Transcripts For WOLO Good Morning Columbia 20160210 : compar

Transcripts For WOLO Good Morning Columbia 20160210

kennedy. 33 we want to give you a update as you head out and morning. here are some trouble spots that you might encounter. 33 a-b-c columbia wants to help start your we have a quick rundown of your top morning headlines. presidential hopefuls donald trump and bernie sanders sweep new hampshire. they're the projected winners in the granite state after the nation's first-in-the-south primary. for the percent ofofthe vote. and in a surprise finish... a-b-c news predicts john kasich will finish in second place... with 16-percent of the vote. battling for the establishment vote... ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubio. the race for third place is still too close to call. the latest results show cruz in the lead with 12-percent... while bush and rubio each take 11-percent. on the other side of the political spectrum... bernie sanders is taking his first victory in the 20-16 presidential election. sanders edged out democratic rival hillary clinton.... sanders with 60-percent of f the vote.. to clinton's 39-percent. the democratic presidential hopefuls will go head-to-head in a debate tomorrow night. the big winners thanked supporters in victory fight beyond new hampshire. 33 as you heard, the presidential hopefuls now have their sights set on south carolina. marco rubio will be right here in the capital city today. he'll be holding a rally at the columbia metropolitan convention center at three. donald trump is hoping to keep his momentum going... he's holding a campaign rally today at clemson university. many of the g-o-p presidential hopefuls will be reaching out to voters along the coast. ted cruz will be in myrtle beach, john kasich will be in mount pleasant and pawley's island. and jeb bush has stops planned in mount pleasant, murrells inlet and hilton head. chris christie was set to take part in attorney general alan but that event has been nceled. after last night's sixth place finish... christie says he will cancel all planned events here in south carolina... to quote: 'take a breath.' hillary clinton will return to south carolina on friday... though we are waiting on the details of that visit. in the meantime... she has some hollywood stars stumping for her here in south carolina. angela bassett and vivica fox have been here in the midlands... leading the "get out the vote" efforts for the democratic front-runner. it's a part of the campaign's canvass of historically black colleges and universities across south carolina. vivica fox will continue her efforts for clinton today... at benedict college. that event is set to start at 10:15 this morning. some south carolinians are looking to show their faith at the ballot box. its estimated more than seven thousand people took part in a prayer rally yesterday on the state house franklin graham is touring capital cities across america... urging politicians at all levels to root their message.... in biblical principals. graham will deliver a similar message... today in atlanta. another concern for south carolina voters... immigration reform. south carolina g-o-p elected officials will be discussing its role in the republican presidential campaign today. the forum will take place at the russell house theater... tonight at six. prepping for the first-in-the south primary... is no small task. officials with the south carolina state election commission have been hard at work for months, deciding on primary dates, choosing 23- hundred polling locations, creating a voting database... and installing that database in each voting machine. poll managers to work until the polls close. just a reminder... the republican primary election will be held on february 20th. the democratic primary will take the week after... february 27th. for more information on the primary... be sure to visit our website... a-b-c columbia dot com. still to come... out coverage of vote 2016 will continue... we're also going to take a look at some of the other stories making headlines this morning. including what officials say may have caused two trains to collide in germany.a bitterly cold start for your wednesday forecast. expect a cold and blustery afternoon.details here's a 33 quick look at stories that are making headlines across the globe. investigators in germany are trying to find out how multiple safety measures commuter trains to collide. at least 10-people were killed. 88-others were injured. and one person remains missing in the wreckage. investigators say the two trains were on a curve... and it appears that neither had time to brake before they hit-t-ad on. they add the stretch was fitted with safety systems designed to automatically stop trains to prevent such accidents... but it is unclear at this point why it didn't function. the city of ferguson missouri appears to be headed towards a legal battle with the federal government. the justice department said it's taking legal action against the city. that's after city officials voted to amend an agreement with the department... to reform ferguson police and municipal courts. that agreement was reached last month, after the d-o-j found ferguson police were discriminating against black citizens. and president obama is unveiling his eighth and final budget. the four-point-one trillion dollar spending plan finances democratic priorities... like climate change... with new taxes on crude oil, the wealthy and big banks. however, the republican- controlled congress can advance parts of the budget without approving obama's entire proposal. the place where things are heating up. eric, what can you u ll us about what's shaping up to be a big week for gamecock basketball? the gamecock men hope to fare a little better than the u-s-c women in carolina's biggest week of basketball yet. tim hill has the details in this it. still to 33 come.... forget flowers and chocolate. we're talking about a different kind of valentine's day surprise... all for a deal you're bound to love.a bitterly cold start for your wednesday forecast.expect the cold and blustery conditions to continue this afternoon.details welcome x cat. the shelter says she loves for her hair to be brushed and is looking for a loving home. to meet elisa or other pets up for adoption... you can head to off of humane lane. and no better time than now to add a pet to your home because you're in for a deal... the columbia and lexington animal service are holding a "fur-ever yours" pet adoption special. pet adoption fees are only 14- dollars . but you better hurry... this is a short offer running until next monday. 