Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170228 : comparemela

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170228

cemetery and bombings at a jewish day school. attorney general jeff sessions ll attacks and threats a serious and disruptive practice. it's monday night and the big story on "action news" is the current wave of anti-jewish violence and attempts of intimidation across 12 states today and it has hit the valley, first to be vandalized mount carmel cemetery at the wisin wises wissinoming f philadelphia. >> there is an out pours as far as canada wanting to right a wrong. there are monuments to loved ones, some that stood on the hallowed grounds half a century. it's one night whose destruction is felt well beyond mount carpal mel cemetery. >> over 100 tomb stones monuments to bloffed mothers and grandmothers. whether it was kicks or hate, there are comments even from the white house. >> from our country's founding, we are dedicated to protecting our rights to worship. this caused people to come together to try to repair the damage calls from people wanting to help have been pouring in. >> we have a telephone call from someone from canada that wanted to drive down and fix the head stones or a group of parents that wanted to bring their kids from washington d.c. to help. >> councilman bob heenen said the electrical worker union is stepping up to help repair damage and install security cameras. >> we are sending a message that we won't tolerate this kind of disgrace. >> beginning tomorrow the jewish federation will begin organizing clean yo ups noon to 4:00 each . i'm dann cuellar, channel6 "action news." >> thank you, dan. the fbi investigating another wave of bomb threats targeting jewish community schools and in this area, the school in delaware was evacuated this morning as did the cats jcc in pearl hills, also in winwood a threat called in there. religious leaders are standing shoulder to shoulder in the jewish community. priests, imams, rabbis gathered at the theological center for the first of many meetings. they are inviting the public to join them against hate this thursday at noon here on independence mall. >> a dart bus ended up in a grassy area off the highway after colliding with a car in newport delaware. it happened on i-95 south of the route 141 interchange. police say four passengers onboard the bus and two people many the car were hurt. a second car was involved in the collision. nobody from that vehicle was injured. a rash of home invasions in chester county has authorities trying to figure out if they are connected. the latest happened in east brandy wine, the latest victim a 72-year-old woman. christie ileto is lye at the d.a.'s office in westchester. what's the latest there? >> jim, residents fear this is becoming too common in chester county. there have been a handful of these type of incidents since last june and it's unclear if it's random or targeted. >> a 72-year-old woman spent four days in her own east brandy wine home trapped. >> she was found with a reusable shopping bag on her head. >> usually a quiet road, jenny franky had no idea this violence was unfolding next door. >> i was really scared. it upsets me that something this close happened. >> this is the latest violent home invasion in chester county in the latest of seven since june, geographically, it appears they are in the same vicinity of the county and authorities are exploring whether the cases are linked, leaving many who live here unsettled. >> it bothers the living hell out of me. things like this don't happen out here, except it's happened. >> we have to be more alert, more individua vigilant. >> that 72-year-old was taken to an area hospital. the suspect made off with her vehicle and anyone with information about that incident or any other home invasions are asked to contact authorities. christie ileto, channel6 "action news." >> bill cosby was back in montgomery county court in norristown. we now know a jury will be brought in from another local. cosby's lawyers argued to move to philadelphia or pittsburg but the judge denied that. the supreme court will decide from which county the injury will be elected. cosby is accused of drugging a woman in his home in 2004. >> a male nurse facing charges of videotaping a 17-year-old while changing is facing charges tonight. james close is in the bucks county jail. he will be arraigned in the morning. >> president trump has begun to piece a budget together. the big story here, he wants a $54 billion surge in military spending. that would amount to an almost 10% increase for the pentagon, money for new aircraft, ships and fighters. trump will balance the jump with $54 billion in cuts in domestic programs and foreign aid. then there's healthcare. trump met with executives from health insurance companies today and admitted making changes to obama care will be difficult saying nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated. trump will address the nation tomorrow night. the speech could set the tone for months to come. president trump will have help promoting his building agenda now that ross is chair of commerce. "action news" will have continuing coverage from washington tomorrow. anchor monica malpass will report live leading up to and following president trump's address to congress. we invite you to join us on "6abc" and "6abc".com. >> the animal care and control team of philadelphia is getting a help hand from the pennsylvania spca, and the result of that partnership could be the saving of animal's lives. "action news" reporter jeanette reyes explains. >> some of these dogs are days away from being adopted into a forever home. for others, these could be thesr lives. >> euthanasia is one of the things we want to avoid. it happens in our shelter, probably about 5,000 animals a year. >> the animal control team in philadelphia is the largest facility of its kind taking in 26,000 animals a year. it's currently undergoing a renovation project to cut capacity from 150 to 50 dogs. >> half of our kennels are not being used because of the construction. >> our hope is that instead of animals coming in, we can get them into the pennsylvania spca. the spca has been here much of the afternoon diverting dog owners that have come to surrender the pets. remi is the ambassador, making sure the dogs feel comfortable. >> we do everything we can to help out animals here. >> volunteers will show up three days a week and save dogs from being euthanized. the partnership between act and spca is new, but the need for the public's help isn't. adoption is ideal but even foster care would make a difference for the shelter and animals. >> reporting in june yet ta park, jeanette reyes, "action news." >> still to come tonight, one of these days, alice, straight to the moon. spacex announced when it's going to start taking paying passengers on lunar vacations. plus the dramatic twist to end the oscars. tonight, an official apology and how distraction from social media could have been the same. cecily? >> i have the next few days of weather and what's come in the forecast. >> wendy saltzman is breaking news details from her investigation into concerns about miralax. >> wendy? >> doctors speaking out for the first time to "action news" responding to claims that miralax has caused issues in children. we have new information about the hospital study including how parents can enroll and new numbers suggest it's a bigger issue. >> and ducis rogers, word on joel embid, what is his health situation? that and more on "action news" as it continues tonight. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru. >> a plane crashed into two homes in river side, california, killing one person and injuring five others. the sess na went down just after take off. victims were pulled from inside the burning building. a woman thought the crash was an earthquake. an investigation making national headlines has revealed that parent's concerns of a medication is sickening children. following miralax we found reports from across the country. wendy saltzman has developments for us tonight. wendy, a story that has struck a cord. >> absolutely. tons of parents reached out to us asking what to do, desperate for answers saying after their children were prescribed miralax, the behavior started. now we have answers from the experts including details on the hospital study and resources where parents can turn. >> i didn't feel like a normal kid. >> nicole was placed on miralax at three and a half years old. i wanted to kill my sister and i was four. >> it was similar to the stories other families shared after they say miralax was prescribed to treat their children's constipation. >> overnight, he acted out of character. >> miralax is made up of peg3350. the label says for use in adults 17 and older and for no more than seven kids were prescribed and in some cases, long use. >> currently, it >> a go to medica medication. >> now doctors are speaking about about mer miralax. they