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And tonight there are new details about the suspect, including this video just released, it shows Ismaaiyl Brinsley at a brooklyn mall before the officers were shot. Police say the gun might have been inn identify that bag, you saw right there. Also tonight new york city mayor bill deblasio says he is willing to meet with any angry police union lead hours blame him, for an increased hostility towards law enforcement. He urged protesters to stop protesting until the officers are buried. In the meantime one of the widows of the tragedy spoke about losing her husband. This is a difficult time for both our families. We have is to stand together and get through this together. Now police say ambush happened so quickly that the officers never even saw the attack coming, and departments across the country are recommending now that officers wear bulletproof vests, at all times, and for more on is what being done, here at home tonight we will go to action News Reporter kenneth moan even live at headquarters in philadelphia, kenneth. Reporter brian, vigilance has been the word coming out of this Police Headquarters and others across this country. Leaders here of told officers, major responses only and a allowing your training. Ask an officer and he or she will tell you is there never a routine shift. Now Police Offices cross our area and the nation are being reminded, to stay alert. Were always careful but there is that sense in the air you have to take that extra step to be a little bit more. Dont take anything for granted. Reporter in Philadelphia Police Department Says threats are not uncommon but there have been none since the weekend cop killings in new york but it is a different story in trenton where police are investigating a credible threat against their officers. We have received intelligence that indicated that there may be some potential, problems out in the western sector for us. Reporter Police Director wouldnt not go in details but says they are trying to identify the person who made that threat. The department has reissued an order for all patrols to wear body arm or, assess situations, and dont be afraid to call for backup. The just last month, a man suddenly opened fire on two trenton cops on wilson street, the suspect, killed, the officers, not seriously injured. Meanwhile the demonstration as begins questionable police tactics, continue. Highlighting the the need to calm down on the gathering. Trenton police have been meeting with Community Members and clergy. Philadelphia Police Commissioner charles ramsey, who is head of the president obamas Community Policing task force, said that is one of the many steps that need to be taken. Whether it is protesters or police, whether it is government officials, every have one needs to take a deep breath, calm down. We need thoughtful discussion. Reporter we are hearing that changes for other Police Departments in the commonwealth, in pittsburgh, officers are doubling up, and no solo patrols after fbi a alerted about potential threats, brian. Reporting live at the philadelphia Police Headquarters tonight, Kenneth Moton for action news at ten on phl17. Meanwhile a white officer in milwaukee is now at least a third this month to avoid charges following the killing of a black man. And tonight the family of the victim who was mentally ill, is calling for a federal investigation. Today prosecutors announce that had officer Christopher Manny will not be charged for the shooting death of dontray hamilton calling it a act of selfdefense. Manny was fired after after that shooting. Hamiltons brother say he was killed quote with hate. New tonight a Pennsylvania State trooper, who was ambushed outside of his barracks in the poconos, is home for the holidays. The heres a picture of trooper Alex Douglass on crutches and his brother, douglass posted it on facebook over the weekend and thanked everyone for their love, well wishes and support. Douglass left the Rehabilitation Center in new york to spend christmas with his family but we are told he still has a long road ahead of him. The eric frein is accused of shooting douglass in the pull vision and killing Corporal Brian Dickson in september. It wont be a White Christmas but it will be a wet one, which could bear some travel troubles the first round of rain has moved in, but there is much more to come. For more lets get to meteorologist Melissa Magee at the big board. Hi there, shirleen. We are track ago this moisture overhead. We will show you Storm Tracker six live double scan radar just light rain showers across much of the delaware and Lehigh Valleys. Rain moving up across areas in berks and lehigh counties and even some moisture across areas in south jersey and delaware. As lou at the visibility the big issue will be north and west of that i95 corridor. We are down to 5 miles in philadelphia, two a and a half miles for allentown and reading. Visibility reduced for areas in the poconos where we have freezing rain advisory up until about 4 00 in the morning as we get into tuesday. The heres the big picture, Storm Tracker six live, double tracker radar showing that first batch of moisture