Transcripts For WPVI Action News 1130PM 20160710 : compareme

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 1130PM 20160710

12 months free at not one or two or three but four shots, that is how many times it takes serena williams to score that illusive 22nd grand slam title, so much for third time being a charm, um. serena trying to prevent deja vu with beyonce and jay-z there they are craze any love. serena, well, she was not love with the way she played against the australian open but today in the rematch in the will bled on final, serena wins seven-five, six-three. her 22nd major title tying steffi graf for the most since 1968, emotion says it all, serena by the way later goes on to win doubles title too. what a day. >> how about this mess in san francisco, you got to see it. ridiculous. foul ball, causes a giant mess. wow. the soda, the beer, the hot dog, gone. and they want to see it again. fans watching with their iphones. you would think after going through an experience like this they would want to pay attention to the game but instead looking the at iphone. >> especially when you consider what you paid for. >> a hundred dollars for beer and hot dogs. "action news" at 11:30 is next. update from people who take septa's regional rails, update expected to ease commuting chaos they have been dealing with. what is septa plans to do coming up. all tail was and kisses for a dog and their owner after a year apart. we will take to you this reunion between the service member and their beloved pet. that and more when "action news" comes right back. saturday night i'm walter perez. here's is what happening on "action news" at 11:30. scare in dallas for a police department that suffered so much. but why the swat team was called out and street shut down around the police headquarters this mize look like a regular bar but what these patrons are watching on tv could is a day save their lives. it is as different as their styles on the campaign trail how hillary clinton and donald trump are betting their vp candidate including who might be at the top of the list. but first tonight's investigators are trying to find out what start aid fire that ripped through a block of row homes in the cities cobbs creek section. in the even, a dozen homes were severely damaged. "action news" reporter trish hartman takes a closer look at the damage. >> reporter: crews work to clear damage after fire tore the 5800 block of larchwood street. >> fire coming in, behind me, coming in forces behind me. >> reporter: troy reid was tend to go his one week old son around 1:00 a.m. when a glow across the street caught his eye. >> i ran outside and she started banging on the door to get out of the house. >> reporter: fire fighters say the blaze started on the porch and quickly spread. a dozen homes were damage by flames or smoke or water. >> they have to take the whole stand down, tear off the porch and tear up my living room and dining room ceiling. >> reporter: around the corner a white pickup truck sits totaled. carter says her husband's truck was burn around the same time as the home. fire marshall is investigate to go see if the truck fire, the homes and a few rubbish fires at 59th and larchwood are all connected. >> they were out here investigating last night, asking questions do we know who did it or whatever. he didn't know anything because he wasn't home. >> reporter: people grow up on this block say it is heart break to go see so many homes affect. >> to see the house burned like this, it hurts my heart. >> reporter: while no residents were hurt in the fire we are told one fire fighter was treated at the scene for heat exhaustion. reporting from cobbs creeks, trish hartman channel six "action news". police in cumberland county new jersey are investigating a deadly accident that happened this afternoon in vineland. investigators say a car hit a pedestrian just before 4:00 o'clock along 3800 block of south delsea drive. no word tonight if the driver faces charges. new castle county delaware police are investigating after a woman was found dead in her basement this afternoon. police made the discovery inside a home there on the 200 block of adams street the in delaware county. she was pronounced dead at the scene. so far no arrests have been made. well, tomorrow septa is expected to release a new interim schedule to help passengers after the transit agency removed more than a hundred cars from services. septa says that they have lease sod new train cars from other transportation agencies in the northeastern u.s. to help the situation. a week ago septa took 120 trains out of service because of potentially dangerous defects. they hope get those motor cars up and running by monday. two days after 12 officers were shot, five of whom were killed there were tense moments in dallas at dallas police headquarters there. this is after someone spotted a suspicious man dressed in black a short time after the threat was reportedly called in. in the end, it turns up nothing. during that tense search the swat team was deployed to the parking garage where the man was spotted and then set off a device to enter a lock fence in search of the man who once again nobody was found. city remains on edge, since the snipper opened fire on officers, who are guarding a protest march 2 days ago. once again five officers were killed. reminder to stay tuned to "action news" and six for very latest developments from dallas texas. you you can join the ongoing conversation about this tragedy on our facebook and twitter pages. we will bring you continuing updates. a local company specializes in trauma simulation equipment held a training seminar today in philadelphia on what to do in the case of an active shooter. tech line