Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 100AM 20160322 : compare

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 100AM 20160322

>> castro decided today enough s enough when asked if cuba was holding any political prisoners. >> that's not correct to ask me about political prisonersn general please give me the name of a political prisoner and i think this is enough. we have concluded. thank you for your participation. >> and in an exclusive interview with "abc news," president obama addressed castro's concept of getting him a list of names. >> well, the truth of matter is we've given him lists in the past and they have responded intermittentnt to our engagement >> so with castro and obama coming together for dinner and preparing for the baseball game of diplomacy it's unclear if the two countries will ever be able to bridge their differences. truly wants change. do i not believe president castro wants to up end the ruling party forhe system that they have. >> and a footnote to the state dinner tonight some of the invitees included congressional delegation, house minority leader nancy pelosi and secretary of state john kerry from the cuban govnment miguel diaz bermuda anesthesiamiguel diaz berma anesthesiaen bruno rodriguez and john kerry's cuban counterpart hernandez and mr. castro by the way is woyd oweer, his wife died nine years ago. and i would like to join my colleague here he will join me to talk about the reaction from that news conference. no matter what happens from this point forward, what happened both during the news conference and after the news conference will be hard to top. >> this is the major headline tonight. and we know everybody in south florida was watching because as ended, the emails at local 10 were flooded with folks saying this cannot be. we just did not hear what he just said. a lot of folks point together fact there are political prisoners here on e island inciting numbers and when you talk to folks here on the island, in havana, you get a different reaction. >> why do you have political prisoners and do you have e and why don't you release them? >> questioned by american journalist and it seems raul castro gets nruingterred when answering and castro says show me, give me a list of political prisoners to release and if there are political prisoners theyeyl be free before night fall. as soon as castro says it social media lights up. local ten starts getting emailslocal ten starts getting emails. people are outraged by the comment. foundation quickly sending a list they say names 47 verified political prisoners and demanding they be releaseddemanding they be released unconditionallll here in after an after some of the folks we talked to didn't want to say much. others said they deposit catch the prers conference because they were working. but the owners of this souvenir shop had plenty to say. >> there are no political prisoners here, , says, carlos castian owe says castro talked to american reporters and this is nothing new >> he adds, everyone knows disdents are paid his business partner says. >> if political prisoners existed castro would have said it. she asked the question was out context because again cuba doesn't have political >> those two havana residents tell me we should focus on relationship itself not on this a sure you pple in south florida are saying otherwise. >> a lot of folks turned their attention not only to pivotal speech taking place tomorrow where president barack obama will once again be on state-run television and his speech will be broadcast here on thesland that's going to take place which is major component to the cuban culture here and there was a great moment today where cuban baseball player from tampa bay raise had a chance to come home. take a look. . >> we met him a couple weeks ago here he is embracing his family for the first time in several years. he lefin 2013 with his mother and made his way to haiti and end upped up in theitis. now he's a player to for the play outen the fld tomorrow. we understand that just an exciting time for him.( imagine coming back home and doing what a lot of cubans love doing that's plague baseball. >> hopefully one day he will be able to earn a salary and big salary for plague baseball no doubt about it. it's not by coincidence that tampa bay raise will play he on the island and tampaisland and tampa has a different view of cuba than folks in miami. >> it's a different relationshipdifferentship that dates back to late 1800s when folks from cuba went and migrated to tampa and started factoryes and it's a poignant, important place in tampa when it comes to cuban american families there. >> no doubt about it. so it's going to be a big rubber match between the two teams. they're tied 1-1 in 1999 and baltimore won the first game cuban national team one second five weeks later and i want to lot of folks are wondering what the first lady had on tonight at the state dinner it was a black dress with a floral print. you can do whatever you want with that one. but reporting from havana with my colleague here. i'm calvin. i'll send it back to you. >> it was a cual night kind of a surprise for a state dinner. calvin, great job today. so much politics tomorrow about baseball and cuban