Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11 PM 20240621 : comparemel

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11 PM 20240621

vice-president's 46 year-old son has died of brain cancer. he was surrounded by his entire family including his father, his wife and his children. a "action news" reporter dann cuellar is live with the full story, dann. >> reporter: we have learned that the vice-president was with his son beau when he passed away tonight at walter reid medical center. "action news" has learned that beau biden was surrounded by his entire family his wife holy their two children natalie, hunter, his father vice-president joe biden and jill. former delaware attorney general died from brain cancer according to a statement from the vice-president the the statement said in part it is with broken hearts that holy, hunter ashley, jill and i announce the passing of our husband, brother and son beau, after he battled brain cancer with the same integrity, courage, and strength he demonstrated every day of his life. as a young lawyer beau biden work to establish the rule of law in war torn kosovo, a major in the delaware national guard he was an iraqi war veteran and awarded the bronze star. biden had been diagnosed with brain cancer in august of 2013. he underwent a successful surgery, and m.d. anderson in houston followed by a normal course of treatment of radiation and chemotherapy and given a clean bill of health by his doctor in 2013n spring of this year he suffered a recurrence and immediately sought aggressive treatment. he was add mythed to walter read earlier this week but despite a fight, beau biden passed away. in closing vice-president by up says his son beau embody his own that a parent knows success when his child turns out better then he did. in the word of the biden family beau biden was quite simply the finest man any of us have ever known. live from the sat center, i'm dann cuellar for channel six "action news" good dann, thank you. three years ago world witnessed a touching moment between beau and his dad at democratic national convention in charlotte. >> so tonight mr. chairman, it is migrate honor to place into nomination for the office of the vice-president of the united states, my father, my hero, joe biden. >> meanwhile the reaction is pouring from those who know the vice-president and his family. president obama released a statement a short time a quote joeys one of the strongest men we have ever known. he is as strong as they come and nothing matter to him more than family. it is one of the things we love about him. testament to joe jill to who they are that beau lived a life that was full, that mattered and reflect their family. senator tom carper from delaware released his statement as well tonight. he said quote beau represented all that is good about delaware and our country. he was a complete package. bright hard working incredibly loyal to his family, loving son brother husband and father, principal handsome, well spoken, unassuming. he had heart of the servant too. his future seemed to know no bound. and this from delaware senator chris coons throughout his life beau never shied away from doing the right thing even when it meant doing the hard thing. beau served his country and community with honor and that is how we will remember him. in other news tonight violence erupted at a country music concert in south jersey leaving several people injured. investigators say mala broke out at wxtu radio anniversary cons inert camden just after 7:00. concert goers say they were passing by when they saw a big commotion there. woman who didn't want to talk on camera said she and her son were suddenly attack by a group of people. a third man anthony had been stabbed in the hand. >> trying to break up a fight. she gets put in the head lock by the two with the knife thrown to the ground, punched in the face and then other guy in the hospital right now on a stretcher punched her in the face again. so that is when i put my arm around her to pull her away and i got stabbed in the hands. >> investigators say this event is known for its crowd turning violent. we have reached out to live nation management company who puts on the end but we have not, yet heard back from them so far tonight. young new jersey state trooper was killed during a car crash earlier this morning. he and his part inner were driving on 195 in upper freehold township monmouth county when their squad car hit a deer. trooper has been identified as anthony raspa based out of hamilton township station in mercer county. he and his partner were on patrol when their cruiser struck a deer just before 1:00 this morning. his partner gene hung suffered minor injuries. raspa was 24 years old. young girl critically injured after being shot in the barrage of bullets while sitting on the porch. it happened late last night in port richmond. "action news" reporter annie mccormack has the story from temple university hospital. >> reporter: family members spoke to us and they are still very concerned for little girl's safety. they asked to us only use her first name, diamond. they tell us though that she is a fighter and that she was responsive after a surgery. but right