Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News This Morning 20161017

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News This Morning 20161017

about the weekend? perfect for me. i love it like that. >> tia: beautiful, isn't it? >> brian: the rain, got a little overnight. >> tia: yeah, we need it. >> brian: that's moving out and sunshine moving in. >> tia: today is a good day to call in. >> brian: you're here. >> tia: if our watching and the bet is comfortable, just stay there. >> samantha: the bed might be hot. it is warm out there. >> brian: get up. >> sama: 60s this morning. time is 6:01. we're mostly cloudy across northeast ohio. there's a little light rain through the eastern half of the forecast region moving from geauga county into ashtabula county. rain will not be an all-day event. there might be a few isolated spotty areas of very late rain out at the bus stop this morning, but most of the day we should be just fine. here's that school day forecast today. mid-60s as you send the kids off to class. were talking about in the morning. this week it's all about the heat. i think if the kids are allowed to wear shorts and short sleeves to school, you should today. 82 this afternoon. 20 degrees above average with a lot of sunshine out there this afternoon. we'll going 82 for parma and 81 from akron and canton is warmer today at about 83 degrees. the that's crazy, right? it's we should be in the 60s. where did fall go, and when is it coming back? we talk about at 6:15. laura. >> laura: out there on the roads this morning, we're still moving in the green stit accident-free, at least major accident-free. you find different broken-downs off to the side of the road, but nothing is hanging up morning traffic. we're moving right along out there. 77 northbound, if you're leaving akron, one of our suburb to the north and headed towards cleveland, nothing but 60 miles smooth, smooth sailing. good stuff out there. out to 480 on the east side, 58 miles per hour near broadway. that's going to be eastbound. 60 miles per hour continuing closer to 271, and then out 422 60 miles per hour, 64 out by solon. nothing hanging you up as i mentioned. there we have the drive times. 19 minutes from strongsville, north olmstead, mentor and akron. if you're headed to downtown you should be right on time. the akron drive is coming up at 6:18. >> brian: the indians take a 2-0 series lead into toronto tonight. first pitch, game 3, 8:08. we're fired up. i can't wait. trevor bouwer will pitch pour the tribe. he cut the pinky on his pinky h hand. as different days. it doesn't affect anything as far as my grips. i don't even use my pinky on pitches i throw. it hangs out over there. i don't anticipate it being an issue at all. >> brian: just kind of hangs out over there. we feel good with way 2-0 lead and why not in a seven-guy series. historic cali teams with 2-0 leads win the series 83% of the time. so the odds are in the tribe's favor. we still have though. before the series the blue jays were the big favorites to win. the odds-makers are backing out. in fact the indians odds to win the world series are almost as good as the heavily favored chicago cubs. >> tia: i know it's a numbers game, but at the same time i could have told them that. i've been saying world series the whole time. i think the reality is, you know, sometimes these people -- >> i think they may look at it a one of us. >> tia: i think they're really going to win this thing. >> brian: cubs lost last new to clayton kershaw and the dodgers. >> tia: even though the indians are the on road, tribe fans will pack downtown and everywhere tonight. >> brian: multiple buffalo wild wings in the area host official indian watch parties. sia nyorkor is on that story for us this morning. >> sia: good morning, brian and tia. i'm with tia. we just want the indians to win, and she's not alone. check out the signs in front of if buffalo wild wings right here. #rallytogether. this is just one of the locations where they are having a watch party. there are four locations total. let me tell you about them. right downtown here, 724 prospect avenue east, and south the address is 5050 east point drive. if you live east, you can join fans over in willoughby. that address is 36455 euclid avenue, and if you're out west, you can head to midway boulevard, 239 midway boulevard. that's in elyria. now, at all of the watch parties, you have a chance to get an exclusive pepsi indians t-shirt, promotional items, and fans who come to these watch party locations and tweet t the #rallytogether, you have a chance to actually win a spot to watch a potential world series game from the dugout at progressive field. so that is a very, very cool. the indians give away a lot of prizes, and there's a lot of excitement about this. for all the updates on how you and with the fandom, log onto our website at first pitch is at 8:08. for you now i'm getting answers in downtown cleveland, sia nyorkor, "cleveland 19 news." >> tia: sia, thank you so much. there's a growing movement in canada for the indians to change their team name, and the controversial chief logo. an indigenous activist applied for a court ruling that would ban indians being on the tribe uniforms playing in canada. the court will hear this argument later this morning. when asked about the logo the former president of the indians and said chief wahoo was troubling to me personally. a spokesperson forked indians said they're aware of the court ruling but did not comment any further. we continue to follow this story and will stay on top of this along with tonight's ball game in toronto. look for live reports today ? along with the full game recap tomorrow morning starting at 4:30. >> brian: mark was the president of the indians, he could have done something then. it's interesting he's saying something now when no longer with the indians. funeral services today for 15-year-old sonny patel and he was murdered during a robbery. we told you at the top of show police made an arrest in the case. grief counselors will be at mayfield high school today. sonny was working just doing his jobop saw the gunman and tried to run away, but the suspect shot sonny. his family describes him as sunny, he's a bright, charming young man taken away too soon. >> he was a great young man and had the whole world ahead of him. >> his name was sunny. that's the best anyway i could think of for him. the city is a little less bright because gone from it, you know. >> i really feel for this family. we will ask more questions about cleveland 19 app. >> tia: in cleveland over the weekend police are looking for whoever shot a pizza delivery man during a robbery attempt on west 93rd at the west tech lofts. the delivery man was shot in the leg. we're working to get an update on his condition. a 56-year-old man was killed in a hit-and-run on st. clair avenue in cleveland just yesterday, sunday. police arrested a woman and she's charged with vehicular homicide. police say alcohol and speed are factors in this. the woman charged is 20 years down. touchdown cleveland! >> brian: we're about two months away from marking one year since the last time the browns won a football game, week 14 of the last season. 303 days ago. geez. browns try to snap a nine-game losing streak on sunday when they travel to cincinnati to play the bengals. away from the two point loss to the titans. the browns came back late in the game. cody kessler didn't turn it over and he threw two touchdown passes and that was good. he was sacked six times and that's not good. in a half hour bob golic will be with us to talk about hue jackson. "saved by the browns" at 6:37. yeah. okay. we'll just move along. we contie developments in mosul, iraq. this is a serious story here. it's where u.s. troops are helping to bring down isis. >> tia: the fight began overnight. we'll update the progress right after the break. sam. >> samantha: i don't know about you guys, but i miss summer. hi, tia. you look lovely. brian, hello. 6:10. we've got some summer-like heat returning to our area. what is happening to my clothes? this is really cool if you want a little behind the scenes inside baseball, i said. there we go. i'm fixed. i was see-through there for a minute and that was weird. 