Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160421 : compareme

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160421

says he was found dead after battling the flu. >> people don't realize, he sold over 100 million albums. he won seven grammy award and won an academy award and one of his most memorable performances the super bowl halftime show. >> it's good to dance to. and it comes on at a club. >> he was so talented he could play so many instruments. it's a sad loss today. >> there are many songs he never had released known in what was called the vault. maybe we have not seen the last of his music. >> lets hope there is more to come. has the complete life of prince, you can read reactions from celebrities and fellow musicians and share your prince memories with us on social media. coverage of prince will continue for days on abc news. tune in after jimmy kimmel for a night line completely dedicated to prince. and we are following a heart breaking story in delaware today where a high school student was killed inside of a school bathroom. chad pradelli is following this story all day, he joins us now in wilmington at the howard high school of technology where this all happened. >> reporter: really a disturbing scene outside of howard high school. our cameras were rolling as paramedics tried to revive a 16-year-old who police say was beaten inside of a bathroom. she was air lifted to the dupont hospital for children but the sore more did not survive, leaving the high school is of technology and a city in shock. >> i am so upset -- that the young lady lost her life today. things like this shouldn't happen. my heart bleeds for the family. >> police say the fight happened in a girl's bathroom just after school started at 8:15. kayla wilson says she was in the stall when the fight broke out. >> she was fighting the girls and that is where all of these other girls started banking her. >> what? >> banking her jumping her and she hit her head on the sink. >> they say the victim and two others were involved in the altercation, after the fight classes were locked down and classes were dismissed two hours later. rumors were spreading but parents were not aware of the results. >> police released few details on how the fight started. >> we are trying to get to the bottom of what took place and have some understanding of it. we have no new information at this point. >> the family is asking for privacy and detectives continue to interview witnesses and two girls allegedly involved in the altercation. live in wilmington, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. a teacher's aide at conestoga high school is accused of having sex with an underage student. christine tower was arrested police say she had an ongoing relationship with a 16-year-old boy and investigators say she was tutoring the student. sara bloomquist is getting more information and will have a live report at 5:00. pennsylvania is at the center of the political world today. four of the five presidential candidates have campaign events today. lets start on the republican side. the poll out this morning shows donald trump in the lead with 40% of the vote and ted cruz 26% and john kasich third with 24%. kasich is hoping to make up ground with several events in our area today. vernon odom is live in media where kasich just wrapped up a rally. >> reporter: good evening sharrie. john kasich just wrached up the rally here on pen's campus in media. he won only one primary election this season and lost more than 30 times but he is marching on and still far behind donald trump and behind senator ted cruz of texas as well. >> thank you -- >> ohio's governor trudges on like the happy warrior even though it's mathematically impossible to win the nomination outright. eventually he hopes to get the the delegates to sway to him. >> there is a falling off of spirit and confidence in ourselves. and i believe that all of us are made special and all of us have a purpose. and our job here is to use those special gifts we have been given to help fix our world. >> kasich has plenty of strong conservati conservative credentials but shows moderate in this fire breather with trump and ted cruz. >> we'll call on the politicians to do their job but we have to rely on all of us, and maybe part of the reason we are cynical or discouraged is because we have politicians p m plom -- promise us all of this stuff on not deliver. >> kasich specializes in this relatively small format of town hall with virtually all white audiences. >> reporter: sharrie, governor kasich continues to talk about an open gop convention in cleveland, ohio in july, and he just said once again i ain't getting out of this race. live in media, delaware county, i'm vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you vernon. meantime front rupper, donald trump, is campaigning in pennsylvania and will hold the rally in harrisburg at the pennsylvania farm show complex. john rawlins is there and will have a live report at 5:00. ted cruz does not have any events now scheduled in pennsylvania, he except the day campaigning in maryland and trump called for cruz to drop out of the race and cruz has no plans to stop his campaign. >> and bernie sanders is campaigning across pennsylvania today and polls show he has ground to make up. the poll finds hillary clinton leading sanders 48% to 31% and both are popular with democratic voters and the poll finds that 59% have a favorable opinion of clinton and 69% have a favorable opinion of sanders. and sanders is expected to start speaking any minute now and earlier he had a rally in scranton and later the expo center in oaks. gray hall is at the rally in reading and will have a live report at 5:00. bill clinton spent the day campaigning for his wife in harrisburg, last night hillary clinton sat down with a one-on-one interview with "action news" anchor, jim gardner, we'll bring you part two of that interview tonight on "action news" at 6:00. now it's time for a check of the accuweather forecast. lets head outside to meteorologist, cecily tynan. >> that is right, plenty of sunshine today with high thin clouds and temperatures even a little warmer than yesterday. currently in philadelphia, 73. yesterday' high was 715 degrees above normal and allentown 73 and reading and wilmington 70 and trenton 72 and closer to the ocean with the winds off the ocean 55 degrees and temperatures cooler and cape may cooler at 60 degrees, on the breezy side as well. wind speeds 6 to 13 miles per hour sustained that is bringing us the warm air and tonight will be on the warm side. temperatures only dropping down into the 50s in the suburbs 60 for center city. satellite 6 along with action radar showing what is waiting in the wings, there is a cold front advancing through the midwest and that knocks on our door tomorrow. this is what to expect tomorrow, it will be warmer and more humid with showers and thunderstorms, i'll time out for you when you need the umbrella and talking about winning weather returning for the weekend. i'm have the details in the full accuweather forecast. >> thank you, it's time now for a first check of the "action news" traffic report. >> lets go live to matt pellman in the traffic center. >> i wish the traffic was winning as much as the weather, it's a rough week and this afternoon we start with a crash in bellmawr near it's black horse pike, single digit speeds, the accident is blocking two lanes and farther south at delaware memorial bridge, speeds are in the teens because of the emergency construction on the suspension cables continues. but overall it's a bit of a better day at the delaware memorial bridge because now two lanes are open, yesterday was just one and today it's two, this pattern could last for a few more days. it's still jammed there even though the two lanes are open so the commodore barry bridge could be better if are you pennsylvania bound. this is 95 under the ben franklin bridge starting to stack up in the normal spot and a 15 minute delay on the northbound travel time. look for a crash at 202 at lighthouse baptist church. and septa routes are on die investigation because of power issues. >> lets grab the ipad, a stand still on 295, because of that crash, if you want to use kings highway or 130 or the new jersey turnpike, no problems reported on those this afternoon. we'll check it again coming up in the next half hour. >> all right matt thank you. still ahead, another automaker is under investigation after admitting to cheating on tests. plus, friends and family join flyers fans and other philadelphians for a tribute to ed snider. we have a report of the memorial ceremony coming up. and adam joseph is on another of his outdoor adventures, he is live in wilmington, delaware. live at winterer gardens. they have events throughout the year and we are specifically