now they are still concerned about getting those two gunman behind bars. >> somebody from here knows something. >> reporter: a plea from the aunt of the three-year old girl shot in the stomach by a stray bullet. the the victim was on a front porch when chaos unfold in the 3500 block of shelton street around midnight saturday. police found more than a dozen shell casings within the the block. bullets went through the second floor bedroom window, and riddled at least three vehicles. >> they just went pop pop pop, pop, one after the other. >> reporter: residents outside in the warm night described two men running down the entire block firing away. >> i saw the guys running. i didn't see their face business they were running. they ran like there was no tomorrow. >> reporter: saturday east detectives returned to question neighbors look for video, and also totaled and towed damage vehicles for potential evidence. long time neighbors adored little diamond. >> she played with the little kid on the the block. she was a playful person. she gave everyone hugs. >> reporter: diamond's family had this message for anyone with any information. >> at the end of the day now it business me being a rat me being a snitch, it is not about that, it is about being a hero. it is at the end of the day a grown adult but this was a kid. >> reporter: police have a vague description of the two gunman. both had jackets and hoodies tied over their head. diamond is expected to be at temple university hospital for some time. we are reporting outside of temple hospital, annie mccormack channel six "action news". an autopsy will be performed on the body of the baby brought to the hospital inside a duffle bag. authorities say the baby boy was born on thursday inside a home in the 5800 block of norfolk street in west philadelphia investigators are not saying who but someone brought that baby to the hospital of the university of pennsylvania where he was pronounced dead. family friends tell "action news" that the 22-year old mother was possibly five to six months pregnant and lived in that home with several family members. she is also hospitalized. no further information is being released at this time. authorities have determined that a man who was killed and stuffed in the suitcase in delaware county died of blunt force trauma he suffered a stab wound to the neck. body of the 40 year-old scott bernhisel was discovered thursday on second street in tinicum township by a man walking his dog. the death had been ruled a homicide. anyone with any information is asked to call 911. moving on to texas where the rain continues to come down in many locations, two more inches fell today, in the southeastern part of the state. the damage is so bad that president obama has already declared it a disaster area and ordered federal aid. in addition to rising flood waters the the death toll is rising as well there are 29 confirmed fatalities in texas and in oklahoma, 11 people are still listed as missing. it was a huge turnout for dozens of veterans returning to delaware county from our nation's capitol. the estimated 1,000 people lined the streets as dozens of bikers and first responders escorted these wonderful veterans back to springfield. group had just return from the trip to the world war two memorial in washington d.c. group called honor flight, organized the trip their mission, is to take every willing, capable veteran to the memorial in the nation's capitol. a new art exhibit is lighting up part of the bell franklin parkway future sensations is an interactive experience that takes visitors on a journey and offers a glimpse into future innovations. this has traveled all around the world and it is only stop in north america is this one in philadelphia. you can see light show through saturday june 6th at eakins oval. it was a part that i will not be soon forgotten at penns landing tonight. >> ♪♪ >> the roots took to the stage tonight as part of the day long festival in front of the packed audience. erika badu joined the bandon stage, as well. much more to come on "action news" sad news for little girl whose battle with cancer captured the heart of the nation, update on the condition have of lee a still. also a ahead we are learning new details about sexual abuse allegations against former house speaker dennis hastert. there may now be a second accuser, melissa. >> and walter, it is warm and humid tonight and we are tracking more showers and storms for second half of our weekend. we will have details with the accu weather forecast, up next. thanks melissa. phillies take on the rockies a at citizens bank park. jeff skversky has sports when "action news" comes right back. lee a. hillary clinton is a brand new democratic challenger in the race for president. >> to you and to all who can hear my voice idea claire that i'm a candidate for president of the united states. and i am running for you. >> martin o'malley launched his presidential campaign by appealing to the democratic party's progressive base. despite endorsing hillary clinton eight years ago former governor of maryland took a shot at her saying former secretary of state has been cozying up to wall street. clinton took to twit tore welcome o'malley