Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170117 : comparemela

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170117

an inauguration bo boycott. it's monday and the word tonight is that 30 democratic members of congress will not attend the big event. they have made the choice to stand with georgia congressman john lewis over donald trump. this started friday when lewis said he doesn't consider trump to be a legitimate president because the russians destroyed the campaign of hilary clinton. trump responded saying the man they call the conscious of the congress, trump described him as all talk and no action. today in miami lewis said this during his martin luther king day speech. >> never give up. never give in. stand up. speak up. when you see something not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something, say something and not be quiet. >> let's go live to "action news" reporter dann cuellar in center city. what about local congressmen, do we have boycotters? >> that's right, four from our area say they'll skip donald trump's inauguration. one made the decision earlier but three came forward citing trump's insult of john lewis. >> john lewis is a friend of mine. >> bob brady joined a growing chorus of democrats not attending the inauguration. they are standing in unity with john lewis of georgia. never mind that the feud began when lewis said he wouldn't attend because he doesn't consider trump a valid president. >> whether john lewis started it or not, trump should have said what are your issues? >> dwight evans said he wouldn't attend because of his position on healthcare, the russian hacking controversy and now this. >> the fact that he attacked congressman john lewis who is a hero of mine. >> there is nothing for me to celebrate in terms of this transition. >> brendan boyle announced he too would not attend. bonnie coleman stated weeks ago she wouldn't go. the four join 30 other members of congress who abc reports won't attend the inaugural. >> don nor croft will attend as will senator chris koons. rochester didn't respond to our inquiries. brady says he doesn't question trump's legitimacy as president. >> i live by the constitution. the constitution has an electoral college. deal with it. >> put away the tweets. we are adults. we have to work together for the interest of people. instead, several members of congress plan to attend the woman's march on washington on friday. new jersey congresswoman bonnie watson coleman will stage an interfaith prayer vigil instead. channel6, action news. >> thank you, dan. back in new york, president elect trump met with martin luther king iii on the day that marks the life and legacy of king's father and he had positive things t to say. >> we had a constructive movement. >> they talked about voting rights as for the trump/lewis feed, king said in the heat of emotion, a lot of things get said on both sides. here at home, martin luther king day held dozens of events. most everywhere it was a day of service. jeanette? >> while many took off martin luther king day, others performed acts of service throughout the region. >> across the delaware valley, thousands young and old took the martin luther king holiday as a call to action. >> it's a day to remember civil rights. commissioners, boy scouts and other city officials took to the streets to lead a candle light procession with the highway. earlier in the day, a choir kicked off a prayer breakfasts in wilmington where an adviser and speech writer for martin luther king was the guest speaker. >> any other person or event in the previous united states of america. >> 5,000 people showed up if are the service project in philadelphia hosted by girard college. >> it's a city wide campaign. our aim is to ensure children can read on grade level by third grade. >> to marching for justice. >> justice only occurs when we demand it. >> to volunteering. >> we started with a thousand volunteers in 1996. 1.5 million volunteers later, and an expected 145,000 volunteers in the area today. >> today, thousands proves there is no one way to realize dr. king's dream. >> while many chose today to honor dr. king with acts of service, the goal is to do it throughout the year. jeanette reyes, action news. jim? >> good economic news here. donald trump gets credit. the wall street journal is reporting general motors plans to invest a million dollars in its factories. the announcement will come tomorrow that they'll create about 1,000 jobs. it was january 5th when donald trump criticized the mexican importants and the 11th when trump called on g.m. to invest in american production. apparently, this will happen. we are getting ready for wet weather. in parts of the region, that could mean freezing rain. meteorologist cecily tynan is live with the big board. >> we are seeing light showers passing through. a wider view shows steadier