62 is the average high today. nope, we're headed for 82. it will feel great out there. we'll talk about how long this awesomeness lasts coming up after the break. >> brian: next, we get answers on whether or not investigators are any closer to finding out who fire-bombed a republican can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber? works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber? nourishes them... >> tia: welcome back. an update on a military operation to recapture iraq's second largest city from isis control. an offensive was launched earlier in morning, so this story unfolds right now as we speak. we know u.s. troops are fighting on the ground and also by air. if we get any updates on this story, we will let you know right here on "cleveland 19 news." vandalism at a republican campaign office in north carolina is causing some finger-pointing on the campaign trail. thankfully, no one was hurt in this. someone threw a fire bomb into the campaign headquarters of donald trump tweeting saying clinton are behind this attack. clinton responded tweeting the attack was horrific. >> brian: it's not easy, certainly not easy to do alone, so be careful. making the right financial decisions, of course, is the key to your financial future. tom stockett is with us. he's a financial planner frr cleveland wealth. he has an interesting take receipting picking your fantasy football team to making the right financial decisions. stockett says making the right financial decisions is like your fantasy football team, and it starts with the leader. he'd take packers quarterback aaron rodgers first. stockett says like rogers sets the tone for the pack, the right financial adviser can help you start gaining your financial footing. >> you don't have to go at it alone. you really need to find a good leader, a trusted and accomplished financial adviser to help you through the process. >> brian: of terrelle pryor. he can adjust. >> a financial plan is not a set it and forget it, okay? it really needs to be adjusted over time as our life circumstances change over time. >> brian: stockett went with adam ven terri because he's in his 21st season. >> we can't look month to month, year to year on this. we have fob in this game for the us is that if we are in it for the long run, we will usually be rewarded. >> brian: that's happening and i know what it is. my phone rang while i was doing the interview with tom stockett. next time i'll turn my phone off. later on cleveland 19 your no-brainer pick and bounce-back selection and we'll tell you why those are so important. >> tia: girl, get over here. >> b: here. i figured i would slow down. >> samantha: i heard jake say three-shot coming. i better get over there. >> brian: the sam coming over by columbia. >> samantha: sorry. i was upset by a story. it was a great story. anytime you can make keeping track of your finances more fun, which i think, you know, relating it to fantasy football probably makes it more fun for everybody involved. >> brian: good points in there, ha g i just ate those -- tia looks out for me if i have something on my arm or my hair is out of place. thank you. i just ate like this little bag of chips. i was really hungry. it's lunchtime for us. you're probably at home eating breakfast right now. 6:18, and i want to let you know that that morning commute i think for most of us looks good in terms of the weather. there could be a stray shower and a little drizzle and of course the roads are wet from last night's rain,ut us won't see anything substantial on the way in to work. midday commute, evening commute, it all looks good today. in fact, i'll call it hot. later today we head into the 80s. for now we're in the 60s with a partly to mostly cloudy sky. i was mentioning a little light rain out there in southern ashtabula county. this is south of ashtabula. so right around roaming shores and down to the south you might run into light to moderate rain. shouldn't last too long. that way. there is a little chance through 9:00 we could see passing showers and patchy drizzle. again, nothing of significance like what we saw last night, and we had some pretty steady rain around here. that's all gone. most of today is just going to feature warm temperatures and humid conditions and breezy weather and decreasing cloud cover. we're going to go partly to mostly cloudy through 9:00 or 10:00. then really seeing a lot of sunshine through the afternoon as we break the day down for you 66 right now. 67 at 9:00, and midday 76 and then a high today of 82. that is the record high set back in 1953, and it is 20 degrees above average for today. look at that. 6:00, still 80 degrees outside in october! it's crazy. 72 at 9:00 with the mostly clear sky for tonight. no rain in our forecast tonight or tomorrow. forecast for tuesday. 84 tomorrow after starting off in the 70s. it's going to be so warm around here for the next two days. a little cold front on tuesday night. that will bring us some rain and cool us off a little bit for wednesday into thursday. we really don't see a significant push of cooler area until friday into the weekend. i notice we do have two alert days on that seven-day. thursday and friday things could get pretty wet laura, especially on thursday. over to you. >> laura: traffic is starting to pick up a little bit out there. really not causing much in the slowdown department, though. i was looking at the cameras that shows 77 rolling towards downtown and it's running right on time. just getting thicker there. 39 miles per hour along the metro curve as you pass by the steelyard. then you get more traffic and a little more buildup there. akron area is looking smooth here. no problems along 76. 62 miles per hour to the west. your way from canton up towards akron. and then outbounds if you come up route 8, that looks like 55 miles per hour right through cuyahoga falls. strongsville to cleveland, your drive is 20 minutes. 18 minutes from north olmstead. mentor to cleveland is 28 minutes right now. 37 inbound from akron. we have the west side drive at 6:33. guys. >> tia: pretty inin morning. how donald trump is raeblthing to "saturday night live's" portrayal of the republican nominee. >> brian: j.r. re-signed and [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ? on the road again ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s [ music ] >> brian: there's a live look outside the feazel roof cam. it was this day in 1970 the jackson five had the number one song in the country with their hit "i'll be there." for more rock trivia logon to you can enter to win two tiblths to dinner and a show at the hard rock rocksino. look at the jackson five. >> tia: i know. it's so cool to see. well, the cavs finally signed a deal with four years and 57 million bucks. that's a lot of money. he put out a video thanking the cavs and fans and surprised us with -- i don't know if you want to say it's a little something else. it's a big surprise. >> one more surprise. we're having another baby! >> that's how you do it. this will be j.r.'s third little bundle of joy. >> brian: good for them. we wish them the best. we're in cleveland this beer week. right now, and it started last all week long look for specials at bars and restaurants. what's cool about this is you can clind -- clink glasses for a good cause and it goes to local charities. >> tia: just when you think i was drinking coffee. i'm just kidding. i actually have pumpkin spiced latte. no beer unfortunately. game three of the american league championship is tot, and we get answers from trefor bouwer on the pinky cut all over a drone. you have to hear this. >> brian: next, breaking news overnight in the search for a man that shot and killed a new clients? let's go meet them soon. in person, we could read the room. on the phone, you're just a voice. for fast rewards, let's book on choice. this trip could really help us grow. ? should i stay or should i go? ? when it's time to go for business, book on and get a free night when you stay with us two times. >> brian: an arrest late last night in the shooting and killing of a 15-year-old boy who was working at a family-owned mr. hero restaurant in cleveland heights. we are waiting to hear back from the police chief arrest. it comes as the family of sunny patel will hold funeral services today. grief counselors will be at mayfield high school to talk with any of patel's classmates. >> tia: you hear it and see it. the fighting has started in iraq. while you were sleeping a military operation was announced and just started as allied forces move in to try and for isis. u.s. troops are fighting along kurdish and iraqi forces. this is the biggest military operation in iraq since 2011. good morning, it's monday october 17th. i'm tia ewing. >> brian: it's 6:31, and i'm brian duffy. how about the weekend. could it have been better? check in with our meteorologist sam roberts. sam, in the 80s today? what the heck is going on? >> samantha: isn't it crazy? we have a warm front moving through the area that brought us we're at 66 right now. this is your morning commute forecast. about 65 at 7:00 and by 9:00 in the mid to upper 50s. i think the weather may slow you down like a smidge. it's not really a huge deal, but there is some patchy fog out there. you could run into some light rain, plus the roads are wet from last night's rain. so just take that into consideration. most of us are just fine, not a to be like totally sunny with dry roads if that's what you're looking for. here's what we have right now. 6:31, and we're partly to mostly cloudy. a little light rain out in ashtabula county by 7:00. we should be dry and there's a little chance throughout about 9:00 you might run into patchy drizzle. that's all for today. we'll see more sunshine this afternoon, and, of course, our big story continuing to be these temperatures. look at the numbers three through time today. 