Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 11PM 20160209 : comparem

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 11PM 20160209

>> it began around 4:00 p.m. on west sun rise boulevard. she says she stopped too grab her clothes and left the car running with the baby insleepep, just for a minute. that's when police say this man, who is hanging out inside the business walked out and hopped in the car. the mother running with her baby in that vehicle. >> and then the lady came out screamamg, i didn't realize what was going on. >> she says she never thought it would happen, and just didn't want to wake the baby. after the story went out, police tracked the stolen car, abandoned off power line road with her safe inside. >> and this entire ordeal, bythe way, playing out on several surveillance cameras. the owner wasn't in late today, heart is whole ain tonight, a big lesson learned but if you have any information a about this crime, or this suspect, police believe he is between 19 and 20, give police a call, right away that's the situation here, local 10 news. >> andrew, thank you. >> now to breaking news tonight, wiwi a mother of two young children has been found dead a building that has seen it's share of trouble in the past. carlos swarez liveve on that scene with details. >> who specifically wrathser they are looking for now, the call came in a little after 7:00 tonight, we are told that the women's two kids ran downstairs told all this happened as you said, canyo road by the time health arrived now police have not said how the woman was killed or the moments before her death, the children we are lye tonight, local 10 news. >> carlos, thank you. >> caught on camera, a knife wielding man on the attack. >> anchor: his weapon of choice, a sword. local 1 news reportser live in lauder hill with the frightening video. >> the first attack happened right here, but then t ty say about an hour later, and about a mile down the street, he wentn the attack again, with a samurai sword. >> this is sheer terror, the man in the red hat hacking away at a man using a sword up side the swap shop. listen to the screams. and started attacking the man >> lauder hill police say the same guy now identified as joe van walker went on the attack just minutes earlier at which them gas stations. using a small metal pole, watch, he approached t ts 82-year-old man, grabbed his arm, and then jabbed him in the face over and over. the man's wife gets between the two, but cops say walker runs off the clerk here says it is hard to believe. >> it is a very bad situation. >> they would track walker down in a stolen car, they say he didn't give a reason for going on a double whammy rampage, but according to the report, he made statements about seeing poltergeist and wanting toill all that was evil. police also believe he was under the influence of narcotics, both victims had to be taken to hospitals. >> again, all of these moments captures on camera, those hospital, but that man we aretold had to have 18 stitches. walkser now behind bars police say he face as number of charges including attempted murder. >> local 10 news. >> so disturbing, thank you. a major league baseball free agent is under arrest, accused of attacking a valet attendance. dell monday young choked and threatened to kill a valet at the viceroy after he wouldn't let him into an elevator. the worker said he couldn't let him use it because the club was closed. it isp at that point that he is accused of saying quote, stupid cuban, open the door. now what, i am going to ex-might i i ll you, you latin piece of ex-mighttive. police say he was naked, and slurring his speech, wn officers knocked on his door sunday night, a short time after that assault took place, young said he didn't remember what had happened, well he is now charged >> the stakes are high in an election that still seems wide open. >> bernie sanders donald trump, they are still holding big leagues. lori, calvin, hello, there is a brand new poll out tonight, but you are right, there are several polls with fluctuates number so this really is anyone's game by now, but the real story here, is so many people who have never voted before, who are drawn to vote in this primary election. >> snow, burying manchester, reararnged some campaigning but >> for his rahlir in a jammed arena. >> here is american democracy, today. >> democrat front runner kept his revolution going monday night, at a concert. a new poll shows his almost two to one lead over hillary clinton. who spent monday managing expectations and rallying the vote numbers at events like this in several cities. >> hillary clinton has astro teenic army, here and alrlrdy in skate center, ant to next vote. >> this is now crunch time. >> trump heads into tuesday with a substantial lead over marco rubio, and iowa wanner ted cruz. governor kassig and bush a ever fighting chanc to move up here, most in the poll was done before saturday night's debate debacle for rubio, when he failed to rebit chris christie's withering script over substance attack. >> he is doing pretty well across all segments of t party. he has the broadest support of any republican candidates in the >> will those people come to the polls and two whom will new hampshire historically enchanged informed the open minded voters finally commit. >> i am not/what to do. >> i ion't know that i will know until i walk to the polls. >> we have heard that over and over today. so right now it is all about getting out the vote to the polls even in this weather, the snow is supposed to lel up by about 2:00 o'clock this morning. but in less than an hour, the stroke of midnight, if tradition holds, the residents ofixville notch in the north part of the state, about 2 1/2 hours from now, population ant 12 will go to the polls yes, at midnight local 10 news. >> glenna, thanks a lot. no uh to a worldwide exclusive. ended on sunday and the one and only with exclusive access. it was her final t.v. interview as haiti's president, his final exit from the palace and no one expected what happened next. >> i will leave off tending straight. i was never afraid. i was never scared. >> reflecting in the final hours of presidency. his final goodbyes captured with