Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160816 : compareme

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160816

ventral pennsylvania this, is all heading to the east. most energy should pass to the west but it has potential to pass through the area with strong gusty thunderstorms. the national weather service issued a thunderstorm watch until 11:00 tonight for most of our viewing area except for delaware and along the coast. anything that moves through has the potential for damaging winds and hail. it will be a broken line of storms, not everyone will get them. the best chance to get the strongest storms is north and west of philadelphia and heavy rain and gusty winds with them. it should be weakening as it pushes to the south, behind the system there is not much relief from the heat and humidity. i'm talk about that coming up. >> be sure to follow our meteorologists on meteorologist and twitter for updates on potential storms. use the same platforms to share your weather pictures and videos as well. don't forget the power of stormtracker 6 live double scan radar, available at is it weather. hillary clinton returned to philadelphia for the first time since accepting the democratic nomination for president at last month's dnc, vernon odom ask live in west philadelphia where clinton held a voter registration rally and opened a new campaign office. >> reporter: good afternoon brian this, was hillary clinton's first visit to philadelphia and her first trip back here since the nomination was accepted here in philadelphia last month. the formula is and the believe of her campaign is, that her opponent cannot get elected without taking the keystone state, pennsylvania. she came out to make sure there was a get out to vote octane in this strong hold. polls show hillary clinton with a double digit lead over donald trump here in pennsylvania. so large in fact, she pulled down her tv ads until september. now the ground game is the focus. clinton was here to kick off a voter registration drive. she must have a large turnout in philadelphia to carry the state and the 20 electoral votes. >> we want you all to register to vote. we have places to register because we don't want you on the sidelines come november. >> many experts believe that donald trump's inflammatory rhetoric is enough to cause a massive black and latino turnout equal to the numbers that went to the polls for barack obama in '08 and 12. >> this is the most consequenceal election and the stakes could not be higher, we want everyone in philadelphia and everyone across pennsylvania to be part of a great victory in november and then the future that we are going build together! >> fervent hillary supporters have concerns about the overconfidence in the wake of the falling poll numbers of donald trump. >> there is concern and we'll go out and go canvassing and talk to our neighbors and family members to make sure everyone comes out to vote for hillary. >> some people think they don't like either candidate so they won't vote at all. you need to vote. >> reporter: brian the clinton campaign's target for registering some 3 million voters nationwide for the november election. live in west philadelphia, i'm vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> all right vernon, thanks. meanwhile, republican, donald trump, is on route to milwaukee as that state deals with an outbreak of violence, trump is set to meet with law enforcement after days of destructive democrats following the shooting by police of 21-year-old silvan smith. a black man that police say was armed shot after turning his gun towards officers. and trump plans a town hall meeting in the city tonight. the mayor's trip to rome and macy's and hotel rides and according to the comptroller, the mayor used funds for the philadelphia marathon to pay for all of it. they laid out $138,000 of what he calls unapproved spending for the marathon reserves. he says they were approved solely by former representative desir desiree prior but the trip to rome by nutter and his staff before the papal visit and the way they chose to pay for it. >> if they had processed the trip through the vouchers and treasures office, we would have insisted on receipts and had an internal bee date and there would have been all sorts of scrutiny, so the decision was made to circumvent the city process. >> they say they are now expanding the review and the next steps, the marathon fund pays for that event and others that promote the city. michael nutter issued this response less than an hour ago, saying that the comptroller say liar, and snake and hypocrite and no truth in what he says, every expent tour was proper and for an approved purpose and he is a sad and sick person. chad pradelli will have more on this story that continues to unfold tonight at 6:00. >> leaving nothing to the imagination with that statement. it's time for the "action news" traffic report, lets go live to matt pellman in the traffic centers. >> i could use scathing words in reference to the roadways, the roosevelt boulevard is jammed coming off the schuylkill from fox street to broad street. this is normal afternoon volume. on the southbound side, there say crash to watch out for in the outer drive heading into the phils game problems on 95, construction going on at academy and cotman, they are taking out the right lane, we are down a lane. that means coming down from woodhaven you hit a jam. they were suppose clear at 3:00 but vent yesterday. the vine will close tonight at 11:00 for overnight construction, also closing at 8:00 tonight. the ramp from the vine westbound to 30 and street and the ramp from the schuylkill eastbound to 30th street and work tonight and next tuesday night on that ramp. in mount ephraim watch for a water main break, it's a traffic pain on the black horse pike past kings highway, a shift in traffic there because of the water main break. lets grab the ipad and do the commuter report. a crash reported on the mlk, speeds in the 20s on the schuylkill, so possibly the kelly drive will be your best bet into and out of center city this afternoon. we'll check it again in the next half hour. >> thank you, matt. a day of crank up the air conditioning in the cars. lets get back to the weather, still ahead a bitter sweet night for philadelphia sports fans -- lets go to sara bloomquist who continues our coverage on the excessive heat. we have endured for more than a week now. sara is live now. >> reporter: well, sharrie we are here in south philadelphia at the italian market where the last seven days, the vendors are operating the food stalls that have been here for decades and it's not easy in this extreme heat keeping the fruit from ripening fast. the italian market operates out in the open. from fruits to crabs. the tropical temperatures are turning the fruit real fast. >> everything is ripening fast. we try to keep them green, by tomorrow they are yellow already. it's ice all the time to keep the meat and poultry from going bad. >> we use plenty of ice. we have an ice maker in the back, we have no problem with that. >> the pretzel company, the day of baking pretzels at noon but the temperature in the place approached 100 degrees. >> with the oven off we are at 104 degrees but we work in approximately 118 degree temperatures, it's hot. >> you drink a lot of water and gatorade, if you are not here are you not putting out the best pretzel in the city. >> they have solutions, the parking lot attendant got his own personal fans. and a reminder of the past helps keep anyone cool. >> is it work? >> yes, put your hand in front of it. >> it looks pretty good. we look at our phones, pictures from the winter time. that helps out a little bit. >> it does help a little bit. now the vendors here is a that this weather does keep business down a bit and they are selling lots of summertime fruit like watermelons and mangos, it seems no one wants to cook when it's this hot. i'm sara bloomquist, channel 6 "action news." >> perhaps you can make a smoothy. >> why not. >> thank you sara. a bitter sweet night for philadelphia sports fans, one of the most beloved athletes comes back to town tonight but in a dinner uniform. >> and we catch up with volunteers in our area in parts of louisiana dealing with historic flooding and one of america's largest health insurance makes a change. we'll break it all down next. and that he was covered by the meningococcal meningitis vaccine he had received. until 2014 there were no vaccines for meningitis b in the u.s. now there are. while uncommon, meningitis b can lead to death within 24 hours. trumenba is a vaccine for 10 through 25 year olds to help prevent group b meningococcal disease. trumenba should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects were injection-site pain, fatigue... headache, muscle pain, and chills. ask your doctor or pharmacist about all the risks and benefits of trumenba and tell them if you've received any other meningitis b vaccines. meningitis b can be spread by typical sharing like... a drink... a spoon... a kiss. it all started here... it might have been prevented with trumenba. ask your doctor or pharmacist about trumenba. search and rescue missions continue in louisiana following historic flooding. the governor says that more than 8,000 people are living in shelters than number is expected to rise. nearly a dozen local american red cross volunteers headed south to baton rouge. we caught up with the crews as they boarded an early morning flight. 