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And were saying thanks during the last 10 years blinds to gos customer apppreciation sale buy one get one half off your favorite products. We love our customers and were showing it. Blinds to go. Blinds for life. Action News Delaware valleys leading news program with jim gardner. Hurricane matthew is gone but not its devastating evens in this North Carolina community this is lumberton North Carolina, a city of 22000 and tonight everyone of them is trying to cope with a crisis. Flooding has left homes without electricity and without running water. Residents are reaching their limit. And Officials Say this is only going to get worse until rivers recede at the end of the week. It is monday night and the big story on action news tonight is matthews brutal residue. Much of the south is now under a state of emergency. Live in our Satellite Center is action News Reporter Jeannette Reyes and jeannette its almost inconceivable how bad it is. Hard to watch the images and east coast may have dodged a direct hit from Hurricane Matthew but the damage is still significant tonight confirmed 24 people at least dead and of course flooding is prompting mass evacuations. And this is going to be a prolonged hurricane for us even though the skies are blue. Reporter Hurricane Matthew has come and gone but leaves a trail of disaster and death reaching from the caribbean all the way up to virginia. 26 people are confirmed dead. We are extremely still concerned about the loss of l e life. Sadly i think we lost another individual due to water and we dont want to lose any more. Reporter at nearly a dozen North Carolina is dealing with the highest death toll and the most significant damage. Next door in lumberton they are still going through it right now and we are going to do everything we can to help them the town is totally flooded. Reporter those in lumberton who survived the storm now face widespread outages and historic flooding, high waters trapped the deer on a patch of land near a trailer home and prompting day time rescues like this one. We dont know if its necessarily a breach but a lot of water coming through a dam and rescuing 2000 people. Reporter nighttime evacuations on transit buses. Okay baby. Reporter rapidly rising water levels even force a North Carolina prison sitting near two rivers to evacuate its nearly 800 inmates Officials Say the damage is done but the loss of more lives can be prevented. We dont want to see the devastation we have seen behind us at all. The most important thing is to save everybodys life. Reporter and jeannette at this point we dont know the extent of the economic damage that Hurricane Matthew has caused but we do know it will likely run into the billions tourism in florida and North Carolina will take the hardest hit, live in the south center Jeannette Reyes for channel six action news. Thank you jeannette and lets check in with cecily tynan and how did the situation hit such crisis levels in the wake of matthew . Too much rain in a short period of time and made landfall over South Carolina and a dying front over North Carolina and that was kind of a magnet for the heaviest rain from myrtle beach and 1018 of rain in less than 36 hours is essentially five months worth of rain in a very short period of time so every single river is at major flooding now and that likely will continue into next week. Now the good news Satellite Six along with action radar showing that Mother Nature is not going to make anything worse. High pressure building in so that means a very dry weather pattern this week for the entire eastern sea board and also means locally that this is going oto be the coldest since last may and 10 below normal and philadelphia 43, allentown 33, millville 37 and reddening 35 degrees and good idea to protect the plants and frost advisory for the far north suburbs and for interior south jersey with some frost developing and details on when things warm up in the accuweather forecast jim. Thank you cecily on the political front this was the scene tonight as donald trump attended his second rally in pennsylvania today. Trump was in wilkes berry maintaining a posture and lashing out at officials who abandon him over the weekend and appears the release of the tape friday has down nothing with the support of rally goers and tonight they love trumps engagement with a little boy from the crowd dressed as donald trump. Do you want to go back to them or stay with donald trump . Trump. [cheers] he went back to his parents anyway but Trump Supporters are furious with House Speaker paul ryan, ryan told republican lawmakers during a Conference Call this morning that he will not defend trump nor will he campaign with him during the last four weeks. Protrump house members accuse ryan of conceding the election to Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile clinton was this columbus tonight where she drew perhaps the largest crowd of her campaign. The secret service said there were 13,000 people inside, 5,000 outside. Even if that number was inflated it is still out distances her largest crowd to date 7,000 at a joint appearance with president obama over the summer. Tomorrow is the registration deadline in ohio so clinton directed her message to young people tonight to vote because in her words this is your election more than anyone else. Meanwhile wikileaks released emails from clinton chairman john and some shows