stress is a new accident in the southbound lanes as you enter the work zone zone at cottman avenue. penndot is on the scene. the crash is partially taking out that left lane and the southbound delay is building up quickly. jammed solid from woodhaven through this accident scene which again is southbound right between academy and cottman avenue. elsewhere on 95 in bucks county still have that northbound work zone at the scudder falls bridge but at this point the slower speeds are southbound on 95 there in mercer county just 20 miles per hour headed toward the scudder falls bridge. broken down bus on the roosevelt boulevard at strahle is running again. cross that off the list. east oak lane a new crash at 66th avenue and eighth street and some big new construction began today in west vincent chester county route 401 now shut down at saint matthew's road, yes saint matthew that's an important one to note. stick with horseshoe trail or buyers road instead. broken down vehicle on 202 taking outer the left lane. a little slowing in tredyffrin a crash along 252 at chester brook boulevard. we'll check it again brian and sharrie, coming up in the 5 o'clock hour. >> all right monsignor matthew thank you very much. up next here at 4:30 another check on the accuweather forecast for the rest of this work week. >> ♪ katie: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. vo: donald trump and pat toomey have plenty in common -- they're both putting pennsylvania women at risk. even after trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, toomey stood by him. on women's health - both trump and toomey would defund planned parenthood. on abortion: trump: "there has to be some form of punishment" toomey: "i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: too dangerous for pennsylvania women. >> ♪ >> we've got some breaking news just in now to "action news." the residential treatment facility where a teenager died earlier this month is ceasing its residential treatment program. the 17-year-old student died after a struggle with three adults at the wadsworth academy in wynnefield heights. police say the student had a physical outburst after his room had been searched for a missing item. wordsworth provides education behavioral health and child welfare services to children and youth who are experiencing emotional he behavioral academic challenges. there are currently about 90 children in that program. well, that he will be moved to other facilities. >> now to the accuweather forecast meteorologist melissa magee who says the air conditioner is now officially shut off. >> yeah. >> it's a lot of cold nights coming up here. >> yeah, that's right. i mean, we had 80's last week and this week we'll be stuck in the 50's and we're tracking wet weather for the week ahead. we'll show you what's going on outside. the action cam was outside earlier today looking at the schuylkill river trail on this monday afternoon. you can see some folks strolling along the uner ramp. we had a nice mixture of sunshine and clouds across the region and it turns out to be mostly clear for the rest of tonight. here's storm tracker6 live double scan radar, you can see it's dry, it's quiet, noshes with precipitation but we will be tracking some colder air funneling in from the north and we have the. right now in philadelphia it's 64. 49 though he in the poconos, 62 for reading and lancaster we had that stiff northwesterly wind. 64 in cape may and same thing up in beach haven. here's satellite6 along with action radar. it's pretty quiet across our region. you look offer to the north and you can see the pattern with that northwesterly wind flow and instability clouds moving in at this hour. not a lot of precipitation associated with this but this will help to reinforce the cold air later tonight and into the day on tuesday. so, over the next 12 hours it's mostly clear. we've got a chilly breeze. we'll drop down to 37 in the suburbs and 42 in philadelphia for the overnight low with that northwesterly wind at eight to 16 miles per hour. the setup for us on our tuesday this area of low pressure departing. high temperature tomorrow 56 so it's a much cooler day with that northwesterly wind sustained at 12 to 20 miles per hour with high pressure to our north and west. now, overnight tuesday into wednesday, we've got a freeze watch where the growing season continues so that's for areas north and west for allentown, all the way down to middletown on westward into lancaster and also for areas in new jersey from lakehurst over into mays landing and millville. these locations will have temperatures fall close to the freezing mark close to 32 degrees even as you wake up on wednesday morning. so a frosty start midweek. it's going to be a chilly one with a high temperature of 53. those high clouds move in late and then we're tracking this area of low pressure from the west that will work its way eastward as we get into thursday and will give us some rain and much needed rain for the month of october. he association here's the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. it's