40,000 homes are affected and our volunteers are ready to assist. >> we'll be doing feeding and help people with their long-term recoveries. and right now the people really need help in baton rouge. >> at least eight people have died in the floods, as much as two feet of rain fell in some places in just two days. coming up in our next half hour we'll have the latest on the rescue and recovery efforts there as the waters continue to recede but slowly. >> all right thank you. firefighters continue to get control of a wild fire burning in northern california, the clayton fire is now 20% contained but it's already destroyed 175 homes, the fire has charred seven square miles and caused $70 million in damage. etna is about to become the latest health insurer to cut back on the affordable care act's exchanges. it will have an impact on our area. it will only offer exchanges in four states, that is down from 15 this year. etna is dropping its pennsylvania exchange but keeping its exchange in delaware. the cuts follow similar moves by mana and giant health and humana. here is a look at the closing numbers. the stocks closed lower, the dow closing 84 down. the nasdaq down nearly 35 points and the s&p 500 is down 12 today. the eagles made a trade today to give the offense another weapon. they inquired dorral green beckham for dennis kelly. he was a second round draft pick last year and caught 32 passes with four touch downs in his rookie season, but had problems in the past including college after being thrown out of the university of missouri for allegedly pushing a woman down a staircase. now one of the most beloved athletes of philadelphia returns. chase utley returned to play a game at citizens bank park with another team. we expect to hear from utley and we'll bring that to you tonight at 5:00. meteorologist, cecily tynan, is tracking the arrival of a line of showers, could that impact the game? >> it could impact the game, if it pushes to the east and stays together. there is an a pretty good line of storms pressing into the northwest suburbs and lancaster county, the northern half of lancaster county is under severe thunderstorm warning until 5:00, this line does have the potential for wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour. and you can see this when you see a bowing of an echo, that is the rushing winds behind the system. lots of lightning strikes and moving to the east-northeast quickly at 45 miles per hour. so landis valley and holland heights and newport, some of the communities in the path of the storm crossing 222 across the pennsylvania turnpike north of honey brook. some gusty thunderstorms expected there as well. this is ahead of a cold front that will drop the humidity levels a little bit tomorrow but really not provide much relief from the heat. right now day seven of our heat wave, a full week, 93 in philadelphia and 91 in allentown unand trend 91 and cape may cooler with the wind off the ocean 82 degrees and wilmington 89. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing a line of storms i'm tracking called a prefrontal trough, an area of thunderstorm activity ahead of the cold front. that is actually across the ohio valley and pressing in during the wee hours tonight. it has potential to be strong to severe. otherwise it's warm and muggy, 79 in philadelphia and allentown 73 and wilmington 77 degrees. future tracker timing out the storms, looking like at 6:00 we'll have some hitting the poconos and eastern lancaster county in chester county and as far as philadelphia 8:00, notice it looks like this band of storms is breaking up to the east and by 11:00 nothing is there. we wake up tomorrow with a mixture of clouds and sunshine and it will be day heat of the heat wave. hot and still on the humid side, dew points in the 60s instead of the 70s, philadelphia 92 and allentown 87 and cape may 87 and wilmington 89, the four day at 4:00 showing it looks like the heat wave has the potential to hold on right into the weekend. tomorrow 92 degrees, if you head to the atlantic city air show. drink lots of water and it's hot and humid along the beaches. thursday hazy sunshine and a possible of scattered thunderstorms, and 90. friday 91 and saturday 90 more humid and believe it or not. i am tracking a day of low humidity and temperatures in the mid-80s, going to feel chilly and i'll let you know when in the accuweather forecast. there is relief on the way, it kind of gets later and later. >> all right cecily thanks. still ahead, thieves target an organization that helps wounded vets, we are live with details on what they took and what thieves doing to track them down. >> he was shot in the head and miraculously lived to tell about it. and you have to love facebook live, we'll show you the event happening outside of this woman's window that everyone was able to experience with her coming up in big talkers. marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. sì, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! david was proud to be an american soldier. and i know i'm prejudiced because he was my son, but i don't think he had a mean bone in his body. there is not a day that i don't think about david. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. "she was standing there, she had nothing to say..." if donald trump cannot respect a gold star family, then why would anyone in america think he would respect them. votevets is responsible for the content of this advertising. . lease have arrested a teenager that they say tried to kill a southwest philadelphia pizza driver. but they are looking for his partner in crime. donovan daniels is charged as an adult. police say he is one of two people that robbed the delivery driver on beaumont street back on june 6th. after robbing him they shot him in the head. they want anyone with information on the second suspect to give them a call. a man was caught on camera stealing a car in the feltonville section of philadelphia. the video was taken just after 11:30 on july 26 and. the man gets in a station wagon and north front street and starts the car and drives off. police are asking if you know anything about this to give them a call. >> mayor jim kenney started the day by answering questions from some of the youngest resident. the kids asked him a range of questions including about gun violence. >> every day i think about this, and every time a young person gets shot in the street it maked you sad and makes you cry, we need better environments in schools and better environments in our community, park and recreation centers and libraries and have you a place to go that is safe and secure. >> the kids had lighter questions, where does he live and if he knows president barack obama? >> new students will walk into the cumberland county, a sneak peek at the technical high school, it features the student run cafe and media center and a health lab inside that allows students students to practice medical procedures. up next, local wounded veterans cope with a costly theft. we are live with the details. i'm nad nid -- looking for ways to beat the heat? "action news" continues with meteorologi meteorologist, adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian taff. it's 4:30 and "action news" continues with a new plea from philadelphia detectives trying to close the case against a group of thieves targeting family owned businesses and the action cam was in delaware county as dozens of children formed new relationships with the police that protect their communities. >> plus -- >> oh my god! >> a florida woman takes her encountser with a bear she tape tropical disturbance and it goes straight to the interests net. her friends got the live play-by-play thanks to facebook and now it's going viral. hear from her in big talkers. first at 4:30, an "action news" exclusive. almost $40,000 worth of equipment is stolen from war heroes, they are asking for the public's help to find nine bicycles stolen from the war veterans at the philadelphia international airport. jeanette reyes is live now with the details. >> reporter: that is right. as we speak, right now police are making phone calls to local bike shops to see if these high end bike parts are already being sold but the best bet is that the public steps in and reports anything unusual. >> last friday, jessica mitchell and others with the wounded warriors project were working on the project season were dealt a blow. >> this was damaging both financially and emotionally. these items are basically there to make our warriors feel comfortable during the ride. >> crews were staying at the renaissance hotel and they parked their u-haul truck with $40,000 worth of bikes and equipment outside and when they came out it was gone. >> this was shock and awe. we