Transcripts For WPVI Action News 1130 PM 20150427 : comparem

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 1130 PM 20150427

why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well-equipped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. well flyers general manager ron hextall would like to hire a coach before the nhl draft in two months and a potential replacement for craig berube could be former oilers coach dal annes eakins according to a canadian tv station. soul and new orleans len goodman, wow give this a perfect ten. maybe not. soul a perfect five -o. dann, and xavier boyce run a catch. soul win 55-42. they have the best winning percentage in town over last three years. back of the ticket of the baseball games it says beware of balls, bats that may leave the field of play. it says nothing about players. watch out what a catch, the the royals alex gordon, take another look, wow. four time gold glover. deserves another one. he gets a standing ovation from the other teams fans that is how good that catch was. >> amazing. much more "action news" when we come right back. oh no, not yet. sunday night here's is what happening on "action news" at 11:30. russian hackers break in the white house computers and get close to high profile information. young man accomplishes wham say he could never do, despite long odds he is now an eagles scout. his mother tells us how he did it. local family thanks his team of volunteers who stepped up with life saving efforts for a beloved family pet. but first a night of violence in baltimore gave way to a day of mourning for 25 year-old freddie gray. gray died after suffering a serious spinal injury in the custody of police. gray will be laid to rest tomorrow. abc's laurie riveria has more. >> reporter: just hours after parts of the baltimore descended into chaos today a community in mourning began its final good bye to freddie gray. >> we don't know, we let truth prevail. >> we support the family. >> reporter: twenty-five year-old gray who died a week ago after sustaining a severe spinal cord injury while in police custody. gray's grieving family claims his spine was almost severed. >> we don't know when or how it was severed. the only people that know that are the police officers involved. >> reporter: today's quiet sorrow is in contrast to this scene last night a small pocket of rioters smashing storefronts, burning cars and facing off with police in full riot gear. >> and just wreak havoc. >> reporter: outside camden yard orioles red sox game, chaos, tonight this community frustrated but determined to end what many believe is a pattern of police brutality. >> we will push the baltimore city police department into giving us the the information and giving us the the truth. >> reporter: family's attorney telling me his biggest frustration not having yet to radio calls possible 911 calls, and all of the surveillance footage. tomorrow the family prepares to bury freddie gray. gloria riveria abc news, baltimore. secretary of the state john kerry and his eye rain an counterpart will meet face-to-face this week in new york. the it is their first meeting since they laid out a framework for nuclear deal later this month. two will meet at u.n. on the sidelines of the conference of the nuclear none in proliferation treaty. a compromise agreement could be reached as early as june. russian computer hack's parentally gained hackers to some of washington's elite. new york times says they read some of obama's classified e-mails after breaching a white house computer system. they got deep in the state department's system though, they didn't reach anything classified. officials are not revealing how many e-mails were involved in the breach or their nature. acting chief of the clinton foundation admits it made missteps when it came to making disclosures about donors. they defended work on the foundtation's web site saying the organization will refile some tax forms because it mistakenly combined government grants and donations. the the group has come under increased scrutiny since hillary clinton declared per presidential candidacy. she said group has made mistakes but moving quickly to fix them. the the agency that runs the gold up gate bridge is asking for help controlling drones. a rising number of the remet control devices have been buzzing the span flying past security fences and in areas where photography is banned. the the agency is concerned they pose safety and security hazard. is asking senator fine stein and faa to site drone operators for trespassing. it was a celebration 75 years in the make to go day in the cities hunting park section. alumni from little flower high school and their families mark the school's seventh fifth anniversary today. school minister father joseph mccaffery rededicated the school to mark the milestone. members from the class of the 1942, the the second graduating class in the schools history were a among those on hand for the the celebration. a king of prussia a man has overcome his own challenge to rise to the highest rank attainable in the boy scotts. christian math co vitch has been scouting since first grade. he passed his verbal review, using electronic speech. for his project he collect and organized school supplies for kid in developing nations. his moth are says one of the biggest hurdles was convincing others, even scout officials that he could do it. >> so difficult for some people to get past the wheelchair. they