Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News This Morning 20161007

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News This Morning 20161007

ballpark was going to level at a time off its foundation a couple times. it was so loud. it was good to see the ballpark was still here today. you guys were great. indian fans were fantastic. now you have to turn around and bring it again today. >> tia: that's right. we have live team coverage coming up right here from progressive field. what will the weather be like at first pitch at 4:38 p.m. today, right? let's go inside with meteorologist sam roberts tracking the weather at home and also hurricane matthew. sam. >> samantha: 80 degrees at first pitch. can you believe that? yesterday we hit a high of 81. if you liked that weather, you will love today's forecast as well. starting off with a look at current conditions. there's nothing going on. no rain or thunderstorm activity, just cool temperatures in the 50s. some of you right around 60. others of us down towards wayne county in the mid to upper 40s. i think you grab a jacket on the sweater or something like that. you probably will get rid of it very, very quickly. 74 midday and this is your school day forecast. a cool bus stop forecast and great recess weather. then for the ride home we're around 80 so it feels more like springtime or summertime this afternoon than october. you know, it should be in the mid-60s. we are going to talk about hurricane matthew coming up throughout the morning hours. this is a big deal, guys. this is a major hurricane that we're tracking for you, and it is working its way up the east coast of florida. the storm's deadly force has killed more than 300 people. it's prompted massive evacuations as it bears down on the southeastern states. >> reporter: overnight the outer bands of hurricane matthew began to pummel the florida coast with unrelenting rain and roaring winds. the storm surge from the category 3 storm sent boats in side. >> it's really quite a sight. >> reporter: storm shutters ripped off the front of businesses in west palm beach. in daytona beach police were left patrolling empty streets. >> we can rebuild homes and businesses. i think of my own family. we can't rebuild a life. this storm is a monster. >> reporter: some people who couldn't get out of town sought safety in red cross shelters, this one inside a school cafeteria. >> there were early mobile homes they're heeding the call from authorities. >> reporter: conditions in orlando intensify over the next few hours. matthew is expected to slam florida all day with hurricane-force winds and then turn towards georgia. the state joined florida in ordering mandatory evacuations, reversing a lane of traffic on this highway yesterday to accommodate the exodus. south carolina did the same as this beach bar stayedo o oma --n for one last party. >> reporter: matthew is expected to move out to southeast this weekend. >> samantha: time is 6:03. matthew is a category 3 major hurricane still moving towards the north-northwest at 14 miles per hour. it does have maximum sustained wind of 120 miles per hour. very powerful. we've already seen reports this morning out of melbourne national weather service of extreme wind, 100-mile-per-hour winds reported along cape the cape. just a dangerous morning down there in portions of east central florida. not a good start. here the eye looking like we're going through that eye wall replacement cycle where the new eye is developing around the old eye. that's a thing that's typical with these very, very strong hurricanes. so what's going to happen through time? i think by the end of day this thing working closer to jacksonville with potentially into the weekend, we look for big impacts, georgia, south carolina. we're probably going to lose a little steam. matthew will likely become and drop town to a category 1. still a strong storm by saturday into sunday. look what happens before it really moves over the mid-atlantic, they avoid the storm completely. then we go back out to sea, and it looks like it. watch what happens early next week. instead of going all the way ouo this storm by the middle of the week could be impacting the bahamas and south florida again. so we'll be watching this one closely, and watching your local forecast as well. that's coming up at 6:15. this one is hit well to right. back toward the track, and that ball is gone! >> brian: how about roberto perez? he hasn't done a whole lot offensively for the indians, but park. it started the rally for the tribe to take game one of the best of five series with the boston red sox. >> tia: that home run was the first of three. that was a huge inning for the tribe. >> brian: tribe fans going absolutely crazy. jason kipnis hit one, and then frankly lindor is rounding the bases. the ballpark was absolutely on fire last night. cleveland 19 sports director tony zarrella had an opportunity to get in the winning it's fun when they win. he spoke with the players who were part of that rally. >> the ball flew out the park, especially that way and especially in the third inning when the indians went deep three