Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News Sunday Morning 201610

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News Sunday Morning 20161023

wow! big change. >> weather: yes, definitely big change. bad news is we will trend cooler for a couple of days. good news is, today is not one of the cooler days. today we are finally going to warm up. so take a look. right now. 49 degrees. some areas up toward low 50s. what is interesting is lake front right now. burke lake front, 51 degrees. which was the high yesterday. so as tabu ala50. hopkins reporting north emsted. 49. and shaker heights. brecksville 48. and i am also going to let you know that there is still a windchill in there. i know your feels like temperature in some areas, in mansfield where it is, upper 40s, you are five or 6 degrees off. you feel like 42. today, it is an interesting weather day n glad if you live toward the west. over the central. you will see more sunshine. to the east you will take time here. but we will be warmer today. by the of afternoon. majority of the day in the 60s. we tapped out at 51 yesterday. we should be at 60. technically you can see we have cloud cover in place. some of this is not going to scoot out of here quickly. that's why i say eastsiders. lake geauga and cuyahoga county. may take time to see that sunshine. do not worry. sunshine this afternoon will wing out. we wil but coming up, denise, all important world series forecast for game one and game 2. go tribe. >> they have won the pennant. >> anchor: gives me goose bumps. that was it. last out. when indians beat the blue jays, right? we now know chicago cubs we will play. won game six. 5-0 wrigley field over dodgers. so game one tuesday night progressive field. cleveland and ind ians, and chicago cubs, classic match up. indians last world series title in 19 48. the cubs 1908. as we get ready for series. spirit. as we see, everyone and every business getting in on the fun. >>you can not go anywhere in downtown cleveland without getting a glimpse of what is to come. >> we will win. >> reporter: as indions get ready for world series. die hard fans getting freed their field of dreams to come true. >> really exciting too many. >> reporter: all across the city, especially here in the warehouse district, and of, around gateway. businesses getting ready for the >> so it doesn't matter what part of the city you are n tribe fans are showing their team spirit every j and most tell you this is the year that cleveland gets it done. >> reporter: gateway has been through it before. >> you end up even borrowing from other stores, to staff up the place and get it ready. >> reporter: city tap they are fully stocked food, drink, and memorabilia. so room for more. you have plenty ofnd memorabilia in here. you will have room for more? >> so indeed. always space for indians. >> reporter: speaking of memorabilia. >> i cannot wait. i cannot wait. long time coming. >> reporter: the strongsville dad bringing his daughter to the team shop at progressive field. to make sure his teenager never forgets cleveland trip to the world series. >> get a jump on tuesday. >> reporter: bill safos, cleveland 19 news. heard it. because of game one progressive field. cavs move tip off to 7:30. it was supposed to start at 8:00. a special guest stopped by dick's sporting goods at crocker park to get team swam kenny logdon there. part of the store celebration celebrating the win and they are going to the world series. lofton signed autographs during the event. >> and shifting gears. of a homicide investigation. the body of a man under west 25th street bridge near the cleveland metropark zoo yesterday. despite the grizzly discovery boo at the zoo won't last night, if you know anything call police. and a traffic alert to tell you about this morning. crews continue to work on innerbelt bridge. i-90 east over the bridge and i-71 north at i-90 is closed until tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m. there are some other weekend about. check the app. for changes that affect your mong commute. >> it is a sad trial in northeast ohio. kids going to school hungry. according to greater cleveland food bank one out of every five kids in our area live in a home where they do not get enough to eat to be healthy. one fund raiser brings awareness. and hoping to raise enough money to put a dent in that statistics. we are at marco's pizza 5 kids this morning. sia, what a great cause. >> reporter: good morning denise. it is such a great cause. can you imagine all the wonderful people here in the morning. setting up for this run that starts at 9:00 a.m.. and they are putting out coffee. and getting the registrations done. you would think, oh, it is dark. nobody will be here. but people are here. and in wonderful spirits. because it is all for a good cause. from this run will be shared with finding america food banks in cleveland. and akron, canton and lorain county. and it is all to benefit those kids that are going to school hungry and may not have manage to eat. so the event, will have a timed 5k run at 9:00. and then there will be a non-5k walk. and it starts at 9:00 a.m.. and we will be uploading pictures. we hope you send your facebook posts. but this is all for such a wonderful cause right here in lakewood today. for now, getting answers here in lakewood. cnn, new yorker, back to you. >> anchor: thank you sia. speaking of fund raisers our over tiffani tucker you saw there hosting the children's fall festival this weekend. it benefits programs to help children with disabilities. providing educational and support services. designed especially for children with physical disabilities. >> still to come on cleveland 19 this morning. a back to anyone with smart technology in their homes. we show you how hackers can use your smart tv's or baby monitors to get your money and destroy your sense of privacy. beth? >> weather: some of you up to 51 degrees. that was the daytime high yesterday. and we are going to be warmer today. we are actually going to see the sunshine. downtown is looking fantastic. i have our world series forecast >> live from cleveland's news center, driven by don joseph toyota in kent. this is 19 action news. >> anchor: 7:11. technology from tv to baby monitors, even your frig. but having all of those devices online makes you a prime target for hackers. and a cincinnati family baby monitor hacked by a stranger that then used it to scream at the baby. beyond that a hacker could unlock your doors making a break in easier. they could hack web cams and watch you without you knowing it. too many people forget to change default user name and password thates it is far too easy to find that information in online forums. and two rival vacuum makers settle a two year dispute against each other. dyson and shark ninja accuse the other of false advertising. dyson known for upscale cleaners and massachusetts based shark ninja, each claimed their products had better suction and cleaning capabilities than the other. we continue coverage of campaign believe it or not. yes, with many states already holding early voting. the two major candidates hit key swing states over the weekend. cling ohio. cbs reports the race to the white house. >> reporter: donald trump visited the battlefield in gettysburg saturday after laying out the goals for his first 100 days as president. >> we will drain the swamp in washington d.c. >> reporter: trump outlined more than two dozen proposals, calling for term limits congress. hiring freeze for most of the federal government. tax cuts for businesses. in the middle class and legislation to fund a law on southern bored. >> with the full understanding that the country, of mexico, will be reimbursing the united states for the full cost of such a wall. >> reporter: trump also said that after the election he will sue the women that have accused him of unwanted sexual advances and 11th accuser jessica drake her without consent later propositioned her. >> donald then asked me, what do you want? how much? >> reporter: the trump campaign called the story totally false. and ridiculous. and at a rally in pittsburg clinton tried to tie the state's republican state senate tombmy to trump's statements. >> if he doesn't have the courage to stand up to donald trump, after all of this. then can you be sure he will stand up for you when it counts >> reporter: ground tracker showed clinton leading trump. and projected to get more than would hundred 70 electoral votes needed to win. cbs news, new york. >> how many days until the election. >> weather: 17 days. >> anchor: i know a lot of people cannot wait until it is over. >> weather: 63 days until christmas. i am more excited about that? >> anchor: how did you know that excited. >> weather: i am good at counting. >> anchor: i will say this week, we started to feel like it is getting closer. it was really the first week where we felt colder temperatures. >> weather: drizzle. and you did the story on dyson and stuff. i thought my house is clean because you have been inside how many days? we are not used to, that today is the day to get outside. although we have mostly cloudy skies right now. we will see some sunshine as we go through the day. now the westsiders will clear i say that with a bit of holding my breath. because although clouds will shift off. i will say this. there are indication that is some lake enhancement, a bit of cloud cover will linger through the afternoon. but regardless of how much sunshine you see it will be a warmer day. i know, we need that. next ugly day comes thursday. scattered rain showers, all day washout. it will be like it has been. where you might not want to go all day wednesday. and starts thursday night. one model puts the possibility coming in early side. first today. beautiful day. low to mid 60s. and sunshine should breakout first east side of town. slowly it will work across town. in the afternoon, almost everyone should spend the afternoon in the low 60s. that's what is so nice. world series. more typical weather. game one, dry, cool, and crisp, fall like air. like fall ball ld we will be in the mid 40s throughout the game time. but it will feel a bit less. it will have chill in the air as winds come out of the northwest. game two. things are different. temperatures will be a little above that. but unfortunately that comes with a chance of rain. now most models indicate that on game two rain stays away until after midnight. so that should be okay. but once in awhile, there is a little bit of drizzle that pops into that forecast. so let's hope the models indicating the rain coming in after midnight hold true. rye now mainly cloudy skies for areas. and it is breaking up. clear skies toward 75 n lima ohio, toledo. and so, yeah, toward ban gore maine. we do not it. but nice to see someone getting it other than us. it will be here soon enough. not today. sunshine returns today. keep it on the mild side. but the breeze will still kick n there throughout the daytime today. short lived warm up. cooler air north t ultimately drops down tonight. where we could see more rain affect, lake effect rain showers. so you should know, planning out the forecast today. we are dry. 65 we top out and rain showers come in to play around dinner time. take us through monday morning's commute. it is not a big deal. maybe a 10th of an inch. on monday 54 degrees. early commuter may bump in to rain showers. other than that, monday is cool and partly sunny. tuesday more of the same. partly-sunny skies. 55, 54 degrees. wednesday we transition. the feels like temperature. the windchill will not be existing. because winds out of the south what chance of showers starts wednesday night all day thursday and fortunately as we head to friday and saturday a chance of rain showers. 