checking out the enchants woods, three acres of a children's landscape that they can roam around for all ages. this is really an enchantment and mystical place to discover. we'll take a look at all the aspects that they have on these three acres. why should we trust a harrisburg politician like steve santarsiero who will say anything to win an election? after claiming credit for passing universal background checks for all gun purchases, "santarsiero admitted in an interview that he didn't write pennsylvania's gun safety law." his campaign brags about his accomplishments, but "in fact, he has failed in 54 attempts to get any legislation on the books." we just cant trust steve santarsiero. i'm shaughnessy naughton, and i approve this message because we deserve better. the president says that arab allies are interesting in increasing their contributions to the fight against terrorism and increasing operations in iraq and syria. that came after a one-on-one meeting with saudi leaders. the president called the talk, a talk about strained relationship overblown but saudi arabia is part of a controversy here at home. a former congressman that sat on the 9/11 commission, he wants the government to release 28 secret pages part of the 9/11 commission report and they reportedly deal with saudi arabia's possible role in the attacks. he says the public should be allowed to see that material many and that they do not show involvement by saudi officials. mitsubishi was raided after overstating the fuel efficient of $625,000 cars. this after nissan modeled a car after mitsubishi. they say the defective models are only sold in japan and the raids will continue tomorrow. meanwhile volkswagon announced a deal for customers that bought vehicles that were rigged for emissions tests. they are starting a buy back program for the 600,000 vehicles affected. they have not said how much they will pay but it will be substantial compensation and for vw to commit to a fund to promote green technology. and across the board the dow falling 114 points to close under the 18,000 mark and the nasdaq off 2.25 points and s&p off 11 minutes on the day. it's time now for accuweather and one of adam joseph outdoor adventures. >> lets go to wilmington where adam is live at winterthur. >> this is beautiful, can you do inside the museum or outdoor tours. i found out there was a childrens garden, three acres for children to venture and roam around. this is a magical place this, is one of the areas this is the acorn tea room where you walk through the forest. look at this we have a fairy. you going to run around too. check it out. here is the acorn tea room, the families come here and sit and have lunch and chat and take in the beautiful sights of this garden. as we look at the numbers. it is pleasant today and we moved the numbers well into the 70s, 73 in philadelphia, 73 also in the lehigh valley and trenton low 70s and a bit cooler at the shore with the temperature right now in cape may at 60 degrees, 24 hours ago it was a bit cooler by 66 degrees across much of the area and we are moving the temperatures up with the southerly wind and the numbers continue to rise as we get into your friday. as we look at satellite and radar, low pressure in iowa and you can see a band of broken showers and downpours and a few thunderstorms especially towards the tennessee valley, that is what arrives here as we get into the end of the week, tonight mostly cloudy and mild with temperatures 55 to 60 degrees for a low. that is 60 in philadelphia is only a few degrees shy of our normal high temperature for this time of year. and as we look at future tracker early tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m., a mixture of sun and clouds and we are waiting for the rain and a dry morning rush with temperatures in the 60s and once we are in the early morning hours, a broken line of showers and even a rumble of thunder could pass through and temperatures in the 70s despite the rain and tomorrow evening temperatures drop back into the 60s and saturday morning mostly cloudy and a few breaks of sun developing to start your weekend with the upper 50s and low 60s. what to expect on friday, much needed rain is pushing back in and scattered showers developing in the afternoon tomorrow and a few downpours but not a lot of instability. just a scattered chance of a rumble of thunder and a quarter to half inch of rain on average. it's warm with afternoon showers and 80 degrees tomorrow and saturday breezy and pleasant we drop but still nice agent 70 and mostly sunny and nice on sunday and 69 degrees. here we go again with 80 on monday with a chance of a spotty shower late in the day. what did we make for early dinner? >> tomato, cheese lettuce sandwich. >> is it yummy? >> i have peanut butter and honey. >> i like his style right here. take a look we have more kids entering here, there are a lot of folks coming through and coming up in the next half hour -- you look like a little princess. what is your name? >> alyse. >> are you going to sit in the prince princess's throne. that is cool, if i was a kid i would want to come here. >> you are there now, live it up. details on a new law in pennsylvania aiming to help the victims of domestic abuse. coming up remembering ed snider, the wells fargo center hosts a public memorial for the flyers founder. modres: the cost of living the pay stays the same. i have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. it's a big struggle. one person that really gets this is katie mcginty. she came from a working-class family. she was ninth of 10 kids. she gets it. she'll fight for equal pay for equal work. katie mcginty will protect social security and medicare. that's why president obama and vice president biden support her, too. she'll make a heck of a senator. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. from our delaware newsroom, police have arrested a man they say is stealing from people's cars and sheds. they say that paul lally was stealing from several different neighborhoods across wilmington. taking power washers and lawn mowers they say they searched lally's home and found many of the stolen items. is he free after posting $21,000 bail. pennsylvania governor, tom wolf, signed a bill into law aiming to help the victims of spousal abuse. house bill 2 in allentown today. in pennsylvania, even in the case of spousal abuse, a divorce requires a lengthy process if one of the people does not consent, this bill means that if one partner has been convicted of harmling their spouse that victim can file for divorce without needing the attacker to agree. thousands became u.s. citizens in center city today. 101 people took the only of citizenship this morning. philadelphia mayor jim kenney was on hand for the naturalization ceremony why along with sheila hess. they won the state championship and today their school celebrated their big win. well, west lehigh avenue was closed down to celebrate the saint martin saints, the boys basketball team won the state championship earlier this month, each player was individually recognizes and received a medal to take home. >> awesome. up next on "action news" at 4:00, the latest details on prince's sudden death. and you remember another legend, this one closer to home. see the celebration of ed snider's life and legacy next. >> plus -- >> if you plan a summer trip i have great ways to save on airfare as much as 40%. tips to see when to fly and what to buy coming up on what's the deal. and stand up to polluting frackers. he's backed by law enforcement, supported by planned parenthood and he's endorsed by president obama - who says shapiro "represents the next generation of progressive leadership". democrat josh shapiro an attorney general...for us a little child with big dreams. dwight evans. first a community activist. a legislator at 25. always looking out for us. he worked to create a thriving commercial district. and he's brought new grocery stores to underserved areas. dwight evans is committed to revitalizing neighborhoods in all of philadelphia. he'll be a block by block congressman for us. i'm dwight evans and i'm proud to approve this message. "action news" continues with meteorologist, adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian taff. hello again 4:30 and "action news" continues now way search for a man that is trying to lure young children in the city's may fair section. >> and a traffic stops turned out to be anything but routine. the suspects had more than 10 pounds of drugs and the evidence doesn't stop there. >> and villanova is already cashing in on the basketball's national title. details about the multimillion-dollar gift and the school's plans for all of that money. straight ahead. first he was a music legend whose appeal spans generations, prince was found dead in his estate in minneapolis. we