overhead right now but that second wave of Energy Tracking out of the four corner is just down to the south and it collects that moisture from the gulf of mexico and works its way in our region as early as wednesday. So, were talking about the two round of precipitation on the way tonight and into tuesday. The light rain and drizzle, anywhere from a tenth to a quarter inch of rainfall but Christmas Eve rain, some have of which will be heavy at times, anywhere from a half inch to an inch of rainfall. We will look close earth this. It will not only be wet but mild. Ill have details with the accu weather forecast, shirleen. Thanks, melissa. A vigil is held for a souderton family deeply impacted by last weeks murder spree in montgomery county. A crowd gathered at Souderton Area High School this evening, to remember nina flick, her parents, and three other family members killed by bradley stone. He used to be married to ninas aunt. The ninas Brother Anthony survived the attack and remains hospitalized. A fun has been set up to help anthony flick, nearly 27,000 has been raised. Philadelphia police are searching for gunman who shot a threeyear old boy and a man in the grays ferry neighborhood, it happened this morning on the 1300 block of new kirk street. Police believe that the gunman argued with the neighbor of the intended target and shot him and then fired one shot, into another home, which hit that toddler. The the boy is in stable condition. The man drove himself to the hospital. A woman claiming to be the mans motherinlaw says no one on the block called 911. They were scared. Because of repercussions from the shooter. I guess, or it is the complacency of hearing gunshots. I dont know. If that was my mom man who have been the intended target arrived at the scene but declined to answer any questions. Authorities continue to investigate a fatal fire in claymont, delaware over the weekend but in the meantime the tragedy has brought that community together. This is just a small portion of the donated items that residents in the harbor house apartment complex have given over the last 24 hours. Twentytwo families lost their homes yesterday morning when this huge fire swept through that complex killing one resident. Fire did not just ruin the familys possessions but also destroyed all of their Christmas Gifts. All of a sudden everyone started calling. All of the tenants reached out and said, you know, these people we dont know a lot of the people that lost their homes but this is our community. Harbor house is where we live and we want to help them. The six children whose families lost everything now have af Christmas Gifts already, and now the community is, raising money for the adults there. There is still no word just yet on what cause that had fire. Meanwhile fire investigators in delaware are working to determine the cause of this fire in hockessin. Eleven pride egyptian arab horses died in this barn fire last night. Fire fighters were called to the yorkland horse farm on gun clove road right around 8 30. One horse did survive. A car slammed into a delaware home and four people were injured. The action cam was there, as the injured where we see them receiving treatment on the 600 block of south hall street this afternoon. Three of the injured were in the car, and one person is inside the home was hurt. The it is not clear what caused the driver to lose control. A little girl is making Holidays Brighter for less fortunate. She was so heart broken after seeing People Living on the street that she decided to do something bit. Dann cuellar has her story. Would you like some. Yes. Reporter meet mia montgomery, this is how she was celebrating her seventh birthday. Breath . Yes. Merry christmas. Reporter helping feed over 300 homeless men and women at Life Assembly ministries for choice in camden. Her desire to do this came three months ago on a trip to new york and she saw Homeless People sleeping on the sidewalk, something that she had never seen before. When i went to new york, i saw homeless on the floor. It broke my heart. I wanted to use it. It really upset her to know that were walking and were about to go to a beautiful fortyninth floor apartment and it didnt sit well with her. Reporter he asked instead of celebrating her birthday december 19th could she give up her presents and use money to feed home less instead. She wanted to feed the less fortunate. She wanted to give back. She didnt need a party. Reporter to make a long story short, mrs. Montgomery told family and friend that in lieu of gifts, mia wanted money to feed homeless. They did feed a lot of families tonight in camden as she was quick to observe. A lot of people came in here tonight eating and moms, dads, babies, other people, they got really happy. Reporter mia didnt ask for anything from her birthday but church did give her a birth the day cake with the script tour a little child shall lead them and a song. Happy birthday to you reporter in closing mia had one message for the rest of us. Merry christmas and help everybody in need. We really appreciate that everybody that cares to help mia with her birthday blessing. The it is an amazing thing shes doing. Shes