have a lot of equipment to support the warriors, all of these elements come together to help the warriors feel comfortable and make them feel like they can reengage in the community. among them were three road bikes and three hybrids, each is worth several thousand dollars, tinicum township police are working the case. >> what we have done in tinicum, we have reached out to all the local bike shops and we are still doing that in all of the delaware valley area, to try to intercept any parts some are high value that are trying to be sold back. but the truth is tracking down the people or person responsible is going to be tough. >> it's a felony theft and it's serious. >> reporter: and the hope was initially that this hotel had surveillance cameras but unfortunately they don't have any cameras that captured the thefts. if you see this truck it has the wounded warrior logo all over it. reporting in tinicum township, jeanette reyes, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. philadelphia police are looking for more people to come forward to help them track down a suspect wanted for a string of robberies. norman bowman is under arrest but his alleged partner in crime anthony campbell is still on the run. investigators say the duo is behind 18 armed robberies targeting homes and businesses in the asian community and there may be more suspects. >> we believe it's a group of persons, we think these are the two main players, however there could be as many as four or five individuals. so we are hoping to not only after we get mr. campbell in custody, we'll see where the investigation leads from there. >> police say that campbell and bowman threaten their victims at gun point. well, a thief was caught on surveillance cameras breaking into a storage unit and taking off with that. a bicycle. police say he broke the lock off the unit on northern liberties and then rode away on the bicycle. if you know anything police would like you to give them a call. for those of you keeping track and we all are keeping track this is day seven of our heat wave and high schools are taking extra precautions to keep kids safe as they practice different outdoor sports and following district guidelines because of the heat and the coach uses a tool called a wet bulb temperature index. it helps them determine how hard to push the student athletes. >> early morning practices consist of full pads. >> they provide water stations and misters for the students and it's recommended that athletes drink a gallon of water every day. >> i get a lot of people telling me on twitter throughout the day that a lot of practices are canceled all together. >> and maybe a lot tonight. because we have strong storms moving in. we do have new warnings, just issued by the national weather service. most suburbs under the severe storm warning, most of berks county and chester county and the northwest corner of montgomery county. that is until 5:15, because the potential is there for wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour. this line is moving so quickly to the eve, it's moving at 45 miles per hour and it's crossing 222 right now and heading across the pennsylvania turnpike, so martin dale and red run and five pointville all in the path of the storm, and we can zoom in closer on storm tracker, we can show you that. the part of the storm right now moving through lincoln. and we have a lot of lightning strikes with this and the potential for small hail but i think the wind is the biggest problem with these storms. and in fact we have a severe thunderstorm watch for most of the viewing area until 11:00. it looks like they will weaken once they move into new jersey. i'll talk about the timing of the storms and what to expect behind the system coming up in the accuweather forecast. >> thank you, be sure to follow our team of meteorologists on facebook and twitter for updates on these storms as they come through, use them to share your photos and videos and the power of stormtracker 6 live double scan radar is available 24/7 at it took crews more than eight hours to clean up a crash in lawrence township, mercer county, a tractor trailer flipped on to its side spilling trash southbound to i-95, the truck was also leaking fuel, police say that the driver lost control around 5:00 this morning and the ramp reopened around 1:30 this afternoon after crews were able to firm the guardrail. but look at the mess left behind. the driver was taken to the hospital to get checked out and is expected to be okay. four people were hurt when a minivan flipped over in philadelphia. chopper 6 hd was over the scene at 10:45 this morning along the boulevard along langdon street. a man is stabbed to death if his own home and now police in the lehigh valley are trying to figure out who did. the prime suspect right now is his own wife. rick williams is live with more on this story. >> that is right, that couple was together for more than 40 years, but tonight kathleen stands accused of murdering her husband and walter perez talked to the neighbors today and he'll have more coming up tonight at 5:00. and coming up on health check, the potentially life saving drug that you can't get your hands on because it's labeled at too expensive to put on the market. that curious story and more coming up in just a bit at 5:00. until then back to the studio and brian we'll see you in a bit. some delaware county kids decided to foster better relations with police by literally knocking on their door. the group from fresh program showed up to introduce themselveses to the officers and share a meal together. the chief gave the kids a tour of the facility and in return the kids provided lunch from a local restaurant to the officers. >> we are also human beings, you know, we make mistakes on occasions but we try to do our best and we police from our hearts, we respect courtesy and compassion. >> this group spent the last month visiting local police departments, this was the third today and building relationships at each one along the way. >> a good idea. next on "action news," we are following the latest on the devastating floods in louisiana. hear from evacuees worried about what if anything is left of their home. >> plus, the big change for the big city police chief. where the head of the washington, d.c. department is heading next and why she is called an inspiration to many. and meteorologist, cecily tynan, returns with the full forecast when "action news" continues next. as floodwaters begin to recede we get a better look causes by historic flooding and louisiana's governor says that 40,000 homes are affected by floods in the southern part of the state. eight people have been killed since friday and crews are continuing their rescue missions, but the governor says they don't know how many people are actually missing and 8,000 people are in shelters. >> what is left if anything, everything i have is gone. everything. everything. >> like the end of your life, the end of your world. having to start over like that. we worked so hard for it. >> it's a heart breaking situation there. and new concerns as the high waters move downstream that it could cause new flooding in other parts of the state. there was relative calm in milwaukee overnight last night and police hope for more of the same tonight. 10 people have been arrested but no businesses were looted or damaged and no officers were injured. the unrest started on saturday night following a deadly police involved shooting,cilville smith was shot at a traffic stop. protesters are calling for footage from body cameras to be released. we start way woman who has been called an inspiration to many. a woman breaking barriers and showing no signs of stopping. this is cathy linear the first female police chief in washington, d.c. she was a single mother and a high school dropout. who has rose to the top of the police department. now she is heading to the nfl. she is stepping down to be the head of the security for the nfl league. she has been called one of the most popular public officials in d.c. she will now by the way oversee all the teams and venues and even security for the super bowl. today she told everyone never to give up on their dreams. and you know how it goes, post it on social media or it never happened. thanks to facebook live, everyone that knows angie pope in florida was able to watch a bear bang on her windows, real time. >> oh my god. >> apparently bears are not uncommon in northwest florida and angie was inside with her two small kids, the bear was tapping on the window and looking for a snack in her tomato garden and really entertaining her facebook friends. >> i know i couldn't take the whole video, i did the live thing and he gave us a show. >> the good news, they are all okay including the tomatoes, but her husband says he was a little worried he was out of town on a fishing trip and he was watching the whole thing streaming live on facebook as well. but folks when you don't have space to save the video, you can put it all on facebook live. >> we do it all the time. the mom bear is probably not far away. >> hopefully that is not the