Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170221 : comparemela

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170221

olney. authorities say the suspects shot at officers but none were hurt. the officers didn't return fire. they chased the men to fisher park. a search is under way. additional manpower is being brought to the scene to find the gunmen. >> there has been a second incident of kidnapping, robbery and sexual assault in northern delaware and police believe the same man is behind both attacks. "action news" reporter jeanette reyes is live at the scene of last night's abduction. what do police know about the man? >> jim one thing police say someone who knows the suspect might recognize is that he spoke to himself out loud about the victim's presence and what he would do to them. residents say they are worried he might strike again. >> a honda civic -- >> this is the dispatch call moments after a woman broke away from her abductor. >> it was operated by the unknown male. he kidnapped the owner of the vehicle. happened sunday night around 7:45 as the victim arri home. she was confronted by a masked man armed with a gun. the suspect forced her into her apartment where he physically sexual assaulted her. >> it's scary knowing that happened so close. >> the terrifying ordeal far oveo last sunday's incident the victim was to several atms in the area to withdra >> nothing happens like that around here. >> residents are tnd man will strik. some say it's serious precautions. carried me with her tonight. >> i'm g a taser. >> i got back from cabela's looking to buy a firearm. >> residents can't help but feel on edge until an arrest is made. >> my girlfriend doesn't feel safe around here. she wants him to be caught so we can live our lives. >> both victims said the man had an accent yet they have not identified it. there is $20,000 offered for information that will lead to an ar reyes, "action news." >> thank you jeanette. we have breaking news tonight. police are looking for a car they think was stolen, and a child is still inside the car. happened when a delivery driver was making a delivery on the 4600 block of north siddonham in logan. they believe a child was in the backbackseat. police are now and we are showing you from chopper 6 in the area of 16th and knight street. the delivery driver's car has been found. we don't know about the whereabouts of the child. a large con contingent of police are on the scene trying to find the whereabouts of the child. they have the car. we don't know yet about the child. we'll let you know when we have more information on this. president trump today introduced his new national security advisers, and he hails from philadelphia. army lieutenant h. r. mcmaster is a highly respected strategist scholar with a phd commander in both iraqi wars and author of the book over the government handling of the vietnam war "derelict of duty." this is what he said to president trump like to say what a privilege it is to continue serving our nation. i'll grateful to you for the opportunity and i look forward to joining the national security team and doing everything i can for the american people. >> you will do a great job. >> sitting with the president and his new nsa was retired army general keith kellogg who has been serving as acting nsa and will be mcmaster's chief of staff who follows the mike flynn in the post. dann cuellar joins us, what did you find out about the new national security adviser tonight? >> from former neighbors to people in the military those that know mcmasters say is a man of integrity not afraid to challenge the powers that be when he thinks they are wrong. >> it's an awesome responsibility and he knows that. >> colonel church who has known mcmaster for year is president of the forge military. >> because he's a graduate, i was pulling for him too. personally because i have known him and worked with him on issues. >> mcmasters a decorated veteran who in the iraqi war had no losses. >> in 1997, mcmasters would write a book on the vietnam water called "derelict of duty." >> i will tell you that there are folk in the army and other folks critical of his writing. he basically took a stand and said the military made mistakes in vietnam. >> a noted intellectual who once headed the unit he is a protege of mcmannis. he's fondly remembered by a former neighbor. >> the man has tons of integrity, tons of character. he's a good person. i think he truly has the best interests of our country. >> colonel church notes mcmasters not afraid to tell it like it is. >> he calls it like he sees it. he will speak truth to power. >> in list of n the world. he still has family in the philadelphia area. live in the sat center, dann cuellar, channel6 "action news." >> thank you dan. vice president mike pence arrived in brussels today. he vowed that the u.s. will stand with the european union and nato alliance. they have been