learned that they found the super star unresponsive in an elevator. and they performed cpr but could not revive the 57-year-old. thousands of fans gathered outside of prince's studio to mourn his death. we went into the archives and found this clip from his purple rain tour at the spectrum in 1984. ♪ ♪ >> prince had performed and records right up until his death and released four albums in the last 18 months and played a show in atlanta just last week. has complete coverage of prince's death and you can see his career and read reaction, and be sure to share your prince memories with us on facebo facebook and twitter. and fans and players came to honor ed snider. jaime apody was at ceremony, she joins us live in south philadelphia. >> reporter: brian this is where it happened last night. the house that ed snider built, before they boarded the train to washington, they stopped here to remember the man that made it all possible 50 years ago. ♪ ♪ it was a touching tribute to a man whose legacy in philadelphia touched so many snider passed away at at age of 83 from bladder cancer. he is represented for his philanthropy. >> we thank ed snider one more time for everything he did for the flyers and philadelphia and for the community and for the nhl and for the game of hockey. >> even though we knew mr. snider was passing and had time to prepare ourselves it really hurt. and it's going to hurt us for a long time. >> clark introduced flyers alumni, and the current team flesh off their game four win, they find inspiration from their beloved owner. >> his passion not just for hockey but his whole life and the community and the city and his family, and the organization. his passion for everything he did in life. >> we are here to celebrate his life and the rest of us are trying to live up to it. mr. snider is a great human being and i think you can really see that by the community involvement he had. >> and snider's most important role was father of six and grandfather of 16. his son remembered the final sentence he spoke. >> i can't thank the flyers enough for everything they have given to me and my family. thank you. >> among the stories here today. a great one about the time that snider kicked donald trump out of his bus during a playoff game because he was talking too much. it's clear how much he loved the flyers and how much this town loved him. >> a lot of love there thanks jaime. philadelphia police are searching for two men in an attempted luring of a young boy as he walked home from school. it's the second luring attempt in a week, a 12-year-old boy said that two men in a parked silver car called to him after school on distance street in the city's may fair section, fortunately he did not get in that car. last thursday a 9-year-old girl called to him to come to her car, on the 1800 block of may fair and then chased her for several blocks. police are investigating a deadly shoot that happened today in broad daylight. they say that a single bullets to the head killed a man in cobb's creek, investigators put out crime tape and collected evidence on south 8 and treat. from our delaware news, these two men are under arrest stemming from a big drug bust. 22-year-old torean mccarthy and samuel mccall are facing a list of charges today. these pictures show the evidence that they collected from the traffic stop. the duo allegedly had 11 pounds of marijuana, multiple guns and thousands of dollars in cash and bulletproof vests in their possession. villanova university is celebrating another major honor today. the school received $22.6 million gift from alumni william fit erin. it will go to the pavilion as well as the basketball program. it's the biggest gift for athletics and it comes after the team brought home the 2016 basketball championship. he say 1963 graduate and a long time supporter. it appears that a 19th century mansion has a new opener, the lock airy reportedly sold at auction for $710,000. take a look at it, the facebook page dedicated to saving the mansion says the man that bought it plans on turning it into a boutique hotel, it's at 700 lancaster pike in east white land township. >> a beautiful place. >> it's nice. to another beautiful day we check in with adam joseph on an outdoor adventure at winterthur museum. he is meeting little friends. >> reporter: this place is really magical for kids, they have transformed these three acres in a place where they can run around and have fun and put themselves into a whole different world, a lot of flowers start to bloom here on the grounds and the fairy cotta cottage, something you can check out in the next weather hit. check out the birds nest, kind of a view of what to expect in the trees, before you head up and see what is inside. beautiful temperatures in the mid-atlantic, most areas are in the mid to upper 70s from philadelphia all the way down to the virginias and carolinas and western parts of pennsylvania and a little cooler to the north with temperatures in the 60s there. as we look at stormtracker 6 live double scan there is a change coming in the way of a cold front and a rumble of thunder in the ohio and tennessee valley and that progresses in through friday and we'll be out in time for the upcoming weekend. lets walk up the path here, the good thing of this particular birds nest is you don't have to go high in the tree and we have some, looks like butterflies and some fairies here being good. are you guys having fun? >> yes, this is what it feels like to be in a birds nest? >> yes. >> do you want to settle and live here. yes. >> i said are you a prince he said no, what are you? >> i don't know. >> feel underdressed and you can come in and pick up the egg. help me with that. good girl. we'll have the next weather hit with the seven day. philadelphia is expanding their popular bike share program. mayor jim kenney was on hand as indigo. you can sign up for limited one hour rides. no excuses maybe. >> the weather is not an excuse not to get outside either. and still ahead a birthday celebration for the ages, the sights and sounds for queen elizabeth's 90th birthday celebration. next. and see the incredible rescue from ecuador that is going viral. it was a day filled with a royal birthday celebration in the united kingdom, queen elizabeth turned 90 today making her britain oldest and longest serving monarch, along with her husband prince phillip the queen took a stroll to greet her well wish is that line said the streets for days and yes each the queen get a birthday cake. here it is purple and gold with butter cream icing and get this, marmalade filling. delicious. beyonce announced she is holding a fundraiser to help people from flint, michigan, recover from the water crisis there. we are waiting for details but a spokesperson says it will celebrate the resourcefulness of the people of flint. >> all right brian to big talkers today and a big surprise from a famous face. oprah winfrey crashed a weight watchers meeting in new york city. look at the faces in the room, she live streamed the dropin on her facebook page. >> the coach knows i'm coming but the rest of the people don't know i'm come. >> are you kidding me! >> the visit caught the members by surprise. oprah's best friend gayle king was along for the fun too. she posted these shots on instagram, calling oprah a good student and listened to the teacher, oprah is the new face of weight watchers for a few months now, the program focuses on a healthier and happier life and not just losing weight. now to a very inspirational story with a very lucky duck turning into a symbol of hope in ecuador, rescuers searching through collapsed buildings from the earthquake found the bird buried in rubble but still alive. can you see first responders handing him off to be checked out. the white duck was an instant celebrity. the country is eager for good news after the earthquake killed 500 people and flattened entire towns, even the rescuers cheered as the duck flapped its wings and the bird spent the night resting and eating pap matt pellman is standing by with the traffic report. >> still hopeful on the schuylkill. 