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Tonight, his family here, after learning the instructor will not face charges. And we have Important News on men and Prostate Cancer. Good evening and its great to have you with us on a tuesday night. We begin with that fire storm after comments made at the white house while being pressed on syria and the strategy moving guard the White House Press secretary in talking about Bashar Al Assad. More than a million died in hitlers gas chambers. Spicer apologizing just moments ago. Youre about to hear it. We begin with senior White House Correspondent cecilia vega. Reporter secretary of state Rex Tillerson landing in russia today as the u. S. Put moscow on notice. Accusing the kremlin of engaging in a fullscale coverup of that deadly Syrian Chemical Weapons attack. But just as the white house was talking tough, press Secretary Sean Spicer ignited a firestorm during his Daily Briefing by suggesting not only that Bashar Al Assad is worse than adolf hitler, but that hitler did not use chemical weapons during world war ii. You had a you know someone as despicable as hitler who didnt even sink to the level of using chemical weapons. So, you have to, if youre russia, ask yourself, is this a country and regime you want to align yourself with . More than a Million People died in hitlers gas chambers at one point, as many as 6,000 jews a day in auschwitz alone. More than 11 Million People altogether killed in the holocaust. Spicer tried to explain. I want to give you an opportunity to clarify something you just said thats gaining traction, quote, hitler didnt even sink to the level of using chemical weapons. What did you mean by that . I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that assad is doing. I mean there clearly. I understand im just giving you thank you. I appreciate that. There was not in the he brought him into the holocaust center, i understand that. But im saying the way assad used them where he went into town, dropped them down onto innocent into the middle of towns, so the use of it, i appreciate the clarification. That was not the intent. The reaction, immediate Israel Intelligence minister calling the comments grave and outrageous. Adding, we must demand that he apologize or resign. Its the second time in as many days spicer has had to walk back his own words. On monday he seemed to shift the administrations socalled red line on syria, saying its not just the use of chemical weapons that would prompt the United States to take military action. If you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bomb into innocent people, i think you can you will you will see a response from this president. Human rights group say bashar al asaads regime dropped nearly 13,000 barrel bombs last year alone, and they did it again today. But the white house, rushing to clarify, saying nothing has changed. There is no new red line. This afternoon secretary of Defense James Mattis upping the ante. If they use chemical weapons, they are going to pay a very, very stiff price. Cecilia vega with us live from the white house. Back to sean spicers comments there, he did apologize for saying even hitler didnt use chemical weapons just moments ago. He went on Cable Television to issue that apology. Lets watch. Using chemical weapons and gas and frankly i mistakenly used an inappropriate reference to the holocaust and theres no comparison. For that i apologize. Cecilia, as you know, spicer was then asked if he himself that his concerned his own credibility is at stake here. He doesnt believe he has a credibility problem. Thats why hes on tv making these apologies. David the bigger question tonight is not whether sean spicer thinks he has a credibility its whether the president thinks sean spicer has a credibility problem. Thank you, cecilia. We turn next tonight to the other fire storm, this over the passenger being dragged off of a united flight. At first told the flight was overbooked. The images seen around the world. Outraged over how the airline was handled it. Now, the ceo out with a new statement. Reporter tonight, United Airlines hit by severe turbulence. The video of that passenger being dragged off his flight to make room for united employees, seen by hundreds of millions around the world. Oh, my god. Look at what you did to him. He said, why am i being chosen, what did i do. Even after being pulled from the plane, the passenger bolting back into the cabin. Out of nowhere, we saw him running back towards the end of plane, he had blood streaming down his face. He appeared to be very, just distraught. Very confused, he was not in the right state of mind, at this point. I have to go home, i have to go home. Reporter tonight, that passenger identified is undergoing treatment at a hospital. His license suspended involving his prescribing of drugs. Tonight, the investigation ongoing with one of the Aviation Security officials put on leave. The ceo of united oscar munoz who received a Public Relations award as communicator of the year last month yesterday called the passenger quote disruptive and belligeren,t but tonight in an about face now apologizing directly to the passenger, saying no one should ever be mistreated this way. Its a teachable moment for united to look and say how do we make sure Something Like this doesnt happen again. Reporter but the damage may have already been done, united losing 700 million in market value before settling at a 255 million loss for the day. And fliers wary, many asking that, even if the airlines have the right to remove passengers in similar situations, should it ever come to this . And alex perez with us live tonight from the united terminal there in chicago. The united ceo calling this a quote truly horrific event that requires immediate investigation . Yeah, thats right david. The ceo says theyre investigating the incident and any possible changes to their policy on oversold flights. He said that review will be made available by the end of the month. David. Alex, thank you. We should mention here, tomorrow on good morning america, an exclusive interview with the United Airlines Ceo Oscar Munoz about the incident and the Airlines Response tomorrow on gma. Next tonight, the governor of florida now declaring a state of emergency today. There are now 107 wildfires burning across the state with so many families