Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20171116 : comparemela

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20171116

apparently bludgeoned to death in east lehigh. christie ileto is live at the scene. what is the full story there? >> jim, police are on the scene of the 2600 block of lehigh avenue. a man was found dead bludgeoned to death. apparently the 80-year-old was found dead inside the kitche kin with blunt head trauma and bruises and lacerations to the body. the inside of the home's first and second floors, there are trails of blood. there are no signs of forced entry and the home doesn't appear to be ransacked. "action news" was there as a man was taken into custody. it's not clear how the man was killed or why someone would want to have him dead. police are on scene trying to piece together how this unfolded and why this 80-year-old man was allegedly, beaten to death in his home. christie ileto, wphl-17. >> we want to show you michael huggins, 18 and a killer. he escaped from the harborfield youth detention facility last night. he broke out with three buddies. they were caught nine hours later. annie, do police feel they are closer to an apprehension? >> jim, at this hour, they have not made any indication. in bridgeton, the heavy law enforcement presence is gone but authorities say that doesn't mean they have stopped the search. at this moment, they are following every lead they can get and they have not ruled out the possibility that the fugitive could be here in bridgeton. >> michael huggins is the last of four that broke out of the egg harbor facility. the four overpowered guards and stole a female guard's car. surveillance video shows the stolen vehicle swiping a vehicle with police in pursuit. the stolen car crashed into this house then the four fled. as the massive search began, three were caught in a bridgeton apartment complex, a trek of 30-miles from where they began. the search intensified near the complex. area schools were put on lock down. judge to.bridgeton is huggins h. huggins has been in custody since october 2016 charged with the killing of devonte lee. authorities say he is considered dangerous. the chief had this message for the public tonight. >> as far as the public is concerned, the nature of his crimes, although he's charged with homicide, he wa it was a ra random act. as far as the city's concerned, i wouldn't be concerned someone is running through the city to commitment random acts. >> anyone with information should call 911. annie mccormick, "action news." back to you. >> despite the opposition of many residents and local businesses, the coverage hawkin has approved the way for a super wawa. it would put down stakes in the heart of the borough and busiest part of town. dan, fair to say there are a lot of angry folks tonight. >> that's right, jim. it was passed by a razor thin vote of 4-3. the council approved this controversial super wawa that has been in the middle of a bitter battle now for six years. >> it's pretty much a disgrace. >> terrible vote. >> for small businesses. >> the immediate reaction after the council's vote to go forward with the super wawa on fayette street. since 2012 wawa has been fighting to build a new story on the property contending it would improve the area. >> this is a wawa that will enhance an area that is not residential. >> for almost six years there have been 28 public hearings in which residents opposed the super wawa. >> i don't want chaos at the top of my block. >> get the hell out. they don't want you either. nobody does. we don't want wawa. go somewhere else. >> it reminds me of my father saying, you can put lipstick on a pig -- it's still a pig. >> but council approved the wawa giving them a green light. >> it's incredibly disappointing. the community has been opposed to it five years. the officials decide to go to a different direction. >> it's like david and goliath. why does wawa get to come here and ram it down our throat? it's wrong. it's all about the money. >> will opponents file an appeal? they have left that possibility open. dann cuellar, channel6 news. >> thank you, dan. some precipitation is showing up on double scan radar. meteorologist cecily tynan is here with a first look at storm tracker 6 live and the accuweather forecast. cecily? >> hi, jim. a band of showers moving our way out of central pennsylvania. it's not all that intense. it will be moving in wee hours of the morning. 3:00, this is when we have the bulk of the rain over philadelphia, the nearby suburbs. it doesn't linge linger all tha. about 8:00, it's off the coast and winds pick up in the afternoon. morning community with overnight shower activity, some of the roads are wet. be careful with the leaves on the road when they get wet can be slippery. philadelphia, 48. tracking another round of wet weather for the weekend. i have details in the seven-day forecast. jim? >> a federal judge is siding with philadelphia. well do that story in a minute. first an update to a spree of four home break ins in upper darby drexel park, flashlights in hand, residents are walking the streets. >> now to a federal judge siding with philadelphia over the sanctuary city status. the trump administration can't withhold grants for police and public safety as the justice department threatened to do. the fight stems from the city's incorporation for immigration policies and information sharing. >> there is damage in a number of areas, not just immigration. our folks