to the race. scandal involving former speaker of the house dennis hastert is growing, he is facing allegations he paid hush money to a man he sexually abused. now there may be another alleged victim. sources tell abc news in a hastert was trying to silence a former student at yorkville high school in illinois where hastert was a teacher and wrestling coach from 1965 to 1981. now comes word a second individual may have been involved as well. hastert's friend say the former speaker is just as shocked as they are. >> he is a little bit baffled by it, but, it will all work out in the long run. >> sources say second unknown accuser either asked for nor received any money from hastert. hastert tried to make cash withdraws to skirt reporting requirements taking out just under $10,000 during 100 separate transactions. builder of the devon still who has inspired a nation has suffered a setback. leah still's father posted on instagram that his daughter has been diagnosed with the liver problem that can be life threatening. the the five-year old has previously had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor which was followed up with chemotherapy radiation and stem cell transplants. if you ever find your sell trying to stiff a cabdriver and in ohio when it happens you may want to think twice. the investigators say this woman victoria, rode self miles in the cab and then bailed without paying the fair. judge decide that had she let her cheese her sentence 60 days in yale or take a 30-mile work. she chose the walk. only catch is, she has 48 hours to complete the the walk, or else she is going behind bars. it has been four years since a local teenager was kill and his mother is still seeking just advertise. now she's reaching out to you for help. here's rick williams with tonight's crime fighters report. >> he was a special special boy. so smart. he had so much potential. >> reporter: pain of losing her only child is still very raw, for kathy lees. >> i miss him. >> reporter: on friday june 10th, 2011, 17 year-old justin reyes was with the friend at a store at sixth and norris street in north philadelphia. just after 11:00p in m police were called to the scene for a shooting. they found both reyes and his friend shot. reyes later died from his injuries. lee says the friend who survived could shed light on who did this and why but that friend refuses to talk. >> i'm so angry at that. i feel so angry how could he do that. >> reporter: the citizens crime commission is administering a $1,000 reward and the city of philadelphia is offering up to $20,000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible. all you have to does call 215-546-tips. all calls will remain a anonymous. lees is from new york city. the move here for her son. >> i brought him here to give him a better life and things were better, keep him safe here family keeps telling me to go back, but i cannot leave until there is just advertise for my son. >> reporter: for crime fighters i'm rick williams for channel six, "action news". ridge avenue in roxborough was packed with people on a beautiful saturday afternoon. the artist life is new, unique springtime street festival celebrating all things artistic. people crowded around three different stages, eve one featuring anything from culinary arts, fashion performance and visual arts. festival included fun recreational activities for the the kid. a perfect day to do it if i must say so myself. meteorologist melissa magee has what we can expect for sunday and week to come. >> i heard it, and -- >> almost english. >> we will talk about the changes for second half of the weekend because we are tracking some showers and storms eventually moving on in. storm tracker six live double scan radar showing you dry quiet and all of the activity has been north and west of the region. the right across interior sections of the northeast and back to the ohio valley. we will take a look at that in a moment. we will show you picture outside. sky six live in hd down the shore in atlantic city and a lot have people still enjoying this saturday night walk ago long the boardwalk probably bundled up at the shore because temperatures are slightly cooler in comparison to inland locations. so to the high today in philadelphia, very warm 87 degrees . 9 degrees above average. still tonight very mild. seventy-four in the city. sixty-four from beach haven down to sea isle city. out to the west in lancaster 74. sixty-nine in the poconos. check out dew point level of how much moisture in the at the months fear, most of the day dew point temperatures have been ranging from 65 to 70 degrees. when they are at this scale we can see humid air mass overhead. atmosphere is just right with moisture and doesn't look like that will be changing anytime soon. satellite six with action radar shows us a frontal boundary moving to our north and west and best dynamics tonight have have been north and west of our region moving across interior north east back through the great lakes and down to the ohio valley. as we get in the second half of the weekend however this frontal boundary will sag to the south and east and we will have a better shot getting in on this moisture. so future tracker six has you covered. 