pictures and hugs from secretaries. one last trip down the stairs to be met with applause and more raw emotion. >> for the people who protected him be old rusty rivals, he was always president but in this moment, they celebrated the end of a term, with sweet. the final time leighing the grounds of the national palace. as president of the country that he loved so much. >> hundreds of supporters surrounded him on the streets, as he walked home from paiament the following day. he was a polarizing president, but you would never nephrite the crowds. >> it is new interim government will select a new president and that pern will serve for only 120 days. the new election date for the run off is set for april 24th. >> he is so controversial, does he feel safe stating in haiti? >> absolutely, he says he will be there for the next three weeks and then he will take his vacation, i have no doubt he will be helping his candidate try to win the presidency. >> all right, we will follow it. >> a cruise vacation, turninginto a nightmare, when the ship heads straiaht into 30-foot to hud until their cabins. > 60 degrees in miami, i am betty davis, i will let you know how chilly will it be, and what about the rest of the week? we have it all. >> a historic miami high school team has a new head football t.v. star. all the details later in sports. >> and south florida has become ground zero for a drug that earn heroin addicts stay awayfrom. it is for sale in a store near you. other side of the break. >> a south florida mother is speaking out in a push to ban an herb ball supplement that she believes killed her s s. >> anchor: now one state law makeser taking action. >> it is crawled krodum. two fda bans it's import in 2014, and just last month, they seized $400,000 worth of supplements. but there's a large community of people here saying it is safe, and for now it is perfectly legal. >> it is a leaf that is ground into powder it is similar to coffee. it gives you an awareness, like a good vibe. >> type of effect. >> like a mild version of. >> the bo tantaleantive to utheast asia can improve health and wellness. which canan lead to psychotic symptoms and an addiction. >> it is the worst thing that can happen to a parent. the worst. >> linda says her son ian was a rising senior at back co raton >> he was just a happy go lucky gugu and had his dreams ahead of him. and then the next minute he was gone. >> ian struggled for three years with treatment for addiction a depression. in 2014, just 20 years old he killed himself, jumps on to, i 95 after a relative con fronted him for stealing checks. >> to me it feels like somebeby kidnapped my son, because the day that this became a problem my son went missing. and now my son is dead. >> pple will say they will tell you it is natural. it is an herb, it is a leaf. well, so is cocaine. >> state representative is so concerned she is pushing to make selling or taking ate crime. the worst part she says it is being pushed towards a large recovery of heroin addicts. >> one business we visited is right next door to a recovery center. when we went in and just ask willed they sold it it was hard to get an answer. >> so you can't tell me if you sell this. >> i just started like a weeing ago, so i am not even sure. >> yeah. >> kratum? >> that was the anniversary party at a different bar. >> back outside customer talks to us about the effort to ban it. >> it is a bit ridiculous. i think it is a great alternative to people that struggle with addiction of to open yates. >> we ask add professor of miami. >> i worry about young people, children, and teenagers, being exposed to this. >> she says her researar is clear. >> this contains a powerful openuate that has shown in my different settings it can be addictive. >> at the purple lotus bar in miami beach, her customers. officers. >> use it for everything, from pain to depression. >> what do you want to say to the people that feel like this stuff is a problem and it should not be sold? >> your only choice shouldn't be medicine that makes you sick, or something natural that has a proven track record of not making you sick. >> wt it did to her family was much worse. >> i had a feeling that i always knew that he was going to die from this. >> again, buying and selling it are not crimes and there's a huge number of people who say they use it responsiblyly and depend on it for health reasons. that bill proposingo ban it is right now making it's way flu the state legislature. we will keep you posted. local 10 news. >> amy, thank you, and because importing it to this country is babaed the fda says it is not regulated for human use that means there is no way for a really buying or consuming. >> there are two new cases of zeke ca, including one more inn broward county. bringing the total to 16 in the state. up to two in broward, and miami dade has six. all of them are travel related. the virus is expected to cause serious birth defebruaries. though the link has not been proven, however pregnant women may want to avoided traveling to effected areas and latin america, just to be safe. a winter blala, pounding the northeast, from heavy snow to frigid floodwaters, we will show you what they are now dealing with p. >> jimmy kimmel, he only deals with laughs and f f, if you can stay up later's her. >>'s is prove we did do work today. >> when you pounce on the man, and then have him down on the ground. >> it sounds super weird. someone that doesn't know football it sounds super weird. >> it is weird. you are traveling westbound, state road 836, until about 5:30 a.m., don't forget you can get your traffic eve weekday (vo) making the most out of every mile. that's why i got a subaru impreza. love. it's what makes a subaru, here in the city, parking is hard to find. seems like everyone drives. and those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect. valet parking. hello! here's the keys. and, uh, go easy on my ride, mate. hm, wouldn't mind some of that beef wellington... go to ah! (car alarm sounds) it's ok! >> a cruise ship headed to florida was forced to turn around. take a look at these stunning waves stirred up by the bad weather. royal caribbeans had left new jersey on the way to port canaveral before