50 percent chance friday and denise? >> anchor: thank you beth. several months ago we introduced you to a 41-year-old cleveland man we called marvin. a man that one mom said tried to lure her 12-year-old daughter on instagram. >> first sent i love you pictures. then from there to sexual stuff. >> reporter: now those accusations first surfaced during undercover carl monday investigation. now the accused father of four is talking for the first time. this morning carl gets answers. and raises more questions about how the case was handled by police. >> reporter: back in may we did not reveal marvin's true identity. but we are now. >> i am not bothering kids. i am not messing with kids. >> reporter: his real name is antoine mills. former wal-mart worker that spends a lot of time on social media. calling he ever in tried to hook up with a young teen. that was actually jamie jones. posing as her daughter juror new contact with this girl, is that you? >> no. no. >> you are positive? >> positive. >> reporter: when the messages first appeared on her daughter's phone in december. jamie contacted garfield heights police, fbi and eventually ikak internet crime against children unit. contact with the person sending messages but jamie said ikak lost interest in the case. >> he started to send pictures of pornographic videos. but then he got bold and you know, started to send pictures of his private. >> reporter: the same pictures antoine mills said ikak investigators asked him about when they interviewed him and searched his computer back in the spring. >> they showed me these pictures. >> it was not you. >> no it was not me. i told them if you want me t bring the pictures sit here and i will drop my pants and show you and you can look for yourself. >> reporter: not long after mills met with ikak someone using his name was contacting who he thought was a 12-year-old girl. please let me be your first and you will never forget it. and jamie, still acting as her daughter agrees to meet with big twon at this drug mart. may 13th after 2:00, agreement lot. my photographer and i are rolling the whole time. and who do we see sitting in the driver's seat. the real antoine mills. the real big twon 146. >> if you were in contact with that girl how did you end up there on that day. >> that's the thing. i don't know how that -- how that came about. >> reporter: mills insists he happened to be in the neighborhood. he claims after getting a haircut, he parked in the drug mart lot to and he cannot explain how. as he sat in the car, why someone named antoine 146 instagramed the mom thinking she is the 12-year-old girl. where are you 146 as, down the street replies the mom. >> 1.5 million people in greater cleveland and who showed up at drug mart but you. that was you via that was me at drug mart. >> reporter: but it was a girl >> reporter: you had intentions didn't you? >> no just sitting there playing music o day it happened neither jamie or her mom aapproached the car. but we. we showed mills the instagram photo. he did not stick around to discuss it. >> i don't do that. i have kids, grandkids. >> reporter: we played the interview for the mom jamie jones. >> reporter: still not buying it. >> no. >> reporter: why not? him that day it was caught on tape. him sitting waiting for 15 minutes for my daughter to show up. >> reporter: scepticism over antoine mill's story more criticism for ikak that she said failed to pursue the case and protect her daughter. >> i did what any -- what any parent would do. you know, especially if i see they have not even tried to contact him. or respond to none of his messages. what am i to think? >> reporter: what antoine mills said he was told early on he would not face charges. >> reporter: police ever told you antoine you are in the clear. >> ikak said that if we do not contact you do not worry about it, but right now this is a lesson learned. >> reporter: last month county prosecutor sent a letter to the mom. saying it has not found sufficient credible evidence to pursue criminal charges. case closed. >> well, it is closed to them. but i am going to do whatever i have to do to try to get this situation resolved. i am not going to let him do this to another child. >> miss jamie jones, i don't want your daughter. i never wanted your daughter. >> reporter: while jamie jones vows to protect her daughter antoine mills said he was are you a sexual predator? >> no, sir. >> reporter: getting answers. carl monday, cleveland 19. >> anchor: now we have been trying for months to get someone from ikak or prosecutor's office to talk about this case. we are still waiting. if you are child uses instagram we found great tips to keep them safe. we shared them on our free mobile app. coming up after the break. state troopers highways a danger on the roadways you may not know about. we are getting answers on dangers of people driving high on hard drugs and how to keep >> anchor: you are listening to the sounds of papa d and aggravators. perfect sunday morning music. this song is called boiler men. and one of them happens to be our photographer in painesville ohio. and we are actually going to head over to beth for a look at the weather really quick. >> weather: you have to tune in to denise's facebook live. big announcement coming up. >> anchor: yes, i do. i will do it toward the end of the show, i guess. >> weather: suspense all about the weather. future view temperatures are up. chilly start out upper 50s. which is way better than what we did yesterday. where we topped out at 51. by 2:00 this afternoon. everybody will be into the 60s. yeah, i get it, low 60s. but, i think, overall by the end of the day. some areas will pop out to the upper -- be it -- mid 60s. waiting for camera to follow me g camera work. future view temperatures show us in the 60s today. tell you what. like that fall ball kind of chilly. that's okay. you have the tribe gear on and cap. maybe a scarf. because mid 40s, on the game one, tuesday night will feel like low 40s. so on the chilly side. game 2. maybe a degree or two warmer. no windchill. but problem with this is as we draw in this moisture air from the south for game two. and there is a slight chance we get drizzle before the end of the game. right now we cloud cover to start hiking east. you can see now san dus key, norwalk, mansfield coming into clearing. ultimately we will see more sunshine this afternoon. and eastsiders takes awhile to get rid of the clouds. and sunshine will win today. and the warmth returns. but it is a short-term warm up as colder air. clipper comes in. gosh darn canadian air comes down through and clip us tonight. which will give us a chance of future view, paints a good picture for today. i shuttle forward to 11:00. here is cloud cover lingering on the east side. yet everyone else maybe partly cloudy to cloudy skies. hesitant to get rid of the cloud cover because of the conditions. but improvement through the afternoon. right? just what you want to know. except nine or 10:00. cold front comes in from the north. it gives us a good soaking overnight of rain. my goodness. so that means monday morning. yo rain drops. not a big deal. but i will say this. it will put the ca-bosh on our warm up. so one day. 65 today. and monday and tuesday and wednesday, we are in mid 50s. which is technically below average. as a matter of fact, technically we will trend below average as we go through this week. so we have early morning showers monday. monday afternoon, tuesday afternoon, wednesday afternoon all dry. will not make a big deal about it. but so many people outside. and there is a hint of drizzle. say nine or 10:00. before the system comes in. thursday, forget about it. thursday is not looking pleasant. we will be warmer than last thursday. but it comes with a chance of showers. scattered in nature. throughout the entire day. then friday. although we have clearing in the middle of the day. there is a chance of showers early and late. and same for saturday. right now denise, i did side. maybe have to adjust numbers as more information comes in. >> anchor: all right beth. thank you so much. now that we know who the indians are playing in the world series. ticket prices are going to climb. home. ? ?. ?. >>anchor: well, you just saw it right there. reporter trying to interview a cub's player in middle of the celebration overnight. cubs are heading to the world series for first time since 1945. they have won nlcs. and will face off against indians in 2016 world series game. the last time the cubs won the world series, was back in 1908. purchasing tickets from online site that sold out in 17 minutes. no worries. there are other options. you just have to know what you are doing. i guess you have to have a lot of money too, right? tiffani tucker gets answers on steps to take to avoid being scammed. >> cleveland indians are going to the world series. >> reporter: hottest ticket in town. watching the tribe in the world series, before you pay to watch the indians play. there are some things to watch soon as indians clinched to advance. >> reporter: mark cling with amazing tickets in may field has been busy with fans wanting to get hands on world series tickets. he has advice for people so they are not scammed. >> if they are not a member of the bbb get you to scratch your head. especially when you spend this kind of money. >> reporter: according to bbb, if you go the secondhand route stub hub is a safe bet. they are official marketplace partner of the mlb and e-bay. seller sells the ticket that deactivates the bar code, new bar code set for buyer so they can use it on game day and there are guarantees offered for the buyer. vivid seats is an option. they are similar to stub hub. craigslist is a way to buy personally and locally. but craigslist does not offer you a guarantee if you get scammed. and here is what bbb said you should look out for. bulk tickets only do your pricing research and if the seller is rushing you that's not a good sign. try to meet seller in person like at the police department and do not give out your personal address. and do not wire money use pay pal. they guarantee fraud prevention and personal data privacy, if you do score tickets make sure to cheer on the tribe. >> anchor: that was tiffani er also consider paying half upfront and rest after you get the tickets. as for a copy of the seller's invoice proving the ticket was paid for. and a picture of the physical tickets. for season ticket sellers ask for account number to call and find out if they are legitimate. and as for upcoming world series schedule. let's map out the first few games for you. game one set for tuesday night here in cleveland. at progressive field. that game of the cubs. game two cleveland tuesday. 8:08. and game three they go to chicago friday. also at 8:00. first pitch at wrigley field. and game four is set for a week from today. next saturday at wrigley. >> anchor: tuesday october 25ment that's the day cleveland will be at the sports epicenter of the world and while indians are set to host the cubs in game one of the world cease. defending champion cavilers will have their own celebration going on a championship rings and raise the title banner at quick and loans arena before tipping off the 2016, 2017 season by nicks. and they have bumped game time up. originally scheduled for 8:00 tip off. at the very same time as first pitch for tribe and world series. the cav season opener now starts at 7:30 giving fans a chance to catch ring ceremony followed by first pitch at progressive field. what a time it is in cleveland a classic rivalry kicks off today. browns are set to take on cincinnati bengals this afternoon in the queen city. both teams face player injuries. and not so hot records. you may remember the last time we played the bengals. multiple fans embarrassed. one even put a bag over his head. and held a poster reading. i am only here because i couldn't give away my tickets. ouch. cleveland has so much to be excited about. you know what, let's face t a with brown's fans. whenever they are home. and it is feeling more like football weather. right? >> it really is. but gosh what an exciting night on tuesday. >> how many fans will go from cavs over to progressive. >> i have to tell you this has been an exciting year for cleveland. tony and i were talking about how we will talk about. when we are older we will tell our grandkids about 2016 in cleveland and what a year it we will be a dynasty. sun is peaking up. because the skies are brighter. but you see the cloud cover in there? it will take time to get rid of it. heave hoe it out of here. but today we will be warmer. still breezy. you should know that. still small craft advisory. winds are still kicking up along the lake shore this morning. winds gusts upwards of 21 miles an hour. but temperatures are 49 out at hopkins 44 worcester. 