letting everybody know that christmas is still alive. Reporter in camden, new jersey, dann cuellar for action news at ten on phl17. Good job there. And youve got the the to hear what an delta employee is accused of smuggling on to a plane. Plus a the 10 30 a young boy in bristol is rush to the hospital after being hit by a car. Next north korea find itself victim of a signs tack tonight, latest on the sony hacking scandal right after its own signs tack today there, were sweeping internet outrages, north korea claims Obama Administration is behind the a making of the movie the interview. The comedy depicts the assassinations of north korean leader. Sony produced the movie and u. S. Officials say north korea has been behind the hacking of the sony. Movie studio canceled the films release. I dont think it was an act of rule but it was an act of cyber vaned list that many was very costly and very expensive. White house declined to say whether u. S. Government was responsible for the internet outages. Sony says it is still planning to release the the interview, possibly on line. Delta Airlines Workers is facing federal charges for allegedly helping smuggle guns, on to a flight. Prosecutors say that 18 guns in all were carried from at the plant a to jfk on december 10th. Delta baggage handler is accused of getting those firearms past security and bringing them to a former employee who got on the plane. The guns are thought to have been put in carry on bags, delta says that it is cooperating with the investigation. Legendary british rocker joe cocker lost his battle with lung cancer today. Cock Eras International success began in 1964, and continued even to this day. Some of his best known hits are you are so beautiful, and, of course, wonder years them with a little help from my friend. He had 40 albums and toured extensively all around the globe. Joe cocker was 70 years old. Federal government will help flip the bill for last months massive snowstorm that brought buffalo new york to a stand still. President barack obama has declared a major disaster allowing federal a aid to be sent. Andrew cuomo says the storm damage totals more than 46 million, almost 400 buildings suffered roof damage from the pile up of heavy snow. No snow around here but plenty of rain in the run up to christmas day. Meal role goodies melissa man guy is tracking it for us. Hello there we are tracking first round of precipitation moving in now. Storm tracker six live double scan radar showing you light rain scatters scattered throughout delaware and Lehigh Valleys. We will go north and west of town. Bucks county close to doylestown we had light precipitation a long route one we have seen, we are seeing light rain as well from trenton all the way over into willow grove, jenkintown a and florence and i295. We will show you another pocket to the south and west. Pottstown, long 422 we are tracking some light precipitation. Same thing for coatsville down into wilmington and pressing in salem. They are there in south jersey. Precipitation will be around for rest of tonight and first half of the day tomorrow. Temperatures otherwise are above the freezing mark. Fortytwo in philadelphia 37 for allentown, Lehigh Valley and reading. Fortytwo in dover. Wilmington 32. 43 degrees in the poconos where we have received word they have canceled that freezing rain advisory. Heres Satellite Six with action radar. See first round of moisture moving through right now that comes from the south to northerly direction but in wet weather on the way as we get in the rest of this week, west of the local holiday week. Future tracker six showing 7 00 in the morning. The lots of showers around. Otherwise mostly cloudy. As we get into noon time we have wet weather overhead. The it is a prolong period of unsettled weather we are tracking but it is coming in waves. It is coming in batches. Second watch in moves into Christmas Eve. Call from accu weather for morning rush, showers around, drizzle too. 6 00a in m42. We will hold in the lower 40s at 7 00 a. M. Bump up to 43 at 8 00 tuesday morning. Heres the call from accu weather tomorrow morning as we get in the afternoon hours as well. Morning showers and drizzle. We will max out at 52. We are bottoming out in the 30s tonight. Temperatures will be rising in advance of the moisture were tracking. Fiftytwo in the city. Fortysix in allentown for the high. 54 degrees in dover. It will get milder a as we get into Christmas Eve but with that comes threat of more wet weather and travel slow downs as well. Tea tails coming up with the accu weather forecast, guys. Thanks very much. Now to the first look at sports tonight, as eagles nation is in mourning. Yeah, Ducis Rodgers is live in the action news sports center. Ducis, this is a tough weekend. It certainly was f reality hasnt set in forbidder it will in a couple weeks when playoffs begins. They will be sitting the at home after a stunning collapse in december. As jamie apody shows us coach kelly was not in the best of moods when he met with the media today. I just told you before i havent done anything game plan wise. Reporter chip kelly was a bit chip i a a at his monday press