consternation to aids and Hillary Clinton and bill clintons business dealings may effect her president ial ambitions from a couple years ago and also revealed the tension within the Clinton Foundation when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. The chief operating officer of the foundation was reportedly threatening to commit suicide because of stress. A new poll shows clinton with a double digit lead over trump among likely voters, 46 say they will pick clinton next month compared to 35 for trump. The nbc wall street journal poll was conducted after the trump tape was revealed friday but before the debate last night. Gary johnson and jill stein maintain the same level of support as last night 92 respectively if you want to vote the deadline to register in pennsylvania is tomorrow. In delaware the deadline is saturday, october 15th and in new jersey you have until next tuesday, october 18th to register. Philadelphia police are working to sort out a triple shooting tonight that sent two teens and a young man to the hospital. The gunfire erupted two hours ago in 3100 of sterling street. That is in the may fair section of the city. A 21yearold man who was shot in the neck ran to the 15th district about four blocks away to get help. Authorities say a 17yearold shot in the chest may not survive. So right now all three of them are at the hospital but they are also being held as possible suspects and until we can determine which of these three are just shooting victims we know they are shooting victims but if any of them were actually the shooter. Reporter detectives recovered a revolver and other evidence and have tracked down surveillance cameras that may have recorded the shooting. Authorities say it is fortunate no one else was hit since the scene is a cross from a playground and an rec center. In the Lehigh Valley agencies and Allentown Police are investigating a daycare where a worker allegedly told toddlers to curse for the camera. What are they. Ugly. What are they . [beep] that employee of Creative Minds in allentown has since been fired but the unedited video which we blurred because of profanity and the age of children ended up on facebook. I was disgusted. Upset. I felt embarrassed. More just surprised. Reporter the employee allegedly sent this video to her friends thinking it was funny. But it was one of those friends who contacted authorities and turned her in. The eight wonder of the world shut its doors for good today in Atlantic City what donald trump called the taj mahal when it opened today he said there was no reason for this as his friend carl icon shut it down. Closing cost 3,000 workers their jobs and comes 100 days after the start of a strike by local 54 of the union, the union chief says he thinks icon might reopen the taj mahal after the winter. Still to come on action news tonight safe and sound, it is a happy ending tonight for a fouryearold who was kidnapped days ago and we will explain how she was rescued. Plus good grief, hear how a local Community Plans to avoid a repeat of its Charlie Brown Christmas Tree cecily. Temperatures are cooling off 51 in philadelphia and getting a lot cooler overnight though and let you know just how cold temperatures will be in the action weather forecast. A big story on the health front and alli is with us. Advances in technology are making a treatment for parkinsons disease easier for patients, ill have one local mans story and how surgery relieved his tremors and how the surgery has changed. Under pressure and Ducis Rodgers with the monday morning quarterbacking for rookie carson wentz when action news continues tonight. A fouryearold florida girl missing since saturday has been found safe in tennessee investigators say they found Rebecca Lewis inside a car this afternoon in memphis. Police spotted the girl and the man accused of kidnapping her as they were trying to leave a hospital parking lot the suspect is a 31yearold man named wes wild hogs he surrendered and he is now in custody. Police say rebecca is being checked out tonight but she appears to be okay. Any time we can recover a baby from all information we receive now healthy and well and the guy responsible for it is locked up, its a great day. Reporter investigators say hogs was a friend of rebeccas family but hadnt seen them in more than two years. Samsung says replacement for replacement galaxy note 7 are also in danger of over heating and catching fire. Now the Electronics Company is halting sales samsung warned consumers it discovered a secondary product defect which it would not identify but urged consumers to turn off the phones and exchange them for a full refund or an alternate product. Health check at 11 00 there is now hope for some people who suffer from parkinsons disease. Advances in technology are making one procedure easier for patients and for many the results have been remarkable and reporter and nurse alli gorman is here and what are details on this . Surgery on the brain but in the past the only way doctors could do the surgery was with the patient awake and doctors at Jefferson University hospital can perform it while patients are asleep and much more comfortable, i spoke with one local man who says having this option helped him get his life ba back. 69yearold jim fox is back to doing what he loves working with his hands, building boats from the ground up. That is right this 52 footer started out as a flat piece of steel. Feels like a dream come