Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 4PM 20160208 : compareme

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 4PM 20160208

catastrophe. amy. >> amy: el calvin and laurie, royal caribbean's anthem of seas is heading back to port after the ship hit a severe winter storm with winds of 100 miles per hour a waves more than 30 feet high off the cape of cap rat has hatteras and the forecast called for more storms. take a look at some of the damagehairs knocked over, potted plans knocked open. after a zechay trip frou new jersey. and now all of this damage caused because of these conditions that you're looking at right now. this is what crew members and messages had to deal with. a passenger onboard filmed these huge waves and that driving arena while they were out at sea, and you can see how extreme those conditions were. and here are some@ pictures of some of the damage on that cruise ship. you can see chairs toppled over in what looks like a jewelry store there onboard. the storm also causing damage above. look at the ceiling coming down in this picture. and tables, anything tossed around all due to that weather. royal caribbean released a statement saying "while sailing to port carnival fla" anthem of sea experienced high wopped and sea conditions. in an abundance of caution the captain asked all guests to stay in their stateroom until the weather improved. at thitime there have been not been any serious injuries reported. the ship sustained damage to the public areas and guest state rooms which in no way affect the sea worthiness of the ship. the anthem of the caribbean can hold nearly 5,000 passengers. four were injured but as we said no serious on severe injuries have been reported and the cruise line also announced they will be issuing full refunds to passengers and a 50% discount for any future cruises. we're live in the news rume, amy viteri, local10 news. >> calvin: amy, thanks a lot. >> laurie: what an ordeal. and speaking of weather, we've been feeling the chill. a cool start to the work week. that little guy saying what is going on? temperatures starting out in the people bundle up in all sorts of of layers in fort lauderdale. >alvin: here's a life look the our mount sinai medical center tower cam. you can see what i dodgers and clear day it has turned out to be, and what a difference a few hours can make. this morning, asou talked about, chilly this morning. abablutely gorks. >> laurie: ed the sweater on and i was absolutely sweating. i guess early morning, betty, we need the sleeves and then later maybe, maybe not. what do you think? >> betty: it d dends how old cold your blood is. those 40s were widesesead for miami-dade and broward county as well. we take you back outsisi now, and look at the warm-up thanks to the sunshinend now a west-southwest wind, temperatures in the mid-60s. that southwest wind is key, it lets us know there another cold front approaching tonight. so that one moves through. as we head toward tomorrow. it won't bump our temperatures down too much. in fact with we're thinking the 50s will be more widespread but then there's another cold front on the way. we are locked in a chilly pattern this week. our winds will generally be more northwesterly so more cold sarah going too spill in front after front after front. we'll talal all about it coming up in a few minutes. >> calvin: now to a hit-and-run that was cauaut on camera. this is incredible video. several people hurt in this crasas this happened over the weekend in liberty city, and today the driver accused of that hit-and-run talked with police. >> laurie: local10 news reportete terrell forney he's been working it. where two victims are still recoveri. terrell. >> terrell: we just checked in with doctors here at jkson memorial hospital. we can tell that you one of the victims is now listed in good condition. that is a 20-year-old woman. other victim recovering here is a 25-year-old woman, and she is in critical condition this afternoon, but again both still under doctor's care. let's zee show you this piece of video as well because the man incident showedp voluntarily a summation where investigator investiging the crime. jose calzadilla is the man you seon the left, the other guy is his attorney, and more on what happened in a moment after they%showed up. but let's take you back to the scene. a liquor store on northwest 44th street and 17th avenue.& a group of individuals, as you can see in this surveillance video, are getting into a car when it is slammed not from behind by a white suv. the impact sent four people total to the hospital with serious injuries. the fifth woman who you see was thrown to the ground did not suffer any serious injuries. witnesses say that they saw a man get out and then look at what had happened and then just simply got in that suv and drove away. the twite suv was later found calzadilla lives. the i didn't. he's a little bit -- he's never been invold in anything like this. the police department wanted to speak with him. we wante to show them that he had nothing to hide. cooperative. >> not only did he leave physical evidence on the scene but he also parked the c in front of his house. >> terrell: so calzadilla spent about ten minutes at that police station. he was ultimately allowed to leave s he was not placed