48 sandusky and ashtabula. another chilly start. but technically it is about where we were yesterday. or to be technical 2 degrees warmer than yesterday. so no complaining about this morning. because we do warm into the 60s. so the furnace will be off. for, at least short-term. this is a one day deal. we have rain showers tonight. and we are turning cooler, just like denise said. football weather. chill in the air, comes back. will get coming up. >> anchor: thank you beth. be sure to download the free action 19 weather app where you can have a forecast that is customized to your neighborhood at the tip of your finger. >> anchor: and this morning hundreds of runners will be braving the chilly temperatures for a very good cause. and cleveland 19 is in lakewood showing us why marco pizza highlights a alarming issue in cleveland. g i >> reporter: oh, my gosh, i know, sad statistics but a great mood out here. check it out. they are up early. and sitting up for this 5k run that is set to begin in a few hours. and great spirits here. because it is all for a good cause. i am joined over here with these wonderful ladies. brook and ryan and josie, right? >> you did. thank you. >> reporter: tell us ladies, this is a great cause. what is the feeling and mood? >> we are all energized which is a surprise because we woke up at 5:00 a.m. but we are so excited to get everything set up. and just see everyone. you know in a positive mood. doing something -- >> you mentioned the cause. hungry kids it makes you sad. so you guys are all getting out here and trying to do something about it. >> yes good cause. a lot of high spirits and energy gh >> reporter: how many people are you expecting josie? >> i am hoping for a good turnout. i don't know how many people. but i am hoping we have a good turnout today. >> reporter: the shirts are bright. you stand out. >> on sunday we wear neon green. >> reporter: my goodness. so if anybody wants to join all if they are not signed up. can they still come? >> absolutely. we are always looking for more volunteers. we are always looking for more people walking. we have going on for kids. >> the more the merrier. >> reporter: thank you ladies. we appreciate it. if you are just joining us come out to emerald necklace here in lakewood. and they start about 9:00. and hundreds of people will be here. to raise money for a good cause. hungry kids, that money will benefit about three food banks. so for more information about that you can log on to our website at and for now i getting answers for you. >> anchor: thank you. vacant elementary school gets a mid year makeover. 40 volunteers gathered to clean up the school there. once abandon school built in 1960s and now a charter school in central cleveland. bullet holes and concrete were replaced with new window coverings and school given a colorful paint job. the battle against isis push the terrorist group out of mowsil. one local family watches with particular interest. cleveland 19 jen picciano tells us the story. >> at 19 months old my brother, my dad and i were in this taxicab. and we hit a roadside bomb. and this bomb killed my brother. and my dad survived. however i was severely burned. >> reporter: tiba was in need of several surgeries when she appeared in a newspaper gnarl 2006 that ire barb marlo to bring her to the u.s. >> 19 surgeries later, and with few more on the horizon if she wants to proceed, it is just a very emotional journey. >> reporter: in many ways she is now a regular american teenager that spends time on the phone and with friends. >> what i really like about my friends is they do not see me for this burn victim, who is not in her home country. >> reporter: this summer reunited with mother and three siblings. first time they had seen each other in nine years. she admits she was anxious and wanted to look beautiful for her family. >> i wanted my mom to think, like, all of these surgeries and all of that i have been through, was not a mistake, that, you know, i have actually grown, and become a good person. >> reporter: now the fight against isis intensifies in iraq this week. the marlos watch anxiously. tiba's father a military officer in iraqi army. >> i am obsessed with watching what is going on. every time i hear i have to call to check in. >> reporter: tiba prays for her father. >> i think i really hope he is okay. and he is not going to be leaving my family any more. they need him. >> reporter: tiba said that she has big dreams. wants to be a pediatric anesthesiologist and spent time shadowing doctors and looking at the equipment that has been used in her case. coming up next. we are introducing you to this little guy, live in studio had we tell you where to go to adopt him. has a great recovery story, that we will share where you. >> anchor: welcome back. every week we like to feature local pets up f doesn't take long for them to get homes, right? how are we doing on adoption rate? >> every dog i brought on here has been adopted. some right away. some take longer to find the fur-ever home, but this always works to help promote all dogs and animals needing homes. >> anchor: to bring people to the shelter. greg willie from friendship apn elyria. and thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> anchor: this guy full of compared to the break. you have a treat. >> he is focused and he is treat motivated and food motivated, that makes for easy training. he has been a gem to train. i dropped the treat. but he has stayed still. and he is amazing. he is learning all the basic commands. so quickly. he came us to. he was literally skin and bones. >> anchor: this is a great story greg. i love what you have him. >> officer rose and lorain found the dog and you could see every rib and ounce of the spine. we really had no real clear-cut idea if he would make it. and a lot of dogs that go through severe starvation there is long-term effects. >> damage to organs. >> exactly. so he spent two weeks in the veterinarian hospital with dr. wood at lorain animal clinic recovering from starvation. when it was determined he was healthy enough to go home. continue recovery. there they said he was a fantastic dog, one of the best dogs they have had in their home. he was mellow in the home. it was a quiet home and quiet environment. and ron is awesome foster for us. and once he was ready. he came back in. yeah, now you are in overwhelming attention world of our volunteers. and people that come in. >> anchor: look at him smiling. >> he gets a lot of attention. he gets rambunc which is fun. i do recommend him for older kids in the home. he may be too rambunctious for younger kids if you put him in a home with older kids. he would be great. watch the tail. at toddler level. that would be one of those things that can sting a toddler or scare them. >> anchor: he is ready to go. ready to go today. you are open today. what hours? >> 11:00 to 3:00. alum down. and kittens and bunny rabbits. >> cats and dogs and all kinds of animals. go to friendship apl if you have a chance today. and you are interested. 8303 murray ridge flowed elyria. or you can call them. and you can pop in as you mentioned 11:00 to 3:00. to long around. and we will be right back after >> anchor: good morning. i hope your day is off to a great start. i know it is for cub's fans. you have a live look at wrigley field. home of the chicago cubs where the magic happened last night. as our producer mentioned. we are scoping out the competition this morning. because they will be in town soon enough for what will be a spectacular leonardo dicaprio hopes to push climate change ahead of the election with a new documentary. neil curry gives us a sneak peak. .>> we have known about this for decades. over half a century. try to have a converation with anyone about climate change. people tune out. >> climate change. and the problem is getting worse and worse and worse. >> almost a decade after ecco dough returned to green issues this time with fisher stevens actor turned film make theory won an oscar for documentary the cove. >> we really made this film for young people, and other people that don't think about climate change. do not think about how important the issue is. >> in film dicaprio talked to scientists and environmentalist and world leaders around the world. >> if we keep pushing we can solve this problem. going on in our country where people are denying man made climate change. as one of the scientists puts it in this movie bluntly it is like denying gravity exists at this point. you have over 97 percent of the consensus of the scientific community saying this is real. we are doing this damage. >> reporter: while making the film deperhaps preyowon a award for revenant presenting them with an opportunity to underline their message. talk about the environment. and it was a great platform. and after his speech. i think more people googled climate change than had ever before. >> reporter: film is being released in cinemas and on national geographic network deliberately timed in a move to push climate change on to political agenda ahead of the u.s. you presidential elections and producers accept they face a tough fight to wrestle headlines away from more luring stories surrounding candidates. >> what we wanted to do is not totally freak people out. but we want to shake them enough. but we wanted to let them know we can turn this around on time. >> the world is now watching and we ask you to protect it. are we, and all living things we cherish, are history. ?. ?. >> anchor: lady gaga released fifth studio album friday. critics rateed it 1.5 out of four. the album called joanne and available on itunes? right now. ? ?. >> anchor: taylor swift may only have been born in 1989 but she has an entire museum exhib it is a tailosh swift experience in new york right now. it was put on by grammy museum. and i should say it will open november. not on yes. exhibit originally supposed to stay in los angeles but because of such high demand they opened one in new york. ? ?. ?. >> anchor: prince fans next year, you can hear some of the announced this weekend it would release two albums. first on november 22. and with his greatest hits. and prince agreed to the upcoming albums before he died in april. >> anchor: coming up after the break. we show you how popular websites and streaming services are >> anchor: welcome back. several waves of cord nateed cyber attacks have ended for. now hackers shut down dozens of websites and streaming services three times today, feating twitter, spotify, netflixs and amazon. all the attacks focused on new hampshire based internet management firm. suffered what is called a distributed denial of service attack. malware that basically blocks you from visiting websites you want to see. >> this shows you, this is the nus wave of warfare we are dealing with, and while we do not know where it is coming from. magnitude believes us to believe it was targeted at american based companies. >> anchor: u.s. law enforcement agencies are now trying to figure out what is behind the attack. one expert said it could be a precursor to larger attacks. this week apple is expected rollout new totally redesigned macs. first major overhaul in engineers. mac will have a touch screen in place of function keys and allow user to unlock computer with touch id. and in other news. undecided voter ken bone extending his 15 minutes of fame. bone is partnering with i sod clothing company behind his famous red sweater on new video to encourage people to vote. the second presidential debate. and extreme weather could put your favorite bottle of wine at-risk. vine and wine is blaming harsh weather on one of the worst years of production since the start of the century. i am sorry to tell you this beth. global wine production is expected to fall 5 percent this year. the organization said that because of global warming storms are more frequent. longer lasting and more devastating. wow! say it is >> weather: we have had a lot of weather events. i always try to figure out. is it because we have access to more information now. so it is happening everywhere? or i struggle with that. or is it global warming? >> weather: she has a big announcement at the end of the show. i cannot get that out of my head. go to the forecast. >>i hope people are not disappointed. >> weather: they will love your announcement and today is a warmer day. you see cloud cover in the background. cloud cover is still going to 49 degrees. some of you in the 50s. currently we are seeing 46 in mansfield. 