Transcripts For WPSG Eyewitness News On The CW Philly 201409

Transcripts For WPSG Eyewitness News On The CW Philly 20140916

>> ♪ >> "eyewitness news" at 10:00 begins with breaking news tonight. a young girl found unconscious in a wooded area along the roosevelt boulevard in northeast philadelphia tonight. the girl believed to be between 12 and 15 years of age was wearing a school uniform. she's at saint christopher's hospital with some bruises to a leg. police are investigating right now trying to figure out how she wound up there. we'll have more on this story as it develops. also tonight,. >> pretty much got jumped by 12 guys. they beat us up. >> telling their story after a vicious attack and they say it's all because they are a same-sex couple. one of these victims beaten so badly he suffered a broken bone in his face. good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones spoke to those victims and he joins us live from center city where that attack happened. todd. >> reporter: jessica sonny tonight both victims tell me that police do have surveillance pictures of their attackers and detectives right now are working to identify those suspects. one of the victims was beaten so badly he had to be hospitalized and his jaw wired shut and tonight both of them spoke to us on condition we would not reveal their identity or show their faces. >> guys just started pummeling me and knocked me to the ground and i hit the ground hard and i was out. >> reporter: with a large cut and bruises to his face and jaw wired shut due to severe orbital fractures the 28-year-old victim and his 26-year-old boyfriend were both determined to tell their story. >> we want to find these people 'cause we don't want this to ever happen to someone else again. >> reporter: it was thursday night when the two men were walking near 16th and chancellor streets just south of walnut street in center city. it was just before 11:00 when they say a group about 12 people, men and women, who were white well dressed in their early 20's randomly confronted them. what is this your fing boyfriend. i said yes, this is my fing boyfriend. they said you had dirty fing they say they were pummeled by the group. philadelphia police commissioner charles ma'am see says the suspect will be trapped down. >> a lot of ignorant people out there. majority of people's attitude are very open but you have ignorant people out there that choose to engage in this kind of conduct and. >> reporter: the 28-year-old victim hospitalized since thursday night just got out monday morning. his jaw will be wired shut for the next eight weeks. >> this was surprising that this still happens in center city philadelphia. >> reporter: and again tonight both victims telling me that police have shown them surveillance pictures of the men and women who attacked them here thursday night. police commissioner charles ramsey says when these suspects are caught, it will be up to the district attorney's office on whether or not they will be charged with a hate crime. reporting live tonight in center city, todd quinones for "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly all right, todd, we'll watch this closely. thank you. tonight a memorial is growing at the scene in philadelphia where a young pregnant woman was shot in the face. she died and her baby died hours later. tonight "eyewitness news" reporter knoll -- noel mclaren. >> reporter: one family's dream broken. >> i just knew she wasn't going to make it. megan doto was relax organize in this chair. friends say she was looking after a neighbor's child as she so often did. >> my kid loved her. i mean, they liked her long black hair. they always -- my girls like to do hair. >> reporter: but in broad daylight investigators say 10 to 12 shots were fired in the 26-year-old's direction. >> and one of those bullets struck the decedent about a block away. >> reporter: police believe the gunman was aiming at a white four do sedan when he struck doto instead. >> it could have been one of the children. it's sad that it happened to her and the baby is gone. >> reporter: doctors were unable to save her or her baby girl who died just hours after an emergency c-section but police are hoping to catch her killer by working around the clock. >> i have several detectives out there right now canvassing the whole area. we're knocking on neighbor's doors and looking for video. >> reporter: a $40,000 reward is being offered for any information leading to an arrest and conviction. police ask if you do know anything, to contact them directly. we're in frankford, noel mclaren for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> the reward is now $75,000 for information leading to the arrest of the suspect who gunned down two pennsylvania state troopers. corporal brian dixon was leaving the blooming grove barracks late friday when he was killed. trooper alex douglas was hit by the bullet as he arrived for his shift. douglas remains hospitalized. >> it was an act >> corporal dixon levers behind his wife of 10 years and two young sons. the viewing will be held at the rotunda after merry wood university in scranton wednesday. he'll be buried with full military honors following a service after saint peter's cathedral in scranton on thursday. a 13-year-old is shot twice in the stomach in the city's hunting park section. this happened around 8 o'clock near mervine street and erie avenue. a 16-year-old believed to be the shooter is in custody. he remained at the scene. they're not sure at this point if that shooting was accidental. we know the 13-year-old is in stable condition. police rushed to kip charter school in north philadelphia after shots were reportedly fired. this happened late this afternoon at park and lehigh. no one was hurt but several vehicles parked nearby did appear to have fresh bullet holes. so far no arrests. >> a teacher at a princeton boarding school has been charged with sexually assaulting a female student. 