see somebody in the wheelchair and they believe that their mine doesn't work either. >> reporter: thanks to technology and good support christian new joins his two brothers as an eagle scout. good job christian, all right. a dog that was victim of the hit and run is back home to his family tonight thanks to the team of dedicated volunteers. two-year old sammy suffered devastating injuries when a car ran him over but through generosity of the strangers he is back on his feet and enjoying his second shot at life. "action news" reporter sharrie williams has the story. >> give him another one for the camera. >> reporter: dwayne blackman is a little boy who loves his dog sammy. >> they are always together. they play with eacher. they are best friend. they play video games together >> reporter: mom as dwayne was extremely shy and struggled to communicate until sammy joined the family and that changed everything. >> my son hardly talk when he was little will. he knows how to talk but does not open up to too many people and when we got the the dog he just turned into a different kid. >> reporter: a few days ago the the little dog was in great danger. >> it snuck out the a couple days ago and got hit by a car. somebody just left him there. >> reporter: badly wounded the family didn't think their four legged pet was going to live. they took sammy to the act philly shelter thinking they would have to give him up because they could not afford his medical care. >> i did see the family coming in after he was sammy was hit by the car and i know how distraught they were leaving him there. >> reporter: director of tiny paws rescue stepped in and made sure that sammy got x-rays. they showed he had a bad hip dislocation and needed surgery to remove his hip joints. tiny paws rescued called the pet, wood burn animal clinic levittown who agreed to do the surgery and saving sammy's life. making this little boy field. >> happy. >> happy. >> wanted to get sammy back home to his family so he could start eating again because he was not eating or sleeping while away. >> reporter: a happy reunion for sammy and a family that loves him dearly. >> it feels great that somebody can pay it forward and help people. >> reporter: in northeast philadelphia sharrie williams for channel six "action news". still to come on "action news" tonight we showed you a little bit of it last night but white house correspondents dinner went well in the night. the president's side kick luther at anger translator. a famous philadelphian returns home to help train the next generation of broadway stars melissa. walter, a few cloud around tonight and showers around for start of the workweek but i'm tracking a warm up with temperatures in the upper 60's to perhaps 70's on the way. details coming up with the accu weather forecast. all right. one of philadelphia's favorite daughters, actress andrea mcardle was on hand for ribbon cutting at media theater's new school and dance studio. the school will help train the next generation of broadway stars. mcardle was nominated for a tony for her role as annie and starring in hello dolly at the media theater. >> we are all hoping the sun will come out tomorrow. >> yes. >> the the sunnies going to come out, with some clouds, and maybe some showers in the afternoon, guys but weekend all and all does not look too bad. temperatures will be moderating. we will show you what is going on on storm tracker six live double scan radar. we've got dry quiet conditions across the delaware and lehigh rallies and pretty tranquil conditions for the first half of the day tomorrow. after that however we will be tracking some minor changes. we will show you the picture of what we have. action cam was outside earlier tonight where we are looking at beautiful flowers there. another sign that spring is definitely upon us although, it is a touch on the chilly side for this time of the year. the high temperature today in philadelphia only 64. average this time of the year is 68. we will get closer to our ease nal normas we go throughout the rest of the workweek. neighborhood numbers north and west, 45 in slating ton. need would the 46. forty-nine for chester and center city. upper 40's for new holland and oxford. down across new jersey, chilly hammington. forty to 39 to vineland and woodbine. same thing in bridgeton. forty-seven in hockessin. middle 40's in dover. forty-nine is the number in cinnaminson. here's satellite six with action radar. quiet conditions across the the region but a few more cloud off to the north. we will track for start of the workweek is low pressure that is parked across canada for the weekend. we have had these showers around new england and area have of lose pressure pushing out to the east where storm systems typically go from west to east. this one wants to come back to the west and work its way to the south and east. as we get in the afternoon hours. so we will time out the rest of the day as we go throughout monday allentown north and west of the city, cool for april with a stray shower around by the afternoon. high temperature of just 60 degrees. down across the shore tomorrow in atlantic city, cloud and some sun and isolated shower with that area of low pressure getting closer to our region. chilly high tomorrow only in at 54 degrees. the fast forward into tuesday because once the the moisture moves on out you can see with the westerly wind by tuesday 2:30 in the afternoon these numbers along i-95 easily