Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 100AM 20160123 : compare

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 100AM 20160123

and colleagues by his side. he says he has been worried about his son's profession. >> police officers their vehicles a shot into, they are shot at, and i just don't understand and the motive a huge question, why, we can confirm that the fbi is investigating, it is just a few weeks ago tha a philadelphia cop was ambushed in his car, in that case he claimed to have carried out the attack in the name of islam, so is today's attack terror related? >> it is not my belief. >> as far as you have been told the fbi says the same? >> yes. >> mejia has been booked into jail on a slew of charges the chief hoping for a speedy recovery for h h officer and change. this is something we have to come together collectively. >> we hear the police say t ts is not terrorist related he says incident, he says he has been more concentrated on the recovery of his officer than why this man decided to snap. local 10 news. >> now a story you saw first on 10, as a hit and run driver careens out of control, and the person on the sidewalk desperately trying to get out of the way. live now in miami with new details, hatzel? >> i can tell you tonight this woman is recovering from just a ebbing broen femur, but when you look at this video, you start to wonder how she is alive. >> i hear a boom like this. >> and looking at this video, you may think the same, a warning, this is not for the faint hearted. watch as the mite ca loses control, climbs the fence, but not tags enough. the impact sends her flying. look at all the damage, left behind. >> this is about three or >> this is the camera that captures everything at this car dealerip the driveser aeledgedly 29-year-old trenton jackson, we are told he had been drinking earlier before getting in this whe chevy imball la, and striking 30-year-o de'angelo franklin, a man who identified as female. >> another guy, we went down, we saw she was in e car the security guard said he saw everything. >> the car wouldn't go nowhere. >> the driver in his car, other tis pacing the scene before he left, but later police found the same car, all mangled up outside this building, near northwest 82nd street, where they sajack son's girlfriend lives. they say ejacson runs out of the apartment naked, so he is taken into custo and is being checked out for mental health issues. >> people do crazy things these >> so we are learning that jackson has a bit of a past, some child molest station charges in polk county, and now he is tagging some hit and run charges as well. news. >> a suspect is under arrest in monday's shooting of a 14-year-old, 41-year-old adrian harris was taken into custody earlier today. he is now facing several charges including auh testimonied murder, and aggravated assault. he was shot three timed monday. he is now recovering in nicholas children's hospital, investigators say even more charges can be filed against harris. >> the east coast is getting buried by a winter wallop as a momoter snore storms slammed several states. >> blizzard conditions already causing hundreds of accidents. janine stanwood is live in thehe video port with the latest. >> we have been watching the this is that wet and heavy snow that can really weigh on power lines that has a lot of people concerned. these live p ptures from washington, d.c., where you can can see the white house is in the background, but that s sw is really coming down, the worst of it started to come dowown this evening, and this is just the beginning. >> the snow is just blowing all around. >> the monster storm is moving in, with washington, d.c. in it's crosshairs. >> it has life and death implications. >> it isn't just thehe the potential of wet heavy snow to worry about a. >> but wind gusts. >> do you hear that? >> even thunder snow, baltimore is gets wallops too. >> we have a real floridian here, is it cold enough for you? >> further south, people pushing their cars a truck jackknifed in north carolina, and a snow is snarling air traral too. american airlines is canceling through saturday, airports in d.c. and philly shutting down, and the ripple effect extends to south florida. in miami international, travelers with ethe layed and canceled flights amending their plans. >> all the fghts in p charlotte were canceled for today so we left last night we made it o. >> all right, we showed you washington, d.c., now were showing you philadelphia, whether you can see that woman, oh dear, looks like she is having problem walking around the snow really coming down, and for most people it sounds like the worst of it will come tonight, and again early tomorrow, again, this is having a ripple effect right he. ther are cancellations as well as miami international airport. in fact, the latest we have 70 canals laces 54 flight delays given, this storm is having an impact on a lot of people. of brotherly love, flank as lot. >> i just don't miss that at all, nothing like what you just saw. >> your weather authority betty davis here with more on our weather, betty. >> so much rainfall today, record rain in ft. lauderdale, a good one to two inches for miami dade, and broward counties the keys two, getting i want's fair share, now look at the dopler radar nice and quiet we are starting to dry out, although mrs. a slim chance for the overnight, we focus on the wind which is are from the west,% sustained about five to near 15 miles per hour, over the lower keys. these winds are expected to pick up, may will be sustained west northwest, as we head into tomorrow, if you have boating plans for tomorrow, you may want to scratch that, gale warning for the