times in four at-bats. perez and kipnis and lindor. i talked with lindor about how they turned the game around in the third inning. >> i was trying to continue the rally. he told me to stay short. couldn't be happier after it went out. >> after the first one it was exciting. after mine it was getting nuts in there. the third one, our dugout was kind of losing it. we play with a lot of energy and emotion. that's the way our team goes. we've got up and down the line-up 25 guys who are baseball players that love to compete, and we ride the waves, and that was a high one that started with roberto, a great at-bat. >> it was exciting to watch. when they scored, we came back and scored. you knew it was going to be a good game. >> both teams go deep three times in the game combining to tie the alds record with a total of 6. at progressive field, i'm tony zarrella, "cleveland 19 news." >> tia: you remember yesterday the tribe was telling fans to get there early and make sure you're in your seats on time. the same thing is true for today. the gates open two hours before first pitch, so that means the >> brian: right. now we have to move on to game two and figure out a way to win game two behind corey kluber. nichole vrsansky is part of our team coverage. nicki, game one is history and we're moving on. here's game two today. >> nichole: we are moving on. the cleanup crew, though, still hard at work cleaning up after last night's game and getting ready for tonight's game. gates open at 2:30 and first they want you to be in your seats if you can by 4:00 so you can take part in pregame festivities. we're waiting to hear what it will be. yesterday they handed out red rally towels. we have to wait and see what tonight's give-away will be. if you're lucky enough to have a ticket to tonight's game, good for you. if you're still looking for one, it will probably cost you on about $100 right now for standing room only. 500 level about $150 a ticket at last check. $200 for lower level sights, and then upwards to 300, even higher for the lower level box seats. now, if you notice a deal that seems too good to be true, hets-up. ticket expert mark clang says there are scammers out there. the bulk of the tickets, 98% or 99% are electronic. you have them on your phone or print them out on paper. he says the biggeca is when people try and sell the same ticket over and over again. >> in that case it's whoever shows up at the stadium and gets in the turnstile first. it's an unfortunate thing. >> nichole: and the biggest problem is they are real tickets, so they're not going to look fake. obviously, they're real so you don't know until you get here. so he says the most important are buying from at least to hopefully avoid those scams. back to you guys. >> tia: thank you so much, nicki. we have a traffic alert to tell you about. hopefully this won't impede on the game day travel. the innerbelt bridge, eastbound lanes closed overnight, but it will be back open at 6:00 a.m. at that time odot is closing the westbound lanes. that will be from 6:00 a.m. this morning until 3:00 this aftern hopefully cross your fingers by game time this afternoon. >> brian: tia, as the indians look to win game two, they do with what is one of the best managers in baseball and a guy that will go down as one of the best managers in history. terry francona as ties between the indians and red sox run pretty deep. >> tito francona doing a good job for cleveland. little kid while his dad played for the tribe. terry spent hours in the tribe clubhouse. from that point on, baseball was in his blood. like his dad, tito made it to the majors and played for the tribe. battles injuries he played only a year before he went to boston as manager of the red sox. he took over the sox in 2004, and in one season was able to accomplish what no manager had ne he won a world series for boston, and for that reason alone, francona is still a hero in that city. in 2007 francona's red sox were down 3-1 in the alcs against the tribe. the sox ripped off three straight wins, and then they swept colorado in the world series. francona, like most managers, eventually wore out his welcome. he left boston and landed in he'd like nothing better than breaking another championship drought. yeah. the indians haven't won the world series since 1948. francona knows how to get it done. boston hadn't won in 86 years, and he figured out a way to get it done there. let's hope he figures out a way to gef it done right here with the tribe. we are total tribe this morning. of course, our indians coverage continues in a few minutes. >> tia: we'rera the biggest storms of the decade. of course, we're talking about hurricane matthew. we have where it's at now and how it's impacting us right here in the buckeye state. that's coming up next. sam. >> samantha: it's 6:12. i'm showing you some radar estimated rainfall totals north of orlando, okay? so this is away from the beach about 45 minutes from the beach going well inland. the radar estimates we've already picked up over 4 inches of rain. possible along the shoreline. we look at what hurricane matthew is doing this morning and your local