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Pray. Tonight, what we have learned about why this happened. And good evening. Im tom llamas in for david tonight, and we begin with that breaking news from capitol hill tonight. The senates plan to repeal and replace obamacare, facing an uphill climb. Senate majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell aiming for a vote by the end of the week. The president sounding optimistic, but there is resistance from a growing number of senators from their own party. Resistance too at town halls in protest around the country. Just today, this in bloomington, indiana, and tonight, the Congressional Budget Office predicting that the plan would leave millions more americans uninsured while raising the premiums for the most vulnerable. Abcs mary bruce starts us off on capitol hill. Have you made a decision . No comment right now. Reporter with the pressure mounting, tonight republicans are scrambling to negotiate. Do you think you will get to yes . Im trying to. Keep in mind what the real choice is. Its the republican bill that has a lot of good things that should satisfy a lot of republicans or obamacare. This is the art of the possible and the art of getting 50 votes. Reporter tonight, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reveals the Senate Healthcare bill would leave 22 million more americans uninsured over the next decade. 15 million more uninsured next year alone. While some young people could see their premiums go down, according to the cbo, a 64yearold making roughly 57,000 a year could see their annual premium rise by nearly 14,000. Obviously, its not good news. Reporter other republicans will likely point to the potential savings. The deficit would plunge 321 billion by 2026. Republicans can afford to lose just two votes, but already five say they cannot support their own partys bill. Five more have voiced serious concerns. One of the biggest sticking points, the bills plan to slash spending on medicaid by 800 billion. Im also very concerned about the medicaid cuts, what it means to our most vulnerable citizens. Reporter today, republican senator ron johnson, warns those hardest hit will be those working class americans President Trump calls forgotten. Unfortunately, the forgotten men and women remain ignored in both the house and senate bill and thats what im trying to press. Reporter candidate trump promised not to touch medicaid. Save medicare, medicaid and Social Security without cuts. Have to do it. Reporter he recently called the house version of the bill, mean, and says the senate bill needs to have more heart. I dont think were very far off. Famous last words. I think we are going to get there. Mary bruce joins us now from capitol hill. So mary, President Trump just said it. He thinks they will get there. And he has been working the phones as well, but where do things stand right now . Reporter tom, the president has been reaching out. The Vice President too. Republicans insist they want to get this done this week. But tonight, its unclear how they plan to get the votes, and if they dont, the president tweeted perhaps they just let obamacare crash and burn, tom. The deadline fast approaching. Mary, thank you. Next to one of the other victories for President Trumps young presidency. The agreement to reinstate his travel ban. The Supreme Court allowing key parts to go into affect. Terry moran, who covers the Supreme Court there for us tonight. Reporter in the rose garden, President Trump did not mention the courts ruling today. And in an efficient white house statement, mr. Trump hailed this for a clear victory. The Supreme Court ruling will allow the president s travel ban to go into effect, but only partially. Is this a clear victory for President Trump . I would say its not a clear victory for eeither side. This hands both sides something of what they wanted, but doesnt give anybody a clean victory. Reporter under the courts ruling, some people will be banned. Some not. The president s order blocked travel to the u. S. For 90 days by people from six predominantly muslim countries. Like somalia and sudan. The government cannot ban people if they have a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States. That includes the court said, family members of u. S. Reside s residents, students admitted to american universities, workers accepting a job offer in the u. S. Speakers invited to address an american audience and more. In the end, analyst us say those most impacted will be refugees with no connection to the u. S. And that may be a small number of people. In the end, a Signature Campaign promise. Donald j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the United States until our countrys representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. Reporter but as soon as the ban was issued in january good stuff. Reporter with no warning and no consultation with agencies who would have to carry it out, there was trobl. [ chanting ] reporter chaos at the airport. And protest in the streets. Courts stepped in to block the ban, and in march, issued a new order rolled out by the new court today. The government will begin implementing the ban in 72 hours. Terry, there are several steps to this travel ban. What is the time line on enforcement . Reporter well, the next steps, tom, already Administration Workers are working on how to implement the ban. State Department Officials saying we have 72 hours to figure this out. They will work with the Justice Department and department of homeland security, and find out who is covered under the Supreme Court ruling and who is not. That will end in more lawsuits to get that decided. One more thing, this ban is written to last 94 days only to allow the administration to look at the vetting procedures. By next october when the court hears this case, it could all be moot. And terry, there was a lot of speculation that Justice Kennedy might be announcing a retirement today. What happened there . Reporter well, he is the crucial swing vote. There was great anticipation and anxiety over whether he would retire. He decided not to, and like every Supreme Court justice, nobody knows why, tom. Terry moran at the Supreme Court. Thanks very much. President trump doing on the offense about russias meddling in the election, turning against he has predecessor. Blaming president