Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 1230 PM 20170320 : compa

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 1230 PM 20170320

to the confirmation hearing on the nomination of kneel -- neil gorsuch. >> reporter: neil gorsuch is making his debut. his nomination comes from the top, president trump making his replacement for the late supreme court justice scalia. >> we have chosen judge neil gorsuch a man of incredible skill and deep devotion to the law. >> reporter: at 49 years old, the federal appeals court judge from colorado will be the youngest supreme court justice confirmed in decades. he relies on a staunch interpretation of the constitution. >> if i am confirmed i will do be a faithful serve -- servant of the law. >> reporter: the republicans like his decades history of right of center ruling. many democrats are bitter about not voting on judge garland and some rumored to lead a filibuster. >> mitch mcconnell said we will do whatever is necessary a filibuster will not succeed. >> reporter: the big question will democrats fight gorsuch? in washington, maggie ruly, channel 6 "action news." >> back here a teenage suspect is in custody after a police officer was assaulted in northeast philadelphia. it happened around 4:00 a.m. near a wawa in the 100 block of academy road. police were called to the area for a man walking around with a gun. the officer spotted the teenager and attempted to frisk him. that's when he slammed him to the ground and took off. he was found 20 minutes later. the sister is in stable condition. police are looking for a person who shotgun shots at a minivan in south philadelphia on the 22200 block of alter street at 8:00 p.m. nobody was hit by the bullets. police say the minivan is gold in color. if you have any information about the incident you're under to contact police. fire forced residents from the don doe in center city. officials say it was contained to an elevator at locust point at 24th and locust. the fire was put out within a half-hour, nobody was hurt. new information on the emergency landing of a military cargo plane at atlantic city international airport. we learned that the plane left joint base mcguire base late last night. the crew smell smoke and returned to the airport. it did not fill the cabin and no fire was reported. they have not said what set off the smoke. work at the mid county toll plaza along 476 in plymouth meeting is making the morning commute a little longer for drivers. express lanes have are being upd in both directions and katherine scott says the work will take a few weeks. >> reporter: the upgrades will take three weeks time. early this morning the crews moved their equipment in place to begin their work. crews manuverred in a position at the mid county interchange, three weeks of worth to close the e-z pass express lane to separate the blue route from the northeast extension. northbound lanes and southbound lanes are affected. >> it accelerates the process of going through quickly. so i would imagine there's going to be a back up. >> reporter: turnpike officials say it is necessary to upgrade the equipment for open road tolling. this is the phase one of the repair project. phase two and three will include repairs to concrete pavement on 476 and the ramps leading to the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound and westbound. the entire project is expected to be complete in september of next year. >> you're expected to use the traditional e-z pass lanes, but delays are expected. >> when i leave the house in the morning i'm expecting something. it will delay me getting to work on time. it's an inconvenience, but i wouldn't say it's unforeseen indiana convenience. >> reporter: if all goes by plan, these express lanes are expected to open up at april 6th at 10:00 a.m. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> now to the late he is on breaking news, we're -- latest on breaking news, we're following from the lawncrest section of philadelphia. robbers broke into a jewelry store overnight and took a million dollars worth of merchandise. bob brooks is along whitiker avenue with the latest. >> reporter: we spoke with the women who owns the jewelry store. she came out in tears, more than a million dollars stolen from her store. she said her whole life is in the jewelry store that's how she sports her family and kids. this is the scene behind me, you can see the detectives working. they went through the roof starting if he place called bamboo, they cut a hole in the roof and went down to the floor and busted a hole through the walls into the jewelry store. that's where they stole everything from. it was a jewelry heist of more than a million dollars. the victim the jewelry store at the asian market. we spoke with the owner of a tax business, he tells us the crook knew what they were doing. >> they cut