sequel. >> thanks alicia. >> lets get a check of the roads right now. matt standing by with the update. >> you may want to paws as you come to a couple of spots. here on the schuylkill expressway it's extra heavy from montgomery drive to this point at the vine, just up ahead there was a broken down vehicle on the eastbound left lane on the vine street expressway, they have cleared that out of the way and we are jammed across town from the schuylkill to i-95, a couple of reminders with construction, it will close tonight at 11:00, and tonight starting at 8:00, the ramps from the vine street and the schuylkill eastbound to 30th street will shut down overnight for construction for repairs to the ramp: over on 95 the southbound construction here as you approach cotman avenue has wrapped. that is good news if you are heading to the phils game but it's still jammed from woodhaven to cotman but all the lanes are reopen. a crash off 95 at bridesburg, and luckily our wreck at harson is outst way. and our septa trolley tunnel blips continue tonight, trolleys will not operate in the center city tunnel. this is weeknights and weekends for the next couple of weeks, but during the daytimes, the trolleys run normally. well, if you have to be outside in the heat there are ways to stay cool. we'll look at the unique products on the market coming up in what is the deal. >> sky 6 hd looking live at the beaches in atlantic city. a few brave folks trying to get a little cool this afternoon. cecily tynan is standing by the exclusive accuweather forecast. acme has everything you need, every day! the freshest food and low acme prices. and right now you can save even more during our 125th anniversary sale. happy anniversary to me. stock up during our mega event! get quaker cereal and breakfast bars for just $1.49 each when you buy 6. pick up frito-lay party size tostitos, doritos and ruffles for just $2.99 each when you buy 6. acme's 125th anniversary sale. it's huge! all right cecily, day seven of our heat wave. that has got to be the longest one so far. >> it will be the longest one and definitely the most intense one as well. unfortunately we keep adding days to it. but we are getting storms out there. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that we have an intense line of storms pushing into the northwest suburbs and the national weather service issued a severe thunderstorm warning for lancaster and berks and chester and parts of montgomery county, this line really has some intense wind gusts and double scan line zooming in and the most intense part of it now heading towards reading and we see the bowing out of that echo and that shows it's rushing winds and this is moving quickly to the east-northeast. at 45 miles per hour affecting the early part of the commute. hitting 422 and adams town and crossing 322 and if this hits you a good idea to pull over and wait it out. it's moving quickly but this shows on storm tracker, the rainfall rates. this is indicating the storm is falling -- pulling out rain of 4 inches per hour in some areas. you can't see through that if are you driving, it's moving out quickly but that shows how intense the rainfall is. the reason judge, the dew points are in the 70s. any storm can pull down a lot of rain it a short period of time. philadelphia 93 degrees, and dover 95 and millville 90 and atlantic city airport 93 and allentown and trenton 91 degrees, and you factor into the dew points in the 70s. we are back in the dangerous heat and humidity, it feels like 103, and 102 in trenton and 106 in millville at the atlantic city airport. it feels like 102 degrees, satellite 6 along with action radar showing that what we are watching into our western suburbs is what is known as a prefrontal troth, a piece of energy ahead of an actual cold front, slicing across the ohio valley and ma it moving through late tonight and early tomorrow morning. we won't see much showers or thunderstorm activity with it. we'll have a break in humidity in some areas, future tracker timing out the storm at 7:30, a broken line of storms over i-95, and it pushes to the east it falls apart and encountering that marine layer, by 10:00 not a lot of activity and tomorrow we start the day with a mixture of clouds and sunshine and 92 degrees, some day eight of the heat wave, a ripple of energy along the stalled front could bring showers and thunderstorms in the evening and then on thursday, the heat wave continues, a high around 90 still on the humid side and it looks like that air plastics around through the weekend. relief arrives next week. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast tomorrow it stays hot not quite as oppressively humid here as today. but still on the humid side with dew points in the uner 60s and 92 is the high and hazy sunshine on thursday and the possibility of an afternoon thunderstorm and 90. friday 91 degrees and saturday hot and humid and 90 and sunday 90 and then on monday, a cold front moves through and that brings us afternoon thunderstorms, and it looks like this front has some teeth, finally tuesday a break, low humidity mostly sunny skies and 85 for the high, i think tuesday should be a holiday for all of us. >> relief is on the way it will take a while to get here. >> i'm looking really closely at that. >> we haven't seen 85 in a while. >> a week away. >> we'll get there. thank you. all right, what's the deal is next on "action news." and today we turn to new technology to help you beat the heat. think along the lines of a portable air conditioned vest. we have the details next. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. and right now, get super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online with no annual contract. now switching to fios is easier than ever with hassle-free installation. we'll connect your devices to the new wi-fi 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help someone like a landscaper beat the heat. >> this is another cooling vest? >> this one here is a change cooling vest, it has inserts you freeze. for about two hours, you get three to four hours of intense cooling sensation once you install them in the vest. >> the tech cool is $149.99. >> with two little ones this is my favorite product. >> this is the gelo pad that stays cooler than the temperature around it. >> the gel stroller liner is $49.95. >> these are the cool breeze solar power fan hat, a solar panel installed at the top and it activates the fan in the front. >> it circulates around the crown and they retail for $35. >> i like it. >> i like them myself. >> we put a link to my cooling store at >> i'm nydia han, channel 6 "action news." >> think we can pull off the hats? >> i wonder if any can fit under a suit? i'll try it out. that will do it for "action news" at 4:00. hope you'll join me and sharrie williams tonight and every night, for "action news" at 10:00. and here is rick williams way look ahead at 5:00. >> coming up everyone, on "action news" at 5:00, developing news, pennsylvania attorney general, kathleen kane, is stepping down from her post after being convicted of perjury and corruption charges. and hillary clinton makes a campaign stop in philadelphia, and a severe thunderstorm watch is in effect for our viewing area. and cecily tynan has another check of double scan live radar. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. taking a live look at stormtracker 6 live double scan radar it's now day seven of the latest heat wave to take over the delaware valley. after nearly a week of sticky and stagnant air we are tracking the chance of strong storms. monica is off and sharrie williams is joining us and the big story is the severe thunderstorm watch and warning in effect right now. >> with that chance of storms comes maybe a little relief from the humidity. meteorologist, cecily tynan, is keeping an eye on storm tracker. >> reporter: stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that the storms are rolling in in our north and west suburbs. all the yellow boxes those are severe thunderstorm watches posted until 11:00, really our entire viewing area except for southern delaware and counties along the shore and the orange is the severe thunderstorm warnings and we have a lot of them now, parts of lancaster county and most of chester county and most of berks county and a sliver of montgomery county under severe thunderstorm warning until 5:15. the reason why, these storms are packing a punch. wind gusts possible up to 60 miles per hour. we have had 214 lightning strikes in the past 15 minutes, this storm has rolled through reading, northeast of 222 and north of