forecast straight >> tia: welcome back. i remember when this story first happened, just heart-breaking and tragic at the same time. a freak accident in the way that everything unfolded. a views is set today for euclid high school student and football player andre jackson. >> brian: i died a couple of weeks ago kicked during a game against solon and died from the internal injuries he suffered. that viewing is from noon to 6:00 today at rogers funeral great, young man by all accounts. a junior at euclid high school. in his honor his teammates haven't stopped playing football and playing well. last week they beat strongsville 41-0. tonight they play elyria. >> tia: 31 days to go before we all pick the next president of the united states. donald trump's running mate, governor mike pence, will be campaigning in strongsville this morning. in comes ahead of sunday night's town hall debate between secretary hillary clinton and donald trump. the latest monmouth university shows clinton with a two-point lead over trump right here in ohio. you're looking at new video from florida where hurricane matthew is bringing extreme wind and rain to the coastal communities. let's head back into our studio now where cleveland 19 reporter sia nyorkor is working on how this massive storm is impacting people on the coast and right here in northeast ohio. right now. matthew has been blamed for at least 283 deaths in haiti, thousands of homes were leveled, nearly 2 million people along the east coast from miami to myrtle beach have been told to evacuate or they may not make it out. it's also affecting some right here in the cleveland area. more than 370 flights at hopkins have been canceled today. that's just part of the nearly 3800 flights across the country that won't take off because of the storm. most airlines have waived their change fee for passengers they may have. some of our local red cross members are still trying to get there to help. at least 13 red cross workers are ready to respond to deploy to florida, three are already there, another three are heading to south carolina, two in north carolina and one to georgia. many of these folks are volunteers. you can help by making a donation to red cross for hurricane matthew relief. the line of this powerful storm. in the next half hour, hear from people right here in northeast ohio who evacuated. sam, i'm going to send that back to you. >> samantha: thanks so much, sia. time is 19 after. of course, we're tracking powerful hurricane matthew, a category 3 hurricane. you can clearly see the eye just offshore. it's about 50 miles offshore. i want to zoom you in and show you that as the outer edge of that eye wall inches closer to the shoreline here. we have had big wind in like cape canaveral and cocoa beach. 100-mile-per-hour wind gusts reported in portions of florida. i mean, it's just a crazy morning down there on the coastline, especially out near cape canaveral. here a little closer to home, things are quiet and dry. it's absolutely beautiful outside. we've had tons of sunshine all week, and we are going to keep that going for today. a little change is comes in terms of our temperatures. our west, and it is coming through the midwest today, and as it approaches northeast ohio late tonight, we could see a few showers developing mainly after sunset and through early tomorrow morning. the biggest change you're going to notice with this front is the drop in temperatures. really cool weather is coming for saturday and sunday. for today, anything but cool. in fact, we're 15 degrees above average this afternoon. 64 at 9:00 in the morning. it i have a lot of 50s out there and even some 40s. cleveland in the upper 50s, but we're warming up quickly. 74 midday and an afternoon high today of 80 degrees. lots of sunshine, light wind really doesn't get better than this. check out the baseball forecast. if you go to the game, 80 at first pitch. we'll fall to 77 by 6:00, and off after sunset. we'll be dry after the game. that cold front will move in and bring a few scattered showers after game time and through the early morning hours of tomorrow. by 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning we'll be done with rainshowers. it will be windy and cooler this weekend. next week we warm right back up. there's your full seven-day planning forecast, 70 bhi tuesday and beginning of the week is gorgeous. 