waters offshore, and also looking at small craft advisories too with those winds gusting up to 40 miles per hour, feoffment, over the atlantic waters so ngt great conditions. as for temperatures we are turning cooler, we will start tomorrow morning around 60, and then by sunday morning we are still forecasting the 40's, so as we dry out we turn chilly. alor more on this coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you, a developing tonight angry protests across haiti, and scenes sweeping the nation as sunday's run off is postponed for the second time this election is on hold for security reasons but the question tonight is when will this be held? local 10 news reportser the only reporter traveling to haiti, and she joins us uh live now from the capitol city of port-au-prince. >> calvin, good evening from port-au-prince. there is no one that we have spoken to tonight, who has the answer to the question you just asked. again a confused and fractures place, this weak of protests people fearing fraudulent elections manipulated ballot boxes it all culminates today, but it did not stop the unrest font. >> the crowd moving toward election council headquarters got what they wanted a halt to sunday's presidential run off, but protections turns ugly. >> rocks hurled at anything. this school gone what was to be a crowded polling place, what looked to be an unusually personal and brutal attack and unclear why, horrified watching on the internet. >> every political party prably has their own people out there, we do have some people that try toage trait and make it worse than the political >> you can hear the gunshots by the national police as an tempt to restore order. >> they stole my voter card too many times he yelled. the level of disinstruction that votes don't matter, that the government has rigged the election, the frustration taken out in aggression and action that's the reason the electoral council gave for canceling the election. it was under international pressure to hold. unclear whether the president was part of the decision, thursday he was incising all was well in the posing process, friday he dancedled a rest conference. >> and today we did not hear publicly from the candidates so there are so many questions right now, not the least of which can a fair election e ery be staged with results comingg in before this constitutional date transfer of power according to the constitution, can that even happen, and if it does with lebanese top two still be in the candidate, the government backed man, who is out campaigning and is second that was so certain that this was not fair that he would be boycotting anyway, so many questions and i hope you will stay with us, and hopefully we will have some movement for you live in port-au-prince haiti tonight, local 10 news. >> we will be watching closely, thank you. at least four people were killed and several others injured at a shooting in a schooln canada. the building with the shooting occurred houses students in grades seven through 12, that school placed on lock down, several people rushed to local hospitals, two critically injured. the shooter is under arrest and we are told his weapon was seized.. >> the video is getting attention across the country can, and now tonight more f fl out from a south florida doctor, caught on camera attacking an uber dririr. breezy. i will let you know what is ahead for the weekend, miami marathon on sunday, we have a lot to talk about tonight. >> here is a friday kind of story, question tonight, why don't these t tngs fall off? >> the conference call. the ultimate arena for business. hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks rows. the only problem with conference calls: eventually they have to end. unless you have the comcast business voice mobile app. it lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. i've never felt so alive. makeour business phone mobile with voice mobility. >> miami police say they have no planned to file charges after an uber driveser attack bade fourth year resident at jackson memorial. she is captured on camera confrontinconfronting the driver even attempting to slap him and kick him, butolice say the driver did not file a formal complaint. she has been suspended from her position as a neurololo resident and is in danger of losing her job. >> anchor: let's open up tonight's follow up file, a final report has been issued by all all boys school. ago in 2011. former students told hearable tales of beatings from guards, shots fired at those who tries to escape, and oers to dig depraves for those who died at the school. inhe final report, researchers from the university of south florida say they found 51 bodies in unmarked graves. >> the poor kids they weren't even honored in death, let alone how they were living i doesuhn't take an act of legislature to say what needs to been said, which is i am very sodry. >> seven have been identified but uh officials say poor record keeping and the fact that they weret reported makes it exemely difficult to identify the other. >> let'ses turn to betty davis, ands is going to be an interesting weekend in the weather department. >> do we turn the heat on tomorrow night? >> might need to be. >> or snuggle take your pick. make it romantic. you, wind and i and coomer weather sunday will be chilly, but it will be bright, and then monday coolish and on the dry side, the entire weekend will be fairly dry, temperatures are are in the lower 60's, key west as 70. our winds are are now from the west, so the cold front itself is pulling away from our area, we are noting that wind change and starting to dry out between broward and miami dade and also the keys there may be one or two more showers