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Tinicum , Pennsylvania , United States , Cape May , New Jersey , Louisiana , Millville , Chad , Missouri , Delaware County , Berks County , Lancaster County , Philadelphia , Chester County , Washington , Florida , Delaware , California , Cumberland County , Mercer County , Landis Valley , Holland Heights , Montgomery County , Dover , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Atlantic City , Woodhaven , Allentown , Town Hall , Trenton , Italian , America , American , Michael Nutter , Trick Williams , Donovan Daniels , Walter Perez , Jeanette Reyes , Adam Joseph , Jim Kenney , Michael Hayden , Kathleen Kane , Dennis Kelly , Martin Dale , Jessica Mitchell , Adam Joseph Alicia , Mount Ephraim , Barack Obama , Charles Krauthammer , Nydia Han , Gillian Turner , Norman Bowman , Vernon Odom , Silvan Smith , Desiree , Anthony Campbell , Cecily Tynan , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160816 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160816

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ventral pennsylvania this, is all heading to the east. most energy should pass to the west but it has potential to pass through the area with strong gusty thunderstorms. the national weather service issued a thunderstorm watch until 11:00 tonight for most of our viewing area except for delaware and along the coast. anything that moves through has the potential for damaging winds and hail. it will be a broken line of storms, not everyone will get them. the best chance to get the strongest storms is north and west of philadelphia and heavy rain and gusty winds with them. it should be weakening as it pushes to the south, behind the system there is not much relief from the heat and humidity. i'm talk about that coming up. >> be sure to follow our meteorologists on meteorologist and twitter for updates on potential storms. use the same platforms to share your weather pictures and videos as well. don't forget the power of stormtracker 6 live double scan radar, available at is it weather. hillary clinton returned to philadelphia for the first time since accepting the democratic nomination for president at last month's dnc, vernon odom ask live in west philadelphia where clinton held a voter registration rally and opened a new campaign office. >> reporter: good afternoon brian this, was hillary clinton's first visit to philadelphia and her first trip back here since the nomination was accepted here in philadelphia last month. the formula is and the believe of her campaign is, that her opponent cannot get elected without taking the keystone state, pennsylvania. she came out to make sure there was a get out to vote octane in this strong hold. polls show hillary clinton with a double digit lead over donald trump here in pennsylvania. so large in fact, she pulled down her tv ads until september. now the ground game is the focus. clinton was here to kick off a voter registration drive. she must have a large turnout in philadelphia to carry the state and the 20 electoral votes. >> we want you all to register to vote. we have places to register because we don't want you on the sidelines come november. >> many experts believe that donald trump's inflammatory rhetoric is enough to cause a massive black and latino turnout equal to the numbers that went to the polls for barack obama in '08 and 12. >> this is the most consequenceal election and the stakes could not be higher, we want everyone in philadelphia and everyone across pennsylvania to be part of a great victory in november and then the future that we are going build together! >> fervent hillary supporters have concerns about the overconfidence in the wake of the falling poll numbers of donald trump. >> there is concern and we'll go out and go canvassing and talk to our neighbors and family members to make sure everyone comes out to vote for hillary. >> some people think they don't like either candidate so they won't vote at all. you need to vote. >> reporter: brian the clinton campaign's target for registering some 3 million voters nationwide for the november election. live in west philadelphia, i'm vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> all right vernon, thanks. meanwhile, republican, donald trump, is on route to milwaukee as that state deals with an outbreak of violence, trump is set to meet with law enforcement after days of destructive democrats following the shooting by police of 21-year-old silvan smith. a black man that police say was armed shot after turning his gun towards officers. and trump plans a town hall meeting in the city tonight. the mayor's trip to rome and macy's and hotel rides and according to the comptroller, the mayor used funds for the philadelphia marathon to pay for all of it. they laid out $138,000 of what he calls unapproved spending for the marathon reserves. he says they were approved solely by former representative desir desiree prior but the trip to rome by nutter and his staff before the papal visit and the way they chose to pay for it. >> if they had processed the trip through the vouchers and treasures office, we would have insisted on receipts and had an internal bee date and there would have been all sorts of scrutiny, so the decision was made to circumvent the city process. >> they say they are now expanding the review and the next steps, the marathon fund pays for that event and others that promote the city. michael nutter issued this response less than an hour ago, saying that the comptroller say liar, and snake and hypocrite and no truth in what he says, every expent tour was proper and for an approved purpose and he is a sad and sick person. chad pradelli will have more on this story that continues to unfold tonight at 6:00. >> leaving nothing to the imagination with that statement. it's time for the "action news" traffic report, lets go live to matt pellman in the traffic centers. >> i could use scathing words in reference to the roadways, the roosevelt boulevard is jammed coming off the schuylkill from fox street to broad street. this is normal afternoon volume. on the southbound side, there say crash to watch out for in the outer drive heading into the phils game problems on 95, construction going on at academy and cotman, they are taking out the right lane, we are down a lane. that means coming down from woodhaven you hit a jam. they were suppose clear at 3:00 but vent yesterday. the vine will close tonight at 11:00 for overnight construction, also closing at 8:00 tonight. the ramp from the vine westbound to 30 and street and the ramp from the schuylkill eastbound to 30th street and work tonight and next tuesday night on that ramp. in mount ephraim watch for a water main break, it's a traffic pain on the black horse pike past kings highway, a shift in traffic there because of the water main break. lets grab the ipad and do the commuter report. a crash reported on the mlk, speeds in the 20s on the schuylkill, so possibly the kelly drive will be your best bet into and out of center city this afternoon. we'll check it again in the next half hour. >> thank you, matt. a day of crank up the air conditioning in the cars. lets get back to the weather, still ahead a bitter sweet night for philadelphia sports fans -- lets go to sara bloomquist who continues our coverage on the excessive heat. we have endured for more than a week now. sara is live now. >> reporter: well, sharrie we are here in south philadelphia at the italian market where the last seven days, the vendors are operating the food stalls that have been here for decades and it's not easy in this extreme heat keeping the fruit from ripening fast. the italian market operates out in the open. from fruits to crabs. the tropical temperatures are turning the fruit real fast. >> everything is ripening fast. we try to keep them green, by tomorrow they are yellow already. it's ice all the time to keep the meat and poultry from going bad. >> we use plenty of ice. we have an ice maker in the back, we have no problem with that. >> the pretzel company, the day of baking pretzels at noon but the temperature in the place approached 100 degrees. >> with the oven off we are at 104 degrees but we work in approximately 118 degree temperatures, it's hot. >> you drink a lot of water and gatorade, if you are not here are you not putting out the best pretzel in the city. >> they have solutions, the parking lot attendant got his own personal fans. and a reminder of the past helps keep anyone cool. >> is it work? >> yes, put your hand in front of it. >> it looks pretty good. we look at our phones, pictures from the winter time. that helps out a little bit. >> it does help a little bit. now the vendors here is a that this weather does keep business down a bit and they are selling lots of summertime fruit like watermelons and mangos, it seems no one wants to cook when it's this hot. i'm sara bloomquist, channel 6 "action news." >> perhaps you can make a smoothy. >> why not. >> thank you sara. a bitter sweet night for philadelphia sports fans, one of the most beloved athletes comes back to town tonight but in a dinner uniform. >> and we catch up with volunteers in our area in parts of louisiana dealing with historic flooding and one of america's largest health insurance makes a change. we'll break it all down next. and that he was covered by the meningococcal meningitis vaccine he had received. until 2014 there were no vaccines for meningitis b in the u.s. now there are. while uncommon, meningitis b can lead to death within 24 hours. trumenba is a vaccine for 10 through 25 year olds to help prevent group b meningococcal disease. trumenba should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects were injection-site pain, fatigue... headache, muscle pain, and chills. ask your doctor or pharmacist about all the risks and benefits of trumenba and tell them if you've received any other meningitis b vaccines. meningitis b can be spread by typical sharing like... a drink... a spoon... a kiss. it all started here... it might have been prevented with trumenba. ask your doctor or pharmacist about trumenba. search and rescue missions continue in louisiana following historic flooding. the governor says that more than 8,000 people are living in shelters than number is expected to rise. nearly a dozen local american red cross volunteers headed south to baton rouge. we caught up with the crews as they boarded an early morning flight. 