a whole through the roof? >> yes. >> reporter: they cut the wiring to the buildings right now he is closed up his shop. >> they cut the phone lines and power lines? >> reporter: every phone line. >> you can't make any calls or do any business out of your tax business. >> yeah, no phone. >> reporter: he said the same jewelry store was broken into two months ago. appears the same criminals hit the store and came back overnight. >> almost two months ago they did the same thing. last time they knocked the wall. >> reporter: the police say they believe whoever is doing this is the same group who did it two months ago and they are professionals. i cannot reiterate enough how upset the woman who owns the jewelry store is, she said she supports her family and they are out a lot of money. turning to the forecast it is officially the first day of spring. we're looking at the center city skyline, nice picture at lunchtime. just a little cold outside you'll need a jacket and sunglasses for sure, but hello, spring. meteorologist david murphy is outside on the terrace with the details. hey david. >> reporter: after daybreak, the first day of spring is looking good. as we take a look, rick, first of all we'll cover when it happened, 6:29 a.m. this is the time of year we look at increased daylight hours and temperatures start to rise and we're seeing that right now across the region. if you take a look, the way spring arrived this year we have snow on the grounds we have a couple of feet in new york state and northeastern pennsylvania. we have a few inches in the region. we are melling. you can see the sun barreling through the clouds the entire morning and the afternoon. some clouds will sweep in later, but even then we'll see sun between them. 45 degrees is the temperature in philadelphia. well back and forth average. 51 degrees in washington. -- above average, 51 degrees in washington. 45 in philadelphia. by 4:00 p.m. we expect a high of 51 degrees and still holding close to that by 6:00 p.m. yeah, we'll continue to melt snow. overnight tonight we'll stay above freezing unlike last night, so it won't be as bad. rick, when i step inside a milder day tomorrow, a dip and rise again. that's the way spring goes often times. that's the way it's going this week. details in the seven day. >> drexel university got a big financial boost in its efforts to educate future math and science teachers. a $1.2 million grant was presented to the drexel school on behalf of the philadelphia education project. the money will launch a new program training undergrad students to become philadelphia middle school teachers whole specialize in math and science. much more still ahead on "action news" at 12:30 p.m. tom brady's missing jersey has been found. what the nfl said about the mystery. sesame street is helping debut a new muppet to help children understand their piers when "action news" continues in a moment. hi hey i'll take one of those new fast play games. oh, you ready for a rush? uh, sure! ♪ i'm pretty excited for you right now. ♪ fast play is the new way to play fast and win instantly from the pennsylvania lottery. pick a game, get your ticket and see if you've won. i won! fast play, please! fast play. play fast. win instantly. >> cell phone video captured the moment when a driver came to the rescue after a serious crash in south florida. you can see the man carrying a baseball bat which he used to break the window of the jeep. the driver passed out and slammed into a wall. rescuers got the driver out safely. a manhunt continues in tennessee where a former teacher abducted 15-year-old student. neither has been seen since last monday when he took the girl and went on the run. eva pilgrim tells us the man was armed. >> reporter: the frantic search intensifying for the missing tennessee teen and her former teacher accused of kidnapping her. authorities sending out a nationwide alert saying the student is in immanent danger. >> we miss you, i miss you, please, please come home. >> reporter: school officials confirming that 50-year-old tad comings was 15-year-old elizabeth thomas' health science teacher. an investigation report witnessed miss comings kissing beth thomas. she was removed from the class while they investigated. the family said the father was never alerted by the school and found out about the incident instead almost two weeks later when sheriff's deputies called to ask questions, all the while the teacher was still teaching at the school. >> on the 6th of february we sent a letter to the central office and that day mr. comings was suspended. >> reporter: days before the two disappeared he useds suv to -- used his suv to get $4,500 cash. he was seen at 7:30 a.m. in tennessee. >> planned this for sometime before disappearing with elizabeth. surveillance video shows him filling up his suv at a nearby shell station. they tracked