Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 5PM 20160208 : compareme

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 5PM 20160208

e driveway of who police wanted for questioning in this case. we can also tell you this afternoon we checked in nto doctors. there are two people recovering here at jackson memoriaia critical condition. >> do you want to tell us about thth other night? >> terrell: round under vode wy cameras, jose calzadilla maintained his silence as he agreed to mete nto detects of at traffic homicide. >> he's the registered owner of the vehicle. that's all. >> terrell: calzadilla's attorney was by his side helping tow ease his client's fears after police implicated the father and husband in a crime that sent four people to the hospital over the weekend. this wild s sveillance video shows the scene outside of a miami liquor store. the victims stepping into a car when it is slammed into from behind. a fifth woman is tossed the ground but she is the only one to escape serious injury. >> his car was involved in an incident. he is a little bit -- anniversary been involved anything like this. the police department wanted to to show them he has nothing to hide and he's being cooperative. >> we're confident he is our man. >> terrell: detectives had an open ear to the man who came down voluntarily but in the end the 30-year-old was not interrogated. >> all the evidence so far leads to him. we're not going to try him right now. we're going to try him in a court of law l le he should be. >> victoto meanwhile, victims samuel sweeting and mar kwan humphrey are now recovering at home while 21 fran brown remains in critical condition, not far down from the room of shekita frank who spoke from us from her hospital bed and shared those photos of her painful injuries. >> i have bruises all over by my back. i got all into toes broke. >> terrell: so it will be quite a road to recovery for all of the victims n. involved. we should also tell you that calzadilla spent about ten minutes at that police station. he was not arrested. he has not been charged with a crime. really putting all of the pieces to this puzzle together, and they expect that the state attorney will make a decision about charges some time down the road. we are live in miami, i'm terrell forney, local10 news. >> calvin: a what a chill start to the week so far nto temperatures down in the 40s this morning. just about everyone had to put on layers to stay warm in fort lauderdale. >> laurie: and then what a difference a few hours makes. look at this live from our hollywood beach cam. the sanders not packed but it is gorgeous out there. it's warm and nice. >> calvin: when you're in the sunshine. that's the key word now. chief certified meteorologistbetty davis here to et let us know how long we're going to have to layer up this week. it's going to be all week long into next week, betty, help outs. >> betty: snowstorm morningsgs you're going want the layers but the afternoons will be similar to they recoveries we had out this this afternoon. boy, did we start with a chill or what. bombe beach waning up to 44 this morning. kendall, you dip down to 43. it's 67 right now in miami, also key west. winds flowing in from the west-southwest and that should help outs for this evening. it still will be a cool night but not as cools last night. we're expecting to startrt tomorrow morning in the low 50s. that is above arming but0s a little better than 50s if you want to do away with the chill but we are going to have more cold fronts moving in on us. we are stuck i a chilly weather pattern this week. as soon as we get those northwest winds kicking back in, that means more cool air direction. so the front comes through tonight, a ather one tomorrow night and wednesday night, too, and maybe a couple of weekend cold fronts as well so wear not done with the cool air. i'll have aot more on the forecast coming up in a few. laurie. >> laurie: and te a look at these shots. is this what you expect a cruise ship to look like? this is damage tie royal carrie caribbean cruise ship that ran into 100-mile-an-hour winds and some really rough seas. the anthem of the seas is what we're talking about. it was headed back to najera afterunning into big trouble our own amy viteri is in the newsroom. we have been gathering these images throughout the day. it's incredible. >> amy: it is, laurie. that ship departed from cape liberty, new jersey nto passengers anticipating a week of fun at sea. instead the ship ran nigh storm that quickly led to everyone being confined to their cabins. take a look at the damage done and this video showing anything not nailed doin' sliding off tables. these are just some of the images passengers post on twitte this video inside the ship shows the damage, chairs knocked over and large potted plants cracked on. the damage is not surprising when you look at the conditions outside. this is what crew members and passengers were experiencing. 