climbing up in the upper 60's. same thing holds true. touch cooler along the the coast but we are closer and closer to average. it will get a little bit warmer in the middle half of the workweek. you can see that with the accu weather forecast. on monday turning breezy, high temperature of just 61. brief shower is likely. on tuesday, sunny and warmer, up to 69 degrees. wednesday, nice and mild, seven 36789 on thursday we are cooler again a high of 64. we are tracking low pressure that will lift off to the north. so some showers, are around by thursday, and depending on the track of this, it could be a wet if not a cooler day. we will track that area of low pressure as it works northward. friday cloud and some sun in at six 36789 looking good next weekend temperatures, dry and in the lower 70's. >> i like to hear that. >> not the a bad week ahead. >> thanks, melissa. it is now known as nerd prom an event where politicians and press meet for a night to make fun of each other. >> it is also a chance for commander and chief to be comedian in chief. ron clay burn has a look at last night's classic one liners. >> reporter: saturday night live cecily talk about the president for sagging poll numbers and grange hair. >> your gray hair is at 85 percent. your hair is so white you can talk back to the police. >> reporter: nerd promise the night president can be roasted and poke fun at others. >> mr. president, do you have a bucket list. i said, well, i have something that rhyme was bucket list. take executive action on immigration, buck it. >> reporter: michael key repriced his comedy central character luther the angry translator what kind of super short sighted irresponsible. >> wow wow wow. >> you don't need a translator. you need cops. >> ron clay burn abc news, new york. they call it the most fun you can have in a bed with the clothes on. twenty-third annual red ribbon bed race. the it rolled through key west florida once again this weekend. each bed was mounted on wheels and push by teams of four, a fifth team member ride on the bed. all proceed benefit a charity benefiting aid awareness. >> would i like one of those to get me home tonight. much more on "action news" tonight including sports. plus a very special celebration for one very special man when "action news" comes right back. a part of what standardized tests don't measure, very frankly they don't measure the diligence, the potential passion of a student. so it's really a measure of how adept you are to working out a problem quickly. but what if you're brilliant and it might take you twenty minutes, but you can figure out something if you were just given time to do it and show real brilliance. is that a real measure of ability and intelligence? what you can do in one minute on a problem? get out of here. just like you two song it had been sunday, bloody sunday for your phillies. they have lost 18 of their last 21 sunday games but thanks to ryan hurt today they are in longer stuck in the moment they cannot get out of. phillies win five-two. ryan howard is heating up after zero home runs and .175 average in the first 11 games the the phillies first base man starting to swing bats. two home runs in as many days, three total this season all coming this is last five games. howard with a big, three run home run in the first today. that is three home runs and seven runs batted in those five games. hopefully he stays red hot as he helped home to st. louis where he has been unreal over his career. >> yeah, i think howie has made real good stride as far as getting some contact. today, it was key for him off of cahill to layoff of some breaking stuff down in the dirt. he is in the good grief make gooding progress. >> i have been saying i have been swinging the bat well. the the the results may not necessarily show but it is all about how you feel about the swings. eventually you will start to connect. >> howard definitely deserves a piece of cake. finally a fun day at the park. fanatic having his 37th birthday party. well, will eagles fans be celebrate nothing four days in nfl draft is around the corner. will chip kelly find a way to get that quarterback he has been gushing about, at least for now eagles pick 20th overall. chip kelly said he believes his former oregon qb marcus mariota a is the the best quarterback in the draft but some mock drafts have have mariota slipping out of the top 106789 barring a trade tampa bay expect to take wins exton number one overall. eagles quarterback mark sanchez says this time of the year will remind him the day jets took him in the first round. >> it has been an exciting time for all of those guys. for anybody in that position to even being draft todd get signed as a free agent there is no bad draft day. people talk about so and so slid in the draft. you will get drafted. it is awesome for you, for your family, home town, your high school, whatever jersey you put on at whatever number you get pick is an absolute blessing. >> what in the world will chip and the eagles do in the draft? find out on our "action news" sports special draft break down thursday and friday night, at 11:30. nba playoffs calves and celtics. gets nasty. kevin love calls it bush league dislocates his shoulder with kelly and love's status uncertain going forward. later in the game a wwe event breaks out. what is going on here. center court cavilers throwing biggest punch of all knocking out celtics calves win 101-93. sweeping boston. calves in