true. Reporter a dream come true because about six months ago fox couldnt get up or downstairs, he could barely hold a cup of coffee due to tremors caused by parkinsons disease. Both my arms shook, my hands shook, the worst part was my jaw shook severely, life was very unbearable. Reporter medication wasnt working much any more and why he chose to have this device implanted in his chest and connected to thin wire electrodes surgically placed in his brain. Its a procedure called deep brain stimulation or dbs and it is helping relieve his tremors. Hold your arms up. Reporter to get an idea of what life was like before the procedure Nurse Practitioner turns down his device on one side, immediately the tremors returned. Turn it back on and they slowly subside. With dbs electrodes are placed on specific areas of the brain. Delivering stimulation that helps control symptoms. The dr. Woo at jefferson is doing dbs while patients are asleep. Traditionally patients are kept awake which as you can imagine can spark fear. It scared the devil out of me, i would not have done it. The healthy of people 67 hours, sit to a table not being able to move, nobody is going to like that. Especially if you have parkinsons that is extremely taxing. Reporter dr. Woo says due to advances in mri imaging surgeons have a much clearer view to map the exact spots for the electrodes. Technology i give is you know if you are looking for a box in your basement you know you can go and try to feel around for the right box but we have a light switch we can turn on the light and see exactly where it is. Reporter this special robot helps improve accuracy. So far studies show overall a sleep dbs is just as effective as awake dbs and mr. Foxs symptoms have improved by more than 50 . Its a huge relief, parkinsons really impacts the whole family. I mean i got my life back. Reporter now as with all procedu procedures there are risks but dr. Woo says the risks are low and sleep version is safer and takes about two hours less in the operating room but this is not for all parkinsons patients and only done when medication is no longer working well. It can also be used to treat a few other conditions we have details about that on 6abc. Com. Extraordinary stuff thank you alli, all right it is not even halloween yet but the city of reddening is trying to stem the chance of another Christmas Tree controversy two years ago reddening made International Headlines over that tree. Which many said reminded them of the scrawny sampling from a Charlie Brown christmas and mayor scott says he doesnt understand the hoopla but will erect a 35 foot tree. I see beauty in everything and Charlie Brown deserved a christmas the same as the Charlie Brown tree. Reporter private donors picking up the tab for the alluminum tree and most coming from first energy and the Lighting Ceremony is december third at fifth and penn and what has become of the old Charlie Brown tree well it lives on inside city hall and the wood was used to create this commemorative bench. It was a night of fun, friends and fashion in Delaware County and all for an excellent cause, tonight was the springfield country clubs 18th annual girls night out and raises money to benefit women battling cancer and cecily tynan took a break from her duties here to walk the cat walk or to dance the cat walk. Cant walk a cat walk. The fashion show this is not the first time you have done that. I think this is my seventh or eighth year and every time i show i have absolutely no talent on the runway but every year, i think so, every year we raise more than 60,000 to fight Breast Cancer and its all kept locally in Delaware County and really is a fun event. One year i will get you to get out there walk the cat walk. All right next year you heard it here. May want to do some dancing tonight just to stay warm its a little chilly out there Storm Tracker 6 live double scan showing dry conditions out there tonight and action cam at ritten house square and going for a stroll wearing a fall jacket, i had to dig mine out for the first time this season because temperatures are dropping pretty quickly especially in the suburbs and philadelphia is holding at 51 a little bit of the urban and allentown 44, trenton 48 millville 45 and reddening 45 degrees and satellite 6 along with action radar showing High Pressure building in and there is not a cloud in the sky. With no clouds really to trap in the heat of the earth with diminishing wind and very low dew point temperatures will be falling very quickly so clear and cold with some frost in the suburbs again northwest suburbs and interior south jersey under a frost advisory 33 in the cooler suburbs 43 for center city so you may want to bring in your poted plants tonight. During the day tomorrow much like today temperatures are on the cool side normal high for this time of the year 69, today we are 65, tomorrow maybe one degree warmer 66 allentown 65, cape may 64 and wilmington 65 degrees. Lots of sunshine and the winds will be a lot lighter than today so i actually think its going to feel a bit warmer than it felt today. Heading into wednesday 68 degrees but we will begin to see more clouds kind of an easterly flow setting up and that could also bring us some fog on thursday morning. Thursday afternoon ahead of the cold front temperatures in the 70s the front moves through dry behind it temperatures dropping back into the 60s on friday. Concerns this week as far as forecasting