76 at lunchtime and an afternoon high of 82. that's the record for today. it's going to be crazy. 20 degrees above average, so are you hoping for some cooler weather? i'll tell you when it arrives coming up at 6:45. laura. >> still moving on time on the roads. no major accidents still either but just lots of construction. you bet the construction workers enjoy the warmer weather we have. then that pretty soon it really changes for them. with them, especially some spots and talk about narrower locations where the road is narrowed to allow the workers to do their work. for right now on the highways it's all a go. the first place to slow down every single day is slow right now. 23 miles per hour as you make your way through there. once you zip on the innerbelt bridge, you shouldn't have issues at all. here 90 at avon and westlake. look how fast we move through here. next up i lakewood and cleveland on time towards the split with 490 and 71. drive times also on time out there anywhere on the map. shouldn't have issues, and then chester construction, we have that coming up 6:48. >> everybody wants to talk about the cleveland indians. it's a fun time right now. they look to take a commanding lead to the american league championship series tonight. >> brian: if they win today, away from the world series. only one team in baseball history has come down being down 3-0 in the alcs. we'd be in great shape. >> tia: the big question heads into tonight's game, you know what it is, brian? >> brian: the pinky and the drone. >> tia: trevor bouwer showed us yesterday how he cut it repairing his drone last week. both he and the manager say the cut on his throwing hand is a nonissue heading into tonight's game three. >> it's on the top kind of of the pinky going from i guess the first knuckle here towards the nail down to the second knuckle. kind of on the outside of it on the top. thankfully there's nothing really of importance there. it's just skin. >> i really don't think this is going to affect his start one way or another, whether he gets them out or doesn't. i don't think this is going to be a big deal. >> tia: i actually found out about this from a blue jays i didn't know what they were talking about. is this a joke? once i looked a little deeper into it, i was -- i didn't believe it. i thought it was a joke. >> brian: it's one of those things. >> tia: it can happen, i guess. just because the indians are on the road, that does not mean you can't be part of all the action. >> brian: all kinds of up watch parties. the indians hold their own deals at the various buffalo wild wings locations through the area. sia nyorkor is live it downtown getting answers this good morning, sia. >> sia: good morning, brian and tia. there's so much excitement surrounding our indians and everyone is #rallytogether. you can check it out. buffalo wild wings sponsors several watch parties on almost every side of town. here's what you need to know if you want to attend one. there is a location right here in downtown cleveland, and south of here in medina at 5050 east point drive, and then if you live east, you can go to the willoughby location at 36455 euclid avenue. if you live west, you can head to the buffalo wild wings in elyria at 239 midway boulevard. now, at all of the watch parties they will have a bunch of give-aways including an exclusive pepsi indians t-shirt. almost all of the 2016 indians promotional items, and check this out. this is cool. fans that attend the watch parties at these designated buffalo wild wings locations, if you tweet the pictures with the #rallytogether, actualvy have a chance to win a spot to watch potential world series games right from the dugouts at progressive field. so all of the watch parties are set to start an hour before the first pitch. 19 for all the latest updates and social fun. for now i get answers in downtown cleveland, sia nyorkor, cleveland 19 news. >> tia: thank you so much. it's pretty evident that the fans are showing up to support the indians. we did some digging and we have the numbers to back it up. social media is booming for the indians. twitter activity is up 60%, and facebook reached up to 90%. that's a whole lot. of course, probably that hashtag is helping, rallytogether. the increase in page views, and we are anticipating the number of season ticket holders to go up as well. right now, though, if you sign up for a plan, you get first crack at world series tickets if they make it that far, which they will. end zone, incomplete, t two-point conversion no good. the titans lead it by 9. >> brian: i screamed at the tv all sunday. a fall two-point conversion point during a crucial part in the game. just one of the many things to point to why the browns lost 28-26. >> tia: it's hard to even say. they're 0-6. brutal! >> why do you make me come in here and talk about it? >> brian: all right. let's start with -- >> back whether i played for the indians in the '80s. >> brian: nice try. is the missed two, is that a big deal right now? is this a whole this missed two-point thing. >> no. it's not like it was -- we lost by 2. even if we went the other way, kicked a field goal or kicked an extra point, and then came back and did it again and tied it up. it's not like we're fighting for the division lead. >> tia: right. >> brian: right. >> what hue said, you know, jackson. he said -- the jackson years. he said it's a different one point. >> brian: my point in -- listen, i'm not going to criticize hue jackson, but i thought at that time, look, kick. keep it a one-point game. keep yourselves alive as long as possible and kicking kept you alive. they missed and were done. >> also, you got to think that the chances of sufficiently executing an onside kick is very slim. the chances of doing it a row is -- i'd rather play the lot lottery. >> brian: you give yourself the option. >> tia: it was hard to watch the game. it was so close. terrelle pryor did a good job and kessler did, too. >> brian: what do you think of kessler? >> i'm proud of him. if i had a son -- oh, wait. i do. >> tia: here's video of him right here, actually. >> first off, he comes back because the whole idea that he comes back very quickly. couple of weeks ago. he's very tough and committed to come back. still took a lot of hits. there's got to be -- they got to do some work on the offensive line, solidify things. i know injuries have kind of made it rough for them to keep any kind of continuity. you know, he got the ball off. he got the ball thrown. of course, a little shovel pass. there was -- plus there was the one touchdown when they threw that ball high in the air prior back to the end zone between two defenders. again, that's why we were always going, can we have a tal receiver? >> we got one now. >> we have one. we have this video of marco mariota. i missed it during the game. mariota slides. what do you think of this, bob? do you know what's going to happen? >> he's going to -- >> tia: apparently someone hit him in the head. >> brian: he gets bonked in the the time. >> brian: that was one way to get him out of the game. we have like ten seconds. is this team going to win a game? >> yes? >> tia: that was with a question mark. >> brian: i really hope so. >> they can, but -- you know, even if they don't, i think they keep hue jackson and they just -- everything keeps moving forward. >> brian: i hope so. >> tia: if they win, sadly i won't see it because i won't be watching. it's hard to watch. admit it, it's hard to watch. come on! >> no, it isn't. it's the browns. the it's fun to watch. >> brian: we watch the browns. that's what we do. >> tia: we continue to monitor the situation in mosul, iraq where the biggest military operation there since 2011 is underway. >> brian: thanks, bob. appreciate it. ahead we find out how donald trump feels about super tuesday night live's latest skit about his presidential campaign. we want to get you out the door with a check of the bus stop forecast, and i know you're going to be like what when you hear the forecast if you're just woking up. we're in the mid-60s this morning across much of northeast ohio. it feels every bit like summer, and it will all day long. maybe a little light rain out at the bus stop, but that will be a morning thing. today will shape up to be pretty nice. we talk about it coming up after the break. >> tia: n?ext,we getanswers about the search for a person who shot a cat with an left that cat for dead. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. >> brian: humane officers are looking for whoever it was that shot a cat with an air roar near saw the stray cat lying on her porch with an arrow through her back. luckily it did not hit the cat's spine. the cat was able to walk. the vets did surgery and we're told she's doing well. >> tia: talking politics now, a pair of national polls over the weekend shows hillary clinton with a lead over donald trump. a "washington post"/abc news poll has clinton just four points ahead of trump, while an nbc reports shows her 11 points ahead of trump. if you didn't catch "saturday night live" this weekend, he'll see it on facebook today. donald trump is not too happy with "snl's" version of him. >> in 1992 i helped a kid named kevin mccallister find a hotel lobby. you might remember the documentary "home alone 2: lost in new york." >> tia: i'm sorry. who wouldn't laugh at that. watched and thinks it's boring and says alec baldwin's portrayal stinks and hillary clinton has not commented on her portrayal on "snl." the final debate is this wednesday. i mean, it's meant to be funny, and you take it lightly. they make fun of everybody! >> brian: that's part of the deal. you have to roll with it. it's his -- he wants to get mad about it, that's up to him. >> samantha: okay. on to the weather. >> tia: thank you. s we can all agree on, that's it's weird we're in the 80s today when it is october, right? feeling more like august. i want to break down the day for you. so if you have a run planned or a walk this morning, be prepared for some wetness around. the ground is going to be wet because we had rain overnight, and there may be light drizzle out there. i think recess today is looking warm. temperatures well above average. for after school activities and practices. any yardwork you do after work, after the office, maybe at home and mow the grass today, it's on the hot side of your evening jog or walk. that's also going to be warm. look at how warm it is across cuyahoga county. 63 in shaker heights. good morning to you out on the west side. westlake is 63. 66 in north olmstead. it is not supposed to be that warm this time of year in the with our average daily highs for this time of year. it's biwild. we had rain overnight. that is gone. there's a little window for drizzle out there, but nothing of significance throughout today. i think most of today will feature decreasing cloud cover and temperatures that are just way warmer than average. 76 at midday, 82 this afternoon, and with the humidity factored in it might feel a touch warmer. of afternoon sunshine. great day to get outside today. tonight, no rain in our forecast. the hour-by-hour chance of rain is zero, and i think we'll stay dry all through tomorrow with yet another day tomorrow where we might break or tie a record. 84 is the record. that one set back in 1950. so there are two days in a row here where we could tie, break, or get close to some record highs. it's pretty crazy. rain comes in tomorrow night, cools us off a little bit for wednesday. another night will lead us to cooler weather for the week's end. n notice i have two weather alert days thursday and friday. that's when rain chances will be on the rise. umbrella weather, laura, on thursday and friday. >> laura: this morning still a little wet out there in some spots. be very careful if you deal with slippery roads. you want toe increase that following distance as traffic increases more. we are entering the rush hour very, very shortly. look at the roads right now. i-90 from the west side about 45 miles per hour towards the split there. no big slowdowns. we check out the drive times in a moment. the drive from the west side, here it comes. let's take that drive here. through wes westlake it looks perfect. this is a big concern lately, and right now it looks good. you leave a little earlier to reap the benefits of that. construction at east 105th starting today chester avenue near east 105th, two lanes eastbound and one lane westbound. it will cause more traffic along chester. here are the drive times, strongsville, north olmstead, mentor and akron still move on time in the green. it's not quite rush hour. guys. >> tia: love the color green, though. i'm thinking money. coming up at 7:00 a.m. speaking of money, perfect timing on channel 43. financial planner tom stockett to manage our green. >> brian: okay. all right. also coming up at 7:00 a.m. on cle43, you know that bigley braun james banner in the in the heart of downtown will change. we get answers on the subtle ? ? ? ? can you say i love it? ? ? oh love it? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? ? that's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? ? ooooh oooh.? >> tia: welcome we've told you about this story and it's continuing to develop. this video just in to the cleveland 19 newsroom from the battlefront in iraq. the operation to retake mosul was announced late haas night and since allied forces have made progress. mosul has been under the control of isis since june of 2014. that's a long time. isis fighters have reduced much of the city down to just rubble. >> absolutely destroyed it. deliberately from one end to the other. knock uppeded and destroyed everything. >> tia: as many as 1 million people may be forced to leave the city. they told civilians to stay inside their homes so they're not caught in the crossfire. >> brian: as you head out the door to start your day, here are stories to know before you go. the city is going to be a little less bright because he's gone from it, you know? >> tia: cleveland heights police arrested someone in connection with the murder of this young man. this is 15-year-old sunny patel. he was a mayfield heights high school student working at his family's mr. hero restaurant when he was shot and killed during a robbery friday night. it's been seven years since the bodies of 11 women were discovered inside a home on imperial avenue. the memorial that was originally anthony soeble is still not there. people are complaining there's a stench coming from in area on the property. even though the indians are on the road, tribe fans expect to pack downtown tonight. >> brian: they will. multiple buffalo wild wing locations are hosting indians watch parties. the browns continue to compete but came up short again in tennessee falling to the titans 28-26. >> samantha: welcome back. i want to show you that seven-day forecast before you hit the highway and help you plan the next several days. it's very warm today, 82, 84 tomorrow. guys, we cooler with rain by the end of the week. >> tia: wow. that's a real cooldown for real. >> brian: i know. how about our buckeyes? an overtime win. of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. every great why when cold and flu hold you back try theraflu expressmax, now in new caplets. it's the only cold & flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. theraflu. for a powerful comeback. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is monday, october 17th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning.? overnight, american war planes and special operation commandos have launched one of isis. we are aon the front lines. the republican office in north carolina is being called terrorism by local leaders. federal authorities are joining the hunt to find out who is responsible. >> donald trump doubles down on claims he is fighting a hacked election and hillary clinton's campaign struggles with questions about her character. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener."