four. lebron with 27 today. how about this in seattle, it is not the the way you do it. is this the game plan going in. take another look. foul ball goes in the stand. the guyes there his bucket of popcorn at it. that is a no no. what is that? that is your game plan? come on. now all of those fans, covered in popcorn, covered in butter, covered in salt. in ball, no popcorn no fun, and everyone in the crowd is now upset with him. guys, back to you. >> especially for the charge for popcorn. eagles team up for support, to support families dealing with autism. huddle up for autism turn lincoln financial field into a family carnival for activities food, live entertainment and much more. this event raises fund for the center for autism research at children's hospital. a veteran of d dave marked a major milestone today his 100 birthday. >> ♪♪ happy birthday to you. ♪♪ >> they sang happy birthday and lit hundred can also for frank shaybill of northeast philadelphia shaybill an "action news" viewer for as long as he can remember, thanked god for his long life. he gets to have a second party on tuesday, his actual birthday and on that day he will receive military citations. all right. fyi philly is next on channel six. "action news" continues tomorrow morning at the 4:30 with matt o'donnell tamala edward david murphy and karen rodgers. for walter perez melissa magee, jeff skversky and the entire "action news" team i'm sarah bloomquist. have a great night and great week ahead. >> good night. >> i'm erin o'hearn. >> and i'm alicia vitarelli. saturday/tonight on fyi philly. >> we check out delaware's answer to the kentucky derby! >> here comes that hurdle! >> this is gonna be the place to be. >> cinco de mayo is coming >> we're getting ready with tacos and sangria. >> i can smell the fresh peaches! >> and there's a crop of new distillers brewing apple juice with a kick. >> cheers to cider. >> plus bathrooms that are spa-like retreats. >> they just want to feel like it's luxury. >> hi everybody and welcome to fyi philly. >> we are on the grounds of winterthur just outside of wilmington. >> and we've donned our derby hats for the 37th annual point to point. >> the horse race is next sunday, may 3rd. >> and about 15,000 people are expected to turn out! >> we'll tell you all about it in just a few. >> but first we're gonna talk about may 5th. >> otherwise known as ci

Related Keywords

Levittown , Pennsylvania , United States , Cinnaminson , New Jersey , New York , Canada , Tampa Bay , Florida , Dover , Philadelphia , Kentucky , Delaware , Boston , Massachusetts , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Reunion , Winterthur , Atlantic City , New Holland , Allentown , Jersey , Russian , Annes Eakins , John Kerry , Dwayne Blackman , Andrea Mcardle , Craig Berube , Ron Hextall , Ron Clay , Orleans Len Goodman , Joseph Mccaffery , Karen Rodgers , Alex Gordon , Walter Perez Melissa Magee , Edward David Murphy , Hillary Clinton , Ryan Howard ,

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News 1130 PM 20150427 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 1130 PM 20150427

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why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well-equipped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. well flyers general manager ron hextall would like to hire a coach before the nhl draft in two months and a potential replacement for craig berube could be former oilers coach dal annes eakins according to a canadian tv station. soul and new orleans len goodman, wow give this a perfect ten. maybe not. soul a perfect five -o. dann, and xavier boyce run a catch. soul win 55-42. they have the best winning percentage in town over last three years. back of the ticket of the baseball games it says beware of balls, bats that may leave the field of play. it says nothing about players. watch out what a catch, the the royals alex gordon, take another look, wow. four time gold glover. deserves another one. he gets a standing ovation from the other teams fans that is how good that catch was. >> amazing. much more "action news" when we come right back. oh no, not yet. sunday night here's is what happening on "action news" at 11:30. russian hackers break in the white house computers and get close to high profile information. young man accomplishes wham say he could never do, despite long odds he is now an eagles scout. his mother tells us how he did it. local family thanks his team of volunteers who stepped up with life saving efforts for a beloved family pet. but first a night of violence in baltimore gave way to a day of mourning for 25 year-old freddie gray. gray died after suffering a serious spinal injury in the custody of police. gray will be laid to rest tomorrow. abc's laurie riveria has more. >> reporter: just hours after parts of the baltimore descended into chaos today a community in mourning began its final good bye to freddie gray. >> we don't know, we let truth prevail. >> we support the family. >> reporter: twenty-five year-old gray who died a week ago after sustaining a severe spinal cord injury while in police custody. gray's grieving family claims his spine was almost severed. >> we don't know when or how it was severed. the only people that know that are the police officers involved. >> reporter: today's quiet sorrow is in contrast to this scene last night a small pocket of rioters smashing storefronts, burning cars and facing off with police in