under arrest and he has not bn charged with a crime at this point. police say they are still collecting a lotf evidence in the case, and some of that evidence will take quite some time to come back. we will keep you posted. for now that's the ladies in miami-dade miami, i'm terrell forney. >> calvin: right now rush hour getting started on this monday sleets get a check on traffic. >> laurie: genesis genesis right here with how the roads are oking on this monday. >> jenise: for those of you who did go to work i'm sure you were looking for for an easy commute you at i-95 is a mess, this is northbound. we have got an accident in the regular lanes and the express lanes are closed. let's zoom on in. miami all the way to the golden glades the express lanes are closed. and there's an acciden right after the airport expressway, a right lane blocked and we arey heavy delays with speeds right now at 16 miles per hour. staying in dade county we've got an accident on the palmetto expressway obese eastbound approaching the golden glades, two left lanes blocked and speeds arth 20 mile-an-hour. on broward county an overturned truck heading east i'm of i-95 between north park road and north 33rd avenue. there are several lanes blocked here. this is as you're heading peeps speeds are at 19 miles per hour p and if you're on i-95 southbound trying to get off at sterling road, there are two lanes blocking the exit ramp. laurie, calvin. >> laurie: jenise, thank you. and what a tragedy when a man was electrogood in evidence southwest miami-dade. police say a tree trimmer hit a power line and it was the homeowner who died. released at this point but a full investigation is underway. >> calvin: the fbi on the lookout for this woman today. they say she's behind a robber in morning that happened at a chase bank branch in fort lauderdale. she walked into the branch at north federal highway demanding money from the material. no one was injured but she did get away with an undisclosed amount of cash. >> laurie: another bank robbery in miami lakes. the fbi releasing advantageous pictures of a man they say haiti td bank branching on friday. here he is demanding money on northwest 162nd street and 57th avenue. no one was hurt, we're told, but this man did take off with an undiscscsed a cash. if you have information about either -- undisclosed amomot of cash. cell phone video capture, inc. a boat on fire in hollywood. that is exactly what you're lookinin at. after the flames were pout pout, a body was discovered in the water. local10 news reporter layerlayron livingston has the story. >> layron: i spoke with h woman 45 this morning and happened to look out onto the water here of intercolt waterway, saw a boat with a small triangle of flames bubuing from the back of it. within second we're told this 22-foot open fisherman -- >> it was engulfed in flames, and i kept watching to see if there was someone on it but there was just a lot of black smoke. >> layron: h h cell phone also recordrd it. we found what's left of the boat tied tie dock offcean drive just a few yards from karen rowow shay's front yard. >> i juries figured someone was in trouble and called right away. >> layron: never taking her eyes off that boat. >> i was looking and i couldn't see. i thought if somebody is on there, they're in trouble. >> layron: hollywood place were ck on scene flaherty morning. we learned officers, firefighters and the coast guard worked to get the boat to shore and the fire out.we later learned those pirs responders found the body of a man in his mid-40s dead in the water satellite composite tragic. that is very tragic. >> layron: that neighbor tells never experienced anything like this. she also sayshe's not familiar with this boat, neither are her neighborhoods, and we're waiting to hear back from the medical examiner's office in broward county as to who thihi victim may be. we'll pass that information along to you. >> calvin: the searcrc is on today for a woman caught on camera shooting at a car a pompano beach resort. the surveillance video from light house cove resort is a littleard to see here but the woman approaches the car and then shoots at the trunknk and then the driver's side. the owner of that car stad at the resort the night of january 9th. he told b he doesn't know who would want to try to hurt hum. if you have any information, call broward county crimestoppers. the phone number at the bottom of your screen,54-493-tips. >> laurie: the primary is one day away now, and cnn has released their latest poll to check in on the state of the race.donald trump is ahead in the polls with 31% of the vote. he's hoping to hold onto his lead this time. trump finished second inowa despite leading in most polls. in n hampshire by marco rubio with 15%, ted cruz with trane% and john kasich with 11%. these polls, keep in mind, they were all taken before saturday's republican debate. checking the democratic side, bernie sanders constants to hold a huge levered hillary clinton sanders is up 54-40% in new hampshire. tomorrow. our own glenna milberg is right snow. she'll have a live report coming your way at at 5:00. >> calvin: and now to a 8one and only exclusive. haiti is official without a president today as the interim government took over when michelle martially took office on saturday. local10 