47 in sandusky. 47 akron, canton and new pilli. and cuyahoga county. warmer toward the lake shore. even though you are seeing gusty breezes. 52 at lakewood. 53 euclid. good morning shaker heights. stayed right at 49 degrees. overall today. well more sunshine coming our way. it is going to take clearing to get this out the door. but by lunch time. than clouds. as you go through the afternoon more importantly low to mid 60s. i say mid 60s because some of you will top out at 65 degrees. cloud cover still there. still hanging on. but at least we are not tracking any rain showers until tonight. denise, where we will see more rain come back to play. and it is gone basically by monday morning. i will explain all of those details with future view's help coming up. >> anchor: thank you beth. trickling in to lakewood for marco pizza 5k for kids. but not just a race. as cleveland 19 shows us race puts a spotlight on important issue in greater cleveland area. good morning sia. >> reporter: good morning denise. yes, it is chilly out here. and you would never know it. because everyones spirits are so warm. check it out. behind me you can see people checking in. getting ready for this 5k. there are a lot of runners here. sitting up. geting ready. because they are going to run to help feed the kids. hungry kids. in this area. and this is the first 5k run sponsored by marco's pizza. i am joined here. good morning w miss lin. >> good morning. >> tell us. this is first annual 5k. talk about that. >> yes. we hope to make it an annual event. we believe in being a slice of the community. food banks across northeast ohio benefiting akron, cuyahoga, many counties, and excited to see mazwe will raise. >> reporter: numbers are staggering and it is a huge problem. kids going to school hungry. not enough to eat. i guess talk about getting out here to really try to do something to help that problem. >> yes. that's what we want to do. the food bank offers backpack program. they send food home with children. for the weekend. t and they do really amazing workout there. and you are right. it is a staggering problem. they are the most at-risk for hunger. so again we are a slice of the community. we want to support it. it is a great connection for us being in the food business. >> reporter: thank you so much. so if you are just joining us, 5k run starts at 9:00. registering people to come in here. and get ready to run. and raise awareness of hungry kids. so if you are looking for more information or you want to make and for now, getting answers here in lakeland. is sia nyorkor cleveland 19. >> anchor: up next. we show you how much the creepy clown sightings have scared one community. the action police are taking >> anchor: welcome back. because of recent craze of creepy clown sightings county in mississippi ban all clown costumes until after halloween. county president said it was a matter of protecting 10,000 people that live in cempesh county. now a.c.l.u. may get involved to get the ban lifted because they say it is ridiculous use of government authority to dictate what costumes people can wear. look for a way to calm the crying baby in the middle of the night. hope with one called snue. white noise, to recreates being the device also has sensors, microphones and speakers and motors and gently rocks your baby to sleep when he or she cries. but it is pricy. $1600 t better work. for that amount of money. >> weather: it better work. >> anchor: my gosh. i remember my kids -- well mainly little boy. little girl great sleeper but cried all the time when he was not eating. >> weather: nothing worse than a crying >> anchor: i still hear a baby crying to this day and hear shivers. >> weather: i hate that in the store. i want to help. >> anchor: when we do make the announcement. >> weather: nothing to do with babies. do not think that. >> anchor: no, it is not that. >> weather: cedar point this morning. only today, and next friday, saturday, sunday and season is done. >> anchor: it is a wrap. >> weather: sun is up. look at the sky. crystal blue skies. but ultimately as we go through the day. we our next alert day is thursday. >> anchor: thursday. >> weather: so i will say this, there is a couple of hiccups before we get to thursday. but thursday is one of the washout days. scattered showers. it starts technically wednesday night. not cool or as windy as last thursday but not looking good either. so today,t and moreoricy. so all the into that off position. and it is short lived. but one day warm up gets us to the mid 50s by noon time. yesterday only topped out at 51. then make it to 60s for afternoon. yes. and except for, because it is short lived. cold game one and game two. game one world series. mid 40s. when it will feel like rabbit baseball. and feel colder than that. game two slightly warmer. after midnight on game two. and currently we are not tracking any rain showers. which is great news. cloud cover is slowly scooting out of here. and ultimately all of this sunshine, wins out for this afternoon. it might take a bit on east side. but it is a one day deal. as this clipper swings down and comes in. and clipper is a disturbance, that brings the possibility of rain showers overnight tonight. and today is dry. here you go. future view approaching noon cloud cover still lingering. it could take a good portion of the day for you to get rid of the cloud cover. and everyone else is seeing more sunshine. smack-dab in the middle of the afternoon. like it should be on sunday. by 7:00 we are still looking good. lingering over the north is a cold front. and by 10:00 you can see it starts to sink down to the area. bringing a chance of light rain showers. this is 3:00 monday morning. so if you are an early riser. to work on monday. but no need to worry about rain. 65 degrees. rain showers hold off to overnight. they could linger into monday. monday behind the rain showers we will be cooler air so mid 50s. but unfortunately that trend of fits and recall cooler temperatures trends for monday, tuesday, wednesday. so the only iffy part about this entire forecast s when does the appearance come in. drzl i hope not. one model indicates that, and thursday washout. friday saturday hit or miss rain showers. at least we be trend back up to normal temperatures. denise? >> anchor: all right. i like that. former clevelander, called weston ride, lives in utah. heading back here in a pickup truck he calls the believe mobile for the playoffs. this was the scene friday night when he met up with more former clevelanders for believe rally. they prove while they may not be in the land any more. they are die hard cleveland sports fans. cleveland 19 lydia esparra caught up with weston on the road in nebraska. >> weston, first question. you had a problem with the believe mobile. explain what happened. >> the believe mobile, we had two gasket is leaking. we think gas from rear tank was getting into the front tank, and leaking out. so we are getting fixed. traveling behind a few hours. but, yo we believe. >> even with car troubles you will be here tuesday when banner goes up? >> you know what, i think that's a challenge. yet again. and to tell you we will be there mobile and five people that want to tell cleveland stories, so we will be there. >> one more question here about cleveland. you hear so many negative things about cleveland. and they do not get how well we have been doing here. how do you support being a clevelander? >> i would sum it up like this. the people have always been shaped by cleveland. what they we have had winning teams, better economy, this and that, we have always had the people that were shaped by cleveland. so it is just a matter of us going out there. and meeting each other and we do have food scene, economy, the sports teams. that's the whole reason i did this trip. is to uncover clevelanders and get cleveland, with the world, instead of cleveland versus the world. >> all right. thank you wes tonight. have a safe trip. see you on tuesday. >> thank you. go cleveland. >> anchor: that is a true fan, right? still to come. we introduce you to a local woman that has seen every world series appearance the team has made. at 96 years old she is just as >> anchor: cleveland 19 had a mission to find the most dedicated tribe fan in the land. and we think that we have found her. she has seen every world series appearance ever. >> reporter: replaying last moments of the alcs clinch, junena is a fan that cannot get enough of the action. >> they really enjoy it. >> they do. >> and that's good that they do. >> reporter: at 96 the this maple heights great-grandmother enjoys it as much as ever. and doesn't miss a game. and saw this world series game coming. >> i kept thing we will do and we were. we did. >> reporter: as much as she is proud of the tribe she is proud to say that she has been around for every world series the tribe has been n first was in 1920. the year that she was born. >> what do you think about that? >> it is pretty good. i would say. >> reporter: according to a granddaughter she has a lot to say during the games. glued to the tv all series long. >> she does get on edge of the seat. yells at them. tells them what to do when they >> hitting is off. >> reporter: she would know. she caught baseball fever as a little girl and played it herself in high school and passed the passion on to her kids, grandkids and then some. >> everyone is interested in it. so it is really an interesting conversation. you know, it is the thing to talk about. >> reporter: and with that. >> santana is good. >> reporter: junena is already talking about a world series win. >> sure they will do it. indians will win this. >> reporter: catherine bosley >> two fans, he put a ring on it. now they hope the cubs win the way to the championship ring. that part i don't want to see fans. >> anchor: rest was sweet. >> weather: we have a big announcement. >> anchor: i got called in to boss' office this week. all worried. i try to stay out of the principal office. called in there. thought i was in trouble. and they were offering me a new schedule. so i am going to -- today, sunday will seem like sleeping in for me. so i will be more alert on sunday morning because i am going to morning show during the week monday through thursday. getting up at 2:30 a.m. >> weather: what will do you. >> reporting on the and having fun with the crew there. >> weather: do you know how much fun it is to drive in that early with snow on the ground and no one on the expressway? >> i did think that have. >> weather: it is entertaining. >> anchor: but i am from poconos in pennsylvania i can handle it. >> weather: you will knock it out of the park. >> anchor: thank you. you are always supportive. thank you for watching cleveland 19. cbs sunday morning is next. followed by "face the nation." go tribe. >> joel osteen: god bless you. it's a jo homes. and if you're ever in our area, please stop by. be a part of one of our services. i promise ya we'll make ya feel right at home. and i like to start with somethin' funny. and i heard about these three men that were traveling together: a hindu priest, a jewish rabbi, and a televangelist. they stopped at a farm house for lodging and the farmer said, "i only have room for two of ya in the house. somebody's gonna have to stay in the barn." the hindu priest said, "i'll

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New York , United States , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , Canada , Cedar Point , Mississippi , New Hampshire , Maple Heights , Wrigley Field , Illinois , Akron , Cleveland , China , Painesville , Garfield Heights , Washington , Cincinnati , Mansfield , Mexico , Worcester , Massachusetts , Maine , Iraq , Crocker Park , Burke Lake , Lakeland , Pennsylvania , Brecksville , Strongsville , Lake Shore , Utah , Chicago , America , Canadian , New Yorker , Canton , Iraqi , American , Catherine Bosley , Carl Monday , Murray Ridge , Leonardo Dicaprio , Tiffani Tucker , Apn Elyria , Pittsburg Clinton , Denise Facebook , Joel Osteen , Los Angeles , Greg Willie , Don Joseph Toyota , Fisher Stevens , Jamie Jones ,

