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Surprise waiting for this little girl, and youll see it. Who is our person of the week . Good evening. We begin with several developing stories. First, the violent and bloody clashes outside a donald trump event. Protesters attacking supporters. Some punched, some chased down and beaten. Others had bottles thrown at them. Just a short time ago, donald trump addressing the violence. Heres tom llamas in california. Reporter tonight, donald trump condemning the protesters behind those bloody attacks on his supporters. They walk out and they get accosted by a bunch of thugs. Burning the american flag. You know what they are, theyre thugs. Reporter protesters hunting down the people who back trump. Pelting a woman with eggs. Surrounding this man, trying to get away. Other trump supporters, beaten. What happened . I was walking on the street and this guy suckerpunched me in the back of the head. Reporter the protesters shaking cars. Breaking tail lights. Police on hand, but it seems they didnt act quickly enough, amid concerns about security at the upcoming Republican National convention. Trump saying he has supporters of all races standing by him. Look at my africanamerican over here. Reporter it all comes with trump now embroiled in a new racially charged controversy. Attacking a federal judge because he is mexicanamerican. Judge gonzalo curiel, who was born in indiana and is a u. S. Citizen, presides over one of the lawsuit against trump university. I have a judge whos a hater of donald trump. A hater. The judge who happens to be, we believe, mexican, which is great. I think that is fine. Reporter but trump now says the judges mexican background should disqualify him from the case. Telling the new york times, i have a mexican judge. Hes of mexican heritage. He should have rescued himself. Trump calling that a conflict of interest. And tonight doubling down on cnn. If youre saying he cant do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism . No. I dont think so at all. No . Hes proud of his heritage. I respect him for that. You said he cant do his job because of that. Im building a wall. This judge is giving us unfair rulings. Now i say, why . Im building a wall. Its a wall between mexico. Not another country. But hes not from mexico. Hes from indiana. Hes of mexican heritage and hes very proud of it. So, lets get to tom llamas, live in california. Tom, is the judges family now responding . Reporter thats right. The judge couldnt comment because of the rules of the court. But we did speak to his brother, who calls donald trump a blowhard. But he says the judge always follows the letter of law. Thank you. Late today, Hillary Clinton weighing in on the comments and the bloody attacks as well. Clinton says trump is the one that sets the bad example. Heres cecilia vega. Hes temperamentally unfit to be president. Reporter blaming trump for the violence. He set a very bad example, created an environment in which it seemed to be acceptable for someone running for president to be inciting violence. He has lowered the bar, and now is it a surprise that people who dont like him are stepping over that low bar . I dont think it is. Reporter and she has fighting words for trumps comments about the judge. A man born in indiana, which last time i checked, is part of america. Reporter clinton going even further with kabc. Were dealing with somebody who is a demagogue. It makes no sense to me. The judge was born in indiana, yes, hes of mexican heritage. Donald trump is apparently of german heritage. Were all americans. Reporter and she keeps saying that donald trump is unfit, and even questions his mind. And its an attack well likely be hearing a lot more of over the next few months. David . Thank you. And Hillary Clinton will sit down with george stephanopoulos, airing sunday morning on this week. Well be watching. We turn to growing concern over muhammad ali and his health. Hospitalized with a respiratory issue. Heres Ron Claiborne on what we know about the greatest. Reporter tonight, muhammad ali is in what may be the toughest fight of his life. The 74yearold former heavyweight boxing champion hospitalized with a respiratory infection. Paramedics were called to his home on tuesday. Ali, last seen here in april looking frail and drawn, listed in fair condition yesterday. They take no chances, and this was a case where they took no chance and the doctor said, hey, hes got a respiratory issue, lets hospitalize him and watch him and keep track of it. Reporter he was last for the last thirty years, hes been afflicted with parkinsons disease. His fourth wife, lonnie, steadfastly by his side. You start off as care partner and become a caregiver. Reporter in his hometown of louisville tonight, concern from fans. We pray he gets better. Reporter his daughter posting this photo on facebook, thanking supporters. And sugar ray leonard, posting, prayers and blessings to my friend. The Associated Press is reporting that family sources say alis illness is much more serious than his previous hospital stays, and we know his daughter is by his side. Thank you. And next to the two severe storms set to hit this weekend. Comes amid a frantic search for four american soldiers swept away in texas. Five already confirmed dead. Near ft. Worth, the suv nearly washed away. Witnesses screaming to the family inside. More in a moment, but Neal Karlinsky is in texas. Reporter in texas tonight, the search for answers after a catastrophe