2:00 in the afternoon it is a mostly cloudy day, it will start to cloud up as day wears on here too. so we have showers storms, again by that time. still looking to be north and west of the city but as that front continues to sag to the south and east 7:30 in the evening, showers and storm some of which could be heavy at times, in fact, biggest threat with these thunderstorms that moves on through you can see that at 11:30 tomorrow night damaging wind localized flooding especially with a brief but heavy downpour in the region but it looks like this moisture will persist as we return to work on monday, as well. traveling down the the shore tommy think bulk of the day down the shore is dry. 68 degrees. sunshine giving way to increasing cloud. you will not find in moisture popping up down the shore until we get into days end. same thing for dover for sprint cup series that takes place at the 1:00 along with the late day thunderstorm. 9:00 a a.m. 68 degrees. eighty-five at 1:00 in the afternoon. by that time moisture off to the west. exclusive accu weather seven day forecast showing you cloudy on sunday. high up to 87. afternoon showers and storms on the the way. it still looks to be warm, unsettled on monday. this is a change in our forecast, high up to 80 with those showers and storms. tuesday we're tracking morning rain high of 75. finally by wednesday walter we will start to clear out nice day then in at 78. but keep in mind, keep your wet are gear handy by tomorrow afternoon. >> summer is already here. >> it came early. >> thank you melissa a. this plane is flying around the world with no fuel. it is a solar impulse and powered only by the sun. plane took off from china today and in five daises expect to reach hawaii. crew had to be wait to be five weeks. one pilot will be at the helm for the entire 130 hour flight. up next on "action news" jeff skversky has sports plus a rescue of the crocodile team from montgomery count that i pitched into get this duck to safety but now though tonight a's pur ball numbers. music: etta james "at last" (plays throughout) ♪♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪♪ ♪♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. jeff skversky has a check on sports and phillies are not looking good. >> nobody said this would be fun. they have not won since last saturday hopefully by tomorrow they can get this going here. hey what is new phillies are making it another rocky road. once again they have lost six straight games. phillies have have a season worst 13 games under 500 after falling to the rockies again today at home. it is not even june and already it feels like the the dog days of summer. it is save a pet at the park day as phillies try to keep the fans from barking against rockies. the first inning ryan howard says go fetch down right field line rbi double, snapping zero for 13 slump. chase utley scores. one to nothing phillies. aaron harang working with the lead but not for long. second inning gives up two home runs including this to michael mchenry. they have been out homered ten-one. then in the seventh in comes lewis garcia, outings ben paulson. wow, second deck. phillies lose five-two. their sixth straight loss and they have hit a new low point. >> wins/losses bothers me and bothers guys in the clubhouse there is no question about that. we want to turn it around tomorrow and get on the streak like we were on and see if we cannot have a winning streak and turn the record around. that is our goal. >> highlights few and far between these days but did you see this today? how about freddie galvis, backhanded to utley what a play at short. that is in the seventh. speaking of short stop here's future top prospect jp crawford making his debut in double a reading. fourth inning, perhaps he has butterflies. crawford boots ball does not recover in time, makes his first error. he has to work on his d. crawford can swing a bat, in the seventh he picks up his first double a hit, rbi single reading beats richmond four-three. chip kelly says he cannot predict future. new eagles corner byron maxwell does not seem to have that problem. he guarantied a trip to the super bowl this season even though every other eagles, go wow, wow, wow. it is only may. new look eagles have a lot to get to before week one especially on defense. maxwell and safety malcolm jenkins are only two players penciled in as starters right now but this new look dwkiko alonzo and company is bringing a different vibe to the feel. >> everybody on the defense has got swagger and when you have swagger, and energy, and bring it out in the field weight room, locker room it is always a good thing. >> we have good guys, new faces trying to get in the culture and get used to how we do things as well as get better on the feel. we are not even in week one. that is yet to be determined, right now we're just trying to win this off season and have the best off season of anybody in the league and we are off to a good start. >> they have swagger. all right. more with the eagles on "action news" at 11:50. we will hear from tim tebow. plus is there another former flyer going to the stanley cup final? we will show you when we come right back.