say there is no evidence that it causes harm. >> we don't have information to say it's an unsafe medication. >> there was insufficient data to link it with serious abnormalities to children. >> we dug through this, a 3900 page document of 14,000 reports through 2016 and found more than five times as many. the fda records document 950 children who have reported adverse events after taking miralax, mouth sores, suicidal thoughts and seizures. there are several limitations including that the reports don't necessarily prove a relationship between the product and the event and said the fda has considered the reports and at this time doesn't believe additional warnings or other changes are warranted. >> if a parent is concerned about the side effects of miralax or any other medication, they should stop the medication. she wouldn't talk about the study commissioned in 2014, but apparently, it hasn't started yet. after our report they published a statement online saying researchers have not begun enrolling children. once enrollment is begun, the news will be contacted. >> nicole 19 says her memories are filled with pain and hopes other families will think twice before giving their children mermiralax. >> i don't feel i got to live a normal childhood. >> to learn how to report an adverse event, go to our website. we have a link there. bayer told us there have been plenty of studies conducted demonstrating safet safety for t and long-term use in children. we have their statement on >> without saying miralax is a problem or not, there are alternatives to miralax to people that might be concerned. >> people that are critics say try the alternatives first. parents know best what is best for their children and should seek consultation from doctors. >> ta cat ta is blamed for covering up an airbag defect that has caused deaths. they agreed to be sold off of merge with another company. many of its airbag inflaters under recall explode with too much essentially turning into a grenade during a crash. >> a surprise announcement from spacex today. they are planning a moon shot mission sending two tourists to the moon and back. they won't say how much they are paying, nor are they identifying them. they won't land on the moon, loop around it and come back. it should take a week. they intend to launch by the end of next year. now to the epic oscar fiasco. the accountant responsible for the worst gap in academy award's history tweeted a picture of emma stone back page. the picture has been deleted. the accountant handed beatty a second copy of the emma stone best act trees envelope not for best film. price water house cooper issued a statement today, we sincerely apologize for the error made during the award announcement for best picture. that's the apology. the question is, will this guy be working at the academy awards next year? we'll see. anybody can make a mistake. >> and they are getting a lot of publicity out of this. may be a good thing. >> accuweather forecast. is that a good thing? >> depends on what you like. it's going to be warm. >> i like warm and sunny. >> warm but not sunny and stormy. tracker 6 live double scan showing sprinkles to the south, a lot of it not reaching the ground, but creating cloud cover. temperatures are warmer to the south. millville 51, dover 50, allentown, 47 and reading 38-degrees. philadelphia on the edge, 47. satellite 6 and action radar showing the clearing north of philadelphia right now. tomorrow will be a day, not bright sunshine all day but a mix of clouds and sun and milder than today and yesterday. 441 at 6:00, 8:44-degrees throuh the day, temperatures climb up to the 60s. 67-degrees the record high is 68 set in 1976. it's going to be close. allentown 63. cool spot along the shore, water temperature in the 40s, the air temperature in the 50s. tomorrow night, a few scattered showers around 11:00. wednesday, looking unsettled, the latest model showing thunderstorms at 8:30, heating up with temperatures in the 70s. healahead of a cold front we cod have a squall line of gusting thunderstorms rolling through. there is an indication of damaging wind for the system and behind that temperatures stepping down for the weekend. pretty nice day as we end february, the warmest february on record. clouds mixed with breaks of sunshine, not completely tbrieght and sunny, a high of 6. wednesday, it's warm, 74-degrees, thunderstorms in the morning, a potent line in the afternoon and behind the system, the return of sunshine, windy and temperatures step down, 53 thursday, friday down to 42. could have a rain or snow shower. the weekend, 47 saturday. sunday, 57-degrees and monday, very mild but increasing clouds with a high of 60-degrees. tomorrow, the nicest day of the week. wednesday warmer but unsettled. >> jimmy kimmel could have interesting things to say about last night. his show is 11:35 after "action news." here's a preview. >> thank, jim. we have a post oscar recap tonight. i didn't pull a prank. if i pulled a prank, i wouldn't have had the wrong winner on the envelope, when they opened it, there would have been a bed, bath and beyond coupon in it. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 150 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. >> we should not be surprised if we don't see joel embid the rest of the season? >> i would say it's a good chance they put him on the shelf. there is still swelling in his left knee and he's out of the lineup indefinitely. there was hope he would come back friday. he was set for another mri today, no word on the results. he hasn't plained sincian 27th. >> sixers and warriors, seth seh curry three point specialist, 0 for 11 from downtown, still 19 points. sixers hanging around. sixers down 58-56. sixers are careless with the basketball, 23 turnovers. kevin durrant scores a game high 27. sixers lose 119-108. >> i don't know how to beat those guys. they are tough. for a team to have to play them four times in the series is tough on the team. >> we are five weeks from the philly season opener. phillies host the rays in clear water. franco is hot in the fourth inning, third home run and five at bat. phillies come up short, 7-2. we talk flyers after the break. >> did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. >> the nhl suspended brandon manning for a late hit in saturday's loss to the penguins. flyers have taken on a more serious tone lately, seven losses in the last nine games. >> everyone is frustrated and we can't point fingers. everyone has to be better. everyone has to give more. >> high school hoops, the philadelphia catholic league championship, first half good defense lead to great offense. how about that there. woodwyns 65-68. the catholic league girls hold off archbishop wood 35-30. congratulations to them. that's sports. >> thank you, ducis. a newtown square couple thanked the men and women who played a major role saving their son's life. two-year-old luke mccabe wore a firefighter jacket as he posed with his heros. they came to his aid when he went into cardiac arrest. all of them were honored with a life saving award. he spent a month in the hospital. he's doing great. "jimmy kimmel live" live next followed by "nightline." guests, eliminated bachelor contestant corinne. action news continues at 4:30. i'm jim gardner. goodnight. ♪ ♪ all right, we've reached the halfway point of the show. now this is my favorite part of the night is here. a chance here to present our final oscar on the anniversary of the great "bonnie and clyde" please welcome warn beatty and faye dunaway -- [ laughter ] >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- academy award winner mahershala ali, comedian mike birbiglia, from "the bachelor," corrine, and guillermo on the oscars red carpet. and "mean tweets robert de niro edition." and now, right back at it, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. welcome. thanks, it's embarrassing. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thank you, thank you. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. [ cheers and applause ] i don't know if you know this, i hosted the oscars last night. [ cheers and applause ] i'll admit i was fishing. what a weird thing though. have any of you ever hosted the oscars before? well, let me tell you about it. except for the end, it was a lot of fun. [ laughter ] went very well. we were chugging along. then all of a sudden out of nowhere, it turned into one of those maury povich paternity test shows. [ laughter ] it was the weirdest tv finale since "lost." as i'm sure you've heard, "la la land" was simultaneously somehow the biggest winner and loser last night. you know it's a strange night when the word "envelope" is trending on twitter. in case you missed it, warn beatty and faye dunaway, the 50th anniversary of "bonnie and clyde," the academy asked them to present best picture, biggest award of the night, the last one they give out. so warren and faye come out with the envelope. and, well, here's where the story starts. >> and the academy award -- for best picture -- >> you're awful. come on. >> "la la land." confused so he handed it to faye and let her read it. [ laughter ] in other words, clyde threw bonnie under the bus. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] slick move. very slick move. so faye dunaway announce s "la a land" as best picture, it was the favorite to win, "la la land" producers got on stage, which made sense. a few of them gave speeches. and i'm now sitting in the audience watching these speeches. the plan is for me to end the show from the audience in a seat next to matt damon, who i want you to make no mistake, whatever confusion about who won, matt damon lost. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] he is a loser. but we're sitting there. and we notice some commotion going on. and matt says, i think i heard the stage manager say they got the winner wrong. the stage manager's on the stage -- the stage manager's never on camera, it's very unusual. we're sitting there. you figure, well, you know. the host will go on stage and clear this up. then i remember, oh, i'm the host. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so i go, all right. well, i just walk up the stairs. and as soon as i get up there, this happens. >> guys, guys, i'm sorry, no. there's a mistake. "moonlight," you guys won best picture. "moonlight" won. this is not a joke. this is not a joke, i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. this is not a joke. "moonlight" has won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. >> jimmy: kind of scary in a way. that was the producer of "la la land" who thought he won, standing there holding an oscar they're going to take away from him. my first instinct was to tell him to run. [ laughter ] take the oscar and get out. but he didn't. now there's mass confusion. the audience is confused. the people standing around me are confused. i assume everyone at home is confused. and i'm probably supposed to do something. because no one's doing anything. and then warren beatty steps up to explain. >> hello. i want -- >> warren, what did you do? >> i want to tell you what happened. i opened the envelope. and it said, "emma stone, la la land." that's why i took such a long look at faye. and at you. i wasn't trying to be funny. >> jimmy: well, you were funny. >> thank you very much, thank you very much. >> jimmy: wow. >> this is "moonlight," the best picture. >> jimmy: yeah, well, there you go. "moonlight" was the best picture. now so we have the producers of two movies on stage. who the hell even knows who is who from which movie? i'm standing there like an idiot, feeling bad for these guys, also trying really hard not to laugh to be honest. [ laughter ] and i see, now i see denzel washington in the front row trying to get my attention. he's gesturing, he's pointing. i don't know what he's pointing. he yells "barry!" what? barry! i figure out buriy r berry jenk director of "moonlight," is standing behind me, denzel wants him at the microphone to make a speech, which makes sense. thank god denzel was there to make sense. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i'm listening to denzel, as i should. i got barry, he spoke, not for very long. another quick speech. then everyone just stood there again, shell shocked. and i ended the show. [ laughter ] as i walked offstage people started speculating saying, oh, did you pull a prank? i was like, hey, no, i didn't! i did not pull a prank! if i'd pulled a prank, i wouldn't have just had the wrong winner's name on the envelope, there would have been a bed, bath and beyond coupon in there. [ laughter ] it was not a prank. the producers of "la la land" were very gracious, which they did not have to be, onstage and off, they were very nice. they handled it well. it was a very amicable custody arrangement. they didn't ask for visitation or anything. so after the show, i went back in the green room to talk to warren beatty. still nobody knows what happened. and he showed me the evidence. you know, when you do a show, you aren't just the host, you're the lead detective. you're like the sheriff of the show. [ laughter ] warren beatty could be in prison if i wanted him. the card he had said "la la land." which is weird. because emma stone, who won best actress for "la la land," was in the press room doing interviews saying this -- >> i was holding my best actress in a leading role card that entire time. so whatever story -- i don't mean to start stuff. whatever story that was, i had that card. >> so she said she had the card. but i was with warren and he had the card. turns out they both had the card. for whatever reason. they have two of each card in each envelope. there's a regular envelope and a backup. just to make it more confusing. [ laughter ] so the accountants gave warren the wrong card. and they apologized for it today. so it wasn't warren beatty's fault. faye dunaway mate quite a getaway. [ laughter ] she got the hell out of there, read the wrong name and split, shouldn't nod part of it. she was smart too. i spent the whole rest of the night answering questions about it. it was quite an evening, it really was. one person who was not affected at all by the commotion last night was chrissy teigen, the supermodel who is married to john legend. here she is just before they gave out the oscar for best actress. ♪ fast asleep on her husband's shoulder. [ laughter ] literally in la la land. also the man with the beard behind her, that's my dad. he managed to stay awake, he's in his 70s. by the way, oscar day was even more dramatic than oscar night. during rehearsal, noon yesterday, a huge part of the set collapsed. two giant, i mean 25, 30-foot tall structures, these big buildings, see those big buildings? i was onstage, i stepped offstage as part of rehearsal, they both came crashing down. and it was -- it scared the crap out of everybody. a lot of people thought a bomb went off. my wife shoved our daughter under a table to protect her. somehow, even though we had 15 cameras going, nobody got this on video. we did take a picture. you can see these things, they're made out of wood, someone easily could have been crushed. it was not me, i had the reflexes of spider-man. [ laughter ] a regular human could have been crushed by that thing. so the envelope was a distant second in the disaster category yesterday. not many people know this, the dolby theater was built on an ancient indian burial ground. [ laughter ] [ applause ] fortunately nobody was hurt. if i'd been hit, i could have been the first person in history to both host and appear in the in memoriam montage on the same show. speaking of the in memoriam montage, a little bit of a mix-up there too last night. ♪ ♪ >> well, that woman there who passed away, janet patterson, that is not janet patterson. that's a producer named jan chapman, very much alive. they put a photo of a live person in the in memoriam. which technically, according to academy rules, means we now have to kill her. [ laughter ] seeing yourself in an in memoriam montage, probably one of the more surprising ways to find out you died. [ laughter ] it's nice to be back hosting a show -- [ cheers and applause ] where things went well. things go wrong, no one cares. we have a real live oscar winner with us, from "moonlight," the best supporting actor in all the land, mahershala ali is here. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. the very funny mike birbiglia is here. did you have fun last night? >> guillermo: yeah, a lot of fun. >> jimmy: how late did you stay out? >> guillermo: midnight. >> jimmy: not bad. every year the stars walk the red carpet, guillermo is there. i've learned they now expect tequila from you. >> guillermo: everybody loves tequila. >> jimmy: talking to scarlett johansson, she said guillermo was there he had tequila, it was so great. you're like one of those st. bernards with the barrel of rum around its neck. anyway, the stars were out in hollywood last night. our very own guillermo was there to get them drunk and filed this exclusive report from the oscars red carpet. ♪ ♪ >> guillermo: it's me, guillermo, talking to famous people on the red carpet, like this guy. >> your boss is inside, you're out here. >> what's your name? i'm the guy comes on your show, last time i saw you was your birthday. >> what do you want to say to the haters? >> wish you were here, don't you? >> are you nominated? >> the movie i'm in, "hacksaw ridge," the director andrew garfield as well. >> are you going to try hard next year? >> try hard to be nominated, give it a little more effort. i gave it a lot, just shy. a couple of days i slept in. next year. >> next year for sure. >> for sure. >> how are you? >> do you know who i am? >> yes, bob iger. >> not bad, you can work for another year. >> oh, that's good. can you do me a favor? >> sure. or maybe. >> if you see jimmy kimmel, he needs to sign my card so i can get paid. >> i can sign it. >> oh, yeah, sign it. i get paid overtime on sunday. that's right, overtime, baby. do you want a fortune cookie? >> sure. >> okay. >> people are naturally attracted to you. >> wow. that's right. i think it's true. >> they're so right. >> i am very attracted to you. >> oh, very good. >> thank you. >> i love you! oh my god! she's the best! wow! >> i'd love a tequila. >> yeah? right here. hola. >> that's a handbag, darling. >> yeah, it is. look. then you go like this. like that. and then you go like this. then you go like this. >> i'm smelling it first. how did you know what i wanted? that's nice. >> it's tequila? >> it's inside. try it. good? >> i really appreciate that. >> thank you very much. >> no thank you. >> are you trashed? >> a little bit. >> no, i'm good. >> i like your style. >> i like your style. >> we should probably kiss. >> what? >> we should probably kiss. >> we should kiss, me and you? [ bleep ] it. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> this is the best day of my life. how's it going with matt damon? >> fantastic. >> no, it's terrible. >> he's a great man. you know what, this is going to come around and bite you in the ass one day. >> no, he's terrible. >> what do you want me to say? i love matt damon. >> casey, come here, casey, come here! casey, look, casey! you're directed to come over here, you're the director, come over here. >> come over here. see, he doesn't listen to me. >> do you have the right reason? >> to see jimmy? i'm here to support jimmy. i heard he's nervous. thank you very much. >> good luck. i love you. >> i love you. >> matt damon sucks. which one is the best picture of the year? >> "moonlight." >> no, this is the best picture of the year. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> two minutes to go. i'm hoping for a big, big, famous celeb right. i got to talk to directors -- >> it doesn't surprise me. he makes me stand out here -- >> i'm sorry, we've run out of time. back to you, jimmy! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you did the right thing, thank you, guillermo. we have to take a break. we have quite a show. corinne from "the bachelor" and a special all robert de niro edition of "mean tweets," so stick around, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ b-i-g m-a-c get it! ♪ b-i-g m-a-c ♪ oh you got a fresh fade? ♪ closed a big deal today. chorus: there's a big mac for that! ♪ got that old school flow? ♪ you just came into some dough! ♪ chorus: big mac for that! ♪ uh, beat the boss. ♪ ha! need that special sauce? chorus: there's a big mac for that! ♪ oh! found your keys. ♪ hit some 3's, love melted cheese? ♪ chorus: there's a big mac for that! woah! juicy, cheesy, iconic big mac. now in three sizes, but only for a limited time. i'm lovin' it! ♪ ba da ba ba ba you've got mail! what did you think i'd look like? i'm wire-y. net. uh, i love stuff. give me more stuff. 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[ laughter ] of course that means he invited her to have sex. they can call it whatever they want. i love this part of the show. at this point nick knows which one he's going to pick, he has to, right? but before he makes that final dive into a relationship, he wants to get a little sex in. [ laughter ] so it's almost like his bachelor party, except after a bachelor party the guy actually does get married. in this case it's "the bachelor." nick invited raven to the fantasy suite where she dropped a major bombshell. >> i need to remind you of two things. >> okay. >> one, i've only been with one person. >> okay. >> keep that on your mind. >> i've kept it in mind. >> the second thing is that my last boyfriend, my ex, that i was intimate with, never made me orgasm. >> jimmy: all right, well. [ cheers and applause ] let me take off this turtle neck. that was a 200-mile-an-hour fastball thrown at the head. hey, glen, your ex-girlfriend was on tv last night talking about you! [ laughter ] oh, yeah, she said good things, i hope, huh? that might have been the most devastating off-camera attack ever on "the bachelor." see if we can get in touch with raven's ex-boyfriend, i'd love to know his reaction. [ cheers and applause ] also tonight we lost a major star of this show. the villain of the season, corinne. corinne is the one who has a nanny, very rich, everybody hates her. things ended as badly for corinne tonight as they did for "la la land" last night. >> will you accept this rose? >> yes. >> i'm sorry. >> listen, you didn't do anything wrong. >> jimmy: i just don't ever want to see you again. [ laughter ] it's down to vanessa, raven, and rachel. i had vanessa, rachel and corinne in my preseason final four. corinne is off the show but she'll be with us, a talk with her and hopefully her nanny if the nanny is there too. last night halfway through the show we had a special edition of "mean tweets" with natalie portman, ryan gosling, emma stone, sam jackson, robert de niro, find it on youtube. when we do these, shoot them, we have each person read a bunch of tweets, then we pick the best one. for robert de niro, they were all good ones. [ laughter ] we decided to do something we've only done with president obama, an entire edition of "mean tweets" dedicated to one person. kind of like a director's cut. an all-demere i don't version of "mean tweets." [ cheers and applause ] >> welcome to my class on imitating robert de niro. the first step is to always contort your face like you just heard your grandma fart. good. good what? good. is this all you have to do in your life? you write these kind of things, whoever wrote this? there are now two things visible from space. the great wall of china, robert demeer de niro's mole, ha ha. who are you? some [ bleep ] 15-year-old, nothing better to do with your life? robert de niro looks like a wrinkled potato. [ bleep ] you. what kind of infantile humor is this? robert de niro eat [ bleep ] and die you worthless piece of [ bleep ]. you eat [ bleep ] and die, you worthless piece of [ bleep ]. you probably are a worthless piece of [ bleep ] and feel that way about yourself so [ bleep ] you. my nana's broken her nose and she looks like robert de niro, it's such a shame. [ bleep ] you. dude needs to start playing grandfather roles or something. yeah, i am playing grandfather roles. and pretty soon i'll be playing great grandfather roles. [ bleep ] you. robert de niro is not a good fella, he as p.o.s., piece of [ bleep ]. you can what you can do? you can suck my [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] scumbag. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] happy? >> jimmy: thanks, sir robert de niro and all the mean people who made that happen. mike birbiglia, corinne from "the bachelor," and be right back with oscar winner may chhe sha law ali! ♪ how do you become america's best-selling brand? you make it detect what they don't. stop, stop, stop! sorry. you make it sense what's coming. watch, watch, watch! mom. relax! i'm relaxed. you make it for 16-year olds... whoa-whoa-whoa!!! and the parents who worry about them. you saw him, right? going further to help make drivers, better drivers. don't freak out on me. that's ford. and that's how you become america's best-selling brand. slow wifi at home... guess i'm studyingthat is rough.night. you know... ipad pro has lte like your phone, so you can get internet pretty much anywhere. anywhere! >> jimmy: hi there, we're look. tonight the latest lady to be eliminated from "the bachelor," the one with the nanny. one of the most talked about contestants in the long and magical history of the show, corinne olympios. she was sent home tonight and we'll find out how she's holding up. then, a very funny man. he's got a new comedy special on netflix called "thank god for jokes," mike birbiglia. [ cheers and applause ]

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Arkansas , United States , Canada , Millville , Pennsylvania , Norristown , Chester County , Philadelphia , China , Delaware , California , Newtown Square , Montgomery County , Dover , Jewish Cemetery , Hollywood , Mount Carmel Cemetery , Allentown , Westchester , America , Bbob Iger , Seth , Jenny Franky , Luke Mccabe , Jimmy Kimmel , Subaru Impreza , Jeanette Reyes , Natalie Portman , Janet Patterson , Sam Jackson , Robert De Niro , Jan Chapman , Scarlett Johansson , Kevin Durrant , Matt Damon , Nba , Faye Dunaway , Brandon Manning , Warren Beatty , Berry Jenkins , Wendy Saltzman , Denzel Washington , Christie Ileto , Ryan Gosling , Jim Gardner ,

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170228 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170228