rain to the west. the center of the storm system across the midwest is lifting north and west. that's pulling up warm air tomorrow. tonight, temperatures are dropping. the poconos 32. allentown, 37. redding 36. philadelphia, 38-degrees. the northern most counties, lehigh valley, burkes county could be drops to freezing. a freezing rain advisory has been posted for burke's county, and the poconos until 10:00 tomorrow morning. not expecting a lot of freezing rain, but even a little bit on untreated surfaces could cause problems, so both commutes affected by rain. the evening commute, not worrying about icing but steady rain could cause ponding and slow things down. this is not the only period of rain we expect this week. we talk more about what to expect and the change in temperatures in the forecast, jim. >> thank you, cecily. the new year continues to see violence on the streets of wilmington. four homicides, nearly a dozen shootings in the first days of 2017. tonight city officials have a plan to combat the violence. christie ileto is there with wilmington police. residents will see more police in patrol car and on foot patrolling high crime neighborhoods in wigged. wigged. a lot of people we spoke with said this is just a start and not a finite solution. >> i think it's ridiculous the crime. this woman tells "action news" she's a cousin of 66-year-old charles hayes. >> i it's scenes like this that prompted the top cop to beef up patrol in the crime-plagued areas. >> we have to spend what it takes to keep the numbers down, the statistical violence down. >> how bad is the crime in this va sentty? >> really bad. >> we walkthrough one of the city's hot spots. >> will this help? >> it helps while they are here. as soon as they leave, back to the vietnam. >> we need more of the community heros on the street. how can we recruit more police officers from ourhoods instead of people that don't know our community. >> still, families touched by the violence are apprehensive. >> it may help. it's a start. >> you think it could have prevented some of this? >> i don't know. >> >> now officials say police can only do so much and are asking residents to do their part and report whatever information they have on any of these crimes. christie ileto, abc6 action news. >> dozens filled a church to remember grace packer. most have never met the 14-year-old but they felt the need to give the girl a sendoff after learning of her horrific death. she was killed by her adoptive mother and the mother's boyfriend. she was beaten and raped by sullivan as packer watched. her biological mother was among those that attended the service today. >> coming up on "action news," changes to the way pennsylvanians can buy beer and when that takes effect tomorrow. >> o onlookers were stopped in their tracks looking at this reptile. >> i'm tracking unseasonably warm air. i'll tell you when more rain is on the way in the seven-day forecast. >> those stories and more when "action news" continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hello, peco. so i'm calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. we can do that. great. i live in a post-war, pre-war, mid-century home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. well sir, i can see that you live in a twin and based on the size, your usage has been spiking. ♪ that's exactly what i thought. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. >> nora sellman has been arrested in san francisco and taken into custody. she faces charges in orlando where her husband attacked the pulse nightclub and killed 49 people. omar was killed in the massacre june 12th she will face charges including obstruction of justice. there is word out of turkey that police arrested a suspect in the massacre in istanbul. this is a picture of the suspect after apprehension. 39 people were killed here. the suspect has been identified as abdulkadir masharipov. he is an uzbekistan national. snow is not to blame for the roof collapse in the czech republic. fans race for the exit as the ceiling of the brand new arena collapsed. people inside were able to escape before the roof came down. two people were hurt but their injuries are not serious. >> the last man to walk on the moon has died. former astronaut gene cernan has died. he spent three days on the moon in 1972. he traced the picture of his nine-year-old daughter into the surface. he was on apollo ten in 1962. he was 82. >> philadelphia police are investigating graffiti on the wall of a jewish synagogue. the gr graffiti was found sunday morning. a light post was pulled down and a menorah was stolen. a suspect shot last week has died of his injuries. jose ventura was charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault for what started as a domestic violence incident. officers say they saw him point a gun at a woman who was holding an eight month old