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Delaware County , Oklahoma , United States , China , Delaware , Port Richmond , Pennsylvania , Kosovo , Monmouth County , New Jersey , Washington , District Of Columbia , Roxborough , Atlantic City , Jersey , Mercer County , New York , Tinicum , Dover , Texas , Philadelphia , Springfield , Illinois , Temple University Hospital , Iraq , Sea Isle City , Crawford , Maryland , Beach Haven , Houston , Ohio , Yorkville , Hawaii , America , Iraqi , Justin Reyes , Lee A Hillary Clinton , Annie Mccormack , Erika Badu , Ben Paulson , Melissa Magee , Trick Williams , Michael Mchenry , Tom Carper , Joe Biden , Chris Coons , Ryan Howard , Joe Jill , Dennis Hastert , Malcolm Jenkins , Tim Tebow , Byron Maxwell , Kathy Lees , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11 PM 20240621 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11 PM 20240621

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vice-president's 46 year-old son has died of brain cancer. he was surrounded by his entire family including his father, his wife and his children. a "action news" reporter dann cuellar is live with the full story, dann. >> reporter: we have learned that the vice-president was with his son beau when he passed away tonight at walter reid medical center. "action news" has learned that beau biden was surrounded by his entire family his wife holy their two children natalie, hunter, his father vice-president joe biden and jill. former delaware attorney general died from brain cancer according to a statement from the vice-president the the statement said in part it is with broken hearts that holy, hunter ashley, jill and i announce the passing of our husband, brother and son beau, after he battled brain cancer with the same integrity, courage, and strength he demonstrated every day of his life. as a young lawyer beau biden work to establish the rule of law in war torn kosovo, a major in the delaware national guard he was an iraqi war veteran and awarded the bronze star. biden had been diagnosed with brain cancer in august of 2013. he underwent a successful surgery, and m.d. anderson in houston followed by a normal course of treatment of radiation and chemotherapy and given a clean bill of health by his doctor in 2013n spring of this year he suffered a recurrence and immediately sought aggressive treatment. he was add mythed to walter read earlier this week but despite a fight, beau biden passed away. in closing vice-president by up says his son beau embody his own that a parent knows success when his child turns out better then he did. in the word of the biden family beau biden was quite simply the finest man any of us have ever known. live from the sat center, i'm dann cuellar for channel six "action news" good dann, thank you. three years ago world witnessed a touching moment between beau and his dad at democratic national convention in charlotte. >> so tonight mr. chairman, it is migrate honor to place into nomination for the office of the vice-president of the united states, my father, my hero, joe biden. >> meanwhile the reaction is pouring from those who know the vice-president and his family. president obama released a statement a short time a quote joeys one of the strongest men we have ever known. he is as strong as they come and nothing matter to him more than family. it is one of the things we love about him. testament to joe jill to who they are that beau lived a life that was full, that mattered and reflect their family. senator tom carper from delaware released his statement as well tonight. he said quote beau represented all that is good about delaware and our country. he was a complete package. bright hard working incredibly loyal to his family, loving son brother husband and father, principal handsome, well spoken, unassuming. he had heart of the servant too. his future seemed to know no bound. and this from delaware senator chris coons throughout his life beau never shied away from doing the right thing even when it meant doing the hard thing. beau served his country and community with honor and that is how we will remember him. in other news tonight violence erupted at a country music concert in south jersey leaving several people injured. investigators say mala broke out at wxtu radio anniversary cons inert camden just after 7:00. concert goers say they were passing by when they saw a big commotion there. woman who didn't want to talk on camera said she and her son were suddenly attack by a group of people. a third man anthony had been stabbed in the hand. >> trying to break up a fight. she gets put in the head lock by the two with the knife thrown to the ground, punched in the face and then other guy in the hospital right now on a stretcher punched her in the face again. so that is when i put my arm around her to pull her away and i got stabbed in the hands. >> investigators say this event is known for its crowd turning violent. we have reached out to live nation management company who puts on the end but we have not, yet heard back from them so far tonight. young new jersey state trooper was killed during a car crash earlier this morning. he and his part inner were driving on 195 in upper freehold township monmouth county when their squad car hit a deer. trooper has been identified as anthony raspa based out of hamilton township station in mercer county. he and his partner were on patrol when their cruiser