so very light in nature, that rotaten, sort of on the back side of the front% itself, some post frontal showers but it probably won't amount to anything more nothing to be too concernrd about now the balance of the moisture is up into portions of the mid atlantic, and it is making for quite the snow srm, for this radar imagery washington, d.c. sn all around, light snow, northeast wind at 22 miles an hour, so conditions there are certainly not great as the snow simply continues to pile up. and this is going to continue into tomorrow as well. meantime, back here at he, we just look forward to a forecast that turns even breezier form our winds will be brisk, we look to dry out the skies more, and then besaturday night, with he get into a northwest wind, and that will allow the chilly air to filter on down and you will notice theifferent. early saturday morning maybe you are preparing for the marathon, morning lows are still forecast to be in the 40's, are are you ready? so wednesday of this week, we got chilly, it went down to 52, hadn't been that cold since february 20th, we are now goi to take it down into the 40s's, will be five to ten degrees cooler thank what we saw o wednesday, tomorrow will be on the coolish side, so if you are headed out to the soccer game with the kids you probably will need a layer with the temperatures at 59, and then during the day the highs climbing and we mentioned the fact that it is going to be windy especially the first part of the day, and then sunday, 40's to startthe highs will struggle, monday morning still on the cool can side with lower 50's early, and then mid 70's in the afternoon by the middle of next week we are are back in the rain, what a pattern been your weather authority always watching and t tracking, your weather authority, julia crore yeah, she will be here with everything you need to know. >> deal, jennifer will be here. >> that's a nice mick. julie. >> and a lot of js around here. >> anchor: a valley making a soggy mistake. conned doe complex and slashing right into the indoor pool, we will tell you how this happened. >> across america, with megajackpots it megamillions. >> what's up, friday january 22nd and tonight's megamillions jackpot is an estimated $39 million. to win that jackpot, you must match these plus the gold megaball, now let's see if i can make your a millionaire. our first number is 56. that's followed by 25. up next, we have 46, your next number is 21, and your final white ball for this friday evening is 40. now for the megaball, 3. again, 56, 25, 46, 21, 40, and tuesday's jackpot can be a man in massachusets e es up in a pool after a valet says oops just lost control, the valet told authorities a rug went under a pedal he lost control of the van, it then zoomed forward smashed through a wall before splashing into the pool. the valet was hospitalized with minor injuries no charges have been filed though since police believe it was an accident. he is able to put any flat object on to his head and make it stick. he is nicknamed can head, and it is clear why, he has left experts and baffled heaton leard f of the trick 23 years ago when he first shaved his head bald. trying to cooly head down, and they hit a home run i went up to grab it, misd it and then i was like where is my drink, everybody was laughing because it was stuck to the back of my head. >> oh my gosh, just last week he set a world record for being the greatest can head of all time. he says he can make up 1,000-dollar as day to renting out his head, and i say that's using your head. >> the greatest can head of all time? there are many of them? i have to see that. coming up next, dwayne wade fighting flu the heat star playing despite shoulder injuries, but still plenty of in for the heat tonight, however, it wa the panthers dishing out the pain on home ice against the stanley cup champs. >> yououay not be able to be a can head, but you may win some money, here are some cash three, play four, and lucky money numbers good luck on this friday. >> time now uh for your mercedes-benz sports report. even though the heat had announced that he was out of tonight'same because. a shoulder injury, he fought through the pain, to play anyway. and the bad news is the reason wade played is because the heat had soany other guys out with injuries funny moment here, ballgoes out, kyle laurie of the raptors goes out to get it,watch this, lays a big old kiss hour cool is that, no laughing about this one, oh, tyler johnson. >> oh no. >> maybe the raptors can laugh about it, chris bosh did pla well in his old stomping grounds. including that bucket in t foul, dwayne wade, he played well considering the injuries. scores 22 for the heat tonight however they just did not have enough, louie buries the three, gives the raptor as 16-point lead at the half, and that man was unstoppable. 33 points to lead everything, follows this one, their fourth loss in a row and their 7th in the last eight games. it is the toughest thing too as players, one you want to been out there competing, two, when you see your broroers out there struggling you want to get out there, i told g, i might miss him right now. but don't rushourself back. the ice, the pantherer hosting

Related Keywords

Haiti , United States , Charlotte , North Carolina , Canada , Polk County , Florida , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Lebanon , Washington , District Of Columbia , Lebanese , America , Floridian , American , Janine Stanwood , Miami Dade , David Andres , Chris Bosh , Trenton Jackson , Tyler Johnson , Dwayne Wade , Deangelo Franklin , Adrian Harris , Kyle Laurie , Betty Davis ,

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Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 100AM 20160123 :

