Transcripts For WPVI Action News 5PM 20160712 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 5PM 20160712

social media in this region from southeastern pennsylvania, new jersey and on down into delaware and maryland. >> we have the convention coming up and we have to be aware of these things, the bottom line is we don't do this alone either. >> reporter: monica, what the commissioner is saying is police want the public to stay alert. if you see something they want to you call them right away. contact them right away if you see something that doesn't look right to you. live at police headquarters, i'm vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. today president obama called for unity and peace during a trip out to the five police officers killed in the line of duty in dallas. friends and family and law enforcement and dignitaries were all on hand for today's inter faith service, they were remembered for their brave sacrifice and speakers tried to help the community and our country continue to heal. >> we are here to honor the memory and mourn the loss of five fellow americans. le to grieve with their loved ones. to support this community. >> with their deaths we have lost so much. we are grief stricken, heart broken and forever grateful. every officer has accepted a calling that sets them apart. >> tomorrow the president will meet with law enforcement leaders in hopes of finding a solution to stop violence nationwide. meanwhile dallas police continue digging into the past of the gunman of last week's shooting, micah johnson, he had a pistol a handgun and rifle on him. and he was wearing a bulletproof vest and was killed by a robot delivered bomb. and in michigan the inmate that shot and killed two bailiffs was handcuffed when he wrestled a gun from the sheriff's deputy. he gave the inmate larry gordon a chance to disarm the officer, he took hostages for a short period of time and he was shot and killed by two official bailiffs. police have identified a 15-year-old young man shot and killed in south philadelphia. barnes was shot once in the face and died later in the hospital. he played for the 60th and baltimore basketball team. police believe it was the rival team that opened fire. two teammates survived the shooting and janet reyes spoke to a victim and has more at 6:00. the woman convicted of an attack on a gay couple is now a free woman. katherine knot was released today. john rawlins is live from center city. >> reporter: knot is out of jail but as you hear she is not out of legal hot water at this point. if she had anything she wanted to say publically, anything on her mind she was guised not to say it. katherine knot began serving a 5 to 10 month sentence, today flanked by her father and mother and attorney she was released from custody. >> i think at this point, katherine is very, very pleased to be here out in the sunshine and having completed her minimum, she has served her sentence with dignity. >> september 11th, 2014 knot was part of a larger group involved in the assault of a gay couple at chancellor street that put one man in the hospital for five days, three were charged and two of them men received probation and knot went to trial and was found guilty. she completed 5 months in jail and completed a court ordered anger management court. >> she has finished her anger management so the commonwealth did not object. we spoke to the victims to make sure we knew their feelings. >> the victims did not object but they file aid civil suit against knot and her attorney guise advised her not to speak out. the victims brought a lawsuit. >> she will in this case serve out the rest of her term as a parolee and a $2,000 fine and faces the continuing civil woes as well. all of the accused in the lawsuit that details a brutal physical assault and continued psychological injury and emotional distress. >> thanks john. from our delaware newsroom now, a former air man stationed at dover air force base is on trial for the murder of a 21-month-old boy left in his care. jury selection continues in justin corbett's trial. he was caring for aaron dudley while the boy's mother a dover air force base -- was deployed he was found unresponsive after falling down the stairs and his death was ruled a homicide by blunt force trauma. corbett denied killing the boy. a house collapsed today in the german town section and the people got out in the nick of time. it happened at 7:30 this morning at the 600 block of german town avenue, that is where walter perez is live with the details. >> reporter: monica, we'll give you a live look at that stretch of german town avenue, they finished cleaning up what happened this morning. a pile of debris sits where the home was, one was occupied by a woman and her grandmother and grandchildren. the destruction you see on the 4600 block of german town avenue started unfolding this past weekend. >> i started to notice the crack on saturday, and it got bigger and bigger and bigger. >> but it wasn't until 1:00 this morning that denise wheeler knew she was in trouble. >> i woke up and over top my bed i saw the stuff falling, she quickly woke her daughter and three grandchildren and called 911. a few hours later, the entire twin home came crumbling down. with all of her belongings destroyed there is one thing she wants to retrieve. >> just want my bible, everything is destroyed. the bible is not. >> heavy equipment used by the water department is rattling home in this neighborhood for the last several days, but officials say it's too early to determine the cause. but lni commissioner says it seems like this collapse