1 one passenger filmed these huge waves and heavy rain out at sea. >> the amount of things shifting an our room was a little frightening. >> amy: the while the anthem's of the sea nto caught wind off the carolina coa the ship was listing at 45 degrees. >> when you looked out the have waves that looked like the height of our balcony and we were on they seventh deck. i don't know how much of that was the height of waves and how much of that was us tipped over. >> amy: grigg cribs is s e of the 4,000 people toward stay in their cab inds for hours. leona was also. >> trapped in our rooms. couldn't leave. >> amy: they left stad fire seven-day trip to the bahamas and the original plan was to continue to florida and dock in port carnival on monday but based on the weather forecast, officials had a change of heart and decided to sail back to new jersey. and royal caribbean released a statent saying while sailing to port carnival, florida, anthem of seas experieed extreme wind and sea conditions was photographed. an abundance of caution, captain asked all guests to stay in their stateroom until the weather improved. at this time there have been been any serious injuries. the ship sustained damage to the areas which in no way affecthe sea worthiness of the ship. anthem of the sea is onef the new ships and biggest, it can hold up to 5,000 passengers. four were injured but no injuries considered severe, and the cruise line also announced they are going to be issuing full refunds to passengers and a cruise. we're live in the newsroom, amy viteri, local10 ns. growing in florida. there are two more cysts causes of zika virus in florida including one here in south florida. our medical specialist kristi krueger is on this one, in the video port nto new information. >> kristi: once again talking about zika and travel related cases which is so vital to know. two more in the state o o florida, one of them in broward county. here's how the numbers stack up. the total in florida, cases 16. two of those cases are in broward. six of them in miami-dade. and again we are talking about travel-related cases. the virus, of course, believed to cause some serious birth why if you are pregnant, you're thinking about becoming pregnant, you're urged not to travel to the 29 countries affected right now in latin america ananthe caribbean by the zika virus. if you have come back from one of those place and you have a rash, conjunctivitis, a fever or joint pain you're urged to see your doctor to find out if perhaps zika could be to blame >> calvin: broward county investigators trying to track down a womom caught on camera shiite at a car. the surveillance video from late hohoe cove is hard to see but the woman approaches the car and shoots at the tru and drivers side. the owner of the scar stayed at the resort the night of yarn january 9th. he told investigators he doesn know who would want to hurt him. if you have any information called brower crimestoppers. >> laurie: a man foundndeferred a boat fire in hollywood. police say when they arrived at thth scene at ocean drive the boat was fully engulfed. once they put the flames out ad in the water. the man was been to the broward county medical examiner's office where they will determine a exact cause of death. now to 2016 and the new hampshire primaries. florida senator marco rubio seems to have a target on his back after saturday's debate. glenna milberg is live in manchester, new hampshshe nto more on this one. don't we know how rube o'has that target on his back, glenna. >> glenna: calvin, it was just a week ago was senator rubio came in third. he considered that a win, his numbers were rising, but now he's facing new scrutiny after that debate smackdown right on the eve of the first primary in the nation. >> my mother was a cashier, a stock clerk at kmart. >> glenna: marco rubio had asked is to speak to the international defense minister. talk this time about concerns campaign fallingout from what take downtown a saturday night's debate. >> marco, the thing is this, when you're president of the united states, whenn you're governor of a state, the memorized 30 second speech where you talk about how great north america is the end of it doesn't solve one problem for one person. >> glenna: governor chris christie called senator rubio's script over substanceand rubio in that moment failed to prove him wro. >> christie calling humming out is just trying to put a spotlight on him and make him look bad. >> glenna: we found rubio supporters undeterred in theapparent crack in the armor of the senator whose rising poll numbers made pimp h'm the one to watch in the gop primary. >> the bush family is kind of important. we love each other. >> i'm trying to get the right pih hoo, not the pitch for a vote but a pitch. >> glenna: but numbers show gogornor case itch and jeb a surgeon. the federal election shows a redirected half a million ad dollars to attack jeb bush and hillary clinton now in the day since the date. so that might be a factor, and the weather may be a factor. all of a sudden this blizzard, it's about 15 degrees, it's supposed to get even worse. there's all kinds of talk about will that affect people going to the polls because this primary is decided largely at the polls. we met so many people who evenn now fewer than 24 hours out of not really decided whoheir going to cast a vote for tomorrow. so how