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News 100AM 20160123

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and colleagues by his side. he says he has been worried about his son's profession. >> police officers their vehicles a shot into, they are shot at, and i just don't understand and the motive a huge question, why, we can confirm that the fbi is investigating, it is just a few weeks ago tha a philadelphia cop was ambushed in his car, in that case he claimed to have carried out the attack in the name of islam, so is today's attack terror related? >> it is not my belief. >> as far as you have been told the fbi says the same? >> yes. >> mejia has been booked into jail on a slew of charges the chief hoping for a speedy recovery for h h officer and change. this is something we have to come together collectively. >> we hear the police say t ts is not terrorist related he says incident, he says he has been more concentrated on the recovery of his officer than why this man decided to snap. local 10 news. >> now a story you saw first on 10, as a hit and run driver careens out of control, and the person on the sidewalk desperately trying to get out of the way. live now in miami with new details, hatzel? >> i can tell you tonight this woman is recovering from just a ebbing broen femur, but when you look at this video, you start to wonder how she is alive. >> i hear a boom like this. >> and looking at this video, you may think the same, a warning, this is not for the faint hearted. watch as the mite ca loses control, climbs the fence, but not tags enough. the impact sends her flying. look at all the damage, left behind. >> this is about three or >> this is the camera that captures everything at this car dealerip the driveser aeledgedly 29-year-old trenton jackson, we are told he had been drinking earlier before getting in this whe chevy imball la, and striking 30-year-o de'angelo franklin, a man who identified as female. >> another guy, we went down, we saw she was in e car the security guard said he saw everything. >> the car wouldn't go nowhere. >> the driver in his car, other tis pacing the scene before he left, but later police found the same car, all mangled up outside this building, near northwest 82nd street, where they sajack son's girlfriend lives. they say ejacson runs out of the apartment naked, so he is taken into custo and is being checked out for mental health issues. >> people do crazy things these >> so we are learning that jackson has a bit of a past, some child molest station charges in polk county, and now he is tagging some hit and run charges as well. news. >> a suspect is under arrest in monday's shooting of a 14-year-old, 41-year-old adrian harris was taken into custody earlier today. he is now facing several charges including auh testimonied murder, and aggravated assault. he was shot three timed monday. he is now recovering in nicholas children's hospital, investigators say even more charges can be filed against harris. >> the east coast is getting buried by a winter wallop as a momoter snore storms slammed several states. >> blizzard conditions already causing hundreds of accidents. janine stanwood is live in thehe video port with the latest. >> we have been watching the this is that wet and heavy snow that can really weigh on power lines that has a lot of people concerned. these live p ptures from washington, d.c., where you can can see the white house is in the background, but that s sw is really coming down, the worst of it started to come dowown this evening, and this is just the beginning. >> the snow is just blowing all around. >> the monster storm is moving in, with washington, d.c. in it's crosshairs. >> it has life and death implications. >> it isn't just thehe the potential of wet heavy snow to worry about a. >> but wind gusts. >> do you hear that? >> even thunder snow, baltimore is gets wallops too. >> we have a real floridian here, is it cold enough for you? >> further south, people pushing their cars a truck jackknifed in north carolina, and a snow is snarling air traral too. american airlines is canceling through saturday, airports in d.c. and philly shutting down, and the ripple effect extends to south florida. in miami international, travelers with ethe layed and canceled flights amending their plans. >> all the fghts in p charlotte were canceled for today so we left last night we made it o. >> all right, we showed you washington, d.c., now were showing you philadelphia, whether you can see that woman, oh dear, looks like she is having problem walking around the snow really coming down, and for most people it sounds like the worst of it will come tonight, and again early tomorrow, again, this is having a ripple effect right he. ther are cancellations as well as miami international airport. in fact, the latest we have 70 canals laces 54 flight delays given, this storm is having an impact on a lot of people. of brotherly love, flank as lot. >> i just don't miss that at all, nothing like what you just saw. >> your weather authority betty davis here with more on our weather, betty. >> so much rainfall today, record rain in ft. lauderdale, a good one to two inches for miami dade, and broward counties the keys two, getting i want's fair share, now look at the dopler radar nice and quiet we are starting to dry out, although mrs. a slim chance for the overnight, we focus on the wind which is are from the west,% sustained about five to near 15 miles per hour, over the lower keys. these winds are expected to pick up, may will be sustained west northwest, as we head into tomorrow, if you have boating plans for tomorrow, you may want to scratch that, gale