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Cuyahoga County , Ohio , United States , Canada , North Carolina , Elyria , Washington , Akron , Cleveland , Geauga County , China , Toronto , Ontario , Cleveland Heights , Mayfield Heights , Cincinnati , Iraq , Tennessee , Cuyahoga Falls , Strongsville , Chicago , Illinois , Canton , Iraqi , American , Kevin Mccallister , Brian Duffy , Tia Ewing , Bigley Braun James , Clayton Kershaw , Sam Roberts , Willie Nelson , Sonny Patel , Aaron Rodgers , Cody Kessler , Alec Baldwin , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News This Morning 20161017 :

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News This Morning 20161017

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about the weekend? perfect for me. i love it like that. >> tia: beautiful, isn't it? >> brian: the rain, got a little overnight. >> tia: yeah, we need it. >> brian: that's moving out and sunshine moving in. >> tia: today is a good day to call in. >> brian: you're here. >> tia: if our watching and the bet is comfortable, just stay there. >> samantha: the bed might be hot. it is warm out there. >> brian: get up. >> sama: 60s this morning. time is 6:01. we're mostly cloudy across northeast ohio. there's a little light rain through the eastern half of the forecast region moving from geauga county into ashtabula county. rain will not be an all-day event. there might be a few isolated spotty areas of very late rain out at the bus stop this morning, but most of the day we should be just fine. here's that school day forecast today. mid-60s as you send the kids off to class. were talking about in the morning. this week it's all about the heat. i think if the kids are allowed to wear shorts and short sleeves to school, you should today. 82 this afternoon. 20 degrees above average with a lot of sunshine out there this afternoon. we'll going 82 for parma and 81 from akron and canton is warmer today at about 83 degrees. the that's crazy, right? it's we should be in the 60s. where did fall go, and when is it coming back? we talk about at 6:15. laura. >> laura: out there on the roads this morning, we're still moving in the green stit accident-free, at least major accident-free. you find different broken-downs off to the side of the road, but nothing is hanging up morning traffic. we're moving right along out there. 77 northbound, if you're leaving akron, one of our suburb to the north and headed towards cleveland, nothing but 60 miles smooth, smooth sailing. good stuff out there. out to 480 on the east side, 58 miles per hour near broadway. that's going to be eastbound. 60 miles per hour continuing closer to 271, and then out 422 60 miles per hour, 64 out by solon. nothing hanging you up as i mentioned. there we have the drive times. 19 minutes from strongsville, north olmstead, mentor and akron. if you're headed to downtown you should be right on time. the akron drive is coming up at 6:18. >> brian: the indians take a 2-0 series lead into toronto tonight. first pitch, game 3, 8:08. we're fired up. i can't wait. trevor bouwer will pitch pour the tribe. he cut the pinky on his pinky h hand. as different days. it doesn't affect anything as far as my grips. i don't even use my pinky on pitches i throw. it hangs out over there. i don't anticipate it being an issue at all. >> brian: just kind of hangs out over there. we feel good with way 2-0 lead and why not in a seven-guy series. historic cali teams with 2-0 leads win the series 83% of the time. so the odds are in the tribe's favor. we still have though. before the series the blue jays were the big favorites to win. the odds-makers are backing out. in fact the indians odds to win the world series are almost as good as the heavily favored chicago cubs. >> tia: i know it's a numbers game, but at the same time i could have told them that. i've been saying world series the whole time. i think the reality is, you know, sometimes these people -- >> i think they may look at it a one of us. >> tia: i think they're really going to win this thing. >> brian: cubs lost last new to clayton kershaw and the dodgers. >> tia: even though the indians are the on road, tribe fans will pack downtown and everywhere tonight. >> brian: multiple buffalo wild wings in the area host official indian watch parties. sia nyorkor is on that story for us this morning. >> sia: good morning, brian and tia. i'm with tia. we just want the indians to win, and she's not alone. check out the signs in front of if buffalo wild wings right here. #rallytogether. this is just one of the locations where they are having a watch party. there are four locations total. let me tell you about them. right downtown here, 724 prospect avenue east, and south the address is 5050 east point drive. if you live east, you can join fans over in willoughby. that address is 36455 euclid avenue, and if you're out west, you can head to midway boulevard, 239 midway boulevard. that's in elyria. now, at all of the watch parties, you have a chance to get an exclusive pepsi indians t-shirt, promotional items, and fans who come to these watch party locations and tweet t the #rallytogether, you have a chance to actually win a spot to watch a potential world series game from the dugout at progressive field. so that is a very, very cool. the indians give away a lot of prizes, and there's a lot of excitement about this. for all the updates on how you and with the fandom, log onto our website at first pitch is at 8:08. for you now i'm getting answers in downtown cleveland, sia nyorkor, "cleveland 19 news." >> tia: sia, thank you so much. there's a growing movement in canada for the indians to change their team name, and the controversial chief logo. an indigenous activist applied for a court ruling that would ban indians being on the tribe uniforms playing in canada. the court will hear this argument later this morning. when asked about the logo the former president of the indians and said chief wahoo was troubling to me personally. a spokesperson forked indians said they're aware of the court ruling but did not comment any further. we continue to follow this story and will stay on top of this along with tonight's ball game in toronto. look for live reports today ? along with the full game recap tomorrow morning starting at 4:30. >> brian: mark was the president of the indians, he could have done something then. it's interesting he's saying something now when no longer with the indians. funeral services today for 15-year-old sonny patel and he was murdered during a robbery. we told you at the top of show police made an arrest in the case. grief counselors will be at mayfield high school today. sonny was working just doing his jobop saw the gunman and tried to run away, but the suspect shot sonny. his family describes him as sunny, he's a bright, charming young man taken away too soon. >> he was a great young man and had the whole world ahead of him. >> his name was sunny. that's the best anyway i could think of for him. the city is a little less bright because gone from it, you know. >> i really feel for this family. we will ask more questions about cleveland 19 app. >> tia: in cleveland over the weekend police are looking for whoever shot a pizza delivery man during a robbery attempt on west 93rd at the west tech lofts. the delivery man was shot in the leg. we're working to get an update on his condition. a 56-year-old man was killed in a hit-and-run on st. clair avenue in cleveland just yesterday, sunday. police arrested a woman and she's charged with vehicular homicide. police say alcohol and speed are factors in this. the woman charged is 20 years down. touchdown cleveland! >> brian: we're about two months away from marking one year since the last time the browns won a football game, week 14 of the last season. 303 days ago. geez. browns try to snap a nine-game losing streak on sunday when they travel to cincinnati to play the bengals. away from the two point loss to the titans. the browns came back late in the game. cody kessler didn't turn it over and he threw two touchdown passes and that was good. he was sacked six times and that's not good. in a half hour bob golic will be with us to talk about hue jackson. "saved by the browns" at 6:37. yeah. okay. we'll just move along. we contie developments in mosul, iraq. this is a serious story here. it's where u.s. troops are helping to bring down isis. >> tia: the fight began overnight. we'll update the progress right after the break. sam. >> samantha: i don't know about you guys, but i miss summer. hi, tia. you look lovely. brian, hello. 