how widespread will the frost be tonight it really depends on the wind areas sheltered from the winds will see more chance of frost than other areas and also a big question how much fog will develop on thursday morning and how quickly will it burn off that is very much up in the air, exclusive sevenday forecast tomorrow a chilly start to the day and sunshine and 66 degrees and a dry start to to yankopor and 68 degrees thursday again the morning fog becoming partly sunny and once the fog burns out temperatures should spike back in the low 70s, 72 degrees and cold front moves dry and behind it on friday the sunshine is back breezy and cool and kind of a carbon copy of today, 65 degrees and heading into next weekend looking better than the past weekend and sun and a few clouds on saturday and 65 on sunday bright sunshine and clouds rolling in late 69 degrees and monday rain is possible, finally with a high of 61 but until then we will have a dry week temperatures a little bit up and down and tomorrow definitely down it will be chilly. Having the most successful year of his career and tonight kevin hart officially became a Hollywood Star the actor and comedian celebrated a big moment on hollywood walk of fame posing with a proclamation and replica of his star, this year forbes ranked him as the highest paid comedian breaking Jerry Seinfelds reign for the first time in recent memory. Jimmy kimmel live coming up, at 11 35 right after action news here is jimmy with a preview of tonights show. Thanks jim hello philadelphia here is the deal on our show tonight grateful for you spending time with us tonight do you have any idea how adorable you are . That is why let someone else have all the fun . The sometimes haphazard, never boring. Fun. The why cant it smell like this all the time. Fun. The learning the virtue of sharing. Fun. Why let someone else have all the fun . Thats no fun. Its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Would you put people in jail for performing abortions . At some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. You said it on the early news at the beginning of the season eagles fans knew they were 31 that would be great but last night was a tough one. Could have easily been 40 a game they could have won, would have could have should have and you heard that before and may haunt the eagles but not for too long a big Division Game sunday at washington and 40 would have been nice the loss of detroit features carson wentz first nfl interception and went deep when nelson was not open and the interception the talk of the town today and coach pederson wants to make sure everyone calms down when it comes to criticizing his qb. His first start and beating him up over his fourth nfl start and did great things in the Football Game and not one play will magnify him or our performance in this Football Game. Its one of those things we are 31 its a long season so its one of those things you cant be too hard on yourself and critique the tape hard and challenge yourself to get better but at the same time its a long season with a long way to go. Reporter wentz did good and 2533, 238 and two touchdowns and former eagles coach dick was on espn today and says he sees Something Special in wentz. He is the best number one young kid i think ive ever seen. Something. I may be wrong but i think he is like a combination of john elway when he came up and brett favre. You dont want to put that on him yet do you . Everyone is hanging something on him but im old enough to have covered enough first year quarterbacks. To the ice the flyers are finalizing their regular roaster and two impressive rosters made it. Radko gudas will not be with the team on Opening Night nhl suspended for six games for the hit saturday against the bruins and radko gudas reputation with the lead office, he loves coaching katie v o she works hard. She stays late. But she gets paid 21 less than her male coworkers. Pat toomey has voted time after time against equal pay for women, against pay that helps hard working families get ahead. Katie o c for my daughters and yours, ill fight for equal pay for women. Families need it; youve earned it. Katie v o im katie mcginty, and i approve this message because its your turn to get ahead. The sixers plan to increase the minute limit and had been playing 12 minutes during preseason and the number will go up to 15 and visit memphis tomorrow in exhibition play and coach brown says he will give dariosaric the night off and getting use to the game and the life in the u. S. Playing basketball, yeah, i feel very good, you know. I love coaching dario and he is everything we thought he was going to be. Reporter baseball playoffs nlds three between the nats and dodgers and pinch hitter and 2 run homer in the 5 and dodgers and down 43 but another former philly jason worth puts the game out of reach and nats wins 82 and take a 21 lead in the best of five series, phillies all over the Major League Baseball playoffs. Jimmy kimmel live on channel six followed by night line and the guests are don and john stamos and ken bone who is 65 million americans met last night and music from two Door Cinema Club action news continues at 4 30 with edwards and matt odonnell. I have no idea. You dont know all right, Metrologist David murphy and karen rogers with traffic and Ducis Rodgers and cecily tynan and im jim gardner. Z254jz zi0z y254jy yi0y

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