will this whole rubio-christie deble and all of these other things going on affect that? we're going to explore that coming up in our report at 6:00. so we'll see you right back here in manchester, new hampshire. i'm glenna milberg reporting live, local10 news. >> calvin: nto snowflakes on her hair, a rye aurora sight for south florida panz the new hampshire primary is tomorrow and glenna will be there to we wl el she will have another live report coming up at 6:00. >> laurie: at 12 minutes after 5:00 we can't blame the blizzard for the trouble our roadways but let's see what the monday rush looks like. jenise fernandez is right here. >> jenise: buff friends or loved ones that take sterling road ab exhibit from i-knife southbound, you are starting to see delaysat 595 all due to an overturned truck on sterling road heading east approaching i-95. that truck is right around north park road and speeds right now a 25 miles per hour. bu here's the bigger picture tpa you're on i-95 southbound trying to get off atterling road, there are two left lanes blocked on the exit ramp and we are seeing a delay of about four minutes nto speededright now clocking in at 27 miles per hour. and as we cruise to dade county, mac arth causeway drying to leave miami there is an scent right arnd campaigns that's causing quite a backup. speeds right now at 9 miles per hour. now, i-95 northbound good news here. after they were closed for a few hours. those express lanes back open although we are seeing slow speeds 35 miles per hour. >> calvin: we're now hearing from the concerned family of a hit-and-run victim today help he wawa riding his motorcycle when another driver plowed right into him from behind. a live report coming up at the top of the hour. >>aurie: a shocking "call christina" investigation today. viewers claim a man continued them out of thousands of dollars posing as an attorney. wait until you hear what christina found out about this man. it's all new only on local10 news at 5:30. >> calvin: first, only local10 was in haiti this weekend speaking nto outgoing president michelle martially. without a president today.tt2w>rxlj @%o j#j#$c@ tt2w>rxlj @%!!*n tc( tt2w>rxlj @%4!j# "u\ tt2w>rxlj @%x#*&`:%[( tt2w>rxlj @%t#j'`:1[l tt2w>rxlj @%t#j)`::;( tt2w>rxlj @%p#j*`:- 4 tt2w>rxlj @%p#j,`:lzt tt2w>rxlj @%l#*.`:esx tt2w>rxlj @%l#*0`:^e0 (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) >> calvin: now to a one and only exclusive. the nation offaiti is official without a president as the interim government takes the reins hour. michelle martially left office on saturday and local10 news had exclusive access as martially left office. his five-year term expired on sunday and here's a picture of him who spoke nto the government on sunday. he hand over his presidential sash to the. >> i. accusers say he is c crupted and blames him for sending the country into a crisis. alations he now denies. >> when they became against me, i decided, you can say your things. keep on saying what you wt. i'm going remain focused on education, on health issues, on the elections. i've tried. i've tried hins 2012 to have elections. never let me have elections. >> calvin: as he walked home after spepeing nto members of the parliament, martelly was surrounded by hundreds suppororrs, some wearing punch t-shirts that said "we arere martelly." coming up at at 6:00 take a look at back at the president's final hours in office on a the one and only excluve access. >> laurie: everyone is talking about the weather today. betty, you warned us, just get the long sleeves ready-for-the weekon its going to be a chilly started, but it's here. >> betty: it is. happy monday! it's great to see you both and all of you out there. ir hope you were prepared for today. nice recovery t ts afternoon as as good as we could possibly get considering we started in 40s. so fort lauderdale made to it up to 67. our temperatures running a good 10 degrees below average for this time of the year. we should be in theid to upper 70s out there. this is the view through t lens of our fort lauderdale tower camera. i'll step out of the way so you can see for yourself. no more than some high clouds ving across, not enough to completely block the sunshine we've seen out there. it has been pretty nice. 66, that's the current tefen in kendall. pembroke pines at 67 degrees. our winds are from the west-southwest sustained around 15 miles an hour. so that breeze, there is a warming quality to it, so to speak, although it's not going to be enough to push us way up overerght, but at least we won't get as chilly through the overnight. between now and 9:00 tonight we're going to stay dry. there's simply not a lot of rainfall in the forecast for tonight the days that follow even though we're tracking yet another cold front, making its entrance across north floridaright now. that one sweeps through and eventually we get another one and another one and that's going stuck in for the week. reinforcing shots of cool air coming in. tuesday is going to be cool and breezy as we track another front that's going to approach and swing through tuesday night to lp keep our temperatures cool for wednesday. if you are