people. we'll tune in to you. thank. not everyone was celebrating the president's historic visit and ptesters gathered outside little havana voicing their opinion of the trip and other younger people nearby were not as critical. >> they are businessmen and they are looking foremen and they don't care about suffering my people. >> i think they'll come eventually. itks just somebody has to take initiative i mean you know i think this is better if we're there first. >> ultimately the protests againstresident obama trip than 30 people. our coverage continues when president obama will directly address the cuban people and meet with cuban disdents on the island and attend a baseball game as we mentioned between the tampa bay raise and cuban national team. >> here at home a aeveloping story ft. lauderdale city officials say 50 gallons of hydrogen peroxided spilled into a holding tank and sue annual treatment plan. people nearby the plant near u.s. 1 are not impacted by the spill. the tank that caused the emical was designed for exactly that purpose in the event of spill. peroxide has been removed. >> and developing tonight a family breathing a sigh of relief after a teenager with a developmental problem is found safe one day after she disappeared from her home. carlos is live in miami with the details. rlos. >> janine, late tonight that@ child's great grand mother was the girl is doing fine. she was found safe and sound and that call name 9:30 tonightand that call name 9:30 tonight. you're looking at video of the great-granamother getting miami cruiser for the short ride to poloce head qurters. earlier we heard the woman shouting after she was told the girl was found. 13-year-r-d was min riffle was seen at her home late suny. she went to bed around 10:00 at night and when checked on heh late this morning the child was gone. a window in her bedroom was found on. police became increasingly concerned about her because the family says she has mentall capacity of a 6-year-old. officers spent much of the day canvassing the area of northwest 17 street and fifth avenue where that family lives and we're told she was found in the area and was not hurt and that police do not suspect foul play. the exact circumstances surrounding her disappearance and who shee was with is still unclear. we're live tonight in the city of miami carlos schwar he's, local 10. you saw first on local 10 this surveillance shows the moment leading up to a shooting in key west that led to three people being shot. you see a fight break out on duval street between shooting suspect and two other men. that suspect then pulled out a gun and shots missed his target and hit three innocent di standand hit three innocent di standers instead. >> i thought fireworks were going off a little celebration and i ended up seeing a guy run past me and heard another pop and that's when my forearm went numb. >> you have to deal with everything that comes at you and bullet came at me. >> the suspect derrek michael david is in custody and facing charges and victim's injuries are not life-threatening. miami-dade metro supervi area caused of raping a woman after the ultra music festival period. in court he was held without bond. a witness said wilt carried unconscious woman intnta utility room at the metro mover station sund night and when officers arrived on the scene ysically incapacitated and wilks confessed to raping her. >> i find probable cause on count two. count one 10,000 and count two no bound. >> he's been relieved of dies without pay and facing several charges including kidnapping. >> armed robber on the attack a man at atm becomes a victim. surveillance you have to see. >> parent concerned about chemicals sprayed on the ground before a popular easter egg hunt here in south florida all new coming up. >> and grab sweaters and jackets the chill is in the air you're feeling it this evening and temperatures will get cooler as we go to the overnight hours. we're forecasting 50s aoss parts of south florida. normal how long will this chilly when you're on hold, your business is on hold. that's why comcast business doesn't leave you there. when you call, a small business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds no annoying hold music. just a real person, real fast. whenever you need them. so your business can get back to business.. sounds like my ride's ready. don't get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. built for business. >> new at 11 concern from parent after a popular easter chemicals were sprayed on the ground before kits started playing. liver with thihi story is andrew. . >> well the issue here was kids andhemicals. crews say they were trying to deal with a really nasty fire aunt problem tonight. >> william harris took kids to eggsstravangaza. while waiting for the festival to begin he noticed a crew walking a round spraying something and then saw this container aunt killer and started to ask question. >> who sprays pesticides at a kids function. for me, common sense tells me pesticides and children don't mix. >> harris started recording as ononof the men started spraying around the easter egg huntt site after he asked officials he said the kopz were putut mark ago infected areas and only one of them he said