worried because trump's words about the eu and gnat nato. to see that the u.s. acts on its w support. >> james mattis spent the day in iraq. he believes they'll be in iraq for a while longer to wage the fight against isis. matt is said that the meeting politicalhip underscored the partnership that america has with the iraqis. >> protesters exercised their first amendment rights on this president day here at thomas pane plaza in center city philadelphia marching to the independence mall voicing opposition to trump and his actions since taking office. >> racist flyers turned up in the community. two dozens students from central bucks west marched in doyle town. a kkk notice was found a week ago. supporters made signs encouraging love over hate. >> police in hatfield township are trying to track down a burglar that targeted the family business last week and they are trying to determine if he's the same as happened elsewhere. christie ileto what is the situation here? >> the suspect roped into the store. police believe this may not be the only store he's hit. focused on the office door, a security camera caught the bandit scouring lansdale meats and deli. police say he opened a vent cap and used a rope to get inside. >> businesses in the quiet strip mall are rattled after detectives revealed once inside the suspects gained entry into the deli's office, stole cash and a .9 mm. pistol that looks like this. >> a family business. >> cameras caught this man on surveillance as he used a rope to get into a costco and stole jewelry. detectives are looking to see if both incidents are linked. >> i feel bad for the owners. i hope they find whoever did whatever. it's awful that someone would do something to such good people. whew >> now if you recognize the man in the surveillance video or have information about either incident you are asked to contact detectives. christie ileto "action news," wphl-17. jim? >> still to come, details on a plane that crashed into a mall half way around the world and what spared lives. >> and traffic congestion across the country can you guess where philadelphia ranks and how many hours we wasted in traffic? sayscecily? >> we have a big change in temperatures. i'm tracking weather warmth in the seven-day forecast. >> i'm nydia han. we have great ways to save money on a cellphone plan. this has our family considering a switch. >> ducis rogers in a trade that may have connection with the sixer's future. "action news" continues in just a minute. ♪ ♪ (vo) what if this didn't have to happen? i didn't see it. (vo) what if we could go back? what if our car... could stop itself? in iihs front-end crash prevention testing nobody beats the subaru impreza. not toyota. not honda. not ford. the all-new subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. ♪fast, rhythmic drumming it's coming soon to the poconos! america's largest indoor waterpa rk is making wave s. kalahari resorts & convention s in the poconos . book your african adventure now! >> there is a developing story from australia tonight where a plane has crashed into a shopping mall. five people were onboard the charter plane and the late report is that all are believed to have been killed. the scene of the crash not far from outside melbourne australia's second largest city. it happened an hour before the mall was set to open so there were no people inside. five people are believed to have been killed. in the u.s. tonight it's a security breach at one of america's busiest airports. 11 people walked through a security check point in jfk because it was unstaffed. three set off the alarm but didn't get additional screening. officials waited two hours to contact police. >> at 8:00 this morning they had boarded their flights. the fbi is involved in bomb threats against the jewish community centers, 11 called in today. nothing dangerous was found in any of the cases and this wave of harassment follows another last month when 50 jewish centers across the u.s. were targeted. sean spicer says this is unacceptable and hate motivated violence of any kind has no place in this country. they call him the champion of the united nations but he died today before his 56th birthday. he started at the u.n. in 2006 and fell ill at his office and died at the hospital. there is no word on a awes of death. >> in san antonio texas storms spawned four tornadoes today one tore a path four and a half miles long. f vehicles were flattened. this transition tower was mangled knocking out power to thousands. despite the damage, no one was seriously hurt. sitting in traffic is annoying and expensive. it may cost americans $300 billion a year. that is $1,400 per driver. that according to research released today by the transportation firm. los angeles ranks the most congested in the world. philadelphia 93 worst in the world, 17th worst in the u.s. it is estimated we waste 38 hours in rush hour traffic last year. as for the