Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 6PM 20160114 : compareme

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 6PM 20160114

back r tickets. in fact i covered the few years ag and now todayrne beach, both have taken a the one me. the grocery store will ast for selli lucky t. live beach tonight, ben kennedy, local10 news. >> okay, ben. thanks a lot. stay with local10 and world news tonight as they go in search of the other powerball winner in california and tennessee coming up at 6:00 30:00. >> backstreet boy nick carter is out of jail and he's talking to reporters about being arrested after an alleged scuffle at a key west bar. local10 news reportrt michael seiden was there when he bonded out and he's live in key west. michael? well, good evening, talk about a chaotic night. tonight you can see things are back to normal. very relaxing night here in key west. but i want to show you this exclusive photo that we got just about an hour a ago. take a look. you can see nick carter and his they were hauled off to jail. and tonight we're hearing nick carter's side of the story. >> hey, nick, did you choke the bouncer? >> well, i'm just a guy trying to enjoy some vacation time down here in key west. >> tonight nick carter is out of jail, one day after the backstreet boy singer was kicked out of this bar, arrested after key west police say he w wt on the attack. choking a bouncer. >> nick, they said that you were aggressive and heavily intoxicated. any truth to that? did you choke a bouncer? >> nicholas carter. >> elier in the day the 35-year-old faced a judge. >> you've been arrested for the offense of battery. the court finds probable cause for that offense. >> the key west resident who is famous for the hit song, i want it that way. >> but reportedly he and his brother-in-law didn't get their way wednesday night inside the hogs breathsaloon. carter and papayans, who is also under arrest forehead butting an employee told police that bouncers his drunken claim captured on a cop's body cam. >> i did not do anything. i was trying to get my friend to stop and they tackled me like they were ny seals or something. >> that would be completely untrue. >> the general manager says carter and his buddy were visibly drunk so his senior bartender refused to serve them. >> they were asked numerous times, dozens and dozens to please leave, that the police were in route. they then sucker punched and head butted my staff. >> tonig business is back to normal. carter and his brother-in-law are no longer welcome. banned for life. >> the truth will come out. >> and i tried talking to nick carter's attorney. she told me no comment at this time. now, the general manager told me before nick and his brother-in-law were taken away in handcuffs, he kept apologizing repeatedly. you know, he just bought a house down here, so he is a key west resident. again, he kept telling the general manager how sorry he was. i'm michael seiden, local10 news. >> michael, thank you. >> a family pleading for help at this point after a 15-year-old boy was shot and killed in liberty city. police say he was knocked offis bike, dragged into an empty field and shot several times. his family wants answers. >> he didn't deserve that. he's a child. the only thing we want is justice. he's 16. >> there's no reason to be afraid. this could have been your brother, your nephew or your cousin. come forward and say something and stop going by nt snitching. >> his body was found january 9th. >> a man is found facing 25 years behind bars after taking a plea deal following the murder of his girlfriend, an american airlines employee was found shot to death at home in 2011. a trail of investigators led to her boyfriend rodriguez and after accepting a plea deal, rodriguez was given a chance to address her family. >> is there anything, you, before i pronounce sentence at this time? >> no >> you have nothing to say to the family of your victim? >> i would like to say that i am sorry. if i could turn the clock back, it would be different. >> the family agreed to the deal which spares him from serving life in prison. >> 6:05 right now. let's check on the evening rush. jenice, how does it look. >> you said it, laurie, there's trouble out there. let's start with the palmetto expressway. heavy delays as that northwest 25th street all due to an accident. we can't see the accident from the camera view, but we have seen emergency vehicles drive on by, this is the palmetto expressway driving north right around northwest 25th street with speeds there at 6 miles per hour. and as we cruise on up to broward county we have two major accidents there that are causing some heavy delays. starting with i-95 southbound. in the right around hollendale beach boulevard. all the way to miami gardens drive. also t t turnpike heading south, this is hollywood boulevard, there are two lanes blocked with heavy delays clock nothing at 14 miles per hour. calvin. >> thanks. flight frustrations for jetblue across the country today including right here in south florida. the airline's computer system went down today and travelers in hollywood international airport had to death with dozens of departure delays and cancellations. the airline's website was also affected today. the computer system was also restored and now flights are back auto schedule. >> members of the first wave of cubes who were stuck in limbo in costa rica are now halfway through their journey through mexico with a final stop hopefully in the u.s. but they aren't the only ones making this trek. while waiting for those cubes, local10 news reporter hatzel vela caught up with a honduran immigrant who shared her difficult story with him. hatzel. >> it's a difficult story but a story thateeds to be told, experience of the cubun migrants who are now making their way up to this point. >> too afraid to