child on her lap. they saw him pull the trigger. police opened fire hitting him multiple times. he has cubbin succumbed to his s today. >> police rescued a man from the river this afternoon in east falls. the man was spotted hanging on to a piece of wood under the bridge. they haven't said how he got there or why she was stuck. >> big changes in philadelphia beer sales tomorrow. you will be able to buy six packs in more locations. before distributors could sell only cases, and kegs. the new a law allows selling on sunday. >> liquor stores will be open on some federal holidays. >> a creature sighting turned heads. that is a giant alligator in the reserve in lakeland, florida. a woman captured the video of the reptile appearing out of the brush and walking a i cros crose trail. she called it nature at its best. >> looks like a dragon. >> now the weather from cecily tynan. >> you asked with when was the last time we had two sunny days in a row? it was a week ago, sunday and monday. you probably weren't outside to enjoy it because it happened when temperatures were in the 20s. it was sunny but cold. we are not getting a lot of sunny days this week. we have a bit of activity on the radar. we have been dealing with light showers moving through overnight. that continues as we head through the morning hours. temperatures will be dropping somewhat, not much from where we are in philadelphia, 38-degrees. the poconos down to 32. allentown and redding close to the freezing mark. we have a advisory in effect for the far northern county, burke, lehigh, and the poconos. we are not expecting a lot of rain, clouds, spotty areas of rain, wider view showing rain to the west moving through later on today. if you look here, you can see the spin. that's the low pressure causing the ice storm across the plains lifting north. pulls up warm air. tomorrow, lots of clouds. lieutenant it will be damp with on and off periods of rain. it's not that cold. 1:00, 44 in philadelphia. eight degrees above normal. future tracker showing dealing with waves of rain. 5:30 in the morning, light showers in philadelphia to the south, freezing rain to the north. we have another wave around 9:30. could be freezing rain, the lehigh valley, poconos, northern burke's county and lunchtime, another wave of rain across south injuriesy. thgerjersey.>> we could have rag into the morning. an unsettled week, but a warm one. the january thaw, temperature in the midwest 25-degrees above normal. we'll be up to 15-degrees above normal. i think the pick of the week will be thursday. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, take the umbrella tomorrow. you need it on and off throughout the day. lots of clouds, temperatures not too cold, 48. wednesday, early drizzle, plenty of clouds and sunshine late in the day. 52 thursday and nice, partly sunny and mild. 54-degrees, friday, 51. we start with sunshine, increasing clouds, rain in the afternoon and evening and showers could linger early saturday morning. the weekend should be dry. clouds breaking for sunshine. saturday, a high of 51. sunday, a mix of clouds and sunshine. monday, our next storm system again, this heads to the west bringing warm air and periods of rain, with a high of 52. everyday next week, temperatures well above normal. >> thank you, vesly. >> girl scouts from south jersey spent this day of service, making the day brighter for families at the ronald mcdonald house. troop 303 in blackwood cooked dinner in blackwood. various groups volunteered their time throughout the day here to onhonor the legacy of martin luther king jr. one person's trash can be someone else's treasure. this igloo in calgary is made from 600 milk cartons. they were filled with water and food coloring, and then frozen and peeled away to create the block of ice. once he was finished the cartons, he recycle them all. ♪ ♪ ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year. hurry offer ends january 21st. only from fios. >> it wasn't that long ago when to introduce you we would say something to the effect that the sixers win with a huge event. not so much anymore. >> it's commonplace the last week and a half or so. joel embiid is taking the world by storm. today emdiid helped to keep the good times rolling in milwaukee against the bucks. the sixers on the road still take time to honor drdr. martin luther king jr. >> third quarter, emdiid with the lead. 22 points, five blocked shots. sixers win 116-104. >> i thought i was good defensively. i got to rely on my defense. i thought i did a good job tonight. college basketball, villanova is back to number one. tonight they hosted seton hall. the number one team in the country, first half. how about this for a dunk? my goodness, villanova up 13 at the break. he scores 11. cats lead by 19 points. chris jenkins, four threes for him. 46-76 the final. cats cruise as number one. >> it's not