easiest place to drive, that would be parkersburg, west virginia. >> if you are looking to save money, we might have the thing. it's an easy way to save on your cellphone bill by making a switch. here's consumer reporter nydia han with details. >> if you haven't thought of your cellphone in a while now may be the time. smaller carriers may have better prices for your lifestyle than the big four. >> you might save a bundle by switching your plan to one right for you. >> college students want rates low and using wi-fi networks available on the college campuses. >> tin wireless is compatible with 80% of phones. for $6 a month you get unlimited calls and texts on wi-fi. when you are not prices are still reasonable ands your bill is based on how much service you used the previous month. >> fur looking to cover your family, you need a plan with low rates and topnotch service. check out consumer cellar offering plans cheap to premium. the downside? fewer phone models to choose from. if you often travel out of country, using your splatter smart phone can be expensive but there are ways to save. >> we recommend google phi. >> rates are still affordable. one draw back it offers three molds, the pixel smart phone and 6p and 5x. i'm nydia han wphl-17 "action news." >> we are live from chopper 6 over the area of 16th street and st. paul street in nice town philadelphia where police are looking for a small child. the child was in the back backseat of a delivery truck when it was stolen in the logan section of the city. the vehicle was found in the area of 16th and st. paul, but the whereabouts of the child are unknown. the child apparently was not in the vehicle when it was discovered. on scene. they are looking for the child. again, when we know something more we'll update you if not on the air on "6abc".com. if we find something out on the air, we'll let everyone know. accuweather forecast, cecily tynececilytynan. >> the warmest president's day weekend in history. it's dry out there. temperatures are cooling off now. the high today 58-degrees. 13-degrees above normal. felt cool compared to yesterday's record of 70. saturday 68ing. currently, 44, cape may 41 and allentown 34-degrees. satellite 6 and action radar showing loads of sunshine. you see clouds starting to spill over. we have strong pressure. they'll be high in the atmosphere thin clouds tomorrow. it won't be a bright and sunny day. filtered sunshine. tomorrow morning as the kids head back to school, you don't want to wear shorts tomorrow. 6:30 8:32-degrees. temperatures cooler than today 6-degrees above normal. allentown, 48. cape may 68. wilmington 51. late in the week we have another set up blow torch. we have the jet stream to the north and west. that pulls in warm air to the southwest. we are looking at the potential of three days of temperatures in the 70s. two of the three could be in the mid 70s. the warm up begins wednesday. 63-degrees. look what happens thursday, widespread temperature in the 70s. this is more like mid may. 71 philadelphia, 3 3:30, cincinnati in the 70s. st. louis in the 70s. that warmth sticks around until saturday dropping to seasonal levels sunday. the exclusive weather forecast, tomorrow a high of 51. wednesday, morning clouds, sunshine by the afternoon 63-degrees. thursday back to the 70s. 73 the forecast high. the record, 75 set in 1874. we'll be in in record territory. looks like friday hitting a record high of 75-degrees. saturday one more day of 70-degree weather before a cold front brings a round of rain, perhaps a thunderstorm in the afternoon. behind the system, temperatures above normal but a reality check sunday 48-degrees. you want the winter coat if you are heyeded headed to the oscars. monday a high of 50. late february now and the coldest day in the forecast, 48 looking at three days of temperatures in the 70s. this will go down as one of the warmest februaries in history. >> no complaints. >> ski resorts don't like it. >> i know. one of the historians on this president's day gave a lecture this evening kicking off a yearlong celebration of the 50th anniversary of the summit on rowan's campus. the glass borrow summit because it was glass be, oro boro discussion about heading off the nuclear war. ♪♪ ♪♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright baby? ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 150 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. >> trade deadline is later in the week. a trade that has already happened might have an impact on the sixers. >> on the surface looks like it hurts them. call it the butterfly effect. the pelicans make a trade today. the sixers are not involved, but the kings traded damarques had been trying to shop okafor to new orleans for weaks. sixers can swap first round pick this season. seeps like they didn't get enough for cuzins, but they say holding out for more wouldn't have worked. >> we would have gotten less. i had a better deal two days ago. i don't want to discuss the process. >> the sixers know about the process, now until thursday to deal okafor or he finishes the season here. the flyers have the night off. this week two tough games wednesday the capital. the flyers are on the outside looking in. 23 games remain in the season. there is plenty of time, but they have to bring good performances together. >> we know we are a playoff team for sure. it shows. we have a lot of heart. if it's a big test for us next week playing the teams. >> still ahead in sports, a blast from the past at philly's spring training. brad lij is paying it forward. >> the phillies are about to enter week of spring training first exhibition contest thursday. brad lidge is a philly special instructor working with the young pitching staff. he has plenty of knowledge to impart and sounds like his messages are being received. >> they are a good group of kids listening to what i'm saying careand they are young in the game but they have the talent and skills, whatever helps them learn the game faster. it's one thing to have talent, another to know what you are doing. hoping that learning curve goes faster. >> the cats visit butler wednesday. >> temple women's basketball team ranked 23. owls coming off yesterday's upset from south florida wednesday visiting uconn. uconn won 101 games in a row. that's sports. >> it could happen. >> it could. >> thank you ducis. "jimmy kimmel live" next on channel6 followed by "nightline." for cecily tynan, ducis rogers and the entire "action news" team i'm jim gardner. goodnight. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ snoring ] >> jimmy: kevin, wake up. >> yeah? >> jimmy: it's jimmy. i have some bad news. >> no, no. >> jimmy: you di nominated for "paul blart, mall cop." >> no. >> jimmy: it's okay. >> this was going to be my shot. >> jimmy: i know, i know. >> there's never going to be another "paul blart, mall cop." >> jimmy: i thought there was going to be a "paul blart mall cop 2." >> you know what i mean! >> jimmy: i'm sorry. you know how the academy is with comedies. john travolta didn't get nominated for "old dogs." >> i don't care, i don't care. >> jimmy: it will be all right. go back to sleep. okay? i'm gonna go back in the cabinet now. >> jimmy? >> jimmy: yeah? >> thanks. >> this is so unexpected! >> announcer: from hollywood, it's the fifth annual jimmy kimmel live after the academy awards." tonight, robert downey jr. >> it's good to be back! >> academy award winner christoph walts. music from keith urban. the first-ever meeting of the handsome men's club. >> jimmy: gentlemen, i am handsome. >> not. >> not. >> not. >> not. >> dicky: with ben affleck, jennifer garner matthew mcconaughey sting, patrick dempsey, lenny craf vits, and many many more. and now -- lights, camera action -- here [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. i'm jimmy kimmel. thank you for staying up for hour 48 of oscar coverage. [ cheers and applause ] let me ask you, who's ready to get avatar'd in here tonight? [ cheers and applause ] thank you. i'd like to thank the academy, "police academy," specifically "police academy 3." the 82nd annual academy awards have come to a close. the stars have been loaded into their limousines. they're on their way to parties, after-parties and ultimately "celebrity rehab" with dr. drew. the oscar is the most coveted award in entertainment. there's no question about it. they can say whatever they want but the oscar, not only is it a beautiful trophy and a physical representation of the fact that an actor or filmmaker has risen to the pinnacle of his or her profession if you screw off the bottom there's a toothbrush in there. [ laughter ] people really want one. more than 1 million people tuned in to watch the academy awards tonight. maybe even more, who knows? you know, i think americans can relate more to actors this year because -- well, this year, most americans, like most actors, are unemployed. [ laughter ] you know who really hated the oscars this year? the kids from "slumdog millionaire." it was the last time they ate. [ audience groaning ] too soon? is it too soon? i want to congratulate kathryn bigelow for becoming the first woman -- [ cheers and applause ] first female woman ever to win best director and also the first woman ever to beat her ex-husband in front of 1 billion people on television. [ cheers and applause ] she directed "the hurt locker." "the hurt locker's" the shoe store where they're all dressed like referees, right? [ laughter ] "the hurt locker" was a small but powerful movie about a bomb squad in iraq. people are calling it the most realistic movie ever made about the iraq war. it's so realistic president bush actually lied to get into it. [ laughter ] [ applause ] he went to the theater. he told the girl at the box office he was 65 or something. most people know kathryn bigelow used to be