Transcripts For WPVI Action News 6PM 20170116 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 6PM 20170116

horrible. it's not say. now they say they're fed up. overnight just before 3 a.m. a 24-year-old female resident was pulling into the parking garage. detectives say at the entrance a suspect wearing a ski mask armed with a rifle tapped the driver's side window and yelled to give him her stuff. the young woman told police she sped off to the third floor and parked but was followed into the building. she says the suspect smashed out her car window with a gun. police say he hit the woman with the gun and yanked her out of the car. the victim reports the suspect and a female accomplice took her phone and drove away in a red getaway car. >> that sounds terrible. they need to invest in security here. >> reporter: one man we spoke with said he knew something like this was about to happen. >> i think this weekend there was an issue with the garage door. i don't think it was fully functional so i could see how someone could comeism after a few residents tipped us off we two found it extremely easy to get inside the building. at this side door that sign reads a marine club key fob must be used i clearly don't have one. let's see what happens. you can get right in. >> i do it all the time. >> reporter: we went inside to the desk multiple times today to ask management about the security concerns but not bo comments. the security guard said they always have someone here but residents say that's definitely not the case. is that guy always here? >> that's completely new to me. >> reporter: now jim i want to show you here this is that side door we tried out around noon today. you can see at 6 o'clock tonight it is still opened. you can still walk right in to this building. for now reporting live in south philadelphia, bob brooks channel6 "action news." jim. >> thank you, bob. authorities in florence township burlington county are saying that one person was killed in a crash that destroyed a vehicle along i-295 this morning. chopper6 shows that the vehicle was ripped to pieces when it veered off the highway and crashed into the woods. it happened just before 9:00 this morning northbound. investigators are trying to determine what caused the driver to lose control. they remembered the life of 14-year-old grace packer this afternoon at a church in glenside montgomery county. they called it abington loves grace. she wamother's boyfriend. "action news" reporter chad pradelli is live in glenside tonight and chad, you've got the latest. >> reporter: yeah, jim, deputy police chief in abington told me this is the most horrific case of his entire law enforcement career. a lot of people failed grace packer during her life but today in her death a lot of strangers came together to put on a memorial service. dozens of strangers filled the new life presbyterian church this afternoon to say goodbye to grace packer. the 14-year-old who authorities say was killed by her adoptive mother sara packer and her boyfriend, jacob sullivan. packer's biological mother was among those on hand. >> she was a lovable little girl and i only had three years with my daughter. >> reporter: the memorial service was the work of a handful of abington women who felt compelled after learning of the horrific death of grace. prosecutors say sullivan beat and raped grace azar are a packer watched as part of some sort of rape fantasy. she was allegedly then poisoned and eventually strangled. >> it shows the community's grief, support. it's very crowded. it's -- you know, there's a lot of sad faces. >> she matters to us. she matters to the community and it's right to give her a dignified honorable sendoff. >> reporter: the state took packer from her biological parents when she was just three. sara and david packer adopted her but david packer would later be charged with sexual abuse of children. sources say grace was one of his victims. he served five years behind bars. sadly, relatives who last saw grace when she was just three remember a happy little girl. the life she endured is agonizing. >> i don't see how anyone could hurt her. she was so cheerful. she lit up everybody's day. she was just a happy person to be around. >> reporter: and after the memorial service, there was a forum here at the v.f.w. where professionals and advocates gathered to talk about child abuse and its warning signs. live in glenside chad pradelli channel6 "action news. jim. >> thank you, chad. civil rights icon georgia congressman john lewis delivered a martin luther king day speech in miami today making his first public appearance since apparently infuriating president-elect donald trump by saying he doesn't consider trump a legitimate president. today lewis was talking about conviction. >> never give up. never give in. stand up. speak up. when you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something, to say something and not be quiet. >> "action news" reporter vernon odom is lie in center city philadelphia tonight. vernon, reaction to this feud between lewis and trump punctuating this day when we remember martin luther king, jr. >> reporter: absolutely, jim. good evening to you. with donald trump taking over the white house friday at noon, and the martin luther king, jr. celebration going on taking off this week there was bound to be loads of verbal jousting. in wilmington today, a former martin luther king, jr. adviser and speech writer took issue with lewis' decision to not attend the inauguration and calling the trump presidency illegitimate. 