39-year-old nolan johnson is a technical theater teacher at the hun school. he's accused of engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior with a 16-year-old female student multiple times between june and july of this year. another cool night out there but, yes, we are tracking some showers. let's go over to meteorologist kathy orr. kathy. >> right now we're looking at cool temperatures, chris. they're falling fast but the clouds are rolling in as well. in the poconos only 49 degrees. philadelphia still at 65. we have 50's to talk about in allentown, lancaster, millville even as we head down the shore. now we're looking at some cloudy skies already building in and in anticipation of the rain still far to the west as you draw a line to the north and west, still of state college but by tomorrow morning, those showers will be moving into the region. so, we do anticipate some scattered showers across the region, mainly between 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. for the morning rush. rain amounts about a tenth to .20 of an inch but it will slow down travel for the morning commute. we'll time that out plus talk about when the sun will return. as far as the temps how long will they stay below average? and the weekend weather already taking a sneak peek in that seven-day forecast. i'll have that a little bit later on in this broadcast. chris. >> it's never too early kathy. thank you. adrian peterson will suit up for sunday's game against the new orleans saints. peterson was deactivated friday after being charged with child abuse in t he's accused of spanking his four year old son with a switch. today the vikings said the decision to reinstate the player was made after considerable discussion. they say they want the legal process to take its course. >> this is a difficult path to navigate regarding the judgment of how a parent disciplines his child. >> peterson released a statement today that read in part, i am not a perfect parent but i am without a doubt not a child abuser. i am someone that disciplined his child and did not intend to cause him any injury. peterson then went on to say that no one can understand the hurt he feels for his son and for the harm he caused him. the nfl players union has until noon tomorrow to appeal the suspension for ray rice. the union believes that his suspension for domestic abuse violates its contract with the league saying that the nfl can't punish a player twice for the same thing. now the former ravens star was initially fined half a million dollars and suspended for two games. but after that video surfaced last week of rice punching his future wife the ravens cut rice and the nfl suspended him indefinitely. well, with those images of ray rice fresh in their minds new jersey lawmakers approved a package of billings to cut down on domestic abuse. the senate passed six domestic violence measures that would provide greater self did he first protections, allow victims to testify through video and mandates counseling for offenders. addressing domestic violence is personal. >> my mother was able to get out. she was able to seek help and she was able to be strong enough to get out of a very abusive relationship but not many victims do that. >> it has to stop. the cycle has to stop. >> more than 70,000 cases of domestic abuse are reported each year in new jersey. the legislation now must pass the state senate. >> only about eight hours left before another atlantic city >> only about eight hours left gaming ends tomorrow morning at 6:00 at the trump plaza. the hotel will close down later in the day nd about a thousand people will lose their jobs. the trump plaza at the fourth atlantic city casino to close this year. the atlantic club, showboat and revel already closed their doors. in november the trump taj mahal will also close. a bankruptcy judge sets a september 24th auction date for the failed revel casino hotel. a florida developer glen straub has offered $90 million revel cost more than $2 billion to build. competitors are looking forbidders and straub will be made a $3 million break up fee if the sale does not go to him. >> parents continue to fight for increased funding for the cash strapped philadelphia school district. >> if you understand our schools, fund our schools. >> city councilman kenyatta johnson and teachers union president jerry jordan were among those who rallied outside of gw child's elementary today. staffers say budget cuts there have left them stretched too thin and they say the children are the ones who suffer. >> we are not a safe school because we don't have the supports that we used to have. >> no matter