40,000 homes are affected and our volunteers are ready to assist. >> we'll be doing feeding and help people with their long-term recoveries. and right now the people really need help in baton rouge. >> at least eight people have died in the floods, as much as two feet of rain fell in some places in just two days. coming up in our next half hour we'll have the latest on the rescue and recovery efforts there as the waters continue to recede but slowly. >> all right thank you. firefighters continue to get control of a wild fire burning in northern california, the clayton fire is now 20% contained but it's already destroyed 175 homes, the fire has charred seven square miles and caused $70 million in damage. etna is about to become the latest health insurer to cut back on the affordable care act's exchanges. it will have an impact on our area. it will only offer exchanges in four states, that is down from 15 this year. etna is dropping its pennsylvania exchange but keeping its exchange in delaware. the cuts follow similar moves by mana and giant health and humana. here is a look at the closing numbers. the stocks closed lower, the dow closing 84 down. the nasdaq down nearly 35 points and the s&p 500 is down 12 today. the eagles made a trade today to give the offense another weapon. they inquired dorral green beckham for dennis kelly. he was a second round draft pick last year and caught 32 passes with four touch downs in his rookie season, but had problems in the past including college after being thrown out of the university of missouri for allegedly pushing a woman down a staircase. now one of the most beloved athletes of philadelphia returns. chase utley returned to play a game at citizens bank park with another team. we expect to hear from utley and we'll bring that to you tonight at 5:00. meteorologist, cecily tynan, is tracking the arrival of a line of showers, could that impact the game? >> it could impact the game, if it pushes to the east and stays together. there is an a pretty good line of storms pressing into the northwest suburbs and lancaster county, the northern half of lancaster county is under severe thunderstorm warning until 5:00, this line does have the potential for wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour. and you can see this when you see a bowing of an echo, that is the rushing winds behind the system. lots of lightning strikes and moving to the east-northeast quickly at 45 miles per hour. so landis valley and holland heights and newport, some of the communities in the path of the storm crossing 222 across the pennsylvania turnpike north of honey brook. some gusty thunderstorms expected there as well. this is ahead of a cold front that will drop the humidity levels a little bit tomorrow but really not provide much relief from the heat. right now day seven of our heat wave, a full week, 93 in philadelphia and 91 in allentown unand trend 91 and cape may cooler with the wind off the ocean 82 degrees and wilmington 89. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing a line of storms i'm tracking called a prefrontal trough, an area of thunderstorm activity ahead of the cold front. that is actually across the ohio valley and pressing in during the wee hours tonight. it has potential to be strong to severe. otherwise it's warm and muggy, 79 in philadelphia and allentown 73 and wilmington 77 degrees. future tracker timing out the storms, looking like at 6:00 we'll have some hitting the poconos and eastern lancaster county in chester county and as far as philadelphia 8:00, notice it looks like this band of storms is breaking up to the east and by 11:00 nothing is there. we wake up tomorrow with a mixture of clouds and sunshine and it will be day heat of the heat wave. hot and still on the humid side, dew points in the 60s instead of the 70s, philadelphia 92 and allentown 87 and cape may 87 and wilmington 89, the four day at 4:00 showing it looks like the heat wave has the potential to hold on right into the weekend. tomorrow 92 degrees, if you head to the atlantic city air show. drink lots of water and it's hot and humid along the beaches. thursday hazy sunshine and a possible of scattered thunderstorms, and 90. friday 91 and saturday 90 more humid and believe it or not. i am tracking a day of low humidity and temperatures in the mid-80s, going to feel chilly and i'll let you know when in the accuweather forecast. there is relief on the way, it kind of gets later and later. >> all right cecily thanks. still ahead, thieves target an organization that helps wounded vets, we are live with details on what they took and what thieves doing to track them down. >> he was shot in the head and miraculously lived to tell about it. and you have to love facebook live, we'll show you the event happening outside of this woman's window that everyone was able to experience with her coming up in big talkers. marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. sì, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! david was proud to be an american soldier. and i know i'm prejudiced because he was my son, but i don't think he had a mean bone in his body. there is not a day that i don't think about david. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. "she was standing there, she had nothing to say..." if donald trump cannot respect a gold star family, then why would anyone in america think he would respect them. votevets is responsible for the content of this advertising. . lease have arrested a teenager that they say tried to kill a southwest philadelphia pizza driver. but they are looking for his partner in crime. donovan daniels is charged as an adult. police say he is one of two people that robbed the delivery driver on beaumont street back on june 6th. after robbing him they shot him in the head. they want anyone with information on the second suspect to give them a call. a man was caught on camera stealing a car in the feltonville section of philadelphia. the video was taken just after 11:30 on july 26 and. the man gets in a station wagon and north front street and starts the car and drives off. police are asking if you know anything about this to give them a call. >> mayor jim kenney started the day by answering questions from some of the youngest resident. the kids asked him a range of questions including about gun violence. >> every day i think about this, and every time a young person gets shot in the street it maked you sad and makes you cry, we need better environments in schools and better environments in our community, park and recreation centers and libraries and have you a place to go that is safe and secure. >> the kids had lighter questions, where does he live and if he knows president barack obama? >> new students will walk into the cumberland county, a sneak peek at the technical high school, it features the student run cafe and media center and a health lab inside that allows students students to practice medical procedures. up next, local wounded veterans cope with a costly theft. we are live with the details. i'm nad nid -- looking for ways to beat the heat? "action news" continues with meteorologi meteorologist, adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian taff. it's 4:30 and "action news" continues with a new plea from philadelphia detectives trying to close the case against a group of thieves targeting family owned businesses and the action cam was in delaware county as dozens of children formed new relationships with the police that protect their communities. >> plus -- >> oh my god! >> a florida woman takes her encountser with a bear she tape tropical disturbance and it goes straight to the interests net. her friends got the live play-by-play thanks to facebook and now it's going viral. hear from her in big talkers. first at 4:30, an "action news" exclusive. almost $40,000 worth of equipment is stolen from war heroes, they are asking for the public's help to find nine bicycles stolen from the war veterans at the philadelphia international airport. jeanette reyes is live now with the details. >> reporter: that is right. as we speak, right now police are making phone calls to local bike shops to see if these high end bike parts are already being sold but the best bet is that the public steps in and reports anything unusual. >> last friday, jessica