news had exclusive access as martially packed his office for the final time. his five-year term expired on sunday. and back home in little haiti yesterday, angry demonstrators took turns stomping on a t-shirt with a picture of martially's face. for many haitian a!ericans martially was a polarizing president which they say is part of the reason haiti is spacing a he's a picture of martially who spoke to the haitian government sunday morning. he hand overhead his presidential sash the to leader of the national assembly. critics have accused of mart lif being corrupted and not doing enough to make sure elections take place if his country. taking a look i will look back at the president's final hours in office in a one and only exclusive access and martially's final interview coming up. r/osters car stolen with a car inside. our janine stanwood is in the newsroom for this one. >> janine: calvin, sky 10 above the scene if fort lauderdale. let's take you right there, 201 west sunrise boulevard at the lawn dro max. this is just east of i-95. you can see fort lauderdale police are on the scene, and according to an employee who works at the landromax, a woman was bringing herr clothenes when she says a man jumped in her car and then drove away. plea at the landromax. fort lauderdale police or the scene. we can tell you weah a chopper in the sky presumably looking for this car with the driver inside. you can see a lot of police activity outside of this landromax. there is a shopping center that laws a lot of people. a woman sayinghe was just bringing her clothes in when somebody got into her car and then drove away. we don't know the age of the child or the jenner of the child but are again a lot of police act of here. 201 west sunrise boulevard. as soon as we get more information about the make and model of the car, any more information from police, we'll let you know. favorite spot. favorite girl. >> >> calvin: love this one. commercial praised today, highlights of the best super bowl ads from last night. >> laurie: all new at 5:00, a "call christina" investigation. viewers claiming a man continued them out of lots of money by it is today's edition have "call christina." don't miss it it new at 5:00. >> announcer: and today at 6:00. plants that fight crime. >> i definitely don't want to walk thereon that. i'm going to be injured if i do. >> announcer: janine stanwood with a new layer 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visit >> can you give me a warning is this. >> sure. warning. here comes your ticket. >> laurie: right now commercial craze. so many people talking about the super bowl commercials today. that's what we do the day after, right? in the clip you just saw there done u. hundai ryanville, actor ryan reynolds as he highlights a >>8calvin: victor is in the video port with some of the commercial highlights. i know you were watching very of course i was. there's a lot of buzz about the super bowl commercials and usa today rankedll the ads. let's get to the top three. >> really? he's eating doritos at my ultrasound. >> victor: at number 3 doritos with its ultrasound commercial. you see that baby is stopping at nothing trying to get its hand on a bag of door eat's. that's that's number 3. i can't live if living is without you >> number two, the heinz wiener dog campaign. i mean, you got dogs in costumes, automatic winner trip about theunch of dachshunds dressed as who the dogs are rung to their families the ketchums. >> here's number one. >> you look good. >> thank you. >> hey,! see you're take taking by little girl out, huh? >> yep. >> why don't you go ahead and take my new car. >> thanks, pops. >> victor: there's kevin hart playing the overprotect dad to show up the new finder feature on hundai's new genesis. yep, there's kevin hart. kevin hart has been in a super bowl commercial, too. reviews like the puppy baby monkey commercial by mountain due. that was weird. another one that got a lot of attention, the super bowl babies commercial. i don't know if you caught that one. it was a bunch of quds who were born nine months after their town won the super bowl, so i guess moment and dad were celebrating. coming up at 4:30 we'll show you highlights from the super bowl 's halftime show, laurie and calvin. >> laurie: the puppy baby monkey, that was disturbing, wasn't it? >> >> >> victor: very wooed.. and then seal appears sing to the beat of -- >> calvin: having one little girl, i'm with kelvivi hart. i'm hanging from the chopper and everything. thank you. >> laurie: right now let's take a live look from our hollywood beach catch. it is gorgeous out there. look at those hyde whitecaps. >> calvin: not exactly speedo/bikini weather b b you can be brave and do that if you want. let's check in with our beds to find out when that kind of weather is coming backo us. >> betty: not this week. so all the leather, the longer sleeves, go ahead and keep that out. your wardrobe are will not not need a redo this week. right now fort lauderdale starting the innate 40s as so many of you did but we did make it up into the mid and upper 60s. hialeah still hanging onto 68. pompano beaeh, sunshine and 67 drees, and following those 60s all with a down to the keys. key west and marathon, hope it's. a good monday for you. 65 degrees.