him to decatur alabama before the trail went cold. the teacher's wife went before cameras with a desperate plea. >> tad this is not you, this is not who you are, we can help you get through this. >> reporter: eva pilgrim abc news. >> people in seattle had a a scare when the tour bus they were in crashed into a car. they are on the ride the ducks boat. back in 2015 five people were killed in a ride the duck boat in seattle. in philadelphia, the duck boat rides were closed following several incidents here. the mystery is apparently over, the nfl said tom brady's missing super bowl jersey was found. it is reported that a credentialed member of the international media had a it. the nfl said the jersey was found through a team effort of the nfl and patriots security team and the fbi and other law enforcement. he said the jersey went missing over the victory over the falcons. it was reported that a second brady jersey was found from the patriots victory in 2015. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana® is a pill used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. and in most clinical trials, the majority reached an a1c goal of 7 percent or lower. invokana® works around the clock by sending some sugar out of your body through the process of urination. it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight, but it may help with both. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint,lightheaded,or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections,changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. >> next month sesame street will introduce julia, the first one on the classic tv show with autism. the show's creator say they hope to help children understand play mates who have autism. >> it's not the first full day of sprin at 6:30 a.m. >> reporter: but it's underway. >> i'm ready for summer. >> reporter: first things first, rick, right now we're dry, as we look outside on the action cam, lots of sunshinethse row though, and we're maintaining fairly bright conditions across the region. as we go clouds mixing in. the temperature consumptively -- currently is 45 degrees. at 7 miles per hour not all that stroong -- strong maybe getting stronger as the day goes comesml be high and thin enough to let the sunshine in. the bright blue sky you had early this morning, will clouds. 51 degrees degrees if in and 50 inia. allentown. 49 degrees in philadelphia by 2:00 p.m. the high will be 51 degrees, we expect to hit it late in the day. 51 degrees is the high at 4:00 p.m. 49 by 6:00 p.m. 47 by 8:00 p.m. notice how we go 10:00 p.m. we're well above freezing. overnight tonight we expect to drop to 40 which is a lot better than this morning when you were below the freezing mark for a time. overnight tonight we'll see stars initially, but then the clouds filter in. there's the possibility of an overnight sprinkle or shower. we might might have something r. 11:00 a.m., a spritz here or there, but mainly dry. play.ay hours we expect to tomorrow will be mild with a southerly flow. 59 degrees. 60? center city. enjoy it, because a cold front moves in wednesut to the west, i can't promise these kinds of numbers, but you can see that ridge of high pressure with milder air working back into the central states. 45 today we'll stop into the very top of that tomorrow, getting up to 60 degrees, after that we'll draw the cooler air from the great lakes back down into the region. it means we got to start paying attention to pollen. not too bad right now. in the moderate range for the sect several days that is what we expect. emitting the pollen right now. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, 51 degrees, mostly sunny and nice. a spritz or sprinkle overnight tonight into tom later in the day sun returns, 59. 40s wednesday and thursday under the sun. a warm front shoots past on friday we wind up with a high of 55 and clouds and sun mix and maybe a shower north and west up near the front on friday afternoon and evening. on saturday ahead of the next cold front it is gorgeous, 67 degrees, a n sunday, 5 degrees with periods of rain. >> saturday looks great. something else that is great, tonight "dancing with the stars" is back, this evening, the battle in the ballroom begins for 1 new celebrities hoping to take -- 12 new celebrities hoping to take home the mirror ball trophy. alicia vitarelli has more. >> reporter: it's been three cet has been revealed live on "good morning america." since then they haveeeworking o. some of the big names competing, nancy actor mr. t andarro. she is known for her solo performances and both said it's a challenge to work together with a partn i never done ballra different annual that we're use to. how could you turn down such a great opportunity. step out of your comfort zone and groh as a performer. >> i challenge. dancing salsa with a partner, you