73 on wednesday. we have a little shower chance in for wednesday, and then it looks like we drop back into the 60s by thursday. back to you all. >> tia: all right, sam. thank you so much. time is 6:21 on your friday morning. in about ten minutes more coverage of hurricane matthew. >> brian: up next, it was such a big hit during the cavs run plaza is big gathering spot during the seasons. we have a live report what's going on in the plaza. >> brian: oh, we're in it. that's where we're going. ic lot of these indians rally songs, these hype videos just like we did for the cavs when they were in the playoffs. when the cavs were in the playoffs, gateway plaza is seeing a bit of a transformation of its own. we have the big rally together banner that is on the parking deck underneath you have the stage for entertainment. we also have the rally together progressive this morning getting it ready for tonight's game. we have in gateway plaza the budweiser cafe set up in the middle of gateway plaza. across the court you see the let's go tribe from your friends at the q. of course, this is cleveland. this is how we do it in cleveland, right? bel believeland so. we're set for the big game with first pitch at 4:30. after last night's amazing win, we know inside the fans were pumped. i can't imagine how electric and energizing it will be inside progressive tonight. back over to you. >> tia: of course, coming up at 6:35 you hear from pitcher andrew miller. he's coming about coming into the game last night at the most critical time. >> brian: he was a stud and did a great job last night. from our meteorologist. of course, we're talking about hurricane matthew. state of emergency for a lot of states down south. that storm started to move up the coast overnight. >> tia: we start out with this void yo. overnight hurricane matthew hit the state of florida and started to threaten the southern states. already claimed the lives of more than 300 people. that is unbelievable. it's now heading towards georgia and south carolina where a state of emergency has been declared. good morning. it's friday, october 7th. i'm tia ewing. >> brian: i'm brian duffy. we're live outside of progressive field, and we just want to tell you indian fans, what a job that you guys did last night. if there was a roof on that place, you would have blown it right off. it was that loud. especially when the three home runs in the third inning to take the lead. tribe wins 5-4. we have a 1-0 lead in the series. game two is this afternoon. we're fired up about that. a lot to talk about today. we get to it all. first we start with our meteorologist sam roberts. hey, sam. >> samantha: good morning. i miss you. i'm here all alone. sia is here as well, but she's busy in the newsroom right now. so i'm missing my friends this morning. gorgeous start out there. clear skies across northeast ohio, and no rain to track for you and no thunderstorms, either. now, it is a little cool, okay? don't let me talk about these 80s this afternoon and you're like, oh, i can just leave the house with no jacket on. i think it's cool right now. 58 in cleveland, look at this akron is 53. 47 in wayne county. so maybe you grab a jacket or a sweater on your way doubt the door. like yesterday you lose it quickly because it is be warm later today. 74 midday. look at this temperature trend through time. 80 degrees this afternoon. that is 15 degrees above average, and of course, yet another beautiful day for baseball in cleveland. of course, all eyes are on our biggest weather story, and that is hurricane matthew. the storm's deadly force has killed more than 300 people and it's prompted massive evacuations across the southeast. impacts, and it's a monster. >> reporter: hurricane matthew driving not only wind and rain, but also a new level of fear in a region accustomed to hurricanes. the storm battering florida well into friday morning. officials reporting widespread power outages as the outer bands hammered the coast. cars cramming roads in a highway exodus as many evacuated. some in the state walting until the last minute to have leave. >> i've never seen the ocean before on this side of the country. if you want to see it for hurricane. >> are you getting out of here soon? >> of course. >> others choose to stay. >> we're prepared for it. we're going to hunker down and stay with it. >> this despite dire warnings from florida governor rick scott. >> you can rebuild things. i'm worried about your life and family. evacuate, evacuate, evacuate. >> reporter: scott adding that matthew could bring devastation on a level not seen since hurricane andrew struck nearly a quarter century ago. of concerns. they warned some locations may be uninhabitable for weeks and months. >> samantha: that was very strong wording in the national weather service and national hurricane center descriptions and forecasts for this storm telling people that there may be uninhabitable areas along the east coast of florida weeks or months as reed just mentioned to you. time is now 6:34. here is hurricane matthew, a category category 3 now storm, very powerful. 120-mile-per-hour maximum sustained wind. it's moving towards the north and northwest at about 14 miles per hour. now, we have not had a landfall just yet. of course, it is impacting land, but we need the center of the storm to reach land before we can officially call it a landfall. i guess it doesn't really matter, though, because we are seeing big, huge wind and very heavy rain along the east coast really wobbling right offshore. look at this. an extreme wind warning issued for portions of the cape. 115-mile-per-hour wind gusts possible in these areas. here's the track of the storm through time. so by the end of the day, we're still thinking the storm will maintain category 3 strength as it approaches areas south of jacksonville, potentially 115-mile-per-hour winds there. working down t strength tomorrow