obama, saying he did nothing about it. Accusing obama of collusion and obstruction for political reasons. Heres abcs chief white house correspondent, jonathan karl. Reporter for President Trump tonight a warm embrace from the Prime Minister of india. But the president clearly has Something Else on his mind russia. In a barrage of tweets beginning this weekend, the president hit his predecessor over russias meddling in the election. The real story is that president obama did nothing after being informed in august about russian meddling. In other words, the question is, if he had the information, why didnt he do something about it . He should have done something about it. Reporter the president was responding to a report in the Washington Post that obama hedged on punishing russia more strongly before the election. It quoted an anonymous obama official saying he had choked. On twitter, trump fired back tweeting he didnt choke, he colluded or obstructed, and it did the dems and crooked hillary no good. This as the special council looks into russian hacking and possible collusion with the trump campaign. Trump himself has repeatedly raised doubts about whether russia was behind the hack at all. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, okay . Reporter today n a briefing where cameras were not aloud, the press secretary was asked if he believes that russia did it. He believes that russia probably was involved, potentially some, you know, other countries as well could have been equally involved or it could have been involved unequally. Jon karl joins us from the white house, and clear this us for us. For months, trump called the russia story a hoax. Why is he now attacking president obama for not being tough enough on the russians . Reporter well, tom. He is clearly jumping on an opportunity to criticize president obama, but even as the Intelligence Community warns that russia will try to do it again, combatting russian interference has hardly been a priority at this white house, tom. Jonathan karl, thank you. We move onto the wildfires raging in the west. 21 large fires in seven states fueled by the extreme heat and strong winds. Take a look at the flames moving quickly across the winds. Near prescott, arizona, and burning close to the highway in california. More than 1,500 people forced to evacuate, hoping their homes can be saved. Matt gutman is on the fire lines tonight. Reporter tonight an army of firefighters in utah battling a fire that has sent up walls of flame 100 feet high, torching an area the size of washington, d. C. Ive never seen a run like what happened here. Eight miles in one day. Reporter calling it unprecedented for this time of year officials have thrown everything at it, planes, helicopters and over 1,100 firefighters. Red flag warnings expected to make this explode this is what firefighters have been battling all day here. That wind turning small fires into infernos like that. Towering 100 feet high. Just north of los angelesov angelesoverover night, this brush fire across hill tops, jumping highway 14. You can feel the heat. Oh, my god. Reporter motorists fleeing that thunder cloud of smoke. The fire moving so fast, this homeowner spraying the fire with water from his pool. Eventually these air drops brought it under control, but in arizona, these airplanes show the goodwin fire running out of control. 70 homes under evacuation orders. Here in utah, over 1,500 folks evacuated. 13 homes destroyed. This type of terrain shows you how tricky it is to contain the flames. Making matters worse, we are at 9,000 feet, and the elevation has taken its toll, and wind is still howling, meaning that the hours and days to come, well see more hot spots. Tom. Matt gutman with an upclose look at that danger. Thank you. Overseas now, that deadly collision involving a u. S. Navy ship off the coast of japan. The captain report tli saying he tried to give warning, but the uss fitzgerald failed to respond. Abcs gio benitez with the latest report. Reporter tonight in what may be the first account of the collision that claimed seven american lives attributed to the captain of the cargo ship that struck it. Reuters reporting the skipper told ships owners that he flashed lights to signal the uss fitzgerald before the crash. And that he says the destroyer failed to take evasive action, suddenly veering into the ship s path. There is negligence involved. Two ships are not supposed to hit each other, and if both ships follow the rules the way they are supposed to be followed, they simply will not impact each other. Reporter abc news has not independently confirmed reuters report of the captains account. And the navy tonight is not commenting while it investigates why the ship slammed into the side of the uss fitzgerald. Slicing through the destroyers berths where over 100 sailors were sleeping. The crew scrambling to save the ship sealing off the flooded area so the ship didnt sink. And japanese investigators are analyzing the black box from that cargo shippi, looking for evidence showing what may have caused that collision, tom. Gio benitez with that new report tonight. Gio, thank you. Next to the desperate escape from a sinking ferry boat at a tour igs spot in colombia. You can see the ship rocking from side to side, and then quickly slipping under the water. Passengers pulled down with it. At least seven people did not survive and a massive search is under way right now for those still missing. Heres abcs linzie janis. Reporter tonight nearly a dozen people missing after this fourstory ferry packed with over 150 tourists zhang. This footage, which is sped up, shows the two bottom decks under water dozens of people trapped inside. This woman says people began to climb onto the other people to get out. Other boaters on the the popular reservoir near medellin, columbia racing to help. This man says he heard a roar before disaster struck. The boat tipped and we all went to one side to counter the weight. As the boat straightened out, it was sucked into the water. At least seven dead. But tonight divers still searching for the missing. Tom, several people on the ferry reported hearing a loud noise before it began lissing. Investigators are trying to determine what cause it it to sink. Linzie, thank you. There is much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. The midair scare. The worried pilot telling everyone on board to pray. The passage plane violently shaking for almost two hours. Imagine seeing this from your window. Looks like engine damage caught on camera. And tonight, we have learned why this all may have happened. Plus tourists attacked in a famous american city. The new Surveillance Video. Police asking for your help tonight. And the surreal mystery involving the artist, salvador dali. His 325 billion estate might be on the line. Stay with us. Affecting my good credit score. 