Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 6PM 20160310 : compareme

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 6PM 20160310

targeting florida, most of them against either donald trump or marco rubio. so tonight we'll see if that happens in a face-to-face format as well. i'm glenna milberg at the university of miami tonight, local10 news. >> calvin: we turn now to our senior political reporter michael putney. >> laurie: michael is also standing by a um to bring us his perspective. what do you expect tonight with michael? >> michael: laurie and calvin, i think most of the attention tonight would be focused on donald trump. it always is. he demands the attention because of his bombastic style, the outrageous things that he says, although he might be a bit more subdued tonight. but for me and for a lot of florida voters, the focus is going to be on marco rubio. can he pull it off tonight? a strong performance until ten days ago. marco rubio was riding high in the polls and in the campaign. his campaign was all about issues and ideas and a conservative philosophy. suddenly got down in the gutter with donald trump. it got personal. he writ sides trump's hair, his spray tan, the size of his hands and other body parts. that did not sit well with voters. rubio since then has come in third or fourth in every primary election. he can repair the dage tonight with a strong performance, but he has got a way to go. look at this latest poll today from suffolk university. it's got trump at 36%, rubio at 27%, nine points back, ted cruz 19%, john kasich at 10%. i just asked governor rick scott is he going to endorse anybody.. >> i'm not questioning do make an endorsement before this primary. i'm going three have it to the voters. all the i'll decide after that what i'm going to do. but here's what i believe. it's about jobs. i've said this constantly, that the presidential candidate ought to talk about what they're going to do to create jobs. it's the most important issue in our country. 1 million jobs, we need to do it nationally. we need to cut taxes, reduce regulation. >> michael: he is the jobs governor no question about it, no matter what you ask him it's always about jobs. governor scott, laurie and calvin, did say he thinks marco rubio has done a good job in the senate. back to you. >> laurie: michael, thank you so much. we'll be watching along with you. now to the democrats and hillary clinton makakg a surprise visit to the fontainebleauotel in miami beach earlier today. she greeted workers one day after debate can bernie sanders at miami-dade college. the fontainebleau staff was shocked and surprised. they certainly weren't expecting see a presidential candidate popping in during their shift. clipt is in tampa popping. this is ahead of tuesday a primary in florida. clipt leads sanders by about 30 points in the recent polls but sanders isn't giving up on florida. he held this rally up in gainesville earlier today speaking to students at the sanders yore came a polling deficit of more than 20 point when he won michigan tuesday. he is hoping fore a similar performance right here in florida after aing to strong debate performance last night. so look for "world news tonight" with david muir. they will of more on the florida. it kicks off at 6:30. we continue working breaking news at houston where hads the mat crews have been called to investigate a suspicious substance a ted cruz's quarters there. cruz is not in the buildings because he's here in south florida getting reader for tonight's debate. no word exactly what the suspicious substance is but it has been specifically link today his office in this large building. as soon as we learn more details well get it right to you. >> calvin: back here at home federal agent raided an opa-locka city building and hauled away a number of boxes. investigators say they could be the evidence they need to build their corruption case against the city's mayor. local10 news reporter derek shore live now in opa-locka with derek. >> derek: and tonight fbi agents are not saying if this search warrant has anything to do with that investigation into the mayor, but people out here are alreadady connecting the dots for themselves. what we can tell you is federal agents have been in and out of city hall here all day collecting evidence, and they're still here tonight. fbi agents spent hours coming in and out of the city of opa-locka municipal complex, executing a search warrant in prones to what they're calling a public corruption investigation. >> it's been a long time coming. >> derek: residents watching the scene unfold, many saying they're releafed. >> this is the most corrupt city anywhere in america. almost like running a communist country. the and indeed opa-locka has been plagued with both financial problems and crit i'mism of of their handle of city money, spspifically mayor myra taylor who is said to be under investigation for an alleged kickback scheme. shriver who