what happens if we lose more people this devastating situation is only going get worse. >> well, the house did not vote on a two dollars per pack cigarette tax designed to help fund the schools. we are hearing, though, that they may take up that legislation tomorrow. if it does pass, it could generate $80 million for the philadelphia school district. well, stay with "eyewitness news." we'll have continuing coverage of the ongoing school budget crisis. for updates any time just log onto our web site, >> ♪ >> still to come on "eyewitness news" at 10:00 chaos caught on camera. [gunfire] >> an officer opens fire on a suspect. we'll tell you where this dramatic scene played outer. kathy. >> we're still tracking some showers on storm scan3. in the wake of this, the weather stays below average. coming up, we'll talk about the cooldown and how long it's going to stay. >> the tip went viral and now the receipt is part of a bidding war on ebay. what it's going for is staggering. >> they are known for their academics but apparently students at u penn don't always have their noses in the books. the surprising new it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at >> a new law is on the books in new jersey mandating cameras for police officers or in their squad cars. now tonight from indiana some dramatic video captured by a camera worn by a police officer. take a look. [gunfire] evansville indiana police officer opening fire on a suspect early yesterday who had shot up a nearby parking lot that was filled with people. the suspect was shot more than once but is expected to survive. >> if it's a parking lot full of innocent people who aren't involved we have a right and duty to protect them an right and duty protect ourselves. >> the officer was not injured. >> u.s. hitting isis targets with airstrikes southwest of baghdad. airstrikes are expected to expands into syria. planning for that is still under way. tomorrow president obama will meet with retired marine general john allen. allen is being called back into service to lead a coalition against isis. he was the commander of coalition forces in afghanistan. this all comes after the beheading of british aide worker david haines. >> they claim to do this in the name of islam. that is nonsense. islam is a religion of peace. they are not muslims, they are monsters. >> the u.s. tonight says it is open to talking to iran about a role in resolving the crisis with isis. stay with "eyewitness news" for the latest on the international effort to stop isis. you can get the latest around the clock at >> well, philadelphia eagles running back lesean mccoy intended to send a message when he left a 20 cent tip for a waiter at a local restaurant. surely though he never expected it to go this far. receipt from the restaurant sparked such a controversy on social media that the owner decided to take it to the neck level and put it on ebay. at last check tonight the top bid for that receipt was nearly $100,000. it's not done yet. online users still have four days to bid in that auction. some parents in phoenixville are upset tonight after their children were administered breathalyzer tests. this happened on friday night before the phoenixville-owen j. roberts football game. the district in phoenixville says it's been doing this at extracurricular activities for years. they're doing it to check for underage drinking and 33 say the policy is included in the student handbook. there were no arrests made none citations issued. >> we know students at the university of pennsylvania study hard. but apparently they don't skimp on the partying either. playboy magazine has released its 2014 top 10 party schools and for the first time in the list's history pen is taking home top honors. the issue of the magazine hits shelves in october. it's also the first time an ivy league school has made the list. >> the clouds are rolling in across the delaware valley and by tomorrow morning there will be a few showers. but right now on storm scan3 the precipitation is moving more northward than eastward. we're seeing showers through erie pennsylvania and lifting up towards new york state but still the line itself is to the south and west of cleveland. so, by tomorrow morning, we'll see some scattered showers around here. in philadelphia still 65. allentown 55. in the poconos, 49 and falling. but 50's to the south and east and those temperatures will continue to fall. right now in state college, 57. 62 in pittsburgh. down 56 in state college. buffalo, new york, cleveland temperature in the 50's. in the wake of this front we'll see some clearing skies but morning showers will be the big story for the morning commute. not a lot, about .10 to pointer 20-inch of rain but it will be slowing things down. in the morning sunshine will increase during the afternoon with a north-northwesterly wind and by wednesday it stays pleasant with temps in the 70's. high pressure builds back in day after day and that means more sunny skies and temperatures in the 70's. not a really big change in the weather through most of this week. future weather shows the clouds moving in during the overnight hours with some spotty showers in our northern western suburbs by 6:00. during the 7 o'clock hour, 8 o'clock, 9 o'clock, you see scattered showers moving across the