Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20161015 : comparemela

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20161015

was rushing to see his father and the tragedy and both between anchors suffering mortal injuries and friday night and big story on action news is grief following the deadly section in philadelphia and dann cuellar is live at the scene of the crash and have been hearing from the victims' friends tonight. >> reporter: that is right jim and it's tragic when young lives are cut short and friends of the two dead teenagers gathered at the scene of the accident are devastated going through a roller coaster of emotion but wanted people to know who their friends were. killed in the accident on the boulevard was 16-year-old maggie lynn goloff and 19-year-old osman zeynulov. >> he is my best friends and work together too and hard worker and got back to school trying to get an education. >> maggie was maggie but when she came in she would brighten the room, she was an awesome little girl. >> reporter: both of them were in the back seat of a hyundai driven by a 18-year-old friends and the driver rushing to itemel hospital to see his father who had been assaulted during a robbery the car ran on front street and collided with an suv driven by a 55-year-old woman and the reverend was behind the car. >> ran front street and hit the lady on this light. >> reporter: suffered minor injuries and the two people in the back seat are the ones being ended up being killed is difficult to understand. >> she was going to graduate and couldn't wait to get a car and own place she just got a new kitten from her friend desiree and darlene. >> a really good person and got a good heart and his parents raised him right. that is the best person you can find, he is one in a million. >> he used to like he useds to be a very lovely person like he is honest and everything. >> reporter: i'm sorry, i'm very very sorry. >> he is like family to me like family, i wish it was me not him. >> reporter: and tonight a makeshift memorial amid the broken glass and debris is taking shape in memory of the two between a -- teens not of te memory but of the two beautiful souls who lost their lives here live along the roosevelt boulevard i'm dann cuellar channel six action news. thank you and the probe continues in the death of a teen boy last week in winfield action academy and authorities have yet to identify the 17-year-old publically identified and died after a struggle with three adults and victim had been furious after his room was searched for a missing item and officials trying to determine if he had preexisting condition, and provides education behavioral health and services to children and youth experiencing emotional, behavioral and acdemeanor eccdemeanoric challenges. donald trump continues to deny allegations now from 11 women he was guilty of sexual miss behavior climbing to the level of sexual assault at a rally in charlotte north carolina tonight trump said it's not hard to find a handful of people quote willing to make false smears for gain or political purposes two more women came forward a former contestant on the a(testify who said trump kissed her and touched her breasts in a private room and anderson was at a couch at a club the 1990s when a hand reached up her skirt and touched her through her under wear and said it was trump, trump defended himself this way. >> i was sitting alone at some club. i really don't sit alone that much honestly folks i don't sit alone and i was sitting alone by myself and then i went wow. to somebody. i just heard this one. it's like unbelievable. >> reporter: hillary clinton was fundraising in seattle today and told her audience this election has been in her words incredibly painful and then she said this. >> i take no satisfaction and in seeing what trump does and says because it hurts, it hurts me and it hurts our country, it hurts all of us. >> reporter: wikileaks dumped more hacked e-mails today and one said that clinton's campaign asked bill clinton to cancel a speech to a wall street firm just as hillary clinton was about to announce he candidacy and e-mail said the campaign feared it would make the clintons seem too cozy with wall street. other news tonight it may be warming up next, week but not before it cools down and tonight there is even a frost advisory for parts of the try state area let's go outside to metrologist cecily tynan and what is the latest from accuweather. >> jim it definitely feels like fall and philadelphia currently 56 degrees and many of our suburbs already dropping in the 40s allentown 45, trenton 46 reading 45 millville 47 we have high pressure that is bid building from the north and it's really keeping our atmosphere very dry, we just have a few high thin clouds spilling over the high pressure but tonight temperatures dropping very quickly so a frost advisory has been posted for most of our viewing area except for right along the i-95 corridor and immediate coastline everywhere else if you have some potted plants good idea to bring them in because that frost will be developing with temperatures dropping into the mid 30s. a big warm up in store. tomorrow it will be seasonable 