brought up concerns before being fired, issued a video s stement. >> i pointed out several irregularities and things that just didn't make sense about ththr financial financial systems there. at this point i hope and pray that our justice system will rapidly resofele this issue >> derek: while mayor taylor told me today oaf the phone she had no col torres, longtime vice mayor timothth holmes wanted to make it clear. >> i haven't done anything wrong. i didn't do anything illegal. if i did, you ought to have my butt downtown. >> derek: he says he welcomes the investigation. >> i'm not shocked. all i can tell you, if somebody is doing something wrong in the government, clean it up. >> derek: and again, mayor taylor had no comment when i reached her by phonene today. the fbi saying at this point they have no arrests to announce. we'll have to see what happens in the coming days and weeks. err was live in opa-locka, derek shore, local10 news. >> laurie: derek, thank you. a miami-dade corrections officer money from boot camp cadets was allowed to be rae leads today on house least arrest. locaca0 news reporter liane morejon joins us live with the tails. >> liane: and, laurie, this officer is still at the jail behind me, though she will be out shortly. meanwhile, ever since we brought you this story, we brought you the side of the state, what they're alleging. we also heard from father of the victim as well as the victim himself. today we are hearing laster's side of the story from her attorney who says she did nothing wrong. cheers from the family of officer christie laster after a judge allowed her to go home on house arrest following six days in jail. those same family members declining to speak to us on her behalf. >> you about an doingng good on what you're reporting. >> liane: but we did hear from laster's attorney. >> she's very pleased and obviously the family is thrilled will it about it. >> laurie: laughter has was 19 members cadets were victims of a shakedown by laster. investigators say evidence photo showsadets being forced to hand over the money they earned in fear of being locked bk up. attorney david braun said taking that money was part of lassiter's job description and that mon is supposed to be returnedte to the cadets the end of their work release. >> once she took those moneys from the cadets, which she's requirir to do, she placed them in the box, then where did they go from there. >> liane: the state attorney's office believes the 35-year-old veteran officer used that money to need a gambling habit at the seminole hard rock hotel and casino where she has allegedly gamedbled away nearly $40,000. while braun admitsassiter does frequent the video. >> she's not partying. she enjoys playing cards. >> liane: he uncysts sunni never used the cadets' money to play. >> we know christie would never take anything from those cadets. >> liane: braun also says other thatat main and that lassiter didn't necessary live to be the one that took it. meanwhile, we do know that lassiter was given two options for house arrest. she could with a the bond of $443,000 or agree to gps monitoring and surrender her passport. that is the option she chose, the gps monitoring. her arraignment is scheduled for march 24th. are live in west meade, liane morejon, local10 news. >> laurie: tonight miami leaders stepping up their effort to reduce gun violence three gun buy back program this saturday a jordan grove mission baptist church onfest 12th avenue near 62nd street. those leaders spoke out about the feed need to address ton going vioionce in city. >> i have small children that are finding guns in the park, finding guns in their homes, and they're shooting their best friends by accident. >> let's celebrate life, not shoot and kill one another up. that's crazy! >> laurie: anyone who turns over their gun this weekend will receive gift certificates, $50 $100 for those thato work. all exchanges are anonymous. >> calvin:ndissidents in south florida came together to protest the president's upcoming historic trip to the communist island. a march will take place on saturday the 20th, the same week the president makes t tt historic trip to cuba. organizationer are the assembly of cuban r ristance and the right and freedom forum, two of the most active antireveal coalitions both in and outstanding of cuba. >> we belie that those thousands of men and women who have died for cuban freedom, that those thousands of men and women who are fighting for cuban freeeem, that the desire for real change in cuba cannot be left out of any meeting, out of any conference table, out of any negotiating table at any time because that is the sacred dream of the cuban people, to be free. >> calvin: gutierrez is referring to the group's seclususn from a meeting to be conducted by deputy national security adviser ben rhodes. the white house has confirmed that president obama will meet trip to cuba. next weend i'll be leading local10's team coverage of the president's