had a sign and it was not nearly enough to warn parents. . in the grass feeding children easter egg kantdy and in a freshly spared area i saw the guy spray in and i saw a kid lay opening one of the cones hugging it signature oun on it. >> parents enter up to tell them and they said they were only spot spraying for fireants that area. >> we actually do the spot spraying two or three days before the event and when we do the morning off is check to see if they're still active or not.. >> hernandez says crews with working to protect thecommunity from the fire ants and concerned parent now insistand concerned parent now insisting when it comes to chemicals the risks should be made clear. they say they'll make a better effort to mark affected areas and let people know what live tonight i'm andrew perez, local ten news. >> thank you first at 10 the search continues for armed robber accused of attacking a driver and atm. he was attacked after he took money out of a bank at bank of america. it was earlier today. victim was taken to the hospital with non life threatening injuries. >> let's talk weather now. julie is hanging out with us tonight and it's kind of chilly out there. >> yeah you brought the breeze and a chill for spring. >> indeed it's a nice change. refreshing ladies compared to what we had to deal with as we wept to weekend and i'm happy to tell you the thing of the pa we saw high today of 74. will below normal as you can seat normal high is 81 and this morning we woke to below normalll as well in the low 60s and that's nothing compared to what we'll wake up to tomorrow. so grab sweaters and jackets it will be one of the last times because we have officially begun spring and it will feel like winter into the overnight hours. live look outside orgous over magic city all is quiet. breeze starting to pick up though and that north breeze is what's providing for temperatures already flirtrtg in the 50s. we have 58 right n now in pennbrook pines and 59 miami an 57 ft. lauderdale and these temperatures continue to drop further as we get into the evening and overnight hours. get ready for it north breeze right now anywhere between 9 and 13 miles per r ur and we had wind gust reported in the 20s moments ago. i wantt to remind you because of the strong breeze we'll elevate risk of occurrence for beachgoers tonight to tomorrow morning and boaters will have advisoryadvisories as well. all of you spring breakers be caution cautious. check out the temperatures. 10 to 15 colder than we saw yesterday at this time thanks to the cold front that cleared earlier this morning and took heat and humidity with itnd throughout the day you notice fwloomy coitions at times and overcast conditions because of that cloud cover. that will all continue to push away as well going into tonight and tomorrow. well, think high pressure for your beautiful forecast for tuesday and wednesday and you turn attention to two storms moving in from the west and soaking pacific northwest done to southern california and eventually that system is closer to us as we end the workweek and increase rain chances. look at temperatures across the great lakes in 30s already andjet stream continues to allow for the north breeze to provide for temperatures in the 30s across the great lakes and great planes of northeast and allowing temperatures to draw down to the 50s. get ready for it now we're going to see a gradual warm up in a hurry and so tomorrow will be nice and cool. breezy wednesday, much warmer and wetter as we end the workweek and begin the holiday weekend. >> okay. for now we'll bundle up. >> yes and enjoy this change. thank you, julie. >> still ahead a scary scene at florida christian school. way ton campus. >> an a traffic alert if you travel original or southbound at the turnpike at sunrise boulevard at the exit ramp you long term kux f con >> now to a one an only exclusive an undercover investigation against a former city of miami employee accused of drug trafficking it shows 56of drug trafficking it shows 56-year-old pedro torres showing an agent two gil owe grams of owe cane. aen torres follows him outside to receive payments and is surrounded by agents. he faces charges including well while committing offense. he was fired shortly after being arrestd students at a school got quite the square when nearly 10 foot gator showed up outside. staff and opportunities at the geneva academy said they were sthokd see such a huge alligator around their school. professional trapper had to be called in and eventually was able to trap this gator. clay. >> no thank you. hey if the hurricanes dance on they'll be led by a guy that is not biggest man. we'll have that story and plus the panthers try bounce back in the big apple.