thinking, well, tomomoow's going to be so beautiful out, maybe i can make at a beach day, you could dothat even if it is a touch on the cool side but there are some boating and beach hazard you should be aware of, seas running seven to ten feet off miami-dade and broward. the rip current risk is high as well especially off broward. within generally from the west-northwest 20-plus miles an hour. that's going to be the case through tomorrow at least. so the bottom line our on temperatures, we'll start tomorrow morning in the 50s in am of your neighborhoods web probably 54 in miami. then we make that climb to around 69 degrees, getting pretty close to touching 70. ets wednesday more than's cool, too, our low we're forecasting 50. thursday the dip back down into some widespread 40s0s and then 50s for friday morning. stow morning lows believe average. below average, t, but maybe as we're heading into the acted lelst we'll see mid-70s by president's day. fingers cross odd that one. guys. >> calvin: fingered crossed. >> laurie: we continue to follow breaking news out of fort lauderdale. >> calvin: that's where soone stole a woman's car it appears nto her child still inside. we will have another live report nto sky 10 and neki mohan in just a moment. >> will: and i'm will manso apt miami jackson high school here in miami where an historic hire on the football field made by and you'll meet her -- head >> will: a special sportscast live tonight from miami jackson high school here in miami. now, there are no games here going on today but what there was was some history, an historical hire from the school hiring hiring the first f fale head football coach in the state eats history. sleets go ahead and meet her. her name is lake torino. she isy known as coach "b" to many. she has coached women's flag football teams in the past. now she takes over the boys team. the pressure she will have the from the start. she said it doesn't matter she is a woman playing what is considered by many to be a man's w people will judge her. >> i would be lying if i said i wasn't. there's a lot of people who apply for this position and look hoo's here. i'm ready for whatever comes my way. i'm prepared to fight, get these guys ready to win i'm not a loser and like to win. everyone around he have to have that men testament, hey, anybody got doubt? be around for it. >> will: i don't doubt you, coach. you may recognize her, though. she was known as berce on the very popular two tv shows "south ach tow," certainly a different per sown huh that she had. many recognizeze her from tv. she said that was j`st a per sowna. she's no longer berni. she is coach and she is the new head coach football coach of the a jackson miami high school, a very historic hire. more on her story. u're going hear the interesting things she had to assistant head coach is famed rapper luther campbell. report live in miami, i'm will manso. >> laurie: those kids are in for a wild ride. >> calvin: and if they need motivation to them that video you showed you. still to come, police are areeesperately searching for a stolen car in fort lauderdale. >> laurie: victor r d janine are in the newsroom with that story. >> victor: that car taken 2 a landrieu mat with a child in the back seat. >> janine: consumer investigator christina vazquez. >> victor: all new at at 6:00 we're hearing from family members of a young man balad injured by h-and-run driver when i will he was riding his local10 news continues right >> victor: right now at 5:30 we continue following this breaking news, a car stolen in fort lauderdale with a baby girl inside. that child's mother was going that thief jumped in and took off. >> janine: local10 news reporter neki mohan live at that laundromat with the latest. >> neki: this is an active scene at 201 west one u. sunrise boulevard, that mother of the childnet nide the laundromax said she left the car running in front and went inside to pick up laundryy and that's hoe quickly someone got into her car andnd took with you with her ten-month-old inside. let's take a look at the video you can see from a short time ago, an active police scene as everyone frantically tried to get as much information as they can so thth can have the latest information to search for this ten-month-old girl. theyeyay the car, the mother was driving was a green chevy cruze. it has that ten-month-old girl in the back. she left her sleeping there, thinking it would just be a quick triple crown get in, get some laundry, and then e. then in a very, very small amount of of time someone jumped in her car and took off with that chihd inside. this person knew or targeted thdt car with that baby inside but they would like whoever has information about this to please call police as soon as psible so they can get that child back safely. again, back out here live in the laundromax they're inside, they're probably looking at surveillance video. we have several cameras around to see if it captured who this suspect may be. i know there is a bolo out county wide for this green chevy cruze as they desperately try to get this little girl home safely. we, of course, will city here on the scene and bring you the very