67, sunday 73, monday we hit 80 and believe it or not tuesday and wednesday likely even warmer than that and talk about the record warmth on the way in the accuweather forecast, jim. >> thank you cecily and fill up while you can, new jersey's historically cheap gas prices are coming to an end november first and chris christie signed a law pumping up taxes by 23 cents a gallon and less than gas tack taxes in money and meant to fund transportation projects and expect the tax to generate 2 billion a year but the gas tax cuts and will go to 8.75 in january and even lower next july and eliminates the estate tax by 2018 and action news reporter jeff chirico is in new jersey and what are motorists saying in reaction to these new taxes? >> jim, they are not too happy about it and say it will cost them big time in extra 4-5 dollars every time they fill up an empty tank. >> i'm not very happy about it. >> i don't like it. it's not pleasant for my pocket. >> reporter: new jersey drivers are not holding back and hours after governor chris christie made the gas tax hike official these folks are officially frustrated. >> that is ridiculous. i mean a nickel, a dime, 23 cents is a lot of money to people. >> 30 dollars to fill it up and another 23 cents each gallon and up to 40, 45 bucks. >> reporter: paying the lowest gas taxes in the country 23 cents a gallon increase makes it the state with the 6th highest. >> very hard for people to get to work and make ends meet as far as their groceries and just the everyday necessities. >> reporter: the gas tax is expected to raise 16 billion dollars over eight years the money will pay for road and bridge construction projects, something arthur kramer says is badly needed. >> and if the money does go to that from this tax it won't be the worst thing that happened to us let's see what we can do to save money elsewhere. >> reporter: and in case you are wondering pennsylvaniaians pay the highest gas tax the country more than 50 cents every gallon and if you are looking for a cheap place to fill up now head to delaware where the gas tax there is less than half that. we are live in camdon county jeff chirico action six news. >> takes effect november first and septa workers will vote whether to go on strike local 234 represents 4700 bus drivers train and trolley operators and narrowly avoided a strike two years ago at this time, that contract expires at the end of the month. negotiations continue over pension, healthcare coasts and safety and fatigue concerns. police in beshgs county say the woman behind the wheel of this smashed car was a mother who shot up self bags of heroin and before driving with three children in the back seat authorities charged 31-year-old dena-pikoreti from dui and reckless driveing and endangering the welfare for the children of the incident that happened on august 26 the children was not hurt and she is being held only 75,000 bail. gun violence claimed the life of a man in southwest philadelphia tonight, the victim is believed o to be in his 20s and shot twice on 1300 on south 58 and no motive or suspect and still to come tonight the samsung note 7 smartphone in danger of exploding is put on the no fly list and tell you when the ban takes effect and a shark tank cage match unlike anything we have seen before. >> the chilly air is moving in tonight but not sticking around long and details on the big warm up on the accuweather seven-day forecast. fitness trackers put to the test by medical experts so which style is most accurate and we will have that in a heartbeat and flyers get underway in los angeles when action news continues in just a moment. i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. now, as chairman of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i'm leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. as attorney general, i'll prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. and i'll hold the oil and gas companies accountable to keep our drinking water safe. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you. will be ban tomorrow and over heating and catching fire puts lives at risk and cannot be shipped as air cargo and stocking fire proof emergency bags to contain a potential smoking phone and those who try to travel will face fines, criminal prosecution and of course the phones will be confiscated. this video shows a diver's close encounter with a great white shark off the coast of mexico last week and followed the bait and ended up ramming through the cage and the captain opened the top of the cage and a few seconds later the diver e merged from inside that cage unscathed and the man said the incident will not keep him out of the water and hopes to dive again soon. on the subject of getting hearts racing on health check tonight some fitness trackers may not be able to do the job researchers at the cleveland clinic tested four heart monitors against versions that use a chest strap and gold medical test the ekg the wrist monitors were less accurate and off by 30 beats a minute and experts say if you are serious about monitoring the out put you may want to splurge for a chest strap and honored community leaders and activists during the gala awards at