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Horrified customers hiding. And severe storms hitting from texas right up through chicago, in the next 24 hours. Good evening. And were back tonight from orlando, where there are fastmoving developments. The fbi right now is laser focused on the gunmans wife. Abc news has just learned that after agreeing to be questioned, authorities confronted her with closed circuit tv footage from around orlando. And then, a polygraph. This video. This is omar mateens wife getting into that car, agents escorting her back to her apartment to pack up her things. Its not clear where she is tonight. But the gunmans family tells abc news that the wife is, in fact, under fbi scrutiny, and all of this comes as we learn more about the shooters secret life. What a former classmate is now revealing to us, and patrons of that orlando nightclub who say hed be there several times before. Abcs senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas is in florida, leading us off. Reporter tonight, the fbi is locked in on the wife of omar mateen, trying to determine if she had any direct knowledge of her husbands deadly plot. Law enforcement sources say that noor salman allegedly went with her husband to buy ammo and a holster and, prior to the attack, had gone to the pulse nightclub with him at least once. Abc news has learned she has allegedly suggested to investigators that she tried to talk her husband out of harming anyone. But its unclear whether she knew or believed an attack was imminent. Today, her fatherinlaw telling linzie janis that salman was under fbi scrutiny. They spoke to her. I want to leave it that. And i dont want to talk about anything. Reporter salman agreed to answer questions when they showed her closed Circuit Television at locations in orlando. Investigators are trying to determine if they were scouting possible targets. After she started answering questions, agents polygraphed her to determine if she was telling them the truth. Last night, salman could be seen going back to her apartment, after the fbi search. Inside the couples apartment, video shot by univision shows a seemingly normal young family of three. She was super sweet. Super sweet and a fantastic mother. Reporter mateen at one time has been under fbi surveillance for ten months. A fact that the owner of the store that sold him the guns, a former nypd cop, was not aware of. So, Law Enforcement guy. Would you have liked to have known that the fbi was investigating him for terrorism . Would have been fantastic. He wouldnt have gotten a gun. A frustrated Gun Store Owner tonight. And Pierre Thomas joining us live. Pierre, is there a chance this wife will now be arrested . Reporter david, there certainly is. If they determine she knew about this attack beforehand, its likely think will charge her, because they want to send a message. If someone nopes about potential mass murder, they have to come forward. David . Pierre thomas leading us off tonight from florida. Thank you. Our team with new reporting, as well, on the gunmans secret life. A former classmate is now coming forward. Also, patrons of that orlando nightclub saying hed be there many times before and hed been on gay dating apps. The question now, was he hiding a life at odds with his strict faith . Abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross tonight. Reporter its music, its dance floor, its welcoming vibe, made the pulse nightclub a huge draw for floridas gay community. And tonight, employees and patrons say one of its regulars was omar mateen. James van horn says he saw the killer there many times. Its not like he just sat there and stared at people. He was an active person that tried, you know, to find somebody, maybe to go to bed with that night. Reporter wiltnesses have told fbi agents that mateen posted pictures of himself on gay dating apps. And what appears to be the secret life of mateen is now a central focus of the fbis investigation into the motive behind the terror attack. Cord cedeno, who also saw mateen at pulse, says he talked about having a wife and a child. I know the struggle of him that his wife and stuff, and his family, didnt know that he was gay, but hes been doing this, coming to these clubs for years and years. Reporter today, mateens exwife sitora told abc news that he told her he often frequented nightclubs without saying they were gay clubs. Do i think he was gay . Reporter she struggled with my question. I at this point, i think he might have been. Maybe wasnt able to be honest about it at all to anybody, because of the family and the culture that hes from . Reporter mateens interest in gay men goes back at least ten years, according to a former classmate at a 2006 Law Enforcement training course, who did not want his face shown. And he asked me if i was gay, and, because i wasnt out at the time, i told him no, im not. And he said, if you were gay, you would definitely be my type of guy. Reporter yet somehow, mateen, a muslim, was drawn to isis, a terror group that preaches that homosexual till is punishable by death. And brian ross is with us tonight. Because even though there is no link to a larger plot, to isis, that group is not only celebrating him, but they now have a new threat tonight against america and against new york city. Reporter thats right, david. As they always do in their propaganda campaigns, making new threats against america, using video of president obama, donald trump and the new york city city hall, david. All right, brian ross, thank you tonight. We witnessed something today truly heartwrenching. Several of the survivors, the patients at the hospital, coming before the cameras and tearfully revealing what they saw, what they heard, what they survived. Many of them on the floor of that nightclub, beside people who had been killed, playing dead themselves as the gunman came back through to shoot again. Heres abcs gio benitez. Reporter tonight, survivors describing the