10 miles per hour because of an earlier crash in the southbound lanes by the black horse pike. all the lanes are open but it's extra slow on that chunk of 295 of camden county, on 295, it's still backed up headed to the delaware memorial bridge but better than yesterday because today two lanes are getting by headed into delaware verse the one lane we had yesterday. but the two lane pattern is expected to last a bit, the commodore barry with speeds in the 40s. in lawrence township a vehicle flipped over at princeton pike, today it's a flipped over vehicle and everything is off to the shoulder and delays are not so terrible. normal delays here on 422 westbound although i would expect extra traffic in the area from time to time, because of the big bernie sanders rally at the greater philadelphia expo nearby in oaks and in perkiomen township, the greaterford road bridge is scheduled to reopen and it was closed for almost two years. good news there in montgomery county. we'll check it again in the 5:00 hour. "action news" at 4:00 will be right back. he could install your ceiling fan.ce said he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deere tractor, you knew better. now ron does too. the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. e series compact tractors come with an industry-best, six-year, no-cost powertrain warranty. american workers know how to fightso does we need jobs that provide dignity and a bright future. new penalties to stop companies from moving profits and jobs overseas. for businesses that create manufacturing jobs, a new tax credit. and let's invest in clean energy jobs, with 500 million solar panels installed by the end of her first term. a real plan to create new jobs and industries of the future. hillary clinton. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. ifor all the wrong reasons.gical you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. all right meteorologist, cecily tynan, we are inching toward the weekend here. the weekend is looking nice. we have a little bit of a hurdle to get over tomorrow afternoon but we need the rain. lets go live to sky of looking at atlantic city where we have sunshine filtering through high, thin clouds. we have breezy conditions and winds are generally out of the south than is pulling up the warm air. sky 6 hd showing we have dry conditions out there, but this will get more active tomorrow afternoon as showers and thunderstorms roll through. this year has been a year of warmth, april 2015 through march 2016, every single month average temperatures were above normal. this april as of now we are running near normal but i would not be surprised if this april by the end of the month temperatures are above normal and today is on the warm side. 73 in philadelphia and the same in allentown and trenton 72 and wilmington 70. when you get closer to the ocean the winds off the ocean cape may cooler 59 degrees. the ocean temperature is chilly, only 55. satellite 6 along with action radar showing we are still dry but you can see how the moisture is beginning to move in from the west, this is all with a cold front. this is the same system that brought flooding rains and this system is weakening dramatically and we won't get heavy rain and it's unsettled tomorrow afternoon. cloudy and mild and the winds from the southwest. about 60 for center city and future tracker showing sunshine tomorrow morning, as of 7:00 temperatures already in the 60s and we'll make it close to 80 degree tomorrow afternoon, future tracker showing it will get unsettled and clouds and 2:00 scattered showers, and it gets more active into friday evening, it could be one of the evenings that it's hit or miss and not everyone will get the wet weather but it could be a brief downpour and then the sunshine will reappear. how much rain are we talking about? looking like a .10 inch of rain to close to a half inch of rain, so again these are really hit or miss showers or thunderstorms. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast tomorrow it's warm with scattered afternoon and evening thunderstorms, a high of 80 degrees and passover begins at sun down and then unsettled and on saturday a lingering shower and clouds break for sunshine and a nice afternoon with a high of 70 degree and great weather for the union game and sunday is looking nice as well with a high of 69 degrees, on monday we warm things up calling for 79 and i would not be surprised if we hit 80 and a spotty shower possible monday night and that continues into tuesday morning. tuesday morning we'll be wet with sunshine, 74 degrees and wednesday we clear things out and partly sunny and 68 and thursday mostly cloudy and a high of 70 degrees, unsettled tomorrow afternoon but the weekend is looking nice and at this point we need the rain. >> very true thank you. >> we have some travel tips to help you save big bucks on airfare coming up on what's the deal. ewspapers. katie mcginty- tough on wall street ceos, a fighter for pay equity for women. praised by former gov. ed rendell, "she'll stand strong for working families." katie: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. modres: the cost of living the pay stays the same. i have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. it's a big struggle. one person that really gets this is katie mcginty. she came from a working-class family. she was ninth of 10 kids. she gets it. she'll fight for equal pay for equal work. katie mcginty will protect social security and medicare. that's why president obama and vice president biden support her, too. she'll make a heck of a senator. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. all right what's the deal? we have travel deals, knowing when to get the best rate for airline was not easy but not anymore. >> if you don't use a travel free websites or apps i'm about to tell you about you probably pay too much for airfare. first hopper is easy to use and gets you a cheaper flight 90% of the time. look when we check flights from phl to lax, the lowest fare for a non-stop flight is $944. hopper gets it for us at $132 savings. we can immediately see leaving july 1st will cost $100 than leaving the day before or the day after. we can book directly through the app. hopper says wait for a better price and we could save as much as $26 more. it's price predictor shows we could book before june 21st. when prices are expected to climb $165, and they will notify us when prices drop and before they rise. other apps and websites let you compare airfare and set price alerts to score the cheapest fare. sky scanner, and on sky scanner it shows at $397 and stid of hopper's $412. do be aware though if you want a particular flight you should look at the numbers of seats available before booking a flight to see if there say big risk of all the seats selling out and they advise us to watch the fare instead of buying now if prices are expected to fall within seven day, we have all the tips on and you can be flexible with your dates or willing to fly in or out after a nearby airport. frankford high school celebrated the achievements of one of their alumni, christine coulter was awarded the achievement award. she started with the police back in 1988 and now leads 1,000 philadelphia police officers. signs of life popped up in clementon, camden county. the action cam was on the white horse pike when homes in a salesville able opened up. they are transforming 30 acres of vacant land, once everything is built there is 100 homes with access to a pond and shops. they hope that all of this will help revitalize the area. studentses are getting help with relaxing and staying calm. meet adalin a pit bull and therapeutic dog, she paid a visit to children in camden where they are undergoing exam week and feeling stress. they say the four-legged friend is a great teaching tool to show the nursing students there are many ways to bring patients to a positive state of health. >> i would sayal addin was a hit. for cecily tynan and sharrie williams, i'm brian taff. we hope you'll join us tonight and every night for a full hour of "action news" at 10:00 on phl 17. hi there, coming up next at 5:00 we continue to honor the life and legacy of a music icon, how people in minnesota are remembering prince. and candidates for president continue their push for support. those stories and more coming your way next at 5:00. "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. ♪ ♪ ♪ purple rain >> it was arguably one of the best super bowl halftime shows of all time. >> now people are mourning the loss of a music icon and pioneer, prince was found unresponsive in an elevator at his minnesota home and died at the age of 57. the big story is the sudden passing of one of the best selling music artists in history. >> he broke into the music scene in 1979, five years later he broke through with this top charting album, purple rain, it produces the first two number one singles, when doves cry and lets go crazy and won him the academy award for best original song. kiss topped the charts in 1986. and then bat dance and then he returned to the top of the charts with his album 3121. in all he has sold 100 million records worldwide. >> tonight fans are mourning outside of his home in minneapolis. "action news" reporter christie talked to folks mourning his death in philadelphia. she is live with more. >> reporter: rick and monica, prince had been working and even touring before his death and was hospitalized for the flu last week. this came as a shock to fans in philadel