6:10. we've got some summer-like heat returning to our area. what is happening to my clothes? this is really cool if you want a little behind the scenes inside baseball, i said. there we go. i'm fixed. i was see-through there for a minute and that was weird. 62 is the average high today. nope, we're headed for 82. it will feel great out there. we'll talk about how long this awesomeness lasts coming up after the break. >> brian: next, we get answers on whether or not investigators are any closer to finding out who fire-bombed a republican can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber? works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber? nourishes them... >> tia: welcome back. an update on a military operation to recapture iraq's second largest city from isis control. an offensive was launched earlier in morning, so this story unfolds right now as we speak. we know u.s. troops are fighting on the ground and also by air. if we get any updates on this story, we will let you know right here on "cleveland 19 news." vandalism at a republican campaign office in north carolina is causing some finger-pointing on the campaign trail. thankfully, no one was hurt in this. someone threw a fire bomb into the campaign headquarters of donald trump tweeting saying clinton are behind this attack. clinton responded tweeting the attack was horrific. >> brian: it's not easy, certainly not easy to do alone, so be careful. making the right financial decisions, of course, is the key to your financial future. tom stockett is with us. he's a financial planner frr cleveland wealth. he has an interesting take receipting picking your fantasy football team to making the right financial decisions. stockett says making the right financial decisions is like your fantasy football team, and it starts with the leader. he'd take packers quarterback aaron rodgers first. stockett says like rogers sets the tone for the pack, the right financial adviser can help you start gaining your financial footing. >> you don't have to go at it alone. you really need to find a good leader, a trusted and accomplished financial adviser to help you through the process. >> brian: of terrelle pryor. he can adjust. >> a financial plan is not a set it and forget it, okay? it really needs to be adjusted over time as our life circumstances change over time. >> brian: stockett went with adam ven terri because he's in his 21st season. >> we can't look month to month, year to year on this. we have fob in this game for the us is that if we are in it for the long run, we will usually be rewarded. >> brian: that's happening and i know what it is. my phone rang while i was doing the interview with tom stockett. next time i'll turn my phone off. later on cleveland 19 your no-brainer pick and bounce-back selection and we'll tell you why those are so important. >> tia: girl, get over here. >> b: here. i figured i would slow down. >> samantha: i heard jake say three-shot coming. i better get over there. >> brian: the sam coming over by columbia. >> samantha: sorry. i was upset by a story. it was a great story. anytime you can make keeping track of your finances more fun, which i think, you know, relating it to fantasy football probably makes it more fun for everybody involved. >> brian: good points in there, ha g i just ate those -- tia looks out for me if i have something on my arm or my hair is out of place. thank you. i just ate like this little bag of chips. i was really hungry. it's lunchtime for us. you're probably at home eating breakfast right now. 6:18, and i want to let you know that that morning commute i think for most of us looks good in terms of the weather. there could be a stray shower and a little drizzle and of course the roads are wet from last night's rain,ut us won't see anything substantial on the way in to work. midday commute, evening commute, it all looks good today. in fact, i'll call it hot. later today we head into the 80s. for now we're in the 60s with a partly to mostly cloudy sky. i was mentioning a little light rain out there in southern ashtabula county. this is south of ashtabula. so right around roaming shores and down to the south you might run into light to moderate rain. shouldn't last too long. that way. there is a little chance through 9:00 we could see passing showers and patchy drizzle. again, nothing of significance like what we saw last night, and we had some pretty steady rain around here. that's all gone. most of today is just going to feature warm temperatures and humid conditions and breezy weather and decreasing cloud cover. we're going to go partly to mostly cloudy through 9:00 or 10:00. then really seeing a lot of sunshine through the afternoon as we break the day down for you 66 right now. 67 at 9:00, and midday 76 and then a high today of 82. that is the record high set back in 1953, and it is 20 degrees above average for today. look at that. 6:00, still 80 degrees outside in october! it's crazy. 72 at 9:00 with the mostly clear sky for tonight. no rain in our forecast tonight or tomorrow. forecast for tuesday. 84 tomorrow after starting off in the 70s. it's going to be so warm around here for the next two days. a little cold front on tuesday night. that will bring us some rain and cool us off a little bit for wednesday into thursday. we really don't see a significant push of cooler area until friday into the weekend. i notice we do have two alert days on that seven-day. thursday and friday things could get pretty wet laura, especially on thursday. over to you. >> laura: traffic is starting to pick up a little bit out there. really not causing much in the slowdown department, though. i was looking at the cameras that shows 77 rolling towards downtown and it's running right on time. just getting thicker there. 39 miles per hour along the metro curve as you pass by the steelyard. then you get more traffic and a little more buildup there. akron area is looking smooth here. no problems along 76. 62 miles per hour to the west. your way from canton up towards akron. and then outbounds if you come up route 8, that looks like 55 miles per hour right through cuyahoga falls. strongsville to cleveland, your drive is 20 minutes. 18 minutes from north olmstead. mentor to cleveland is 28 minutes right now. 37 inbound from akron. we have the west side drive at 6:33. guys. >> tia: pretty inin morning. how donald trump is raeblthing to "saturday night live's" portrayal of the republican nominee. >> brian: j.r. re-signed and [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ? on the road again ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s [ music ] >> brian: there's a live look outside the feazel roof cam. it was this day in 1970 the jackson five had the number one song in the country with their hit "i'll be there." for more rock trivia logon to you can enter to win two tiblths to dinner and a show at the hard rock rocksino. look at the jackson five. >> tia: i know. it's so cool to see. well, the cavs finally signed a deal with four years and 57 million bucks. that's a lot of money. he put out a video thanking the cavs and fans and surprised us with -- i don't know if you want to say it's a little something else. it's a big surprise. >> one more surprise. we're having another baby! >> that's how you do it. this will be j.r.'s third little bundle of joy. >> brian: good for them. we wish them the best. we're in cleveland this beer week. right now, and it started last all week long look for specials at bars and restaurants. what's cool about this is you can clind -- clink glasses for a good cause and it goes to local charities. >> tia: just when you think i was drinking coffee. i'm just kidding. i actually have pumpkin spiced latte. no beer unfortunately. game three of the american league championship is tot, and we get answers from trefor bouwer on the pinky cut all over a drone. you have to hear this. >> brian: next, breaking news overnight in the search for a man that shot and killed a new clients? let's go meet them soon. in person, we could read the room. on the phone, you're just a voice. for fast rewards, let's book on choice. this trip could really help us grow. ? should i stay or should i go? ? when it's time to go for business, book on and get a free night when you stay with us two times. >> brian: an arrest late last night in the shooting and killing of a 15-year-old boy who