historic visit to cuba. look out for those live reported from havana starting next week. >> laurie: coming up upp on 12 minutes after 6:00. we better check the evening rush for you. traffic reporter jenise fernandez is right here. >> jenise: problems for u. thousands of you league of miami beach and causing the macarthur causeway, check this on it outs, it's back-to-back traffic due to a crash. again the macarthur causewayheading west at us-1 were speeds clocking in at 5 miles per hr so hardly moving all the. also broken-down car i-95 in the express lanes at 125th street left lane blocked with speeds at 20 miles an hour. and a crash on the dolphin heading west right around lejeune with speeds there lurching 19 miles per hour. calvin, laurie. >> calvin: an incredible familyreunion. a college professor and a former studentdiscover they are and relenting rain wreak can havoc in the south causing deadly flooding. >> betty: it is beautiful out there. a great night to watch the sunset from mallory square. i'm chief meteorologist betty davis. i'll let you know i this fine berth weather is going to carry over into friday. the forecast is next. >> calvin: but first, an alligator on the alley. the frightening video of a ten foot alligator taking over us-27.7. after the break. >> calvin: right now a ten foot alligator causing a major roadblock on us-27, and, yes, it's all caught on camera. it was spotted as an air bt captain was heading home. >> laurie: incredible. and local10 news reporter andre perez is live to tell us exactly what happened next. >> andrew: laurie and calvin, i got to tell you only in florida. what is going on? sterday we had the miniature horses that were running amuck. today we have this big old gator blocking traffic. crews tell me he s not blocking down, either. >> you can hear him hissing and snapping. and an angry alligator that size can do some serious damage. call him angry, but you you got to give it to this gator he is strong-willed. >> that gator seemed determined to go eastbound. he wanted to head east and he did not want to come back to where he came from. >> andrew: the air boat captain said the gator isn't backing down like most would around it was moving further away. confirming we have a big beater we have to talk about now, betty. >> betty: you have my permission to do so. mallory square is already buzzing tonight. it is gorgeous out there. people are gathering, the sun is going to go down and all is going to be just right. miami a great looking for night. maybe you're watching us from the kaufert. you can't wait to get out there. wear right there wu. miami 77 after we made that surge into the 80s. an. west checking in at 76 degrees and the 70s will rule this evening. pie 10:00 tonight a lot of you probably holding steady in this lower subject of as we'll still have that strong east-southeast breeze. right now we see those winds from fort lauderdale to homestead, down into the keys sustained 10 to 20 miles an hour. so that breeze is still coming in around an area of high pressure just off the southeastst coast. clockwise flow around the high. the weather story has bically been the same all week long, so why not dewpoint same rig into the end of the week, right? we are still tracking a frontal system impacting other areas of country like fix and parts of of the mississippi river valley and now we see more of the raiai and stormy weather creeping on over toward the east. middleennessee, line of storms there. the weather is just nasty. new orleans, too, probably in line for rough weather a little bit later tonight all because of that system. but high pressure has a handle on us, so with that said we're expecting more of the same tomorrow. while we'll continue t t track this frontal system and the rain tt offers us, still on friday for places like louisiana and then by saturday we will start to see a few showers starting to advance toward the had an panhandle. about it looks like our saturday is going to be pretty nice asas well with southeast breezes, clouds mixing with the sunshine. by sunday, that's when we could have a few showers here. tomorrow mainly dry, high temperatures hitting the lower 80s. checking out our saturday more low 80s the in forecast. notice sunday we are featuring a 40% chance for showers in this forecast, s s not calling it a washout but there may be wet weather out there. get ready for calle ocho. either way by monday there could be a thunderstorm. tuesday, wednesday, thursday lookokg dry with sunshine and temperatures in the 80s. >> will: next in spopos, big news who how the dolphins m ming a big push to sign a all-star (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noisis (donkey noise) hey candidates, answer the call already. today, you can click in walk in, or call in to world class care. because cleveland clinic florida is here e r you. anytime, anywhere. >> wil keep hope alive. that's the mindset chris bosh. he issued a statement today saying he's