mitchell and others with the wounded warriors project were working on the project season were dealt a blow. >> this was damaging both financially and emotionally. these items are basically there to make our warriors feel comfortable during the ride. >> crews were staying at the renaissance hotel and they parked their u-haul truck with $40,000 worth of bikes and equipment outside and when they came out it was gone. >> this was shock and awe. we have a lot of equipment to support the warriors, all of these elements come together to help the warriors feel comfortable and make them feel like they can reengage in the community. among them were three road bikes and three hybrids, each is worth several thousand dollars, tinicum township police are working the case. >> what we have done in tinicum, we have reached out to all the local bike shops and we are still doing that in all of the delaware valley area, to try to intercept any parts some are high value that are trying to be sold back. but the truth is tracking down the people or person responsible is going to be tough. >> it's a felony theft and it's serious. >> reporter: and the hope was initially that this hotel had surveillance cameras but unfortunately they don't have any cameras that captured the thefts. if you see this truck it has the wounded warrior logo all over it. reporting in tinicum township, jeanette reyes, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. philadelphia police are looking for more people to come forward to help them track down a suspect wanted for a string of robberies. norman bowman is under arrest but his alleged partner in crime anthony campbell is still on the run. investigators say the duo is behind 18 armed robberies targeting homes and businesses in the asian community and there may be more suspects. >> we believe it's a group of persons, we think these are the two main players, however there could be as many as four or five individuals. so we are hoping to not only after we get mr. campbell in custody, we'll see where the investigation leads from there. >> police say that campbell and bowman threaten their victims at gun point. well, a thief was caught on surveillance cameras breaking into a storage unit and taking off with that. a bicycle. police say he broke the lock off the unit on northern liberties and then rode away on the bicycle. if you know anything police would like you to give them a call. for those of you keeping track and we all are keeping track this is day seven of our heat wave and high schools are taking extra precautions to keep kids safe as they practice different outdoor sports and following district guidelines because of the heat and the coach uses a tool called a wet bulb temperature index. it helps them determine how hard to push the student athletes. >> early morning practices consist of full pads. >> they provide water stations and misters for the students and it's recommended that athletes drink a gallon of water every day. >> i get a lot of people telling me on twitter throughout the day that a lot of practices are canceled all together. >> and maybe a lot tonight. because we have strong storms moving in. we do have new warnings, just issued by the national weather service. most suburbs under the severe storm warning, most of berks county and chester county and the northwest corner of montgomery county. that is until 5:15, because the potential is there for wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour. this line is moving so quickly to the eve, it's moving at 45 miles per hour and it's crossing 222 right now and heading across the pennsylvania turnpike, so martin dale and red run and five pointville all in the path of the storm, and we can zoom in closer on storm tracker, we can show you that. the part of the storm right now moving through lincoln. and we have a lot of lightning strikes with this and the potential for small hail but i think the wind is the biggest problem with these storms. and in fact we have a severe thunderstorm watch for most of the viewing area until 11:00. it looks like they will weaken once they move into new jersey. i'll talk about the timing of the storms and what to expect behind the system coming up in the accuweather forecast. >> thank you, be sure to follow our team of meteorologists on facebook and twitter for updates on these storms as they come through, use them to share your photos and videos and the power of stormtracker 6 live double scan radar is available 24/7 at it took crews more than eight hours to clean up a crash in lawrence township, mercer county, a tractor trailer flipped on to its side spilling trash southbound to i-95, the truck was also leaking fuel, police say that the driver lost control around 5:00 this morning and the ramp reopened around 1:30 this afternoon after crews were able to firm the guardrail. but look at the mess left behind. the driver was taken to the hospital to get checked out and is expected to be okay. four people were hurt when a minivan flipped over in philadelphia. chopper 6 hd was over the scene at 10:45 this morning along the boulevard along langdon street. a man is stabbed to death if his own home and now police in the lehigh valley are trying to figure out who did. the prime suspect right now is his own wife. rick williams is live with more on this story. >> that is right, that couple was together for more than 40 years, but tonight kathleen stands accused of murdering her husband and walter perez talked to the neighbors today and he'll have more coming up tonight at 5:00. and coming up on health check, the potentially life saving drug that you can't get your hands on because it's labeled at too expensive to put on the market. that curious story and more coming up in just a bit at 5:00. until then back to the studio and brian we'll see you in a bit. some delaware county kids decided to foster better relations with police by literally knocking on their door. the group from fresh program showed up to introduce themselveses to the officers and share a meal together. the chief gave the kids a tour of the facility and in return the kids provided lunch from a local restaurant to the officers. >> we are also human beings, you know, we make mistakes on occasions but we try to do our best and we police from our hearts, we respect courtesy and compassion. >> this group spent the last month visiting local police departments, this was the third today and building relationships at each one along the way. >> a good idea. next on "action news," we are following the latest on the devastating floods in louisiana. hear from evacuees worried about what if anything is left of their home. >> plus, the big change for the big city police chief. where the head of the washington, d.c. department is heading next and why she is called an inspiration to many. and meteorologist, cecily tynan, returns with the full forecast when "action news" continues next. as floodwaters begin to recede we get a better look causes by historic flooding and louisiana's governor says that 40,000 homes are affected by floods in the southern part of the state. eight people have been killed since friday and crews are continuing their rescue missions, but the governor says they don't know how many people are actually missing and 8,000 people are in shelters. >> what is left if anything, everything i have is gone. everything. everything. >> like the end of your life, the end of your world. having to start over like that. we worked so hard for it. >> it's a heart breaking situation there. and new concerns as the high waters move downstream that it could cause new flooding in other parts of the state. there was relative calm in milwaukee overnight last night and police hope for more of the same tonight. 10 people have been arrested but no businesses were looted or damaged and no officers were injured. the unrest started on saturday night following a deadly police involved shooting,cilville smith was shot at a traffic stop. protesters are calling for footage from body cameras to be released. we start way woman who has been called an inspiration to many. a woman breaking barriers and showing no signs of stopping. this is cathy linear the first female police chief in washington, d.c. she was a single mother and a high school dropout. who has rose to the top of the police department. now she is heading to the nfl. she is stepping down to be the head of the security for the nfl league. she has been called one of the most popular public officials in d.c. she will now by the way oversee all the teams and venues and even security for the super bowl. today she told everyone never to give up on their dreams. and you know how it goes, post it on social media or it never happened. thanks to facebook live, everyone that knows angie pope in florida was able to watch a bear bang on her windows, real time. >> oh my god. >> apparently bears are not uncommon in northwest florida and angie was inside with her two small kids, the bear was tapping on the window and looking for a snack in her tomato garden and really entertaining her facebook friends. >> i know i couldn't take the whole