33 we're checking out what will be making headlines later today. here's eric with your "look ahead." one local university is celebrating a milestone. university paid tribute to it's 146th annual founders day yesterday. a commemorative stamp was unveiled in honor of the schools founder, richard allen. school leaders say there's a bright future ahead and they hope the school gains national stamp. the u-s 33 postal service had a group of people on hand, to unveil the postal stamp. still to 33 come... south carolina's road agency is turning to the state legislature... what they're saying needs to be done before there are any from main and gervais. 33 a legislative panel is ordering former south carolina house speaker... bobby harrel... to pay more than in the next six months. in an unanimous vote at the state house last night... the house ethics committee also fined harrell one- thousand dollars and publicly reprimanded the once powerful politician. back in 2014... harrell was sentenced to three years probation after pleading guilty to six counts of misusing his campaign account for personal benefit. also out of the state house... the leader of south carolina's road agency is warning the state to start putting money into repairing roads soon. otherwise... they say it will end up costing much more to rebuild them. the state finance committee responded in panel last night... saying they want as much information as possible before discussion begins on the senate floor about getting more money to the state's highways. and south carolina is once again suing the federal government over an unfinished project to convert nuclear weapons components into reactor fuel. the lawsuit was filed last night saying... the administration has acted un-constitutionally mixed-oxide facility by a january first deadline. according to state attorney general alan wilson, "the department of energy has continually shown disregard for its obligations under federal law to the nation, the state of south carolina and frankly the rule of law." still to come... the new hampshire primary votes are in... find out who's coming out on top in the race to the white house.a bitterly cold start for your wednesday forecast.expect the cold and blustery conditions to continueuehis afternoon. and gervais. good yeah... these cold temperatures will wake you up for sure... for more on what you can expect for the remainder of the day... lets turn things over to traffic update as you head out and about this morning. here are some trouble spots that you might encounter. south carolina highway patrol is reporting a collision with no injury on i-26. this is going to be at mile marker 110 in the westbound lanes. we will continue to update you if anything else changes for your morning commute. a-b-c columbia w wts to help you jump start your day. we have a quick rundown of your top morning headlines. so, let's get started. presidential hopefuls donald trump and bernie sanders sweep new hampshire. they're are the projected winners in the granite state after the nation's first-in-the-south primary. for the republicans... trump took 35- percent of the vote. and in news predicts john kasich will finish in second place... with 16-percent of the vote. on the other side of the political spectrum... bernie sanders is taking his first victory in the 20-16 presidential election. sanders edged out democratic rival hillary clinton.... sanders withth60-percent of the vote.. to clinton's 39-percent. the democratic presidential hopefuls will go head-to-head in a debate tomorrow night. with the new hampshire in the rear view mirror... the presidential hopefuls now have their sights set on south carolina. marco rubio will be right here in the capital city today. he'll be holding a rally at the columbia metropolitan convention center at three. donald trump is hoping to keep his momentum going... he's holding a campaign rally today at clemson university. many of the g-o-p presidential hopefuls will be reaching out to voters along the coast. ted cruz will be in myrtle beach, john kasich will be in mount pleasant and pawley's island. and jeb bush has stops planned in mount hilton head. chris christie was set to take part in attorney general alan wilson's presidential forum... but that event has been canceled. after last night's sixth place finish... christie says he will cancel all planned events here in south carolina... to quote: 'take a breath.' hillary clinton will return to south carolina on friday... though we are waiting on the details of that visit. in the meantime... she has some hollywood stars stumpingngor her here in south carolina. angela bassett and vivica fox have been here in the midlands... leading the "get out the vote" efforts for the democratic front-runner. it's a part of the campaign's canvass of historically black colleges and universities across south carolina. vivica fox will continue her efforts for clinton today... at benedict college. that event is set to starts at 10:15 this morning. prepping for the first-in-the south primary... is no small task. officials with the south carolina state election commission have been hard at primary dates, choosing 23- hundred polling locations, creating a voting database... and installing that database in each voting machine. counties 33 must also select and train poll managers to work until the polls close. just a reminder... the republican primary election will be held on february 20th. the democratic primary will take the week after... february 27th. for more information on the primary... be sure to visit our website... a-b-c columbia dot com. the widow of senator clementa pinckney... the pastor killed along with eight other church members at emanuel a-m-e... says shielding her young daughters will be a priority during suspected charleston church shooter... dylann roof's upcoming trial. jennifer pinckney says she expected the trial will "open up wounds again." extensive public comments about how her family has coped in the wake of the charleston church shooting... during a forum at duke university on faith and race. back here at home... columbia police are assuring the public that the investigation into a teen's death... is still ongoing. back in july... 14-year-old najeer buggs was walking along the 41-hundred strand on grand street... when he was shot and killed. investigators say they are actively following new developments based on forensic evidence that was processed by sled analysts. investigators e also working to determine if there were additional witnesses to the shooting. this is a surveillance picture taken from the scene of the crime. officials say the vehicle was used in connection with the deadly shooting. if you have any information that could help in the case, you're asked one-triple-eight-crime-s-c. 33 still to come... columbia is anything but "famously hot" this morning. we're taking a closer look at those cold temperatures... and a frosty tease... from mother nature.a bitterly cold start for your wednesday forecast. expect the cold and blustery conditions to continue this from main and gervais. hey, there. good morning topping "america's money" -- plinging at the pump. is this drivers in some western states could see prices dip below $1 a gallon. if you've had enough of squeezing into your seat on a plane, a member of congress feels your pain. >> tomorrow, legislation will be introduced to force the faa to agree to a minimum seat size. shrinking seats are a matter of health and safety, not to mention comfort. >> a good point. our parent company has announced that "frozen" is heading to broadway. no word yet on who will be cast in the lead roles. >> "frozen" has earned more than $1.3 at the box office. >> which is the reason that folks. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. just like they forgot conductor randy, who sees all and forgets nothing. at least he's not constable bob. belvita breakfast biscuits provide steady morning energy whether you... love the great outdoors... love the great indoors... 33 it looks like old man winter has a hold on the midlands. in fact... we're trading "famously hot" for snow flurries here in the capital city. take a close look. if you blink, you may miss it... but columbia did see some snow flurries yesterday. we caught these images from our tower cam on top of our studio here on main and gervais. but we weren't the only one's catching glimpses of snow. this photo is from james rathel-white in kershaw. he sent it to meteorologist john farley. but sorry snow-lovers... it looks like it's not here to stay. if you see weather or news happening in your neighborhood, share your viewer photos or it on air or on line.33 we're now going to turn our attention to your health. rochelle dean has a look at what is making headlines in the medical community. a group of health officials are issuing new guidelines for the treatment of major depressive disorder... and what they say may come as a surprise. with more... johnson. still to 33 come... starbucks is sharing the love this valentines... and releasing a few chocolatey specials on their menu for the holiday. a bitterly cold start for your wednesday forecast.expect the cold and blustery conditions to continue this afternoon. and gervais. 33 33 retailer... sports authority... may be days away from a bankruptcy filling. the sporting goods store missed a 20-million-dollar debt payment a month ago. the company says it has been in negotiations with lenders, but credit rating experts are expecting the store to default on all of its loans. retail experts say it is likely sports authority will have to close about half of its 450 stores. and there's another retail giant struggling to keep it's doors open as well... sears least 50 of what they call its most "unprofitable" stores. the retailer originally planned to shut the stores over the next few months... but poor holiday sales have sears speeding up its timeline. sears..which also owns k-mart...has been struggling in recent years amid growing competition from other department stores. valentines day is right around the corner... and starbucks is sending their love to customers with something chocolatey. they are ananuncing three new drink specials for the big day. all this week until february 14th... you can get your hands on the molten chocolate latte... the molten chocolate frappuccino... and the molten hot chocolate. the company is also launching a valentines-day-themed gift giver... with starbucks animations to send to loved ones via email, text and social media. now lets turn things over to eric for a look at what's making headlines in hollywood. actor ken watanabe is undergoing treatment for stomach cancer. the cancer was reportedly detected watanabe is now recovering in japan after undergoing endoscopic surgery the 56-year-old actor released a statement to "people magazine" yesterday saying he'll haha to delay his return to broadway's "the king and i." this isn't watanabe's first battle with cancer... according to people, he beat leukemia in 19-89 and returned to acting a year later. and actor hugh jackman is also undergoing treatment for cancer. the 47- year-old posted a photo on his facebook page showing a bandage over his nose. the caption saying quote... "an example of what happens when you don't use sunscreen" he wrote that it was basal cell....the mildest form of skin cancer. the australian actor has been treated at least three times for skin cancer. he's already been called the most hated man in america... and now martin shkrelli is under fire again. this time it's from legendary rapper... ghostface killah... of the wu-tang-clan. the rapper released an 11-minute former pharmaceutical c-e-o. shkreli was responsible for raising the price of a drug to treat aids by more than five-thousand-percent back in september. in the video, killah calls shkreli a quote "fraud" and a "fake super villain." still to come... fat tuesday may have been yesterday... but we still have a reason for you to indulge on something sweet... next in your day in history.a bitterly cold start for your wednesday forecast.expect the cold and blustery conditions and gervais. 33 let's check out the day in history. -the french and indian war ends in 1763 computer in 1996-iconic child star shirley temple dies in 2014 today is... ash wednesday, which is the first day of lent... and national cream cheese brownie day. that's all 33 the time that we have for the first hour of good morning columbia. but we're coming right back. so be sure to from main and gervais. captioning provided by caption associates, llc good morning, today is wednesday, february 10th. two candidates taking home their first wins in the 2016 presidential election. and now the presidential hopefuls have their sights set on south carolina. where the candidates will be campaigning in the palmetto state. plus, opening up old wounds, how the widow of senator clementa pinckney said her family continues to cope with loss following the charleston church shooting. and cupid is making the rounds at the coffee shop. it is a sweeter edition to you are sure to love. good morning columbia starts right now. >> eric: good morning, columbia, it is wednesday, glad you're starting it right here, i'm eric weisfeld. >> rochelle: thanks for waking up with us, i'm rochelle dean. >> eric: one thing that hasn't changed, it is definitely cold, even colder this morning. makes you want to definitely bundle up. makes you want to get back in bed. >> rochelle: really. pull the covers back over your head. no ooe scaping these cold temperatures, whether you are planning on staying in the house for the morning or coming out this afternoon, because it looks like