& the forecast for at the evening, breezy and dry. by 8:00 tonight the temperature starts to slip down into the lower 60s. we are now noticing that our bunds are flowing in from the west-southwest and we're getting that wind direction as another cold front makesome progress across the panhandle right now. so, yes, there's another pro front on with a. it's going to slip through tonight. it's not going to drop our temperatures in a huge way. in fact be with we're expecting 50s instead of 40 tomorrow morning but what it will ser to do is keep us on the cool side. so the forecast on tuesday, as we await another cold front, yes, another one is on the way for tuesday night, and that's going to make wednesday morning chillier than tomorrow morning. so wednesday gets off to a chilly start. we'll have our winds flowing in from the northwest. so all this week it seems we'll have front after front reinforcing our cool air. we start tomorrow around 54, make it up to 69 degrees. this forecast for the entire week, it is mainly dry. rainfall the least of your concerns. if you can handle the overnight chill with our lows, 50s0s and then thursday morning some 40s, you're good to go.valentine's day by the way looking good. morning lows in the mid-50s, afternoon highs in the lower 70s. >> calvin: ahead at 4:30 now a major league baseball free agent under arrest today, accused attacking a valet attendant heree in south florida. the charges delmon young is now facing. >> laurie: caught on camera, a hit-and-run driver slams into cars and a woman on a sididalk. what drove h'm over the edge. >> calvin: and we're followi this happened in fort lauderdale at the laundromax at at any time 1 west sunrise boulevard. a woman was apparently coming in to do her laundry, she stepped out of her car and a man jumpe in behind the wheel with her child still inside the vehicle, d we're not sure of the age or gender of the baby but police are there talking with the mother. of course, as you can imagine, she is just frirhtened and waiting for the best news possible. this is the story we're following from sky 10 as you can looking at. we'll have much more coming up at the bottom of the hour. (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and y into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) (male vo) across america, people like basketball hall of famer dominique wilkins are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza . for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it dididt get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza . he said victoza works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza is nono for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. (malalvo) victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blolo sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if yoy have a personal or family history multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effectsay happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney problems. ififour pill isn't giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza . it's covered by >> calvin: peyton mamaing hasn't officially said in super bowl l was his final game or not but what a finish it would be. today manning going to disneyland and hanging out with that big mouse, mickey mouse. there's no question that the denver "d" is the most upon for if went over the carolina papahers. was all over cam newton. the offense anderson score can week they had's powerful day today, and all season long they've been that way. they looked really good from start to finish. >> laurie: will it be manning's last rodeo? >> calvin: he said he drinking a lot of beer last night. eli doesn't didn't look too happy that he has two super bowl rin and now peyton. >> laurie: a little competition there. >> calvin: a little competition. you know all too well having twins. >> laurie: and that'll do it for us at 4:00. >> calvin: l's check it out with victor and janine.& >> janine: heirs here's what's coming up at 4:30. >> victor: a major league baseball, the charge delmon jung now facing. >> janine: restaurant more than 100 violence and wait until you see what "dirty dining" found when we went in for another look. >> victor: in your health cast the new procedure that could smooth out your skin and get rid of cellulite for good. >> janine: and we're also coping to employees here at this laundromax, eye woman walked in with her laundry, a man then jumped into her car with her young child inside. again, you can see police right here on the keen at 2020 west sunrise boulevard. as soon as we get more ininrmation we will bring that to you at 4:30. >> victor: all those stories and local10 news at >> janine: we are sting on top that of breaking news out of fort lauderdale. >> victor: that's where we're told had a car was stolen from the front of a laundromat and witnesses say this had a child was inside. >> laurie: we are getting new information now. fort lauderdale police confirming that a vehicle was stolen from the 200 block of west sunrise boulevard right outuide this laundromax. we know they're looking for a green vehicle, and now there's a bso chopper up in the air. fort lauderdale police working scene on the ground, the chopper up in the air as they look for this stolen vehicle. and what we're learning from the employees