still holding out hope that he will rejoin his miami heat tmmates on the court this season. his status had been a mystery for about a month as bosch has dealt with his second blood clot scary. he revled the blood clot in his left leg since the all-star break gone and that this time it wasn't a life-threatening clots spread to his lungs. bosh did not mention a timetable for his return, just saying he continues t to work with the heat medical staff. now, part of the statements read "i remain positive that i will be able to return this season. i truly appreciate everyone's concern and support." without bosh the heat have been playing very well. five gail winning streak, though, snapped last night in milwaukee where they had a rough time struggling the with shot all night was dwyane wade, blamed himself afterwards posting tow twitter, "as the leaders of this team if to be better." >> you it's a nasty game. it's a junk game. you never have a rhythm. i felt you know that we didn't playur best game but, you know, we took a lead, we h h control of the game, and then it just went another way aft that.. >> will: all right. march madness tips off for coach jim labor and their hurricanes. tip-off set or 9:00 but expect later against the hokies, a team that beat the 'canes over the weekend. thatat kept them from clinching a acc regular season title. dolphins potentially macing a big move signing super bowl winning running back c.j. anderson to an four yeaea $18 million, coping to, that deal has a $10 million in guarantee. denver has five days t tmatch the offer. fins also reportedly met with vikings defense sufficient back josh robertoson but there is word out of denr that they won't match that deal, so that would be the dolphins starting running back. >> calvin: cherry pick from that steam the cornerback. text1 ilics cc1 test message tonight, the assault at a trump event. new images of a trump supporter going after a protester. the punch caught on video. and what that tmp supporter said right afterward about what he'll do next. as ted cruz, marco rubio and john kasich prepare to take on trump tonight. breaking news.

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Miami , Florida , United States , Gainesville , Louisiana , Fort Lauderdale , New Orleans , Tampa , Mississippi River , Miami Beach , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Houston , Texas , Michigan , Denver , Colorado , Utah , Americans , America , Cuban , Marco Rubio , Mike Lee , John Kasich , Myra Taylor , Mallory Square , Andre Perez , Liane Morejon , Chris Bosh , Michael Putney , David Braun , Rick Scott , David Muir , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Betty Davis , Ben Rhodes ,

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Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 6PM 20160310 :

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 6PM 20160310

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targeting florida, most of them against either donald trump or marco rubio. so tonight we'll see if that happens in a face-to-face format as well. i'm glenna milberg at the university of miami tonight, local10 news. >> calvin: we turn now to our senior political reporter michael putney. >> laurie: michael is also standing by a um to bring us his perspective. what do you expect tonight with michael? >> michael: laurie and calvin, i think most of the attention tonight would be focused on donald trump. it always is. he demands the attention because of his bombastic style, the outrageous things that he says, although he might be a bit more subdued tonight. but for me and for a lot of florida voters, the focus is going to be on marco rubio. can he pull it off tonight? a strong performance until ten days ago. marco rubio was riding high in the polls and in the campaign. his campaign was all about issues and ideas and a conservative philosophy. suddenly got down in the gutter with donald trump. it got personal. he writ sides trump's hair, his spray tan, the size of his hands and other body parts. that did not sit well with voters. rubio since then has come in third or fourth in every primary election. he can repair the dage tonight with a strong performance, but he has got a way to go. look at this latest poll today from suffolk university. it's got trump at 36%, rubio at 27%, nine points back, ted cruz 19%, john kasich at 10%. i just asked governor rick scott is he going to endorse anybody.. >> i'm not questioning do make an endorsement before this primary. i'm going three have it to the voters. all the i'll decide after that what i'm going to do. but here's what i believe. it's about jobs. i've said this constantly, that the presidential candidate ought to talk about what they're going to do to create jobs. it's the most important issue in our country. 