show her face, but i could still see the fear in this mother's eyes. just 27 years old we talked to her an hour after being released by immigration officials with temporary asylum. >> her joy age started in honduras. it took her three months to get here. >> first month was guatemala where she spent a number of days, then crossed into mexico. that's when things got bad. >> just too dangerous, she says. for days she told us she felt she had been kidnapped by the smugler. toughest time when was her little girl got sick -- yes, the whole time she was traveling with her 14-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old nephew. medicine, she told us, but they never would. after a month and a half when the smuggler was away delivering other migrants she decided to escape. >> the only thing i could do, she says, was jump out of the window with my two children. later she found a good samaritan who helped her get to ts crossing point. and at this hour, we understand she's getting on a bus. coincidentally her final destination is the city of miami. by the way, let's talk about cuban migrants herer because as they make their way up north,he governments in central america will be close watching what happens, how safely they get here and they will be meeting on monday to talk about this first flight and decide what happens to future flights.for now reporting live on the u.s. mexican border, hatzel vela, local10 news. >> >> hundreds of teachers and school rally in the streets of tallahassee today making a list of demands for state lawmakers, the trip organized by the united teachers of dade was hoping to raise awareness on several y issues like standardized testing and teachers' pay. local10 news reporter carlos suarez was with them every step of the way. governor rick scott made no mention of education in his state of the state address. it will do little to increase their pay, make classroom sizes smaller or reduce the number of tests that udents take. however that didn't game he e kee them from marching to the statute of limitations. >> thousands of teachers chanted in unison, calling on lawmakers to right the wrongs of the past. >> 3,500 teachers from across the state made the journey to tallahassee as lawmakers get to work. the legislature is looking at an $80 billion education budget, a figure the ste says brings the 2007, 2008 school year. a number union groups say is misleading. >> when they're patting themselves on the back that they've given record high for education, they're just bringing us back to the level that we were before. and not -- and we are not keeping pace with the rest of the country. >> among the group that traveled to tallahassee were more than 750 teachers from south florida. many expressed frustrati with promises made by lawmakers to reign in state testing after last year's debacle with the test tt replaced the f cat. >> we need to do even better. >> lawmakers will also take up the issue of school choice, specifically how to pay for charter schools and public schools. governor rick scott. to split the money evenly, drawing the ire of many in this crowd. >> i've been teaching for 20 years and it's to the point where i havav considered leaving the profession. but if we all leave, then whaha-- who do our children have. >> there a no bills that would leaving it to be@ the most contentious issue on the education fight this legislative session. reporting in tallahassee, i'm carlos suarez, local10 news. >> carlos, thank you. the united states southern command has a new leader. outgoing commander general john kelly at the helm which is responsible for all military functions in the care beep, kelly served as commander since 2012. >> you probably saw this today, the oscar nominations are out, so who got the most honors and who was left out. >> plus a look back at the remarkable career of calvin hughes tore alan rickman. don't miss world news tonight at 6:30. >> scattered showers out there. i'm chief meteorologist betty davis. i'll let you know when we could have some strong storms passing the areaea the forecast coming up. >> first, south florida community's center of a lawsuit. after in this line of work only the freshest ingredients make the cut it's important to me to know every dish i serve is the best it can be. especially for this food critic. publix bakery scratch made bread we bake it in store every day with pride so you can serve it with some homestyle cuban meals is at the center of a lawsuit. a worker claims he was fired after reporting unsanitary conditions. it also claims that its sister restaurant was unkept. liane live. liane. >> he observed some pretty gross things here and the location on bird road. he even took several pictures and video. he says that when he brought them to management, they made his life heck and that is why he says he's taking them to court. hairs. i mean, those are serious problems. >> the pictures allegedly show conditions that versailles and the other restaurant. >> it seems like mold to me. this is meat. >> details outlined in a newly filed lawsuit are down right disgusting. what they show. you can't hide from the truth. the attorney called for a news conference today to announce a lawsuit a a the two famous cuban restaurants owned by the company. at the center of it all is a former assistant manager. he says after complaining to management about the dirty conditions and other alleged miss behaviors, he was tbansferred. >> shortly thereafter he was mysteriously transferred to. >> he says he complained about conditions there as well resulting in a hostile work environment and was forced to leave. he saw no other way out but to end his statement. in a statement the group calls the lawsuit without merit. that he was promoted when he switched to lacarreta and eventually left because he got another job. >> we actual have a copy of