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Trapped. The urgent effort to save them, and the authorities with the new warnings about your children and your pets. Good evening, and its great to have you with us here on a thursday night, and we begin with President Trump in germany tonight amid those violent protests in chaos in the streets. Protesters in hamburg clarning with police if riot gear as the g20 summit begins. They are fighting against globalism. We have seen it before, but this is the first time with President Trump who is now there for crucial meetings. The officers firing Water Cannons on the crowd. Abcs senior white house correspondent, cecilia vega, witnessing it herself, and she leads us off tonight. Reporter police and protesters taking over the streets of hamburg tonight. [ chanting ] a sea of marchers pushing up against police lines. The faceoff leading to violent clashes just as World Leaders arrived in town. And this is what President Trump will see when he arrives on the streets of hamburg, police in the streets, here in armored cars, protestors all over. Some throws bottles at German Police in riot gear. Officers trying to disperse the crowds. Tackling people to the ground, kicking others. Finally turning Water Cannons on them. The streets covered in a cloud of tear gas. So far, police say at least 59 officers injured. The marchers protesting globalization and capitalism, many of them in black masks. But also in the crowd, images of americas leader. The g20 summit underway just about two miles from the clashes. President trump meeting with germanys angela merkel, the two leaders chatting and shaking hands. A warmer encounter than their first awkward meeting in the Oval Office Just a few months ago. Thank you. Br [ chanting ] reporter early early in the day in poland, a very different scene. Take a look at this, both sides of the street here in warsaw completely packed full of people waiting to catch a glimpse of President Trump. President Trump Supporters showing up in droves. Donald trump donald trump reporter in the heart of warsaw, at the sight of polands uprising against the nazis, the president delivering an ominous warning, presenting a clash of civilizations between the west and what he called radical islamic terrorism. The fundamental question of our time is whether the west has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost . Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders . Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it . [ sirens ] reporter but tonight in hamburg, protesters delivering a message of their own to the leaders of the worlds most powerful countries, youre not welcome here. And cecilia vega with us tonight from germany, and lets get back to the pictures. The president has likely been briefed on the scope of these protes protests, but where do stand, and do they expect more tomorrow . Reporter police here tell us they are bracing for heavy and violent protesting throughout this summit. David, in fact, they are describing heavy rioting taking place here in hamburg. They say the protesters have been trying to get to that summit site. Just a couple of miles away from where we are, and they are trying to prevent prevent that from happening. In the meantime, you were there today, and the president saying his strongest words yet, saying, we urge russia to cease it activities to ukraine, but cecilia, when he was asked about russian meddling in our election on the eve of his big meeting with putin, does he believe it was the russians . Heres what he said. Well, i think it was russia, and i think it could have been other people and other countries. It could have been a lot of people interfered. I have said it very simply. I think it very could well have been russia, and it could well have been other countries and i wont be specific, but i think a lot of people interfere. I think it has been happening for a long time. So the president said there it could be russia or others. Do we know if the president will bring this up in this meeting and who will be in that room . Reporter were told he is not expected to press putin at all on this issue of the meddling in the election. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson will be in there, and sergey lavrov, and its a small circle. Cecilia, thank you. In the meantime, President Trump is dealing with yet another threat tonight, and this one, a far greater one. North korea of course, testing that intercontinental ballistic missile. The distance proving that north korea can likely reach the u. S. What will the u. S. Do . Tonight, the president in his own words, warning he is considering, quote, pretty severe things in response. Heres abcs chief Global Affairs correspondent, martha raddatz. Reporter while north koreans today celebrated anew their countrys breakthrough missile test with fireworks and dancing, President Trump in poland had a stern warning saying the world must confront the growing threat from that Nuclear Armed nation. I dont like to talk about what i have planned but i have some pretty severe things we are thinking about. That doesnt mean we are going to do them. I dont draw redlines. Reporter redlines or not the president made clear north korea will not go unpunished. They are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner and something will have to be done about it. Reporter but any military action taken by the u. S. Hitting north korean airfields or missile facilities could prompt a catastrophic response. An attack on south Koreas Capital or u. S. Military bases in the region. Defense secretary james mattis today was stressing diplomacy. I do not believe this capability in itself brings us closer to war. We are leading in diplomatic and economic efforts. Reporter the administration wants help in that from china, but President Trump tweeted yesterday, trade between china and north korea grew almost 40 in the first quarter. So much for china working with us. Today, ask about that have you given up on president xi . Never give up. Saying he wont give up on china helping out. Martha with us live from our washington bureau, and we heard secretary mattis stressing diplomacy, but the president said on the world stage, he is considering pretty severe things in his words. This is a signal the white house and the pentagon both know time is running out. Reporter kim jongun has to be reminded if he escalates this, he could indeed face a military response, but you are