a big deal this time. we were concerned about seton hall. we found the pregame meal today. we didn't talk about it. the guys have been around enough. they know it doesn't mean much this time of year. getting ready for seton hall meant the most. the guys focused on that, did a great job. >> still ahead, baseball. philly's add an all star to the roster. ♪ oh, it's a good day... ♪ [car horns] [angry shouting] excuse me! [storm siren] when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like traffic, crime, natural hazards, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it. > >> the phillies have reportedly added to the out field and it's a much needed left hand bat. 30-year-old sanders had a career high of 24 home runs last year. >> philly's held a youth baseball clinic in south philadelphia. roman quinn more than willing to help part of the philly's mlk day of service. >> chicago cubs won a few weeks ago. they got the payoff today at the white house. president obama was gracious despite being a white sox fans. >> i will say to the cubs, it took us long enough. i only have four days left. >> among sox fans, i'm the cub's number one fan. >> thank you, ducis. >> finally tonight, song and praise in lafayette hill. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> st. mary catholic church held the 34th gathering in honor of dr. martin luther king. tonight's scene, a dream in black and white. >> jimm "jimmy kimmel live" next followed by "nightline." >> "action news" at 6:00 continues tomorrow morning at 4:30. for cecily tynan, ducis rogers and the "action news" team, i'm jim gardner. goodnight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- amy adams. from "moonlight," naomie harris. and music from blink-182. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. very nice. appreciate that. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for standing in the rain to be out here. it has been raining here in l.a. for no

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Lafayette Hill , Pennsylvania , United States , New York , Georgia , Istanbul , Turkey , Ronald Mcdonald House , Florida , Philadelphia , Delaware , East Falls , Russia , San Francisco , California , Mexico , Uzbekistan , New Jersey , Lakeland , Girard College , Redding , Hollywood , Allentown , Seton Hall , Czech Republic , Orlando , Jersey , Chicago , Illinois , Burke County , Rochester , America , Mexican , Russian , Pennsylvanians , Russians , American , Hilary Clinton , Bonnie Watson Coleman , Jimmy Kimmel , Martin Luther King , Amy Adams , Bob Brady , Dwight Evans , Chris Koons , Jeanette Reyes , Charles Hayes , Martin Luther King Jr , Roman Quinn , John Lewis , Brendan Boyle , Cecily Tynan , Bonnie Coleman , Jose Ventura , Christie Ileto , Chris Jenkins , Naomie Harris , Jim Gardner , Gary Watson , Miami Lewis ,

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170117 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20170117

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an inauguration bo boycott. it's monday and the word tonight is that 30 democratic members of congress will not attend the big event. they have made the choice to stand with georgia congressman john lewis over donald trump. this started friday when lewis said he doesn't consider trump to be a legitimate president because the russians destroyed the campaign of hilary clinton. trump responded saying the man they call the conscious of the congress, trump described him as all talk and no action. today in miami lewis said this during his martin luther king day speech. >> never give up. never give in. stand up. speak up. when you see something not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something, say something and not be quiet. >> let's go live to "action news" reporter dann cuellar in center city. what about local congressmen, do we have boycotters? >> that's right, four from our area say they'll skip donald trump's inauguration. one made the decision earlier but three came forward citing trump's insult of john lewis. >> john lewis is a friend of mine. >> bob brady joined a growing chorus of democrats not attending the inauguration. they are standing in unity with john lewis of georgia. never mind that the feud began when lewis said he wouldn't attend because he doesn't consider trump a valid president. >> whether john lewis started it or not, trump should have said what are your issues? >> dwight evans said he wouldn't attend because of his position on healthcare, the russian hacking controversy and now this. >> the fact that he attacked congressman john lewis who is a hero of mine. >> there is nothing for me to celebrate in terms of this transition. >> brendan boyle announced he too would not attend. bonnie coleman stated weeks ago she wouldn't go. the four join 30 other members of congress who abc reports won't attend the inaugural. >> don