the setting forth in detail all the reasons why he was resigning. nothing to do with going to get another job. >> and they added in their statement that in 44 years they've never been implicated in any critical health issues, much less shut down. his attorneys say that they hope this goes to trial. the group says they are confident that they will prevail. >> we're live outside versailles restaurant. liane more own, local10 news. >> they couldn't put a dancer on the fifth annual slender in the garden -- splendor in the garden and then fashion director ken downing walked the cat walk with each of seven philanthropy award winners and this year i was honored along with kristi martin. what a nice group to be among. gardens. did you know more than 200,000 local students are brought through there every year. >> quite an experience for them, no doubt about it. it. >> one of the treasures of south florida. >> we have to hang on to our green space, right, betty. >> whether it's raining or sunshine. >> it's raining all over. scattered showers all over the place between broward, miami-dade, the keys, mainland, monroe. we'll take you first into broward county along 595 toward weston and miramar, the skies are opening up. even around palm springs north, hialeah, showers too, balancing over the everglades there seems to be more rain action where that is coming from moving in from the u.s. west and headed over towards the east northeast, so no yes about it, dance weather in the forecast for the evening. temperatures in the lower 70s, so they're sort of hovering in that lder territory and will tend to do so tonight with our windp this rainfall, this batch preceding a system that makes a run at us tomorrow a tomorrow could play out in an interesting way. scattered rain and storms in the forecast, and some of those storms may be a bit on the strong side. there will be some rain in the area in the morning. we won't rule out a few strong storms, maybe even just that outside chance of a rotating storm or two, that's something to think about early in the morning, but i'm thinking by the afternoon as this front moves across, that's going to offer the chance for maybe a band of gusty storms to come across the region. so afternoon, early evening, i'll be hereracking that for you, especially on the commute home, and then by tomrow night we'll start to dry out. so we are looking at a period of active weather between now and friday, but by saturday, drier weather and more sunshine in the forecast before, oh, yeah, the clouds will indeed return. so we'll have to enjoy the dry time while we get it and deal with the wet times when they happen and it we want to drop in on the topics and show you hurricane alex, our first named storm of the season. a season which hasn't even started yet. maximum sustained winds at 85 miles an hour moving north-northeast at 23 miles an hour. it is closing in on the azors, so track this one as well. not heading in our direction, telling continue to move up over the cool waters of the north atlantic. we'll start tomorrow morning around 68 degrees. highs climb to near 80. rain, gusty showers and storms. and then saturday we're drier with a high of 80 degrees. sunday, another system moves through. that brings a round. active weather and then we cool down for mlk day. it looks like we're going to be drier too, but morning lows, lower 50s by tuesday. we'll be ugh. i really shouldn't. no, you know what? i should. and i will. i deserve this. i'm a bogo findin', weekly ad flippin', couponing mastermind. who's saving big time? this girl! can i help you? indeed. this queen of savings deserves a reward. a cannoli, please. the weekly ad, bogos and coupons. three easy ways to save at the same place you love to shop. tt2w`t3n`&d! bt@q:1d tt2w`t3n`&d! "a@q*= tt2w`t3n`&d! bm@q!6, tt4w`t3n`&d!" dztq #', tt4w`t3n`&d!" entq s#l tt4w`t3n`&d!" gzt& j$4 tt4w`t3n`&d!" hnt& z*x tt4w`t3n`&d!" iztq 0c tt4w`t3n`&d!" jntq "3@ tt4w`t3n`&d!" lzt& :^< the flu virus hits big. with aches, chills, and fever, there's no such thing as a little flu. and it needs a big soluluon: an antiviral. so when the u hits, call your doctor right away and up the ante with antiviral tamiflu. an antiviral that attacks the flu virus at its source anhelps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in peoe two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. now local sports with will manso. >> adding injury now to insult. he had an mri on a strained calf today, the results determine that he has a mild strain, that's somewhat good news. the team says that he will miss at least a week of action. without him last night in la, dwyane wade having a few words with him talking perhaps about positioning on the floor. he didn't want to hear it, but whatever was said worked on this play. the alley oop, he p pled a 16-point lead but it was all down hill from there. the miami heat is sloppy. the clippers win this one running chris bosh thinks it 80 in their heads. >> they have everything in place. it's just we're not doing it when the lights come on. when -- whene had a little lead. they came back, so what? we just -- our mental right now is really rlly bad. >> meanwhile the panthers showing signs of maybe a little fatigue after that 12 game winng streak was snapped against calgary. the partly sunny got crushed 6-0. the cats have one more road game this sunday on the trip, they'll play in tampa before runch home to face edmonton on monday night. close to landing a job with the new york giants. philbin will help new coach ben mcadoo. the 49ers have their man. chip kelly to be the head coach. three years with the eagles before he is certainly known for his innovative offenses at oregon in college, it didn't necessarily translate. already? >> just like that. >> don't get me started. >> hst text1 italics cc1 test message the showdown.