the cold temperatures are here to stay. turn it over to meteorologist jonathan kerr putney. what -- jonathan kennedy. john-r >> jonathan: it will be cold. you let the dog out, pray it doesn't run away. you know what to do. pray he will come home. he will know to come home where it's warm. upper 20s this morning, 25 in saluda, one of our colder spots right now, 28 downtown, 27, camden, newberry, sumter, st. matthews, wagner as well, a very cold start. and the winds are blowing, which is making it even worse. feels even colder outside. but clear skies for us, and as i mentioned earlier, that is a double-edged sword, that is good news for the long-term forecast for you today, where we are going to be warmer due to the sunshine this afternoon, but it will be very cold this morning. clear skies allow any kind of relative heat to escape, so we are looking at a very cold setup this morning, as i mentioned, winds out of the west around 10 miles per hour. that's going to make the windchills much, much lower for us than what the actual thermometer is reading. feelings like 19 downtown, 18 in saint matthews, 16 in wagner, 16 in saluda as well, so just a bitter cold start for everybody this morning. and a blustery one at that. now, the good news, we could be seeing worse conditions. we are still seeing snow squalls across some of the nashville, knoxville, seeing snowfall. we saw that yesterday as well. and notice how well the cloud cover is lining up with the georgia border right now. from the east side and the west side, over towards alabama. so we are looking at, thankfully, a drier setup for us, but it is going to be a little consolation due to the cold temperatures we will be seeing, even with the sunshinene highs willl struguge to get into the low to mid-40s. i think we will be in the 30s through lunchtime. this afternoon, finally working our way into the mid-40s, but that's about it. topping today, not really going to be there, even though we will see a really full sunshine, and blue skies, just way. so it will be cold. very cold this morning, and very cold this afternoon as >> eric: know it before you head out. >> rhelle: temperatures that all right. >> eric: the roadways, we look at your morning commute. >> rochelle: there are some trouble spots we want to tell you about before you head out the door this morning. south carolina highway patrol reporting a collision with no injury on i-26. mile marker 110 in the westbound lanes. we will continue to update you on this situation, and the other things that pop up on your morning commute. >> rochelle: abc columbia wants to help you jump start this hump day. >> eric: lots to talk about. a quick rundown of top headlines. presidential hopeful, donald trump, also bernie sanders, sweeping new hampshire this morning. they are the projected winters in the garage granite state after the first in the south primary. trump took 35% of the vote, and in a surprise finish, abc news predicting john kasich will finish in second place with 16% of the vote. battling for the establishment vote, ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubio, the race for third place is still too close to call. the very latest results showing cruz in the lead with 12%, while bush and rubio each take 11%. on the other side of the political spectrum, bernie sanders taking his first victory in the 2016 presidential election. >> rochelle: sanders edged out democratic rival hillary the vote to clinton's 38%. democratic presidential mopeful -- hopefuls go head to head in a debate tomorrow night. big winners thanked supporters in victory speeches, vow to go take the fight beyond new hampshire. >> we are going now to south carolina, we are going to win in south carolina. i love you all, thank you very much. [ cheering ] >> what happened here in new hampshire in terms of an enthusiastic and aroused electorate, people who came out in large numbers, that is what will happen all over this country! and now it's on to nevada, south carolina, and beyond! [ cheering ] >> rochelle:ou heard it will there, presidential hopefuls have their eyes set on south carolina. marco rubio will be right here in the capital city later today, holding a rally at the columbia metropolitan convention center beginning at 3:00. his momentum going, he's holding a campaign rally today at clemson university. and many of the gop presidential hopefuls will be reaching out to voters along the coast. ted cruz will be in myrtle beach, and john kasich in mt. pleasant, pawleys island, then jeb bush plans to make stops in mt. pleasant, murrells inlet and then hilton head. chris christie also set to take part in attorney general alan wilson's presidential forum has now been canceled. after last night's sixth place finish, christie said he will cancel all of the events he had planned here in south carolina to, quote, take a breath. hillary clinton will return to south carolina friday, although we are waiting on details of that visit. in the meantime, she does have some hollywood stars stumping for her right here in south carolina. talk about angela bassett and vivica fox, they have been here in the midlands, leading the "get out the vote" efforts for the democratic front runner. it is a part of the campaign's colleges and universities vivica fox will continue her efforts for clinton at benedict college at 10:15 this morning. and some south carolinians looking to show their faith at the balance the ott box. it is estimated more than 7,000 people took part in a prayer rally yesterday on the state house grounds. we carried it live during our 12:30 newscast. reverend franklin graham touring capital cities across america, erj -- urging politicians at all levels to root their message in biblical principles. graham will deliver a similar message today in atlanta. another concern for south carolina voters, immigration reform, south carolina gop elected officials will be discussing its role in the republican presidential campaign today. the forum will take place at the russell house theatre, that's tonight at 6:00. and prepping for the first in the south primary, you should know is no small task. >> rochelle: not at all. ofcials with the south carolina state elect commission have been working for months, deciding on different pog locations, creating a voting database and installing that database in each of those voting machines. >> you know, a large county could have a thousand voting machines. that's a lot of hands on work to get those voting machines reidy for election day. >> lot of work ahead. counties must also select and train poll workers, so that they can work those polls until they close election night. and just a reminder, the republican primary election will be held on february 20th. the democratic primary will take place just a week later, february 27th. for more information on the primary, you can get all the information on the website, abc >> eric: still to come, our coverage of the vote 2016 continues this morning. >> rochelle: what the top canned rats -- candidates are saying about the victory in the presidential election. a bitterly cold start to teens. it will be cold and blustery and gervais. good wednesday morning, 6:11. it is very cold. temperatures in the mid- and upper 20s for most of us, windchills in the teens. the winds blow throughout the day today, it will make it feel even colder. these numbers will be -- the thermometer should be reading, but it will feel colder than all of these throughout the day today. 