terrifying moments when they came face to face with that killer. This is norman casiano, just moments after being shot. Everyone was just ducking and closing their eyes. I myself was praying and just safing that this cant be my last moments. Reporter norman was one of over 20 people huddling in bathroom stalls, hiding. The shooter came in, we started screaming and yelling at him, like, please, dont do this. He grabbed the gun and shot over the top. Reporter the shooter laughing. Its just very intense, how someone could be doing what hes doing and laugh. Reporter angel colon, forced to play dead, as the gunman continued his rampage. Hes shooting everyone that is dead on the floor. I was able to peek over and i can just see him shooting at everyone. Reporter 20yearold patience carter, a College Student and aspiring singer, shot and clinging to life in that bathroom. Tonight, struggling. The guilt of being alive is heavy. Reporter patients listening as mateen calls 911, pledging allegiance to isis and watching him struggle, his gun jamming. He was, like, damn, it jammed. So, with my face under the stall, looking, i could see him put down his machine gun. Reporter and then, the s. W. A. T. Team breaks in, the water pipes break. They shot him dead. There was water starting to rise, i was getting really scared because i was thinking, like, if i dont get, like, they dont get to me soon or something, i might drown in this water. I was begging for god to take the soul out of my body. I didnt want to feel anymore pain. Reporter her raw emotion tonight, overwhelming. So brave to share their stories today. And gio, we should point out tonight that several patients are still in Critical Condition . Reporter thats right, david. Six patients are still in Critical Condition right now at the hospital. But the good news right now, some of them have been released. We learned that today. And they are improving, david. That is encouraging. Gio, thank you. Next, this evening, to the fallout from this terror, and the race for the white house. Tonight, president obama blasting donald trump in a way we have not heard yet. Late today, trump responding. And it comes amid a new poll just out tonight. And we should note that some of this polling is from after the attack. It spokes Hillary Clinton now with a 12point lead over donald trump in a headtohead matchup. Clinton now at 49 , trump, 37 . Abcs Jonathan Karl with the president s angry words today, and trumps fiery response tonight. Reporter today, an impassioned president obama sought to dismantle and discredit Donald Trumps entire approach to fighting terrorism. If we fall into the trap of painting all muslims with a broad brush, and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists work for them. Reporter in an unprecedented move, he had the nations top military official by his side as he labeled trumps ideas unamerican. We now have proposals from the Presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States to bar all muslims from immigrating to america. This is a country founded on basic freedoms, including freedom of religion. We dont have religious tests here. Reporter hours after the Orlando Attack, trump said obama should resign for refusing to use the words radical islamic terrorism. This Orlando Attack was just absolutely horrendous, and, yet, he still doesnt even use the word of radical islamic terror. Reporter today, the president fired back. There is no magic to the phrase radical islam. It is a political talking point. Its not a strategy. Not once has an adviser of mine said, man, if we really use that phrase, were going to turn this whole thing around. Not once. Reporter and he went on. They know full well who the enemy is. So do the intelligence and Law Enforcement officers who spend countless hours disrupting plots and protecting all americans, including politicians who tweet jon karl with us live tonight at a trump rally in north carolina. And jon, donald trump late today responding to the president s attack . Reporter trump has fired back with a written response, saying, quote, president obama claims to know our enemy, and yet he continues to prioritize our enemy over our allies and for that matter, the american people. And thats trumps response. Jon karl with us live tonight from a very loud town hall there. Jon, thank you. Meantime, the white house monitoring developments in another terror case unfolding overseas tonight. A deadly terror attack outside paris, just as france now hosts some major soccer tournaments, under heightened security. A police chief and the mother of his child were brutally stabbed to death. The attacker posting a 13minute rant, live on facebook, from right inside their home. After a threehour standoff, s. W. A. T. Teams stormed in, killing the attacker and then rescuing the couples 3yearold son. Back here at home tonight, we are tracking severe storms hitting right now. 50 million americans in the path in the next 24 hours. This tornado touching down near amarillo. Alerts posted across the heartland at this hour. Look at this. Hail. That is hail, not flooding there. The red rocks venue outside denver. Just incredible. Lets get right to ginger zee. This stretches all the way through chicago in the next 24 hours. Reporter right. Chicago will get its first round overnight tonight. I want to take you straight to the map, david. Weve still got a tornado watch in much of southeastern minnesota. Severe thunderstorm watch into wisconsin and des moines. Thats all along that cofront. That is the first round. Then, as we do into tomorrow, the cold front approaches, and you can see the shape, from detroit to cleveland, toledo is in there, louisville to almost nashville, damaging wind, hail, even a possibility of tornadoes. Fueled by, of course, heat. And look at how hot wednesday into thursday is. Heat advisories, dallas to little rock. All right, tracking it through tomorrow. Ginger, thank you. We are also learning more at this hour about an alleged russian hack attack on the he headquarters of the Democratic National committee in washington, d. C. Did the russians steal files, still Opposition Research on donald trump . Abcs cecilia vega in washington for us. Cecilia . Reporter david, we are talking about spies linked to russian intelligence agencies here, and they went straight for the research on donald trump. And the dnc has files on trump going back years, that they likely plan to use against him during this nasty campaign. The hackers had access to some files for about a year, and could even read all dnc staff emails and chats. Were also learning that russian spies targeted the two president ial campaigns. No comment from trump, but Hillary Clinton said today there is no evidence her team was ever hacked. David . Cecilia, thank you. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this tuesday. The other news tonight, the armed standoff inside a walmart. The gunman taking hostages, customers hiding. And our team is on the scene at this hour. Also, the outrage tonight in one American City after a Police Officer is caught on camera accused of stomping on the held of a suspect. There is also an urgent manhunt for an escaped killer, considered dangerous. Police searching from the air and on the ground right now. And, of course, well continue tonight on orlando. Thousands paying tribute overnight in that city. We have much more ahead. Sion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Because my teeth are yellow. These photos . Why don,t you use a whitening toothpaste . Im afraid it,s bad for my teeth. Try crest 3d white. Crest 3d White Diamond strong toothpaste and rinse. Gently whiten. And fortify weak spots. Use together for 2 times stronger enamel. Crest 3d white. To cook healthy meals. Yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens 50 . Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it helps support healthy Blood Pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. Next tonight here, with much of this country on heightened alert, the tense hostage standoff inside a texas walmart. Customers hiding, employees held at gunpoint. Abcs phillip mena is in amarillo. Reporter amarillos s. W. A. T. Team got the call just after 11 00. Units available for an active shooter at 4215 canyon drive walmart. Reporter reports of an armed shooter at walmart, taking two hostages. Shoppers hiding inside. One callers from the pharmacy, advising several people, they can hear them screaming. Reporter tensions high in the wake of the Mass Shootings in florida this weekend. Its not what we want to be in the news for, not more than orlando or anybody else. Reporter s. W. A. T. Teams quickly entering the walmart and finding terrified shoppers. I found a lady hiding in a clothes rack, theyre bringing her around to the command post. The suspect had a pistol in his hand and the s. W. A. T. Officers then fired their rounds and the suspect is now deceased. Reporter david, the whole incident lasted just under two hours. Authorities are still invest gaiting, but right now, they are calling this a Workplace Violence incident. Still, a terrifying situation that could have ended much worse. David . Fill limb mena tonight. Thanks, phillip. When we come back here, the navy chopper crashing into a river a Good Samaritan coming to the rescue. Youll see it. There is also news tonight about that Police Officer accused of kicking a suspect unconscious this week. And the urgent manhunt at this hour for an escaped killer. The police asking for the publics help right now. Nexium 24 hour introduces new, easytoswallow tablets. So now, there are more ways, for more people. To experience. Complete protection from frequent heartburn. Nexium 24hr. The easytoswallow tablet is here. Working on my feet all day gave min my lower back but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. Scholls custom fit orthotic inserts. 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Police officials are now reviewing the video. The urgent manhunt for an escaped killer in arkansas at this hour. Police say he ran away from a prison work detail at a construction site about 100 miles outside little rock. Hes serving a 60year sentence for the death of a teenage girl. Guards reportedly noticing he was gone within an hour of his disappearance. A close call for the crew of a Navy Helicopter tonight. Their chopper crashing into the james river outside norfolk today. The threeperson crew was on a Training Mission at the time. They were rescued by a goo samaritan in a boat. When we come back here tonight, so many of you responding to that list last night here. Tonight, the 49 faces of orlando. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive what knee pain . . What sore elbow . Advil liquigels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. To you, theyre more than just a pet. 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Thank you for watching here on a tuesday night. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. And we leave you with that powerful vigil in orlando. Good night. Look around pennsylvania and its not hard to spot winners. And with over 2 million winners of match 6, cash 5, and Treasure Hunt every single month, thats hardly a surprise. Winners, winners everywhere play today camden wasnt an easy place to grow up. But teachers like mr. Elliot saw something in me. Made a connection with me. Now im a teacher myself, right here in camden. Im just passing it along to my own students and making those same connections my teachers made with me. Now thats some beautiful music. Im jamal dickerson, and im proud to be a new jersey educator. This is jeopardy please welcome todays contestants a pharmacist from denver, colorado. A humanities professor from orlando, florida. And our returning champion, an attorney originally from mount airy, north carolina. Whose 4day cash winnings total. 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