86-year-old clarence jones says he understands john lewis' position but doesn't agree with his stand. >> yes, i assume there is classified information to indicate that russia in some way interfered wanting to place its hand in favor of donald trump. but that does not make donald trump an illegitimate president. >> reporter: in philadelphia today an anti-trump rally promising to fight back against many of the president-elect's stated policies and support for congressman lewis a civil rights legend. also today, the president of philadelphia's naacp hammered donald trump for his twitter remarks that john lewis is all talk and no action. >> john lewis of course is a man who deeply committed and dedicated to seeing real social change regardless to color or creed and i think it's just unfortunate that this is the way donald trump is getting started off. >> reporter: over the weekend donald trump's camp was fiercely defending him against the lewis attack. >> i think it's incredibly disappointing and i think it's irresponsible for people like himself to question the legitimacy of the next united states president. >> reporter: jim, one national commentator today said that he called this conflict between the two of them a game of political paintball. i'm vernon odom channel6 "action news" in spring garden. >> members of the philadelphia fire department took part in the martin luther king day of service today by teaching residents at a senior center about fire safety. "action news" was there as firemen stopped by guild house west in fairmount. they helped residents come up with a fire escape plan and passed out life saving information. in devon saint luke's evangelical church hosted its annual day of service. while one group made birthday cards for veterans and seniors another was packing nonperishables for the food pantry an third was sorting out donated clothes all part of the day of giving back to the devon community in honor of martin luther king. coming up on "action news" tonight, crews in delaware county rush to the scene of a gas main break this morning. plus vandals target a philadelphia sanctuary for people of jewish faith over the weekend. police say it is not the first time it's happened. cecily. >> double scan live showing that we do have some light rain moving in with the potential for some icing in parts of our region i'm have details on what to expect in the accuweather 7-day forecast. >> the phillies may be get something much needed outfield help. ducis rodgers with that story. and just ended sixers game out in milwaukee. we'll have highlights when "action news" continues in just a moment. >> ♪ >> chopper6 was over a gas leak this morning in brookhaven delaware county. authorities say app contractor struck a pipe during construction on dutton mills road shortly before 9 o'clock. a peco crew rushed to the scene to quickly repair the leak. fortunately no homes had to be evacuated. police are investigating vandalism and graffiti on the wall of a jewish religious building called a mikvah. the first incident that the building on the 11,000 block of renar street in somerton. >> reporter: there are many storefronts in this somerton strip mall but only one was targeted. >> i don't think it was random only because this was the only building that was chosen in the entire shopping center. >> reporter: rabbi solomon isaacson caulking about the defacing of this construction project that belongs to the nearby congregation beth solomon. >> it's special jerusalem stone we imported because of the sanctity of the place. >> reporter: called a mikvah, when completed it will contain special pools of water to be used in jewish purification right side. this is not the first problem here at the mikvah and the center. bbs have been fired and entire light posts in the parking lot has been pulled down. surveillance video shows individuals have collected here late into the night. last month a masked person temporarily blinded cameras with a painter ball. the next night someone climbed the roof and cutter the camera feeds. last summer someone stole a menorah from the congregation's main building the menorah was found a few days later after this video was released. the painter markings from this weekend are unreadable. there have been no written threats directed to the congregation, no swastikas painted. still the rabbi believes there is a message in the actions. >> obviously this was done call it a hate crime, call it a antisemitism but obviously this building was picked on purpose. >> reporter: the graffiti already sometime after saturday night sunday morning. the builder does not want to damage the soft stone beneath it. the plan now to contact the city's anti-graffiti network to get their advice. in somerton john rawlins channel6 "action news." >> there was app special church service today in north philadelphia in memory of martin luther king, jr. dozens gathered this morning at zion baptist church on broad street. the prince hall masons partnered with other organizations for the service that featured prayer and reflection. these volunteers spent this day of service donating their time at a burlington county church. they were hard at work this afternoon inside the tabernacle baptist church making blankets and cards for local children who are in the hospital. they're also assembling care packages for the homeless. ♪ strummed guitar you can't experience the canadian rockies through a screen. you have 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take time to honor dr. martin luther king. like the sixers the bucs feature a promising young player. also known as the greek freak. sixers down eight at the break. nik stauskas with the block. sixers run the other way. joel embiid a little lien. vote for him in the all-star game. sixers up one after three more embiid in the fourth. 22 points 12 boards five blocks. the sixers win 113-104. that's six wins in the past eight games. >> you know i'm just trying to do my best. i'm trying help my teammates and win games and we did that tonight and the we going to keep on going and trust the process. >> he's awesome. the phillies need a left-handed hitting outfielder. phillies have reportedly landed one. reports say they agreed to a deal with michael saunders. the 30 yield saunders spent the past two seasons with the toronto blue jays. last year he had a career high 24 home runs. sanders was also named to the american league all-star team. sticking with the phillies it's not all about baseball not for one of their young prospects. jaime apody has this story from south philadelphia. >> reporter: dr. martin luther king, jr. once said life's most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others? today on mlk's day of service phillies up and coming roman quinn was giving back. >> tighten it up. >> reporter: the outfield prospect became the first nature leaguer to