conference. Disheartened, displeased, disgusted with the way this once promising season has turn. My thoughts are it is get run muching. Whether we lose in the playoff game or lost in this fashion they are both get wrenching situations. We are disappointed, frustrated. But we still to have play one more Football Game. We will not just say hey, insuring lets in the war about it. Kelly is faced with the task of having to get his team ready to play a meaningless game and he was not too pleased maybe he should rest his starters and start thinking about next year. We will go win a Football Game and that is what this whole organization is all about. It is in the about trying to see what the future is. It is about we have got a game. I would not be fair in any of my beliefs and i will not be fair to any Football Player if i said somalia guy i know youre a better play but we will play a younger player. If you do that, go do somewhere else. We put the ball on the ground we will play football. In the two years i have been here we will play football. That is the message from the own tore me. That is what we will do. If the it wasnt like that i wouldnt be here. Reporter with that mine set heres what the message will be when he faces team tomorrow morning trying to get a up for a game. We have one more game to play and we will go play it. It business preparing and going to play new york. We have one more shot at this. With the eagles jamie apody for action news at ten on phl17. Ahead neck half an hour temple pulls off a shocker against a top ten team, more news with brian and shirleen af in tonights health check f. D. A. Has approved a new drug to treat medical nome a it is made by Bristol Myers squibb, it is for patient was hard to treat skin cans their cannot be removed with surgery or spread throughout the body. 76,000 people are diagnosed with melanoma, each year. And if you are planning to read before bed tonight you might want to reach for a real book, not that e reader. Hard regard researchers say e readers san affect your sleep cycle. It studied 12 volunteers over two weeks. Users had trouble getting to sleep, they wereotired in the morning and had lower levels of the harmone medical known inn which helping regulate sleep and wake cycles. Researchers think the shortwave lengths blue light from these devices may to be blame. Several organizations, teamed up to deliver christmas to a deserving little will girl in montgomery county. Eight yearold brook watched in wonder as present after present came into her harleysville home today. Little girl is battling couple Lymphoblastic Leukemia to make the the holiday brighter, snyder, lance, acme and bringing hope home, worked to fill that space, beneath her Christmas Tree to daze. We have much more to come in the next half an hour tonight at 10 45 we will take you to one town that is absolutely, busting at the seems, this time of the year, as we count down to christmas. We are making the trek to bethlehem. And after the break, the battle heat up between 21 yearold new Jersey College student hoist taking her parents to court, because they refused to pay for her tuition. Announcer action news at 10 00 30 with phl1action newst continues. The police in trenton or investigating a threat in the wake of the cop killings in new york city. The department reissued the order for all patrols to wear body armor on the job. Two officers were gunned down in brooklyn by a man that was seeking revenge. A search continues for a gunman. One man was shot on newkirk street. It went through the house hitting the boy. He is in stable condition. Donating items are pouring in. 22 families were burned out of their homes by fastmoving fire yesterday. One man died in the blaze. The cause is still under investigation tonight. Right now at 10 30 we are tracking rain. Part one of the storm arrives tonight with fanfare. This was the scene at avenue in collingswood tonight. You see the wet roads there. And a lot more of these. Melissa magee has more on the rain that just will not let go this week melissa . That is right. We are tracking two batches of the moisture coming in. The first is overhead tonight. A second wave moves in. As you alluded to it will be difficult if you are traveling the day before christmas. We are showing the air of low pressure. There a coastal low off the coast of carolinas. Its a weak one. We have light rainshowers over the course of our region. Light rainshowers are moving in the areas of south jersey. If you are in Medford Lakes and salem, along route 49 counse 49o millville, with very a light precipitation. It sticking around and as you get into the day on tuesday morning. Temperatures for the most part above the freezing mark. 1 degrees above the freezing mark in the poconos. 43. 46 in beach haven. If you are north and west of t i95 corridor. Lehigh valley down to 2. 5 miles in. And the rest of the first round, is what we are calling it. It moves in tuesday morning. 