1 million jobs, we need to do it nationally. we need to cut taxes, reduce regulation. >> michael: he is the jobs governor no question about it, no matter what you ask him it's always about jobs. governor scott, laurie and calvin, did say he thinks marco rubio has done a good job in the senate. back to you. >> laurie: michael, thank you so much. we'll be watching along with you. now to the democrats and hillary clinton makakg a surprise visit to the fontainebleauotel in miami beach earlier today. she greeted workers one day after debate can bernie sanders at miami-dade college. the fontainebleau staff was shocked and surprised. they certainly weren't expecting see a presidential candidate popping in during their shift. clipt is in tampa popping. this is ahead of tuesday a primary in florida. clipt leads sanders by about 30 points in the recent polls but sanders isn't giving up on florida. he held this rally up in gainesville earlier today speaking to students at the sanders yore came a polling deficit of more than 20 point when he won michigan tuesday. he is hoping fore a similar performance right here in florida after aing to strong debate performance last night. so look for "world news tonight" with david muir. they will of more on the florida. it kicks off at 6:30. we continue working breaking news at houston where hads the mat crews have been called to investigate a suspicious substance a ted cruz's quarters there. cruz is not in the buildings because he's here in south florida getting reader for tonight's debate. no word exactly what the suspicious substance is but it has been specifically link today his office in this large building. as soon as we learn more details well get it right to you. >> calvin: back here at home federal agent raided an opa-locka city building and hauled away a number of boxes. investigators say they could be the evidence they need to build their corruption case against the city's mayor. local10 news reporter derek shore live now in opa-locka with derek. >> derek: and tonight fbi agents are not saying if this search warrant has anything to do with that investigation into the mayor, but people out here are alreadady connecting the dots for themselves. what we can tell you is federal agents have been in and out of city hall here all day collecting evidence, and they're still here tonight. fbi agents spent hours coming in and out of the city of opa-locka municipal complex, executing a search warrant in prones to what they're calling a public corruption investigation. >> it's been a long time coming. >> derek: residents watching the scene unfold, many saying they're releafed. >> this is the most corrupt city anywhere in america. almost like running a communist country. the and indeed opa-locka has been plagued with both financial problems and crit i'mism of of their handle of city money, spspifically mayor myra taylor who is said to be under investigation for an alleged kickback scheme. shriver who brought up concerns before being fired, issued a video s stement. >> i pointed out several irregularities and things that just didn't make sense about ththr financial financial systems there. at this point i hope and pray that our justice system will rapidly resofele this issue >> derek: while mayor taylor told me today oaf the phone she had no col torres, longtime vice mayor timothth holmes wanted to make it clear. >> i haven't done anything wrong. i didn't do anything illegal. if i did, you ought to have my butt downtown. >> derek: he says he welcomes the investigation. >> i'm not shocked. all i can tell you, if somebody is doing something wrong in the government, clean it up. >> derek: and again, mayor taylor had no comment when i reached her by phonene today. the fbi saying at this point they have no arrests to announce. we'll have to see what happens in the coming days and weeks. err was live in opa-locka, derek shore, local10 news. >> laurie: derek, thank you. a miami-dade corrections officer money from boot camp cadets was allowed to be rae leads today on house least arrest. locaca0 news reporter liane morejon joins us live with the tails. >> liane: and, laurie, this officer is still at the jail behind me, though she will be out shortly. meanwhile, ever since we brought you this story, we brought you the side of the state, what they're alleging. we also heard from father of the victim as well as the victim himself. today we are hearing laster's side of the story from her attorney who says she did nothing wrong. cheers from the family of officer christie laster after a judge allowed her to go home on house arrest following six days in jail. those same family members declining to speak to us on her behalf. >> you about an doingng good on what you're reporting. >> liane: but we did hear from laster's attorney. >> she's very pleased and obviously the family is thrilled will it about it. >> laurie: laughter has was 19 members cadets were victims of a shakedown by laster. investigators say evidence photo showsadets being forced to hand over the money they earned in fear of being locked bk up. attorney david braun said taking that money was part of lassiter's