absolutely right, david. Time is running out because every day north korea is working to perfect a Nuclear Missile capable of hitting the u. S. , david. Martha, thank you. Here in new york city tonight, a stunning piece of surveillance just released. A veteran new York City Police officer, a mother of three, ambushed while she was sitting in a police vehicle. Abcs eva pilgrim with the video that investigators have now recovered. Reporter tonight, the first images of the assassination of officer miosotis familia. A surveillance camera from across the street shows Alexander Bonds approach the mobile command unit, fire directly at familia, then run away. My partners shot my partners shot reporter minutes later, police swarm the scene. Officer familia is dead because of one reason and one reason only. Thats Alexander Bonds hatred for police. Reporter and tonight were learning about the moments before the shooting. Bonds allegedly finished his shift at a Fast Food Restaurant around 7 30 p. M. Neighbors say he was drinking with friends. 9 00 p. M. His girlfriend called 911 saying he had wandered off and seemed paranoid and erratic. Hours later, he killed officer famil familia. The execution style killing of familia comes as new nypd recruits are being sworn in. Perhaps you and your families are questioning whether you are making the right decision today, especially after yesterdays tragedy in the bronx. Im here to tell you you are making the right decision. Reporter david, bonds who was killed by police, reportedly had Mental Health issues and just tonight, the nay your announcing they will be bullet proof all command vehicles right away. David . And those brave new recruits just today. Eva, thank you. We turn now to another tragedy unfolding in loganville, georgia tonight. A mother charged with murdering four children and her husband. They were stabbed death. A fifth child surviving the attack. The bodies found inside their home. All the children were under the age of 10. There is to word tonight on a motive. We turn next this evening to what unfolded on a passenger plane in chicago. The jet engine and catastrophic fill failure. There is a new report just out about how all this happened. Nearly two dozen people hurt while scrambling to escape. Abcs david kerley tonight on what the report now reveals. Reporter tonight, new video of that catastrophic engine fillier showing shrapnel flying and flames shooting from the wing of the American Airlines 767. And inside chaos passengers told to stay seated started rushing forward, climbing over middle seats. Information just released by the ntsb shows the pilots were following procedures, struggling to activate fire extinguishers last october. So when Flight Attendants start evacuating on their own, watch as some of the first passengers down the slide are blown around by the engines thrust. One thrown to the ground of the ohare runway. Then as the rear slide is deployed, it is blown about by the engines exhaust. It was nearly a minute and a half before that second engine was shut down. 20 people were hurt, but everyone survived the terrifying evacuation, which may prompted changes. Well learn how to evacuate airports better, and there is always good lessons to be learned. Reporter American Airlines is cooperate with the ongoing investigation, and is hinting helped dagss may be coming saying any changes will make aif skrags safer, david. David kerley, thank you. Now to the Severe Weather threat. From wisconsin to pennsylvania. The system moving east. Thormss in new york city expected. Cars stranded by flash flooding in butler, pennsylvania overnight, and millions on alert for possible tornadoes. Strong winds and hail involved as well. Lets get to rob marciano live with us along new yorks west side highway tracking the storms. Hey, rob. Reporter hi, david. New york on the edge to of the heavy rain shield. The sus kwa hanna valley with five inches of it. Flash flood watches for that area. We have severe potential north of chicago and to wisconsin. Its two systems and in new york, you get rain tomorrow, and the Second System brings it across the ohio river valley in the average. Heed the west as wildfires burn there. That will continue, david, right into the the weekend. Rob marciano with us tonight. Rorks thank you. There was also a rare earthquake in montana today. The magnitude, hitting the city outside of helena. Knocking out power. Several stores reporting minor damage. Items knocked right off the shelves. Tremors felt all the way in spokane, washington. The airline apologizing for forcing a toddler from his seat and forcing a mother to hold him even though she bought a ticket for him. She claims she was told the flight was full. They gave the seat to someone else. Heres abcs linsey davis. Reporter United Airlines is back in the headlines tonight, after Shirley Yamauchi says she was forced to hold her son, seen in these photos, on her lap for a 3 1 2hour flight. The tickets were scanned without any incident. Reporter she says she paid almost a thousand dollars each for two tickets for the flight from houston to boston, but that the airline made her give up her 27 month old sons seat for a standby passenger even after she told the Flight Attendant she paid for two seats. She came back and told me that the flight is full and she shrugged and that was the end of it. Reporter the teacher says she didnt want to cause a scene like this one where a doctor was dragged off of a plane for refusing to give up his seat on an overbooked flight. And according to uniteds own manual only children under the age of 2 are allowed to travel on an adults lap. It was unfair and unsafe. If there was bad tesh lens, he wasnt buckled in. Ms. Yamauchis son. As a result, her sons seat appeared to be not checked in, and we released his seat to another customer. My son was in dangerous united tells us they are refundsing their tickets and providing compensation. Yamauchi says she is contacting it. There is an update on the congressman who was shot at that congressional baseball practice. Steve scalise. He remains hospitalized, but doctors have moved him back into intensive care over concerns about possible infection. He underwent more surgery today, and he is listed in serious condition. And the resignation in washington tonight. The director of the office of government ethics today announcing stepping down. Walter shaw repeatedly challenging the Trump Administration of conflicts of interest. He will leave his fiveyear term early. The white house says his successor will be nominated soon. There is much more i ahead on world news tonight this thursday. We have reported on hot cars before, the danger for your children. Tonight, authorities say, your pets too. Is it just the one dog . You see the officers working to free two dogs. The owner facing charges. And also the heartbreaking new video. A bride on her way to her wedding in a helicopter and the moment the pilot begins to lose control. There was anguish on the court today. The american tennis player and the scary knee injury. This is something. Her husband rushing to her side. A lot more news here. Things than better rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. 