latest as it comes in on. for now live in fort lauderdale, ethic neck l. neki mohan. >> janine: the fbi has released photos of an alleged bank robbery suspect. they say the robbery happened earlier today at a chase bank branch on north federal highway near northeast 18th street. authorities say nobody was injured but if you recognized this come would you place. >> victor: miami beach police are searching for a suspect after a stabbing early this morning near washington avenue victim had to be taken to jackson memorial hospital. genesis jens has more. >> jenise: that very many was taken to ryder trauma and the good news is he suffered non-life-threatening injuries. he had surgery earlier this morning but is expected to be okay. in the meantime p pice are sill looking for the persons responsible. a look at the scene from up above. crime scene tape along tenth street and washington avenue with several police cars blocking the intersection for a few hours this mororng. a second scene about a block away shows crime scene units outside an apartment building. >> sometimes we have some problems in this area. sometimes. not often. >> jenise: miami beach police say around 4:30 this morning a man was stand in the stomach. police did bring a in person for questioning. she is seen being put in the back of a police car claiming he had nothing to do with the stabbing. >>'ve done nothing wrong. >> jenise: that person of intest has been released due to instuff cause for an arrest. what led up to that stabbing is still unknown and police are that victimas taken to ryder trauma, his injuries not considered life-thatening. and like we mentioned that person of interest was taken into custody. after being questioned they didn't have enough to make an arrest. police are looking for two males, though, both wearing dark clothes. one of them was carrying a knife. if you have any information at all, you are urged to call crimestoppers at 305-471-tips. reporting in miami, jenise fernandez, local10 news. >> janine: a majory league baseball fref agent under arrest accused of attacking a valet florida. >> victor: delmon young most recently played for the baltimore aeroyells and carlos suarez is hereo tell us what carlos. >> carlos: victor and janine, the 30-year-old accused of losing his cool on valet that works near the lobby of the entrance to the viceroy hotel. he apparently wanted to use an elevator to cross over tohe icon building where he lives, and when he wasn't able to do so he got upset about it and he the police officer. a day after the alleged assault javier de la vega was back at work as a valet. he seemed more nerves than shaken up after being attacked oaf the weekend while on he job. [ speaking in spanish ] i asked him "are you okay?" "yeah, i'm fine. the whole thing has been frustrating," he said. de la vega was at work on sunday when police say 30-year-old delmon young choked him near the entrance to club 50. the free agent baseball player wanted to use an elevator that was closed. after de la vega said he couldn't use it, young made it clear what was about to happen. "stupid ubaldo cuban. open the. [ expletive ] door. you latin piece of. [ expletive ] " place later knocked on on his door and according to the arrest form he was naked and had slurred peach speeched. he had choice words for an face with money you expletive expletive cuban." so young was charged with a single count of battery and has since bonded out of jail. the miami police say the entire incident was caught on surveillance video but they'y' yet to release it. >> janine: we now have a recall alert toll you about. mazdzd has announced they are recalling thousands of suvs. the recall covers 237,000 mazda cx 5 suv business the only the 2014 and 2015 models are affected, corning to mazda. the company says the fuel filler pipe of those suvs can actually rupture in a rear crash. and that could casa gas leak and a possible fire. however, mazda also notes that there have been no reports so far of any fires or any injuries resulting from the problem. >> victor: caught on camera in baltimore, a man is facing charge after police say thate hit a woman withist his van trying to get away fromom a fight. several men were pounding on that van as the driver does away. he even backs up right here onto the sidewalk. and that's when police say he struck a woman with his van. >> that's independent of the fact that in your effort of trying to get away,y, you harm other people and put many other peoples lives at risk and in danger. >> victor: andndhe driver was identified as 28-year-old orlando red. he was arrested on severer charges, including assault. police say that although he had appeared to be the victim of an assault, that doesn't not excuse his actions. >> janine: y people living if this neighborhood and washington state, they are trapped inn their homes after a broken water main swamped the streets. water is actually been gushing since thomas cotton december, and it's now u to three feet deep in some places. some residents,hey've started using boats to get to their homes but since not everyone has a boat, firefighters met with homeowners this weekend and ed out ways they