university city and special honoreee the widow of the reverend ralph abernathy with roles with the council rights and public affairs manager niki hawkins was on hand to congratulate the winners let's get that weekend accuweather forecast and as you said just a few moments ago going to be chilly tonight. >> reporter: chilly start to the weekend and temperatures rise and a beautiful weekend and summer makes a come back next week and double scan shows we have rain free conditions out there just high thin clouds and temperatures are dropping quickly and philadelphia 56 degrees, i was going to say 56el and reading 45 and millville 47 and cape may 53 the high 65 two degrees below average so a little chill and satellite six along with action radar this is the big weather maker this within the dominant high pressure is sinking down from new england and what that will do is bring us cool temperatures tonight and start to warm through the weekend and high thin clouds frost in the suburbs and may want to cover the plants and 43 and millville 37 wilmington 40 and philadelphia 404 degrees and your weekend forecast this a nutshell it's a beuat sunshine and chilly morning and seasonable 67 degrees on sunday we warm it up to 73 degrees and we will have a few high thin clouds late in the day but don't think it will cause much problems with viewing the rocket launch a rocket will be launched from the flight city in west virginia sunday 8:03 and going to the international space station with supplies and if you want to see it i love this kind of stuff do look to the southeast sky shortly after 8:00 and this shows within two minutes of the launch we should be seeing it, i will be very low in the horizon again we will will some thin clouds but i think it should be a pretty nice flight on sunday night and it's always fun to watch a rocket heading into into space so the accuweather forecast 67 on saturday after a chilly morning low sunshine and sunday it gets milder and 73 degrees, high afternoon clouds and temperatures rocket early next week and monday october warmth with a high of 80, tuesday we soared up to 83 degrees and wednesday's record high 80 set way back in the 1940s and looks like we should shatter that reaching a summer like high of 85 and then a front pulls through and that will bring us slightly cooler temperatures on thursday still a nice day and 76 and friday it is seasonably cool mostly cloudy with a high of 68 and possibility of a shower and forecast for everyone and if you like fall and if you like summer it should be nice next week and take a few sick days. baking for charity in center city philadelphia and mana made 750 pies for the organization pie in the sky fundraiser and provides a thanksgiving male to be delivered to people in delaware who have life threatening illnesses. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, payment, withdrawal, or transfer each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ from santander bank. ♪ fios is not cable.ank. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer these speeds at this price. only fios can. into the halloween spirit a little early tonight and students and parents at mckinley elementary made scarecrows tonight for the annual tradition and stuffed and decorated the scarecrows inside the gym and the scarecrows will be on display in front of the school until early may. flyers opening night tonight in los angeles. >> about time. started their 50th season jim and we had to wait a long time and puck dropped at 10:56 i hope you have your coffee and want to see a player took a skate to the face and he is still playing with that gash on his cheek and michael started the net and mason had an early save and right now teams are scoreless in the first period as the eagles get set to leave for washington ryan matthews this is questionable with an ankle injury and off the loss and interception rookie of the week carson wentz will play a game and first round pick halapoulivaati vaitai will be in for lane johnson and has motor suited up for a game and all the guys on the line from the tight ends on down will help him adjust. >> any time you have a rookie out there that is first start you know you want to do everything in your power to make it you know easy for him to you know understand who he is blocking where he is going but like i said the kid is a smart kid so i think he is going to be already. >> this is your job you are a professional athlete you got to do your job and that is what i will do that is my job and love it and want to keep it forever. >> reporter: temple 3-3 and tomorrow face ucs and asked matt rule what he sees in ucs and i look angry looking for his answer. >> a team that is fast and dynamic and a cool atmosphere and on campus stadium that is filled and a great atmosphere to go in and to get it started we need to win the first one and it's this one and it's a challenge but one we are looking forward to. more interview with the choech and i do smile on temple play book tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. on channel six and phanic game one and francisco two run home one all the indians would need and beat the blue jays to take a 1-0 series lead and fans on facebook tell me they are rooting for the dodgers because of the phillies. >> cubs a lot of sentiment. >> this is true and going to be a tough one. thank you jamie. enchanting evening for boys and girls in cherry hill and went to a ball at the discovery museum and young princesses were treated to some make overs and a horse drawn carriage ride and of course a dance party. most people owe the bank. but pat toomey actually owned a bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. how do we measure greatness in how america? you? the height of our skyscrapers? the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. the values we pass on. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. that means good schools for every child in every zip code. college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. we face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. working together. respecting one another. and never giving up. i want our success to be measured by theirs. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. [ roars ] [ up tempo music ] dinner! may i be excused? get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. do you own a plane? do you own a bank? pat toomey owned both. but it's the fact that toomey owns a seat in the u.s. senate that should really concern us. while on the senate banking committee, pat toomey voted to rewrite rules to help bankers like him ...and he tried to eliminate protections put in place to stop wall street's risky practices. pat toomey: looking out for wall street and himself, not pennsylvania. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. channel six followed by jimmy kimmel live and night line and action news continues at 5:30 and now for cecily tynan and jamie apody and ducis rodgers and the entire action news team i'm jim gardner have a great night and great week. ♪ penn state coach james franklin for high school huddle scouting one of the top areas, smile, welcome to high school huddle presented by gmc i'm jeff skversky and james franklin not the only one for a great seat for high school football you have the best seat in the house as teams fight to stay perfect and positioning and academy park and penn wood kicks off in 60. channel six action news. >> announcer: the high school huddle is brought by your philadelphia super network gmc dealers and visit yours today. love the dance tonight getting set for some high school football here on huddle, academy park is one of the best high school football teams in the delaware valley and only lost one game over the last two seasons in the state playoff last year this year academy park undefeated and trying to keep it that way against penn wood tonight in our game of the week brought by cooper bone and joint institute. ♪ academy park expecting a divisional battle tonight against penn wood and miller 8-0 lead if the first and penn wood trying to answerer and johnson for welkin and a catch and hangs on but the drivens there penn wood is scoreless to the end of the half second carter academy park and miller does it again and scores four times and academy 32-8 win and 8-0 and have not lost a home game since 2014. they say defense wins championships well the cardinal o'hara ra be on their way and off to a 6-0 start, half of their wins oh, by the way o'hara has not allowed a single point but number one ranked d this delco getting a test against egan in blue and jones gets a little too cute and one way and slammed the other feared by montez and defends a perfect record winning by one and they are 7-0. penn state coach james franklin on the sidelines at the ar archbishop game and has to like this and to the outside and in. wood wins 39-14 and carole falls 0 and 8 and haverford and dover and stopped at penn guard and dashes across the goal line 65 yard toth ande newtown wins and down two scores and cut it in half and chris and man any 25 yards and pin crest within 7 and dominate 48-14 and are 8-0. they are screaming and yelling at ridley harrison wants to connect off and ridley has nothing to talk about and stratton rolls out and finds len and 55-0 and harrison shut out and still without a win. ♪ music to the collins wood band would be a win of 5-0 and collins woods and beat them 21 yards and sets up this mike to lane punches it in collins woods beats the undefeated football team and fall 12-8. woods town defense cannot keep up with the west football team and anthony in the fourth quarter and scores from the 23 west effort wins 41-7 is the final. in delaware a great view of one of the best runs

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Cape May , New Jersey , United States , Millville , Pennsylvania , Academy Park , Virginia , North Carolina , Philadelphia , Woods Town , Delaware , Washington , Penn Wood , Seattle , Mexico , University City , Dover , Elkins Park , Allentown , Trenton , America , American , Maggie Lynn , Jimmy Kimmel , Los Angeles , James Franklin , Jeff Chirico , Ridley Harrison , Josh Shapiro , Carson Wentz , Ryan Matthews , Niki Hawkins , Ralph Abernathy , Chris Christie , Arthur Kramer , Pat Toomey , Collins Wood , Cecily Tynan , Hillary Clinton , Jim Gardner ,

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