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Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News Sunday Morning 20161023 :

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News Sunday Morning 20161023

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wow! big change. >> weather: yes, definitely big change. bad news is we will trend cooler for a couple of days. good news is, today is not one of the cooler days. today we are finally going to warm up. so take a look. right now. 49 degrees. some areas up toward low 50s. what is interesting is lake front right now. burke lake front, 51 degrees. which was the high yesterday. so as tabu ala50. hopkins reporting north emsted. 49. and shaker heights. brecksville 48. and i am also going to let you know that there is still a windchill in there. i know your feels like temperature in some areas, in mansfield where it is, upper 40s, you are five or 6 degrees off. you feel like 42. today, it is an interesting weather day n glad if you live toward the west. over the central. you will see more sunshine. to the east you will take time here. but we will be warmer today. by the of afternoon. majority of the day in the 60s. we tapped out at 51 yesterday. we should be at 60. technically you can see we have cloud cover in place. some of this is not going to scoot out of here quickly. that's why i say eastsiders. lake geauga and cuyahoga county. may take time to see that sunshine. do not worry. sunshine this afternoon will wing out. we wil but coming up, denise, all important world series forecast for game one and game 2. go tribe. >> they have won the pennant. >> anchor: gives me goose bumps. that was it. last out. when indians beat the blue jays, right? we now know chicago cubs we will play. won game six. 5-0 wrigley field over dodgers. so game one tuesday night progressive field. cleveland and ind ians, and chicago cubs, classic match up. indians last world series title in 19 48. the cubs 1908. as we get ready for series. spirit. as we see, everyone and every business getting in on the fun. >>you can not go anywhere in downtown cleveland without getting a glimpse of what is to come. >> we will win. >> reporter: as indions get ready for world series. die hard fans getting freed their field of dreams to come true. >> really exciting too many. >> reporter: all across the city, especially here in the warehouse district, and of, around gateway. businesses getting ready for the >> so it doesn't matter what part of the city you are n tribe fans are showing their team spirit every j and most tell you this is the year that cleveland gets it done. >> reporter: gateway has been through it before. >> you end up even borrowing from other stores, to staff up the place and get it ready. >> reporter: city tap they are fully stocked food, drink, and memorabilia. so room for more. you have plenty ofnd memorabilia in here. you will have room for more? >> so indeed. always space for indians. >> reporter: speaking of memorabilia. >> i cannot wait. i cannot wait. long time coming. >> reporter: the strongsville dad bringing his daughter to the team shop at progressive field. to make sure his teenager never forgets cleveland trip to the world series. >> get a jump on tuesday. >> reporter: bill safos, cleveland 19 news. heard it. because of game one progressive field. cavs move tip off to 7:30. it was supposed to start at 8:00. a special guest stopped by dick's sporting goods at crocker park to get team swam kenny logdon there. part of the store celebration celebrating the win and they are going to the world series. lofton signed autographs during the event. >> and shifting gears. of a homicide investigation. the body of a man under west 25th street bridge near the cleveland metropark zoo yesterday. despite the grizzly discovery boo at the zoo won't last night, if you know anything call police. and a traffic alert to tell you about this morning. crews continue to work on innerbelt bridge. i-90 east over the bridge and i-71 north at i-90 is closed until tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m. there are some other weekend about. check the app. for changes that affect your mong commute. >> it is a sad trial in northeast ohio. kids going to school hungry. according to greater cleveland food bank one out of every five kids in our area live in a home where they do not get enough to eat to be healthy. one fund raiser brings awareness. and hoping to raise enough money to put a dent in that statistics. we are at marco's pizza 5 kids this morning. sia, what a great cause. >> reporter: good morning denise. it is such a great cause. can you imagine all the wonderful people here in the morning. setting up for this run that starts at 9:00 a.m.. and they are putting out coffee. and getting the registrations done. you would think, oh, it is dark. nobody will be here. but people are here. and in wonderful spirits. because it is all for a good cause. from this run will be shared with finding america food banks in cleveland. and akron, canton and lorain county. and it is all to benefit those kids that are going to school hungry and may not have manage to eat. so the event, will have a timed 5k run at 9:00. and then there will be a non-5k walk. and it starts at 9:00 a.m.. and we will be uploading pictures. we hope you send your facebook posts. but this is all for such a wonderful cause right here in lakewood today. for now, getting answers here in lakewood. cnn, new yorker, back to you. >> anchor: thank you sia. speaking of fund raisers our over tiffani tucker you saw there hosting the children's fall festival this weekend. it benefits programs to help children with disabilities. providing educational and support services. designed especially for children with physical disabilities. >> still to come on cleveland 19 this morning. a back to anyone with smart technology in their homes. we show you how hackers can use your smart tv's or baby monitors to get your money and destroy your sense of privacy. beth? >> weather: some of you up to 51 degrees. that was the daytime high yesterday. and we are going to be warmer today. we are actually going to see the sunshine. downtown is looking fantastic. i have our world series forecast >> live from cleveland's news center, driven by don joseph toyota in kent. this is 19 action news. >> anchor: 7:11. technology from tv to baby monitors, even your frig. but having all of those devices online makes you a prime target for hackers. and a cincinnati family baby monitor hacked by a stranger that then used it to scream at the baby. beyond that a hacker could unlock your doors making a break in easier. they could hack web cams and watch you without you knowing it. too many people forget to change default user name and password thates it is far too easy to find that information in online forums. and two rival vacuum makers settle a two year dispute against each other. dyson and shark ninja accuse the other of false advertising. dyson known for upscale cleaners and massachusetts based shark ninja, each claimed their products had better suction and cleaning capabilities than the other. we continue coverage of campaign believe it or not. yes, with many states already holding early voting. the two major candidates hit key swing states over the weekend. cling ohio. cbs reports the race to the white house. >> reporter: donald trump visited the battlefield in gettysburg saturday after laying out the goals for his first 100 days as president. >> we will drain the swamp in washington d.c. >> reporter: trump outlined more than two dozen proposals, calling for term limits congress. hiring freeze for most of the federal government. tax cuts for businesses. in the middle class and legislation to fund a law on southern bored. >> with the full understanding that the country, of mexico, will be reimbursing the united states for the full cost of such a wall. >> reporter: trump also said that after the election he will sue the women that have accused him of unwanted sexual advances and 11th accuser jessica drake her without consent later propositioned her. >> donald then asked me, what do you want? how much? >> reporter: the trump campaign called the story totally false. and ridiculous. and at a rally in pittsburg clinton tried to tie the state's republican state senate tombmy to trump's statements. >> if he doesn't have the courage to stand up to donald trump, after all of this. then can you be sure he will stand up for you when it counts >> reporter: ground tracker showed clinton leading trump. and projected to get more than would hundred 70 electoral votes needed to win. cbs news, new york. >> how many days until the election. >> weather: 17 days. >> anchor: i know a lot of people cannot wait until it is over. >> weather: 63 days until christmas. i am more excited about that? >> anchor: how did you know that excited. >> weather: i am good at counting. >> anchor: i will say this week, we started to feel like it is getting closer. it was really the first week where we felt colder temperatures. >> weather: drizzle. and you did the story on dyson and stuff. i thought my house is clean because you have been inside how many days? we are not used to, that today is the day to get outside. although we have mostly cloudy skies right now. we will see some sunshine as we go through the day. now the westsiders will clear i say that with a bit of holding my breath. because although clouds will shift off. i will say this. there are indication that is some lake enhancement, a bit of cloud cover will linger through the afternoon. but regardless of how much sunshine you see it will be a warmer day. i know, we need that. next ugly day comes thursday. scattered rain showers, all day washout. it will be like it has been. where you might not want to go all day wednesday. and starts thursday night. one model puts the possibility coming in early side. first today. beautiful day. low to mid 60s. and sunshine should breakout first east side of town. slowly it will work across town. in the afternoon, almost everyone should spend the afternoon in the low 60s. that's what is so nice. world series. more typical weather. game one, dry, cool, and crisp, fall like air. like fall ball ld we will be in the mid 40s throughout the game time. but it will feel a bit less. it will have chill in the air as winds come out of the northwest. game two. things are different. temperatures will be a little above that. but unfortunately that comes with a chance of rain. now most models indicate that on game two rain stays away until after midnight. so that should be okay. but once in awhile, there is a little bit of drizzle that pops into that forecast. so let's hope the models indicating the rain coming in after midnight hold true. rye now mainly cloudy skies for areas. and it is breaking up. clear skies toward 75 n lima ohio, toledo. and so, yeah, toward ban gore maine. we do not it. but nice to see someone getting it other than us. it will be here soon enough. not today. sunshine returns today. keep it on the mild side. but the breeze will still kick n there throughout the daytime today. short lived warm up. cooler air north t ultimately drops down tonight. where we could see more rain affect, lake effect rain showers. so you should know, planning out the forecast today. we are dry. 65 we top out and rain showers come in to play around dinner time. take us through monday morning's commute. it is not a big deal. maybe a 10th of an inch. on monday 54 degrees. early commuter may bump in to rain showers. other than that, monday is cool and partly sunny. tuesday more of the same. partly-sunny skies. 55, 54 degrees. wednesday we transition. the feels like temperature. the windchill will not be existing. because winds out of the south what chance of showers starts wednesday night all day thursday and fortunately as we head to friday and saturday a chance of rain showers. 