married to jim cameron who directed "avatar." which under california law means even if he had won the oscar, she'd still get it. [ laughter ] a married couple won for best film editing tonight. here's a bit of oscar trivia for you. there have been three married couples who won for best original screenplay. murial and sydney box for the seventh veil. earl and pamela wallace for "witness." and ben affleck and matt damon for "good will hunting." [ laughter ] that's true. [ applause ] who won the best actress, sandra bullock and jeff bridges best actor. no surprises in the best supporting category either cristoph waltz who will be on our show later tonight won for "ingloriousurious basterds." and mo'nique won for "precious" which was expected. before the oscars, barbara walters sat down for an interview with mo'nique. it turns out the real reason -- the reason mo'nique has an apostrophe in the middle of her name? it's short for "more nique." [ laughter ] barbara said tonight's show was her last academy awards special and here's why. >> okay, now, you do not believe in shaving your legs. >> no, ma'am. >> why not? >> if you have seen my legs, barbara, now, i'm 42, and i'm very harry. hairy. >> jimmy: yes, you are. [ laughter ] let me tell you that -- that is the -- that's the fur peta should be protesting on the red carpet. forget the chinchillas, we got a chewbacca on our hands. [ laughter ] you know what mo'nique could she could use some mo-neet. [ laughter ] if her legs ever married martin scorsese's eyebrows, look out. this year, the mandate for the oscar producers was to bring in more young viewers. to do it, they asked taylor lautner and kristen stewart of "twilight" to present. miley cyrus was there. what they really need to do is hip up that in memoriam montage with some people who are still alive. it's like all dead people. [ laughter ] steve martin and alec baldwin did a very nice job hosting the show. everything went well. the only negative all day really was that it rained during the red carpet interviews. poor ryan seacrest. his feet right now are oranger than snooki's face. because he wears a lot of that crop on his -- [ laughter ] we're clear? okay, good. you know it doesn't rain a lot here in l.a. but i guess somebody forgot to call oprah or something because it did today which was a big bummer for the actresses in their fancy dresses but very good news for our unintentional joke of the day. >> the rain is really coming down. >> it's a special effect. we actually asked for that fountain behind us. we're behind.[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, i can't imagine what that must be like. we got a lot of good stuff for you tonight. the academy awards are -- they're a great way to recognize the accomplishments of our many talented professional actors. this year, the academy did a great thing. they also honored the nonprofessionals. not every actor is in the movies. here tonight, the academy award for best actor in real life. >> we're here to present the award for best actor in real life. and the nominees are -- >> was this a hoax and will you talk to the police today? >> absolutely no hoax. >> richard heene. >> the baby of miss hunter is your baby. true? >> not true. not true. >> john edwards. >> you know, i always thought i was doing the right thing. >> jay leno. >> elin has shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal. >> and tiger woods. >> and the oscar goes to -- john edwards. >> i would welcome participating in a paternity test, be happy to participate in one. i know that it's not possible that this child could be mine. >> accepting on behalf of john edwards is t-pang. >> as always, i want to thank the haters. >> jimmy: you know, you never forget the haters. we have a lot of things to get to today. robert downey jr. is here. keith urban is with us. academy award winner christoph waltz. be right back with the most beautiful gathering of men you could even imagine. the handsome men's club. so please stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i happen to have one of best bodies here. >> he's wearing spanx! >> jimmy: no, i'm not. >> oh, yeah? what's this? so sorry, excuse me. just get through here, sorry. oh, wow, quite a turnout. tami. marcus. okay, ahem! other unlimited data plans haven't lived up to the name. but today, unlimited gets the network it deserves. and so do you. verizon. (cheering and applause) (mic thuds, feedback) (man) you the man! uh, sorry... you need more information. it's unlimited the verizon way without compromising reliability, on the largest, most advanced 4g lte network in america. (mic thuds) uh, s-s... sorry, last thing. it's just $45 per line. hd video included. forty. five. (thud) (man) all right! (cheering and applause) and that is all the microphones that i have. (vo) not just unlimited. verizon unlimited. 