bright but it's breezy tomorrow. high temperature in at 56. chilly on wednesday with those afternoon high clouds moving on in and at 53. periods of rain developing on thursday with a high of 58 degrees. in fact future tracker showing you we could find anywhere from a half inch to three-quarters of an inch of rain across the region before we clear out on friday, sunshine and clouds and at 59 for a high. milder on saturday with a few showers around and at 65. on sunday, 60 and 62 for halloween. it's spooktacular and it looks to be dry. >> so the 50's are here. >> yeah but a dry -- that's good. we like that. >> trick-or-treat should be okay the way it's looking. >> thank you melissa. there is noplace like home and no replacement for dorothy's ruby slippers. officials at the smithsonian say they are over the rainbow after reaching their fundraising goal to help preserve the ruby slippers from the wizard of oz. more than 5300 people from 41 countries put their money in to reach the $300,000 goal. the smithsonian says it will use that money for a technologically advanced display case that preserve those famous shoes for future generations. >> ♪ >> time now for what's the deal and the holidays are hearkening. there are just 61 days until christmas and if the cost of getting through the season is overwhelming there's a money saving web site called penny hoarder that has rounded up 10 what they call weird ways to boost your holiday fund by $1,325 and you can do it all in less than two hours. here are just a few of the money making items on their list. first, check this out. they say that you can make up to $225 a month watching movie previews. a company called swag bucks will pay you to watch them along with celebrity videos and the latest news. not bad right. next earn money forgetting in shape. the health app achievement mint will may you for completing healthy activities. you can get cash or an amazon gift card. now you can also get cash back on all of your holiday shopping while you are checking off your list. you can get money back from the shopping site my points. the tune of up to 25 percent cash back on whatever you purchase. not bad if you have a big holiday list. and finally, here's another one and search the web, we do this all the time, right. you can earn money simply through microsoft rewards. they'll send you gift cards for browsing the internet. more tips right now on it's not a bad number. 1,325 bucks. >> not bad at all. >> i like it. >> good stuff. >> and a turkey he. >> and a turkey don't forget that. >> rick will love that. >> that will do it for "action news at 4:00 i'm brian taff hope you'll join me along with sharrie adam and ducis rodgers tonight and every night for a full hour of action news at 10:00 on phl17. >> now here are rick williams and monica malpass way look at what's ahead at 5 o'clock. hi, guys. >> hi there. coming up next at 5:00 kathleen kane sentenced. the punishment handled down today for the former pennsylvania attorney general. plus, the arrest made and the teens police are looking for after a series of attacks near temple university. >> the new surveillance video that police hope will help them track down a thief. those stories and much more coming your way at 5:00. pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump..." "should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody meteorologist cecily tynan rick williams and monica malpass. >> ♪ >> what's clear from this is that nobody is above the law. this is a significant jail time for the chief law enforcement officer of the state. >> we begin with developing news out of montgomery county tonight. former pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane has been sentenced to 10 to 23 months in jail for leaking details of a grand jury investigation to a newspaper then lying about it under oath. monday night and the big story on "action news" is there punishment handled down less than two hours ago for kathleen kane. >> kane the first woman and first democrat elected as the state's top prosecutor was handcuffed in court today and led out a side door. now she faces a $75,000 cash bail and eight years of probation. >> when kane took avenues she was viewed as rising star in pennsylvania politics. >> it was believed she could use that post as attorney general to perhaps vault to a higher office. "action news" reporter vernon odom live in norristown now with more on that. vernon. >> reporter: good evening to you monica and to rick. the current setup of the attorney general's office was designed to be an independent corruption busting crime busting post. that is still its mission but it's also become a sweet spot for those who have higher political ambitions. >> i think she had a very, very bright political future and she has destroyed it. >> reporter: a legal expert looked at the fall of kathleen kane who held the attorney general's office that first became an elected post back in 1980. it had been a position in the governor's cabin before that.

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