have to share. i never shared nothing. >> me. when i'm on the stage. >> it's all about me. >> now is okay. 50% with my partner. >> reporter: i cannot wait to see this tonight. we have a look at the season's cast up on, "dancing with the stars" returns with a two hour premier tonight at 8:00. that is followed by at 10:00 p.m. and "action news" at 11:00 p.m. rick learn how charro shares the stage. >> i hope there's subtitles when she talks.. >> thank you alicia. we'll take a quick break, more "action back. stay with us. >> meteorologist david murphy, [laughter]. we were just cracking ourselves up, it's the first day of spring, why not. >> reporter: we're all in a good mood. temperatures across the region mostly sunny with clouds gathering over the next few hours. on the breezy side, 351. pretty much the same story in the i-95 corridor. we'll pop the winds up to 17 miles per hour. down the shore you'll be stuck in the 40s. >> a look at the stories coming up on "action news" at 4:00 p.m. a new campaign aims to teach teenagers the dangers of inappropriate texting. coming up at 4:00 p.m. we'll take a look at the short film from the ocean county prosecutor's office challenging students to think things threw. don't forget to join us later today for "action news" at 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. for david murphy, sarah bloomquist and the entire "action news" team, i'm rick williams, enjoy your afternoon and have a good one. we'll see you a little bit later. ask #wr >> ♪ >> announcer: today -- spring has sprung and if you're hungry for something fresh, get ready because we're serving up dialed up dishes in a dash. michael's got an easy "5-in-5" meal with ingredients from our audience. carla's revealing chef secrets to making your plate picture perfect. and clinton's sharing two dishes with one set of ingredients. it's about to get dialed up in here, right now on "the chew." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] good afternoon and welcome to "the chew." it is official. we can say goodbye to another winter and welcome the new season with open arms. spring has sprung people. [ cheers and applause ] ♪

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United States , New York , Tennessee , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Decatur , Florida , Colorado , Indiana , Drexel University , Allentown , Washington , Russia , Jersey , Seattle , America , Russian , Trick Williams , Don Doe , M Katherine Scott , Neil Gorsuch , Mitch Mcconnell , M Tom Brady , Bob Brooks , Tom Brady , Beth Thomas , Katherine Scott , Elizabeth Thoma , David Murphy ,

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 1230 PM 20170320 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 1230 PM 20170320

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to the confirmation hearing on the nomination of kneel -- neil gorsuch. >> reporter: neil gorsuch is making his debut. his nomination comes from the top, president trump making his replacement for the late supreme court justice scalia. >> we have chosen judge neil gorsuch a man of incredible skill and deep devotion to the law. >> reporter: at 49 years old, the federal appeals court judge from colorado will be the youngest supreme court justice confirmed in decades. he relies on a staunch interpretation of the constitution. >> if i am confirmed i will do be a faithful serve -- servant of the law. >> reporter: the republicans like his decades history of right of center ruling. many democrats are bitter about not voting on judge garland and some rumored to lead a filibuster. >> mitch mcconnell said we will do whatever is necessary a filibuster will not succeed. >> reporter: the big question will democrats fight gorsuch? in washington, maggie ruly, channel 6 "action news." >> back here a teenage suspect is in custody after a police officer was assaulted in northeast philadelphia. it happened around 4:00 a.m. near a wawa in the 100 block of academy road. police were called to the area for a man walking around with a gun. the officer spotted the teenager and attempted to frisk him. that's when he slammed him to the ground and took off. he was found 20 minutes later. the sister is in stable condition. police are looking for a person who shotgun shots at a minivan in south philadelphia on the 22200 block of alter street at 8:00 p.m. nobody was hit by the bullets. police say the minivan is gold in color. if you have any information about the incident you're under to contact police. fire forced residents from the don doe in center city. officials say it was contained to an elevator at locust point at 24th and locust. the fire was put out within a half-hour, nobody was hurt. new information on the emergency landing of a military cargo plane at atlantic city international airport. we learned that the plane left joint base mcguire base late last