morning, very early in the morning, impacting georgia and eventually south carolina as we get deeper into the weekend. by the end of the weekend, the storm turns off to the east. it looks like it's going out to sea, but then we may actually see a south or southwesterly movement early next week. look at the end of the forecast cone. we could see impacts once again by the middle of next week in the bahamas or south florida. does not want to go away. we will be watching this thing for a while, and you know our continuing coverage will keep rolling right along with our tracking of hurricane matthew. live video and instant updates. you can find that on the air and on and, of course, on our cleveland 19 first alert weather app as well. strike three! pedroia strikes out to end the game. >> brian: pedroia is not happy with the call there. gutsy effort by the tribe bull pen, as they finish off the red sox in game one at the ballpark. game two is tonight. we're ready to roll, right? >> tia: yes. both teams six home runs and 26 strikeouts. initially, i wasn't sure what was going to happen with the indians. >> brian: they hit the long sox there, so nice job by the tribe. the question going into the game was not really about the indians offense. it was more about how the tribe pitching staff was able to handle the boston offense. best offense in baseball, boston has. did a pretty good job. sports s director tony zarrella after the game diving into the situation. >> reporter: if you had neither starting pitcher making it out of the fifth inning in game one, you know more than we do. i don't think anybody not named terry tito would go to andrew miller in the fifth. >> there was a combination of things. i didn't want the order to come through the third time if they had a chance to tie the game. trevor was nearing 80 coming back on short rest. there was a lot of combinations. >> i knew to be ready early. i think everybody is at this point. these games are a little different. we have more off days. we just had a few off days and have one coming up. it's how the schedule works. like i said, there's so much adrenaline in these games you you know, it's a little bit of a different animal. these games are important. and we'll find a way to be out there. >> we figured once andrew came in early we had to piece it together. everybody's mindset is the same. when you called upon, you pitch as well as you can for as long as you can or until tito calls on the next guy. >> reporter: cody allen came on earlier as well. he needs five outs to earn the save. the tribe taking g looking ahead to game two this afternoon. >> brian: tony, thank you. we're looking forward to game two. what a pitching match-up. we tauch about pitching in the postseason, right? david price for the red sox and corey kluber for the indians. the it's kluber's first postseason start. david price, well, he's a big-time pitcher for the red sox, but he's been absolutely terrible in the postseason. we'll see what he does today. both spoke yesterday, kluber and price, about pitching on the big >> my first postseason game, so i'm sure there will be some nerves, but at the same time i get nerves if it's a live batting practice in spring training. it means you care about what you're doing. i'm looking forward to it. >> they have extremely good at-bats and will take their walks and run the bases well and steal bases, especially with raj and lindor and those types of guys, you know. they do a lot of things really well. >> brian: so what the indians really need from corey kluber da it would be great to get kluber into at least the seven the into the eighth would be better. complete game would be fantastic, because the indians went to their bull pen very early last night. >> tia: you're a former athlete. when you were playing, did you have any superstitions at all? >> brian: no, i'm not never been -- college basketball player i had none. wear the same socks or anything like that, no. >> tia: nichole vrsansky talked to the wives and apparently they have superstitions and their husbands do, too. hey, nicki. >> nichole: hey, guys. the pitchers and pitchers' wives are the most superstitious. some can't watch their husbands pitch and some stand in a certain spot. i spoke with kelly jiminez. her husband, chris, is a catcher. she says if he's ever in a hitting slump, she has to make him these special hit cookies. i said does it work? it works every time, she said. i wonder if she made a huge batch for the team last night because we know h got. if it wasn't followed, napoli's would have been a home run. the cooks work. we heard about text messages sent before the game. they certainly have fun with some superstitions, but they are enjoying this ride. they say it is just amazing for them. >> it's fun to be able to support our husbands and see them succeed and see the team succeed, especially the city. this city, this is such a big year for the city already. this is just so exciting. it's emotional, too, because you see the work they put in. then you finally get to celebrate it. 162 games, you know, like, yeah they win and then they lose and it's ups and downs but you