nor croft will attend as will senator chris koons. rochester didn't respond to our inquiries. brady says he doesn't question trump's legitimacy as president. >> i live by the constitution. the constitution has an electoral college. deal with it. >> put away the tweets. we are adults. we have to work together for the interest of people. instead, several members of congress plan to attend the woman's march on washington on friday. new jersey congresswoman bonnie watson coleman will stage an interfaith prayer vigil instead. channel6, action news. >> thank you, dan. back in new york, president elect trump met with martin luther king iii on the day that marks the life and legacy of king's father and he had positive things t to say. >> we had a constructive movement. >> they talked about voting rights as for the trump/lewis feed, king said in the heat of emotion, a lot of things get said on both sides. here at home, martin luther king day held dozens of events. most everywhere it was a day of service. jeanette? >> while many took off martin luther king day, others performed acts of service throughout the region. >> across the delaware valley, thousands young and old took the martin luther king holiday as a call to action. >> it's a day to remember civil rights. commissioners, boy scouts and other city officials took to the streets to lead a candle light procession with the highway. earlier in the day, a choir kicked off a prayer breakfasts in wilmington where an adviser and speech writer for martin luther king was the guest speaker. >> any other person or event in the previous united states of america. >> 5,000 people showed up if are the service project in philadelphia hosted by girard college. >> it's a city wide campaign. our aim is to ensure children can read on grade level by third grade. >> to marching for justice. >> justice only occurs when we demand it. >> to volunteering. >> we started with a thousand volunteers in 1996. 1.5 million volunteers later, and an expected 145,000 volunteers in the area today. >> today, thousands proves there is no one way to realize dr. king's dream. >> while many chose today to honor dr. king with acts of service, the goal is to do it throughout the year. jeanette reyes, action news. jim? >> good economic news here. donald trump gets credit. the wall street journal is reporting general motors plans to invest a million dollars in its factories. the announcement will come tomorrow that they'll create about 1,000 jobs. it was january 5th when donald trump criticized the mexican importants and the 11th when trump called on g.m. to invest in american production. apparently, this will happen. we are getting ready for wet weather. in parts of the region, that could mean freezing rain. meteorologist cecily tynan is live with the big board. >> we are seeing light showers passing through. a wider view shows steadier rain to the west. the center of the storm system across the midwest is lifting north and west. that's pulling up warm air tomorrow. tonight, temperatures are dropping. the poconos 32. allentown, 37. redding 36. philadelphia, 38-degrees. the northern most counties, lehigh valley, burkes county could be drops to freezing. a freezing rain advisory has been posted for burke's county, and the poconos until 10:00 tomorrow morning. not expecting a lot of freezing rain, but even a little bit on untreated surfaces could cause problems, so both commutes affected by rain. the evening commute, not worrying about icing but steady rain could cause ponding and slow things down. this is not the only period of rain we expect this week. we talk more about what to expect and the change in temperatures in the forecast, jim. >> thank you, cecily. the new year continues to see violence on the streets of wilmington. four homicides, nearly a dozen shootings in the first days of 2017. tonight city officials have a plan to combat the violence. christie ileto is there with wilmington police. residents will see more police in patrol car and on foot patrolling high crime neighborhoods in wigged. wigged. a lot of people we spoke with said this is just a start and not a finite solution. >> i think it's ridiculous the crime. this woman tells "action news" she's a cousin of 66-year-old charles hayes. >> i it's scenes like this that prompted the top cop to beef up patrol in the crime-plagued areas. >> we have to spend what it takes to keep the numbers down, the statistical violence down. >> how bad is the crime in this va sentty? >> really bad. >> we walkthrough one of the city's hot spots. >> will this help? >> it helps while they are here. as soon as they leave, back to the vietnam. >> we need more of the community heros on the street. how can we recruit more police officers from ourhoods instead of people that don't know our community. >> still, families touched by the violence are apprehensive. >> it may help. it's