hold a baseball clinic for kids from the phillies urban youth academy at the ryan howard straining center in south philadelphia. >> it's the first time ever in my life that i did something like this on martin luther king day and it's a special day for me. >> reporter: quinn has a dream of his own and that's to crack the phillies opening day roster. >> i heard a couple times from a couple of the coaches i will a pretty good chance of doing so. as long as i stay healthy and end up doing it and enjoy the game and just realize that it's the same game. >> reporter: quinn has a legit shot to make the jump from aa to opening day. in 15 games got on base and showed off his signature speed. but for now he's working hard to help these youngsters make some jumps of their own. >> just to have a dream ton follow it and do whatever you can to make it happen and work hard and work towards something whether it's professionally, whether they want to be a doctor lawyer, whatever 3 they want to do just have something to work towards. >> reporter: in south philadelphia jaime apody. >> villanova wildcats host seton hall. the cats are number one in the latest ap poll released today. it's a narrow vote. second place kansas received more first place votes. nova is 17-one on the season. looking good so far. >> ducis. cecily tynan with the accuweather forecast for the week ahead when we continue in just a moment. >> ♪ >> so would you do a little research and find out when is the last time we had two sunny days in a row? >> in a row. >> in a row. >> it's been awhile. but this week thursday should be really nice. >> that's one. [laughter] >> overall pretty gloomy week. storm tracker6 live double scan showing that right now most of the region is dry. we do have some mixed precipitation breaking out in the poconos. some snow, some sleet, in freezing rain over mount pocono. this is the leading edge of unsettled weather overnight. not a lot of rain but some waves of rain on the way. temperature-wise though not that cold for this time of the year. philadelphia currently 39 degrees. our high today 42. 2 degrees above normal. cape may 38. trenton 39. reading 37. temperatures close to freezing up in the poconos. so, satellite6 along with action radar showing we did start the day with bright sunshine. the clouds rolling in and if you look out to the west you can see some showers moving in. it's not a lot of rain. the center of the storm way out across the midwest. you can see kind of that curl. that will be lifting up to our north and west so that puts us in the warm sector of the system. so that means not looking at snow, looking at rain. the problem, though, overnight berks county, lehigh valley, northampton county, the poconos temperatures will be dropping near freezing. so, freezing rain advisory has been posted from 1 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock. not looking at a lot of icing but any light freezing rain on untreated surfaces could cause some icy spots. future tracker showing 7:30 in the morning we will have some showers around philadelphia areas to the south. again, some freezing rain across the lehigh valley. the poconos, berks county. then as we head into about lunchtime most of the rain will be lifting up to the north and east. temperatures about 40 degrees and then we have another wave of rain moving in for the evening commute. so, keep the umbrellas on hand: lots of clouds with periods of rain and even some of these showers will linger into wednesday morning around 7:30 temperatures well above freezing even in the poconos. starting off the day with some rain. we'll probably city at leas seea few breaks of sunshine by the afternoon. this week overall lots of clouds. however it's not going to be that cold. the january thaw continues. jet stream well up to the north. the core of the warm air centered out to the west across the midwest. that's where temperatures running 15 to 25 degrees above normal but here we'll be running about 10 degrees above normal much of the week. so if you're hoping for any snow definitely going have to wait on that. so, the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast tomorrow occasional rain. again, not all day heavy rain but waves of rain i think most of it will be later in the day. the high 48 degrees despite all the clouds. wednesday early drizzle. then clouds. a few breaks of sunshine, 52 degrees. thursday again should be the pick of the week. partly sunny, very mild, temperatures running 14 degrees above normal. 54 degrees. then things begin to go downhill later in the day on friday. we start with some peeks of sunshine, then the clouds roll in, some rain in the afternoon and evening hours, 51 degrees the high. saturday should be a transition day. a little bit of rain possible early in the morning. then clouds break for some sunshine with a high of 51 degrees. sunday not bad, breaks of sunshine with some clouds, 49 degrees. and monday our next system on the way and again, this will be rain, not snow. periods of rain with a high of 52 degrees. so, temperatures through the week above normal but, yes, not looking at two days of sunshine but thursday looking pretty nice. i'll have an update at 11:00. >> abc's "world news tonight" with david muir next on channel6. "action news" continues at 10:00 on phl17 with brian taff sharrie williams adam joseph joh and ducis rodgers. for the entire "action news" team i'm jim gardner. we hope you'll join us for "action news" at 11:00. >> ♪ tonight, the deadly ice storm. 16 states dangerous and deadly collisions on the highway. cars losing control from colorado to maine. the tornado in houston and a major new storm moving in. under arrest tonight, the wife now in custody. her husband was the pulse nightclub shooter who killed 49 people. she was already confronted with surveillance. the war of words tonight between president-elect donald trump and civil rights hero, congressman john lewis. what lewis said just today, and mr. trump on another issue tonight, promising health care for everybody. americans i don't think the injured. the 747 slamming into a village. authorities on the possible cause tonight. and on this

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