can get out safely in case there's an emerncy. a naturally occurring spring has don't think plumbing it out will work. five people werenjured when a backyard deck collapsed in st. louis on satday night. witnesses say the people were out on the deck when it suddenly walled away from the brick buildingnd collapsed. >> victor: time now 5:37. we're in the mid-o rush hour. let's get a check with jenise fernandez. >> jenise: call up your friends and family that take i-95, tell hem had to take griffin road it. looks like our camera went out but the eastbound lanes are closed a due to an overturned truck. now, this is sterling road, again eastbound right around north park road. this is as you're approhing i-95. speeds are at 25 miles per hour but here's the problem. if you're on i-95 southbound, you normally get off a telling road there are two left lanes blocked on the exi ramp and if eastbound lanes are closed. we are seeing that backup start at 595. y speeds there at 23 miles per hour. we are seeing a couple of accidents in dade county as well. let's start with the dolphin expressway. right around northwest 27th avenue. some heavy delays with speeds a 15 miles per hour. palmetto expressway soubound, this is northwest 36th street. there is a crash there as well with speeds clocking in at 22 miles per hour. u may notice all the red in the norlhbound lanes. that's your stop-and-go traffic you see at this time. speeds right now 8 miles per hour. victor, janine. >> victor: family members oa hit-and-run victim are speaking out today. he was riding on his motorcycle when another drive plowed into him from behind. we'll have a live report all new at 6:00. >> janine: and consumer investigor christina vazquez is digging into explosive accusations against a m who poses as an attorney. what she found will shock. you that's up next. >> victor: but first as we head to to a quick break here, it is shaking, our camera from i believe our mount sinai camera. >> janine: it's beautifu isn't it? >> victor: like it when we turn the camera arena. temperatures going to dip again? we'll check in with betts right after this >> announcer: and today at 6:00. plants that fight crime. >> i definitely don't want to walk through that. i'm going to be injured if i do. >> announcer: janine stanwood with a new layer of defense to keep those crooks away. on local10 news. >> and in today's "call christina" a local10 viewer claims a man is continuing people out o o thousands of dollars by pretending to be a licensed florida attorney. >> janine: records show that man is a retired police offffer and ex-convict from new york, and what christina uncovered next will shock you, and we have to warn you her report contains graphic images. >> christina: dented frank an ex-cop and ex-con from new york who victims say foes as a licensed floriri lawyer. kenneth frank said those words, not through somebody else. correct. >> correct. >>y ha accusese of running salmonella cons across south florida. >> he's telling me i need to bring the money. >> christina: one person telling federal regulators in 201212 this person is dangerous. some of the people we spoke with said frank made threats via techs and verbal remarks. >> he told m m he would pour fire if i ever came here near him and didn't drop the case with bso. >> you were afraid of him. >> oh, yeah. >> he left me for dead. >> christina: kenneth frank. local10 n ns. >>hristina: currently under investigation by the florida department of unlanced law practice kenneth frank didn't want to talk to us. >> how cld anybody ha has done as many wrongs as him still be out there? >> i was looking for a house to rent we saw a sign in the lawn and it said "for rent by owner," called that nber and that's how i met kenneth frank. >> christina: in gina hanna's 2012 case she claimed frank accepted 8 how dollars for a rental onye light house point brought she later returned he didn't own. he is picked up for grant theft. what happened next? >> nothing. >> christina: the broward county state attorney as of refused to prosecute. sheehey does not believe there is sufficient evidence to prosecution. >> i gots continued. >> he was introduced to me as an attorny. he started to do a floor defense on my house when is chest mo. >> christina: in 2009 charles mix ong said kenneth frank, a former business partner forged documents to open bank account in his name but bso found insufficient information to further warrant investigative action. the case is pending inactive. >> just craziness >> christina: just last fall bso fielded yet another incident report about frank, this time a woman said she hired kenneth frank to represent her in legal matters as any attorney general. only later did she learn he is not a licensed florida lawyer. she claims to be out more than $38,000. this case sunday investigation. terrified of frank, she declined to tell her story on camera. >> you need to [bleep] up and he started beating my face. >> christina: and then there is linda suzanne. his boat. >> he hitting me so fast and so hard that blood just came gushing out of my body. >> christina: a hillsboroist beach police officer would write in his report that she was