8 00 in the morning we have light showers around. We are going to break as we get into 5 30 in the evening. More moisture off to the west off to the rockies. It works into our region as early as wednesday. We are showing you at 8 00 on wednesday on Christmas Evee we havChristmas Eve wehave pocketsf give yourself extra time. You will need the wet weather gear as we go through the day. As we are calling for heavy amounts of rainfall there may be ponding on the roadways. By christmas day, at 7 00 light precipitation. Dont be surprised if you wake up early in the morning, you may find a few sprinkles outside of your window. Things clear out thursday afternoon and evening. The start of rainfall what we are tracking half an inch of rainfall in lakehurst to more than an inch depending where you are. The Christmas Eve rainstorm is on the way. High temperature, up to 55. Keep in mind we can have gusts up to 40 milesanhour. High up to 52. Rainy and breezy on wednesday. 63. The record is 64 setback in 1990. On thursday, 55. It dries out. The gusts continue. On friday lots of sunshine. Up to 50. Not bad on saturday. 54. It cools down for the the weekend. Thank you, melissa. A 10yearold boy is hospitalized with serious injuries after he was hit by a truck in bristol. The chopper~6 hd flew over the area. The 53yearold driver did stop. The police are still investigating. They are asking anyone that may have witnessed the crash to call them. Chopper 6 flew over the scene. The flames broke out at 700 block crescent boulevard in brooklawn. No word on a cause. They are looking for one person wanting for assault and abduction in fernrock. Four people forced their way into the victims garage. He was beaten before left on the 700 block of chew avenue a short time later. The victim was rushed to einstein hospital in stable condition. The abduction may be drugrelated. There is a push for Shane Montgomery after a discovery in schuylkill river. They found his keys yesterday morning in the river. That is one of the first clues of his whereabouts since vanished in manayunk. The former headmaster is heading to prison. Christopher wheeler is charged with 25 counts was child pornography. He was a headmaster in wilmington. He waved a jury trial and today a judge found him guilty. He could face up to 50 years in prison when he is sentenced in march. A woman that was operating a daycare about a license is charged. Tanya robinson left a 5 and 1yearold in a car in newark. The vehicle was repossessed. The tow truck driver did not notice the little ones until he got to the tow yard. He called 911 and the girls were returned to their parents. Roginson irobinson is charged wh endangerment. She was unlicensed. Nine d. U. I. S were taken off the streets tonight. They announced the results of a task force raid. They compiled a list of one thousand residents that failed to show up for trials or sentencing. More raids are being scheduled. The saga continues into the battle of a student and her parents. Caitlyn ricci was back in court asking her mom and dad in contempt of court because they refuse to pay for her outofstate college tuition. Wendy was back in the courtroom today. Are you willing to put your parents in jail over this . Richi wa the grandmother was trying to shield her granddaughter. Why should they pay for her education. Reporter they forced her to pay up. 15,000 for temple and asked for a 100dollar a day fine until they pay. My client never said she does not want her daughter educated. But there are certain parameters and financial restrictions. They need to be followed. The judge denied the contempt motion. He is not going to force anyone. A big blow to her case. Its a difficult time for her. You know, three court orders telling the parents to pay to college and three court orders turning into three pieces of paper. The wheels of justice are about to turn. Without her parents compelled to pay for her tuition she risks to be thrown out of school. Money appearing out of no where. Caitlyn may have to leave school in september. It will overturn the case law that requires the divorced parents to help to contribute to their childrens college education. That bill will hopefully be passed in the next three or four months before this before a court again. And the move is not expected to include any job cuts. Duponts Chemical Company is spinning off to its old business and moving from rodney still ahead we will take you to bethlehem. Where the holiday spirit is in the air. An auto maker is recal their airbags that could bmw is expanding the airbag recall to the entire united states. 140,000 series made between 2004 and request of are affected. The Highway Traffic Safety Administration is pushing companies to recall older cars with airbag inflators made by the takata organization. 