inside is that this is what the police are looking for, aa green chevy cruze, we are told. this is the vehicle we believe bso is looking for from above because there could be a baby or young child inside. employees at the laundromax feel very certain that they saw a baby in there when thi mother came in with her laundry, came in to bring laundry in, get back in the car but the keys were inside, and that's when the mother claims a man jumped in her car and took off. yo can see this act of scene from sky 10 live. police police have cordoned off this area now as they question if mother. that may be her right there just inside where the cruiser door is open. they are talking with her, trying to figure out where this car is. the stolen vehicle. and the young child or baby. as soon as we learn any more details, we will let you know. right now there is not an amber alert that we're wafer yet but wewe will work every ang elf this and get you nigh in you information as it comes in. va janine and victor. >> janine: thank you. also at 4:30 a major league baseball free agent under arrest attendant in south florida. deon young most recently played for the baltimore orioles. >> vtor: and local10's carlos suarez is live in miami now to kell tell us what he's accused of doing, carlos. >> clos: , and it janine, the 30-year-old had quite the mouth on him when police say he went after that valet and also had choice words for a police officer. now, all of this apparently started because young was trying to cut through the viceroy. you can see the entrance out here. trying to cut through this side of the building to the back side at the icon where apparently he lives. 30-year-old kell mon young was placed with battery. police say he was naked and had slurred speech whenenfficers knocked on his door sunday night a short i'm time after this allege assault took place. he claims not to remember what happened. police say young choked and threatened to kill a valet at the viceroy after he wouldn't let him into an slater at club 50. theorker said he would could not let him use it because the club was closed at the time. saying "stupid cuban. open the. [ expletive. [ door. i'm here puppy baby now what? the valet was identified as javier de la vega. he said he was doing just, corning to lace report, he managed to breakree and call place. coming back out live, you're going to hear from him as well as what young allegedly said tothis police officer coming up at 5:30. but for now we're live in miami, i'm carlos suarez, local10 news. >> victor: also sat 4:30, a rolex robber caught and cuffed. victoria go onenbalk was arrested and charged with grand shift theft. police say the 22-year-old seduced a man at a hollywood club last november and after spending the night at a hotel, he woke up, his roll specs other valuables were missing. police say she made off with a haul worth more than $40,0000 she was released on bond. a man is now recovering the in hospital after he was stabbed on miami beach. he was robbed and stabbed near avenue and tenth street early this mornini. he underwent surgery at the hospital, is expected to recover. police say that one person of interest was defind a for questioning but later released. >> janine: a family is without a home after a townhouse fire in hialeah along northwest 62nd avenue and 170th terrace last night. we're told the house had extensive damage and was deemed unsafe. nobody was hurt, but the cause of this fire is still unknown. >> victor: in hialeah here a car crash nigh crane causing major traffic delays on the palmetto. the black sedan crashed into the crane at the entrance of i-75. the car sustained a lot of damage. it's unclear what caused the crash. thankfully, though, nobody was hurt. sky 10 also above the scene of a car crashed into a garage? west park at a mechanic's it's shop on north state road 7. not sure if anyone was hurt. rit now rush hour is about to get underway. let's get a check on traffic. >> janine: jenise fernandez is >> jenise: a know a lot of people eager to get home, maybe humane society some of those super bowl leftovers but probably going to be a little late if that's the case. i-95 northbound we've got this accident right around northwest at any time 3rd street, belong two left lanes and the express lanes are closed at this time. let's take you first. this that dent right before northwest 101st street. speeds right now are clocking in at just 10 miles per hour. and again thexpress lanes on i-95 northbound still closed. this is between downtown miami and the golden glades. and as we cruise onto broward county, we do have this road. this is as you're heading east towards i-95 between northh park road and north 33rd avenue. there are several lanes closed here and speeds right now are at 11 miles per hour. and because of that, if you are on i-95 southbound and you're ying to get off on sterling road, there are two left lanes blocked ononhe exit ramp and you will not be able to head east. anthony is out of hiding five years after being found into the guilty for murdering her two-year-old daughter. she launch hor own photography business called case photography. she was a mitted quids of the murder of her daughter kaylee. >> calvin: of. >> victor: get this. one want you u. restaurant, one 10 violence and our cameras caught