job description and that mon is supposed to be returnedte to the cadets the end of their work release. >> once she took those moneys from the cadets, which she's requirir to do, she placed them in the box, then where did they go from there. >> liane: the state attorney's office believes the 35-year-old veteran officer used that money to need a gambling habit at the seminole hard rock hotel and casino where she has allegedly gamedbled away nearly $40,000. while braun admitsassiter does frequent the video. >> she's not partying. she enjoys playing cards. >> liane: he uncysts sunni never used the cadets' money to play. >> we know christie would never take anything from those cadets. >> liane: braun also says other thatat main and that lassiter didn't necessary live to be the one that took it. meanwhile, we do know that lassiter was given two options for house arrest. she could with a the bond of $443,000 or agree to gps monitoring and surrender her passport. that is the option she chose, the gps monitoring. her arraignment is scheduled for march 24th. are live in west meade, liane morejon, local10 news. >> laurie: tonight miami leaders stepping up their effort to reduce gun violence three gun buy back program this saturday a jordan grove mission baptist church onfest 12th avenue near 62nd street. those leaders spoke out about the feed need to address ton going vioionce in city. >> i have small children that are finding guns in the park, finding guns in their homes, and they're shooting their best friends by accident. >> let's celebrate life, not shoot and kill one another up. that's crazy! >> laurie: anyone who turns over their gun this weekend will receive gift certificates, $50 $100 for those thato work. all exchanges are anonymous. >> calvin:ndissidents in south florida came together to protest the president's upcoming historic trip to the communist island. a march will take place on saturday the 20th, the same week the president makes t tt historic trip to cuba. organizationer are the assembly of cuban r ristance and the right and freedom forum, two of the most active antireveal coalitions both in and outstanding of cuba. >> we belie that those thousands of men and women who have died for cuban freedom, that those thousands of men and women who are fighting for cuban freeeem, that the desire for real change in cuba cannot be left out of any meeting, out of any conference table, out of any negotiating table at any time because that is the sacred dream of the cuban people, to be free. >> calvin: gutierrez is referring to the group's seclususn from a meeting to be conducted by deputy national security adviser ben rhodes. the white house has confirmed that president obama will meet trip to cuba. next weend i'll be leading local10's team coverage of the president's historic visit to cuba. look out for those live reported from havana starting next week. >> laurie: coming up upp on 12 minutes after 6:00. we better check the evening rush for you. traffic reporter jenise fernandez is right here. >> jenise: problems for u. thousands of you league of miami beach and causing the macarthur causeway, check this on it outs, it's back-to-back traffic due to a crash. again the macarthur causewayheading west at us-1 were speeds clocking in at 5 miles per hr so hardly moving all the. also broken-down car i-95 in the express lanes at 125th street left lane blocked with speeds at 20 miles an hour. and a crash on the dolphin heading west right around lejeune with speeds there lurching 19 miles per hour. calvin, laurie. >> calvin: an incredible familyreunion. a college professor and a former studentdiscover they are and relenting rain wreak can havoc in the south causing deadly flooding. >> betty: it is beautiful out there. a great night to watch the sunset from mallory square. i'm chief meteorologist betty davis. i'll let you know i this fine berth weather is going to carry over into friday. the forecast is next. >> calvin: but first, an alligator on the alley. the frightening video of a ten foot alligator taking over us-27.7. after the break. >> calvin: right now a ten foot alligator causing a major roadblock on us-27, and, yes, it's all caught on camera. it was spotted as an air bt captain was heading home. >> laurie: incredible. and local10 news reporter andre perez is live to tell us exactly what happened next. >> andrew: laurie and calvin, i got to tell you only in florida. what is going on? sterday we had the miniature horses that were running amuck. today we have this big old gator blocking traffic. crews tell me he s not blocking down, either. >> you can hear him hissing and snapping. and an angry alligator that size can do some serious damage. call him angry, but you you got to give it to this gator he is strong-willed. >> that gator seemed determined to go eastbound. he wanted to head east and he did not want to come back to where he came from. >> andrew: the air boat captain said the gator isn't backing down like most