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cemetery and bombings at a jewish day school. attorney general jeff sessions ll attacks and threats a serious and disruptive practice. it's monday night and the big story on "action news" is the current wave of anti-jewish violence and attempts of intimidation across 12 states today and it has hit the valley, first to be vandalized mount carmel cemetery at the wisin wises wissinoming f philadelphia. >> there is an out pours as far as canada wanting to right a wrong. there are monuments to loved ones, some that stood on the hallowed grounds half a century. it's one night whose destruction is felt well beyond mount carpal mel cemetery. >> over 100 tomb stones monuments to bloffed mothers and grandmothers. whether it was kicks or hate, there are comments even from the white house. >> from our country's founding, we are dedicated to protecting our rights to worship. this caused people to come together to try to repair the damage calls from people wanting to help have been pouring in. >> we have a telephone call from someone from canada that wanted to drive down and fix the head stones or a group of parents that wanted to bring their kids from washington d.c. to help. >> councilman bob heenen said the electrical worker union is stepping up to help repair damage and install security cameras. >> we are sending a message that we won't tolerate this kind of disgrace. >> beginning tomorrow the jewish federation will begin organizing clean yo ups noon to 4:00 each . i'm dann cuellar, channel6 "action news." >> thank you, dan. the fbi investigating another wave of bomb threats targeting jewish community schools and in this area, the school in delaware was evacuated this morning as did the cats jcc in pearl hills, also in winwood a threat called in there. religious leaders are standing shoulder to shoulder in the jewish community. priests, imams, rabbis gathered at the theological center for the first of many meetings. they are inviting the public to join them against hate this thursday at noon here on independence mall. >> a dart bus ended up in a grassy area off the highway after colliding with a car in newport delaware. it happened on i-95 south of the route 141 interchange. police say four passengers onboard the bus and two people many the car were hurt. a second car was involved in the collision. nobody from that vehicle was injured. a rash of home invasions in chester county has authorities trying to figure out if they are connected. the latest happened in east brandy wine, the latest victim a 72-year-old woman. christie ileto is lye at the d.a.'s office in westchester. what's the latest there? >> jim, residents fear this is becoming too common in chester county. there have been a handful of these type of incidents since last june and it's unclear if it's random or targeted. >> a 72-year-old woman spent four days in her own east brandy wine home trapped. >> she was found with a reusable shopping bag on her head. >> usually a quiet road, jenny franky had no idea this violence was unfolding next door. >> i was really scared. it upsets me that something this close happened. >> this is the latest violent home invasion in chester county in the latest of seven since june, geographically, it appears they are in the same vicinity of the county and authorities are exploring whether the cases are linked, leaving many who live here unsettled. >> it bothers the living hell out of me. things like this don't happen out here, except it's happened. >> we have to be more alert, more individua vigilant. >> that 72-year-old was taken to an area hospital. the suspect made off with her vehicle and anyone with information about that incident or any other home invasions are asked to contact authorities. christie ileto, channel6 "action news." >> bill cosby was back in montgomery county court in norristown. we now know a jury will be brought in from another local. cosby's lawyers argued to move to philadelphia or pittsburg but the judge denied that. the supreme court will decide from which county the injury will be elected. cosby is accused of drugging a woman in his home in 2004. >> a male nurse facing charges of videotaping a 17-year-old while changing is facing charges tonight. james close is in the bucks county jail. he will be arraigned in the morning. >> president trump has begun to piece a budget together. the big story here, he wants a $54 billion surge in military spending. that would amount to an almost 10% increase for the pentagon, money for new aircraft, ships and fighters. trump will balance the jump with $54 billion in cuts in domestic programs and foreign aid. then there's healthcare. trump met with executives from health insurance companies today and admitted making changes to obama care will be difficult saying nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated. trump will address the nation tomorrow night. the speech could set the tone for months to come. president trump will have help promoting his building agenda now that ross is chair of commerce. "action news" will have continuing coverage from washington tomorrow. anchor monica malpass will report live leading up to and following president trump's address to congress. we invite you to join us on "6abc" and "6abc".com. >> the animal care and control team of philadelphia is getting a help hand from the pennsylvania spca, and the result of that partnership could be the saving of animal's lives. "action news" reporter jeanette reyes explains. >> some of these dogs are days away from being adopted into a forever home. for others, these could be thesr lives. >> euthanasia is one of the things we want to avoid. it happens in our shelter, probably about 5,000 animals a year. >> the animal control team in philadelphia is the largest facility of its kind taking in 26,000 animals a year. it's currently undergoing a renovation project to cut capacity from 150 to 50 dogs. >> half of our kennels are not being used because of the construction. >> our hope is that instead of animals coming in, we can get them into the pennsylvania spca. the spca has been here much of the afternoon diverting dog owners that have come to surrender the pets. remi is the ambassador, making sure the dogs feel comfortable. >> we do everything we can to help out animals here. >> volunteers will show up three days a week and save dogs from being euthanized. the partnership between act and spca is new, but the need for the public's help isn't. adoption is ideal but even foster care would make a difference for the shelter and animals. >> reporting in june yet ta park, jeanette reyes, "action news." >> still to come tonight, one of these days, alice, straight to the moon. spacex announced when it's going to start taking paying passengers on lunar vacations. plus the dramatic twist to end the oscars. tonight, an official apology and how distraction from social media could have been the same. cecily? >> i have the next few days of weather and what's come in the forecast. >> wendy saltzman is breaking news details from her investigation into concerns about miralax. >> wendy? >> doctors speaking out for the first time to "action news" responding to claims that miralax has caused issues in children. we have new information about the hospital study including how parents can enroll and new numbers suggest it's a bigger issue. >> and ducis rogers, word on joel embid, what is his health situation? that and more on "action news" as it continues tonight. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru. >> a plane crashed into two homes in river side, california, killing one person and injuring five others. the sess na went down just after take off. victims were pulled from inside the burning building. a woman thought the crash was an earthquake. an investigation making national headlines has revealed that parent's concerns of a medication is sickening children. following miralax we found reports from across the country. wendy saltzman has developments for us tonight. wendy, a story that has struck a cord. >> absolutely. tons of parents reached out to us asking what to do, desperate for answers saying after their children were prescribed miralax, the behavior started. now we have answers from the experts including details on the hospital study and resources where parents can turn. >> i didn't feel like a normal kid. >> nicole was placed on miralax at three and a half years old. i wanted to kill my sister and i was four. >> it was similar to the stories other families shared after they say miralax was prescribed to treat their children's constipation. >> overnight, he acted out of character. >> miralax is made up of peg3350. the label says for use in adults 17 and older and for no more than seven kids were prescribed and in some cases, long use. >> currently, it >> a go to medica medication. >> now doctors are speaking about about mer miralax. they say there is no evidence that it causes harm. >> we don't have information to say it's an unsafe medication. >> there was insufficient data to link it with serious abnormalities to children. >> we dug through this, a 3900 page document of 14,000 reports through 2016 and found more than five times as many. the fda records document 950 children who have reported adverse events after taking miralax, mouth sores, suicidal thoughts and seizures. there are several limitations including