and advocates know we have their backs and we care about them and we'll stand up for them. >> mayor kenney argues that the city is safer when immigrants come out of the shadows without reprizal from cities. >> brigitte foys was foiled by flames. tonight, area residents got together to raise money for foy's workers and the pet store next door. hundreds turned out to support the eatery and the people that made it a south street staple. >> fellow community members rolled up their sleeves in support of corporal seth kelly. he was shot during a traffic stop. today they donated blood. kelly's catch tain says he is steadily improving. >> channel6 takes great pride in our community. we hosted our annual food drive telethon. we raised money for area food banks. president and general manager bernie prazenica announced the donation of $15,000 on behalf of abc and disney television. three quarters of a million people in our area face hunger everyday. >> still to come on "action news," new women come forward with claims against candidate roy moore. >> and the eye capping price someone paid to buy a da vinci. it's an all time record. cecily? >> the past few days temperatures have been warming. i'll let you know how long the trend continues. we have wind and rain on the way in the seven-day forecast. 50 the sixzers facing off the lakers and the eagles taking it to the cowboys. that and more when "action news" continues. ♪ ♪ >> two more women have come forward to say they endured unwanted advances from roy moore as teenagers. both worked at the gadsden mall where report td that moore looked for young girls when he was in his 30s and an assistant district attorney. gina richardson said he called her and she was pulled from her trigonometry class to take his phone call. >> president trump refused to answer questions about moore today and whether he supports him as the president went before the white house pool this afternoon. he spoke only of his trip to asia and his meetings with the chinese president. trump says the u.s. and china agree that north korea can't just freeze its nuclear program but it must eliminate its nuclear arsenal. >> republics have a problem from an unexpected source over the tax bill. ron johnson became the first republic senator to oppose the tax bill saying it helps major corporations more than small businesses. the gop can afford only one more and there are three with concerns. >> investigators say shooter >> ken: hooter kevin neil's first victim was at home. they found his wife under the floorboard of their home. >> the discovery of an earth like planet 11 light years away from us, practically next door in dpla galactic terms. it could be liveable and it's the second closest plan et they have ever found. >> $10 million for the most expensive painting ever sold, a da vinci picture of jesus. it was once mistaken for a fake and sold for $59. >> time for the troubleshooters. this is sure to be a big talker tomorrow. nydia han exposes a little known law that could cost you a big fine. >> we often tell you buyer beware. this is a seller beware. it's simple but could save you hundreds of dollars. >> andy kim wants to say goodbye to his '97bmw. >> i don't drive. i walk to work. he bought one of these. you see them all the time, an old tried and true way to sell your car. how much did the for sale sign cost you? >> $2. >> it cost you more than that. >> $301 more. >> 3-0-1. >> he had to pay that in the form of a fine. he got this ticket for violating city ordinance 9021a. >> he was parked legally. >> apparently not. the ordinance says parking for certain purposes prohibited. no person shall stand or park a vehicle on any roadway for the purpose of displaying a vehicle for sale. >> what do you think about that? >> it's outrageous. how was i supposed to know that this wasn't allowed that you can't sell your own car in front of your own house. >> it seems most people don't know. "action news" troubleshooters came aupon this centra in fairville. >> do you think it's illegal to park this car with a sale sign? >> ung you could be fined $300. >> her car was parked there six months. if she got a ticket? >> i would be very upset. they would have to fight me for it. >> she's not taking any chances, but since the troubleshooters can't physically track down every owner of every for sale sign, we and kim hope you see the story and pass it along. >> if anyone wants to sell their car, don't do what i did. it's not worth it. >> the troubleshooters asked the city to waive the fine but the city refuse today do so. no one knew why it's a fineable offence or why it costs $300. i'm nydia han, "action news." >> if you are a smoker, the american cancer society is urging you to take tomorrow off. it's the smokeout going on since the '70s. 36,000,000 people smoke and it kills half a million people a year. smoking can take ten years off your life. if you quit by 35, you can gain nine of them back. 5 former vice president biden is in center city tonight. he spoke to a packed audience at the academy of music about the lessons he learned about coping with grief and living a life of service. >> let's get to the latest with meteorologist cecily tynan. >> we have a lot of clouds. looking at the center city skyline, a nice shot from the 2e6r7temple camera. temperatures are not cooling off quickly. double scan live showing a band of shower in the overnight hours. tomorrow morning on the damp side by 7:30, showers are out of here. overnight showers not looking like a lot. a tengt o tengt tenth of an inc. in the afternoon, wind are kicks up. right now, cloudy and mild, 4 in philadelphia down from 53, three degrees below normal. temperatures are trending up, trenton, 46. allentown, 47. cape may, 55 and wilmington, 58. satellite and radar showing clouds rolling in this afternoon. this is the band of showers. there is a piece of energy along the front. that should capture moisture overnight. future tracker showing 4:00 in the morning, showers moving through philadelphia into south jersey. 