night. the crew smell smoke and returned to the airport. it did not fill the cabin and no fire was reported. they have not said what set off the smoke. work at the mid county toll plaza along 476 in plymouth meeting is making the morning commute a little longer for drivers. express lanes have are being upd in both directions and katherine scott says the work will take a few weeks. >> reporter: the upgrades will take three weeks time. early this morning the crews moved their equipment in place to begin their work. crews manuverred in a position at the mid county interchange, three weeks of worth to close the e-z pass express lane to separate the blue route from the northeast extension. northbound lanes and southbound lanes are affected. >> it accelerates the process of going through quickly. so i would imagine there's going to be a back up. >> reporter: turnpike officials say it is necessary to upgrade the equipment for open road tolling. this is the phase one of the repair project. phase two and three will include repairs to concrete pavement on 476 and the ramps leading to the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound and westbound. the entire project is expected to be complete in september of next year. >> you're expected to use the traditional e-z pass lanes, but delays are expected. >> when i leave the house in the morning i'm expecting something. it will delay me getting to work on time. it's an inconvenience, but i wouldn't say it's unforeseen indiana convenience. >> reporter: if all goes by plan, these express lanes are expected to open up at april 6th at 10:00 a.m. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> now to the late he is on breaking news, we're -- latest on breaking news, we're following from the lawncrest section of philadelphia. robbers broke into a jewelry store overnight and took a million dollars worth of merchandise. bob brooks is along whitiker avenue with the latest. >> reporter: we spoke with the women who owns the jewelry store. she came out in tears, more than a million dollars stolen from her store. she said her whole life is in the jewelry store that's how she sports her family and kids. this is the scene behind me, you can see the detectives working. they went through the roof starting if he place called bamboo, they cut a hole in the roof and went down to the floor and busted a hole through the walls into the jewelry store. that's where they stole everything from. it was a jewelry heist of more than a million dollars. the victim the jewelry store at the asian market. we spoke with the owner of a tax business, he tells us the crook knew what they were doing. >> they cut a whole through the roof? >> yes. >> reporter: they cut the wiring to the buildings right now he is closed up his shop. >> they cut the phone lines and power lines? >> reporter: every phone line. >> you can't make any calls or do any business out of your tax business. >> yeah, no phone. >> reporter: he said the same jewelry store was broken into two months ago. appears the same criminals hit the store and came back overnight. >> almost two months ago they did the same thing. last time they knocked the wall. >> reporter: the police say they believe whoever is doing this is the same group who did it two months ago and they are professionals. i cannot reiterate enough how upset the woman who owns the jewelry store is, she said she supports her family and they are out a lot of money. turning to the forecast it is officially the first day of spring. we're looking at the center city skyline, nice picture at lunchtime. just a little cold outside you'll need a jacket and sunglasses for sure, but hello, spring. meteorologist david murphy is outside on the terrace with the details. hey david. >> reporter: after daybreak, the first day of spring is looking good. as we take a look, rick, first of all we'll cover when it happened, 6:29 a.m. this is the time of year we look at increased daylight hours and temperatures start to rise and we're seeing that right now across the region. if you take a look, the way spring arrived this year we have snow on the grounds we have a couple of feet in new york state and northeastern pennsylvania. we have a few inches in the region. we are melling. you can see the sun barreling through the clouds the entire morning and the afternoon. some clouds will sweep in later, but even then we'll see sun between them. 45 degrees is the temperature in philadelphia. well back and forth average. 51 degrees in washington. -- above average, 51 degrees in washington. 