full riot gear. >> and just wreak havoc. >> reporter: outside camden yard orioles red sox game, chaos, tonight this community frustrated but determined to end what many believe is a pattern of police brutality. >> we will push the baltimore city police department into giving us the the information and giving us the the truth. >> reporter: family's attorney telling me his biggest frustration not having yet to radio calls possible 911 calls, and all of the surveillance footage. tomorrow the family prepares to bury freddie gray. gloria riveria abc news, baltimore. secretary of the state john kerry and his eye rain an counterpart will meet face-to-face this week in new york. the it is their first meeting since they laid out a framework for nuclear deal later this month. two will meet at u.n. on the sidelines of the conference of the nuclear none in proliferation treaty. a compromise agreement could be reached as early as june. russian computer hack's parentally gained hackers to some of washington's elite. new york times says they read some of obama's classified e-mails after breaching a white house computer system. they got deep in the state department's system though, they didn't reach anything classified. officials are not revealing how many e-mails were involved in the breach or their nature. acting chief of the clinton foundation admits it made missteps when it came to making disclosures about donors. they defended work on the foundtation's web site saying the organization will refile some tax forms because it mistakenly combined government grants and donations. the the group has come under increased scrutiny since hillary clinton declared per presidential candidacy. she said group has made mistakes but moving quickly to fix them. the the agency that runs the gold up gate bridge is asking for help controlling drones. a rising number of the remet control devices have been buzzing the span flying past security fences and in areas where photography is banned. the the agency is concerned they pose safety and security hazard. is asking senator fine stein and faa to site drone operators for trespassing. it was a celebration 75 years in the make to go day in the cities hunting park section. alumni from little flower high school and their families mark the school's seventh fifth anniversary today. school minister father joseph mccaffery rededicated the school to mark the milestone. members from the class of the 1942, the the second graduating class in the schools history were a among those on hand for the the celebration. a king of prussia a man has overcome his own challenge to rise to the highest rank attainable in the boy scotts. christian math co vitch has been scouting since first grade. he passed his verbal review, using electronic speech. for his project he collect and organized school supplies for kid in developing nations. his moth are says one of the biggest hurdles was convincing others, even scout officials that he could do it. >> so difficult for some people to get past the wheelchair. they see somebody in the wheelchair and they believe that their mine doesn't work either. >> reporter: thanks to technology and good support christian new joins his two brothers as an eagle scout. good job christian, all right. a dog that was victim of the hit and run is back home to his family tonight thanks to the team of dedicated volunteers. two-year old sammy suffered devastating injuries when a car ran him over but through generosity of the strangers he is back on his feet and enjoying his second shot at life. "action news" reporter sharrie williams has the story. >> give him another one for the camera. >> reporter: dwayne blackman is a little boy who loves his dog sammy. >> they are always together. they play with eacher. they are best friend. they play video games together >> reporter: mom as dwayne was extremely shy and struggled to communicate until sammy joined the family and that changed everything. >> my son hardly talk when he was little will. he knows how to talk but does not open up to too many people and when we got the the dog he just turned into a different kid. >> reporter: a few days ago the the little dog was in great danger. >> it snuck out the a couple days ago and got hit by a car. somebody just left him there. >> reporter: badly wounded the family didn't think their four legged pet was going to live. they took sammy to the act philly shelter thinking they would have to give him up because they could not afford his medical care. >> i did see the family coming in after he was sammy was hit by the car and i know how distraught they were leaving him there. >> reporter: director of tiny paws rescue stepped in and made sure that sammy got x-rays. they showed he had a bad hip dislocation and needed surgery to remove his hip joints. tiny paws rescued called the pet, wood burn animal clinic levittown who agreed to do the surgery and saving sammy's life. making this little boy field. >> happy. >> happy. >> wanted to get sammy back home to his family so he could start eating again because he was not eating or sleeping while away. >> reporter: a happy reunion for sammy and a family that loves him dearly. >> it feels great that somebody can pay it forward and help people. >> reporter: in northeast philadelphia sharrie williams for channel six "action news". still to come on "action news" tonight we showed you a little bit of it last night but white house correspondents dinner went well in the