& this was a fight literally and figuratively. >> first@ a look at cash three play for fantasy five numbers. kevin spacey was the big story which he showed up to support his team. contact panthers hold off the lightning over the last ten games of the season. taking on the rangers and newyork honoring current panther star yagag for moving up to third on the all scoring list and cats falling behind and starting to mounlt a come back here. benson scores making it 2-1 rangers would answer back and back come cats. play makes it 3-2. could got get over the hump. rangers had final goal and win by final s sre of 4-2. basketball now with hurricanes as i big dance continues taking on villanova andcaa tournament thursday night at 7:10 right now canes were born under dogs and head coach really liked his squad and really liked point guard and leader angel rodriguez. >> he has a one of those i don't know what it is called. like basketball is big boy game and i'm under sized guard and i'll takeover the world attitude. >> meanwhile the heat coming off theheuge win over lebron james and cavaliers. in new orleans despite shutting down all star davis and they're fight foring playoff positioning right now and in fact, even tough to play against bell cans now because they'll play more freely with top guy out. and league action this afternoon marlins taking on the mets. and scored in the 8th inning and 1st and reporter andino takes off for third and not where he meant to throw it comes to score. marlins taking lead and going to win by final score of 2-1 guys. >> meantime football kind of weather here. >> what's going on. >> enjoyoy one night and you know what it means, florida rler coaster we'll warm up and then showers and storms. enjoy the good news for now. >> we'll talk later this week. >> bundle up and have fun. thanks for being here. join us again by 10 a. when >> hi, i'm chris harrison, host of the all-new "who wantk to be a millionaire." this season, we're mixing things up a little. more jumping questions, just a single player determined to win that million dollars, one person answering the question, "who wants to be a millionaire?" [dramatic music] welcome to the show. are you guys ready to play "who wants to be a millionaire"? [cheers and applause] let t tell you about today's first contestant. he loves taking tests-- seriously-- and has gotten a perfect score on the sats and the acts not once, but five times. nobody likes him. from holmdel, new jersey, please welcome chris cho. [cheers and applause] hi, man. >> what's going on, bubuy? >> how you doing? good to see you. >> great to see you. [applause] >> really? >> it's true, because i have a test prep company, and to do it right, i need to take these tests at least once, twice, three times every year, so. >> and you ace it every time. i can't say i score perfect

Related Keywords

Haiti , United States , Tampa Bay , Florida , Tampa , New Jersey , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , California , Florida Christian School , America , Cubans , American , Cuban , Bruno Rodriguez , Chris Harrison , Chris Cho , Nancy Pelosi , Miami Carlos , Lebron James , Pedro Torres , Kevin Spacey , Dade Metro , John Kerry , Michael David , Raul Castro , Barack Obama , William Harris , Angel Rodriguez , Andrew Perez ,

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Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 100AM 20160322 :

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 100AM 20160322

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>> castro decided today enough s enough when asked if cuba was holding any political prisoners. >> that's not correct to ask me about political prisonersn general please give me the name of a political prisoner and i think this is enough. we have concluded. thank you for your participation. >> and in an exclusive interview with "abc news," president obama addressed castro's concept of getting him a list of names. >> well, the truth of matter is we've given him lists in the past and they have responded intermittentnt to our engagement >> so with castro and obama coming together for dinner and preparing for the baseball game of diplomacy it's unclear if the two countries will ever be able to bridge their differences. truly wants change. do i not believe president castro wants to up end the ruling party forhe system that they have. >> and a footnote to the state dinner tonight some of the invitees included congressional delegation, house minority leader nancy pelosi and secretary of state john kerry from the cuban govnment miguel diaz bermuda anesthesiamiguel diaz berma anesthesiaen bruno rodriguez and john kerry's cuban counterpart hernandez and mr. castro by the way is woyd oweer, his wife died nine years ago. and i would like to join my colleague here he will join me to talk about the reaction from that news conference. no matter what happens from this point forward, what happened both during the news conference and after the news conference will be hard to top. >> this is the major headline tonight. and we know everybody in south florida was watching because as ended, the emails at local 10 were flooded with folks saying this cannot be. we just did not hear what he just said. a lot of folks point together fact there are political prisoners here on e island inciting numbers and when you talk to folks here on the island, in havana, you get a different reaction. >> why do you have political prisoners and do you have e and why don't you release them? >> questioned by american journalist and it seems raul castro gets nruingterred when answering and castro says show me, give me a list of political prisoners to release and if there are political prisoners theyeyl be free before night fall. as soon as castro