would around it was moving further away. confirming we have a big beater we have to talk about now, betty. >> betty: you have my permission to do so. mallory square is already buzzing tonight. it is gorgeous out there. people are gathering, the sun is going to go down and all is going to be just right. miami a great looking for night. maybe you're watching us from the kaufert. you can't wait to get out there. wear right there wu. miami 77 after we made that surge into the 80s. an. west checking in at 76 degrees and the 70s will rule this evening. pie 10:00 tonight a lot of you probably holding steady in this lower subject of as we'll still have that strong east-southeast breeze. right now we see those winds from fort lauderdale to homestead, down into the keys sustained 10 to 20 miles an hour. so that breeze is still coming in around an area of high pressure just off the southeastst coast. clockwise flow around the high. the weather story has bically been the same all week long, so why not dewpoint same rig into the end of the week, right? we are still tracking a frontal system impacting other areas of country like fix and parts of of the mississippi river valley and now we see more of the raiai and stormy weather creeping on over toward the east. middleennessee, line of storms there. the weather is just nasty. new orleans, too, probably in line for rough weather a little bit later tonight all because of that system. but high pressure has a handle on us, so with that said we're expecting more of the same tomorrow. while we'll continue t t track this frontal system and the rain tt offers us, still on friday for places like louisiana and then by saturday we will start to see a few showers starting to advance toward the had an panhandle. about it looks like our saturday is going to be pretty nice asas well with southeast breezes, clouds mixing with the sunshine. by sunday, that's when we could have a few showers here. tomorrow mainly dry, high temperatures hitting the lower 80s. checking out our saturday more low 80s the in forecast. notice sunday we are featuring a 40% chance for showers in this forecast, s s not calling it a washout but there may be wet weather out there. get ready for calle ocho. either way by monday there could be a thunderstorm. tuesday, wednesday, thursday lookokg dry with sunshine and temperatures in the 80s. >> will: next in spopos, big news who how the dolphins m ming a big push to sign a all-star (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noisis (donkey noise) hey candidates, answer the call already. today, you can click in walk in, or call in to world class care. because cleveland clinic florida is here e r you. anytime, anywhere. >> wil keep hope alive. that's the mindset chris bosh. he issued a statement today saying he's still holding out hope that he will rejoin his miami heat tmmates on the court this season. his status had been a mystery for about a month as bosch has dealt with his second blood clot scary. he revled the blood clot in his left leg since the all-star break gone and that this time it wasn't a life-threatening clots spread to his lungs. bosh did not mention a timetable for his return, just saying he continues t to work with the heat medical staff. now, part of the statements read "i remain positive that i will be able to return this season. i truly appreciate everyone's concern and support." without bosh the heat have been playing very well. five gail winning streak, though, snapped last night in milwaukee where they had a rough time struggling the with shot all night was dwyane wade, blamed himself afterwards posting tow twitter, "as the leaders of this team if to be better." >> you it's a nasty game. it's a junk game. you never have a rhythm. i felt you know that we didn't playur best game but, you know, we took a lead, we h h control of the game, and then it just went another way aft that.. >> will: all right. march madness tips off for coach jim labor and their hurricanes. tip-off set or 9:00 but expect later against the hokies, a team that beat the 'canes over the weekend. thatat kept them from clinching a acc regular season title. dolphins potentially macing a big move signing super bowl winning running back c.j. anderson to an four yeaea $18 million, coping to, that deal has a $10 million in guarantee. denver has five days t tmatch the offer. fins also reportedly met with vikings defense sufficient back josh robertoson but there is word out of denr that they won't match that deal, so that would be the dolphins starting running back. >> calvin: cherry pick from that steam the cornerback. text1 ilics cc1 test message tonight, the assault at a trump event. new images of a trump supporter going after a protester. the punch caught on video. and what that tmp supporter said right afterward about what he'll do next. as ted cruz, marco rubio and john kasich prepare to take on trump tonight. breaking news.

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