that the reports don't necessarily prove a relationship between the product and the event and said the fda has considered the reports and at this time doesn't believe additional warnings or other changes are warranted. >> if a parent is concerned about the side effects of miralax or any other medication, they should stop the medication. she wouldn't talk about the study commissioned in 2014, but apparently, it hasn't started yet. after our report they published a statement online saying researchers have not begun enrolling children. once enrollment is begun, the news will be contacted. >> nicole 19 says her memories are filled with pain and hopes other families will think twice before giving their children mermiralax. >> i don't feel i got to live a normal childhood. >> to learn how to report an adverse event, go to our website. we have a link there. bayer told us there have been plenty of studies conducted demonstrating safet safety for t and long-term use in children. we have their statement on >> without saying miralax is a problem or not, there are alternatives to miralax to people that might be concerned. >> people that are critics say try the alternatives first. parents know best what is best for their children and should seek consultation from doctors. >> ta cat ta is blamed for covering up an airbag defect that has caused deaths. they agreed to be sold off of merge with another company. many of its airbag inflaters under recall explode with too much essentially turning into a grenade during a crash. >> a surprise announcement from spacex today. they are planning a moon shot mission sending two tourists to the moon and back. they won't say how much they are paying, nor are they identifying them. they won't land on the moon, loop around it and come back. it should take a week. they intend to launch by the end of next year. now to the epic oscar fiasco. the accountant responsible for the worst gap in academy award's history tweeted a picture of emma stone back page. the picture has been deleted. the accountant handed beatty a second copy of the emma stone best act trees envelope not for best film. price water house cooper issued a statement today, we sincerely apologize for the error made during the award announcement for best picture. that's the apology. the question is, will this guy be working at the academy awards next year? we'll see. anybody can make a mistake. >> and they are getting a lot of publicity out of this. may be a good thing. >> accuweather forecast. is that a good thing? >> depends on what you like. it's going to be warm. >> i like warm and sunny. >> warm but not sunny and stormy. tracker 6 live double scan showing sprinkles to the south, a lot of it not reaching the ground, but creating cloud cover. temperatures are warmer to the south. millville 51, dover 50, allentown, 47 and reading 38-degrees. philadelphia on the edge, 47. satellite 6 and action radar showing the clearing north of philadelphia right now. tomorrow will be a day, not bright sunshine all day but a mix of clouds and sun and milder than today and yesterday. 441 at 6:00, 8:44-degrees throuh the day, temperatures climb up to the 60s. 67-degrees the record high is 68 set in 1976. it's going to be close. allentown 63. cool spot along the shore, water temperature in the 40s, the air temperature in the 50s. tomorrow night, a few scattered showers around 11:00. wednesday, looking unsettled, the latest model showing thunderstorms at 8:30, heating up with temperatures in the 70s. healahead of a cold front we cod have a squall line of gusting thunderstorms rolling through. there is an indication of damaging wind for the system and behind that temperatures stepping down for the weekend. pretty nice day as we end february, the warmest february on record. clouds mixed with breaks of sunshine, not completely tbrieght and sunny, a high of 6. wednesday, it's warm, 74-degrees, thunderstorms in the morning, a potent line in the afternoon and behind the system, the return of sunshine, windy and temperatures step down, 53 thursday, friday down to 42. could have a rain or snow shower. the weekend, 47 saturday. sunday, 57-degrees and monday, very mild but increasing clouds with a high of 60-degrees. tomorrow, the nicest day of the week. wednesday warmer but unsettled. >> jimmy kimmel could have interesting things to say about last night. his show is 11:35 after "action news." here's a preview. >> thank, jim. we have a post oscar recap tonight. i didn't pull a prank. if i pulled a prank, i wouldn't have had the wrong winner on the envelope, when they opened it, there would have been a bed, bath and beyond coupon in it. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 150 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. >> we should not be surprised if we don't see joel embid the rest of the season? >> i would say it's a good chance they put him on the shelf. there is still swelling in his left knee and he's out of the lineup indefinitely. there was hope he would come back friday. he was set for another mri today, no word on the results. he hasn't plained sincian 27th. >> sixers and warriors, seth seh curry three point specialist, 0 for 11 from downtown, still 19 points. sixers hanging around. sixers down 58-56. sixers are careless with the basketball, 23 turnovers. kevin durrant scores a game high 27. sixers lose 119-108. >> i don't know how to beat those guys. they are tough. for a team to have to play them four times in the series is tough on the team. >> we are five weeks from the philly season opener. phillies host the rays in clear water. franco is hot in the fourth inning, third home run and five at bat. phillies come up short, 7-2. we talk flyers after the break. >> did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. >> the nhl suspended brandon manning for a late hit in saturday's loss to the penguins. flyers have taken on a more serious tone lately, seven losses in the last nine games. >> everyone is frustrated and we can't point fingers. everyone has to be better. everyone has to give more. >> high school hoops, the philadelphia catholic league championship, first half good defense lead to great offense. how about that there. woodwyns 65-68. the catholic league girls hold off archbishop wood 35-30. congratulations to them. that's sports. >> thank you, ducis. a newtown square couple thanked the men and women who played a major role saving their son's life. two-year-old luke mccabe wore a firefighter jacket as he posed with his heros. they came to his aid when he went into cardiac arrest. all of them were honored with a life saving award. he spent a month in the hospital. he's doing great. "jimmy kimmel live" live next followed by "nightline." guests, eliminated bachelor contestant corinne. action news continues at 4:30. i'm jim gardner. goodnight. ♪ ♪ all right, we've reached the halfway point of the show. now this is my favorite part of the night is here. a chance here to present our final oscar on the anniversary of the great "bonnie and clyde" please welcome warn beatty and faye dunaway -- [ laughter ] >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- academy award winner mahershala ali, comedian mike birbiglia, from "the bachelor," corrine, and guillermo on the oscars red carpet. and "mean tweets robert de niro edition." and now, right back at it, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. welcome. thanks, it's embarrassing. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thank you, thank you. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. [ cheers and applause ] i don't know if you know this, i hosted the oscars last night. [ cheers and applause ] i'll admit i was fishing. what a weird thing though. have any of you ever hosted the oscars before? well, let me tell you about it. except for the end, it was a lot of fun. [ laughter ] went very well. we were chugging along. then all of a sudden out of nowhere, it turned into one of those maury povich paternity test shows. [ laughter ] it was the weirdest tv finale since "lost." as i'm sure you've heard, "la la land" was simultaneously somehow the biggest winner and loser last night. you know it's a strange night when the word "envelope" is trending on twitter. in case you missed it, warn beatty and faye dunaway, the 50th anniversary of "bonnie and clyde," the academy asked them to present best picture, biggest award of the night, the last one they give out. so warren and faye come out with the envelope. and, well, here's where the story starts. >> and the academy award -- for best picture -- >> you're awful. come on. >> "la la land." confused so he handed it to faye and let her read it. [ laughter ] in other words, clyde threw bonnie under the bus. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] slick move. very slick move. so faye dunaway announce s "la a land" as best picture, it was the favorite to win, "la la land" producers got on stage, which made sense. a few of them gave speeches. and i'm now sitting in the audience watching these speeches. the plan is for me to end the show from the audience in a seat next to matt damon, who i want you to make no mistake, whatever confusion about who won, matt damon lost. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] he is a loser. but we're sitting there. and we notice some commotion going on. and matt says, i think i heard the stage manager say they got the winner wrong. the stage manager's on the stage -- the stage manager's never on camera, it's very unusual. we're sitting there. you figure, well, you know. the host will go on stage and clear this up. then i remember, oh, i'm the host. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so i go, all right. well, i just walk up the stairs. and as soon as i get up there, this happens. >> guys, guys, i'm sorry, no. there's a mistake. "moonlight," you guys won best picture. "moonlight" won. this is not a joke. this is not a joke, i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. this is not a joke. "moonlight" has won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. >> jimmy: kind of scary in a way. that was the producer of "la la land" who thought he won, standing there holding an oscar they're going to take away from him. my first instinct was to tell him to run. [ laughter ] take the oscar and get out. but he didn't. now there's mass confusion. the audience is confused. the people standing around me are confused. i assume everyone at home is confused. and i'm probably supposed to do something. because no one's doing anything. and then warren beatty steps up to explain. >> hello. i want -- >> warren, what did you do? >> i want to tell you what happened. i opened the envelope. and it said, "emma stone, la la land." that's why i took such a long look at faye. and at you. i wasn't trying to be funny. >> jimmy: well, you were funny. >> thank you very much, thank you very much. >> jimmy: wow. >> this is "moonlight," the best picture. >> jimmy: yeah, well, there you go. "moonlight" was the best picture. now so we have the producers of two movies on stage. who the hell even knows who is who from which movie? i'm standing there like an idiot, feeling bad for these guys, also trying really hard not to laugh to be honest. [ laughter ] and i see, now i see denzel washington in the front row trying to get my attention. he's gesturing, he's pointing. i don't know what he's pointing. he yells "barry!" what? barry! i figure out buriy r berry jenk director of "moonlight," is standing behind me, denzel wants him at the microphone to make a speech, which makes sense. thank god denzel was there to make sense. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i'm listening to denzel, as i should. i got barry, he spoke, not for very long. another quick speech. then everyone just stood there again, shell shocked. and i ended the show. [ laughter ] as i walked offstage people started speculating saying, oh, did you pull a prank? i was like, hey, no, i didn't! i did not pull a prank! if i'd pulled a prank, i wouldn't have just had the wrong winner's name on the envelope, there would have been a bed, bath and beyond coupon in there. [ laughter ] it was not a prank. the producers of "la la land" were very gracious, which they did not have to be, onstage and off, they were very nice. they handled it well. it was a very amicable custody arrangement. they didn't ask for visitation or anything. so after the show, i went back in the green room to talk to warren beatty. still nobody knows what happened. and he showed me the evidence. you know, when you do a show, you aren't just the host, you're the lead detective. you're like the sheriff of the show. [ laughter ] warren beatty could be in prison if i wanted him. the card he had said "la la land." which is weird. because emma stone, who won best actress for "la la land," was in the press room doing interviews saying this -- >> i was holding my best actress in a leading role card that entire time. so whatever story -- i don't mean to start stuff. whatever story that was, i had that card. >> so she said she had the card. but i was with warren and he had the card. turns out they both had the card. for whatever reason. they have two of each card in each envelope. there's a regular envelope and a backup. just to make it more confusing. [ laughter ] so the accountants gave warren the wrong card. and they apologized for it today. so it wasn't warren beatty's fault. faye dunaway mate quite a getaway. [ laughter ] she got the hell out of there, read the wrong name and split, shouldn't nod part of it. she was smart too. i spent the whole rest of the night answering questions about it. it was quite an evening, it really was. one person who was not affected at all by the commotion last night was chrissy teigen, the supermodel who is married to john legend. here she is just before they gave out the oscar for best actress. ♪ fast asleep on her husband's shoulder. [ laughter ] literally in la la land. also the man with the beard behind her, that's my dad. he managed to stay awake, he's in his 70s. by the way, oscar day was even more dramatic than oscar night. during rehearsal, noon yesterday, a huge part of the set collapsed. two giant, i mean 25, 30-foot tall structures, these big buildings, see those big buildings? i was onstage, i stepped offstage as part of rehearsal, they both came crashing down. and it was -- it scared the crap out of everybody. a lot of people thought a bomb went off. my wife shoved our daughter under a table to protect her. somehow, even though we had 15 cameras going, nobody got this on video. we did take a picture. you can see these things, they're made out of wood, someone easily could have been crushed. it was not me, i had the reflexes of spider-man. [ laughter ] a regular human could have been crushed by that thing. so the envelope was a distant second in the disaster category yesterday. not many people know this, the dolby theater was built on an ancient indian burial ground. [ laughter ] [ applause ] fortunately nobody was hurt. if i'd been hit, i could have been the first person in history to both host and appear in the in memoriam montage on the same show. speaking of the in memoriam montage, a little bit of a mix-up there too last night. ♪ ♪ >> well, that woman there who passed away, janet patterson, that is not janet patterson. that's a producer named jan chapman, very much alive. they put a photo of a live person in the in memoriam. which technically, according to academy rules, means we now have to kill her. [ laughter ] seeing yourself in an in memoriam montage, probably one of the more surprising ways to find out you died. [ laughter ] it's nice to be back hosting a show -- [ cheers and applause ] where things went well. things go wrong, no one cares. we have a real live oscar winner with us, from "moonlight," the best supporting actor in all the land, mahershala ali is here. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. the very funny mike birbiglia is here. did you have fun last night? >> guillermo: yeah, a lot of fun. >> jimmy: how late did you stay out? >> guillermo: midnight. >> jimmy: not bad. every year the stars walk the red carpet, guillermo is there. i've learned they now expect tequila from you. >> guillermo: everybody loves tequila. >> jimmy: talking to scarlett johansson, she said guillermo was there he had tequila, it was so great. you're like one of those st. bernards with the barrel of rum around its neck. anyway, the stars were out in hollywood last night. our very own guillermo was there to get them drunk and filed this exclusive report from the oscars red carpet. ♪ ♪ >> guillermo: it's me, guillermo, talking to famous people on the red carpet, like this guy. >> your boss is inside, you're out here. >> what's your name? i'm the guy comes on your show, last time i saw you was your birthday. >> what do you want to say to the haters? >> wish you were here, don't you? >> are you nominated? >> the movie i'm in, "hacksaw ridge," the director andrew garfield as well. >> are you going to try hard next year? >> try hard to be nominated, give it a little more effort. i gave it a lot, just shy. a couple of days i slept in. next year. >> next year for sure. >> for sure. >> how are you? >> do you know who i am? >> yes, bob iger. >> not bad, you can work for another year. >> oh, that's good. can you do me a favor? >> sure. or maybe. >> if you see jimmy kimmel, he needs to sign my card so i can get paid. >> i can sign it. >> oh, yeah, sign it. i get paid overtime on sunday. that's right, overtime, baby. do you want a fortune cookie? >> sure. >> okay. >> people are naturally attracted to you. >> wow. that's right. i think it's true. >> they're so right. >> i am very attracted to you. >> oh, very good. >> thank you. >> i love you! oh my god! she's the best! wow! >> i'd love a tequila. >> yeah? right here. hola. >> that's a handbag, darling. >> yeah, it is. look. then you go like this. like that. and then you go like this. then you go like this. >> i'm smelling it first. how did you know what i wanted? that's nice. >> it's tequila? >> it's inside. try it. good? >> i really appreciate that. >> thank you very much. >> no thank you. >> are you trashed? >> a little bit. >> no, i'm good. >> i like your style. >> i like your style. >> we should probably kiss. >> what? >> we should probably kiss. >> we should kiss, me and you? [ bleep ] it. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> this is the best day of my life. how's it going with matt damon? >> fantastic. >> no, it's terrible. >> he's a great man. you know what, this is going to come around and bite you in the ass one day. >> no, he's terrible. >> what do you want me to say? i love matt damon. >> casey, come here, casey, come here! casey, look, casey! you're directed to come over here, you're the director, come over here. >> come over here. see, he doesn't listen to me. >> do you have the right reason? >> to see jimmy? i'm here to support jimmy. i heard he's nervous. thank you very much. >> good luck. i love you. >> i love you. >> matt damon sucks. which one is the best picture of the year? >> "moonlight." >> no, this is the best picture of the year. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> two minutes to go. i'm hoping for a big, big, famous celeb right. i got to talk to directors -- >> it doesn't surprise me. he makes me stand out here -- >> i'm sorry, we've run out of time. back to you, jimmy! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you did the right thing, thank you, guillermo. we have to take a break. we have quite a show. corinne from "the bachelor" and a special all robert de niro edition of "mean tweets," so stick around, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ b-i-g m-a-c get it! ♪ b-i-g m-a-c ♪ oh you got a fresh fade? ♪ closed a big deal today. chorus: there's a big mac for that! ♪ got that old school flow? ♪ you just came into some dough! ♪ chorus: big mac for that! ♪ uh, beat the boss. ♪ ha! need that special sauce? chorus: there's a big mac for that! ♪ oh! found your keys. ♪ hit some 3's, love melted cheese? ♪ chorus: there's a big mac for that! woah! juicy, cheesy, iconic big mac. now in three sizes, but only for a limited time. i'm lovin' it! ♪ ba da ba ba ba you've got mail! what did you think i'd look like? i'm wire-y. net. uh, i love stuff. give me more stuff. (singing) we're no strangers to love i love that! hey, i know a bunch of people who'd like that. who's that? the internet loves what you're doing. so build a site in under an hour. start for free at godaddy. ♪ around and desert you when you hit 300,000 miles. or here, when you walked away without a scratch. maybe it was the day your baby came home. or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. every subaru is built to earn your trust. because we know what you're trusting us with. subaru. kelley blue book's most trusted brand. and best overall brand. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. before you turn it on. before you text email take a picture watch a show listen to music or make a call... we ensure your phone will go through our toughest safety check ever. introducing our 8-point battery safety check where's the car? it'll be here in three... uh four minutes. are you kidding me? no, looks like he took a wrong turn. don't worry, this guy's got like a four-star rating, we're good. his name is randy. that's like one of the most trustworthy names! ordering a getaway car with an app? are you randy? randy: that's me! thief: awesome! surprising. what's not surprising? how much money erin saved by switching to geico. everybody comfortable with the air temp? i could go a little cooler. ok. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. >> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back to our program. mahershala ali, mike big leah. a new episode of "the bachelor," fantasy suite night, bachelor nick invited one of his three remaining ladies -- raven, fashion boutique owner from arkansas, which is funny just in and of itself, to the fantasy suite. [ laughter ] of course that means he invited her to have sex. they can call it whatever they want. i love this part of the show. at this point nick knows which one he's going to pick, he has to, right? but before he makes that final dive into a relationship, he wants to get a little sex in. [ laughter ] so it's almost like his bachelor party, except after a bachelor party the guy actually does get married. in this case it's "the bachelor." nick invited raven to the fantasy suite where she dropped a major bombshell. >> i need to remind you of two things. >> okay. >> one, i've only been with one person. >> okay. >> keep that on your mind. >> i've kept it in mind. >> the second thing is that my last boyfriend, my ex, that i was intimate with, never made me orgasm. >> jimmy: all right, well. [ cheers and applause ] let me take off this turtle neck. that was a 200-mile-an-hour fastball thrown at the head. hey, glen, your ex-girlfriend was on tv last night talking about you! [ laughter ] oh, yeah, she said good things, i hope, huh? that might have been the most devastating off-camera attack ever on "the bachelor." see if we can get in touch with raven's ex-boyfriend, i'd love to know his reaction. [ cheers and applause ] also tonight we lost a major star of this show. the villain of the season, corinne. corinne is the one who has a nanny, very rich, everybody hates her. things ended as badly for corinne tonight as they did for "la la land" last night. >> will you accept this rose? >> yes. >> i'm sorry. >> listen, you didn't do anything wrong. >> jimmy: i just don't ever want to see you again. [ laughter ] it's down to vanessa, raven, and rachel. i had vanessa, rachel and corinne in my preseason final four. corinne is off the show but she'll be with us, a talk with her and hopefully her nanny if the nanny is there too. last night halfway through the show we had a special edition of "mean tweets" with natalie portman, ryan gosling, emma stone, sam jackson, robert de niro, find it on youtube. when we do these, shoot them, we have each person read a bunch of tweets, then we pick the best one. for robert de niro, they were all good ones. [ laughter ] we decided to do something we've only done with president obama, an entire edition of "mean tweets" dedicated to one person. kind of like a director's cut. an all-demere i don't version of "mean tweets." [ cheers and applause ] >> welcome to my class on imitating robert de niro. the first step is to always contort your face like you just heard your grandma fart. good. good what? good. is this all you have to do in your life? you write these kind of things, whoever wrote this? there are now two things visible from space. the great wall of china, robert demeer de niro's mole, ha ha. who are you? some [ bleep ] 15-year-old, nothing better to do with your life? robert de niro looks like a wrinkled potato. [ bleep ] you. what kind of infantile humor is this? robert de niro eat [ bleep ] and die you worthless piece of [ bleep ]. you eat [ bleep ] and die, you worthless piece of [ bleep ]. you probably are a worthless piece of [ bleep ] and feel that way about yourself so [ bleep ] you. my nana's broken her nose and she looks like robert de niro, it's such a shame. [ bleep ] you. dude needs to start playing grandfather roles or something. yeah, i am playing grandfather roles. and pretty soon i'll be playing great grandfather roles. [ bleep ] you. robert de niro is not a good fella, he as p.o.s., piece of [ bleep ]. you can what you can do? you can suck my [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] scumbag. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] happy? >> jimmy: thanks, sir robert de niro and all the mean people who made that happen. mike birbiglia, corinne from "the bachelor," and be right back with oscar winner may chhe sha law ali! ♪ how do you become america's best-selling brand? you make it detect what they don't. stop, stop, stop! sorry. you make it sense what's coming. watch, watch, watch! mom. relax! i'm relaxed. you make it for 16-year olds... whoa-whoa-whoa!!! and the parents who worry about them. you saw him, right? going further to help make drivers, better drivers. don't freak out on me. that's ford. and that's how you become america's best-selling brand. slow wifi at home... guess i'm studyingthat is rough.night. you know... ipad pro has lte like your phone, so you can get internet pretty much anywhere. anywhere! >> jimmy: hi there, we're look. tonight the latest lady to be eliminated from "the bachelor," the one with the nanny. one of the most talked about contestants in the long and magical history of the show, corinne olympios. she was sent home tonight and we'll find out how she's holding up. then, a very funny man. he's got a new comedy special on netflix called "thank god for jokes," mike birbiglia. [ cheers and applause ]

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