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Honduras , Tampa , California , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Oregon , Guatemala , Miami Gardens , Mexico , Tennessee , Costa Rica , Hollywood , Cuba , Broward County , Honduran , America , American , Cuban , Michael Seiden , Ben Mcadoo , Chris Bosh , Alan Rickman , Nick Carter , Nicholas Carter , Calvin Hughes , Rick Scott , Kristi Martin , Betty Davis , Carlos Suarez , Ben Kennedy ,

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Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 6PM 20160114 :

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 6PM 20160114

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back r tickets. in fact i covered the few years ag and now todayrne beach, both have taken a the one me. the grocery store will ast for selli lucky t. live beach tonight, ben kennedy, local10 news. >> okay, ben. thanks a lot. stay with local10 and world news tonight as they go in search of the other powerball winner in california and tennessee coming up at 6:00 30:00. >> backstreet boy nick carter is out of jail and he's talking to reporters about being arrested after an alleged scuffle at a key west bar. local10 news reportrt michael seiden was there when he bonded out and he's live in key west. michael? well, good evening, talk about a chaotic night. tonight you can see things are back to normal. very relaxing night here in key west. but i want to show you this exclusive photo that we got just about an hour a ago. take a look. you can see nick carter and his they were hauled off to jail. and tonight we're hearing nick carter's side of the story. >> hey, nick, did you choke the bouncer? >> well, i'm just a guy trying to enjoy some vacation time down here in key west. >> tonight nick carter is out of jail, one day after the backstreet boy singer was kicked out of this bar, arrested after key west police say he w wt on the attack. choking a bouncer. >> nick, they said that you were aggressive and heavily intoxicated. any truth to that? did you choke a bouncer? >> nicholas carter. >> elier in the day the 35-year-old faced a judge. >> you've been arrested for the offense of battery. the court finds probable cause for that offense. >> the key west resident who is famous for the hit song, i want it that way. >> but reportedly he and his brother-in-law didn't get their way wednesday night inside the hogs breathsaloon. carter and papayans, who is also under arrest forehead butting an employee told police that bouncers his drunken claim captured on a cop's body cam. >> i did not do anything. i was trying to get my friend to stop and they tackled me like they were ny seals or something. >> that would be completely untrue. >> the general manager says carter and his buddy were visibly drunk so his senior bartender refused to serve them. >> they were asked numerous times, dozens and dozens to please leave, that the police were in route. they then sucker punched and head butted my staff. >> tonig business is back to normal. carter and his brother-in-law are no longer welcome. banned for life. >> the truth will come out. >> and i tried talking to nick carter's attorney. she told me no comment at this time. now, the general manager told me before nick and his brother-in-law were taken away in handcuffs, he kept apologizing repeatedly. you know, he just bought a house down here, so he is a key west resident. again, he kept telling the general manager how sorry he was. i'm michael seiden, local10 news. >> michael, thank you. >> a family pleading for help at this point after a 15-year-old boy was shot and killed in liberty city. police say he was knocked offis bike, dragged into an empty field and shot several times. his family wants answers. >> he didn't deserve that. he's a child. the only thing we want is justice. he's 16. >> there's no reason to be afraid. this could have been your brother, your nephew or your cousin. come forward and say something and stop going by nt snitching. >> his body was found january 9th. >> a man is found facing 25 years behind bars after taking a plea deal following the murder of his girlfriend, an american airlines employee was found shot to death at home in 2011. a trail of investigators led to her boyfriend rodriguez and after accepting a plea deal, rodriguez was given a chance to address her family. >> is there anything, you, before i pronounce sentence at this time? >> no >> you have nothing to say to the family of your victim? >> i would like to say that i am sorry. if i could turn the clock back, it would be different. >> the family agreed to the deal which spares him from serving life in prison. >> 6:05 right now. let's check on the evening rush. jenice, how does it look. >> you said it, laurie, there's trouble out there. let's start with the palmetto expressway. heavy delays as that northwest 25th street all due to an accident. we can't see the accident from the camera view, but we have seen emergency vehicles drive on by, this is the palmetto expressway driving north right around northwest 25th street with speeds there at 6 miles per hour. and as we cruise on up to broward county we have two major accidents there that are causing some heavy delays. starting with i-95 southbound. in the right around hollendale beach boulevard. all the way to miami gardens drive. also t t turnpike