50 percent chance friday and denise? >> anchor: thank you beth. several months ago we introduced you to a 41-year-old cleveland man we called marvin. a man that one mom said tried to lure her 12-year-old daughter on instagram. >> first sent i love you pictures. then from there to sexual stuff. >> reporter: now those accusations first surfaced during undercover carl monday investigation. now the accused father of four is talking for the first time. this morning carl gets answers. and raises more questions about how the case was handled by police. >> reporter: back in may we did not reveal marvin's true identity. but we are now. >> i am not bothering kids. i am not messing with kids. >> reporter: his real name is antoine mills. former wal-mart worker that spends a lot of time on social media. calling he ever in tried to hook up with a young teen. that was actually jamie jones. posing as her daughter juror new contact with this girl, is that you? >> no. no. >> you are positive? >> positive. >> reporter: when the messages first appeared on her daughter's phone in december. jamie contacted garfield heights police, fbi and eventually ikak internet crime against children unit. contact with the person sending messages but jamie said ikak lost interest in the case. >> he started to send pictures of pornographic videos. but then he got bold and you know, started to send pictures of his private. >> reporter: the same pictures antoine mills said ikak investigators asked him about when they interviewed him and searched his computer back in the spring. >> they showed me these pictures. >> it was not you. >> no it was not me. i told them if you want me t bring the pictures sit here and i will drop my pants and show you and you can look for yourself. >> reporter: not long after mills met with ikak someone using his name was contacting who he thought was a 12-year-old girl. please let me be your first and you will never forget it. and jamie, still acting as her daughter agrees to meet with big twon at this drug mart. may 13th after 2:00, agreement lot. my photographer and i are rolling the whole time. and who do we see sitting in the driver's seat. the real antoine mills. the real big twon 146. >> if you were in contact with that girl how did you end up there on that day. >> that's the thing. i don't know how that -- how that came about. >> reporter: mills insists he happened to be in the neighborhood. he claims after getting a haircut, he parked in the drug mart lot to and he cannot explain how. as he sat in the car, why someone named antoine 146 instagramed the mom thinking she is the 12-year-old girl. where are you 146 as, down the street replies the mom. >> 1.5 million people in greater cleveland and who showed up at drug mart but you. that was you via that was me at drug mart. >> reporter: but it was a girl >> reporter: you had intentions didn't you? >> no just sitting there playing music o day it happened neither jamie or her mom aapproached the car. but we. we showed mills the instagram photo. he did not stick around to discuss it. >> i don't do that. i have kids, grandkids. >> reporter: we played the interview for the mom jamie jones. >> reporter: still not buying it. >> no. >> reporter: why not? him that day it was caught on tape. him sitting waiting for 15 minutes for my daughter to show up. >> reporter: scepticism over antoine mill's story more criticism for ikak that she said failed to pursue the case and protect her daughter. >> i did what any -- what any parent would do. you know, especially if i see they have not even tried to contact him. or respond to none of his messages. what am i to think? >> reporter: what antoine mills said he was told early on he would not face charges. >> reporter: police ever told you antoine you are in the clear. >> ikak said that if we do not contact you do not worry about it, but right now this is a lesson learned. >> reporter: last month county prosecutor sent a letter to the mom. saying it has not found sufficient credible evidence to pursue criminal charges. case closed. >> well, it is closed to them. but i am going to do whatever i have to do to try to get this situation resolved. i am not going to let him do this to another child. >> miss jamie jones, i don't want your daughter. i never wanted your daughter. >> reporter: while jamie jones vows to protect her daughter antoine mills said he was are you a sexual predator? >> no, sir. >> reporter: getting answers. carl monday, cleveland 19. >> anchor: now we have been trying for months to get someone from ikak or prosecutor's office to talk about this case. we are still waiting. if you are child uses instagram we found great tips to keep them safe. we shared them on our free mobile app. coming up after the break. state troopers highways a danger on the roadways you may not know about. we are getting answers on dangers of people driving high on hard drugs and how to keep >> anchor: you are listening to the sounds of papa d and aggravators. perfect sunday morning music. this song is called boiler men. and one of them happens to be our photographer in painesville ohio. and we are actually going to head over to beth for a look at the weather really quick. >> weather: you have to tune in to denise's facebook live. big announcement coming up. >> anchor: yes, i do. i will do it toward the end of the show, i guess. >> weather: suspense all about the weather. future view temperatures are up. chilly start out upper 50s. which is way better than what we did yesterday. where we topped out at 51. by 2:00 this afternoon. everybody will be into the 60s. yeah, i get it, low 60s. but, i think, overall by the end of the day. some areas will pop out to the upper -- be it -- mid 60s. waiting for camera to follow me g camera work. future view temperatures show us in the 60s today. tell you what. like that fall ball kind of chilly. that's okay. you have the tribe gear on and cap. maybe a scarf. because mid 40s, on the game one, tuesday night will feel like low 40s. so on the chilly side. game 2. maybe a degree or two warmer. no windchill. but problem with this is as we draw in this moisture air from the south for game two. and there is a slight chance we get drizzle before the end of the game. right now we cloud cover to start hiking east. you can see now san dus key, norwalk, mansfield coming into clearing. ultimately we will see more sunshine this afternoon. and eastsiders takes awhile to get rid of the clouds. and sunshine will win today. and the warmth returns. but it is a short-term warm up as colder air. clipper comes in. gosh darn canadian air comes down through and clip us tonight. which will give us a chance of future view, paints a good picture for today. i shuttle forward to 11:00. here is cloud cover lingering on the east side. yet everyone else maybe partly cloudy to cloudy skies. hesitant to get rid of the cloud cover because of the conditions. but improvement through the afternoon. right? just what you want to know. except nine or 10:00. cold front comes in from the north. it gives us a good soaking overnight of rain. my goodness. so that means monday morning. yo rain drops. not a big deal. but i will say this. it will put the ca-bosh on our warm up. so one day. 65 today. and monday and tuesday and wednesday, we are in mid 50s. which is technically below average. as a matter of fact, technically we will trend below average as we go through this week. so we have early morning showers monday. monday afternoon, tuesday afternoon, wednesday afternoon all dry. will not make a big deal about it. but so many people outside. and there is a hint of drizzle. say nine or 10:00. before the system comes in. thursday, forget about it. thursday is not looking pleasant. we will be warmer than last thursday. but it comes with a chance of showers. scattered in nature. throughout the entire day. then friday. although we have clearing in the middle of the day. there is a chance of showers early and late. and same for saturday. right now denise, i did side. maybe have to adjust numbers as more information comes in. >> anchor: all right beth. thank you so much. now that we know who the indians are playing in the world series. ticket prices are going to climb. home. ? ?. ?. >>anchor: well, you just saw it right there. reporter trying to interview a cub's player in middle of the celebration overnight. cubs are heading to the world series for first time since 1945. they have won nlcs. and will face off against indians in 2016 world series game. the last time the cubs won the world series, was back in 1908. purchasing tickets from online site that sold out in 17 minutes. no worries. there are other options. you just have to know what you are doing. i guess you have to have a lot of money too, right? tiffani tucker gets answers on steps to take to avoid being scammed. >> cleveland indians are going to the world series. >> reporter: hottest ticket in town. watching the tribe in the world series, before you pay to watch the indians play. there are some things to watch soon as indians clinched to advance. >> reporter: mark cling with amazing tickets in may field has been busy with fans wanting to get hands on world series tickets. he has advice for people so they are not scammed. >> if they are not a member of the bbb get you to scratch your head. especially when you spend this kind of money. >> reporter: according to bbb, if you go the secondhand route stub hub is a safe bet. they are official marketplace partner of the mlb and e-bay. seller sells the ticket that deactivates the bar code, new bar code set for buyer so they can use it on game day and there are guarantees offered for the buyer. vivid seats is an option. they are similar to stub hub. craigslist is a way to buy personally and locally. but craigslist does not offer you a guarantee if you get scammed. and here is what bbb said you should look out for. bulk tickets only do your pricing research and if the seller is rushing you that's not a good sign. try to meet seller in person like at the police department and do not give out your personal address. and do not wire money use pay pal. they guarantee fraud prevention and personal data privacy, if you do score tickets make sure to cheer on the tribe. >> anchor: that was tiffani er also consider paying half upfront and rest after you get the tickets. as for a copy of the seller's invoice proving the ticket was paid for. and a picture of the physical tickets. for season ticket sellers ask for account number to call and find out if they are legitimate. and as for upcoming world series schedule. let's map out the first few games for you. game one set for tuesday night here in cleveland. at progressive field. that game of the cubs. game two cleveland tuesday. 8:08. and game three they go to chicago friday. also at 8:00. first pitch at wrigley field. and game four is set for a week from today. next saturday at wrigley. >> anchor: tuesday october 25ment that's the day cleveland will be at the sports epicenter of the world and while indians are set to host the cubs in game one of the world cease. defending champion cavilers will have their own celebration going on a championship rings and raise the title banner at quick and loans arena before tipping off the 2016, 2017 season by nicks. and they have bumped game time up. originally scheduled for 8:00 tip off. at the very same time as first pitch for tribe and world series. the cav season opener now starts at 7:30 giving fans a chance to catch ring ceremony followed by first pitch at progressive field. what a time it is in cleveland a classic rivalry kicks off today. browns are set to take on cincinnati bengals this afternoon in the queen city. both teams face player injuries. and not so hot records. you may remember the last time we played the bengals. multiple fans embarrassed. one even put a bag over his head. and held a poster reading. i am only here because i couldn't give away my tickets. ouch. cleveland has so much to be excited about. you know what, let's face t a with brown's fans. whenever they are home. and it is feeling more like football weather. right? >> it really is. but gosh what an exciting night on tuesday. >> how many fans will go from cavs over to progressive. >> i have to tell you this has been an exciting year for cleveland. tony and i were talking about how we will talk about. when we are older we will tell our grandkids about 2016 in cleveland and what a year it we will be a dynasty. sun is peaking up. because the skies are brighter. but you see the cloud cover in there? it will take time to get rid of it. heave hoe it out of here. but today we will be warmer. still breezy. you should know that. still small craft advisory. winds are still kicking up along the lake shore this morning. winds gusts upwards of 21 miles an hour. but temperatures are 49 out at hopkins 44 worcester. 