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Advance this we will, its wet across the region and wet enough on the roadways where we are starting to see traffic likely slowing down and the rain is slowing down. We have a fair amount of rain at 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 and hey thanks as we take a look at that, you can see how the rain is advancing from 12 30 on in toward 3 00, 4 00, 5 00. It should get steadier, we talk more about the wind and how this rain is coming in and disappear later on tonight and that is all ahead and a cool down for the weekend, we have plans to head out and you need the rain gear straight in through this evening. Now to the latest developments from paris, authorities confirmed that abdelhamid abaauoud, the alleged mastermind behind last weeks terrorist attacks is dead. They used fingerprints to confirm his death. And now they are looking for two other suspects still on the run, today president obama spoke with french president , hollande by phone on how to step up the fight against isis. And Englands Premier League says that the French National anthem will be played at every game. And the attacks cause aid political divide on whether or not to accept Syrian Refugees, in the matter of minutes, the house is expected to move forward with a bill to put a stop to president obamas plan until the screening is beefed up. Megan hughes is live in washington with the details. Reporter good afternoon, we are expecting that the house will start voting in the next few minutes and the white house says the president will veto the measure if it make its to the desk but Republican Leaders are determined to push it forward. Congress is voting on whether to keep all syrian and iraqi refugees out of the u. S. At least for now. It requires the fbi to run checks on all refugees a process that takes up to two years but top officials to personally certify that each refugee from iraq is not a threat. Be will not welcome terrorists. Three quarter of them are women and children and a quarter of them are older 60 years of age, refugees are not the enemy. More than 2,000 Syrian Refugees live in the u. S. And none have been found to have ties to terrorism but now more than 30 governors say they will not accept more. Its having an impact one family waiting for three years was rerouted to connecticut after indianas governor would not let them in. On the senate side, Democratic Leaders are proposing a program to allow europeans in without a visa. Megan hughes, channel 6 action news. Thank you. Authorities are trying to figure out what sparked a fire that damaged a restaurant in the citys Overbrook Park section, firefighters arrived on the scene late last night to find flames coming from the roof of the applebees at 77th street, they extinguished the blaze in the matter of minutes, ln im was called out to inspect the building, an evacuation in grays ferry turned out to be a replica grenade and was found in a recycling facility at 29th and grays ferry at 6 00 a. M. , police cleared the building and stopped train activity for a short time while they investigated. Workers at Philadelphia International airport have walked off the job and they are on strike unhappy with their pay and what they call unfair labor practices. The picketers all work for Airline Service crackers, organizers say they struggle to survive on low wages with few days off and little to no health care coverage. This comes as we approach one of the busiest travel weeks of the year. Families are traveling everywhere to see their families, these brothers and sisters here can barely support their families. These workers have hit the picket lines before and this is the first time they coordinated with other workers in five other cities. Republican president ial candidate, Carly Fiorina visited philadelphia this morning, she gave the key note address on income inequality, calling it to politicized. And a rally for donald trump was disrupted by an unruly protester. The protester kept shouting trumps a racist after three Police Officers removed him from the rally, and the crowd booed him and trump said his rally was exciting. New numbers show that trump doesnt have much to worry about when it comes to voters support, trump has 27 support in New Hampshire and senator marco rubio is in second with less than half of that, Bernie Sanders leads the democrats in New Hampshire with a 1 point lead over hillary clinton. Recent Church Shootings have called some to question security in places of worship including those that lead the flock, here is Investigative Reporter Wendy Saltzman with a preview of a special report at 11 00. Packing in the pulpit why some past ors say its necessary to have a gun on the job. Preaching security as a way to protect themselves in their house of worship. You are a gun free zone so a target for criminals. We sit down with pastors who refute christians that say its not christian to carry a gun. More coming up at 12 30, hover boards are on many wish lists and now one major city is banning them from safety concerns, what you need to know before you buy. Plus its the tgit night you dont want to miss, Alicia Vitarelli has the first look at the winter finales when action news comes right back. Show off on social media, they are a status symbol like having a new iphone or Something Like that, if you have one you are cool and have status, they want their instagram riding a hover board like justin bieber. And social media fills with videos of people wiping out, like this man and this woman and this guy