15 million cars were recalled. Bmw were the last to agree to a nationwide recall. Muhammed alis condition is improving. The family appreciates all the prayers and well wishes. A first new for nasa. This is the Space Commander bump willmore. The wrench was designed on earth and then printed with a 3d printer in space. U. P. S. Is experiencing its busiest day of the year. How they got ready for it. Plus, well take you to bethlehem that is bustling this time of year if you are counting three days until christmas. Get the top News Headlines weather and traffic at 4 30 a. M. Only on trees with streets, decked out storefronts, last minute shoppers are strolling. You get to enjoy the latenight shopping. It midnight monday shopping event. And stores will stay open until midnight tonight for anyone trying to squeeze in a few gifts. Do you think you had a busy day. U. P. S. Drivers delivered 34 million packages. Its the busiest day of the year for the shipping company. Normally u. P. S. Delivers 17 million packages a day. They spent 500 million to prepare for the holidays and hired 95,000 Seasonal Workers to keep up with the demands. Christmas is a busy time of year for the postal service. You understand that the unique challenge pennsylvania. Christmas cards as far as china are sent to the post master. The sender wants the postage canceled with two of the christmas stamps. One has a star of bethlehem and other an image of the three wisemen. They are hand stamped. Dan mazio says its on top of the outgoing packages. We deliver 3,000 packages to the bethlehem. I am proud of the job that the guys and gals are doing. Every year at this time the owners of the book shop that opened in 1745 transformed the building into a christmas wonderland. There are several shop employees whose job it to get the place ready for the christmas season. We have 11 buyers. They travel all over the world to find something unique. Something that you wont find online or anywhere else. You have historic museums by bus tours or horsedrawn carriage. We are democrated for the holidays. For christmasrelated activities in bethlehem. A link can be found on our website 6abc. Com. Reporting from the game did not go well. They lost by 20 points. A game against number 10 an kansas. And fran dunphy and the owls take the subway. And a fight for a loose ball. Owls up by 10 in the break. Second half. Jesse morgan. Three owls and double figures. We scored 17 points. Lead up to 20. A bit later will cummings. 19 points for him. The routh is on. Storm the court. Why not . Its our night. I loved to tell you that, you yu know, our offense wa and the commodores shoot better 57 of the a snap 7950 defeat. Irony for karma. We spoke fun on tony roma. Its the the eagles that lost three straight games in december. Roma and company plays in january. His team will give it their all against the giants on sunday. Its gutwrenching. That is what i am explaining. Whether we are lost in this fashion they are gutwrenching. We have to play one more Football Game. Hey, new york lets not worry about it. They are not like that. They won the last three straight. When they are ready to play, well be ready to play on sunday. Sunday contest. Chip bristle at that notion. We are going to win a Football Game. Its not about trying to see what the future is. We have a game. I would not be fair in any of my beliefs and not fair to any Football Player if i said to one guy, i know i am a better player. That is not what we are about. If you want to do it, go somewhere else. We are going to play football. That is what we are going to do. The organization has done that before . I was not there before. The two years that i have been here, we are going to play football. That is the message from the owner to me. That is what we are going to do. If it wasnt like that, i wouldnt be here. The coach is fired up. Memphis at the miami beach bowl. And no one will remember that. The tigers are celebrating. And a fight breaks out. And a defensive back punches. He was restrained. That is ugly to see. Yikes. We will see disciplinary action. You couldnt help but get into the holiday spirit at the cafe in haddon township. Owner and head chef angela santa and a live band made this holiday event a hit. [ ] and welcome back. As we take a rook at your day plan shall. 42 degrees. 46 at 10 a. M. We bounce up to the lower 50s in the afternoon hours. We are tracking the on and off drizzle for most of the day, guys. Thank you for joining us for action news at 10 00. And action news is next followed by friends. I am brian taff, have a followed by friends. I am brian taff, have a great night tonight and good day did you get chips for the party . Nope. ding cheese plate . Cheese plate. No, i made something better. You used the oven . Boom. Pillsbury crescents. Make the holidays pop. Some people think vegetables are boring. But with green giants delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. Ho ho ho green giant oh, my goodness, those hands are cold luke laughs mmhmm. At least buy me dinner first. laughs boom. goofy voice tell my wife and kids i love them. Oh, my god. Ooh, thats kind of dark, mom. Hmm. cell phone vibrates quick whats my favorite hospital food . Um. Jello . laughs hi, buddy. No, todays still good. Good for what . Whos buddy . Yeah, just head on over to the house. Whose house . Whos buddy . Okay. See you in a couple. cell phone beeps couple of what . Whos buddy . Kenneth. Kenneth . Kenneth if i had a son, id want him to be like kenneth ploufe. You do have a son. When we first moved in here, he was the sweet kid who lived next door. Mm, the weird kid who lived next door, but phil always had a soft spot for him because kenneth sort of looked up to him. I wouldnt say hero. And yet you did

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