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160421 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160421

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says he was found dead after battling the flu. >> people don't realize, he sold over 100 million albums. he won seven grammy award and won an academy award and one of his most memorable performances the super bowl halftime show. >> it's good to dance to. and it comes on at a club. >> he was so talented he could play so many instruments. it's a sad loss today. >> there are many songs he never had released known in what was called the vault. maybe we have not seen the last of his music. >> lets hope there is more to come. has the complete life of prince, you can read reactions from celebrities and fellow musicians and share your prince memories with us on social media. coverage of prince will continue for days on abc news. tune in after jimmy kimmel for a night line completely dedicated to prince. and we are following a heart breaking story in delaware today where a high school student was killed inside of a school bathroom. chad pradelli is following this story all day, he joins us now in wilmington at the howard high school of technology where this all happened. >> reporter: really a disturbing scene outside of howard high school. our cameras were rolling as paramedics tried to revive a 16-year-old who police say was beaten inside of a bathroom. she was air lifted to the dupont hospital for children but the sore more did not survive, leaving the high school is of technology and a city in shock. >> i am so upset -- that the young lady lost her life today. things like this shouldn't happen. my heart bleeds for the family. >> police say the fight happened in a girl's bathroom just after school started at 8:15. kayla wilson says she was in the stall when the fight broke out. >> she was fighting the girls and that is where all of these other girls started banking her. >> what? >> banking her jumping her and she hit her head on the sink. >> they say the victim and two others were involved in the altercation, after the fight classes were locked down and classes were dismissed two hours later. rumors were spreading but parents were not aware of the results. >> police released few details on how the fight started. >> we are trying to get to the bottom of what took place and have some understanding of it. we have no new information at this point. >> the family is asking for privacy and detectives continue to interview witnesses and two girls allegedly involved in the altercation. live in wilmington, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. a teacher's aide at conestoga high school is accused of having sex with an underage student. christine tower was arrested police say she had an ongoing relationship with a 16-year-old boy and investigators say she was tutoring the student. sara bloomquist is getting more information and will have a live report at 5:00. pennsylvania is at the center of the political world today. four of the five presidential candidates have campaign events today. lets start on the republican side. the poll out this morning shows donald trump in the lead with 40% of the vote and ted cruz 26% and john kasich third with 24%. kasich is hoping to make up ground with several events in our area today. vernon odom is live in media where kasich just wrapped up a rally. >> reporter: good evening sharrie. john kasich just wrached up the rally here on pen's campus in media. he won only one primary election this season and lost more than 30 times but he is marching on and still far behind donald trump and behind senator ted cruz of texas as well. >> thank you -- >> ohio's governor trudges on like the happy warrior even though it's mathematically impossible to win the nomination outright. eventually he hopes to get the the delegates to sway to him. >> there is a falling off of spirit and confidence in ourselves. and i believe that all of us are made special and all of us have a purpose. and our job here is to use those special gifts we have been given to help fix our world. >> kasich has plenty of strong conservati conservative credentials but shows moderate in this fire breather with trump and ted cruz. >> we'll call on the politicians to do their job but we have to rely on all of us, and maybe part of the reason we are cynical or discouraged is because we have politicians p m plom -- promise us all of this stuff on not deliver. >> kasich specializes in this relatively small format of town hall with virtually all white audiences. >> reporter: sharrie, governor kasich continues to talk about an open gop convention in cleveland, ohio in july, and he just said once again i ain't getting out of this race. live in media, delaware county, i'm vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you vernon. meantime front rupper, donald trump, is campaigning in pennsylvania and will hold the rally in harrisburg at the pennsylvania farm show complex. john rawlins is there and will have a live report at 5:00. ted cruz does not have any events now scheduled in pennsylvania, he except the day campaigning in maryland and trump called for cruz to drop out of the race and cruz has no plans to stop his campaign. >> and bernie sanders is campaigning across pennsylvania today and polls show he has ground to make up. the poll finds hillary clinton leading sanders 48% to 31% and both are popular with democratic voters and the poll finds that 59% have a favorable opinion of clinton and 69% have a favorable opinion of sanders. and sanders is expected to start speaking any minute now and earlier he had a rally in scranton and later the expo center in oaks. gray hall is at the rally in reading and will have a live report at 5:00. bill clinton spent the day campaigning for his wife in harrisburg, last night hillary clinton sat down with a one-on-one interview with "action news" anchor, jim gardner, we'll bring you part two of that interview tonight on "action news" at 6:00. now it's time for a check of the accuweather forecast. lets head outside to meteorologist, cecily tynan. >> that is right, plenty of sunshine today with high thin clouds and temperatures even a little warmer than yesterday. currently in philadelphia, 73. yesterday' high was 715 degrees above normal and allentown 73 and reading and wilmington 70 and trenton 72 and closer to the ocean with the winds off the ocean 55 degrees and temperatures cooler and cape may cooler at 60 degrees, on the breezy side as well. wind speeds 6 to 13 miles per hour sustained that is bringing us the warm air and tonight will be on the warm side. temperatures only dropping down into the 50s in the suburbs 60 for center city. satellite 6 along with action radar showing what is waiting in the wings, there is a cold front advancing through the midwest and that knocks on our door tomorrow. this is what to expect tomorrow, it will be warmer and more humid with showers and thunderstorms, i'll time out for you when you need the umbrella and talking about winning weather returning for the weekend. i'm have the details in the full accuweather forecast. >> thank you, it's time now for a first check of the "action news" traffic report. >> lets go live to matt pellman in the traffic center. >> i wish the traffic was winning as much as the weather, it's a rough week and this afternoon we start with a crash in bellmawr near it's black horse pike, single digit speeds, the accident is blocking two lanes and farther south at delaware memorial bridge, speeds are in the teens because of the emergency construction on the suspension cables continues. but overall it's a bit of a better day at the delaware memorial bridge because now two lanes are open, yesterday was just one and today it's two, this pattern could last for a few more days. it's still jammed there even though the two lanes are open so the commodore barry bridge could be better if are you pennsylvania bound. this is 95 under the ben franklin bridge starting to stack up in the normal spot and a 15 minute delay on the northbound travel time. look for a crash at 202 at lighthouse baptist church. and septa routes are on die investigation because of power issues. >> lets grab the ipad, a stand still on 295, because of that crash, if you want to use kings highway or 130 or the new jersey turnpike, no problems reported on those this afternoon. we'll check it again coming up in the next half hour. >> all right matt thank you. still ahead, another automaker is under investigation after admitting to cheating on tests. plus, friends and family join flyers fans and other philadelphians for a tribute to ed snider. we have a report of the memorial ceremony coming up. and adam joseph is on another of his outdoor adventures, he is live in wilmington, delaware. live at winterer gardens. they have events throughout the year and we are specifically checking