warning for the waters offshore, and also looking at small craft advisories too with those winds gusting up to 40 miles per hour, feoffment, over the atlantic waters so ngt great conditions. as for temperatures we are turning cooler, we will start tomorrow morning around 60, and then by sunday morning we are still forecasting the 40's, so as we dry out we turn chilly. alor more on this coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you, a developing tonight angry protests across haiti, and scenes sweeping the nation as sunday's run off is postponed for the second time this election is on hold for security reasons but the question tonight is when will this be held? local 10 news reportser the only reporter traveling to haiti, and she joins us uh live now from the capitol city of port-au-prince. >> calvin, good evening from port-au-prince. there is no one that we have spoken to tonight, who has the answer to the question you just asked. again a confused and fractures place, this weak of protests people fearing fraudulent elections manipulated ballot boxes it all culminates today, but it did not stop the unrest font. >> the crowd moving toward election council headquarters got what they wanted a halt to sunday's presidential run off, but protections turns ugly. >> rocks hurled at anything. this school gone what was to be a crowded polling place, what looked to be an unusually personal and brutal attack and unclear why, horrified watching on the internet. >> every political party prably has their own people out there, we do have some people that try toage trait and make it worse than the political >> you can hear the gunshots by the national police as an tempt to restore order. >> they stole my voter card too many times he yelled. the level of disinstruction that votes don't matter, that the government has rigged the election, the frustration taken out in aggression and action that's the reason the electoral council gave for canceling the election. it was under international pressure to hold. unclear whether the president was part of the decision, thursday he was incising all was well in the posing process, friday he dancedled a rest conference. >> and today we did not hear publicly from the candidates so there are so many questions right now, not the least of which can a fair election e ery be staged with results comingg in before this constitutional date transfer of power according to the constitution, can that even happen, and if it does with lebanese top two still be in the candidate, the government backed man, who is out campaigning and is second that was so certain that this was not fair that he would be boycotting anyway, so many questions and i hope you will stay with us, and hopefully we will have some movement for you live in port-au-prince haiti tonight, local 10 news. >> we will be watching closely, thank you. at least four people were killed and several others injured at a shooting in a schooln canada. the building with the shooting occurred houses students in grades seven through 12, that school placed on lock down, several people rushed to local hospitals, two critically injured. the shooter is under arrest and we are told his weapon was seized.. >> the video is getting attention across the country can, and now tonight more f fl out from a south florida doctor, caught on camera attacking an uber dririr. breezy. i will let you know what is ahead for the weekend, miami marathon on sunday, we have a lot to talk about tonight. >> here is a friday kind of story, question tonight, why don't these t tngs fall off? >> the conference call. the ultimate arena for business. hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks rows. the only problem with conference calls: eventually they have to end. unless you have the comcast business voice mobile app. it lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. i've never felt so alive. makeour business phone mobile with voice mobility. >> miami police say they have no planned to file charges after an uber driveser attack bade fourth year resident at jackson memorial. she is captured on camera confrontinconfronting the driver even attempting to slap him and kick him, butolice say the driver did not file a formal complaint. she has been suspended from her position as a neurololo resident and is in danger of losing her job. >> anchor: let's open up tonight's follow up file, a final report has been issued by all all boys school. ago in 2011. former students told hearable tales of beatings from guards, shots fired at those who tries to escape, and oers to dig depraves for those who died at the school. inhe final report, researchers from the university of south florida say they found 51 bodies in unmarked graves. >> the poor kids they weren't even honored in death, let alone how they were living i doesuhn't take an act of legislature to say what needs to been said, which is i am very sodry. >> seven have been identified but uh officials say poor record keeping and the fact that they weret reported makes it exemely difficult to identify the other. >> let'ses turn to betty davis, ands is going to be an interesting weekend in the weather department. >> do we turn the heat on tomorrow night? >> might need to be. >> or snuggle take your pick. make it romantic. you, wind and i and coomer weather sunday will be chilly, but it will be bright, and then monday coolish and on the dry side, the entire weekend will be fairly dry, temperatures are are in the lower 60's, key west as 70. our winds are are now from the west, so the cold front itself is pulling away from our area, we are noting that wind change and starting to dry out between broward and miami dade and also the keys there may