region and then the skies begin to clear. so, really more of a nuisance than anything else. so, rain a sure bet for your tuesday. nothing wednesday. just a slight chance tuesday or thursday, rather, with some 20 percent and then by friday looking at another very dry pleasant day. so, without any tropical activity sent is usually a very nice month. so far so good. overnight clouds increase, a few showers by dawn, the low 59 in the city, schooler in our suburbs. now, tomorrow morning we'll wake up to 50's. philadelphia north and west. south and east looking at the 60's in wilmington, millville, down the shore in dover and then during the afternoon we'll warm it up, jump up about 20 degrees with that afternoon sunshine to 75 so it will be a pleasant afternoon. on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven-day forecast, wednesday, thursday, friday looking g even saturday with a high of 73. sunday partly sunny and then a chance of showers next monday. that's a nice dry stretch. and those morning lows in the 50's. wow. that is cool. and fall begins next week, so it's right on cue. >> nice out there. really a a great time to be outside. >> refreshing. >> kathy, thanks. >> okay. eagles under way right now lesley. >> yeah, taking on the colts lesley. they're going the need another phillies reliever jonathan papelbon has been given a timeout after yesterd trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, book an appointment. and three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. ♪ find out how much your car is worth ♪ ♪ at right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪ >> the eagles on the road taking on the colts in hostile territory and with a depleted o line the birds have none won in indy in more than 20 years. right now the eagles trailing 17-sings in the third. birds went into the field goal twice and settled for field goals. colts rushed for 109 yards the first half. desean jackson says he definitely wants to play against his former team this sunday at the linc. he sustained a left shoulder injury on sunday. coach jay gruden says if he can play with the pain he'll be good to go. redskins quarterback robert griffin, iii suffered no broken bones when he dislocated his ankle on sunday. still unclear whether he could come back and play this season. kirk cousins will start against the eagles this sunday. the phillies will not have the services of closer jonathan papelbon for their seven game west coast road trip that starts tonight in san diego. major league baseball fined him for this obscene gesture made towards the fans yesterday as he was booed and he says he was making an equipment adjustment but the league is not buying his story. the union will play their biggest game in team history tomorrow night when they host seattle in the u.s. open cup, the oldest soccer tournament in the united states. the union knows they'll have a tough test against the sounders. >> they're a great team. they have some super stars we'll call them in our league and they're dangerous, so, i mean, we're going to be coming trod play, though. >> and today at the wilmington country club it was a beautiful day for golf and a great cause. the 26th annual ronald mcdonald house golf tournament a charity that provides a home away from home for families so they can stay close to their loved ones while they're beating treated. beasley reece spoke with analyst peter costas asking him what would it take to bring the pga tour to our area. >> the answer lice in finding local companies here that would sponsor a tournament. >> beasley needs some guidance he needs a place to be live friday night over on cbs3 for the football frenzy so download our cbs audio road show app and vote. here are your choices. we have upper merion and at plymouth whitemarsh,, chichester at radnor or he'll announce the winner thursday night over on our sister station cbs3. >> we keep your help. vote. mmm ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >> it a heartbreaking story. this bucks county baby is expected to die soon. her mother says a simple test that's given in other states could have saved her life. and she's worried others are at risk so now she's on a mission to change the law. health reporter stephanie stahl explains how this could affect other families. it's tonight on cbs3 "eyewitness news" at 11:00. >> before we go let's get one last check of the weather. kathy. >> all right. looks like we're going to be in for a spring of sunny days after a few showers tomorrow morning. get through that morning commute. the sun will come outer and it stays that way through the rest of the week. >> all right. little sun. thanks for watching "eyewitness news" on the cw philly for kathy, lesley and all of us here, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. have a good night. we'll see you at 11:00 on cbs3. >> ♪

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New York , United States , Phoenixville , Pennsylvania , Princeton , Taj Mahal , Kerman , Iran , Ronald Mcdonald House , Florida , Afghanistan , Philadelphia , Delaware , Indiana , San Diego , California , Syria , Dublin , Ireland , State College , United Kingdom , Merion , Dover , New Jersey , Baghdad , Iraq , Atlantic City , Whitemarsh , Allentown , British , Stephanie Stahl , Nolan Johnson , Alex Douglas , Kenyatta Johnson , David Haines , Brian Dixon , Adrian Peterson , Jessica Sonny , Peter Costas , Noel Mclaren , Lancaster Millville , John Allen , Kathy Orr , Glen Straub , Robert Griffin , Charles Ramsey , Kathy Lesley , Jay Gruden , Todd Quinones , Beasley Reece ,