45 in philadelphia. by 4:00 p.m. we expect a high of 51 degrees and still holding close to that by 6:00 p.m. yeah, we'll continue to melt snow. overnight tonight we'll stay above freezing unlike last night, so it won't be as bad. rick, when i step inside a milder day tomorrow, a dip and rise again. that's the way spring goes often times. that's the way it's going this week. details in the seven day. >> drexel university got a big financial boost in its efforts to educate future math and science teachers. a $1.2 million grant was presented to the drexel school on behalf of the philadelphia education project. the money will launch a new program training undergrad students to become philadelphia middle school teachers whole specialize in math and science. much more still ahead on "action news" at 12:30 p.m. tom brady's missing jersey has been found. what the nfl said about the mystery. sesame street is helping debut a new muppet to help children understand their piers when "action news" continues in a moment. hi hey i'll take one of those new fast play games. oh, you ready for a rush? uh, sure! ♪ i'm pretty excited for you right now. ♪ fast play is the new way to play fast and win instantly from the pennsylvania lottery. pick a game, get your ticket and see if you've won. i won! fast play, please! fast play. play fast. win instantly. >> cell phone video captured the moment when a driver came to the rescue after a serious crash in south florida. you can see the man carrying a baseball bat which he used to break the window of the jeep. the driver passed out and slammed into a wall. rescuers got the driver out safely. a manhunt continues in tennessee where a former teacher abducted 15-year-old student. neither has been seen since last monday when he took the girl and went on the run. eva pilgrim tells us the man was armed. >> reporter: the frantic search intensifying for the missing tennessee teen and her former teacher accused of kidnapping her. authorities sending out a nationwide alert saying the student is in immanent danger. >> we miss you, i miss you, please, please come home. >> reporter: school officials confirming that 50-year-old tad comings was 15-year-old elizabeth thomas' health science teacher. an investigation report witnessed miss comings kissing beth thomas. she was removed from the class while they investigated. the family said the father was never alerted by the school and found out about the incident instead almost two weeks later when sheriff's deputies called to ask questions, all the while the teacher was still teaching at the school. >> on the 6th of february we sent a letter to the central office and that day mr. comings was suspended. >> reporter: days before the two disappeared he useds suv to -- used his suv to get $4,500 cash. he was seen at 7:30 a.m. in tennessee. >> planned this for sometime before disappearing with elizabeth. surveillance video shows him filling up his suv at a nearby shell station. they tracked him to decatur alabama before the trail went cold. the teacher's wife went before cameras with a desperate plea. >> tad this is not you, this is not who you are, we can help you get through this. >> reporter: eva pilgrim abc news. >> people in seattle had a a scare when the tour bus they were in crashed into a car. they are on the ride the ducks boat. back in 2015 five people were killed in a ride the duck boat in seattle. in philadelphia, the duck boat rides were closed following several incidents here. the mystery is apparently over, the nfl said tom brady's missing super bowl jersey was found. it is reported that a credentialed member of the international media had a it. the nfl said the jersey was found through a team effort of the nfl and patriots security team and the fbi and other law enforcement. he said the jersey went missing over the victory over the falcons. it was reported that a second brady jersey was found from the patriots victory in 2015. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana® is a pill used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. and in most clinical trials, the majority reached an a1c goal of 7 percent or lower. invokana® works around the clock by sending some sugar out of your body through the process of urination. it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight, but it may help with both. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint,lightheaded,or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections,changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. >> next month sesame street will introduce julia, the first one on the classic tv show with autism. the show's creator say they hope to help children understand play mates who have autism. >> it's not the first full day of sprin at 6:30 a.m. >> reporter: but it's underway. >> i'm ready for summer. >> reporter: first things first, rick, right now we're dry, as we look outside on the action cam, lots of sunshinethse row though, and we're maintaining fairly bright conditions across the region. as we go clouds mixing in. the temperature consumptively -- currently is 45 degrees. at 7 miles per hour not all that stroong -- strong maybe getting stronger as the day goes comesml be high and thin enough to let the sunshine in. the bright blue sky you had early this morning, will clouds. 