was a result with problems with the foundation. >> we see cracking at that level and we won't know for sure until we remove the debris and can actually see what was going on at the basement floor. >> there is one piece of good news, one of the first things that demolition crews recovered was the one thin deb even wheeler was opening to retrieve. >> god is good. i have my bible. >> this stretch of german town avenue was reopened a few minutes ago. and now they are checking on the structural integrity of nearby homes, reporting live walter perez, channel 6 "action news." >> scary tough. time for a check of our "action news" traffic report tuesday night. lets go to matt pellman for a check of traffic on a tuesday. >> we are checking delays on 95 they are still out here in full affect especially northbound at tasker to pens landing to girard, a broken down vehicle is long gone and southbound the delay is thinning if you are heading to the paul mccartney concert. the earlier vehicle fire has cleared out. a crash along the main line at haverford station road and extra slowing off the walt whitman bridge to 42 southbound, down to 295 there is a crash on the shoulder. and an doesn't in berlin along 73 near deangelo drive. and have one as well in bear, delaware at wrangle hill road and pine wooded boulevard and delays across the board, on the septa regional rails but most of them 20 minutes or less. >> thank you. more to come on "action news" at 5:00, how activities have turned it as a tool against the party. and the plan that local hospitals have in place while thousands of people are expected in town for the dnc. i'm tracking more humidity on the way overnight and stronger weather tomorrow and then we head into the steam bath, heat wave number three is on the way as "action news" returns. okay, ready? whoa! [ explosion ] nothing should get in the way of the things you love. ♪ get america's fastest internet. only from xfinity. it was a big day on the cam explain trail for hillary clinton. she secured the long awaited endorsement from bernie sanders. the pair stood together at an event in new hampshire, a state where sanders beat clinton earlier this year. he assured voters that he and clinton are working together and she should be the one taking the oath of office. >> i intend to do everything i can to make sure she is the next president of the united states. >> we'll have more including from clinton's rival donald trump. loretta lynch was grilled by congress about her ability to remain impartial in the case. she called the investigation thorough and unbias and just accepted the recommendation of the of the fbi investigators and lawyers. >> today activists used democrat themed art around the city to call for a ban on fracking, demonstrators put fake feces under dozens of the donkeys are around town for the convention. they want to focus on using less fossil fuels and moralitytive energy sources. energy teams and hospitals in our areas are finalizing plans for the democratic convention. as workers continue to set up the wells fargo center for the democratic national convention, there are many other not so visibility preparations also underway in the city. mark ross represents hospitals in the region when it comes to emergency planning and response. he says that unlike the papal visit, the dnc won't impact general health care meaning it's business as usual as local med cad centers, we don't have to worry about the road closures and the access to a number of facilities. we won't see the disruption to health care. >> but some hospitals will beef up staff and have extra on calls and tents will be set up outside of the main attraction. like many other large city events, emergency crews are expected to be out in force and that the hospital works with the city management and fire department and police and all are planning together for the dnc for months. >> we know what is taking place and we are able to guise our hospitals and other health care facilities. >> they study the response on mass casualty shootings like orlando and dallas and prepare for anything that could happen here. >> we look at every event and do an after action, what are our best practices and what are our lessons learned and we corporate those things. >> and there is plans in place if one of the vip's needs medical attention. still to come on 5:00 tonight. the out of this world photo bomb captured by a nasa satellite. if you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? 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"action news" continues with meteorologist. adam joseph, rick williams and monica malpass. here is what is happening on "action news" tonight. >> she will be the next president of the united states -- >> once political foes, now hillary clinton and bernie sanders are united with one goal, to win in november and donald trump says that is not going to happen. >> and suspicious activity on the roof of a popular hotel is met with a big response from police and s.w.a.t. teams, what investigators say was really going on. >> now to the latest in the 2016 presidential race, a long awaited endorsement for presumptive democratic nominee from former challenger, bernie sanders. >> sanders was clinton's biggest critic and now says she is far an way the best candidate to confront challenges in the country. >> and now they say they saw what they wanted and needed to see, bernie sanders throwing his full support behind hillary clinton. none too soon as the democratic national convention is just 13 days away. >> donald trump blasted trump for abandoning his supporters and