30s through lunchtime, sunshine through the afternoon, and pretty much perfect sunshine expected. not really any cloud cover, which is good and bad. we'll see clear skies this afternoon, but looks like another cold night tonight under those clear skies. did not warn us, thank you. here's a quick look at some other stories making headlines across the globe. republican donald trump and democrat bernie sanders rode a wave of voter frustration to victory in new hampshire primaries. abc's kenneth moton has the latest. >> oh, wow! >> republican donald trump and democrat bernie sanders, victorious in new hampshire. >> we are going to make america so great again. maybe greater than ever before! >> together we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington. competition. the voters in the granite state angry at washington, worried about the economy, and electability. emerging from the pack of republican governors, a finisher, ohio governor john kasich. >> if you don't have a seat belt, go get one. [ cheering ] gop race is between ted cruz. >> your victory tonight has left thehe washington cartel utterly terrified. >> jeb bush -- >> looks like you all have sent a message. >> and marco rubio who admitted saturday night's debate -- >> listen to this, that will never happen again. [ cheering ] >> a tough night for democratic front runner hillary clinton, who promised supporters she's marching on to the nomination. >> now we take this campaign to the entire country. we are going to fight for every vote in every state. >> her opponent proved he won't be so easy to shake off. so today is on to the next one. south carolina. the state's gop primary is set for next week. the nooun -- new jersey governor chris christie is headed home to decide if he will stay in the ration. kenneth moton, abc news, >> rochelle: the campaign trail isn't the only place where things are heating up. eric, it looks like it could >> eric: absolutely. gamecock men hope to fare better than usc women in carolina's biggest week of basketball yet. tim hill has the details in this morning sports minute to win it. tim >> oh, boy, we got easy week. >> frank marth inch and carolina hosting kentucky saturday, tonight it's lsu. gamecocks coming off a big top ten win at texas a.m.e. over the weekend -- a. and a. over the weekend, martin said that made him feel good until he put on the tape of likely number one nba overall draft pick ben simmons and lsu. first place on the line tonight at the colonial life arena. >> lsu is going to be a handful. matchup nightmare for everybody, because their center, power forward is just ... you know, just a dynamic player. we don't need a super human effort. we don't need to be a team that we are not. we don't need to play above our capabilities. we just got to stay connected with who we are. >> that's rebounding and usc can hit some shots like they did at texas a & m over the weekend, gamecocks might be in first place by this time tomorrow. i'm tim hill, that's your abc columbia sports minute to win it. still to come, forget flowers and chocolate, we are talking about a different kind of valentine's day surprise, all for a deal you are bound to love. stay with us. gervais.33 welcome back. the time is now...6:18 let's take >> rochelle: welcome back to good morning columbia, thanks for waking up with us on wednesday morning. it is 6:18. if you would like to add a furry friend to your home this valentine's day, we have just the one, elisa, a 3-year-old brown and white domestic tabby mix cat. shelter says she loves for her hair to be brushed and is looking for a loving home. to meet elisa or other pets up for adoption, head to the columbia animal shelter off humane lane. >> rochelle: no better time than now to add a pet, because you are in for a deal. the columbia and lexington animal service is holding a "furever yours" pet adoption special, that adoption fee is only $14. you have to hurry on this one. the offer begins this friday, and will only run until next monday. so you can add a little furry friend instead of going the conventional route with the flower and candies, although easier to take care of. that's going to be -- >> eric: long term cost that cat will cost more money. >> but a beautiful companion. somebody to snuggle up with. >> something furry and warm-blooded for sure. a chilly setup today and through the valentine's day holiday as well. now, forecast today, cold this morning, windchills in the feengs -- teens, we are going to warm it up in the mid-40s this afternoon. lots of sunshine, but a very cold forecast, so stick with the jacket throughout the day today. the scarf, gloves, as much as you can, because the blustery conditions will make it feel even colder than what a lot of those numbers are reading. it will be very cold, and then as we work our way towards valentine's day, it will be very cold there, probably even colder than what we are seeing today. >> rochelle: maybe a nice night to cook for your significant other in the house. instead of going out to eat. >> exactly. somewhere heated for sure. >> let's check out what else is making headlines later today. >> one local university is celebrating a milestone this morning. allen university paying tribute to its 146th annual founders day. yesterday commemorative stachl was unveiled in hor of -- stamp was unveiled, in honor of the school's founder richard allen. school leaders say a bright future ahead. they hope the school gains national attention with the postage stamp. >> the school will be known nationally, just simply because of the founder being put on a postal stamp, and that gives some credibility to his legacy of education and the role that we are playing today in breathing life into his legacy of education. >> eric: u.s. postal service had a group of people on hand to unveil that postage stamp. neat tribute. little different. >> rochelle: i can't wait to tribute. nice thing for the school. thanks, eric. still to come, a story about something you don't see all too often. we're taking an exclusive look at a special program inside story coming up next. stay with us. we're live from main and gervais. in today's "techbytes" -- new warning about lithium ion batteries. >> they can be dangerous to ship. linked to at least three airplane fires. >> such batteries should be separated from ore flammable cargo. the faa has issued a similar warning. twitter has formed a new trust and safety council which aims to avoid cyber abuse. now might be the right time to get one of those virtual reality headsets. >> tarting tomorrow, you can oculuocul oculus rift combo. those are your "techbytes." >> have a great day, everybody. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to dedeh or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. the most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look 33 in this next story, you will not see many faces. >> eric: welcome back, 6:25 right now. in this next story you won't that's because we are taking you inside a prison and we are not allowed to film them. >> rochelle: that'right. you probably do not think of music when you hear the word incarceration, but within the walls of our state's largest maximum security prison, that's exactly what can be heard. grace joyal headed inside lee correctional institution to listen and put together this exclusive story. >> from the outside, it's harsh and bleak. >> it is a level 3, which is our highest level of custody, so our folks that are here are going to be incarcerated for a long time. >> on a tuesday in february -- there's something magical happening inside lee correctional institution. >> music is everything to me. >> media is usually not allowed to interview inmates. the south carolina department of corrections made an exception for this story. we were only allowed to identify the inmate by his first name. rob. >> every feeling you have can be expressed with music, everything inside of you can enough. >> for the past three years, inmates from the better living incentive community, or blic gathered for a week of collaborative song writing. this year about 40 inmates have brought their open minds, focus, and creativity. >> i think music has the opportunity to draw out things in people that nothing else can. >> in the music chamber from new york city brings music to life. >> we are working four to five hours a day with the men or women we work with, and the goal is to create new art together, collaboratively. >> department of corrections director bryan stirling said this type of program is not just an outlet for the people serving time, it's a safeguard for the people working within prison walls. >> this gives them something to look forward to. if they are just sitting in a krelt all day -- cell all day, >> chorus, melodies and riffs, productive instead of destructive time behind bars. >> people depressed, aggression, whatever, when they channel this into their music, their songwriting, their instruments, usually what comes out is something pretty awesome, pretty beautiful. >> dakota's justice initiative director claire bryant, who happens to be from camden, has gotten used to witnessing it. >> you know, they are like my brothers. i mean, i am so proud of the work that they have done in not just the workshops when we are here, they are continug this work after we're gone. >> rob is the resident music director here at lee. he helps coordinate ten inmate music teachers who collective live teach up to 120 inmates every week on instruments like cello mandolin and guitar. but this week -- >> these are some of the greatest musical experiences i've ever had, period, in life. free or otherwise. >> it is one he looks forward to all year. abc columbia news. >> rochelle: the culmination of this week-long program is a special concert that the participants put on for their peers on saturday. >> eric: very unique. >> rochelle: you heard her say it therere this gives them something to do inside to keep them calm, but also a skill they can take with them outside, so perhaps can cut down on recidivism and give them something construct tip to do. would love to hear -- the instruments they are playing, looks like some talent there. >> eric: still to come, new hampshire primary votes are in. find out who is coming out on top in the race for the white house. main and gervais. glad you're waking up with us on a wednesday, i'm eric weisfeld. >> rochelle: i am rochelle dean. live from main and gervais. 6:32. >> eric: brrr. that's the word of the day. >> jonathan: definitely cold. even colder than yesterday. >> rochelle: exactly. you are going to feel it as soon as you walk out the door. no doubt about it. and it doesn't look like these temperatures are planning to go anywhere anytime soon. we will turn things over to meteorologist jonathan kennedy for a look at what you can expect as you head outside this morning. cold and more cold. about 10 degrees colder than yesterday morning. that gives you some kind of reference. hopefully you are heading out sometime soon. 28 degrees right now in downtown. 27 in camden, newberry, coldest spot 24, cold for everybody. everybody easily below freezing, many areas around 5 to upwards of 8 degrees below freezing, 10 degrees colder than this time yesterday. yesterday we were seeing temperatures in the mid- to upper 30s, but the windchill was making it feel at or below freezing. now we are seeing winds still maintaining out of the west and southwest around 10 to 15 miles per hour, that will make it feel much colder. 18 what it feels like downtown. 14 is what it feels like in st. matthews and wagner, a lot of spots, 21, actually the warmest spot of what it feels like across the area. so it is going to be a very, very cold start to your day today. and cold throughout the afternoon as well. highs only expected to climb into the low to mid-40s. sunshine, but not a lot of we will need every bit of sun to get into the mid-40s. savannah river.. everything west of the river, state of georgia encompasses some pretty solid cloud cover, atlanta. flurries flying around. and for us, nothing to worry about at all. sunshine throughout the rest. day, but it will be a very cool, sunny day today. especially this afternoon. winds will be blustery, 10 to 15, sustained winds up to 20 miles per hour sustained, and gusts upwards of 25 to 30 miles per hour. so cloud cover moving out, sunshine returns for us, winds out of the west and southwest, will keep us certainly on the cooler side of things. but also on the drier side of things, highs in the low to mid-40s for us this afternoon, day overall. no matter what time of day you especially this morning. even this afternoon, highs only in the low 40s. winds upwards of 25 to 30 miles per hour. it's going to feel cold. all day today. >> eric: no way to get around it. >> rochelle: even if you bundle