a start. >> you think it could have prevented some of this? >> i don't know. >> >> now officials say police can only do so much and are asking residents to do their part and report whatever information they have on any of these crimes. christie ileto, abc6 action news. >> dozens filled a church to remember grace packer. most have never met the 14-year-old but they felt the need to give the girl a sendoff after learning of her horrific death. she was killed by her adoptive mother and the mother's boyfriend. she was beaten and raped by sullivan as packer watched. her biological mother was among those that attended the service today. >> coming up on "action news," changes to the way pennsylvanians can buy beer and when that takes effect tomorrow. >> o onlookers were stopped in their tracks looking at this reptile. >> i'm tracking unseasonably warm air. i'll tell you when more rain is on the way in the seven-day forecast. >> those stories and more when "action news" continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hello, peco. so i'm calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. we can do that. great. i live in a post-war, pre-war, mid-century home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. well sir, i can see that you live in a twin and based on the size, your usage has been spiking. ♪ that's exactly what i thought. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. >> nora sellman has been arrested in san francisco and taken into custody. she faces charges in orlando where her husband attacked the pulse nightclub and killed 49 people. omar was killed in the massacre june 12th she will face charges including obstruction of justice. there is word out of turkey that police arrested a suspect in the massacre in istanbul. this is a picture of the suspect after apprehension. 39 people were killed here. the suspect has been identified as abdulkadir masharipov. he is an uzbekistan national. snow is not to blame for the roof collapse in the czech republic. fans race for the exit as the ceiling of the brand new arena collapsed. people inside were able to escape before the roof came down. two people were hurt but their injuries are not serious. >> the last man to walk on the moon has died. former astronaut gene cernan has died. he spent three days on the moon in 1972. he traced the picture of his nine-year-old daughter into the surface. he was on apollo ten in 1962. he was 82. >> philadelphia police are investigating graffiti on the wall of a jewish synagogue. the gr graffiti was found sunday morning. a light post was pulled down and a menorah was stolen. a suspect shot last week has died of his injuries. jose ventura was charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault for what started as a domestic violence incident. officers say they saw him point a gun at a woman who was holding an eight month old child on her lap. they saw him pull the trigger. police opened fire hitting him multiple times. he has cubbin succumbed to his s today. >> police rescued a man from the river this afternoon in east falls. the man was spotted hanging on to a piece of wood under the bridge. they haven't said how he got there or why she was stuck. >> big changes in philadelphia beer sales tomorrow. you will be able to buy six packs in more locations. before distributors could sell only cases, and kegs. the new a law allows selling on sunday. >> liquor stores will be open on some federal holidays. >> a creature sighting turned heads. that is a giant alligator in the reserve in lakeland, florida. a woman captured the video of the reptile appearing out of the brush and walking a i cros crose trail. she called it nature at its best. >> looks like a dragon. >> now the weather from cecily tynan. >> you asked with when was the last time we had two sunny days in a row? it was a week ago, sunday and monday. you probably weren't outside to enjoy it because it happened when temperatures were in the 20s. it was sunny but cold. we are not getting a lot of sunny days this week. we have a bit of activity on the radar. we have been dealing with light showers moving through overnight. that continues as we head through the morning hours. temperatures will be dropping somewhat, not much from where we are in philadelphia, 38-degrees. the poconos down to 32. allentown and redding close to the freezing mark. we have a advisory in effect for the far northern county, burke, lehigh, and the poconos. we are not expecting a lot of rain, clouds, spotty areas of rain, wider view showing rain to the west moving through later on today. if you look here, you can see the spin. that's the low pressure causing the ice storm across the plains lifting north. pulls up warm air. tomorrow, lots of clouds. lieutenant it will be damp with on and off periods of rain. it's not that cold. 1:00, 44 in philadelphia. eight degrees above normal. future tracker showing dealing with waves of rain. 5:30 in the morning, light showers in philadelphia to the south, freezing rain to the north. we have another wave around 9:30. could be freezing rain, the lehigh valley, poconos, northern burke's county and lunchtime, another wave of rain across south injuriesy. thgerjersey.