says it social media lights up. local ten starts getting emailslocal ten starts getting emails. people are outraged by the comment. foundation quickly sending a list they say names 47 verified political prisoners and demanding they be releaseddemanding they be released unconditionallll here in after an after some of the folks we talked to didn't want to say much. others said they deposit catch the prers conference because they were working. but the owners of this souvenir shop had plenty to say. >> there are no political prisoners here, , says, carlos castian owe says castro talked to american reporters and this is nothing new >> he adds, everyone knows disdents are paid his business partner says. >> if political prisoners existed castro would have said it. she asked the question was out context because again cuba doesn't have political >> those two havana residents tell me we should focus on relationship itself not on this a sure you pple in south florida are saying otherwise. >> a lot of folks turned their attention not only to pivotal speech taking place tomorrow where president barack obama will once again be on state-run television and his speech will be broadcast here on thesland that's going to take place which is major component to the cuban culture here and there was a great moment today where cuban baseball player from tampa bay raise had a chance to come home. take a look. . >> we met him a couple weeks ago here he is embracing his family for the first time in several years. he lefin 2013 with his mother and made his way to haiti and end upped up in theitis. now he's a player to for the play outen the fld tomorrow. we understand that just an exciting time for him.( imagine coming back home and doing what a lot of cubans love doing that's plague baseball. >> hopefully one day he will be able to earn a salary and big salary for plague baseball no doubt about it. it's not by coincidence that tampa bay raise will play he on the island and tampaisland and tampa has a different view of cuba than folks in miami. >> it's a different relationshipdifferentship that dates back to late 1800s when folks from cuba went and migrated to tampa and started factoryes and it's a poignant, important place in tampa when it comes to cuban american families there. >> no doubt about it. so it's going to be a big rubber match between the two teams. they're tied 1-1 in 1999 and baltimore won the first game cuban national team one second five weeks later and i want to lot of folks are wondering what the first lady had on tonight at the state dinner it was a black dress with a floral print. you can do whatever you want with that one. but reporting from havana with my colleague here. i'm calvin. i'll send it back to you. >> it was a cual night kind of a surprise for a state dinner. calvin, great job today. so much politics tomorrow about baseball and cuban people. we'll tune in to you. thank. not everyone was celebrating the president's historic visit and ptesters gathered outside little havana voicing their opinion of the trip and other younger people nearby were not as critical. >> they are businessmen and they are looking foremen and they don't care about suffering my people. >> i think they'll come eventually. itks just somebody has to take initiative i mean you know i think this is better if we're there first. >> ultimately the protests againstresident obama trip than 30 people. our coverage continues when president obama will directly address the cuban people and meet with cuban disdents on the island and attend a baseball game as we mentioned between the tampa bay raise and cuban national team. >> here at home a aeveloping story ft. lauderdale city officials say 50 gallons of hydrogen peroxided spilled into a holding tank and sue annual treatment plan. people nearby the plant near u.s. 1 are not impacted by the spill. the tank that caused the emical was designed for exactly that purpose in the event of spill. peroxide has been removed. >> and developing tonight a family breathing a sigh of relief after a teenager with a developmental problem is found safe one day after she disappeared from her home. carlos is live in miami with the details. rlos. >> janine, late tonight that@ child's great grand mother was the girl is doing fine. she was found safe and sound and that call name 9:30 tonightand that call name 9:30 tonight. you're looking at video of the great-granamother getting miami cruiser for the short ride to poloce head qurters. earlier we heard the woman shouting after she was told the girl was found. 