struck a deer just before 1:00 this morning. his partner gene hung suffered minor injuries. raspa was 24 years old. young girl critically injured after being shot in the barrage of bullets while sitting on the porch. it happened late last night in port richmond. "action news" reporter annie mccormack has the story from temple university hospital. >> reporter: family members spoke to us and they are still very concerned for little girl's safety. they asked to us only use her first name, diamond. they tell us though that she is a fighter and that she was responsive after a surgery. but right now they are still concerned about getting those two gunman behind bars. >> somebody from here knows something. >> reporter: a plea from the aunt of the three-year old girl shot in the stomach by a stray bullet. the the victim was on a front porch when chaos unfold in the 3500 block of shelton street around midnight saturday. police found more than a dozen shell casings within the the block. bullets went through the second floor bedroom window, and riddled at least three vehicles. >> they just went pop pop pop, pop, one after the other. >> reporter: residents outside in the warm night described two men running down the entire block firing away. >> i saw the guys running. i didn't see their face business they were running. they ran like there was no tomorrow. >> reporter: saturday east detectives returned to question neighbors look for video, and also totaled and towed damage vehicles for potential evidence. long time neighbors adored little diamond. >> she played with the little kid on the the block. she was a playful person. she gave everyone hugs. >> reporter: diamond's family had this message for anyone with any information. >> at the end of the day now it business me being a rat me being a snitch, it is not about that, it is about being a hero. it is at the end of the day a grown adult but this was a kid. >> reporter: police have a vague description of the two gunman. both had jackets and hoodies tied over their head. diamond is expected to be at temple university hospital for some time. we are reporting outside of temple hospital, annie mccormack channel six "action news". an autopsy will be performed on the body of the baby brought to the hospital inside a duffle bag. authorities say the baby boy was born on thursday inside a home in the 5800 block of norfolk street in west philadelphia investigators are not saying who but someone brought that baby to the hospital of the university of pennsylvania where he was pronounced dead. family friends tell "action news" that the 22-year old mother was possibly five to six months pregnant and lived in that home with several family members. she is also hospitalized. no further information is being released at this time. authorities have determined that a man who was killed and stuffed in the suitcase in delaware county died of blunt force trauma he suffered a stab wound to the neck. body of the 40 year-old scott bernhisel was discovered thursday on second street in tinicum township by a man walking his dog. the death had been ruled a homicide. anyone with any information is asked to call 911. moving on to texas where the rain continues to come down in many locations, two more inches fell today, in the southeastern part of the state. the damage is so bad that president obama has already declared it a disaster area and ordered federal aid. in addition to rising flood waters the the death toll is rising as well there are 29 confirmed fatalities in texas and in oklahoma, 11 people are still listed as missing. it was a huge turnout for dozens of veterans returning to delaware county from our nation's capitol. the estimated 1,000 people lined the streets as dozens of bikers and first responders escorted these wonderful veterans back to springfield. group had just return from the trip to the world war two memorial in washington d.c. group called honor flight, organized the trip their mission, is to take every willing, capable veteran to the memorial in the nation's capitol. a new art exhibit is lighting up part of the bell franklin parkway future sensations is an interactive experience that takes visitors on a journey and offers a glimpse into future innovations. this has traveled all around the world and it is only stop in north america is this one in philadelphia. you can see light show through saturday june 6th at eakins oval. it was a part that i will not be soon forgotten at penns landing tonight. >> ♪♪ >> the roots took to the stage tonight as part of the day long festival in front of the packed audience. erika badu joined the bandon stage, as well. much more to come on "action news" sad news for little girl whose battle with cancer captured the heart of the nation, update on the condition have of lee a still. also a ahead we are learning new details about sexual abuse allegations against former house speaker dennis hastert. there may now be a second accuser, melissa. >> and walter, it is warm and humid tonight and we are tracking more showers and storms for second half of our weekend. we will have details with the accu weather forecast, up next. thanks melissa. phillies take on the rockies a at citizens bank park. jeff skversky has sports when "action news" comes right back. lee a. hillary clinton is a brand new democratic challenger in the race for president. >> to you and to all who can hear my voice idea claire that i'm a candidate