during a training exercise. Officials say military personnel were trying to close a road near owl creek on the sprawling base, worried it was rushing its banks. Thats when the massive 11ton light medium tactical vehicle was swept by fastmoving waters. Remarkable, since the huge and heavy truck has a high clearance and is built to handle several feet of water. Only 3 of the 12 on board made it out alive. Due to the quick action of some other soldiers that were training, we were able to rescue three soldiers. Reporter outside houston tonight, records smashed by the flooded brazos river. And outside ft. Worth, soaked earth causing landslides, threatening these apartments. Even though many of the rivers are now starting to recede, none of this water is going to be going away anytime soon. And they also have the problem of flash flooding now from storm bursts that continue to roll in. In granbury, texas, this truck forcefully swept away after a huge downpour. Watch it spin. Ending up pinned against a tree. Get out get out reporter remarkably, the man, woman and dog inside were all able to climb out in time. The governor declaring a state of disaster in 31 counties. Over 550 high water rescues in four days. But theyre hopeful the worst is behind them. Thank you. Lets get right to rob marciano. The south, they cant seem to get a break here. Not for a day or two. The low thats been sitting over texas all week long will start to move a little bit tomorrow. But flash flood watches posted through tomorrow. Watch the future cast, the storms stretching up into the ohio river valley. Pushed to the east by the front, squeezing the moisture to the front. And storms with hail, damaging winds, maybe even a tornado. A stormy sunday for sure. Rob, thank you. You heard about the search for the missing soldiers in texas. Next, to a Mountain Training exercise gone wrong. Several members of a Green Beret Unit out of colorado came down with altitude sickness. 11 members extracted by helicopter. No word on their condition at this hour. And in oregon, a train derailment. The fiery images after 11 cars carrying crude oil jumped the tracks, sparking a fire. Authorities evacuated schools, shut down part of i84, but fortunate no one was injured. Near seattle, a collision between two buses carrying students. And 21 students and a bus driver were injured. Fortunately, none seriously. After what seems to have a rear end collision, one bus slamming into the back of the other. Tonight, a radical change for the Chicago Police department, releasing online evidence from scores of pending investigations involving use of police force. One, showing punching a handcuffed man. And in chicago, theyre bracing for the reaction. Heres eva pilgrim. Reporter an officer points his gun as a suspect. The suspect runs towards him and the officer fires. The suspect falls to the ground, but survives. Hundreds of videos released today by the city of chicago from 101 use of force investigations still open, dating back four years. We all agree theres a lack of trust and that increased transparency is essential to rebuilding trust. Reporter the shooting of laquan mcdonald, sparking protests. This video showing lisa simmons being thrown to the ground in 2014. Her arrest, part of a lawsuit recently settled by the city. Striking 30yearold jeremiah smith, then forcing him to the ground. After today, this kind of evidence will be released 60 to 90 days after the incident. The Police Union Calling the release irresponsible and sad. Thank you. And the tourists at the center of a controversy over a baby bison at Yellowstone National park. They put it in the back of their suv, hoping to save it, but they were trying to save it. Heres linsey davis. Reporter the tourists who took this baby bison from Yellowstone National park, breaking their silence today, after Harsh Criticism about their decision to put the shivering baby in the back of their suv. We picked up the bison because it was shivering. That was not the reason why we picked up the bison. We picked reporter why did up the bison because it was abandoned by the herd. Reporter moments before that fateful encounter. The calf appears to be in distress. With no cell service, father and son load the newborn into the suv and take it to the park ranger. But when the bison was returned to the herd, it was rejected and later euthanized. Did you think, maybe this isnt a good idea . When i saw the calf outside shaking, i felt that you know, this was the right thing to do. I am a farmer from africa. And many times it has happened that the poachers kill the mother. And we pick up the fawn and give it to the rangers. Reporter if you had do it all over again, how would you react now . In yellowstone park, we would just leave it. And because they say, let the nature take the course. Reporter linsey davis, abc news, new york. Thank you. And theres still much more ahead on world news tonight this friday. The road rage epidemic on americas highways. The urgent search for a driver that rammed into a car. The emotional outburst in court. The father lunging at his daughters killer. The judge hitting the panic button. Well tell you what happened nex next. And later, a bit of a royal scolding for prince harry. The one thing he apparently forgot, and the world war ii veterans that reminded him. Youll hear what they said, coming up. Allergies. And im doing just fine. Claritin provides 24hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. Yeah, over 200 allergens with claritin my allergies dont come between me and victory. Live claritin clear. With usaa is awesome. Homeowners insurance Life Insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as Gunnery Sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and im a usaa member for life. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Ugh. Heartburn. G ] sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmm. Incredible. Looks tasty. You dont have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. Next tonight here, to what many consider the road rage epidemic in america. A couple of oklahoma forced off the highway by an aggressive driv driver. Tonight, the urgent hunt to find the other driver. Heres steve osunsami. Reporter Oklahoma Police say theyre looking for this hothead. Heres where he loses it. Watch as he runs 18 year old noah wilson right off the road and into a guardrail. The two victims say theyre lucky they werent killed. Police arrested 31yearold robert paul vance, charged with attempted murder. Witnesses say this fight in houston over the weekend broke out over a right turn. This beatdown of a driver near tampa last month only ended when the drivers wife pulled a pistol. Authorities tonight are encouraging angry drivers to take a deep breath. Because more than twothirds of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving. And the worst day . Is friday. David . Thank you. And doctors testing a new stroke treatment. And the outraged father attacking his daughters killer. And prince harry, the one thing he will remember next time he visits with world war ii veterans. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies plus energy support. Its a fiber supplement that helps support regularity, and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. Mmm, these are good nice work phillips. The tasty side of fiber, from phillips. Bounty is two times more absorbent. More sit per roll. So one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. So you get more life per roll. Bounty. The longlasting quicker picker upper. 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Stanford researchers studying the safety effects of stem cells injected directly into the brains of 18 stroke patients. They were stunned by what seem to be early results, showing a return of some motor function in seven patients. And a royal scolding for prince harry. During a meeting of world war ii veterans who asked, wheres your tie . Wheres your tie . Come on. Harry admitting he suddenly felt underdressed. When we come back, a surprise for a little girl. The entire community in on it. Shes about to open this box. Thats next. Who is our person of the week . It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive three quarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. 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Use together for 2 times stronger enamel. Crest 3d white. New mirafiber from the makers of miralax. Fall in love with a new daily fiber. Its the only fiber that supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber. So unlike others, mirafiber is less likely to cause unwanted gas. Love your fiber. New mirafiber. Finally tonight here, our persons of the week. A special gift for a little girl. Youre about to see what happens when she opens it up. Her parents hoping she would see herself. Our persons of the week. 13 million views and counting tonight. The moment this little girl carries the surprise in to her older sister. 10yearold emma bennett of texas is waiting. Read the letter first. Youre going to love it. The sister so excited, she tells them, read the letter first. Dear emma. You got to be kidding me [ laughter ] emma was beside herself with joy, she opens the doll and pulls it out. Knowing immediately, that doll was just like her. It has a prosthetic leg, and shes suddenly ov lly overkome moment. Her mother, and father all in in on it. I love you. Telling us shes slept every night with the doll. And a team helped the family, fitting the doll. And dad, asked emma if she has a message. What do you say to the people . Thank you. Tell them thank you. Thank you for making a doll like me. A doll that hasnt left her side. So, we choose emma bennett and the team that helped fit the doll. Thank you for watching. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here on monday. Good night. You scratch my back, ill scratch yours. You know what it means. So does pat toomey. Toomey got rich working on wall street. Then he got elected and kept working, for wall street. Voting to let banks continue their risky practices. And supporting huge tax breaks for millionaires, but higher taxes on working families. No wonder hes gotten millions from wall street. Pat toomey. Right for wall street. Wrong for pennsylvania. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. This is jeopardy todays contestants are a graduate student and instructor originally from gambrills, maryland. A writer originally from irving, texas. And our returning champion, a librarian from tulsa, oklahoma. Whose 2day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek thanks, johnny. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Hi, folks. Good to have you with us once again to wrap up the week here on jeopardy no sooner had i said it at the beginning of Yesterdays Program that runaways dont happen all the time than kelly goes out and makes it two days in a row. So, lincoln and jeremy, you know what you have to do

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