13-year-r-d was min riffle was seen at her home late suny. she went to bed around 10:00 at night and when checked on heh late this morning the child was gone. a window in her bedroom was found on. police became increasingly concerned about her because the family says she has mentall capacity of a 6-year-old. officers spent much of the day canvassing the area of northwest 17 street and fifth avenue where that family lives and we're told she was found in the area and was not hurt and that police do not suspect foul play. the exact circumstances surrounding her disappearance and who shee was with is still unclear. we're live tonight in the city of miami carlos schwar he's, local 10. you saw first on local 10 this surveillance shows the moment leading up to a shooting in key west that led to three people being shot. you see a fight break out on duval street between shooting suspect and two other men. that suspect then pulled out a gun and shots missed his target and hit three innocent di standand hit three innocent di standers instead. >> i thought fireworks were going off a little celebration and i ended up seeing a guy run past me and heard another pop and that's when my forearm went numb. >> you have to deal with everything that comes at you and bullet came at me. >> the suspect derrek michael david is in custody and facing charges and victim's injuries are not life-threatening. miami-dade metro supervi area caused of raping a woman after the ultra music festival period. in court he was held without bond. a witness said wilt carried unconscious woman intnta utility room at the metro mover station sund night and when officers arrived on the scene ysically incapacitated and wilks confessed to raping her. >> i find probable cause on count two. count one 10,000 and count two no bound. >> he's been relieved of dies without pay and facing several charges including kidnapping. >> armed robber on the attack a man at atm becomes a victim. surveillance you have to see. >> parent concerned about chemicals sprayed on the ground before a popular easter egg hunt here in south florida all new coming up. >> and grab sweaters and jackets the chill is in the air you're feeling it this evening and temperatures will get cooler as we go to the overnight hours. we're forecasting 50s aoss parts of south florida. normal how long will this chilly when you're on hold, your business is on hold. that's why comcast business doesn't leave you there. when you call, a small business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds no annoying hold music. just a real person, real fast. whenever you need them. so your business can get back to business.. sounds like my ride's ready. don't get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. built for business. >> new at 11 concern from parent after a popular easter chemicals were sprayed on the ground before kits started playing. liver with thihi story is andrew. . >> well the issue here was kids andhemicals. crews say they were trying to deal with a really nasty fire aunt problem tonight. >> william harris took kids to eggsstravangaza. while waiting for the festival to begin he noticed a crew walking a round spraying something and then saw this container aunt killer and started to ask question. >> who sprays pesticides at a kids function. for me, common sense tells me pesticides and children don't mix. >> harris started recording as ononof the men started spraying around the easter egg huntt site after he asked officials he said the kopz were putut mark ago infected areas and only one of them he said had a sign and it was not nearly enough to warn parents. . in the grass feeding children easter egg kantdy and in a freshly spared area i saw the guy spray in and i saw a kid lay opening one of the cones hugging it signature oun on it. >> parents enter up to tell them and they said they were only spot spraying for fireants that area. >> we actually do the spot spraying two or three days before the event and when we do the morning off is check to see if they're still active or not.. >> hernandez says crews with working to protect thecommunity from the fire ants and concerned parent now insistand concerned parent now insisting when it comes to chemicals the risks should be made clear. they say they'll make a better effort to mark affected areas and let people know what live tonight i'm andrew perez, local ten news. >> thank you first at 10 the search continues for armed robber accused of attacking a driver and atm. he was attacked after he took money out of a bank at bank of america. it was earlier today. victim was taken to the hospital with non life threatening injuries. >> let's talk weather now. julie is hanging out with us tonight and it's kind of chilly out there. >> yeah you brought the breeze and a chill for spring. >> indeed it's a nice change. refreshing ladies compared to what we had to deal with as we wept to weekend and i'm happy to tell you the thing of the pa we saw high today of 74. will below normal as you can seat normal high is 81 and this morning we woke to below normalll as well in the low 60s and that's nothing compared to what we'll wake up to tomorrow. so grab sweaters and jackets it will be one of the last times because we have officially begun spring and it will feel like winter into the overnight hours. live look outside orgous over magic city all is quiet. breeze starting to pick up though and that north breeze is what's providing for temperatures already flirtrtg in the 50s. we have 58 right n now in pennbrook pines and 59 miami an 57 ft. lauderdale and these temperatures continue to drop further as we get into the evening and overnight hours. get ready for it north breeze right now anywhere between 9 and 13 miles per r ur and we had wind gust reported in the 20s moments ago. i wantt to remind you because of the strong breeze we'll elevate risk of occurrence for beachgoers tonight to tomorrow morning and boaters will have advisoryadvisories as well. all of you spring breakers be caution cautious. check out the temperatures. 