heading south, this is hollywood boulevard, there are two lanes blocked with heavy delays clock nothing at 14 miles per hour. calvin. >> thanks. flight frustrations for jetblue across the country today including right here in south florida. the airline's computer system went down today and travelers in hollywood international airport had to death with dozens of departure delays and cancellations. the airline's website was also affected today. the computer system was also restored and now flights are back auto schedule. >> members of the first wave of cubes who were stuck in limbo in costa rica are now halfway through their journey through mexico with a final stop hopefully in the u.s. but they aren't the only ones making this trek. while waiting for those cubes, local10 news reporter hatzel vela caught up with a honduran immigrant who shared her difficult story with him. hatzel. >> it's a difficult story but a story thateeds to be told, experience of the cubun migrants who are now making their way up to this point. >> too afraid to show her face, but i could still see the fear in this mother's eyes. just 27 years old we talked to her an hour after being released by immigration officials with temporary asylum. >> her joy age started in honduras. it took her three months to get here. >> first month was guatemala where she spent a number of days, then crossed into mexico. that's when things got bad. >> just too dangerous, she says. for days she told us she felt she had been kidnapped by the smugler. toughest time when was her little girl got sick -- yes, the whole time she was traveling with her 14-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old nephew. medicine, she told us, but they never would. after a month and a half when the smuggler was away delivering other migrants she decided to escape. >> the only thing i could do, she says, was jump out of the window with my two children. later she found a good samaritan who helped her get to ts crossing point. and at this hour, we understand she's getting on a bus. coincidentally her final destination is the city of miami. by the way, let's talk about cuban migrants herer because as they make their way up north,he governments in central america will be close watching what happens, how safely they get here and they will be meeting on monday to talk about this first flight and decide what happens to future flights.for now reporting live on the u.s. mexican border, hatzel vela, local10 news. >> >> hundreds of teachers and school rally in the streets of tallahassee today making a list of demands for state lawmakers, the trip organized by the united teachers of dade was hoping to raise awareness on several y issues like standardized testing and teachers' pay. local10 news reporter carlos suarez was with them every step of the way. governor rick scott made no mention of education in his state of the state address. it will do little to increase their pay, make classroom sizes smaller or reduce the number of tests that udents take. however that didn't game he e kee them from marching to the statute of limitations. >> thousands of teachers chanted in unison, calling on lawmakers to right the wrongs of the past. >> 3,500 teachers from across the state made the journey to tallahassee as lawmakers get to work. the legislature is looking at an $80 billion education budget, a figure the ste says brings the 2007, 2008 school year. a number union groups say is misleading. >> when they're patting themselves on the back that they've given record high for education, they're just bringing us back to the level that we were before. and not -- and we are not keeping pace with the rest of the country. >> among the group that traveled to tallahassee were more than 750 teachers from south florida. many expressed frustrati with promises made by lawmakers to reign in state testing after last year's debacle with the test tt replaced the f cat. >> we need to do even better. >> lawmakers will also take up the issue of school choice, specifically how to pay for charter schools and public schools. governor rick scott. to split the money evenly, drawing the ire of many in this crowd. >> i've been teaching for 20 years and it's to the point where i havav considered leaving the profession. but if we all leave, then whaha-- who do our children have. >> there a no bills that would leaving it to be@ the most contentious issue on the education fight this legislative session. reporting in tallahassee, i'm carlos suarez, local10 news. >> carlos, thank you. the united states southern command has a new leader. outgoing commander general john kelly at the helm which is responsible for all military functions in the care beep, kelly served as commander since 2012. >> you probably saw this today, the oscar nominations are out, so who got the most honors and who was left out. >> plus a look back at the remarkable career of calvin hughes tore alan rickman. don't miss world news tonight at 6:30. >> scattered showers out there. i'm chief meteorologist betty davis. i'll let you know when we could have some strong storms passing the areaea the forecast coming up. >> first, south florida community's center of a lawsuit. after in this line of work only the freshest ingredients make the cut it's important to me to know every dish i serve is the best it can be. especially for this food critic. publix