4 lines, just $45 per line. wow, how am i gonna get this home? ♪ ♪ ♪ [beeping] ♪ the 2017 rav4 with toyota safety sense, standard. toyota. let's go places. discover card. customer service! ma'am. this isn't a computer... wait. you're real? with discover card you can talk to a real person in the u.s., like me, anytime. wow. this is a recording. really? no, i'm kidding. 100% u.s.-based customer service. here to only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. tylenol® there's no party like a lobster party, and this i red lobster's lobsterfest is back with 9 irresistible lobster dishes. yeah, it's a lot. try tender lobster lover's dream and see how sweet a lobster dream can be. or pick two delicious lobster tails with new lobster mix and match. the only thing more tempting than one succulent lobster tail, is two. is your mouth watering yet? good. because there's something for everyone and everyone's invited. so come in today. in our suvs, you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. >> jimmy: we're live on television. this is hollywood's biggest and fattest night. what a show we have for you. with the first ever look at his new movie trailer for "iron man 2," robert downey jr. is here. [ cheers and applause ] we've got some great questions from the audience for him as well. also tonight, a gentlemen who i think gave the best performance of the year in any category. he played colonel hans in "inglourious basterds." tonight he won the oscar for best supporting agenter, christoph waltz. and later on, this is his latest cd, it's called "defying gravity." keith urban. from the bud light golden stage. on a night like tonight, beauty not only is on display it's analyzed evaluated, experts are 9 in to determine who wore it best lists are made to decide who is hot and not hot. that's why i'm happy to be part of an organization that supports beautiful people like myself. >> wow. you're handsome. you're perfect. you're incredible. you are one good-looking son of a bitch. good job, mom. amazing. holy [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: okay. the meeting of the handsome men's club will now come to order. first order of business is with patrick. how much we raise at the car wash? >> $75 million. >> jimmy: really? great. that is great. >> i know. >> jimmy: gilles, good call on making it topless. >> lose the shirt never hurts. >> jimmy: where are we on handsome for the homeless? >> clooney's on it. >> jimmy: of course clooney's on it. sting, mirrors down. >> oh, i'm sorry, jimmy. i got lost in my own eyes. >> jimmy: okay, new applicants. we have the kids from "twilight." taylor lautner and robert pattinson. show of handsome. all in favor? >> handsome. >> handsome. >> jimmy: all opposed? >> i don't know, i don't see handsome yet. i'm going to overrule this one. not handsome. cute. >> what's wrong with cute? >> jimmy: there's a quota. and you filled it. >> the best. >> jimmy: oh right, yeah, liev schreiber schreiber. show of handsome. >> wait a minute, i can't see. >> jimmy: would you pass this down? you know ted, maybe if you could be here in person instead of chatting online we wouldn't have to do this. >> quiet, kimmel. i'm evaluating handsomeness. all right, i'm ready. >> jimmy: thank you. all right, show of handsome. >> handsome. >> handsome. >> jimmy: all opposed? i don't know, his facial hair is kind of reddish. >> what? >> jimmy: overruled. >> why are we even voting on this crap? >> jimmy: any old business? >> no old business. >> excuse me, i never got a response to my request to legally change my name. >> jimmy: change it to what? >> handsome hawke. >> jimmy: approved. >> i'm handsome hawke. >> jimmy: okay, any new business? >> yeah, i'd like to make a motion. >> jimmy: matthew has the floor. >> i move we vote for a new president. >> jimmy: motion denied! >> how is the motion denied? >> jimmy: because we have the best president in the world, me. >> maybe you shouldn't be president. that's why i made the motion. maybe you shouldn't even be in the club, jimmy. >> jimmy: pardon me? >> i think he's saying we all had to get voted into this club and you didn't. >> jimmy: he's just saying? you don't know what he's saying. that is not what he was saying. >> no, that is what i was saying. >> why don't we have a vote on whether or not you're handsome? >> wow. >> i second that. >> jimmy: there was a vote. america voted. maybe you've heard of a little magazine called "people's" sexiest man alive? >> well aware of that. >> jimmy: in which i happen to have a three-page spread. >> that was clearly a joke. >> jimmy: you're a joke. >> you're a joke. >> jimmy: no, you're a joke. >> at least i'm a funny joke. >> jimmy: this is why i didn't want foreigners in the club. >> exactly, kimmel, you are not handsome. >> are you nuts? >> jimmy: thank you, john. i am handsome. i happen to have one of the best bodies here. >> you do? >> jimmy: yeah, i do. >> he's wearing spanx. >> jimmy: no, i'm not. >> oh, yeah? what's