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Transcripts For WPSG Eyewitness News On The CW Philly 20140916 :

Transcripts For WPSG Eyewitness News On The CW Philly 20140916

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>> ♪ >> "eyewitness news" at 10:00 begins with breaking news tonight. a young girl found unconscious in a wooded area along the roosevelt boulevard in northeast philadelphia tonight. the girl believed to be between 12 and 15 years of age was wearing a school uniform. she's at saint christopher's hospital with some bruises to a leg. police are investigating right now trying to figure out how she wound up there. we'll have more on this story as it develops. also tonight,. >> pretty much got jumped by 12 guys. they beat us up. >> telling their story after a vicious attack and they say it's all because they are a same-sex couple. one of these victims beaten so badly he suffered a broken bone in his face. good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones spoke to those victims and he joins us live from center city where that attack happened. todd. >> reporter: jessica sonny tonight both victims tell me that police do have surveillance pictures of their attackers and detectives right now are working to identify those suspects. one of the victims was beaten so badly he had to be hospitalized and his jaw wired shut and tonight both of them spoke to us on condition we would not reveal their identity or show their faces. >> guys just started pummeling me and knocked me to the ground and i hit the ground hard and i was out. >> reporter: with a large cut and bruises to his face and jaw wired shut due to severe orbital fractures the 28-year-old victim and his 26-year-old boyfriend were both determined to tell their story. >> we want to find these people 'cause we don't want this to ever happen to someone else again. >> reporter: it was thursday night when the two men were walking near 16th and chancellor streets just south of walnut street in center city. it was just before 11:00 when they say a group about 12 people, men and women, who were white well dressed in their early 20's randomly confronted them. what is this your fing boyfriend. i said yes, this is my fing boyfriend. they said you had dirty fing they say they were pummeled by the group. philadelphia police commissioner charles ma'am see says the suspect will be trapped down. >> a lot of ignorant people out there. majority of people's attitude are very open but you have ignorant people out there that choose to engage in this kind of conduct and. >> reporter: the 28-year-old victim hospitalized since thursday night just got out monday morning. his jaw will be wired shut for the next eight weeks. >> this was surprising that this still happens in center city philadelphia. >> reporter: and again tonight both victims telling me that police have shown them surveillance pictures of the men and women who attacked them here thursday night. police commissioner charles ramsey says when these suspects are caught, it will be up to the district attorney's office on whether or not they will be charged with a hate crime. reporting live tonight in center city, todd quinones for "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly all right, todd, we'll watch this closely. thank you. tonight a memorial is growing at the scene in philadelphia where a young pregnant woman was shot in the face. she died and her baby died hours later. tonight "eyewitness news" reporter knoll -- noel mclaren. >> reporter: one family's dream broken. >> i just knew she wasn't going to make it. megan doto was relax organize in this chair. friends say she was looking after a neighbor's child as she so often did. >> my kid loved her. i mean, they liked her long black hair. they always -- my girls like to do hair. >> reporter: but in broad daylight investigators say 10 to 12 shots were fired in the 26-year-old's direction. >> and one of those bullets struck the decedent about a block away. >> reporter: police believe the gunman was aiming at a white four do sedan when he struck doto instead. >> it could have been one of the children. it's sad that it happened to her and the baby is gone. >> reporter: doctors were unable to save her or her baby girl who died just hours after an emergency c-section but police are hoping to catch her killer by working around the clock. >> i have several detectives out there right now canvassing the whole area. we're knocking on neighbor's doors and looking for video. >> reporter: a $40,000 reward is being offered for any information leading to an arrest and conviction. police ask if you do know anything, to contact them directly. we're in frankford, noel mclaren for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> the reward is now $75,000 for information leading to the arrest of the suspect who gunned down two pennsylvania state troopers. corporal brian dixon was leaving the blooming grove barracks late friday when he was killed. trooper alex douglas was hit by the bullet