there on spring break. One Girl Scout Camp already destroyed and abcs gio benitez is on the scene. Reporter tonight, floridas state of emergency couldnt come at a worse time for residents and for those millions of springbreakers. With more than hundred fires burning across the sunshine state, officials are sweating. This is the driest weve been in a while so it really behooves everybody, just like you get a go kit for hurricanes, you need to have a go kit. Reporter near tampa, firefighters taking on flareups today. Its really, really scary never seen anything like this before. Reporter trying to get the upper hand on this 75 acre fire. And just outside orlando were receiving multiple calls from girl scout occupants inside the campground. We are advising them to evacuate. Reporter more than a hundred people at this Girl Scout Camp forced to flee, a 165acre brush fire damaging nearly a dozen structures. Near miami, a brush fire burning since wednesday exploding to more than 8,000 acres. 68,000 acres scorched since february, most of the fires caused by humans. This one on friday sparked by a commercial lawn mower, shut down interstate 275 in the middle of st petersburgs rush hour. You can see that boat behind me, used be i the girl scouts, completely destroyed. Take a look right over there. Thats another hot spot thats why officials are worried right now. With no rain in sight, any little breeze can reignite a fire. Gio, thank you. Were learning more this evening about what sparked that Deadly School shooting in san bernardino, california. More than 500 Elementary School children Holding Hands there as they were rushed away from the building. We learned one little boy was also killed he was near the teacher when her husband opened fire. Why the Office Workers might have been comfortable allowing the husband to check in and go to the classroom. Reporter tonight, a community in mourning over the loss of a beloved student and teacher. She was a good teacher. She would nice and she would help people that needed help. Reporter questions mounting about what led to mondays hail of gunfire. Authorities saying Cedric Anderson targeted his estranged wife karen smith while she was teaching. Reporter two boys caught in the crossfire before anderson turned the gun on himself. Jonath Jonathan Martinez didnt survive. Family and friends tonight remembering a vibrant joyful boy. Authorities trying to determine how the seemingly happy couple unraveled. Anderson posting this on facebook just six weeks ago. She is making me really happy. She knows when to ignore me, it makes a happy marriage. Reporter but tonight, authorities probing andersons dark past including multiple arrests for weapons and Domestic Violence charges. Karen smiths mother tells abc news after the pair wed, anderson revealed a darker side my husband and i decided you need to get away from him. He is not the kind of person you thought he was. Reporter smith was living with her Adult Children after leaving him a few weeks ago. She never informed the school of marital problems. It appears that he had been making attempts to contact her and to have her come back home, and she was resistant to that, reporter david, authorities searched the suspects home. They uncovered a note he wrote about things in his life that needed closure and feeling disrespected david. Kayna whitworth on the scene tonight. The interview with the family of a navy s. E. A. L. Trainee who died in the water. Eyewitnesses had said the instructor dunked his head under water. Now investigators say there was no crime. Heres abcs linzie janis with the family. Reporter tonight, the family of navy s. E. A. L. Trainee James Derek Lovelace is fighting back, vowing to sue the u. S. Military and the instructor they believe is responsible for the 21year olds death. It just makes us sick to our stomach. Reporter lovelace was in his first week of elite s. E. A. L. Training last may when he drowned during an exercise, like this one, requiring trainees to tread water in full fatigues and boots. A Navy Investigation obtained exclusively by abc news, says eyewitnesses saw lovelaces face turn purple as he attempted to stay afloat while an instructor dunked him. The this certain instructor bullied derek that day and took it too far. A lot of dunking, just seemed like everything was focused on derek in the pool that day. Reporter the medical examiner ruling his death a homicide by drowning, saying, the actions, and inactions, of the instructors and other individuals involved were excessive and directly contributed to the death. But the navy now says no charges will be brought after it determined lovelaces drowning was not the result of a crime. Derek deserved more than this. Derek deserved honor all i want is this man behind bars. Thats all i want. Reporter autopsy also revealed that he had a preexisting heart condition. But its unclear if it played any role in his death. David. Linzie janis thank you. The reward now doubling in the nationwide man hunt for the man last seen in wisconsin. 20,000 for the arrest of Joseph Jakubowski who mailed a manifesto to President Trump calling for a revolution. Authorities releasing a new photo of him without facial hair. Police say he is armed and dangerous. Still much more ahead this tuesday important medical headline for men and Prostate Cancer. Two workplace shootings. Also ahead the frightening moment bungee ride almost turns deadly. A freshman thrown from a boat and in the frantic search to find him. These balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. 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If you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Most common side effect is nausea. Thank you chantix. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Next tonight here, authorities are on the scene of work place shooting in broad daylight. A woman open firing. In auto parts. She then took her own life after leaving two in krit critical condition. Abcs steve osunsami. Reporter investigators in cookeville, tennessee, tonight are trying to figure out what set off a woman who brought a handgun to the parking lot of this hightech auto parts production company. Police are calling the shooting a domestic dispute. When officers arrived they discovered that three people had been shot. Further investigation indicated two of those people were female, and one was male. The sole shooter, was female, and she has deceased. Reporter the man and woman who survived the shooting were flown to regional hospitals, and are in critical condition. Well, we understand that there was some type of relationship, we dont know exactly what that is, between a couple of the parties. Its my understanding that two of the persons involved worked here. Reporter they make Rearview Mirror systems here, as seen in these videos posted online. They have hundreds of employees, who were watching as police looked for bullet casings and towed cars that appeared to be involved. Police are interviewing witnesses tonight, and say theyre thankful there was no larger danger or threat, david. Steve, thank you. When we come back the important medical headline involving men and Prostate Cancer. A crash landing on the interstate. Plane upsidedown there. That frightening moment the bungee ride mishap. The neardisaster and what that fair is now saying tonight. Beca. And markets continue to rise and fall. Predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what youve earned and ensure it lasts. Introducing brighthouse financial. A new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities life insurance. Talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. Introducing new depend silhouette active fit, with a thin design for complete comfort. They say move it or lose it and at my age, im moving more than ever. Because getting older is inevitable. But feeling older . Thats something i control. Get a free sample at depend. Com. 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To the index of other news tonight and a pilot and this passenger are recovering after crash land on a highway if maine. The cessna stalling midflight. On interstate 295. Before crashing into the guardrail. Remarkably no serious injuries. A tragic accident for a college rower. The body of a 19yearold Northwestern University freshman was recovered from the water after he fell overboard during a rowing practice. A coach and teammate jumped into the channel to try and rescue him. They were unsuccessful there are new guidelines tonight under consideration now for how men are screened for Prostate Cancer. Under the proposal a top medical Advisory Panel are relaxing its proposals for relaxed screenings. Men from 55 to 69 should decide individually with their doctor whether to understood psa testing. An estimated 180,000 american men are diagnosed with Prostate Cancer every year. That terrifying moment a bungee ride almost turns fatal. In paris, her safety harness came undone. Her head coming within inches of the ride platform. The organizers of the fair say tonight the incident is under investigation to see with whether theyre at fault or the rider came unhooked on her own. When we come back here tonight america strong. The one question likely being asked somewhere in america tonight. The answer doesnt always go as planned as youre about to see. When this bell rings. It starts a chain reaction. Thats heard throughout the connected business world. At t Network Security helps protect business, from the largest Financial Markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyberattacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures. Keeping the world of business connected and protected. Thats the power of and. Your smile says brett my ta lot about you, what does this say . announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Well, what are you doing o take care otomorrow 10am . But. Staff meeting. 3 45 . Tai chi. 6 30 . Sams baseball practice. 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High school prom season is now here. And so are the nerves that come with that question. Birmingham student india ellison wondering who was at the door. Hey, hey. Reporter thats walker burroughs, a senior at her high school. I will dance youll probably make fun of me reporter his own lyrics to stand by me. Darling go to prom with me reporter she turns and offers a wink of, course she was going to say yes. With his bandmates all watching. And over the weekend there they were. In waxhaw, north carolina, tyler and in findlay, ohio, High School Runners jordan fuller and claire short met each other during Cross Country practice. Jordan carefully plotting a five and a Half Mile Run to spell out his request on a running app, spelling out prom, question mark . She said yes. And theres Jacob Staudenmaier from Arcadia High School in arizona, recreating la la land to ask actress emma stone to the prom. Youre an oscar winner ive got two of my own so maybe i could buy you dinner reporter asking olive garden . I know my voice aint great but please be my prom date reporter emma stone writing him. Emma said, jacob, in all caps, thanks for making the greatest proposal ive ever received. I cant tell you what an honor that was and how much i smiled through that entire beautifully orchestrated video. Im in london working, but i hope you have the best time at prom and im grateful you thought of me. Reporter she signed it, love emma. Not a hollywood ending, but a love note from emma is pretty close. Emma stone, please be the one . He tried. Thanks for watching here on a tuesday night. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. For all of us here, good night. Congressman macarthur promised to protect our health care. But when rightwing politicians tried to pass a disastrous Health Care Repeal bill that raises costs and cuts coverage, macarthur wouldnt oppose them. Macarthur wouldnt protect us from a bill that raises premiums and causes 24 million to lose their insurance. Wouldnt oppose a massive age tax on people over 50. And isnt fighting to protect coverage for preexisting conditions. Tell Tom Macarthur stop trying to repeal our health care. This is jeopardy please welcome todays contestants a writer and communication instructor from allston, massachusetts. An artist and Business Consultant from south pasadena, california. And our returning champion, a direct Service Provider from new york, new york. Whose 1day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. Enterprising, intelligent, and with a great ability to move the game around i think those three would describe greg beautifully. Steve and atissa, youve got your work cut out for you today

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