more violations that still cannabis the in kitchen. >> janine: in today's "dirty dining" our local10 investigator jeff weinsier wants to let you know what they don't want you to know. >> jeff: i don't know what this is. it is fish on floor. >> we don't know if it was going to be cooked or used for sushi but we do know it doesn'tly belong filed web w, greasy kitchen floor at the chinabefore you a at bird road. inspectors recently found 110 violations here, and we saw some of the issues still exist. can you just take the steak off the floor? >> jeff: that bench raw meat was very close to that piece of fish we f fnd on the floor. no one could tell us what was this this sink in the dish washing area. there are three full pages of violation after violation. roaches near a sink and a foo prep table, kitchen, beef, pork, ham, dumpling out have all out of temperature. the dish ever dish machine was not sanitizing. food debris, end crustedmaterials, mold, grease was found on almost everything from ovens to the soda guns. there as evidence of an employee smoking in an food prep area, there was an objectionable odor in the kitchen, that coming coming from this bathroom in the kitchen. it was full standing water and reeked of sewage. here? the owner doesn't want to talk about it. >> no cameras. >> no cameras what? first of all, don't dutch touch -- >> that's assault. camera. >> tonight on the touch my camera. >> jeff: 110 i violations? it's the worst inspection weave seen in a long time. >> janine: we showed those enteriri to eat what was recently found inside. >> i'm going to find somewhere else to go. >> yes we are shocked the state allowed this place to reopen following an ordered cleanup and reinspection and we have passed r findings on to the florida wept of business and professional regular leagues. the good news? you now know what's going on behind the kitchen door. in southwest miami-dade, jeff weinsier, local10 news. update. records show the restaurant was ordered shut again last week. the place going from 110 violations to 84, andt last check china before you a has not been allowed to reoeo remember, local10 has made it very easy for you to see any restaurant inspections statewide right on your smartphone. just download our free restaurant inspection app. search restaurants florida in the app store. finds in brevard county. you're looking at one of two rare green anaconda's recently turned over to florida fish and wildlife, this one measuring more than eight feet was captured in melbourne last week not far from where the first one was discovered back in novembebe green an continued as you are illegal to own down here. neither is that you can had had a required tag leading wildlife officials to believe they're being illegally bred in the state. >> janine: a disturbing hit-and-run crash on camera. a driver slamming into cars and then taking off. why he did it. >> victor:ll new at 5:00 a "c"cl christina" investigation. viewers claim a man continued them out of lots of money after posing as an attorney. it's today's edition of "call christina" all new at 5:00. >> janine: we're continuing to follow this breaking news in fort lauderdale, ai police are confirming that i a. care was stolen at 200 block of -- police telling us a woman walked in with laundry. a man then jumped into her car off. we want to show you a picture of a car that is similar to the one we understand may have been stolen. it is a green car. again, police are on the scene here at 201 west run rise boulevard where a child may be -- sunrise boulevard where a child may be inside this car where a that may have been stolen. >> announcer: today at 6:00. >> through design we can prevent crime. >> plants that fight crime with a new layer of defense to "home safe home," today at 6:00 very. >> announcer: if president of haiti steps down but not before giving an exclusive interview the exclusiveview interview, (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big differce between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. >> janine: breaking news in fort lauderdale where a car was stolen- an employee telling us the car was stolen with a child inside. >> victor: our own neki mohan working this. neki, what can you tell us? >> neki: they're telling us they're looking for a chevy cruze. this matter sitting distraught in the basic f ft lauderdale police car in front of the laundromatat at 201 west sunrise boulevard. she left herr ten-month-old in the back of her car and that's apparently when someone jumped into her car and took off. police are s srching for this vehicle. at this time they have put out an alert for a chevy cruze, green in color, nto that child. they are urgently searching for this young infant, and the mother iss here, she's distraught, she's giving police as much information as she can. there were a few eyewitnesses on the scene. they, too, are talking to officers. again, it happened within the hour so people are frantically together to somehow try and locate this car. again, if you see a green shev cruz in the area of someone that looks suspicious with aten-month-old in the back, place please alert police, fort lauderdale crimestoppers as soon as possible. if you know this perern who may have taken this car, a lot of times peop will steal a car, not meaning to steal