technologies from willow grove held a training station inside woody's bar in center city. tactic calomel providers, physicians and members of the military taught lessons about situational awareness and what to do if the unspeakable occurs. >> escape the situation, do so. if you candy any, deny that person access to the room you are in or location that you are in and finally if none of it is a better option, we want to you deeven if. it the is your right to save your life. >> reporter: seminar also covered life saving medical tips. moving on to the race for the white house, two side had a decidedly different tone today in the wake of the police officers murdered in dallas. but with the conventions weeks away the pressure is on for candidate to get back in the head lines this time with the running mate. david wright has latest from the campaign trail. >> reporter: workers are furiously transforming king james home court into the stage for donald trump's nomination. candidate busy decide hog his running mate will be. >> we have ten people that we're looking at very seriously. >> reporter: normally vetting vp's is one of the campaign's closely guarded secrets but trump's process looks more like an election addition of the apprentice, some of his topics, auditions out on the trail. >> he is smart, he is tough, and he gets it. >> reporter: former house speaker newt gingrich is clearly interested. >> it would be very hard for me not to find a way to serve the country. >> reporter: gingrich told ap it is not a total slam dunk. hillary clinton has vetted candidates the old fashion way, behind closed doors, monk names she's said to be considering hud secretary julian castro and massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. clinton also gets to wait for trump to show his card first. >> probably a little bit before the convention. >> reporter: trump says there are names that have not been talk about yet just today abc news learn he is vetting retired lieutenant general michael flynn, who may not be a household name but he has strong national security credentials. david wright, abc news, new york. pennsylvania's house of representatives goes back to work tomorrow to discuss the state budget. they have until midnight on monday to reach a deal on how to pay for $391.5 billion spending plan. governor tom wolf could sign parts of the proposal or veto it all together. budget negotiators are looking for options for funding that budget including expanding casino style gambling and increasing taxes on cigarettes. kids interested in a future in law enforcement with granted hand on experience today. they took part in the cadet training there in chester county. they were trained by u.s. immigration and customs enforcement home land security investigation unit. kid took part intive rent scenarios and even learned how to make an arrest. it was pure joy, when this dog was reunited with her owner after a year apart. layla had been staying with the family in gloucester county while her owner, petty officer byes, was stationed on the u.s.s. tru man. the family cared for the pit bull through the foster program called packet for animals. >> i just want to thank you. without this i would have lost my best friend. >> happy to do it. >> the foster family and layla formed a close one. while she was in their care. the couple months ago a video of eight year-old ana singing to that dog went viral. much more to come on "action news" tonight, tis the season for great produce. great harvest for blueberries. pirates took over a battleship in new jersey. we will take you there, melissa. and still tracking a few showers to the north of philadelphia, but we have better weather on the way, for second half of the weekend. humidity will be dropping, details coming up with the full and exclusive accu weather forecast. blueberry season, here we go is in full swing and today people celebrated the annual blueberry festival right there in lindh villa orchard in media event offers the opportunity to pick and gather your own fresh blueberries right off the bush. there were hey rides and fresh blueberry pie available. that sound good. off the new jersey shore people shoed off their creativity by building sand sculptures in wildwood crest. some of them created works of art including a sea turtle, whale and whole bunch of san castles. they even design honoring harlem globetrotters celebrating their 90th anniversary. globetrotters stars bow bullard was on hand to meet fans and judge those designs. time for a check of the accu weather forecast with meteorologist melissa magee. we have rough weather in some spots today. >> we had some showers, storms, popping up. that is okay. south and north of the city. but we have a few storms on the way for sunday. here's storm tracker six live double scan radar. you can see showers starting to press to the east of philadelphia we're going in tighter, on street level, with storm tracker six, east of cherry hill we're dealing with moderate to heavy rain. same thing for mount holly, georgetown, wrightstown, browns mills and to the east of medford, as well, showers will be moving on out from northeast texas we go throughout the rest of tonight. we will show you picture outside, sky six live in hd where we're in olde city, you can see folks out and about, enjoying a very warm evening. humidity still high but that is dropping on sunday. numbers currently north and west of town, it is 70 for fleet wood. sixty-nine in pot town at this hour. sixty-nine in warrington. center city 65. sixty-nine in kenneth square. down in new jersey it is 72 vineland. same thing for gandy's beach. upper 60's for ewing. seventy-four for wood wine and sea isle city. humidity is on the high side. anytime we have dew