out the enchants woods, three acres of a children's landscape that they can roam around for all ages. this is really an enchantment and mystical place to discover. we'll take a look at all the aspects that they have on these three acres. why should we trust a harrisburg politician like steve santarsiero who will say anything to win an election? after claiming credit for passing universal background checks for all gun purchases, "santarsiero admitted in an interview that he didn't write pennsylvania's gun safety law." his campaign brags about his accomplishments, but "in fact, he has failed in 54 attempts to get any legislation on the books." we just cant trust steve santarsiero. i'm shaughnessy naughton, and i approve this message because we deserve better. the president says that arab allies are interesting in increasing their contributions to the fight against terrorism and increasing operations in iraq and syria. that came after a one-on-one meeting with saudi leaders. the president called the talk, a talk about strained relationship overblown but saudi arabia is part of a controversy here at home. a former congressman that sat on the 9/11 commission, he wants the government to release 28 secret pages part of the 9/11 commission report and they reportedly deal with saudi arabia's possible role in the attacks. he says the public should be allowed to see that material many and that they do not show involvement by saudi officials. mitsubishi was raided after overstating the fuel efficient of $625,000 cars. this after nissan modeled a car after mitsubishi. they say the defective models are only sold in japan and the raids will continue tomorrow. meanwhile volkswagon announced a deal for customers that bought vehicles that were rigged for emissions tests. they are starting a buy back program for the 600,000 vehicles affected. they have not said how much they will pay but it will be substantial compensation and for vw to commit to a fund to promote green technology. and across the board the dow falling 114 points to close under the 18,000 mark and the nasdaq off 2.25 points and s&p off 11 minutes on the day. it's time now for accuweather and one of adam joseph outdoor adventures. >> lets go to wilmington where adam is live at winterthur. >> this is beautiful, can you do inside the museum or outdoor tours. i found out there was a childrens garden, three acres for children to venture and roam around. this is a magical place this, is one of the areas this is the acorn tea room where you walk through the forest. look at this we have a fairy. you going to run around too. check it out. here is the acorn tea room, the families come here and sit and have lunch and chat and take in the beautiful sights of this garden. as we look at the numbers. it is pleasant today and we moved the numbers well into the 70s, 73 in philadelphia, 73 also in the lehigh valley and trenton low 70s and a bit cooler at the shore with the temperature right now in cape may at 60 degrees, 24 hours ago it was a bit cooler by 66 degrees across much of the area and we are moving the temperatures up with the southerly wind and the numbers continue to rise as we get into your friday. as we look at satellite and radar, low pressure in iowa and you can see a band of broken showers and downpours and a few thunderstorms especially towards the tennessee valley, that is what arrives here as we get into the end of the week, tonight mostly cloudy and mild with temperatures 55 to 60 degrees for a low. that is 60 in philadelphia is only a few degrees shy of our normal high temperature for this time of year. and as we look at future tracker early tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m., a mixture of sun and clouds and we are waiting for the rain and a dry morning rush with temperatures in the 60s and once we are in the early morning hours, a broken line of showers and even a rumble of thunder could pass through and temperatures in the 70s despite the rain and tomorrow evening temperatures drop back into the 60s and saturday morning mostly cloudy and a few breaks of sun developing to start your weekend with the upper 50s and low 60s. what to expect on friday, much needed rain is pushing back in and scattered showers developing in the afternoon tomorrow and a few downpours but not a lot of instability. just a scattered chance of a rumble of thunder and a quarter to half inch of rain on average. it's warm with afternoon showers and 80 degrees tomorrow and saturday breezy and pleasant we drop but still nice agent 70 and mostly sunny and nice on sunday and 69 degrees. here we go again with 80 on monday with a chance of a spotty shower late in the day. what did we make for early dinner? >> tomato, cheese lettuce sandwich. >> is it yummy? >> i have peanut butter and honey. >> i like his style right here. take a look we have more kids entering here, there are a lot of folks coming through and coming up in the next half hour -- you look like a little princess. what is your name? >> alyse. >> are you going to sit in the prince princess's throne. that is cool, if i was a kid i would want to come here. >> you are there now, live it up. details on a new law in pennsylvania aiming to help the victims of domestic abuse. coming up remembering ed snider, the wells fargo center hosts a public memorial for the flyers founder. modres: the cost of living the pay stays the same. i have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. it's a big struggle. one person that really gets this is katie mcginty. she came from a working-class family. she was ninth of 10 kids. she gets it. she'll fight for equal pay for equal work. katie mcginty will protect social security and medicare. that's why president obama and vice president biden support her, too. she'll make a heck of a senator. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. from our delaware newsroom, police have arrested a man they say is stealing from people's cars and sheds. they say that paul lally was stealing from several different neighborhoods across wilmington. taking power washers and lawn mowers they say they searched lally's home and found many of the stolen items. is he free after posting $21,000 bail. pennsylvania governor, tom wolf, signed a bill into law aiming to help the victims of spousal abuse. house bill 2 in allentown today. in pennsylvania, even in the case of spousal abuse, a divorce requires a lengthy process if one of the people does not consent, this bill means that if one partner has been convicted of harmling their spouse that victim can file for divorce without needing the attacker to agree. thousands became u.s. citizens in center city today. 101 people took the only of citizenship this morning. philadelphia mayor jim kenney was on hand for the naturalization ceremony why along with sheila hess. they won the state championship and today their school celebrated their big win. well, west lehigh avenue was closed down to celebrate the saint martin saints, the boys basketball team won the state championship earlier this month, each player was individually recognizes and received a medal to take home. >> awesome. up next on "action news" at 4:00, the latest details on prince's sudden death. and you remember another legend, this one closer to home. see the celebration of ed snider's life and legacy next. >> plus -- >> if you plan a summer trip i have great ways to save on airfare as much as 40%. tips to see when to fly and what to buy coming up on what's the deal. and stand up to polluting frackers. he's backed by law enforcement, supported by planned parenthood and he's endorsed by president obama - who says shapiro "represents the next generation of progressive leadership". democrat josh shapiro an attorney general...for us a little child with big dreams. dwight evans. first a community activist. a legislator at 25. always looking out for us. he worked to create a thriving commercial district. and he's brought new grocery stores to underserved areas. dwight evans is committed to revitalizing neighborhoods in all of philadelphia. he'll be a block by block congressman for us. i'm dwight evans and i'm proud to approve this message. "action news" continues with meteorologist, adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian taff. hello again 4:30 and "action news" continues now way search for a man that is trying to lure young children in the city's may fair section. >> and a traffic stops turned out to be anything but routine. the suspects had more than 10 pounds of drugs and the evidence doesn't stop there. >> and villanova is already cashing in on the basketball's national title. details about the multimillion-dollar gift and the school's plans for all of that money. straight ahead. first he was a music legend whose appeal spans generations, prince was found dead in his estate in minneapolis. we