was working at a family-owned mr. hero restaurant in cleveland heights. we are waiting to hear back from the police chief arrest. it comes as the family of sunny patel will hold funeral services today. grief counselors will be at mayfield high school to talk with any of patel's classmates. >> tia: you hear it and see it. the fighting has started in iraq. while you were sleeping a military operation was announced and just started as allied forces move in to try and for isis. u.s. troops are fighting along kurdish and iraqi forces. this is the biggest military operation in iraq since 2011. good morning, it's monday october 17th. i'm tia ewing. >> brian: it's 6:31, and i'm brian duffy. how about the weekend. could it have been better? check in with our meteorologist sam roberts. sam, in the 80s today? what the heck is going on? >> samantha: isn't it crazy? we have a warm front moving through the area that brought us we're at 66 right now. this is your morning commute forecast. about 65 at 7:00 and by 9:00 in the mid to upper 50s. i think the weather may slow you down like a smidge. it's not really a huge deal, but there is some patchy fog out there. you could run into some light rain, plus the roads are wet from last night's rain. so just take that into consideration. most of us are just fine, not a to be like totally sunny with dry roads if that's what you're looking for. here's what we have right now. 6:31, and we're partly to mostly cloudy. a little light rain out in ashtabula county by 7:00. we should be dry and there's a little chance throughout about 9:00 you might run into patchy drizzle. that's all for today. we'll see more sunshine this afternoon, and, of course, our big story continuing to be these temperatures. look at the numbers three through time today. 76 at lunchtime and an afternoon high of 82. that's the record for today. it's going to be crazy. 20 degrees above average, so are you hoping for some cooler weather? i'll tell you when it arrives coming up at 6:45. laura. >> still moving on time on the roads. no major accidents still either but just lots of construction. you bet the construction workers enjoy the warmer weather we have. then that pretty soon it really changes for them. with them, especially some spots and talk about narrower locations where the road is narrowed to allow the workers to do their work. for right now on the highways it's all a go. the first place to slow down every single day is slow right now. 23 miles per hour as you make your way through there. once you zip on the innerbelt bridge, you shouldn't have issues at all. here 90 at avon and westlake. look how fast we move through here. next up i lakewood and cleveland on time towards the split with 490 and 71. drive times also on time out there anywhere on the map. shouldn't have issues, and then chester construction, we have that coming up 6:48. >> everybody wants to talk about the cleveland indians. it's a fun time right now. they look to take a commanding lead to the american league championship series tonight. >> brian: if they win today, away from the world series. only one team in baseball history has come down being down 3-0 in the alcs. we'd be in great shape. >> tia: the big question heads into tonight's game, you know what it is, brian? >> brian: the pinky and the drone. >> tia: trevor bouwer showed us yesterday how he cut it repairing his drone last week. both he and the manager say the cut on his throwing hand is a nonissue heading into tonight's game three. >> it's on the top kind of of the pinky going from i guess the first knuckle here towards the nail down to the second knuckle. kind of on the outside of it on the top. thankfully there's nothing really of importance there. it's just skin. >> i really don't think this is going to affect his start one way or another, whether he gets them out or doesn't. i don't think this is going to be a big deal. >> tia: i actually found out about this from a blue jays i didn't know what they were talking about. is this a joke? once i looked a little deeper into it, i was -- i didn't believe it. i thought it was a joke. >> brian: it's one of those things. >> tia: it can happen, i guess. just because the indians are on the road, that does not mean you can't be part of all the action. >> brian: all kinds of up watch parties. the indians hold their own deals at the various buffalo wild wings locations through the area. sia nyorkor is live it downtown getting answers this good morning, sia. >> sia: good morning, brian and tia. there's so much excitement surrounding our indians and everyone is #rallytogether. you can check it out. buffalo wild wings sponsors several watch parties on almost every side of town. here's what you need to know if you want to attend one. there is a location right here in downtown cleveland, and south of here in medina at 5050 east point drive, and then if you live east, you can go to the willoughby location at 36455 euclid avenue. if you live west, you can head to the buffalo wild wings in elyria at 239 midway boulevard. now, at all of the watch parties they will have a bunch of give-aways including an exclusive pepsi indians t-shirt. almost all of the 2016 indians promotional items, and check this out. this is cool. fans that attend the watch parties at these designated buffalo wild wings locations, if you tweet the pictures with the #rallytogether, actualvy have a chance to win a spot to watch potential world series games right from the dugouts at progressive field. so all of the watch parties are set to start an hour before the first pitch. 19 for all the latest updates and social fun. for now i get answers in downtown cleveland, sia nyorkor, cleveland 19 news. >> tia: thank you so much. it's pretty evident that the fans are showing up to support the indians. we did some digging and we have the numbers to back it up. social media is booming for the indians. twitter activity is up 60%, and facebook reached up to 90%. that's a whole lot. of course, probably that hashtag is helping, rallytogether. the increase in page views, and we are anticipating the number of season ticket holders to go up as well. right now, though, if you sign up for a plan, you get first crack at world series tickets if they make it that far, which they will. end zone, incomplete, t two-point conversion no good. the titans lead it by 9. >> brian: i screamed at the tv all sunday. a fall two-point conversion point during a crucial part in the game. just one of the many things to point to why the browns lost 28-26. >> tia: it's hard to even say. they're 0-6. brutal! >> why do you make me come in here and talk about it? >> brian: all right. let's start with -- >> back whether i played for the indians in the '80s. >> brian: nice try. is the missed two, is that a big deal right now? is this a whole this missed two-point thing. >> no. it's not like it was -- we lost by 2. even if we went the other way, kicked a field goal or kicked an extra point, and then came back and did it again and tied it up. it's not like we're fighting for the division lead. >> tia: right. >> brian: right. >> what hue said, you know, jackson. he said -- the jackson years. he said it's a different one point. >> brian: my point in -- listen, i'm not going to criticize hue jackson, but i thought at that time, look, kick. keep it a one-point game. keep yourselves alive as long as possible and kicking kept you alive. they missed and were done. >> also, you got to think that the chances of sufficiently executing an onside kick is very slim. the chances of doing it a row is -- i'd rather play the lot lottery. >> brian: you give yourself the option. >> tia: it was hard to watch the game. it was so close. terrelle pryor did a good job and kessler did, too. >> brian: what do you think of kessler? >> i'm proud of him. if i had a son -- oh, wait. i do. >> tia: here's video of him right here, actually. >> first off, he comes back because the whole idea that he comes back very quickly. couple of weeks ago. he's very tough and committed to come back. still took a lot of hits. there's got to be -- they got to do some work on the offensive line, solidify things. i know injuries have kind of made it rough for them to keep any kind of continuity. you know, he got the ball off. he got the ball thrown. of course, a little shovel pass. there was -- plus there was the one touchdown when they threw that ball high in the air prior back to the end zone between two defenders. again, that's why we were always