night. the president's side kick luther at anger translator. a famous philadelphian returns home to help train the next generation of broadway stars melissa. walter, a few cloud around tonight and showers around for start of the workweek but i'm tracking a warm up with temperatures in the upper 60's to perhaps 70's on the way. details coming up with the accu weather forecast. all right. one of philadelphia's favorite daughters, actress andrea mcardle was on hand for ribbon cutting at media theater's new school and dance studio. the school will help train the next generation of broadway stars. mcardle was nominated for a tony for her role as annie and starring in hello dolly at the media theater. >> we are all hoping the sun will come out tomorrow. >> yes. >> the the sunnies going to come out, with some clouds, and maybe some showers in the afternoon, guys but weekend all and all does not look too bad. temperatures will be moderating. we will show you what is going on on storm tracker six live double scan radar. we've got dry quiet conditions across the delaware and lehigh rallies and pretty tranquil conditions for the first half of the day tomorrow. after that however we will be tracking some minor changes. we will show you the picture of what we have. action cam was outside earlier tonight where we are looking at beautiful flowers there. another sign that spring is definitely upon us although, it is a touch on the chilly side for this time of the year. the high temperature today in philadelphia only 64. average this time of the year is 68. we will get closer to our ease nal normas we go throughout the rest of the workweek. neighborhood numbers north and west, 45 in slating ton. need would the 46. forty-nine for chester and center city. upper 40's for new holland and oxford. down across new jersey, chilly hammington. forty to 39 to vineland and woodbine. same thing in bridgeton. forty-seven in hockessin. middle 40's in dover. forty-nine is the number in cinnaminson. here's satellite six with action radar. quiet conditions across the the region but a few more cloud off to the north. we will track for start of the workweek is low pressure that is parked across canada for the weekend. we have had these showers around new england and area have of lose pressure pushing out to the east where storm systems typically go from west to east. this one wants to come back to the west and work its way to the south and east. as we get in the afternoon hours. so we will time out the rest of the day as we go throughout monday allentown north and west of the city, cool for april with a stray shower around by the afternoon. high temperature of just 60 degrees. down across the shore tomorrow in atlantic city, cloud and some sun and isolated shower with that area of low pressure getting closer to our region. chilly high tomorrow only in at 54 degrees. the fast forward into tuesday because once the the moisture moves on out you can see with the westerly wind by tuesday 2:30 in the afternoon these numbers along i-95 easily climbing up in the upper 60's. same thing holds true. touch cooler along the the coast but we are closer and closer to average. it will get a little bit warmer in the middle half of the workweek. you can see that with the accu weather forecast. on monday turning breezy, high temperature of just 61. brief shower is likely. on tuesday, sunny and warmer, up to 69 degrees. wednesday, nice and mild, seven 36789 on thursday we are cooler again a high of 64. we are tracking low pressure that will lift off to the north. so some showers, are around by thursday, and depending on the track of this, it could be a wet if not a cooler day. we will track that area of low pressure as it works northward. friday cloud and some sun in at six 36789 looking good next weekend temperatures, dry and in the lower 70's. >> i like to hear that. >> not the a bad week ahead. >> thanks, melissa. it is now known as nerd prom an event where politicians and press meet for a night to make fun of each other. >> it is also a chance for commander and chief to be comedian in chief. ron clay burn has a look at last night's classic one liners. >> reporter: saturday night live cecily talk about the president for sagging poll numbers and grange hair. >> your gray hair is at 85 percent. your hair is so white you can talk back to the police. >> reporter: nerd promise the night president can be roasted and poke fun at others. >> mr. president, do you have a bucket list. i said, well, i have something that rhyme was bucket list. take executive action on immigration, buck it. >> reporter: michael key repriced his comedy central character luther the angry translator what kind of super short sighted irresponsible. >> wow wow wow. >> you don't need a translator. you need cops. >> ron clay burn abc news, new york. they call it the most fun you can have in a bed with the clothes on. twenty-third annual red ribbon bed race. the it rolled through key west florida once again this weekend. each bed was mounted on wheels and push by teams of four, a fifth team member ride on the bed. all proceed benefit a charity benefiting aid awareness. >> would i like one of those to get me home tonight. much more on "action news" tonight including sports. plus a very special celebration for one very special man when "action news" comes right back. a part of what standardized tests don't measure, very frankly they don't measure the diligence, the potential passion of a