points in the 07's from the i-95 corridor, areas south and east, still oppressive but middle and lower 60's across northwest suburbs. humidity will be lowering throughout the day tomorrow. if you look at the dew point scales, how it will feel tomorrow, we've got a comfortable air mass on the way because dew point numbers will be in the lower 60's and upper 50's across the region. nice and refreshing. the here's satellite six with action radar, is there center of the storm or trailing cold front that is moving on through. out to the west though we will notice clear skies for great lakes and ohio valley, we will tap into a piece of that weather as early as tomorrow. sun take looks like this. cold front dips down to the south and east. there is high pressure over ohio valley. we have northwesterly wind around that ridge of high pressure. high temperature in fill 586 still warm but humidity will be lowering with that northwesterly win at ten to 20 e area we have lower 80's north and west of that 95 corridor. eighty-one for the high tomorrow in lancaster. eighty-five in philadelphia. eighty-two in cape may. eighty-five as we look down in dover. here's the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast less humid tomorrow. spotty shower likely north and ease have of fill with a upper level low moving on through. most locations tomorrow will see try, nonetheless, maxing out in the 80's. sunny still this is bad on monday. 86 degrees. we are quickly turning up the heat on tuesday in at 90. hot, turning more humid on wednesday at 92. showers, thunderstorm likely as we go throughout the day. another heat wave possible on thursday, with three straight days with temperatures in the 90's by then. friday still hazy, hot, humid with a shower or thunderstorm likely by the afternoon a high of 93. next saturday still steam which a high temperature coming in at 94. not too bad, walter. we will relish it before it heat backup. >> sound good, thanks, melissa. thousands of people took part in the 35th annual hispanic festival at pens land to go day. >> ♪ >> there were craft, muse i can and great food. it is one of the most popular attended events at penns landing. pirates invaded the battleship new jersey today in camden all day pirate reenactors greeted guests, toured the ship and put on performances to teach families about the ship's history there were craft vendors all throughout the ship. local churches and businesses came together for a fun community day. it took place at cornerstone fellowship baptist church. food, games and free bikes handed out to kid from the neighborhood. for grown ups there was a line of corvettes on display. church hold event each and every year in the spirit of the helping neighbors get to know each other. sport is next when we column right back. phillies all-star odubel herrera could have got his way on the feel tonight even though he has a sore foot but little bull, starts on the bench because he is in a bit of the slump. he is zero for ten. tommy joseph was in the slump, zero for 17 but gone from ice cold to red hot. he is hitting .625 and three home runs including this tonight in the second. oh, what a night. joseph four for four, comes a triple shy of the cycle, it is in the enough. jared eickoff, worst start of his career, allows eight runs, all coming in the fifth and sixth inning, he gives up a home run to the pitcher, walks in the run and much more, phillies lose eight-three. they are back at it against rockies tomorrow. sixers making it official tonight announcing signing of the the free agent guard gerald henderson who played high school ball at episcopal academy and grew up a big sixers fans. henderson in vegas watching sixers summer league game tonight featuring ben simmons and brandon ingram. they want simmons to be more aggressive. here we go in the first two of his eight-point. he had eight a is ises. nearly gets a triple double. ingram had seven points. joel embiid happy to see simmons playing well. he won't be happen bye this. final seconds, deangelo russell with the buzzer beat tore beat sixers. they lose the summer league game by one. stop me if you have heard this before but dario saric says he is coming to the sixers next season. czarrish said that yes, he is coming, after leaving croatia for olympics and being named mvp of the qualifying tornment to day. sixers have yet to make the announcement official. they have been negotiating a buy out with his team in turkey. walter, back to you. >> thanks, jeff. it was a historic night on broadway creator and lead actor in hamilton took his final bow tonight. it is saying good bye to three stars including lynn manual miranda. fans stood in line for days to get tickets. some spending $20,000 to see the performance. miranda plays alexander hamilton of course, wants to start working on other projects including disney's sequel to mary poppins which is slated for completion in two years. ♪ >> it was a cinema tradition like no other in phoenixville chester county at annual blob fest, celebrating the 1958 colt classic the blob, there was a street fair and costume contest and a screening of the old horror flick right there at the old colonial theater. castle is next here on channel six, "action news" continues at 6:00 tomorrow morning with nydia han, gray hall and chris sowers. for melissa magee, jeff skversky and the entire "action news" team i'm walter perez. we will see you right back here tomorrow night. have a good night. >> ♪ been trying to prepare for this day... and i'm still not ready. the reason i'm telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that... you'll never be ready for. your little girl getting married being one of them. ♪ ♪ 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