a child in the back, get the information to them. of courue, the number one concern is to get this child back safely. again, a frantic scene here at 201 west sunrise boulevard, police combing t t area for any ues, trying to, of course, comfort in nearestst search for this infant. we have not got an opportunity to talk to her just yet. she's being interviewed by police. as soon as we g a chance, we will get back to you. police haven't issued an official statement but witnesses have told us what happened and, of course, everyone here is giving them as much information as they can to hopefully try and that's the latest live here in fort lauderdale. i'll sendd it back to you, victor and janine. as soon as i have more information, i'll get it to you. >> janine: we know you will. neki, thank you. >> victor: caught on camera here, a hit-and-run driver crashing into several cars, and then backing up onto a sidewalk and hitting a woman. he was apparently trying to get away from a fight but now he's facing serious charges. calvin is in production control nto this disturbing video. >> calvin: a 27-year-old woman from baltimore apparently was involved in that crash but she's expected to make a full recovery after having some very serious injuries. it appears t e driver involved in that crash was apparently being assaulted at a local bar before the hit-and-run. it's an unbelievable scene. >> kind of had the feeling that it wasn't over at this point. >> calvin: it wasn't. the driver was apparently trying to getet away from the guys pounding on his van. >> for a second i wanted to yell not going to listento me. everybody needs to get out of here now because the guy kind of crazy at this moment. >> calvin: and then this. >> i have no idea.`>> you hear a guy yelling that he hit someone twice. i assumed he could have hit someone but didn't realize it was -- turned out to be as bad as it was. >> we're very fortunate that there weren't more serious injuries, but we have a 27-year-old woman who is suffering from some really serious injuries and just remarkably they're non-life-threatening. >> calvin: baltimore police took 28-year-old orlando red into cuffed a short distance away from the scene. police say red appeared to be the victim of an assault but that doesn't excuse his actions. >> that's independent of the fact that in your effort of trying to get away you harm other people and put many other many charges, including assault. -- red is facing many charges. that woman you heard suffered some very serious injuries. they include bron ribs, you bruised lung and fractured skull. it appears there was another crime taking place nearby that local bar that night but police say the two crimes are not connected. >> victor: wild video. >> j jine: right now let's take a live look out of our miami tower cam where i it has been a chamber of commerce day. 67 degrees, a hill little chilly but put on long sleeves and you're fine. >> victor: it was great grilling weather over the weekend, right? if i have another burning orer or bunker or a wing -- >> janine: you can eat a wing. >> victor: i don't know. there is a lot of food yesterday, betty. >> betty: you can smell the ribs on the barbecue quill grill right now. >> victor: that's just me. >> betty: it a great day, chill. as you mentioned it is still a bit on the cool side but people soaking in the rays out there. the kip rip current risk is high so not the lace place you want to be. winds sustained around 15 miles an hour so the breeze picking up a bit as temperatureses are holding in the mid-60s. so for tonight dry, generally a we'll don't know to the breeze as we track the next cold front approaching for tonight, and that's going to be followed up by another and another. they're just stacked up, lined you be 1 plenty of cold air to tap into. we know it's cold when we see the snowshowers flying from st. louis all the way dune into portions of middle 10 tennessee. look at the temperature that support the cold snow that we're seeing. 28 in chicago. minneapolis at 15 degrees. that cold air is going to continue to sweep eastbound. trough of lopressure carved out in the upper levels of the atmosphere so theorthern branch of the jet stream is taking that dip, allowing the cold frontntto make it all the way down into our area. so the bottom line, it's going to stay cool here, and then it's lot of areas from the great lakes into the eastern u.s. as well. beach day for you tomorrow perhaps. winds the from west around 15 to 20 miles an hour. small craft advisory if you're taking most boats out we're going to start tomorrow in the 50s so not as chilly as we were this morning but the winter wear still probably necessary for aloft. highslimb toward the upper 60s. wednesday morning a low of 50, a high around 67. thursday more than it looks like we could take a dip lack bound into the 40s and rebounding into the 60s. so a cool week, that is really the best way to define it. guys. >> victor: betty, thank you. eight in ten people struggle with a condition that no amount of dieting or exercisis can correct. we're talking about cellulite. >> janine: and now several south florida doctors are using a minimally invasive approach recently approved by the food and drugn. local10 medical specialist kristi krueger has details in our special health