don't get to celebrate anything like that. >> nichole: and tiffany was talking about whether they clenched in detroit. everyone was there. there were 16 kids there, and it felt like a big family celebration. it was grate feeling. and tonight. they will travel to boston with the team as well. you know, most of these women are not from cleveland, but they said this by far is different than any other city they've been in. they said cleveland, the feel they get, they just feel the energy and pride that we have in our sports teams, and they absolutely love it. live outside progressive, back over to you guys. >> tia: nicki, thank you so much. we have a traffic alert that we need to tell you about. the innerbelt bridge eastbound a.m. at the same time odot is closing the westbound lanes. that's from 6:00 in the morning until 3:00 this afternoon. so those should already be closed. so everything is expected to be open by game time this afternoon. fingers crossed, right? >> brian: yeah. the innerbelt is right there. >> tia: i know. smooth sailing right now from what we can see. that's a good thing. the indians are a big story in cleveland, but there's another big story that continues to dominate the headlines this >> brian: we've been all over this, too. hurricane matthew, of course. we wish the best for everybody down there in the southeastern united states. sam roberts continues to track this. sam, hey, everybody else can track this using our app, right? >> samantha: with a weather app in ohio you can track a tropical cyclone. if you have your phone in your hand, which i know you do, everybody has their phone in their hand right now, you are going -- or an ipad or something. we're connected to these devices. you're going to open up the towards the bottom right hand corner of the app where you see those little three plates. click on that, turn on tropical tracks. all you have to do is tap it, and then you zoom right back out. we got to go south, okay? we have to go down to the hurricane. we're looking at florida right now, and you can actually see the forecast for matthew. you can see the radar, and you can tap on it and open all the information you need to know about this storm. i know a lot of are following this from home. a there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. you inherit lots of traits from your family. my ancestor, lady beatrice, introduced the elizabethan ruff. great-grandfather horatio went west during the gold rush. and aunt susan was a a world champion. i inherited their can-do spirit. and their double chin. now, i'm going to do something about it. that destroys fat under the chin, leaving an improved profile. kybella? is an fda-approved non-surgical treatment for adults with a moderate amount of fullness... or a bit more. don't receive kybella? if you have an infection in the treatment area. kybella? can cause nerve injury in the jaw resulting in an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness, and trouble swallowing. tell your doctor about all medical conditions, including if you: have had or plan to have surgery or cosmetic treatments on your face, neck or chin; have had or have medical conditions in or near your neck the most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area. find a doctor at committing to fight the heroin epidemic right here in our communities. in september there were 52 fatal overdoses tieing it for the record of most opiate deaths in a single month. in some cases further testing could add to those numbers. october looks just as rough. the cuyahoga county medical examiner says there have been already been 14 overdose deaths in the past six days. >> brian: parma schooles president. earlier this week kathleen petro resigned from the job during a heated school board meeting as parma tries to fill a $15 million budget deficit. if you want to apply, you can do that and visit the school board website. this morning the biggest story we're covering is hurricane matthew. it reached the florida coast overnight. this storm is impacting millions of people living on or near the south atlantic coast including some people from here in now where cleveland 19's sia nyorkor is working this story. good morning, sia. >> sia: good morning, brian. we spoke with many people about this hurricane, and we've been talking with people here on social media who have loved ones right in the line of the path of hurricane matthew. now, you can imagine they're very concerned right now. we talked to a student from akron whoe from san va that. whether they stayed or not, this hurricane looked bad they said. we checked in on nichole vrsansky's cousin, samantha garoe yesterday evening near boca raton right in the path of hurricane matthew. >> we were born and raised in florida and we're used to these conditions, so we're not too nervous. we have our water and our >> sia: we've talked to people on social media about this storm. when you're in a safe place, send us your pics at woi odot -- woio >> here is hurricane matthew lashing the east coast of florida and portions of central florida with heavy, heavy rain and damaging winds potentially up to 100-plus miles