video, i did the live thing and he gave us a show. >> the good news, they are all okay including the tomatoes, but her husband says he was a little worried he was out of town on a fishing trip and he was watching the whole thing streaming live on facebook as well. but folks when you don't have space to save the video, you can put it all on facebook live. >> we do it all the time. the mom bear is probably not far away. >> hopefully that is not the sequel. >> thanks alicia. >> lets get a check of the roads right now. matt standing by with the update. >> you may want to paws as you come to a couple of spots. here on the schuylkill expressway it's extra heavy from montgomery drive to this point at the vine, just up ahead there was a broken down vehicle on the eastbound left lane on the vine street expressway, they have cleared that out of the way and we are jammed across town from the schuylkill to i-95, a couple of reminders with construction, it will close tonight at 11:00, and tonight starting at 8:00, the ramps from the vine street and the schuylkill eastbound to 30th street will shut down overnight for construction for repairs to the ramp: over on 95 the southbound construction here as you approach cotman avenue has wrapped. that is good news if you are heading to the phils game but it's still jammed from woodhaven to cotman but all the lanes are reopen. a crash off 95 at bridesburg, and luckily our wreck at harson is outst way. and our septa trolley tunnel blips continue tonight, trolleys will not operate in the center city tunnel. this is weeknights and weekends for the next couple of weeks, but during the daytimes, the trolleys run normally. well, if you have to be outside in the heat there are ways to stay cool. we'll look at the unique products on the market coming up in what is the deal. >> sky 6 hd looking live at the beaches in atlantic city. a few brave folks trying to get a little cool this afternoon. cecily tynan is standing by the exclusive accuweather forecast. acme has everything you need, every day! the freshest food and low acme prices. and right now you can save even more during our 125th anniversary sale. happy anniversary to me. stock up during our mega event! get quaker cereal and breakfast bars for just $1.49 each when you buy 6. pick up frito-lay party size tostitos, doritos and ruffles for just $2.99 each when you buy 6. acme's 125th anniversary sale. it's huge! all right cecily, day seven of our heat wave. that has got to be the longest one so far. >> it will be the longest one and definitely the most intense one as well. unfortunately we keep adding days to it. but we are getting storms out there. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that we have an intense line of storms pushing into the northwest suburbs and the national weather service issued a severe thunderstorm warning for lancaster and berks and chester and parts of montgomery county, this line really has some intense wind gusts and double scan line zooming in and the most intense part of it now heading towards reading and we see the bowing out of that echo and that shows it's rushing winds and this is moving quickly to the east-northeast. at 45 miles per hour affecting the early part of the commute. hitting 422 and adams town and crossing 322 and if this hits you a good idea to pull over and wait it out. it's moving quickly but this shows on storm tracker, the rainfall rates. this is indicating the storm is falling -- pulling out rain of 4 inches per hour in some areas. you can't see through that if are you driving, it's moving out quickly but that shows how intense the rainfall is. the reason judge, the dew points are in the 70s. any storm can pull down a lot of rain it a short period of time. philadelphia 93 degrees, and dover 95 and millville 90 and atlantic city airport 93 and allentown and trenton 91 degrees, and you factor into the dew points in the 70s. we are back in the dangerous heat and humidity, it feels like 103, and 102 in trenton and 106 in millville at the atlantic city airport. it feels like 102 degrees, satellite 6 along with action radar showing that what we are watching into our western suburbs is what is known as a prefrontal troth, a piece of energy ahead of an actual cold front, slicing across the ohio valley and ma it moving through late tonight and early tomorrow morning. we won't see much showers or thunderstorm activity with it. we'll have a break in humidity in some areas, future tracker timing out the storm at 7:30, a broken line of storms over i-95, and it pushes to the east it falls apart and encountering that marine layer, by 10:00 not a lot of activity and tomorrow we start the day with a mixture of clouds and sunshine and 92 degrees, some day eight of the heat wave, a ripple of energy along the stalled front could bring showers and thunderstorms in the evening and then on thursday, the heat wave continues, a high around 90 still on the humid side and it looks like that air plastics around through the weekend. relief arrives next week. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast tomorrow it stays hot not quite as oppressively humid here as today. but still on the humid side with dew points in the uner 60s and 92 is the high and hazy sunshine on thursday and the possibility of an afternoon thunderstorm and 90. friday 91 degrees and saturday hot and humid and 90 and sunday 90 and then on monday, a cold front moves through and that brings us afternoon thunderstorms, and it looks like this front has some teeth, finally tuesday a break, low humidity mostly sunny skies and 85 for the high, i think tuesday should be a holiday for all of us. >> relief is on the way it will take a while to get here. >> i'm looking really closely at that. >> we haven't seen 85 in a while. >> a week away. >> we'll get there. thank you. all right, what's the deal is next on "action news." and today we turn to new technology to help you beat the heat. think along the lines of a portable air conditioned vest. we have the details next. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. and right now, get super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online with no annual contract. now switching to fios is easier than ever with hassle-free installation. we'll connect your devices to the new wi-fi 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help someone like a landscaper beat the heat. >> this is another cooling vest? >> this one here is a change cooling vest, it has inserts you freeze. for about two hours, you get three to four hours of intense cooling sensation once you install them in the vest. >> the tech cool is $149.99. >> with two little ones this is my favorite product. >> this is the gelo pad that stays cooler than the temperature around it. >> the gel stroller liner is $49.95. >> these are the cool breeze solar power fan hat, a solar panel installed at the top and it activates the fan in the front. >> it circulates around the crown and they retail for $35. >> i like it. >> i like them myself. >> we put a link to my cooling store at >> i'm nydia han, channel 6 "action news." >> think we can pull off the hats? >> i wonder if any can fit under a suit? i'll try it out. that will do it for "action news" at 4:00. hope you'll join me and sharrie williams tonight and every night, for "action news" at 10:00. and here is rick williams way look ahead at 5:00. >> coming up everyone, on "action news" at 5:00, developing news, pennsylvania attorney general, kathleen kane, is stepping down from her post after being convicted of perjury and corruption charges. and hillary clinton makes a campaign stop in philadelphia, and a severe thunderstorm watch is in effect for our viewing area. and cecily tynan has another check of double scan live radar. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. taking a live look at stormtracker 6 live double scan radar it's now day seven of the latest heat wave to take over the delaware valley. after nearly a week of sticky and stagnant air we are tracking the chance of strong storms. monica is off and sharrie williams is joining us and the big story is the severe thunderstorm watch and warning in effect right now. >> with that chance of storms comes maybe a little relief from the humidity. meteorologist, cecily tynan, is keeping an eye on storm tracker. >> reporter: stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that the storms are rolling in in our north and west suburbs. all the yellow boxes those are severe thunderstorm watches posted until 11:00, really our entire viewing area except for southern delaware and counties along the shore and the orange is the severe thunderstorm warnings and we have a lot of them now, parts of lancaster county and most of chester county and most of berks county and a sliver of montgomery county under severe thunderstorm warning until 5:15. the reason why, these storms are packing a punch. wind gusts possible up to 60 miles per hour. we have had 214 lightning strikes in the past 15 minutes, this storm has rolled through reading, northeast of 222 and north of

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