report. >> kristi: she's been named one even scarlett johansson struggles nto cellulite. >> it's more normal to have sell lyle than to nov it. >> kristi: dr. jake steiger in boca raton is working with a new approach tow eliminated cellulite in@ one treatment. >> this sounds awesome to me so i'm excited. >> kristi: it used selafiona that can cause the cause of cellulite diplomating. >> sell lite is fibrous bands underneath our skin that are pulling the skin down. >> kristi: the areas of concern are marked and numbed. to work. >> sellfiona is a device e. that predictably and reliably can take those bands and cut them at a very precyst depth. >> kristi: the skin is pulled into a suction cup device. needles cut the fibrous bands. >> then when we look at the procedure, it makes perfect sense. it is gets right in thehe. >> kristi: the procedure takes about an hour and results are immediate. joyed goldberer was awake and comfortable throughout the entire processnd happily sharing her experience. >> i embrace plastic surgery. when needed. >> kristi: in clinical studs 96% of patients did she improvements and thought the results got better nto time. while the sellfiona treatment may be a one and done type of deal it does come with a bit of a price. depeing on the areas that you need treated the procedure can cost around $5,000. >> victor: all new at 5:00, local10 is in new hampshire for the first presidential primary. local10's glenna milberg will have a live report coming up at 5:00. >> janine: also at 5:00 we'llshow you how a special group of blah, artists are being recognized for their talent. and we continue to follow this breaking news. a car stolen, witnesses say nto a baby inside. this happened in fort lauderdale sunrise boulevard. the woman said she was doing her laundry and a man jumped in nto her child inside, driving a car like this, we believe, a green chevy cruze. we're going to keepep on don't of this and as soon as we have more, we'll let you know. >> announc: parents cy it's a killing their kids. but here in florida it's perfecy legal. >> they'll tell you it's natural. it's an herb. it's a leaf. so is cocaine. >> announcer: local10's amy done to combat t >> reporter: people across china celebrated in style to ring in the new year. 2016 is the year of monkey, and the annual celebration has become one of the most watched broadcasts in world. around 900 million people watched last year's sho lips super bowl. now to this. an officer in alabama got quite a surprise when he pulled over a couple for speeding. >> janine: it turns out theife was in labor and the officer did more than write a ticket. shawna lowe he said, so up in pain and felt contractions so she ander husband started to go to the hospital. >> she started grabbing the handle the on truck, and i knew she was in pain and i knew she was getting closer so i waed to the get there, so i started speeding up a little bit more. >> we saw the lights, and i knew it was going to be bad from there. >> janine: shawna says that her husband jumped into action, and with the help of the state trooper they delivered the by right there on the side of the road. the couple walked away with a warning and a new baby boy. how so how about that? >> victor: surprise. here i am. that's funny. >> janine: that is funny. nature calls sometimes. that's going doubt for lom news hat 5:30 candlelight vigils thanks a lot, victor and janine. 5:00, conditioning ever witnesses telling because a car was stolennized laundromax with a baby inside. >> calvin: and thest victims of this hit-and-run crash. >> laurie: stormy seas ruining vacation plans for thousands ofpassengers above this royal caribbean luxury liner. if chill is on. your weather authority lets you know how long it's going last. >> and we will show you how a special group of artists are finally being recognized for their talents. f the top at five we begin nto breaking news in fort lauderdale. police looking for a stolen car with a baby inside. >> laurie: the car child's mother was going into a laundromat when the man jumped in and took off. >> neki: as you can imagine, that young mother is frantic nto worry. she is still here inside of the laundromat 201 west sunrise boulevard in fort lauderdale drying trying to give police as much as information as she can. unloading laundry rigig outside the door when someone stepped into her car. it is believed to be a green shev cruz. and took off nto that ten-month-old little girl in the back. police have issued a bowl oh in the area. they are -- a bolo in the area. they're giving everyone the information to keep their eyes peeled for anyone driving a green chevy cruze maybe if this person possibly realized they have a child in the back and left the child somewhe. they're hoping for the best at this point. they're here, interviewing nto the police and inside of the laundromat. i'll check to see if they have any video of surveillan cameras. it is, of course, a search against the clock as they look for this ten mohl little girl. the mother is still here and being comforted by friends and family as police try to get the word o o on as many outlets as they can to find this little girl. police here, weave several police in the area, and they're all frantically working on this

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