48 sandusky and ashtabula. another chilly start. but technically it is about where we were yesterday. or to be technical 2 degrees warmer than yesterday. so no complaining about this morning. because we do warm into the 60s. so the furnace will be off. for, at least short-term. this is a one day deal. we have rain showers tonight. and we are turning cooler, just like denise said. football weather. chill in the air, comes back. will get coming up. >> anchor: thank you beth. be sure to download the free action 19 weather app where you can have a forecast that is customized to your neighborhood at the tip of your finger. >> anchor: and this morning hundreds of runners will be braving the chilly temperatures for a very good cause. and cleveland 19 is in lakewood showing us why marco pizza highlights a alarming issue in cleveland. g i >> reporter: oh, my gosh, i know, sad statistics but a great mood out here. check it out. they are up early. and sitting up for this 5k run that is set to begin in a few hours. and great spirits here. because it is all for a good cause. i am joined over here with these wonderful ladies. brook and ryan and josie, right? >> you did. thank you. >> reporter: tell us ladies, this is a great cause. what is the feeling and mood? >> we are all energized which is a surprise because we woke up at 5:00 a.m. but we are so excited to get everything set up. and just see everyone. you know in a positive mood. doing something -- >> you mentioned the cause. hungry kids it makes you sad. so you guys are all getting out here and trying to do something about it. >> yes good cause. a lot of high spirits and energy gh >> reporter: how many people are you expecting josie? >> i am hoping for a good turnout. i don't know how many people. but i am hoping we have a good turnout today. >> reporter: the shirts are bright. you stand out. >> on sunday we wear neon green. >> reporter: my goodness. so if anybody wants to join all if they are not signed up. can they still come? >> absolutely. we are always looking for more volunteers. we are always looking for more people walking. we have going on for kids. >> the more the merrier. >> reporter: thank you ladies. we appreciate it. if you are just joining us come out to emerald necklace here in lakewood. and they start about 9:00. and hundreds of people will be here. to raise money for a good cause. hungry kids, that money will benefit about three food banks. so for more information about that you can log on to our website at and for now i getting answers for you. >> anchor: thank you. vacant elementary school gets a mid year makeover. 40 volunteers gathered to clean up the school there. once abandon school built in 1960s and now a charter school in central cleveland. bullet holes and concrete were replaced with new window coverings and school given a colorful paint job. the battle against isis push the terrorist group out of mowsil. one local family watches with particular interest. cleveland 19 jen picciano tells us the story. >> at 19 months old my brother, my dad and i were in this taxicab. and we hit a roadside bomb. and this bomb killed my brother. and my dad survived. however i was severely burned. >> reporter: tiba was in need of several surgeries when she appeared in a newspaper gnarl 2006 that ire barb marlo to bring her to the u.s. >> 19 surgeries later, and with few more on the horizon if she wants to proceed, it is just a very emotional journey. >> reporter: in many ways she is now a regular american teenager that spends time on the phone and with friends. >> what i really like about my friends is they do not see me for this burn victim, who is not in her home country. >> reporter: this summer reunited with mother and three siblings. first time they had seen each other in nine years. she admits she was anxious and wanted to look beautiful for her family. >> i wanted my mom to think, like, all of these surgeries and all of that i have been through, was not a mistake, that, you know, i have actually grown, and become a good person. >> reporter: now the fight against isis intensifies in iraq this week. the marlos watch anxiously. tiba's father a military officer in iraqi army. >> i am obsessed with watching what is going on. every time i hear i have to call to check in. >> reporter: tiba prays for her father. >> i think i really hope he is okay. and he is not going to be leaving my family any more. they need him. >> reporter: tiba said that she has big dreams. wants to be a pediatric anesthesiologist and spent time shadowing doctors and looking at the equipment that has been used in her case. coming up next. we are introducing you to this little guy, live in studio had we tell you where to go to adopt him. has a great recovery story, that we will share where you. >> anchor: welcome back. every week we like to feature local pets up f doesn't take long for them to get homes, right? how are we doing on adoption rate? >> every dog i brought on here has been adopted. some right away. some take longer to find the fur-ever home, but this always works to help promote all dogs and animals needing homes. >> anchor: to bring people to the shelter. greg willie from friendship apn elyria. and thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> anchor: this guy full of compared to the break. you have a treat. >> he is focused and he is treat motivated and food motivated, that makes for easy training. he has been a gem to train. i dropped the treat. but he has stayed still. and he is amazing. he is learning all the basic commands. so quickly. he came us to. he was literally skin and bones. >> anchor: this is a great story greg. i love what you have him. >> officer rose and lorain found the dog and you could see every rib and ounce of the spine. we really had no real clear-cut idea if he would make it. and a lot of dogs that go through severe starvation there is long-term effects. >> damage to organs. >> exactly. so he spent two weeks in the veterinarian hospital with dr. wood at lorain animal clinic recovering from starvation. when it was determined he was healthy enough to go home. continue recovery. there they said he was a fantastic dog, one of the best dogs they have had in their home. he was mellow in the home. it was a quiet home and quiet environment. and ron is awesome foster for us. and once he was ready. he came back in. yeah, now you are in overwhelming attention world of our volunteers. and people that come in. >> anchor: look at him smiling. >> he gets a lot of attention. he gets rambunc which is fun. i do recommend him for older kids in the home. he may be too rambunctious for younger kids if you put him in a home with older kids. he would be great. watch the tail. at toddler level. that would be one of those things that can sting a toddler or scare them. >> anchor: he is ready to go. ready to go today. you are open today. what hours? >> 11:00 to 3:00. alum down. and kittens and bunny rabbits. >> cats and dogs and all kinds of animals. go to friendship apl if you have a chance today. and you are interested. 8303 murray ridge flowed elyria. or you can call them. and you can pop in as you mentioned 11:00 to 3:00. to long around. and we will be right back after >> anchor: good morning. i hope your day is off to a great start. i know it is for cub's fans. you have a live look at wrigley field. home of the chicago cubs where the magic happened last night. as our producer mentioned. we are scoping out the competition this morning. because they will be in town soon enough for what will be a spectacular leonardo dicaprio hopes to push climate change ahead of the election with a new documentary. neil curry gives us a sneak peak. .>> we have known about this for decades. over half a century. try to have a converation with anyone about climate change. people tune out. >> climate change. and the problem is getting worse and worse and worse. >> almost a decade after ecco dough returned to green issues this time with fisher stevens actor turned film make theory won an oscar for documentary the cove. >> we really made this film for young people, and other people that don't think about climate change. do not think about how important the issue is. >> in film dicaprio talked to scientists and environmentalist and world leaders around the world. >> if we keep pushing we can solve this problem. going on in our country where people are denying man made climate change. as one of the scientists puts it in this movie bluntly it is like denying gravity exists at this point. you have over 97 percent of the consensus of the scientific community saying this is real. we are doing this damage. >> reporter: while making the film deperhaps preyowon a award for revenant presenting them with an opportunity to underline their message. talk about the environment. and it was a great platform. and after his speech. i think more people googled climate change than had ever before. >> reporter: film is being released in cinemas and on national geographic network deliberately timed in a move to push climate change on to political agenda ahead of the u.s. you presidential elections and producers accept they face a tough fight to wrestle headlines away from more luring stories surrounding candidates. >> what we wanted to do is not totally freak people out. but we want to shake them enough. but we wanted to let them know we can turn this around on time. >> the world is now watching and we ask you to protect it. are we, and all living things we cherish, are history. ?. ?. >> anchor: lady gaga released fifth studio album friday. critics rateed it 1.5 out of four. the album called joanne and available on itunes? right now. ? ?. >> anchor: taylor swift may only have been born in 1989 but she has an entire museum exhib it is a tailosh swift experience in new york right now. it was put on by grammy museum. and i should say it will open november. not on yes. exhibit originally supposed to stay in los angeles but because of such high demand they opened one in new york. ? ?. ?. >> anchor: prince fans next year, you can hear some of the announced this weekend it would release two albums. first on november 22. and with his greatest hits. and prince agreed to the upcoming albums before he died in april. >> anchor: coming up after the break. we show you how popular websites and streaming services are >> anchor: welcome back. several waves of cord nateed cyber attacks have ended for. now hackers shut down dozens of websites and streaming services three times today, feating twitter, spotify, netflixs and amazon. all the attacks focused on new hampshire based internet management firm. suffered what is called a distributed denial of service attack. malware that basically blocks you from visiting websites you want to see. >> this shows you, this is the nus wave of warfare we are dealing with, and while we do not know where it is coming from. magnitude believes us to believe it was targeted at american based companies. >> anchor: u.s. law enforcement agencies are now trying to figure out what is behind the attack. one expert said it could be a precursor to larger attacks. this week apple is expected rollout new totally redesigned macs. first major overhaul in engineers. mac will have a touch screen in place of function keys and allow user to unlock computer with touch id. and in other news. undecided voter ken bone extending his 15 minutes of fame. bone is partnering with i sod clothing company behind his famous red sweater on new video to encourage people to vote. the second presidential debate. and extreme weather could put your favorite bottle of wine at-risk. vine and wine is blaming harsh weather on one of the worst years of production since the start of the century. i am sorry to tell you this beth. global wine production is expected to fall 5 percent this year. the organization said that because of global warming storms are more frequent. longer lasting and more devastating. wow! say it is >> weather: we have had a lot of weather events. i always try to figure out. is it because we have access to more information now. so it is happening everywhere? or i struggle with that. or is it global warming? >> weather: she has a big announcement at the end of the show. i cannot get that out of my head. go to the forecast. >>i hope people are not disappointed. >> weather: they will love your announcement and today is a warmer day. you see cloud cover in the background. cloud cover is still going to 49 degrees. some of you in the 50s. currently we are seeing 46 in mansfield. 