for president of the united states. and i am running for you. >> martin o'malley launched his presidential campaign by appealing to the democratic party's progressive base. despite endorsing hillary clinton eight years ago former governor of maryland took a shot at her saying former secretary of state has been cozying up to wall street. clinton took to twit tore welcome o'malley to the race. scandal involving former speaker of the house dennis hastert is growing, he is facing allegations he paid hush money to a man he sexually abused. now there may be another alleged victim. sources tell abc news in a hastert was trying to silence a former student at yorkville high school in illinois where hastert was a teacher and wrestling coach from 1965 to 1981. now comes word a second individual may have been involved as well. hastert's friend say the former speaker is just as shocked as they are. >> he is a little bit baffled by it, but, it will all work out in the long run. >> sources say second unknown accuser either asked for nor received any money from hastert. hastert tried to make cash withdraws to skirt reporting requirements taking out just under $10,000 during 100 separate transactions. builder of the devon still who has inspired a nation has suffered a setback. leah still's father posted on instagram that his daughter has been diagnosed with the liver problem that can be life threatening. the the five-year old has previously had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor which was followed up with chemotherapy radiation and stem cell transplants. if you ever find your sell trying to stiff a cabdriver and in ohio when it happens you may want to think twice. the investigators say this woman victoria, rode self miles in the cab and then bailed without paying the fair. judge decide that had she let her cheese her sentence 60 days in yale or take a 30-mile work. she chose the walk. only catch is, she has 48 hours to complete the the walk, or else she is going behind bars. it has been four years since a local teenager was kill and his mother is still seeking just advertise. now she's reaching out to you for help. here's rick williams with tonight's crime fighters report. >> he was a special special boy. so smart. he had so much potential. >> reporter: pain of losing her only child is still very raw, for kathy lees. >> i miss him. >> reporter: on friday june 10th, 2011, 17 year-old justin reyes was with the friend at a store at sixth and norris street in north philadelphia. just after 11:00p in m police were called to the scene for a shooting. they found both reyes and his friend shot. reyes later died from his injuries. lee says the friend who survived could shed light on who did this and why but that friend refuses to talk. >> i'm so angry at that. i feel so angry how could he do that. >> reporter: the citizens crime commission is administering a $1,000 reward and the city of philadelphia is offering up to $20,000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible. all you have to does call 215-546-tips. all calls will remain a anonymous. lees is from new york city. the move here for her son. >> i brought him here to give him a better life and things were better, keep him safe here family keeps telling me to go back, but i cannot leave until there is just advertise for my son. >> reporter: for crime fighters i'm rick williams for channel six, "action news". ridge avenue in roxborough was packed with people on a beautiful saturday afternoon. the artist life is new, unique springtime street festival celebrating all things artistic. people crowded around three different stages, eve one featuring anything from culinary arts, fashion performance and visual arts. festival included fun recreational activities for the the kid. a perfect day to do it if i must say so myself. meteorologist melissa magee has what we can expect for sunday and week to come. >> i heard it, and -- >> almost english. >> we will talk about the changes for second half of the weekend because we are tracking some showers and storms eventually moving on in. storm tracker six live double scan radar showing you dry quiet and all of the activity has been north and west of the region. the right across interior sections of the northeast and back to the ohio valley. we will take a look at that in a moment. we will show you picture outside. sky six live in hd down the shore in atlantic city and a lot have people still enjoying this saturday night walk ago long the boardwalk probably bundled up at the shore because temperatures are slightly cooler in comparison to inland locations. so to the high today in philadelphia, very warm 87 degrees . 9 degrees above average. still tonight very mild. seventy-four in the city. sixty-four from beach haven down to sea isle city. out to the west in lancaster 74. sixty-nine in the poconos. check out dew point level of how much moisture in the at the months fear, most of the day dew point temperatures have been ranging from 65 to 70 degrees. when they are at this scale we can see humid air mass overhead. atmosphere is just right with moisture and doesn't look like that will be changing anytime soon. satellite six with action radar shows us a frontal boundary moving to our north and west and best dynamics tonight have have been north and west of our region moving across interior north east back through the great lakes and down to the ohio valley. as we get in the second half of the weekend however this frontal boundary will sag to the south and east and we will have a better shot getting in on this moisture. so future tracker six has you covered. 