this? spanx. [ bleep ] spanx. >> jimmy: those are my superhero tights. i fight crime in them. now you know my secret identity and now your lives are all in danger, so good job. good luck staying alive. >> you're fat. >> jimmy: you're fat. i'm handsome. i'm a lot more handsome than a lot of you. look at romo. look at the size of his ears. right? can't even get his hat on frontways ever. >> burn. >> jimmy: because his ears are so big. look at keith. keith has lady hair. >> oh, come on. >> jimmy: i'm handsome. ask anyone. t.d. show them our thing. come here. look at this. tay's handsome, right? we look exactly alike. exactly. >> not exactly. >> jimmy: exactly. all right, go back to your seat. >> hey, nobody in this room, besides you, thinks that you're handsome. >> i think you're damn handsome. >> jimmy: thank you, lenny kravitz. ♪ >> come on lenny. >> jimmy: see that? i think what lenny's trying to say is handsome doesn't come from here. handsome comes from here. yeah, i have flaws. ♪ i have flaws ♪ >> jimmy: maybe my eyes are too piercing. ♪ my eyes are too piercing ♪ >> jimmy: maybe my skin's too soft and smooth. ♪ my skin's too soft ♪ >> jimmy: maybe i have the breasts of a 14-year-old girl. ♪ the supple breasts of a 14-year-old girl yeah ♪ >> jimmy: doesn't mean anything. what's important is i'm handsome with inside. ♪ from the inside ♪ >> jimmy: that's what matters. physical beauty fades. ♪ beauty fades ♪ >> jimmy: look at sting. ♪ look at sting ♪ >> jimmy: i believe that children are our future. ♪ i believe that children ♪ >> jimmy: lenny, please, i'm trying to talk here. could you give it a rest? >> i had your back. punk-ass bitch. >> jimmy: i know, but enough. gentlemen, i am handsome. i'm damn proud to be president of the handsome men's club -- now and forever. >> oh, show of handsome. ♪ >> jimmy: ben? say something. >> show of not. not. >> not. >> not. >> not. >> jimmy: that's how it is, huh? fine. i'll leave. with my head held handsome. and these pizzas. >> don't, don't. >> jimmy: you know, before i go though, i want to leave you gentlemen with a parting thought from my favorite book, "self matters" by dr. phillip mcgraw. dr. phil teaches us when -- >> sorry, kimmel, we've run out of time. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> ha ha ha! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! handsome! >> jimmy: wake up, wake up. >> what, what's wrong? >> jimmy: i had a nightmare. we were in a club together and, um, matthew mcconaughey was there and he was really, really mean to me and you said i wasn't handsome. >> come on. you know i think you're handsome. you're my handsome. you're my most handsome. you're my big handsome. big daddy handsome. >> ben, it's enough, it's getting weird. [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ he's got the breasts of a 14-year-old girl ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we'll be right back with robert downey jr. wow. they got a mac jr? a big mac? and a grand mac? man, there's a big mac for every move. we talking about the left right left crossover what?! we got a big mac for that! and we talking about 30 feet nothing but net. splash! we definitely got a big mac for that! to the hoop star. alley-oop. watch your head. ohhhh! there's a big mac for that! juicy, cheesy, iconic big mac. now in three sizes. i want to see what you got. all the way up. get that out of here, boy. ♪ ♪ h&r block will file your 1040ez for free. what? you know that's not your line, right? did you know that h&r block will file your 1040ez for free? ahh...yeah. the line is,"rome." and my jobs done here. ok. thank you. don't just get your taxes done. get your taxes won. ♪ ♪ ♪ lease a 2017 lincoln mkx for $369 a month. only at your lincoln dealer. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. tylenol® if your sneezes are a force to be reckoned with... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zy >> jimmy: thank you. well, we're back. christoph waltz and keith urban are on the way. our first guest tonight is a terrific actor. he's a two-time oscar nominee for the movies "chaplain" and tropic thunder." a two-time superhero. on may 7, you can see him beat and saving mickey rourke, gwyneth paltrow in "iron man 2." please welcome robert downey jr. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ welcome. thank you for coming. very tony stark of you entering like that. did you come here straight from the governor's ball? had a cheeseburger then came over here. >> jimmy: i like that. you have anything on it? bacon, anything, just cheese? >> i asked for cheese, it didn't come. what am i going to bitch about? my life is great. no cheese. >> jimmy: we all have our disappointments. some of our crosses are harder to bear. i will say. but cheese is a bad one. that's a tough one. thank you for coming. it's great to have you here. >> thank you for not i

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