be one or two more showers so very light in nature, that rotaten, sort of on the back side of the front% itself, some post frontal showers but it probably won't amount to anything more nothing to be too concernrd about now the balance of the moisture is up into portions of the mid atlantic, and it is making for quite the snow srm, for this radar imagery washington, d.c. sn all around, light snow, northeast wind at 22 miles an hour, so conditions there are certainly not great as the snow simply continues to pile up. and this is going to continue into tomorrow as well. meantime, back here at he, we just look forward to a forecast that turns even breezier form our winds will be brisk, we look to dry out the skies more, and then besaturday night, with he get into a northwest wind, and that will allow the chilly air to filter on down and you will notice theifferent. early saturday morning maybe you are preparing for the marathon, morning lows are still forecast to be in the 40's, are are you ready? so wednesday of this week, we got chilly, it went down to 52, hadn't been that cold since february 20th, we are now goi to take it down into the 40s's, will be five to ten degrees cooler thank what we saw o wednesday, tomorrow will be on the coolish side, so if you are headed out to the soccer game with the kids you probably will need a layer with the temperatures at 59, and then during the day the highs climbing and we mentioned the fact that it is going to be windy especially the first part of the day, and then sunday, 40's to startthe highs will struggle, monday morning still on the cool can side with lower 50's early, and then mid 70's in the afternoon by the middle of next week we are are back in the rain, what a pattern been your weather authority always watching and t tracking, your weather authority, julia crore yeah, she will be here with everything you need to know. >> deal, jennifer will be here. >> that's a nice mick. julie. >> and a lot of js around here. >> anchor: a valley making a soggy mistake. conned doe complex and slashing right into the indoor pool, we will tell you how this happened. >> across america, with megajackpots it megamillions. >> what's up, friday january 22nd and tonight's megamillions jackpot is an estimated $39 million. to win that jackpot, you must match these plus the gold megaball, now let's see if i can make your a millionaire. our first number is 56. that's followed by 25. up next, we have 46, your next number is 21, and your final white ball for this friday evening is 40. now for the megaball, 3. again, 56, 25, 46, 21, 40, and tuesday's jackpot can be a man in massachusets e es up in a pool after a valet says oops just lost control, the valet told authorities a rug went under a pedal he lost control of the van, it then zoomed forward smashed through a wall before splashing into the pool. the valet was hospitalized with minor injuries no charges have been filed though since police believe it was an accident. he is able to put any flat object on to his head and make it stick. he is nicknamed can head, and it is clear why, he has left experts and baffled heaton leard f of the trick 23 years ago when he first shaved his head bald. trying to cooly head down, and they hit a home run i went up to grab it, misd it and then i was like where is my drink, everybody was laughing because it was stuck to the back of my head. >> oh my gosh, just last week he set a world record for being the greatest can head of all time. he says he can make up 1,000-dollar as day to renting out his head, and i say that's using your head. >> the greatest can head of all time? there are many of them? i have to see that. coming up next, dwayne wade fighting flu the heat star playing despite shoulder injuries, but still plenty of in for the heat tonight, however, it wa the panthers dishing out the pain on home ice against the stanley cup champs. >> yououay not be able to be a can head, but you may win some money, here are some cash three, play four, and lucky money numbers good luck on this friday. >> time now uh for your mercedes-benz sports report. even though the heat had announced that he was out of tonight'same because. a shoulder injury, he fought through the pain, to play anyway. and the bad news is the reason wade played is because the heat had soany other guys out with injuries funny moment here, ballgoes out, kyle laurie of the raptors goes out to get it,watch this, lays a big old kiss hour cool is that, no laughing about this one, oh, tyler johnson. >> oh no. >> maybe the raptors can laugh about it, chris bosh did pla well in his old stomping grounds. including that bucket in t foul, dwayne wade, he played well considering the injuries. scores 22 for the heat tonight however they just did not have enough, louie buries the three, gives the raptor as 16-point lead at the half, and that man was unstoppable. 33 points to lead everything, follows this one, their fourth loss in a row and their 7th in the last eight games. it is the toughest thing too as players, one you want to been out there competing, two, when you see your broroers out there struggling you want to get out there, i told g, i might miss him right now. but don't rushourself back. the ice, the pantherer hosting

Related Keywords

Haiti , United States , Charlotte , North Carolina , Canada , Polk County , Florida , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Lebanon , Washington , District Of Columbia , Lebanese , America , Floridian , American , Janine Stanwood , Miami Dade , David Andres , Chris Bosh , Trenton Jackson , Tyler Johnson , Dwayne Wade , Deangelo Franklin , Adrian Harris , Kyle Laurie , Betty Davis ,

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