as he arrived for his shift. douglas remains hospitalized. >> it was an act >> corporal dixon levers behind his wife of 10 years and two young sons. the viewing will be held at the rotunda after merry wood university in scranton wednesday. he'll be buried with full military honors following a service after saint peter's cathedral in scranton on thursday. a 13-year-old is shot twice in the stomach in the city's hunting park section. this happened around 8 o'clock near mervine street and erie avenue. a 16-year-old believed to be the shooter is in custody. he remained at the scene. they're not sure at this point if that shooting was accidental. we know the 13-year-old is in stable condition. police rushed to kip charter school in north philadelphia after shots were reportedly fired. this happened late this afternoon at park and lehigh. no one was hurt but several vehicles parked nearby did appear to have fresh bullet holes. so far no arrests. >> a teacher at a princeton boarding school has been charged with sexually assaulting a female student. 39-year-old nolan johnson is a technical theater teacher at the hun school. he's accused of engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior with a 16-year-old female student multiple times between june and july of this year. another cool night out there but, yes, we are tracking some showers. let's go over to meteorologist kathy orr. kathy. >> right now we're looking at cool temperatures, chris. they're falling fast but the clouds are rolling in as well. in the poconos only 49 degrees. philadelphia still at 65. we have 50's to talk about in allentown, lancaster, millville even as we head down the shore. now we're looking at some cloudy skies already building in and in anticipation of the rain still far to the west as you draw a line to the north and west, still of state college but by tomorrow morning, those showers will be moving into the region. so, we do anticipate some scattered showers across the region, mainly between 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. for the morning rush. rain amounts about a tenth to .20 of an inch but it will slow down travel for the morning commute. we'll time that out plus talk about when the sun will return. as far as the temps how long will they stay below average? and the weekend weather already taking a sneak peek in that seven-day forecast. i'll have that a little bit later on in this broadcast. chris. >> it's never too early kathy. thank you. adrian peterson will suit up for sunday's game against the new orleans saints. peterson was deactivated friday after being charged with child abuse in t he's accused of spanking his four year old son with a switch. today the vikings said the decision to reinstate the player was made after considerable discussion. they say they want the legal process to take its course. >> this is a difficult path to navigate regarding the judgment of how a parent disciplines his child. >> peterson released a statement today that read in part, i am not a perfect parent but i am without a doubt not a child abuser. i am someone that disciplined his child and did not intend to cause him any injury. peterson then went on to say that no one can understand the hurt he feels for his son and for the harm he caused him. the nfl players union has until noon tomorrow to appeal the suspension for ray rice. the union believes that his suspension for domestic abuse violates its contract with the league saying that the nfl can't punish a player twice for the same thing. now the former ravens star was initially fined half a million dollars and suspended for two games. but after that video surfaced last week of rice punching his future wife the ravens cut rice and the nfl suspended him indefinitely. well, with those images of ray rice fresh in their minds new jersey lawmakers approved a package of billings to cut down on domestic abuse. the senate passed six domestic violence measures that would provide greater self did he first protections, allow victims to testify through video and mandates counseling for offenders. addressing domestic violence is personal. >> my mother was able to get out. she was able to seek help and she was able to be strong enough to get out of a very abusive relationship but not many victims do that. >> it has to stop. the cycle has to stop. >> more than 70,000 cases of domestic abuse are reported each year in new jersey. the legislation now must pass the state senate. >> only about eight hours left before another atlantic city >> only about eight hours left gaming ends tomorrow morning at 6:00 at the trump plaza. the hotel will close down later in the day nd about a thousand people will lose their jobs. the trump plaza at the fourth atlantic city casino to close this year. the atlantic club, showboat and revel already closed their doors. in november the trump taj mahal will also close. a bankruptcy judge sets a september 24th auction date for the failed revel casino hotel. a florida developer glen straub has offered $90 million revel cost more than $2 billion to build. competitors are looking forbidders and straub will be made a $3 million break up fee if the sale does not go to him. >> parents continue to fight for increased funding for the cash strapped philadelphia school district. >> if you understand