51 degrees degrees if in and 50 inia. allentown. 49 degrees in philadelphia by 2:00 p.m. the high will be 51 degrees, we expect to hit it late in the day. 51 degrees is the high at 4:00 p.m. 49 by 6:00 p.m. 47 by 8:00 p.m. notice how we go 10:00 p.m. we're well above freezing. overnight tonight we expect to drop to 40 which is a lot better than this morning when you were below the freezing mark for a time. overnight tonight we'll see stars initially, but then the clouds filter in. there's the possibility of an overnight sprinkle or shower. we might might have something r. 11:00 a.m., a spritz here or there, but mainly dry. play.ay hours we expect to tomorrow will be mild with a southerly flow. 59 degrees. 60? center city. enjoy it, because a cold front moves in wednesut to the west, i can't promise these kinds of numbers, but you can see that ridge of high pressure with milder air working back into the central states. 45 today we'll stop into the very top of that tomorrow, getting up to 60 degrees, after that we'll draw the cooler air from the great lakes back down into the region. it means we got to start paying attention to pollen. not too bad right now. in the moderate range for the sect several days that is what we expect. emitting the pollen right now. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, 51 degrees, mostly sunny and nice. a spritz or sprinkle overnight tonight into tom later in the day sun returns, 59. 40s wednesday and thursday under the sun. a warm front shoots past on friday we wind up with a high of 55 and clouds and sun mix and maybe a shower north and west up near the front on friday afternoon and evening. on saturday ahead of the next cold front it is gorgeous, 67 degrees, a n sunday, 5 degrees with periods of rain. >> saturday looks great. something else that is great, tonight "dancing with the stars" is back, this evening, the battle in the ballroom begins for 1 new celebrities hoping to take -- 12 new celebrities hoping to take home the mirror ball trophy. alicia vitarelli has more. >> reporter: it's been three cet has been revealed live on "good morning america." since then they haveeeworking o. some of the big names competing, nancy actor mr. t andarro. she is known for her solo performances and both said it's a challenge to work together with a partn i never done ballra different annual that we're use to. how could you turn down such a great opportunity. step out of your comfort zone and groh as a performer. >> i challenge. dancing salsa with a partner, you have to share. i never shared nothing. >> me. when i'm on the stage. >> it's all about me. >> now is okay. 50% with my partner. >> reporter: i cannot wait to see this tonight. we have a look at the season's cast up on, "dancing with the stars" returns with a two hour premier tonight at 8:00. that is followed by at 10:00 p.m. and "action news" at 11:00 p.m. rick learn how charro shares the stage. >> i hope there's subtitles when she talks.. >> thank you alicia. we'll take a quick break, more "action back. stay with us. >> meteorologist david murphy, [laughter]. we were just cracking ourselves up, it's the first day of spring, why not. >> reporter: we're all in a good mood. temperatures across the region mostly sunny with clouds gathering over the next few hours. on the breezy side, 351. pretty much the same story in the i-95 corridor. we'll pop the winds up to 17 miles per hour. down the shore you'll be stuck in the 40s. >> a look at the stories coming up on "action news" at 4:00 p.m. a new campaign aims to teach teenagers the dangers of inappropriate texting. coming up at 4:00 p.m. we'll take a look at the short film from the ocean county prosecutor's office challenging students to think things threw. don't forget to join us later today for "action news" at 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. for david murphy, sarah bloomquist and the entire "action news" team, i'm rick williams, enjoy your afternoon and have a good one. we'll see you a little bit later. ask #wr >> ♪ >> announcer: today -- spring has sprung and if you're hungry for something fresh, get ready because we're serving up dialed up dishes in a dash. michael's got an easy "5-in-5" meal with ingredients from our audience. carla's revealing chef secrets to making your plate picture perfect. and clinton's sharing two dishes with one set of ingredients. it's about to get dialed up in here, right now on "the chew." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] good afternoon and welcome to "the chew." it is official. we can say goodbye to another winter and welcome the new season with open arms. spring has sprung people. [ cheers and applause ] ♪

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