with his dog falling flat. Another concern is potential injury. They have received eight reports of emergency room injuries related to hover boards in the last three months. I was surprised i didnt think i would be injured that badly. Teenager ron made a video, he did not fall just once but twice. Bloodying his knee and brandy told our affiliaaffiliate, she e ligament in her ankle trying to get off of one of the hover boards. It take a split second. Brian winter recently performed surgery on a man that injured his ankle falling off on his first ride caught on this cell phone video. I envisions seeing injuries throughout the body. If a person is not wearing a helmet, and gets hit in the head it could be a traumatic injury. If are you a beginner consider having someone spot you. Actor martin sheen is speaking out after his son charlie revealed having hiv. He called his son admission a great relief, he says the family was pushing charlie to make the announcement for months. Its a difficult thing, when i watch him alone reveal his deepest darkest secret, i couldnt believe the level of courage i was witnessing. Martin sheen has his own history of addiction and is sober for more than two decades and hopes that charlie can reach that point in his own life. Flu prevention arrives on demand today thanks to uber, the Ride Sharing Service launched their Health Care Campaign today. Special cars are delivering wellness packs to your door for 10, if you get the wellness packs you can get a free flu shot from a registered nurse for up to 10 people, all you need is a private indoor space. This weekend on fyi philly, karen rogers takes us to a yoga studio that doubles as a vegan cafe, the owner says her workouts change lives. Jessica gardners journey started 14 years ago. Reporter you started yoga as a way to heal yourself. Started yoga when i was 18, i was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. She realized the results on the body and mind. Its more of a lifestyle now. Her journey inspired her to help others in the statement way, opening her own studio in voorhees specializing in hot yoga. You have to get used to it, its hot in there. She added a raw vegan cafe with a lot of options. Talk about fresh. Everything is fresh. I cant think of any other yoga studio with a vegan cafe. People said what do you eat . I wanted to give them a place to see what i eat. Fyi philly airs saturday at 7 30 and then again on sunday at midnight. Another look at the rainy forecast when we come back. Meteorologist, david murphy with your update from accuweather when action news comes right back. Blood sugar. Imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. Invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Its a oncedaily pill that works around the clock. Heres how the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. Invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. And while its not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. Invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. Other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. Do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. Stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. Using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. Its time. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Theres only one invokana®. Ask your doctor about it by name. David her with another check of the forecast, rain is not too bad this morning and getting steadier in spots, stormtracker 6 live double scan showing its not raining everywhere but seeing more of the area filled in with rain and a closer look in philadelphia and the most heavy traveled roadways we get quite a bit wetter than normal. There are areas highlighted in darker shades of green and indications of heavier shades popping through and we are looking at this coming up from the southwest and the northeast, and there is more where that came from in baltimore and more of this filling in as we go later into the afternoon, ill show you that in a couple of seconds on future tracker, we have cloudy skies from sky 6 hd at temple university. There is an awful lot of rain drops blowing on to the lens of the camera. 66 in philadelphia, it has dipped a degree and i dont think well go much higher than that. Maybe 67, dew point 59 degrees its up there and winds southeast at 15 Miles Per Hour, well see gusts of 20 to 30 Miles Per Hour today. As we look at future tracker, from now until 4 00, well be in and out of heavier cells now and then and at times the rain will sla slacken off and become later. There could be rumbles of thunder south of philadelphia in the evening hours and finally this starts pushing off the coast at 10 00 and 11 00 and adam joseph and cecily tynan both on phl 17 and here on 6 abc will show you the departure of this later on tonight. What are we expecting in the way of rain, not including what has already fallen and on the way, maybe an inch in spots and a half inch in others. High temperatures are going to be on the mild side this afternoon, 65 in allentown and 67 in philadelphia. And this is close to where we are right now with periods of rain keeping us damp the rest of the way, as we roll through the rest of the way, the number holds on or about 65 between 3 00 and 5 00 and 64 by 7 00 and overnight, a mild overnight low dipping down to 58 degrees, tomorrow we are winding up dipping into the 40s early in the morning. Only bouncing back to app degrees mostly sunny tomorrow and winds are a factor at 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour behind the departing front, it gets cooler and a high of only 54 degrees, and behind that front, more sun for sunday and even cooler, the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast, going for a high of 67 today and windy and rainy as we roll through the rest of the day and evening, and the sun is coming back and 57 is the high and chillier for the weekend and 54 on saturday and sunday and the philadelphia marathon on sunday morning, also on the chilly and brisk and breezy side. Sunday cloudy and cool, and a long time since we have seen that, 56 on wednesday and great day for traveling out of town to see relatives for the thanksgiving holiday and for those of you heading to the parade its cool in the morning but not as bad as it sometimes is, 40 at dawn and 58 in the afternoon. An explosive night of television here on 6 abc, tgit comes to a dramatic conclusion before going on break for the winter, Alicia Vitarelli is live at the big board now. We are counting down for sure, thank goodness it is thursday, this is the event we are waiting for tonight back to back finales of some of the hottest shows on television. She left. Get it, you are taking her side again because she is your priority. It starts at 8 00 with the winter finale of greys anatomy, the emergency room is flooded with firefighters hurt in a nearby fire. And relationships are put to the test. He is better off with one of the men in and out of the house over the years trust me yes, yes there you are, the son i know, the son i respect. Do it woo, then at 9 00, the hunt for olivias father comes to an end. Where is she . So she could walk in and kill all of us. Its not her gun someone planted it there. Call your lawyer. Its illegal to ct justice at 10 00 how to get away with murder, and well learn the answer to the big mystery of the season, who shot analise. We have our ideas about that. We have been tweeting about it, so buckle up, all of these are rated omg. Greys anatomy at 8 00 and scandal at 9 00 and how to get away with murder at 10 00 and you can tweet using ~ 6 abc tgit. If youre approaching 65, nows the time to get your ducks in a row. To learn about medicare, and the options you have. You see, medicare doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. So dont wait. Call to request your free decision guide. And gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. These types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. And theres a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. So if youre turning 65 soon, call now and get started. Because the time to think about tomorrow. Is today. Go long. Good morning america finished its big 40 for 40 celebration live on the air today and featured a reviewon of every gma anchor, past and present, and the guy at the top pit bull to top of the morning. One last look at the accuweather forecast, and the rain is falling. Fun seeing all of those guys, the rain is falling and we are looking mild and temperatures in the mid60s in the northern and person suburbs, cloudy and windy and periods of rain, and winds 8 to 16 in the region and similar numbers at the shore and cloudy and windy and periods of rain and a lot of the area is wet right now and there will be more coming from the southwest in the afternoon, probably steadier later. Okay david thank you. Our own Tamala Edwards and soccer super star, carly lloyd was part of a panel for the 2015 conference for women this morning, the event is held all week at the Convention Center and also chef rachael ray and Monica Malpass and i will host events there today. Coming up on action news at 4 00, an update on a custody battle on a child that was never born, why a california judge rule that an infertile cancer survives embryos must be destroyed. Today we get advice to shop for the best selection and how to get the best price on electronics. 245 does is it for action news at noon, dont forget action news at 4 00, 5 00 and 6 00. Im sara bloomquist have a great afternoon. Im chris bosh. When i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. Fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. Treatment with xarelto®. Hey guys hey, finally, somebody i can look up to. Besides arnie. Xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, theres limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. You know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions. Dont get me started on that. I didnt have to. We started on xarelto®. Nice pass. Safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. You know xarelto® is the 1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. Thats a big win. It is for me. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto®. Was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Announcer want a perfect thanksgiving without the stress . Well, were showing you everything you need to know to have a nofail thanksgiving feast. The amazing dennis quaid is in the kitchen with mario, and theyve got a tasty twist on stuffing you wont believe. Then, carla is getting creative with some thanksgiving crafts that dont just look fabulous, theyre delicious, too. Plus michaels turkey isnt the only thing here thats smoking hot. The talented jeffrey d. Morgan is in the house. Its about to be a feast up in here. Right now, on the chew. [ cheers and applause ] good afternoon, and welcome to the chew. All right, if you are looking to make a delicious meal that will pass any taste test with flying colors, have no fear [ horn blows ]

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