bakery scratch made bread we bake it in store every day with pride so you can serve it with some homestyle cuban meals is at the center of a lawsuit. a worker claims he was fired after reporting unsanitary conditions. it also claims that its sister restaurant was unkept. liane live. liane. >> he observed some pretty gross things here and the location on bird road. he even took several pictures and video. he says that when he brought them to management, they made his life heck and that is why he says he's taking them to court. hairs. i mean, those are serious problems. >> the pictures allegedly show conditions that versailles and the other restaurant. >> it seems like mold to me. this is meat. >> details outlined in a newly filed lawsuit are down right disgusting. what they show. you can't hide from the truth. the attorney called for a news conference today to announce a lawsuit a a the two famous cuban restaurants owned by the company. at the center of it all is a former assistant manager. he says after complaining to management about the dirty conditions and other alleged miss behaviors, he was tbansferred. >> shortly thereafter he was mysteriously transferred to. >> he says he complained about conditions there as well resulting in a hostile work environment and was forced to leave. he saw no other way out but to end his statement. in a statement the group calls the lawsuit without merit. that he was promoted when he switched to lacarreta and eventually left because he got another job. >> we actual have a copy of the setting forth in detail all the reasons why he was resigning. nothing to do with going to get another job. >> and they added in their statement that in 44 years they've never been implicated in any critical health issues, much less shut down. his attorneys say that they hope this goes to trial. the group says they are confident that they will prevail. >> we're live outside versailles restaurant. liane more own, local10 news. >> they couldn't put a dancer on the fifth annual slender in the garden -- splendor in the garden and then fashion director ken downing walked the cat walk with each of seven philanthropy award winners and this year i was honored along with kristi martin. what a nice group to be among. gardens. did you know more than 200,000 local students are brought through there every year. >> quite an experience for them, no doubt about it. it. >> one of the treasures of south florida. >> we have to hang on to our green space, right, betty. >> whether it's raining or sunshine. >> it's raining all over. scattered showers all over the place between broward, miami-dade, the keys, mainland, monroe. we'll take you first into broward county along 595 toward weston and miramar, the skies are opening up. even around palm springs north, hialeah, showers too, balancing over the everglades there seems to be more rain action where that is coming from moving in from the u.s. west and headed over towards the east northeast, so no yes about it, dance weather in the forecast for the evening. temperatures in the lower 70s, so they're sort of hovering in that lder territory and will tend to do so tonight with our windp this rainfall, this batch preceding a system that makes a run at us tomorrow a tomorrow could play out in an interesting way. scattered rain and storms in the forecast, and some of those storms may be a bit on the strong side. there will be some rain in the area in the morning. we won't rule out a few strong storms, maybe even just that outside chance of a rotating storm or two, that's something to think about early in the morning, but i'm thinking by the afternoon as this front moves across, that's going to offer the chance for maybe a band of gusty storms to come across the region. so afternoon, early evening, i'll be hereracking that for you, especially on the commute home, and then by tomrow night we'll start to dry out. so we are looking at a period of active weather between now and friday, but by saturday, drier weather and more sunshine in the forecast before, oh, yeah, the clouds will indeed return. so we'll have to enjoy the dry time while we get it and deal with the wet times when they happen and it we want to drop in on the topics and show you hurricane alex, our first named storm of the season. a season which hasn't even started yet. maximum sustained winds at 85 miles an hour moving north-northeast at 23 miles an hour. it is closing in on the azors, so track this one as well. not heading in our direction, telling continue to move up over the cool waters of the north atlantic. we'll start tomorrow morning around 68 degrees. highs climb to near 80. rain, gusty showers and storms. and then saturday we're drier with a high of 80 degrees. sunday, another system moves through. that brings a round. active weather and then we cool down for mlk day. it looks like we're going to be drier too, but morning lows, lower 50s by tuesday. we'll be ugh. i really shouldn't. no, you know what? i should. and i will. i deserve this. i'm a bogo findin', weekly ad flippin', couponing mastermind. who's saving big time? this girl! can i help you? indeed. this queen of savings deserves a reward. a cannoli, please. the weekly ad, bogos and coupons. three easy ways to save at the same place you love to shop. tt2w`t3n`&d! bt@q:1d tt2w`t3n`&d! 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