>> we could have rag into the morning. an unsettled week, but a warm one. the january thaw, temperature in the midwest 25-degrees above normal. we'll be up to 15-degrees above normal. i think the pick of the week will be thursday. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, take the umbrella tomorrow. you need it on and off throughout the day. lots of clouds, temperatures not too cold, 48. wednesday, early drizzle, plenty of clouds and sunshine late in the day. 52 thursday and nice, partly sunny and mild. 54-degrees, friday, 51. we start with sunshine, increasing clouds, rain in the afternoon and evening and showers could linger early saturday morning. the weekend should be dry. clouds breaking for sunshine. saturday, a high of 51. sunday, a mix of clouds and sunshine. monday, our next storm system again, this heads to the west bringing warm air and periods of rain, with a high of 52. everyday next week, temperatures well above normal. >> thank you, vesly. >> girl scouts from south jersey spent this day of service, making the day brighter for families at the ronald mcdonald house. troop 303 in blackwood cooked dinner in blackwood. various groups volunteered their time throughout the day here to onhonor the legacy of martin luther king jr. one person's trash can be someone else's treasure. this igloo in calgary is made from 600 milk cartons. they were filled with water and food coloring, and then frozen and peeled away to create the block of ice. once he was finished the cartons, he recycle them all. ♪ ♪ ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year. hurry offer ends january 21st. only from fios. >> it wasn't that long ago when to introduce you we would say something to the effect that the sixers win with a huge event. not so much anymore. >> it's commonplace the last week and a half or so. joel embiid is taking the world by storm. today emdiid helped to keep the good times rolling in milwaukee against the bucks. the sixers on the road still take time to honor drdr. martin luther king jr. >> third quarter, emdiid with the lead. 22 points, five blocked shots. sixers win 116-104. >> i thought i was good defensively. i got to rely on my defense. i thought i did a good job tonight. college basketball, villanova is back to number one. tonight they hosted seton hall. the number one team in the country, first half. how about this for a dunk? my goodness, villanova up 13 at the break. he scores 11. cats lead by 19 points. chris jenkins, four threes for him. 46-76 the final. cats cruise as number one. >> it's not a big deal this time. we were concerned about seton hall. we found the pregame meal today. we didn't talk about it. the guys have been around enough. they know it doesn't mean much this time of year. getting ready for seton hall meant the most. the guys focused on that, did a great job. >> still ahead, baseball. philly's add an all star to the roster. ♪ oh, it's a good day... ♪ [car horns] [angry shouting] excuse me! [storm siren] when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like traffic, crime, natural hazards, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it. > >> the phillies have reportedly added to the out field and it's a much needed left hand bat. 30-year-old sanders had a career high of 24 home runs last year. >> philly's held a youth baseball clinic in south philadelphia. roman quinn more than willing to help part of the philly's mlk day of service. >> chicago cubs won a few weeks ago. they got the payoff today at the white house. president obama was gracious despite being a white sox fans. >> i will say to the cubs, it took us long enough. i only have four days left. >> among sox fans, i'm the cub's number one fan. >> thank you, ducis. >> finally tonight, song and praise in lafayette hill. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> st. mary catholic church held the 34th gathering in honor of dr. martin luther king. tonight's scene, a dream in black and white. >> jimm "jimmy kimmel live" next followed by "nightline." >> "action news" at 6:00 continues tomorrow morning at 4:30. for cecily tynan, ducis rogers and the "action news" team, i'm jim gardner. goodnight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- amy adams. from "moonlight," naomie harris. and music from blink-182. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. very nice. appreciate that. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for standing in the rain to be out here. it has been raining here in l.a. for no

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