our schools, fund our schools. >> city councilman kenyatta johnson and teachers union president jerry jordan were among those who rallied outside of gw child's elementary today. staffers say budget cuts there have left them stretched too thin and they say the children are the ones who suffer. >> we are not a safe school because we don't have the supports that we used to have. >> no matter what happens if we lose more people this devastating situation is only going get worse. >> well, the house did not vote on a two dollars per pack cigarette tax designed to help fund the schools. we are hearing, though, that they may take up that legislation tomorrow. if it does pass, it could generate $80 million for the philadelphia school district. well, stay with "eyewitness news." we'll have continuing coverage of the ongoing school budget crisis. for updates any time just log onto our web site, >> ♪ >> still to come on "eyewitness news" at 10:00 chaos caught on camera. [gunfire] >> an officer opens fire on a suspect. we'll tell you where this dramatic scene played outer. kathy. >> we're still tracking some showers on storm scan3. in the wake of this, the weather stays below average. coming up, we'll talk about the cooldown and how long it's going to stay. >> the tip went viral and now the receipt is part of a bidding war on ebay. what it's going for is staggering. >> they are known for their academics but apparently students at u penn don't always have their noses in the books. the surprising new it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at >> a new law is on the books in new jersey mandating cameras for police officers or in their squad cars. now tonight from indiana some dramatic video captured by a camera worn by a police officer. take a look. [gunfire] evansville indiana police officer opening fire on a suspect early yesterday who had shot up a nearby parking lot that was filled with people. the suspect was shot more than once but is expected to survive. >> if it's a parking lot full of innocent people who aren't involved we have a right and duty to protect them an right and duty protect ourselves. >> the officer was not injured. >> u.s. hitting isis targets with airstrikes southwest of baghdad. airstrikes are expected to expands into syria. planning for that is still under way. tomorrow president obama will meet with retired marine general john allen. allen is being called back into service to lead a coalition against isis. he was the commander of coalition forces in afghanistan. this all comes after the beheading of british aide worker david haines. >> they claim to do this in the name of islam. that is nonsense. islam is a religion of peace. they are not muslims, they are monsters. >> the u.s. tonight says it is open to talking to iran about a role in resolving the crisis with isis. stay with "eyewitness news" for the latest on the international effort to stop isis. you can get the latest around the clock at >> well, philadelphia eagles running back lesean mccoy intended to send a message when he left a 20 cent tip for a waiter at a local restaurant. surely though he never expected it to go this far. receipt from the restaurant sparked such a controversy on social media that the owner decided to take it to the neck level and put it on ebay. at last check tonight the top bid for that receipt was nearly $100,000. it's not done yet. online users still have four days to bid in that auction. some parents in phoenixville are upset tonight after their children were administered breathalyzer tests. this happened on friday night before the phoenixville-owen j. roberts football game. the district in phoenixville says it's been doing this at extracurricular activities for years. they're doing it to check for underage drinking and 33 say the policy is included in the student handbook. there were no arrests made none citations issued. >> we know students at the university of pennsylvania study hard. but apparently they don't skimp on the partying either. playboy magazine has released its 2014 top 10 party schools and for the first time in the list's history pen is taking home top honors. the issue of the magazine hits shelves in october. it's also the first time an ivy league school has made the list. >> the clouds are rolling in across the delaware valley and by tomorrow morning there will be a few showers. but right now on storm scan3 the precipitation is moving more northward than eastward. we're seeing showers through erie pennsylvania and lifting up towards new york state but still the line itself is to the south and west of cleveland. so, by tomorrow morning, we'll see some scattered showers around here. in philadelphia still 65. allentown 55. in the poconos, 49 and falling. but 50's to the south and east and those temperatures will continue to fall. right now in state college, 57. 