2:00 in the afternoon it is a mostly cloudy day, it will start to cloud up as day wears on here too. so we have showers storms, again by that time. still looking to be north and west of the city but as that front continues to sag to the south and east 7:30 in the evening, showers and storm some of which could be heavy at times, in fact, biggest threat with these thunderstorms that moves on through you can see that at 11:30 tomorrow night damaging wind localized flooding especially with a brief but heavy downpour in the region but it looks like this moisture will persist as we return to work on monday, as well. traveling down the the shore tommy think bulk of the day down the shore is dry. 68 degrees. sunshine giving way to increasing cloud. you will not find in moisture popping up down the shore until we get into days end. same thing for dover for sprint cup series that takes place at the 1:00 along with the late day thunderstorm. 9:00 a a.m. 68 degrees. eighty-five at 1:00 in the afternoon. by that time moisture off to the west. exclusive accu weather seven day forecast showing you cloudy on sunday. high up to 87. afternoon showers and storms on the the way. it still looks to be warm, unsettled on monday. this is a change in our forecast, high up to 80 with those showers and storms. tuesday we're tracking morning rain high of 75. finally by wednesday walter we will start to clear out nice day then in at 78. but keep in mind, keep your wet are gear handy by tomorrow afternoon. >> summer is already here. >> it came early. >> thank you melissa a. this plane is flying around the world with no fuel. it is a solar impulse and powered only by the sun. plane took off from china today and in five daises expect to reach hawaii. crew had to be wait to be five weeks. one pilot will be at the helm for the entire 130 hour flight. up next on "action news" jeff skversky has sports plus a rescue of the crocodile team from montgomery count that i pitched into get this duck to safety but now though tonight a's pur ball numbers. music: etta james "at last" (plays throughout) ♪♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪♪ ♪♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. jeff skversky has a check on sports and phillies are not looking good. >> nobody said this would be fun. they have not won since last saturday hopefully by tomorrow they can get this going here. hey what is new phillies are making it another rocky road. once again they have lost six straight games. phillies have have a season worst 13 games under 500 after falling to the rockies again today at home. it is not even june and already it feels like the the dog days of summer. it is save a pet at the park day as phillies try to keep the fans from barking against rockies. the first inning ryan howard says go fetch down right field line rbi double, snapping zero for 13 slump. chase utley scores. one to nothing phillies. aaron harang working with the lead but not for long. second inning gives up two home runs including this to michael mchenry. they have been out homered ten-one. then in the seventh in comes lewis garcia, outings ben paulson. wow, second deck. phillies lose five-two. their sixth straight loss and they have hit a new low point. >> wins/losses bothers me and bothers guys in the clubhouse there is no question about that. we want to turn it around tomorrow and get on the streak like we were on and see if we cannot have a winning streak and turn the record around. that is our goal. >> highlights few and far between these days but did you see this today? how about freddie galvis, backhanded to utley what a play at short. that is in the seventh. speaking of short stop here's future top prospect jp crawford making his debut in double a reading. fourth inning, perhaps he has butterflies. crawford boots ball does not recover in time, makes his first error. he has to work on his d. crawford can swing a bat, in the seventh he picks up his first double a hit, rbi single reading beats richmond four-three. chip kelly says he cannot predict future. new eagles corner byron maxwell does not seem to have that problem. he guarantied a trip to the super bowl this season even though every other eagles, go wow, wow, wow. it is only may. new look eagles have a lot to get to before week one especially on defense. maxwell and safety malcolm jenkins are only two players penciled in as starters right now but this new look dwkiko alonzo and company is bringing a different vibe to the feel. >> everybody on the defense has got swagger and when you have swagger, and energy, and bring it out in the field weight room, locker room it is always a good thing. >> we have good guys, new faces trying to get in the culture and get used to how we do things as well as get better on the feel. we are not even in week one. that is yet to be determined, right now we're just trying to win this off season and have the best off season of anybody in the league and we are off to a good start. >> they have swagger. all right. more with the eagles on "action news" at 11:50. we will hear from tim tebow. plus is there another former flyer going to the stanley cup final? we will show you when we come right back.

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