up, that wind blowing you back, youknow. >> jonathan: just keep as little skin exposed as you can. go out in scarves, hat, those kinds of things. actually lose 40% of the heat from your head. if you have a hat on, that helps. especially kids. eric aeshg thank you, jonathan. let's see what's going on on the roadways as you head out and about. >> rochelle: trouble spots you might encounter as you ged gsh get ready for the morning commute, south carolina highway patrol says there is a i-26. >> mile marker 110 in the westbound lane. that's what we have at this hour. we will continue to update anything that changes in your morning commute. >> rochelle: abc columbia wants to help jump start your wednesday morning. >> eric: we have a rundown of top morning headlines. presidential hopefuls, donald trump and bernie sanders sweeping new hampshire. they are the projected winners in the granite state after the nation's first in the south primary. but for the republicans, trump surprise spinnish, abc -- finish, john kasich will finish in second place with 16% of the vote. political spectrum, bernie sanders facing his first victory in the 2016 presidential election. sanders edged out democratic rival hillary clinton. sanders with 60% of the vote; clinton 38%. the democratic presidential hopefuls will go head to head in a debate tomorrow night. and with the new hampshire primary now in the rearview mirror, presidential hopefuls have their sights set on us, south carolina. >> rochelle: that's right. they are all heading this way. marco rubio will be here in the capital city, actually today, and he will be holding a rally at the columbia metropolitan convention center at 3:00. donald trump hoping to keep his moment um going,s -- momentum going, holding a rally today at clemson university. and many of the gop presidential hopefuls will be reaching out to voters along the coast. ted cruz will be in myrtle beach, john kasich will be in mt. pleasant and pawleys island and jeb bush has stops murrells inlet and hilton head. chris christie, however, who was set to take part in attorney general alan wilson's presidential forum has had to cancel that event. in fact, after last night's sixth place finish, christie said he will cancel all of the events that he had planned here for south carolina to, quote, take a breath. hillary clinton will return to south carolina on friday. though we are stull wait -- still waiting for more details of that visit. in the mean time, she has some hollywood stars stumping for her in south carolina. angela bassett and vivica fox have been here in the midlands, leading the get out the vote effort for the democratic front runner. it is a part of the campaign's canvass of historically black cost -- colleges and universities across south carolina. vivica fox will continue her efforts for clemson at benedict -- clinton at benedict college at 10:15 this morning. prepping for first in the south primary is no small task. >> eric: officials with the south carolina elections commission have been hard at primary dates, choosing 2300 polling locations, creating a voting database, and installing that database in each voting machine. >> you know, a large county could have a thousand voting machines. so that's a lot of hands-on work to get those voting machines ready for election >> eric: counties must also select and train poll managers close. just a reminder, republican primary election will be held february 200 -- 20th. democratic primary will take place the week after, february 27th. for more information on this primary, be sure to visit our website, lot of information for you there. the widow of senator clementa pinckney, the pastor killed with eight other church members at ee man eel a.m.e. said -- emmanuel a.m.e. said shielding her young daughters will be a priority during dylann roof's upcoming trial. >> jennifer pinckney said the trial will open wounds again. she gave some of her most how her family has coped in the wake of the charleston church shooting during a forum at duke university on faith and race. back here at home in columbia, police are assuring the public that the investigation into a teen's death is still ongoing. now, back in july, 14-year-old najeer buggs was walking along the 4100 block on grant street when he was shot and killed. investigators say they are actively following new developments based on forensic evidence that was processed by analysts. investigators also working to determine if there were additional witnesses to this shooting. this is surveillance taken from that crime scene. officials say the vehicle that was used in connection with the deadly shooting is right there on your screen. if you have any information that can help in the indication, you are asked to call crimestoppers at 1-888-crime-sc still to come, from wonder -- bundling up to hitting the beach. >> we will leave the winter riding that perfect wave. cold start for your >> jonathan: anywhere warmer would be great. it is a very cold start to your wednesday forecast. cold and blustery even this afternoon. details ahead. >> in the last three months of moved. in an election year, no shortage of talk about improving economic growth, do any of the candidates have a solid growth to turn things around? lower taxes on business? economic author and expert spend spend song >> 6:43 on wednesday morning, waking up with cold conditions here at home, but likely it see a decent day today overall, lots of sunshine coming our way. don't pay attention to the snow squalls, that won't affect us. low pressure in the central plains, that will likely come our way as we head towards the end of the week, maybe rain chance there, but even minimum al at that point, so it is going to be cold and should be dry. at least the next couple days. >> eric: let's divert attention, the world famous set, and surfers around the country heading to california to hang ten on some gigantic waves. >> this friday the mavericks competition expected to have waves reaching up to 30 feet. mavericks organizer jeff clark credits el nino with creating near perfect conditions. he said the big waves will put world-class competitors to the test over 100,000 dollars in prize money at stake for the competition, and if you have ever seen the maverick surf competition, the waves are no joke. >> you got to be paid that much money. >> you have to be towed in on a jet ski. you can't paddle enough to get into the waves. intense. >> eric: let's turn our attention now to your health. >> rochelle has what's making headlines in the medical community. >> rochelle: good morning, onthat be and eric. breastfeeding mothers traveling through atlanta's hartsfield-jackson international airport have their own secluded spot to feed babies. the airport has installed new