endorsing crooked hillary is like wall street endorsing goldman sachs. >> reporter: monica and rick, after weeks of negotiations between the bernie sanders and hillary clinton campaigns, sanders now endorsing clinton and both of them are slamming donald trump. >> two former rivals now all smiles and standing side by side. >> secretary clinton has won the democratic nominating process. [ applause ] >> bernie sanders has endorsed secretary clinton and will do everything he can to make sure she wins. >> hillary clinton will make an outstanding president and i am proud to stand with her. >> and he is not officially stepping out of the race, and clinton ticking through the issues, minimum wage is one of them. sorry donald if you are watching, we are not cutting the minimum wage, we are raising the minimum wage. >> while donald trump welcomes it's endorsement of the gop presidential candidates he defeated in a tweet he accused sanders of selling out for endorsing clinton. >> and trump is raising eyebrows with these newly released syndicated clips from his radio show trump. >> listen to this one where he praises clinton. >> i know her and she would make a good president or vice president. >> and now with the gop convention a week away, both trump and clinton are narrowing their list of possible vice presidential picks. and even house speaker paul ryan is anxious to see who donald trump picks for his running mate. stephanie ramos, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. 6 abc will be in the middle of all the action. jim gardner and sara bloomquist will head to cleveland, ohio, for the republican national convention next week. that runs from july 19th to the 21st and then july 25th, the moment up swings to philadelphia and the democratic national convention and it's news team will cover every angel from the politics to the protests on air and life. >> congress is expected to exit washington for a month long recess with no action on gun control. a house gop bill to block sales to suspected terrorists stalled in the senate and others were blocked or stalled. no votes are expected this week before congress adjourns until september. world news with david muir will have more on the gun debate as well as more on the campaign trail. you can watch that following "action news" at 6:00. a man was killed crossing a busy road in delaware. the man was hit at kirkwood highway and limestone road. the man did not survive his injuries, the victims name is not release and the driver did stop at the scene. that person has not been charged. now, to a story our trenton bureau is following since 2013, terrance paterson is sentenced to a life term plus 15 years for the robbery kidnapping and murder of lisa armstrong. they robbed and took her from her trenton home to a wooded area at route 206 and then shot her. two men were slashed with a sharp object as they walked down a philadelphia street. one victim was slashed on the left side of his body and the other on the forearm. they were both taken to the hospital for treat and it's unclear if the suspect knew them or if this was a random attack. police are looking for the suspect tonight. >> chopper 6 hd was over the 3300 block in the port richmond section today as firefighters battled a fast moving blaze, smoke poured from one of the row homes and spread to three others, not clear what set it off or if anyone was injured. an aspiring photographer caused quite a scare at a landmark hotel. that wong's grand idea that reads are taking their advice that once they see something they should say something. annie mccormick has the story. >> chopper 6 hd over the hyatt and the bellevue after police responded to a 911 call. >> police received a 911 call from a couple of people in another building that saw two people acting suspiciously on the rooftop. philadelphia police responded with a terror terrorism unit. on the same rooftop with the man and woman were discovered, police found camera equipment and several items that appeared to be suspicious like a smoke bomb and liquid. it would appear that this individual may be a blogger that likes to do things with photography that is bizarre. we have not ruled out anything, you never do, but it appears that this is what this individual does. we are not condoning it. >> police do not believe the pair was doing anything terror related. and released them after charging only the man with criminal mischief and trespassing, they are appreciative of the public's awareness. >> i applaud the people that called because you never foe what that was about. >> the summary citation for criminal trespassing and mischief will likely result in a fine. time for a check of the traffic situation out there. matt pellman is back with an update on your tuesday. >> wish traffic on the schuylkill is fine but it is not. we are slow going in both directions, heading to the paul mccartney concert. a slow go on the eastbound side because the white sedan ran off the eastbound side of the schuylkill into 26th street into the bushes here and they blocked a lane for a while as they got it out. it is backed up now and both lanes are reopen but heavy on the eastbound schuylkill, if you head for the eastbound vine instead that is parked from the schuylkill to 95 and backing up approaching 76 and vine closures return tonight at 11:00, that is when it will shut down between the schuylkill and broad street for construction. i'm sure you did not miss the closures, burlington bristol bridge is going up head for the turnpike connecter instead. and burlington county a broken down vehicle blocking the ramp from 295 northbound to mount holly. and in berlin a crash at 73 near mink avenue and delays across the board on the regional rails, most of them about 20 minutes. >> thank you matt. still to come on "action news," the odds of it happening are 1 in 700,000, but it happened to this couple taking a stroll in connecticut. and it was captured on video. and residents in burlington county are fed up with a trashy problem for residents. and another sunny and seasonably warm day but i'm tracking unsettled weather on the way and then stormy to steamy i'll have the details in the next heat wave in the accuweather forecast. >> and ducis rogers has sports including a preview of the all-star game and big honors for the national championship, nova wildcats. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. a terrifying weather event caught on camera. two people were out walking when lightning struck near them in west haven, connecticut, the man and woman were forced to the ground when the lightning hit a tree. the police say they received an energy transfer from the lightning strike. they were checked out and both are doing okay. tesla reported another crash while one of their vehicles was on auto pilot. the third serious accident tied to the self driving feature this time it happened in montana. it happened on a two lane highway and neither the driver or passenger was injured but it was serious enough that the car lost its front passenger side wheel. they are calling the safety of self driving cars into question. this was one of my favor the event of the year when i was a kid. it's the mlb all-star game in san diego. the 24 will represent the phils in his first mid summer classic and for mike trout it's old hat histive and all-star game. and as for the phillies it gives the other player a chance to rest and the front office a chance to think. the front office will be faced with trade dilemmas. >> i don't know if we'll be super active. we'll see. we have players that other teams like but i also like the fact that they are helping to contribute to this team. and as we talked about we are in a good stretch and don't really want to pull the rug out. we'll wait and see. >> a little fallout from last night's home run derby, the marlins put out a promotion aing for every homer he hit, a percentage point would come of the ticket. he hit 61, and they will honor 61% off for one game and one game only. and villanova's run to the national championship is a gift that keeps on giving think the cats will be honored again, the team left for the espy awards. best coach, best team and best play for the chris jenkins buzzer beater that brought the championship home. this will continue tomorrow night in what will have. >> how excited are you for the espys coming up. >> it's going to be fun it's a relaxed time of the year in july. our guys are looking forward to it. they may be looking more forward to this than the white house, they are fired up about the espys. >> all the categories we are up for is because of this team, so it's very exciting. and we are all excited it's a once in a lifetime trip. >> how excited are you to go to l.a. for the espys. >> it's exciting, a humbling journey to this point and to share this experience with my teammates has been unbelievableable. you can watch the espys here on 6 abc tomorrow night the broadcast begins at 8:00, and "action news" will be on immediately afterward. and the team received their ncaa championship rings. >> and the sixers resume play and they face the warriors, the tradition continues, the flyers ends their developmental camp with the trial on the isle. the players found themselves on melts ice on the bay for water activities like a team bonding thing. >> we should do something like that here. >> lets just go to the espys. >> we could go to your pool. >> we'll go to monica's. >> i don't have a pool. officials at one cemetery in bethlehem plan to install surveillance cameras after someone damages their facility with spray paint. the graffiti is on several head stones, in different colors. anyone that know what's is behind this damage call bethlehem police. neighbors that live near a popular park in reading it has become an eye sore and trash is piling up at riverside park because folks are using the park to dump regularly. and they are concerned for people's health and safety. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. when you're the parent of a disabled child, you realize that the world can be a harsh place. but you also realize it can be a really loving, wonderful place. when i saw donald trump mock somebody who was disabled, i was appalled. you gotta see this guy... ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember! that reporter suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. it told me everything i need to know about his heart and what he believes deep down. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. well, check out this pretty sight. it looks like the bahamas or something. well it's not, you are looking at the sandy beaches and tropical cool waters off the coast of atlantic city. they tell "action news" the water is this blue because of upwelling, new waters come upbringing nutrients, and they are booming leading to the tropical blue there. >> they are called fido plankton. people are asking me saying atlantic city, the ocean looks like the caribbean. who is going to complain about that. >> that is good party information. >> fido plankton. >> impress your friends with that. it's ocean is a great place to be. we have lots of sunshine and it's warm and not oppressively humid. >> he will use that word as much as possible. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that we have rain free conditions out there. and the action cam is taking a look the ocean is blue and the sky is blue and fair weather clouds here and there. and temperatures warmer than yesterday. and about in the neighborhood where we should be. 88 was the high today. normal high is 87 and the low 67 degrees, normal low is 69 degrees, it's seasonably warm and 87 in philadelphia and 89 in allentown and reading and 81 in millville and reading. and the ocean temperature is warm 76 degrees, the air temperature in cape may 78. satellite 6 along with action radar showing we are dry right now, the bubble of high pressure is protecting us and that is sliding to the east and what this will do is allow the showers and thunderstorms to move in tomorrow and i don't think it will be widespread but i think it will be unsettled. patchy clouds and once the sunsets, you'll notice the humidity is ramping up, 70 for center city and it's a sticky night. tomorrow morning we see more clouds and sunshine and a few spotty showers and most of the activity is waiting until the afternoon. around 1:00 some scattered showers and thunderstorms west of philadelphia, it fills in during the evening hours, this could have an impact on your evening commute. not everyone will see the storms but those that do can have heavy downpours. in ocean county a moderate risk of rip currents, don't go swimming in the lifeguards are not on duty. winds from the south 6 to 12 miles per hour. you'll get the sea breeze, yearsy beaches 79 and delaware beaches 82 and the uv index will be high. and then our temperature and humidity levels will be soaring, thursday and friday an excessive heat watch post add long the i-95 corridor, this is where the heat indexes will be around 100 degrees both days. triple digit heat indexes across our area be the only relief in the poconos or right along the shore. the exclusive accuweather forecast, humid tomorrow and more clouds and sunshine and heavy downpours and 87 is the high and thursday we get into the steam bath, oppressive. 94 degrees and heat index around 100 and scattered thunderstorms 95 on friday, and the heat index around 100, and temperatures ease back a bit but likely in the 90s, making this the third heat wave of the year and could get thunderstorms still allowing for a chance of a thunderstorm on sunday. and not looking as activity and partly sunny skies and 89 and 89 on monday and tuesday is warm and muggy with a high of 88 degrees, it is going to get uncomfortable later in the week and the good news is that it doesn't look like it will last a long time. likely three days. a new fruits and vegetable garden is blossoming, students and teachers with the bristol high school garden summer camp transformed this place into something thriving and beautiful. thanks to a grants the garden has 3,000 peppers, eggplants and tomatoes for the community. members were taking orders and scooping up flavors of water ice at rita's at christiana road in newcastle and was called chilling with cops, part of an outreach program with different settings that have nothing to do with crime. a cool idea today. >> nice. now jim gardner is standing by with these stories next at 6:00. president obama speaks at a memorial for the five dallas officers killed ahead hear the challenge in the wake of the nation of that tragedy. and the philadelphia police department is on alert after a specific threat to its officers. and witnesses speak out as a 15-year-old is killed after a fight on a basketball court. for the entire "action news" team i'm rick williams, have a nice evening. "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with ducis rogers, meteorologist cecily tynan, and jim gardner. tuesday night and bernie sanders officially endorsed hillary clinton for president. and the twin home collapses in the german town section of philadelphia. but the big story on "action news" is the insistence by president obama that this country is not as divided as it may seem and despite the fact that there is bias in america, his own life is testament to how far we have come. that was one of the messages at a memorial service in dallas to the five officers killed on sunday night. we heard the call from unity, including the call from dallas mayor, mike rawlings. >> to wage this battle today must be about unity, unity among faiths and unity among police and citizens and yes unity among politicians. >> former president, george w. bush, one of texas's most prominent citizens talked of unity as well. >> we have one country, one future and one decembstindestin not want the

Related Keywords

Montana , United States , Millville , Pennsylvania , German Town , New Hampshire , Center City , Texas , Philadelphia , Washington , Cleveland , Ohio , Florida , Delaware , Port Richmond , San Diego , California , Michigan , Bahamas , The , Connecticut , Mount Holly , Maryland , Riverside Park , Dover , Beach Haven , Bethlehem , West Bank General , West Bank , Allentown , Dallas , Orlando , Trenton , Berlin , Germany , Baltimore , Americans , America , Adam Joseph Rick Williams , Annie Mccormick , Larry Gordon , John Rawlins , Rick Williams , Walter Perez , Paul Mccartney , Loretta Lynch , Aaron Dudley , Mike Rawlings , Franklin Ibs , Terrance Paterson , Stephanie Ramos , Janet Reyes , Denise Wheeler , Justin Corbett , Lisa Armstrong , Micah Johnson , George W Bush , Cecily Tynan , David Muir , Chris Jenkins , Hillary Clinton , Paul Ryan , Jim Gardner , Bernie Sanders ,

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