student. so it's really a measure of how adept you are to working out a problem quickly. but what if you're brilliant and it might take you twenty minutes, but you can figure out something if you were just given time to do it and show real brilliance. is that a real measure of ability and intelligence? what you can do in one minute on a problem? get out of here. just like you two song it had been sunday, bloody sunday for your phillies. they have lost 18 of their last 21 sunday games but thanks to ryan hurt today they are in longer stuck in the moment they cannot get out of. phillies win five-two. ryan howard is heating up after zero home runs and .175 average in the first 11 games the the phillies first base man starting to swing bats. two home runs in as many days, three total this season all coming this is last five games. howard with a big, three run home run in the first today. that is three home runs and seven runs batted in those five games. hopefully he stays red hot as he helped home to st. louis where he has been unreal over his career. >> yeah, i think howie has made real good stride as far as getting some contact. today, it was key for him off of cahill to layoff of some breaking stuff down in the dirt. he is in the good grief make gooding progress. >> i have been saying i have been swinging the bat well. the the the results may not necessarily show but it is all about how you feel about the swings. eventually you will start to connect. >> howard definitely deserves a piece of cake. finally a fun day at the park. fanatic having his 37th birthday party. well, will eagles fans be celebrate nothing four days in nfl draft is around the corner. will chip kelly find a way to get that quarterback he has been gushing about, at least for now eagles pick 20th overall. chip kelly said he believes his former oregon qb marcus mariota a is the the best quarterback in the draft but some mock drafts have have mariota slipping out of the top 106789 barring a trade tampa bay expect to take wins exton number one overall. eagles quarterback mark sanchez says this time of the year will remind him the day jets took him in the first round. >> it has been an exciting time for all of those guys. for anybody in that position to even being draft todd get signed as a free agent there is no bad draft day. people talk about so and so slid in the draft. you will get drafted. it is awesome for you, for your family, home town, your high school, whatever jersey you put on at whatever number you get pick is an absolute blessing. >> what in the world will chip and the eagles do in the draft? find out on our "action news" sports special draft break down thursday and friday night, at 11:30. nba playoffs calves and celtics. gets nasty. kevin love calls it bush league dislocates his shoulder with kelly and love's status uncertain going forward. later in the game a wwe event breaks out. what is going on here. center court cavilers throwing biggest punch of all knocking out celtics calves win 101-93. sweeping boston. calves in four. lebron with 27 today. how about this in seattle, it is not the the way you do it. is this the game plan going in. take another look. foul ball goes in the stand. the guyes there his bucket of popcorn at it. that is a no no. what is that? that is your game plan? come on. now all of those fans, covered in popcorn, covered in butter, covered in salt. in ball, no popcorn no fun, and everyone in the crowd is now upset with him. guys, back to you. >> especially for the charge for popcorn. eagles team up for support, to support families dealing with autism. huddle up for autism turn lincoln financial field into a family carnival for activities food, live entertainment and much more. this event raises fund for the center for autism research at children's hospital. a veteran of d dave marked a major milestone today his 100 birthday. >> ♪♪ happy birthday to you. ♪♪ >> they sang happy birthday and lit hundred can also for frank shaybill of northeast philadelphia shaybill an "action news" viewer for as long as he can remember, thanked god for his long life. he gets to have a second party on tuesday, his actual birthday and on that day he will receive military citations. all right. fyi philly is next on channel six. "action news" continues tomorrow morning at the 4:30 with matt o'donnell tamala edward david murphy and karen rodgers. for walter perez melissa magee, jeff skversky and the entire "action news" team i'm sarah bloomquist. have a great night and great week ahead. >> good night. >> i'm erin o'hearn. >> and i'm alicia vitarelli. saturday/tonight on fyi philly. >> we check out delaware's answer to the kentucky derby! >> here comes that hurdle! >> this is gonna be the place to be. >> cinco de mayo is coming >> we're getting ready with tacos and sangria. >> i can smell the fresh peaches! >> and there's a crop of new distillers brewing apple juice with a kick. >> cheers to cider. >> plus bathrooms that are spa-like retreats. >> they just want to feel like it's luxury. >> hi everybody and welcome to fyi philly. >> we are on the grounds of winterthur just outside of wilmington. >> and we've donned our derby hats for the 37th annual point to point. >> the horse race is next sunday, may 3rd. >> and about 15,000 people are expected to turn out! >> we'll tell you all about it in just a few. >> but first we're gonna talk about may 5th. >> otherwise known as ci

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