learned that they found the super star unresponsive in an elevator. and they performed cpr but could not revive the 57-year-old. thousands of fans gathered outside of prince's studio to mourn his death. we went into the archives and found this clip from his purple rain tour at the spectrum in 1984. ♪ ♪ >> prince had performed and records right up until his death and released four albums in the last 18 months and played a show in atlanta just last week. has complete coverage of prince's death and you can see his career and read reaction, and be sure to share your prince memories with us on facebo facebook and twitter. and fans and players came to honor ed snider. jaime apody was at ceremony, she joins us live in south philadelphia. >> reporter: brian this is where it happened last night. the house that ed snider built, before they boarded the train to washington, they stopped here to remember the man that made it all possible 50 years ago. ♪ ♪ it was a touching tribute to a man whose legacy in philadelphia touched so many snider passed away at at age of 83 from bladder cancer. he is represented for his philanthropy. >> we thank ed snider one more time for everything he did for the flyers and philadelphia and for the community and for the nhl and for the game of hockey. >> even though we knew mr. snider was passing and had time to prepare ourselves it really hurt. and it's going to hurt us for a long time. >> clark introduced flyers alumni, and the current team flesh off their game four win, they find inspiration from their beloved owner. >> his passion not just for hockey but his whole life and the community and the city and his family, and the organization. his passion for everything he did in life. >> we are here to celebrate his life and the rest of us are trying to live up to it. mr. snider is a great human being and i think you can really see that by the community involvement he had. >> and snider's most important role was father of six and grandfather of 16. his son remembered the final sentence he spoke. >> i can't thank the flyers enough for everything they have given to me and my family. thank you. >> among the stories here today. a great one about the time that snider kicked donald trump out of his bus during a playoff game because he was talking too much. it's clear how much he loved the flyers and how much this town loved him. >> a lot of love there thanks jaime. philadelphia police are searching for two men in an attempted luring of a young boy as he walked home from school. it's the second luring attempt in a week, a 12-year-old boy said that two men in a parked silver car called to him after school on distance street in the city's may fair section, fortunately he did not get in that car. last thursday a 9-year-old girl called to him to come to her car, on the 1800 block of may fair and then chased her for several blocks. police are investigating a deadly shoot that happened today in broad daylight. they say that a single bullets to the head killed a man in cobb's creek, investigators put out crime tape and collected evidence on south 8 and treat. from our delaware news, these two men are under arrest stemming from a big drug bust. 22-year-old torean mccarthy and samuel mccall are facing a list of charges today. these pictures show the evidence that they collected from the traffic stop. the duo allegedly had 11 pounds of marijuana, multiple guns and thousands of dollars in cash and bulletproof vests in their possession. villanova university is celebrating another major honor today. the school received $22.6 million gift from alumni william fit erin. it will go to the pavilion as well as the basketball program. it's the biggest gift for athletics and it comes after the team brought home the 2016 basketball championship. he say 1963 graduate and a long time supporter. it appears that a 19th century mansion has a new opener, the lock airy reportedly sold at auction for $710,000. take a look at it, the facebook page dedicated to saving the mansion says the man that bought it plans on turning it into a boutique hotel, it's at 700 lancaster pike in east white land township. >> a beautiful place. >> it's nice. to another beautiful day we check in with adam joseph on an outdoor adventure at winterthur museum. he is meeting little friends. >> reporter: this place is really magical for kids, they have transformed these three acres in a place where they can run around and have fun and put themselves into a whole different world, a lot of flowers start to bloom here on the grounds and the fairy cotta cottage, something you can check out in the next weather hit. check out the birds nest, kind of a view of what to expect in the trees, before you head up and see what is inside. beautiful temperatures in the mid-atlantic, most areas are in the mid to upper 70s from philadelphia all the way down to the virginias and carolinas and western parts of pennsylvania and a little cooler to the north with temperatures in the 60s there. as we look at stormtracker 6 live double scan there is a change coming in the way of a cold front and a rumble of thunder in the ohio and tennessee valley and that progresses in through friday and we'll be out in time for the upcoming weekend. lets walk up the path here, the good thing of this particular birds nest is you don't have to go high in the tree and we have some, looks like butterflies and some fairies here being good. are you guys having fun? >> yes, this is what it feels like to be in a birds nest? >> yes. >> do you want to settle and live here. yes. >> i said are you a prince he said no, what are you? >> i don't know. >> feel underdressed and you can come in and pick up the egg. help me with that. good girl. we'll have the next weather hit with the seven day. philadelphia is expanding their popular bike share program. mayor jim kenney was on hand as indigo. you can sign up for limited one hour rides. no excuses maybe. >> the weather is not an excuse not to get outside either. and still ahead a birthday celebration for the ages, the sights and sounds for queen elizabeth's 90th birthday celebration. next. and see the incredible rescue from ecuador that is going viral. it was a day filled with a royal birthday celebration in the united kingdom, queen elizabeth turned 90 today making her britain oldest and longest serving monarch, along with her husband prince phillip the queen took a stroll to greet her well wish is that line said the streets for days and yes each the queen get a birthday cake. here it is purple and gold with butter cream icing and get this, marmalade filling. delicious. beyonce announced she is holding a fundraiser to help people from flint, michigan, recover from the water crisis there. we are waiting for details but a spokesperson says it will celebrate the resourcefulness of the people of flint. >> all right brian to big talkers today and a big surprise from a famous face. oprah winfrey crashed a weight watchers meeting in new york city. look at the faces in the room, she live streamed the dropin on her facebook page. >> the coach knows i'm coming but the rest of the people don't know i'm come. >> are you kidding me! >> the visit caught the members by surprise. oprah's best friend gayle king was along for the fun too. she posted these shots on instagram, calling oprah a good student and listened to the teacher, oprah is the new face of weight watchers for a few months now, the program focuses on a healthier and happier life and not just losing weight. now to a very inspirational story with a very lucky duck turning into a symbol of hope in ecuador, rescuers searching through collapsed buildings from the earthquake found the bird buried in rubble but still alive. can you see first responders handing him off to be checked out. the white duck was an instant celebrity. the country is eager for good news after the earthquake killed 500 people and flattened entire towns, even the rescuers cheered as the duck flapped its wings and the bird spent the night resting and eating pap matt pellman is standing by with the traffic report. >> still hopeful on the schuylkill. 