covered in blood from her scalp to her waist. incredible, more than four years later, and that case is still pending. you know, how often i relive this? >> christina: prosecutors cures didn't offer an explanation a` to why they have yet to bring this case to trial. >> standby sistinea. standby subpoena. and i'm like can be, did i have to die? why are they prolonging this? you know? i just don't understand what -- i don't matter? >> christina: at aompano beach home, frank dodged the camera. >> christina vazquez, local10 news. >> christina: the people we spoke with want to see prosecutors follow through on they are complaints. >> and the public isp being -- is he continues to do it blatantly and braids endly, has no fear because nobody has ever done anything to him. >> it's hard to watch other people be vtimized and feel good about the system. i believe in the system. people have to do something, and almost -- > you want to believe in the syem. >> i do want to believe in the system. >> these are heinous crimes. every one of them. we're all victims, andhat's it going to take for them to take this guy down and put him where he belongs, in prison? >> christina: the broward state attorney's office would not comment on why that 2011 cas is still pending. as for gina hanna's case, it was a broward assistant state attorney who said he dropped her case because in his opinion proving criminal intent would be. ain she never got her $8,000 back. as for charles nixon, he has hired an attorney. kendall frank sunday investigation by the broward review that 2015 complaint with, the florida bar's unlicense dollars law department has one pending case against frank. we will keep you posted. in the newsroom, christinavazquez, local10 news. >> janine: remember, christina is always on the case. you can call her at (954)364-2510. email her at [email protected] or reach her on twitter at all county tv. >> victor: time to bring in our chief meteorologist betty davis. i feel we really need to appreciate this weather. because if a new months remember what that feels like outside. >> betty: we earned it, though. remember how rainy it was not too long ago? we are cooling down, drying coun out there. winds from the west-southwest 10 to 15 miles an hour, alleys interesting to people watch along hollywood beach when it doesn't a little bit chilly. you see the shorts and longer sleeves or maybe the socks and sandals look. i'm sure we have a lot of that going on today with our temperatures holding in the midst 60s this afternoon. the forecast for the evening not bad at all, dry conditions, a that breeze is going to stay up for tonight as we track yet another cold front coming across north florida. that's going to be followed up by another and another. so our chilly air is going to be days. so there is not a dramatic warm-up in the forecast whatsoever this week. side. but we can't complain because if you have a business trip taking up to the north, it's 27 degrees right now in chicago, new york city at 32. so trough of low pressure we can see that in the color scheme on this map so you can see that being carved out and that a visual sign that cold air has taken hold of the east and there are going to be more fronts hurled in our direction. so as we go from tuesday into wednesday, check out the morning lows on the way. even on thursday morning, portland, maine 6 degrees. bowl of waning up to 13 degrees thursday morning. tomorrow morning milwaukee 6 degrees to start the day. so we will not complain with the 50s we're expecting as we head so tomorrow morning won't be as chilly as this morning. if you're going to m make tomorrow a beach day the rip current risk. the air temperature and temperature is 70 degrees. taking the boats out. small craft advisory. the winds from the west-northwest tomorrow 20 plus miles an hour. off miami-dade and broward sarongs 6, possibly as high as 10 feet. ad mo rat chop oft bays. temperatures as missinged we won't start tomorrow morning in the 5th. forecasting 54 formol. i know that's cool much then during the afternoon we rebound to matter near 70. we expect to touch 69 in miami. sound and clouds, breezy. next cold air comes on through is reinforced that drops our l l to 50 degrees or for wednesday. wednesday night it good night colder. eye high around 66 degrees. i supposehis weather is appropriate considering valentine's day is right around the corner. the forecaca for that day right now looking pretty good, overall it's a nicic week. get the sweetheart on your mind. victor. >ictor: on it. betty, thank you. we have got your tickets to one of the biggest events of the year. local10 is giving away tickets to the upcoming south beach wine and food festival. at a tracts celebrity chefs, unique dishes from all over the world. head over to local10's facebook page and that's wishing enter. >> janine: a lot more news still ahead at 6:00. here are some of our top stories today. we continue to follow a breaking story from fort lauderdale where a car was stolen from a laundromat withhis ten-month-old girl still in the back seat. an amber ale has just been issued. >> victor: we have more on the historic hire at jackson miami a