nursing pods. inside there are benches and a space f f diaper changes, and electrical outlets to plug in installed so far. they are located in the terminals just past the security checkpoint, and the airport is also looking into ways to create more spaces for moms closer to the ate reyum check-in. the ongoing zika health crisis continues to grow in the u.s. already 66 confirmed cases in 19 different states, and the district of clum -- columbia. five states joined the list yesterday, indiana, delaware, pennsylvania, tennessee and ohio. medical professionals in northern california are now working to make sure it does not spread to their state by asking some blood donors to stop giving. this is for those who have traveled to mks -- m ex-coe, central or -- mexico, central or south america. they are asked to wait at least 28 days before donating blood. still to come, we have a recall to pass along to you this morning, and it involves keeping your little ones safe. live from main and gervais.33 we have a >> rochelle: welcome back to good morning columbia, thanks for waking up with us on this wednesday morning. your time right now, 6:48. we do have some recalls we would like to pass along to you this morning. ikea recalling its ceiling lamp, the plastic retaining clips to secure the glass shades to the lamp can break, causing the glass shade to fall and posing a laceration hazard. lamp and return it to ikea for a full refund. this next recall concerns the safety of your little ones. classic characters is recalling its infant elf booties. they were sold exclusively at cracker barrel old country store. the pom-poms at the tip of the toes can detach, posing a choking hazard. you are asked to immediately stop using the recalled booties and return thehem to cracker barrel for a full refund, or contact classic characters. valentine's day is right around the corner, and starbucks is sending their love to customers with something a little chocolatey. they are announcing three new special drinks for the big day. all this week, until february 14th, you can get your hands on one of these. the molten chocolate latte, the molten chocolate frappuccino, and the molten hot chocolate, all sound delicious. the company is also launching a valentine's day-themed gift giver with starbucks animations to send to loved ones via email, text and social media. taking fans support outside of her music. >> eric: from the super bowl halftime show to red lobster? beyonce setting trends in other ways. we have that in show biz rap. >> when beyonce mentioned your restaurant in a song, sales spike. that happened to red lobster in the new song "formation" which debuted over the weekend. beyonce sings that when her man loves her right, she takes him to red lobster. that mention is worth 33% boost in sales, according to the company, and generated over 40,000 twitter mentions, causing reasonable doubt lobster to trend dpsh causing red lobster to trend for the first time ever. the oscars hoping to make acceptance speeches less boring. homing to avoid a laundry list of thank yous. they ask the nominee ahead of time to submit the list of people they want to thank. when they win, the names scroll across the bottom of the screen. hopefully that will eliminate more heart felt moments. the comic movie "deadpool" opens this weekend. star ryan reynolds said his 14-month-old daughter isn't a fan of him in the makeup. >> she didn't like that. naturally she wouldn't like that. >> "deadpool" goes up against the "zoolander" sequel. ken watanabe can't return to broad yay -- broadway yet because he's battling stomach cancer. the 56-year-old actor was supposed to do his role in "the king and i," but it has to be delayed. he's recovering from surgery in japan. i'm jason nathanson, abc news, los angeles. still to come for you, this photography shot, nothing like you've seen before. an art that one skier is saying took years of practice. >> jonathan: speaking of skiing, it is very cold for us this morning. i don't have any snow on the ground, but it is cold enough for sure. i have details next. gervais. >> jonathan: good wednesday morning. clear skies this morning, working against us, but it will help us warm up this afternoon. highs only 44, though. so even with the sunshine and blue sky, not a lot of warmth to be found today. with the winds blowing, it will feel even colder than tonight, windchill stays in effect for us, and that's going to just be brutally cold, 23 for the low, on the thermometer, easily see windchills in the teens as you wake up tomorrow morning. >> eric: everyone looking for ways to better their smartphone photography game. one guy's mastering the art while riding the slopes. >> rochelle: check this out. the swiss skier nicholas weegvuigier a-rtether i had -- tethered list iphone to catch this swirl shot. he says this took years to perfect. i can imagine. just the skiing alone would take years to perfect. doing that while you are videotaping? goodness. sometimes i can't chew gum and walk at the same time, much less do that. >> jonathan: plus you got to breathe, too. when you come back, may have have a reason to indulge on something sweet. that's next in your day in history. wednesday forecast.expect the >> jonathan: a bitterly cold start to your wednesday. expect cold and blustery conditions to continue for us this afternoon. details next. stay with us. gervais. >> in the last three months of 2015, american economy barely moved. in an election year, no shortage of talk about improving economic growth, do any of the candidates have a solid growth to turn things around? lower taxes on business? economic author and expert stephen moore reveals his you are heading out today, a cold start to your wednesday. windchills in the teens right now, couple spots feel like 14 that's no joke cold air. 44 for the high today, even this afternoon, windchills will be in the 30s. 2 tonight -- 23 tonight, 49 for thursday and friday. small chance of rain thursday and friday. a quick system will run through the deep south, could bring a shower or so, but that's still yet to be determined. certainly looks like a very cold valentine's day. >> still to be determined if we will see rain with that. we are dry for now. check out the day in history before we leave you. the freven much and indian war -- dpren much and indian war ends in 1763, kasparov loses a chess game to a computer in 1986, and the iconic child star shirley temple dies in 2014. >> today is ash wednesday, first day of lent. national cream cheese brownie day. >> we looked it up. didn't it look divine? looks so good. >> yum. >> maybe you should indulge in it today, and then give it up for lent. [ laughter ] >> should have done that yesterday.

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