sailing into the storm, and check out our view here as winds and deck chairs fly across the floor. some passengers describe the ordeal as horrendous during nearly 12 hours of choppy waters. force winds of more than 100 miles an hour, with waves up to 30 feet. seseral decorations were also broken onboard that ship. guests willet a full refund and 50% off a future cruise. the company says there were no serious injuries. >> thank goodness, the weather in the massachusets wasn't much better as waved crashes onshore the town of winthrop dealt with snow and flooding asell, as the water poured on to the streets. this was all the thanked to a snow storm that blanketed most of massachususs. >> let's check in now with betty davis -- find out now about our wear. >> n . >> much walker. >> we will take what we have been getting. >> warmed up to a gorgeous day. >> didn't it? we didn't quite make 70 degrees already starting to see 50's in it i i 57 degrees but consider this, right now at boston's logan airport, it feels like five degrees, so i think we will take these not as cool as last night, it looks like we are forecasting 54 for miami. we may need to add a cease tor that, we will see where we bottom out. key west will start tomorrow. a few things different about tonight than what we had last night, one is our winds. we have winds flowing in right now from the southwest that generally a warm flow for us. we arere getting that warm flow so to speak ahead of a cold front, and another thing happening ahead of that front, wl, we have high clouds moving in so that should help to provide some insilllation that we saw today. therefore temperatures won't be way way down, b 50 is cool enough. as we track that cool front, get our chilly air reinforced and we know the air up to the mother is chilly, when we see snow showers flying, all the way down toward the appalachians and it looks like a few bursts of ow. so there's a lot more cold air to tap into, and we will be stuck in a flow that allowed more of that cold air to flow in, bottom line on tuesday, though, it will be breezy, winds from the west, will it be a cooo day, very similar to this afternoon, tuesday night, here comes another cold front, that northwest wind kicke back in, once again we get off to a chilly start. the average low is lower 60's. if you are heading to the beaches you should know that therip current risk is high and seas will be running about seven to ten feet, with winds over the waters, 20 plus miles per hour. you will stay right inside your housus 50's when you walk out 70 degrees wednesday is 50 to start the day. highs in the 60s and then as we head to the weekend, and a afternoon high with any luck reaching the lower 70's. the weather authority is always tracking meteorologist will be here with a lot more on how chilly temperatures are for your start of the day, guys. >> thank you so muchch the heat with one more day before the all star break. the latest from theig man sore ankle next in sports. >> thank you, but first here is a l lk at your cash three, play luck. increase speed, full throttle! (over intercom) ann, are you eoming in? negative! stay on target. what are you guys doing? r2, thrusters! they're closing in! i'll guard the base. for every family that lives star wars... ...this is the place where star wars lives. where a galaxy far, far away... closer than ever before. come join star wars awakens. now at walt disney world resort. experience the fun of all four theme parks it's hard to find time to keep up on my shows. that's why i switched from u-verse to xfinity. now i can download my dvr recordings and take them anywhere. ready or not, here i come! (whispers) now hide-and-seek time can also be catch-up-on-my-shows time. here i come! can't find you anywhere! don't settle for u-verse. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. just one more game for the miami heat and they can finally rest. the question is will hassan whiteside be on the court tomorrow night, against the spurs. the heat held a practice this redding his sore ankle, during the third quarter whiteside rolled that ankle, the coach decided not to use him, during the fourth quarter. >> the coach making desises and lopsided rebound dunk. i don't know what our relationship is. >> with you and spool have? >> oh, we're fine. >> there you have it. on the ice panthers and detroit, alexandar this is bad, hit in the head, this is knocked out of the game? hopefully he will be okay scoreless in the third, going to get one passed, two more goals with a tough night, and they fall 3-0, and have now lost two raight. history for a south florida high school, today miami jackson named their new head coach, and she is ready to take on the challenge, while also shedding >> believevshe is known by many as bernice on south beach tow, but the reality is, shes a football coach at heart. now she will take over miami jackson high schools team, as the first female high school head coach in state history, andnd she has a message for those that thing this is some sort of show. >> gas what i played for eight yes so most of the time, when somebody can talk what they talk, i talk what i talk. anybody want to talk ftball let's go. anybody want to play, suit up. >> it is clear she is about tough love with her players whether boys or girls. >> obviously there's very important, and i am here as a woman stating well if it's important, it is important to me also. i am ready to do whatever it takes and as a woman, you will have to judge me like you judge everybody else, because it's a mans field. >> and her right man hand on is used to the entertainment business. long time rapper. >> there's no circus act, that was one of the first things that i had a conversation with some of the good folks in. we arebout winning, she is about winning and i am just happy to be here you can see luke is, we know his persona as far as a rapper, and he has coached football for years i think it could work. >> can't wait to see it. uncle luke on the sideline. >> it will be c (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) st text1 italics cc1 test message >> announcer: from hollywood - it's "jimmy kimmel live"!

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