62 in pittsburgh. down 56 in state college. buffalo, new york, cleveland temperature in the 50's. in the wake of this front we'll see some clearing skies but morning showers will be the big story for the morning commute. not a lot, about .10 to pointer 20-inch of rain but it will be slowing things down. in the morning sunshine will increase during the afternoon with a north-northwesterly wind and by wednesday it stays pleasant with temps in the 70's. high pressure builds back in day after day and that means more sunny skies and temperatures in the 70's. not a really big change in the weather through most of this week. future weather shows the clouds moving in during the overnight hours with some spotty showers in our northern western suburbs by 6:00. during the 7 o'clock hour, 8 o'clock, 9 o'clock, you see scattered showers moving across the region and then the skies begin to clear. so, really more of a nuisance than anything else. so, rain a sure bet for your tuesday. nothing wednesday. just a slight chance tuesday or thursday, rather, with some 20 percent and then by friday looking at another very dry pleasant day. so, without any tropical activity sent is usually a very nice month. so far so good. overnight clouds increase, a few showers by dawn, the low 59 in the city, schooler in our suburbs. now, tomorrow morning we'll wake up to 50's. philadelphia north and west. south and east looking at the 60's in wilmington, millville, down the shore in dover and then during the afternoon we'll warm it up, jump up about 20 degrees with that afternoon sunshine to 75 so it will be a pleasant afternoon. on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven-day forecast, wednesday, thursday, friday looking g even saturday with a high of 73. sunday partly sunny and then a chance of showers next monday. that's a nice dry stretch. and those morning lows in the 50's. wow. that is cool. and fall begins next week, so it's right on cue. >> nice out there. really a a great time to be outside. >> refreshing. >> kathy, thanks. >> okay. eagles under way right now lesley. >> yeah, taking on the colts lesley. they're going the need another phillies reliever jonathan papelbon has been given a timeout after yesterd trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, book an appointment. and three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. ♪ find out how much your car is worth ♪ ♪ at right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪ >> the eagles on the road taking on the colts in hostile territory and with a depleted o line the birds have none won in indy in more than 20 years. right now the eagles trailing 17-sings in the third. birds went into the field goal twice and settled for field goals. colts rushed for 109 yards the first half. desean jackson says he definitely wants to play against his former team this sunday at the linc. he sustained a left shoulder injury on sunday. coach jay gruden says if he can play with the pain he'll be good to go. redskins quarterback robert griffin, iii suffered no broken bones when he dislocated his ankle on sunday. still unclear whether he could come back and play this season. kirk cousins will start against the eagles this sunday. the phillies will not have the services of closer jonathan papelbon for their seven game west coast road trip that starts tonight in san diego. major league baseball fined him for this obscene gesture made towards the fans yesterday as he was booed and he says he was making an equipment adjustment but the league is not buying his story. the union will play their biggest game in team history tomorrow night when they host seattle in the u.s. open cup, the oldest soccer tournament in the united states. the union knows they'll have a tough test against the sounders. >> they're a great team. they have some super stars we'll call them in our league and they're dangerous, so, i mean, we're going to be coming trod play, though. >> and today at the wilmington country club it was a beautiful day for golf and a great cause. the 26th annual ronald mcdonald house golf tournament a charity that provides a home away from home for families so they can stay close to their loved ones while they're beating treated. beasley reece spoke with analyst peter costas asking him what would it take to bring the pga tour to our area. >> the answer lice in finding local companies here that would sponsor a tournament. >> beasley needs some guidance he needs a place to be live friday night over on cbs3 for the football frenzy so download our cbs audio road show app and vote. here are your choices. we have upper merion and at plymouth whitemarsh,, chichester at radnor or he'll announce the winner thursday night over on our sister station cbs3. >> we keep your help. vote. mmm ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >> it a heartbreaking story. this bucks county baby is expected to die soon. her mother says a simple test that's given in other states could have saved her life. and she's worried others are at risk so now she's on a mission to change the law. health reporter stephanie stahl explains how this could affect other families. it's tonight on cbs3 "eyewitness news" at 11:00. >> before we go let's get one last check of the weather. kathy. >> all right. looks like we're going to be in for a spring of sunny days after a few showers tomorrow morning. get through that morning commute. the sun will come outer and it stays that way through the rest of the week. >> all right. little sun. thanks for watching "eyewitness news" on the cw philly for kathy, lesley and all of us here, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. have a good night. we'll see you at 11:00 on cbs3. >> ♪

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