8:00, it's dry. sunshine, and we have clouds bubbling up in the afternoon. instability showers can development. not everyone will see them, but you feel winds. tomorrow afternoon, winds gusting 45 to 50 miles per hour. temperatures a couple of degrees above normal. 58 in philadelphia, allentown 53. cape may, 58 and dover, 60-degrees. the exclusive accuweather forecast, a transition day. we wake up with the clouds. afternoon sunshine, instability showers. winds gusting 58-degrees. friday, high pressure builds in bringing sunshine. breetzy and wind gusts 25 miles per hour. tomorrow the high 50-degrees. saturday, clouds building ahead of our next cold front with temperatures 57-degrees by saturday night before the front pushes in, a possibility of showers. if you are headed to the link as temple takes on ucf, i think most of the showers are holding off until after the sun set. clouds, scattered shower. first quarter, 51. fourth quarter, 53-degrees. go temple. sunday, 52-degrees. behind that, 47-degrees on monday. back up to 54 tuesday and wednesday, travel day right before thanksgiving, partly sunny, dry with a high of 50-degrees. temperaturesup and down over the next few days. saturday night looks like on the windy side. >> thank you, cecily. 3,000 books are on their way to youngsters who might not have access to them outside of school. the books were collected as part of a massive effort by teachers and support staff unions in delaware and chester counties. the books will be given to organizations that work with homeless and low-income children. >> the insurance society of philadelphia held its independence gala in center city. the event celebrates the long history with the insurance history while raising money for scholarships for students studying to join the field. ♪ ♪ before we start, i just want to say if anyone still doesn't have fios, please stay out of the way so your lag doesn't get us all killed, ben. what's so good about fios anyway? uh. what's so great about a 100% fiber-optic network that makes your gaming system actually work awesomely? hey. did you take out the trash? haha, garbage boy! dad, i already took out ben. it's not funny. gaming is best on a 100% fiber-optic network. so get fios. now, just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee, with a 2-year agreement. >> a dedicated channel channel6r celebrated her 100th birthday today. connie is an only child and never had children. she was married to don, a world war ii veteran. members of her extended family made it to help her celebrate. sixers out in los angeles. first the clippers now the lakers. sixers and lakers meeting right now. all on the court at the same time. it's l.a., so you know the stars are there including kevin hart and boxer floyd may weather junior. >> sixers in transition. dump it off to embid hitting three. sixers up five, part of a 14-4 run to open the game. sixers lead by 13. now the lead is down to six in the second quarter. >> cowboys looking at sunday's game as a chance to save the season. sixers looking at a chance to bury the boys. it's dallas week. the players hear the hype. they can feel the hype. >> i know this week is a big week, divisional rivals. there is a lot riding on it, so to speak. it's a big week. we don't take it lightly. >> we delve into it. it's one of those things we circle on the calendar every year, especially when it's a prime time game. it ain't no secret. it's going to be a hard one, a tough one. we know what they are bringing to the table. we have to do the same thing. >> new tes newest eagle signed yesterday. we talk flyers after the break. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. >> the flyers visit winnipeg tomorrow. the fly teres off of back to back shutout losses. patrick missed nine games due to a suspected co concussion. he's anxious to help his team score goals. >> it's something i need to address when i get back. i think it will turn around confidence. it's nice to see family today. hopefully, run into my buddies. it's nice to be back a couple of days. >> "college hoops" at the palestra, penn versus navy. caleb wood 13 off the bench, quakers leading as many as 26. that's sports. >> thank you, ducis. the marching knights played their hearts out for a good cause. the championship band played on their home field as they donated canned goods, they'll be donated to homesdale. "jimmy kimmel live" is next. "action news" continues at 4:30 with pamela edwards, matt o'donnell, and karen rogers with traffic. for cecily tynan, ducis rogers and the entire "action news" team, i'm jim gardner. goodnight. ♪ ♪ >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- colin farrell patton oswalt and music from bishop briggs. and now, stay focused -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. well, very nice. that's really quite nice. there is a whole lot going on today. starting with, as is

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