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Heres abcs david kerley. Reporter the intense shaking, a shocking experience for passengers on the air asia a330. Suddenly we heard like a bang noise and everything starts shaking. Reporter out the window, the left engine bouncing, sending those shudders through the fuselage. It happened 90 minutes into the flight from perth, australia to kuala lampur. The pilot turns around, asking the passengers to pray. Our survival depends on your cooperating. Hopefully, everything will turn out for the best. Reporter a disconcerting message for some passengers. That was a terribly unprofessional thing to do. It may have been an emotional reaction, but its still something that you dont have luxury of doing. Reporter rollsroyce, the engine maker suggests a fan blade broke. That leaves the spinning engine, unbalanced. A passenger said it felt like being in washing machine. The 359 passengers and the aircraft made it back to perth on one engine. Emergency crews were relieved as well. They had prepared for a possible crash landing in the water. Air asia says its cooperating with authorities and is investigating. Tom . David kerley with that incredible video tonight. Thank you. When we come back, the big scare in the big easy. Two tourists brutally attack. The search tonight for suspects. And news about that girl falling from an Amusement Park ride. You may remember this video. She is caught by starangers. What investigators are now saying about how it happened. No. Its not a question, its a thing. Take on summer right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now with summers hottest offer. Get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. During the ford summer sales event get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. Offer ends july 5th. Itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. All day, and all night. Now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. 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As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where. Certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Just managing your symptoms . Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Time now for our index, and a brutal tourist attack in the new Orleans French corner. Two tourists beaten by four robbery suspects. You can see them one of them knocked unconscious laying facedown on the sidewalk. He is in critical condition, and police are asking for the publics help in finding those suspects. New developments in the Deadly Police shooting of philando castile. The driver shot and killed by a Police Officer during a traffic stop in st. Anthony, minnesota. His girlfriend posting the scene on facebook live. The officer acquitted more than a week ago saying he thought castile was reaching for the gun, he acknowledged he had in the car. His family agreeing to a 3 million settlement in the city. The scare at the Amusement Park. Millions have seen this video of a girl dangling. The great escape in new york. Dropping 25 feet by caught by bystanders there. Police reviewing Surveillance Video suggesting human error on her part may be to blame for her slipping under the restraining bar, and investigators say there was nothing wrong with the ride. And the new headline tonight about artist salvador dali. Madrid ordering his remains exhumed. As part of a paternity suit. A woman born in 1956 claims to be his daughter saying he had an affair with her mother. Dali died in 1989. His estate is worth about 325 million. When we come back, the 4yearold girl and a creative teenager. The special invention that changed her life. Its america strong. 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Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. Finally tonight, america strong. The 4yearold girl in need of a wheelchair, and the 17yearold high school inventor turning a toy into a lifechanging gift. Reporter youre about to watch as 4yearold miley brochus life is about to change. Put your feet right in here. Reporter it may look like a toy, but this souped up power wheel may be mileys first chance to get around by herself. There you go whoa look at you reporter miley is a shaken baby survivor and she can now move around by herself because of a High School Science project. Seniors at Champlain Valley Union high in vermont built the mini mobility scooter in their robotics lab. Working on this project, its for this girl here. She cant really walk and so this is going to be her first opportunity to be able to move herself. Turn it a little bit this way. Less speed. We do a lot of hightech stuff here. The big piece this project tied in was empathy. Reporter a project that changed a life, and those students see that up close. Mileys therapist saying by giving the little girl the power to move, they will help her with more than just transportation. Kids who are unable to walk, if you give them the ability to independently move, then there are other motor skills increase. Their social skills increase, and it encompasses everything and gives them that independence. We salute the inventor and miley as well for being america strong. Thanks for watching on a monday night. Im tom llamas. For david and all of us here, good night. This is jeopardy introducing todays contestants a student from provo, utah. A stayathome mom and online adjunct instructor from pleasant grove, utah. And returning champion, a cpa from mclean, virginia. Whose 1day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek thank you, johnny. Oh, and thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Good size audience here today. Welcome to the beginning of what we hope will be a very exciting week on jeopardy brandon and elisabeth, good to have you with us. Good luck to all three. Here we go into the first round

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