female head football coach. (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. give us a plan. increase speed, full throttle! (over intercom) ann, are you coming in? negative! stay on target. what are you guys doing? r2, thrusters! they're closing in! i'll guard the base. for every family that lives star wars... ...this is the place where star wars lives. where a galaxy far, far away... closer than ever before. come join star wars awakens. now at walt disney world resort. experience the fun of all four theme parks with the florida resident 4-day disney select ticket. i think we should've taken a left at the river. tarzan know where tarzan go! hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzaza king of jungle. y don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. >> janine: a group of black artists known as the high highway men are finally getting their moment in the spotlight. >> victor: for years theyyad to show their works of art out of trunk of their cars but now they have an exhibit for black history month. >> these are two of my fathers ever fathers pieces, and they were done to keep the price down. they actually painted on a thing called upsome board which was used like drywall is now. >> neki: artist calvin hare is the son of alfred hare, a land cape artist in the 1950s who was >> during that time, during the '50s and '60 the black, you couldn't display art work in a museum or a gallery. you couldn't even use a public restroom innings. >> narrator: stow mayor took his show on the road and sold his it. ing out of his car very incomprehensively. to make a living he had to paint fast. >> each one suddenly probably took maybe ten minutes. they painted exactly what they saw and the way they felt so you walked away with the vibrant colors. >> neki: other artists soon joined him and created the works they now sold for $20, they now sell for thousands and hang in the state house p even the first lady of the united states recently bought a piece. hare's father died when he was five but now he hit the road to pass the spirit of highway men onto future artists. ruether is a digit artist at dillard high. >> the fact that he's actually teaching us and at our high school, he's actually teaching >> it's very inspirational, the fact that he works so hard, it makes me think if i work hard enough you can make it just as he did. that's what hare wants for them, to find that a view true artist will always found ways to overcome obstacles. you can find original art here at the fort lauderdale historical society. there's also a permanent display in tallahassee yeaea round. in fort lauderdale, neki mohan, local10 news. >> victor: looks great. the highway men series opens up tonight at the fort lauderdale historical society museum at 6:00. we'v got a lot more information on our website so you can check out >> janine: i've seen that art at oakland park city hall in person, and it's something else. good enough. that's going to no it for local10 news at 5:30. >> victor: here are laurie and calv back for the news at 6:00. >> calvin: right now 6:00 we continue working breakin news. a car stolen with a baby inside. we have the ver ladies latest had to desperate search. dead. a man is fighting for his flight ofospital. >> calvin: the dip in degrees continues i. with another cold night in store for south florida. how long this chilly change will la. >> laurie: rocked at sea. a cruise ship heading to florida hit by hurricane force winds. >> calvin: and worldwide exclusive, local10 the only station in haiti when the president left hour power and is the island country without a president. >> laurie: plus a florida first.. meet the woman who will lead one of miami peace biggest high school football programs. that's right. the news at 6:00 starts right now p. realtime closed captionini performed by u.s. captioning company >> calvin: rant 6:00 fringes a landromax in faltered where a baby was stolen. >> laurie: and a aamber alert has been issued just moments ago. let's get to l lal10's neki mohan. the mother must be in shear anguish. >> neki: she is fran if i can, laurie, side in landromax at 201 south sunrise boulevard. let's show you a picture of that little girl released in that amber alert. she was in the back of that chart mother came to drop off undry, pick up laundry about two hours ago here at 201 west sunrise boulevard. she went into the lutheran, left the car running. when she came out, that car was gone. a frantic scene here is captured by sky 10 to a couple hours ago as police immediately indictment scene to get any evidence that they could and any information from this mother. eye licenses recount what they saw. >> somebodyy walked up and was real casual what happened, man. they just kindndf walked up to the car. it didn't even seem it was a crime that was going on. then the lady came out screaming, and i didn't didn't realize what was going on. i walked back in and the police came in. it was an odd situation. >> neki: here is the car they're looking. they staih it's a green chevy cruze similar to this one. they have put it's statewide fout for this little car.

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