going, can we have a tal receiver? >> we got one now. >> we have one. we have this video of marco mariota. i missed it during the game. mariota slides. what do you think of this, bob? do you know what's going to happen? >> he's going to -- >> tia: apparently someone hit him in the head. >> brian: he gets bonked in the the time. >> brian: that was one way to get him out of the game. we have like ten seconds. is this team going to win a game? >> yes? >> tia: that was with a question mark. >> brian: i really hope so. >> they can, but -- you know, even if they don't, i think they keep hue jackson and they just -- everything keeps moving forward. >> brian: i hope so. >> tia: if they win, sadly i won't see it because i won't be watching. it's hard to watch. admit it, it's hard to watch. come on! >> no, it isn't. it's the browns. the it's fun to watch. >> brian: we watch the browns. that's what we do. >> tia: we continue to monitor the situation in mosul, iraq where the biggest military operation there since 2011 is underway. >> brian: thanks, bob. appreciate it. ahead we find out how donald trump feels about super tuesday night live's latest skit about his presidential campaign. we want to get you out the door with a check of the bus stop forecast, and i know you're going to be like what when you hear the forecast if you're just woking up. we're in the mid-60s this morning across much of northeast ohio. it feels every bit like summer, and it will all day long. maybe a little light rain out at the bus stop, but that will be a morning thing. today will shape up to be pretty nice. we talk about it coming up after the break. >> tia: n?ext,we getanswers about the search for a person who shot a cat with an left that cat for dead. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. >> brian: humane officers are looking for whoever it was that shot a cat with an air roar near saw the stray cat lying on her porch with an arrow through her back. luckily it did not hit the cat's spine. the cat was able to walk. the vets did surgery and we're told she's doing well. >> tia: talking politics now, a pair of national polls over the weekend shows hillary clinton with a lead over donald trump. a "washington post"/abc news poll has clinton just four points ahead of trump, while an nbc reports shows her 11 points ahead of trump. if you didn't catch "saturday night live" this weekend, he'll see it on facebook today. donald trump is not too happy with "snl's" version of him. >> in 1992 i helped a kid named kevin mccallister find a hotel lobby. you might remember the documentary "home alone 2: lost in new york." >> tia: i'm sorry. who wouldn't laugh at that. watched and thinks it's boring and says alec baldwin's portrayal stinks and hillary clinton has not commented on her portrayal on "snl." the final debate is this wednesday. i mean, it's meant to be funny, and you take it lightly. they make fun of everybody! >> brian: that's part of the deal. you have to roll with it. it's his -- he wants to get mad about it, that's up to him. >> samantha: okay. on to the weather. >> tia: thank you. s we can all agree on, that's it's weird we're in the 80s today when it is october, right? feeling more like august. i want to break down the day for you. so if you have a run planned or a walk this morning, be prepared for some wetness around. the ground is going to be wet because we had rain overnight, and there may be light drizzle out there. i think recess today is looking warm. temperatures well above average. for after school activities and practices. any yardwork you do after work, after the office, maybe at home and mow the grass today, it's on the hot side of your evening jog or walk. that's also going to be warm. look at how warm it is across cuyahoga county. 63 in shaker heights. good morning to you out on the west side. westlake is 63. 66 in north olmstead. it is not supposed to be that warm this time of year in the with our average daily highs for this time of year. it's biwild. we had rain overnight. that is gone. there's a little window for drizzle out there, but nothing of significance throughout today. i think most of today will feature decreasing cloud cover and temperatures that are just way warmer than average. 76 at midday, 82 this afternoon, and with the humidity factored in it might feel a touch warmer. of afternoon sunshine. great day to get outside today. tonight, no rain in our forecast. the hour-by-hour chance of rain is zero, and i think we'll stay dry all through tomorrow with yet another day tomorrow where we might break or tie a record. 84 is the record. that one set back in 1950. so there are two days in a row here where we could tie, break, or get close to some record highs. it's pretty crazy. rain comes in tomorrow night, cools us off a little bit for wednesday. another night will lead us to cooler weather for the week's end. n notice i have two weather alert days thursday and friday. that's when rain chances will be on the rise. umbrella weather, laura, on thursday and friday. >> laura: this morning still a little wet out there in some spots. be very careful if you deal with slippery roads. you want toe increase that following distance as traffic increases more. we are entering the rush hour very, very shortly. look at the roads right now. i-90 from the west side about 45 miles per hour towards the split there. no big slowdowns. we check out the drive times in a moment. the drive from the west side, here it comes. let's take that drive here. through wes westlake it looks perfect. this is a big concern lately, and right now it looks good. you leave a little earlier to reap the benefits of that. construction at east 105th starting today chester avenue near east 105th, two lanes eastbound and one lane westbound. it will cause more traffic along chester. here are the drive times, strongsville, north olmstead, mentor and akron still move on time in the green. it's not quite rush hour. guys. >> tia: love the color green, though. i'm thinking money. coming up at 7:00 a.m. speaking of money, perfect timing on channel 43. financial planner tom stockett to manage our green. >> brian: okay. all right. also coming up at 7:00 a.m. on cle43, you know that bigley braun james banner in the in the heart of downtown will change. we get answers on the subtle ? ? ? ? can you say i love it? ? ? oh love it? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? ? that's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? ? ooooh oooh.? >> tia: welcome we've told you about this story and it's continuing to develop. this video just in to the cleveland 19 newsroom from the battlefront in iraq. the operation to retake mosul was announced late haas night and since allied forces have made progress. mosul has been under the control of isis since june of 2014. that's a long time. isis fighters have reduced much of the city down to just rubble. >> absolutely destroyed it. deliberately from one end to the other. knock uppeded and destroyed everything. >> tia: as many as 1 million people may be forced to leave the city. they told civilians to stay inside their homes so they're not caught in the crossfire. >> brian: as you head out the door to start your day, here are stories to know before you go. the city is going to be a little less bright because he's gone from it, you know? >> tia: cleveland heights police arrested someone in connection with the murder of this young man. this is 15-year-old sunny patel. he was a mayfield heights high school student working at his family's mr. hero restaurant when he was shot and killed during a robbery friday night. it's been seven years since the bodies of 11 women were discovered inside a home on imperial avenue. the memorial that was originally anthony soeble is still not there. people are complaining there's a stench coming from in area on the property. even though the indians are on the road, tribe fans expect to pack downtown tonight. >> brian: they will. multiple buffalo wild wing locations are hosting indians watch parties. the browns continue to compete but came up short again in tennessee falling to the titans 28-26. >> samantha: welcome back. i want to show you that seven-day forecast before you hit the highway and help you plan the next several days. it's very warm today, 82, 84 tomorrow. guys, we cooler with rain by the end of the week. >> tia: wow. that's a real cooldown for real. >> brian: i know. how about our buckeyes? 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