per hour. look at the h cape canaveral. the eye of the storm just off shore. we have a peak wind gust just in. 107 miles per hour at a u.s. air force tower network. that's northern brevard county, and brevard county, which is where cape canaveral is located, they're under an extreme wind warning until 7:15. we could see wind gusts in these areas 115 miles per hour with the strongest part of the storm county. a nasty morning in eastern florida. we're certainly thinking about them and through the weekend thinking about our friends in georgia and the carolinas as they will have to deal with hurricane matthew next. here a little closer to home, well, there's nothing going on, right? it's been a quiet, beautiful week in our neck of the woods. a little cool this morning, 50s are widespread, but i think by 9:00 we hit 64. 70 for midday and then an afternoon high of of sunshine. we hit that high at about 3:00 or 4:00 and stay there at first pitch at 4:30. here's a game forecast. 77 at 6:00 dropping to 71 by 8:00 as we cool off sunset. now, i know a lot of you will be out and about after the game, hopefully we'll be celebrating and smiling and hopefully we won't be grumpy, right? we're really hoping for a win tonight, but if you're out late after sunset, there's a little take your umbrella. i don't think you need it for the game. after the game a little rain is possible, and that will be with us through about 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning. we're dry in the afternoon. clouds in the morning, but looking pretty good for the afternoon. just windy and cool. there's a huge difference between today and tomorrow. it's like summer today, and then we go right back to fall this weekend. 64 tomorrow. 62 on sunday. way below what we've been experiencing all week, but a little bit closer to how you might expect it to feel in october. we will warm right back up next week with a chance of rain by wednesday. back to you all. >> brian: thank you so much, sam. we are rolling along here getting ready for game two. starting to get a little brighter. >> tia: yeah. still cold, though. >> brian: the still cold. the wind is whipping around. is that what they call if? we're having a great time out here. if you're looking for something to do this weekend, don't worry. we have it all covered for you. this is for the kids, mom and dad. middle school, the worst years of my life is in theater starring cleveland native isabella monair. we have a family four pack of tickets to give away and a backpack and some other goodies. if you're the winner, you have to pick the backpack full of goodies up right at cleveland 19. we will take the 19th caller. this is the 866-464-woio. good luck. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. you can see that's 77 and traffic is moving good. you can see the ballpark there in the distance. we're right outside of progressive field. hey, it was 1979 this day in rock history a young michael jackson had the number one song in the country, "don't stop until you get enough." for more rock trivia log onto you can win two tickets to dinner and a show at the hard rock rocksino. i saw michael jack ston in concert. he was phenomenal. i like his music. i'm not a huge fan, but i enjoy most of his stuff. man, was he an entertainer and talented. >> that's what everyone says. you can see a big show, too, tonight, 4:38. that's first pitch right here at progressive field. >> and we're right back. to do the old clickty click to find us on cle43. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. ? ? ? ? can you say i love it? ? ? oh love it? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? ? that's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? ? ooooh oooh.? captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, october 7th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning.? hurricane matthew slams ashore with 120-mile-per-hour winds and knocking out power and damaging homes. millions are in the path of this dangerous storm. we will go to the hardest hit areas and talk to florida's governor. >> people in south carolina and georgia and north brace for a hurricane that could bring record flooding. they haven't faced a hurricane like this in more than a hundred years. >> donald trump and hillary clinton get ready for a rematch. we will show you how they are preparing for sunday's town hall

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Miami , Florida , United States , Haiti , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , Georgia , Wayne County , Boca Raton , North Carolina , Myrtle Beach , South Carolina , Elyria , Euclid , Akron , Cleveland , Brevard County , Boston , Massachusetts , Town Hall , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Bahamas , The , Daytona Beach , Colorado , Orlando , Strongsville , Florida East Coast , Cody Allen , Michael Jack , Tia Ewing , Andre Jackson , Kelly Jiminez , Kathleen Petro , Odot Woio , Sam Roberts , Jason Kipnis , Andrew Miller , Michael Jackson , Terry Tito , Brian Duffy , Roberto Perez , Tito Francona , Rick Scott , Hillary Clinton ,

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