10 miles per hour because of an earlier crash in the southbound lanes by the black horse pike. all the lanes are open but it's extra slow on that chunk of 295 of camden county, on 295, it's still backed up headed to the delaware memorial bridge but better than yesterday because today two lanes are getting by headed into delaware verse the one lane we had yesterday. but the two lane pattern is expected to last a bit, the commodore barry with speeds in the 40s. in lawrence township a vehicle flipped over at princeton pike, today it's a flipped over vehicle and everything is off to the shoulder and delays are not so terrible. normal delays here on 422 westbound although i would expect extra traffic in the area from time to time, because of the big bernie sanders rally at the greater philadelphia expo nearby in oaks and in perkiomen township, the greaterford road bridge is scheduled to reopen and it was closed for almost two years. good news there in montgomery county. we'll check it again in the 5:00 hour. "action news" at 4:00 will be right back. he could install your ceiling fan.ce said he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deere tractor, you knew better. now ron does too. the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. e series compact tractors come with an industry-best, six-year, no-cost powertrain warranty. american workers know how to fightso does we need jobs that provide dignity and a bright future. new penalties to stop companies from moving profits and jobs overseas. for businesses that create manufacturing jobs, a new tax credit. and let's invest in clean energy jobs, with 500 million solar panels installed by the end of her first term. a real plan to create new jobs and industries of the future. hillary clinton. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. ifor all the wrong reasons.gical you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. all right meteorologist, cecily tynan, we are inching toward the weekend here. the weekend is looking nice. we have a little bit of a hurdle to get over tomorrow afternoon but we need the rain. lets go live to sky of looking at atlantic city where we have sunshine filtering through high, thin clouds. we have breezy conditions and winds are generally out of the south than is pulling up the warm air. sky 6 hd showing we have dry conditions out there, but this will get more active tomorrow afternoon as showers and thunderstorms roll through. this year has been a year of warmth, april 2015 through march 2016, every single month average temperatures were above normal. this april as of now we are running near normal but i would not be surprised if this april by the end of the month temperatures are above normal and today is on the warm side. 73 in philadelphia and the same in allentown and trenton 72 and wilmington 70. when you get closer to the ocean the winds off the ocean cape may cooler 59 degrees. the ocean temperature is chilly, only 55. satellite 6 along with action radar showing we are still dry but you can see how the moisture is beginning to move in from the west, this is all with a cold front. this is the same system that brought flooding rains and this system is weakening dramatically and we won't get heavy rain and it's unsettled tomorrow afternoon. cloudy and mild and the winds from the southwest. about 60 for center city and future tracker showing sunshine tomorrow morning, as of 7:00 temperatures already in the 60s and we'll make it close to 80 degree tomorrow afternoon, future tracker showing it will get unsettled and clouds and 2:00 scattered showers, and it gets more active into friday evening, it could be one of the evenings that it's hit or miss and not everyone will get the wet weather but it could be a brief downpour and then the sunshine will reappear. how much rain are we talking about? looking like a .10 inch of rain to close to a half inch of rain, so again these are really hit or miss showers or thunderstorms. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast tomorrow it's warm with scattered afternoon and evening thunderstorms, a high of 80 degrees and passover begins at sun down and then unsettled and on saturday a lingering shower and clouds break for sunshine and a nice afternoon with a high of 70 degree and great weather for the union game and sunday is looking nice as well with a high of 69 degrees, on monday we warm things up calling for 79 and i would not be surprised if we hit 80 and a spotty shower possible monday night and that continues into tuesday morning. tuesday morning we'll be wet with sunshine, 74 degrees and wednesday we clear things out and partly sunny and 68 and thursday mostly cloudy and a high of 70 degrees, unsettled tomorrow afternoon but the weekend is looking nice and at this point we need the rain. >> very true thank you. >> we have some travel tips to help you save big bucks on airfare coming up on what's the deal. ewspapers. katie mcginty- tough on wall street ceos, a fighter for pay equity for women. praised by former gov. ed rendell, "she'll stand strong for working families." katie: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. modres: the cost of living the pay stays the same. i have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. it's a big struggle. one person that really gets this is katie mcginty. she came from a working-class family. she was ninth of 10 kids. she gets it. she'll fight for equal pay for equal work. katie mcginty will protect social security and medicare. that's why president obama and vice president biden support her, too. she'll make a heck of a senator. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. all right what's the deal? we have travel deals, knowing when to get the best rate for airline was not easy but not anymore. >> if you don't use a travel free websites or apps i'm about to tell you about you probably pay too much for airfare. first hopper is easy to use and gets you a cheaper flight 90% of the time. look when we check flights from phl to lax, the lowest fare for a non-stop flight is $944. hopper gets it for us at $132 savings. we can immediately see leaving july 1st will cost $100 than leaving the day before or the day after. we can book directly through the app. hopper says wait for a better price and we could save as much as $26 more. it's price predictor shows we could book before june 21st. when prices are expected to climb $165, and they will notify us when prices drop and before they rise. other apps and websites let you compare airfare and set price alerts to score the cheapest fare. sky scanner, and on sky scanner it shows at $397 and stid of hopper's $412. do be aware though if you want a particular flight you should look at the numbers of seats available before booking a flight to see if there say big risk of all the seats selling out and they advise us to watch the fare instead of buying now if prices are expected to fall within seven day, we have all the tips on and you can be flexible with your dates or willing to fly in or out after a nearby airport. frankford high school celebrated the achievements of one of their alumni, christine coulter was awarded the achievement award. she started with the police back in 1988 and now leads 1,000 philadelphia police officers. signs of life popped up in clementon, camden county. the action cam was on the white horse pike when homes in a salesville able opened up. they are transforming 30 acres of vacant land, once everything is built there is 100 homes with access to a pond and shops. they hope that all of this will help revitalize the area. studentses are getting help with relaxing and staying calm. meet adalin a pit bull and therapeutic dog, she paid a visit to children in camden where they are undergoing exam week and feeling stress. they say the four-legged friend is a great teaching tool to show the nursing students there are many ways to bring patients to a positive state of health. >> i would sayal addin was a hit. for cecily tynan and sharrie williams, i'm brian taff. we hope you'll join us tonight and every night for a full hour of "action news" at 10:00 on phl 17. hi there, coming up next at 5:00 we continue to honor the life and legacy of a music icon, how people in minnesota are remembering prince. and candidates for president continue their push for support. those stories and more coming your way next at 5:00. "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. ♪ ♪ ♪ purple rain >> it was arguably one of the best super bowl halftime shows of all time. >> now people are mourning the loss of a music icon and pioneer, prince was found unresponsive in an elevator at his minnesota home and died at the age of 57. the big story is the sudden passing of one of the best selling music artists in history. >> he broke into the music scene in 1979, five years later he broke through with this top charting album, purple rain, it produces the first two number one singles, when doves cry and lets go crazy and won him the academy award for best original song. kiss topped the charts in 1986. and then bat dance and then he returned to the top of the charts with his album 3121. in all he has sold 100 million records worldwide. >> tonight fans are mourning outside of his home in minneapolis. "action news" reporter christie talked to folks mourning his death in philadelphia. she is live with more. >> reporter: rick and monica, prince had been working and even touring before his death and was hospitalized for the flu last week. this came as a shock to fans in philadel

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