47 in sandusky. 47 akron, canton and new pilli. and cuyahoga county. warmer toward the lake shore. even though you are seeing gusty breezes. 52 at lakewood. 53 euclid. good morning shaker heights. stayed right at 49 degrees. overall today. well more sunshine coming our way. it is going to take clearing to get this out the door. but by lunch time. than clouds. as you go through the afternoon more importantly low to mid 60s. i say mid 60s because some of you will top out at 65 degrees. cloud cover still there. still hanging on. but at least we are not tracking any rain showers until tonight. denise, where we will see more rain come back to play. and it is gone basically by monday morning. i will explain all of those details with future view's help coming up. >> anchor: thank you beth. trickling in to lakewood for marco pizza 5k for kids. but not just a race. as cleveland 19 shows us race puts a spotlight on important issue in greater cleveland area. good morning sia. >> reporter: good morning denise. yes, it is chilly out here. and you would never know it. because everyones spirits are so warm. check it out. behind me you can see people checking in. getting ready for this 5k. there are a lot of runners here. sitting up. geting ready. because they are going to run to help feed the kids. hungry kids. in this area. and this is the first 5k run sponsored by marco's pizza. i am joined here. good morning w miss lin. >> good morning. >> tell us. this is first annual 5k. talk about that. >> yes. we hope to make it an annual event. we believe in being a slice of the community. food banks across northeast ohio benefiting akron, cuyahoga, many counties, and excited to see mazwe will raise. >> reporter: numbers are staggering and it is a huge problem. kids going to school hungry. not enough to eat. i guess talk about getting out here to really try to do something to help that problem. >> yes. that's what we want to do. the food bank offers backpack program. they send food home with children. for the weekend. t and they do really amazing workout there. and you are right. it is a staggering problem. they are the most at-risk for hunger. so again we are a slice of the community. we want to support it. it is a great connection for us being in the food business. >> reporter: thank you so much. so if you are just joining us, 5k run starts at 9:00. registering people to come in here. and get ready to run. and raise awareness of hungry kids. so if you are looking for more information or you want to make and for now, getting answers here in lakeland. is sia nyorkor cleveland 19. >> anchor: up next. we show you how much the creepy clown sightings have scared one community. the action police are taking >> anchor: welcome back. because of recent craze of creepy clown sightings county in mississippi ban all clown costumes until after halloween. county president said it was a matter of protecting 10,000 people that live in cempesh county. now a.c.l.u. may get involved to get the ban lifted because they say it is ridiculous use of government authority to dictate what costumes people can wear. look for a way to calm the crying baby in the middle of the night. hope with one called snue. white noise, to recreates being the device also has sensors, microphones and speakers and motors and gently rocks your baby to sleep when he or she cries. but it is pricy. $1600 t better work. for that amount of money. >> weather: it better work. >> anchor: my gosh. i remember my kids -- well mainly little boy. little girl great sleeper but cried all the time when he was not eating. >> weather: nothing worse than a crying >> anchor: i still hear a baby crying to this day and hear shivers. >> weather: i hate that in the store. i want to help. >> anchor: when we do make the announcement. >> weather: nothing to do with babies. do not think that. >> anchor: no, it is not that. >> weather: cedar point this morning. only today, and next friday, saturday, sunday and season is done. >> anchor: it is a wrap. >> weather: sun is up. look at the sky. crystal blue skies. but ultimately as we go through the day. we our next alert day is thursday. >> anchor: thursday. >> weather: so i will say this, there is a couple of hiccups before we get to thursday. but thursday is one of the washout days. scattered showers. it starts technically wednesday night. not cool or as windy as last thursday but not looking good either. so today,t and moreoricy. so all the into that off position. and it is short lived. but one day warm up gets us to the mid 50s by noon time. yesterday only topped out at 51. then make it to 60s for afternoon. yes. and except for, because it is short lived. cold game one and game two. game one world series. mid 40s. when it will feel like rabbit baseball. and feel colder than that. game two slightly warmer. after midnight on game two. and currently we are not tracking any rain showers. which is great news. cloud cover is slowly scooting out of here. and ultimately all of this sunshine, wins out for this afternoon. it might take a bit on east side. but it is a one day deal. as this clipper swings down and comes in. and clipper is a disturbance, that brings the possibility of rain showers overnight tonight. and today is dry. here you go. future view approaching noon cloud cover still lingering. it could take a good portion of the day for you to get rid of the cloud cover. and everyone else is seeing more sunshine. smack-dab in the middle of the afternoon. like it should be on sunday. by 7:00 we are still looking good. lingering over the north is a cold front. and by 10:00 you can see it starts to sink down to the area. bringing a chance of light rain showers. this is 3:00 monday morning. so if you are an early riser. to work on monday. but no need to worry about rain. 65 degrees. rain showers hold off to overnight. they could linger into monday. monday behind the rain showers we will be cooler air so mid 50s. but unfortunately that trend of fits and recall cooler temperatures trends for monday, tuesday, wednesday. so the only iffy part about this entire forecast s when does the appearance come in. drzl i hope not. one model indicates that, and thursday washout. friday saturday hit or miss rain showers. at least we be trend back up to normal temperatures. denise? >> anchor: all right. i like that. former clevelander, called weston ride, lives in utah. heading back here in a pickup truck he calls the believe mobile for the playoffs. this was the scene friday night when he met up with more former clevelanders for believe rally. they prove while they may not be in the land any more. they are die hard cleveland sports fans. cleveland 19 lydia esparra caught up with weston on the road in nebraska. >> weston, first question. you had a problem with the believe mobile. explain what happened. >> the believe mobile, we had two gasket is leaking. we think gas from rear tank was getting into the front tank, and leaking out. so we are getting fixed. traveling behind a few hours. but, yo we believe. >> even with car troubles you will be here tuesday when banner goes up? >> you know what, i think that's a challenge. yet again. and to tell you we will be there mobile and five people that want to tell cleveland stories, so we will be there. >> one more question here about cleveland. you hear so many negative things about cleveland. and they do not get how well we have been doing here. how do you support being a clevelander? >> i would sum it up like this. the people have always been shaped by cleveland. what they we have had winning teams, better economy, this and that, we have always had the people that were shaped by cleveland. so it is just a matter of us going out there. and meeting each other and we do have food scene, economy, the sports teams. that's the whole reason i did this trip. is to uncover clevelanders and get cleveland, with the world, instead of cleveland versus the world. >> all right. thank you wes tonight. have a safe trip. see you on tuesday. >> thank you. go cleveland. >> anchor: that is a true fan, right? still to come. we introduce you to a local woman that has seen every world series appearance the team has made. at 96 years old she is just as >> anchor: cleveland 19 had a mission to find the most dedicated tribe fan in the land. and we think that we have found her. she has seen every world series appearance ever. >> reporter: replaying last moments of the alcs clinch, junena is a fan that cannot get enough of the action. >> they really enjoy it. >> they do. >> and that's good that they do. >> reporter: at 96 the this maple heights great-grandmother enjoys it as much as ever. and doesn't miss a game. and saw this world series game coming. >> i kept thing we will do and we were. we did. >> reporter: as much as she is proud of the tribe she is proud to say that she has been around for every world series the tribe has been n first was in 1920. the year that she was born. >> what do you think about that? >> it is pretty good. i would say. >> reporter: according to a granddaughter she has a lot to say during the games. glued to the tv all series long. >> she does get on edge of the seat. yells at them. tells them what to do when they >> hitting is off. >> reporter: she would know. she caught baseball fever as a little girl and played it herself in high school and passed the passion on to her kids, grandkids and then some. >> everyone is interested in it. so it is really an interesting conversation. you know, it is the thing to talk about. >> reporter: and with that. >> santana is good. >> reporter: junena is already talking about a world series win. >> sure they will do it. indians will win this. >> reporter: catherine bosley >> two fans, he put a ring on it. now they hope the cubs win the way to the championship ring. that part i don't want to see fans. >> anchor: rest was sweet. >> weather: we have a big announcement. >> anchor: i got called in to boss' office this week. all worried. i try to stay out of the principal office. called in there. thought i was in trouble. and they were offering me a new schedule. so i am going to -- today, sunday will seem like sleeping in for me. so i will be more alert on sunday morning because i am going to morning show during the week monday through thursday. getting up at 2:30 a.m. >> weather: what will do you. >> reporting on the and having fun with the crew there. >> weather: do you know how much fun it is to drive in that early with snow on the ground and no one on the expressway? >> i did think that have. >> weather: it is entertaining. >> anchor: but i am from poconos in pennsylvania i can handle it. >> weather: you will knock it out of the park. >> anchor: thank you. you are always supportive. thank you for watching cleveland 19. cbs sunday morning is next. followed by "face the nation." go tribe. >> joel osteen: god bless you. it's a jo homes. and if you're ever in our area, please stop by. be a part of one of our services. i promise ya we'll make ya feel right at home. and i like to start with somethin' funny. and i heard about these three men that were traveling together: a hindu priest, a jewish rabbi, and a televangelist. they stopped at a farm house for lodging and the farmer said, "i only have room for two of ya in the house. somebody's gonna have to stay in the barn." the hindu priest said, "i'll

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