10 to 15 colder than we saw yesterday at this time thanks to the cold front that cleared earlier this morning and took heat and humidity with itnd throughout the day you notice fwloomy coitions at times and overcast conditions because of that cloud cover. that will all continue to push away as well going into tonight and tomorrow. well, think high pressure for your beautiful forecast for tuesday and wednesday and you turn attention to two storms moving in from the west and soaking pacific northwest done to southern california and eventually that system is closer to us as we end the workweek and increase rain chances. look at temperatures across the great lakes in 30s already andjet stream continues to allow for the north breeze to provide for temperatures in the 30s across the great lakes and great planes of northeast and allowing temperatures to draw down to the 50s. get ready for it now we're going to see a gradual warm up in a hurry and so tomorrow will be nice and cool. breezy wednesday, much warmer and wetter as we end the workweek and begin the holiday weekend. >> okay. for now we'll bundle up. >> yes and enjoy this change. thank you, julie. >> still ahead a scary scene at florida christian school. way ton campus. >> an a traffic alert if you travel original or southbound at the turnpike at sunrise boulevard at the exit ramp you long term kux f con >> now to a one an only exclusive an undercover investigation against a former city of miami employee accused of drug trafficking it shows 56of drug trafficking it shows 56-year-old pedro torres showing an agent two gil owe grams of owe cane. aen torres follows him outside to receive payments and is surrounded by agents. he faces charges including well while committing offense. he was fired shortly after being arrestd students at a school got quite the square when nearly 10 foot gator showed up outside. staff and opportunities at the geneva academy said they were sthokd see such a huge alligator around their school. professional trapper had to be called in and eventually was able to trap this gator. clay. >> no thank you. hey if the hurricanes dance on they'll be led by a guy that is not biggest man. we'll have that story and plus the panthers try bounce back in the big apple.& this was a fight literally and figuratively. >> first@ a look at cash three play for fantasy five numbers. kevin spacey was the big story which he showed up to support his team. contact panthers hold off the lightning over the last ten games of the season. taking on the rangers and newyork honoring current panther star yagag for moving up to third on the all scoring list and cats falling behind and starting to mounlt a come back here. benson scores making it 2-1 rangers would answer back and back come cats. play makes it 3-2. could got get over the hump. rangers had final goal and win by final s sre of 4-2. basketball now with hurricanes as i big dance continues taking on villanova andcaa tournament thursday night at 7:10 right now canes were born under dogs and head coach really liked his squad and really liked point guard and leader angel rodriguez. >> he has a one of those i don't know what it is called. like basketball is big boy game and i'm under sized guard and i'll takeover the world attitude. >> meanwhile the heat coming off theheuge win over lebron james and cavaliers. in new orleans despite shutting down all star davis and they're fight foring playoff positioning right now and in fact, even tough to play against bell cans now because they'll play more freely with top guy out. and league action this afternoon marlins taking on the mets. and scored in the 8th inning and 1st and reporter andino takes off for third and not where he meant to throw it comes to score. marlins taking lead and going to win by final score of 2-1 guys. >> meantime football kind of weather here. >> what's going on. >> enjoyoy one night and you know what it means, florida rler coaster we'll warm up and then showers and storms. enjoy the good news for now. >> we'll talk later this week. >> bundle up and have fun. thanks for being here. join us again by 10 a. when >> hi, i'm chris harrison, host of the all-new "who wantk to be a millionaire." this season, we're mixing things up a little. more jumping questions, just a single player determined to win that million dollars, one person answering the question, "who wants to be a millionaire?" [dramatic music] welcome to the show. are you guys ready to play "who wants to be a millionaire"? [cheers and applause] let t tell you about today's first contestant. he loves taking tests-- seriously-- and has gotten a perfect score on the sats and the acts not once, but five times. nobody likes him. from holmdel, new jersey, please welcome chris cho. [cheers and applause] hi, man. >> what's going on, bubuy? >> how you doing? good to see you. >> great to see you. [applause] >> really? >> it's true, because i have a test prep company, and to do it right, i need to take these tests at least once, twice, three times every year, so. >> and you ace it every time. i can't say i score perfect

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