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Nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. Try new alkaseltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. Its fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. [ sings high note ] ultra strength, new from alkaseltzer. Enjoy the relief. We have reported often on hot cars and children left inside. Tonight, the urgent effort to get to the dogs locked inside. And the warning now because of it. Heres abc app gio benitez. Reporter youre looking at officers in georgia working to free a dog stuck inside a hot car. Outside, its 89 degrees, inside the car 167 on the front seat, buddy. Reporter a scorching 167 degrees. Theres a second one. Reporter they open the car and realize there are two dogs. The owner charged with animal cruelty. Warning tonight about the dangers of hot cars. This year alone, 18 children have died from heatstroke in a hot car. 98. 3. Textbook perfect. All right. Reporter we saw how quickly it can affect on adult body. In 30 minutes, i went from 98. 3 degrees to 105. 105. Wow. Reporter in a child, that can happen in less than ten minutes. From newer cars to child car seats outfitted alerting the driver the a child in the backseat. And david there is a legislative push in congress to get that technology in all new cars to prevent a deadly mistake. David . Gio, thank you. What a stunning number. 18 children lost this year. When we come back on the news here tonight, if you buy from qvc, who they just bought tonight. And the dorm explosion at an american university. Authorities on what they think caused this. And a frightening moment today at wimbledon. The american tennis star, and her husband rushing to her side. Well be right back. Gs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. 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The only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. And now. Im back aleve pm for a better am. To the index of other news tonight, a new video this evening of a dorm explosion. Surveillance footage capturing the june 28th blast in kentucky. One University Employee was injured in that blast, which investigators now believe was caused by a natural gas leak. It left that hole in the side of the residence hall. There. We have heartbreaking new video of a helicopter carrying a bride, crashing on the way to her wedding b. Now the investigation. Showing the bride with her brother, a pilot and a photographer on their way to the ceremony last year. The helicopter encountered problems. Possibly weather. All four were killed, and the video was released as investigators review it in an ademocrat to investigate the cause. 32yearold bethany collapsing on the court and then screaming this agony. Her husband among the first to arrive to help the player. She was brought to the hospital for treatment. No word on her condition. And a massive merger between qvc parent company, taking control of the Home Shopping network in a stock deal valued at 2. 6 billion. It is known for the deals offered on tv. Now trying to compete with online retailers. When we come back, america strong. The surprise flower girl, and i promise you will never forget this wedding party. The ford summer sales event is in full swing. Shovel. Mulch. Brick pavers. Fence posts. Concrete. Were good. And wood for my castle. We got it. And a slide, and a drawbridge. Take on summer right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now with summers hottest offer on ford f150. Get zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade in. Thats the built ford tough f150 with zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade in. Offer ends soon during the ford summer sales event. 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Scholls. Born to move. Finally tonight here, america strong. The invitation from the bride and the grandmother who said, yes. Pop the champagne cause were engaged reporter abby arlt and Dustin Mershon announcing their engagement last december. And over the weekend, they got married in mankato, minnesota. Guests didnt know it but they were about to be surprised again. Coming down the aisle first, the flower girl, georgiana arlt, abbys 92yearold grandmother i am so happy for abby and dustin that they included me in their special day. Its the first time that theyve seen a 92yearold grandmother being a flower girl. This was my first wedding besides my own. Reporter her own, 72 years ago. She lost her love a year ago. Well, i was so overwhelmed and emotional. I was from the farm and a small town of chaska, minnesota. Reporter eight children, 17 grandchildren. 16 greatgrandchildren later. We asked her today, would she do it again . Yes, yes now i am a pro i rocked it. I rocked it for everyone. She did rock it. Beautiful grandma. Thanks for watching here on a thursday night. Lets finish out the week here tomorrow night. Until then, good night. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. The most awarded luxury suv of the century. Visit your volvo dealer today and get up to 4,500 in allowances. Bounty is more absorbent,mom per roll so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty, the quicker picker upper this is jeopardy lets meet todays contestants a consultant from san francisco, california. A healthcare consultant from saint albans bay, vermont. And our returning champion, an attorney from los angeles, california. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. Thank you, everyone. Hi, folks. Jon eisenman is not only an attorney, he is a wellread young man. Very bright indeed. Liz and rishi, youve got your work cut out for you today, believe me. All right, pick up those signaling devices,

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